Church Shooting Thread 3

Fat antifa did texas
thread 1:
thread 2:

Other urls found in this thread:' encodeURIComponent(document.location)))>>10862942>>10863268 party

goto this thread

keep this for when the other threads die

Father's business, leave reviews:

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Thats the wrong person for search record

he taught at bible school..


devin was fly boi fag, went before a GENERAL COURTS MARTIAL and got booted with a DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE meaning he's a felon prohibited by federal law to posses firearms along with a host of other civil penalties.

Shitbird patsy that acquired his weapon Fast & Furiously?

Low effort OP

Just grabbing what I'm seeing from twatter. Not verifying any of it.

he also shaved his beard prior top this just like isis told their supporters to do, a person commented on his fagbook "no beard" he replied "no long story"

I was right about that Danielle Kelley. He was married guys. They had two kids. This cant be a race motivated thing. His wife is a Mexican.

he also married early. liberals don't marry at all, needless say if they do they do not do when they're 23.

so you're telling me racemixing is connected to mass shootings?

It could be but I am saying that he cant be a white supremacist.

All the signs are pointing towards him being a shitlib antifag.

This one did.

he is the youngest marriage I have seen for a liberal guy.

His parents are wealthy. Being deep south, I can see them not allowing him to have a kid out of wedlock. They have two kids. One is at least 3 years old, same age the time they got married. I think his parents had ALOT to do with the marriage.

HIGH SCORE Paddock wasn't fuckin blond-haired blue-eyed thots – something to consider.

I know a handful of normalfag libshits that married straight out of highschool. In non-coastal states it's hardly unheard of. It may be statistically less likely for them to marry, but by no means is it a hard and fast rule that they never do.

Texas isn't deep south (Texas is "Texas"), but otherwise correct.

It'll be interesting to know what meds he's on, how/why he got on those meds, and how recently he was placed on them.


he earned a dishonorable discharge and illegible for public social benefits. adopting a minority as a spouse may have eased his financial situation.

Why? Put yourself in the shoes of a 60-something boomer and think about how picky you'd be about what you stuck your dick in, especially if you knew the clock was about to run out.

Airforce is x10 more soyboy then infantry.

Furthermore she may have straw-purchased the rifle for him.

this the airforce has gone to pure shit that's why our planes keep crashing

This will never stop being funny.


He can't keep getting away with it.

He also shaved his ears of.


the second shooter perhaps?

Literally drinking and driving

around political activism and the practice of an autonomous Fascist lifestyle.

I am a confused user, what the fuck is a socialist fascist?

Mejia is Spanish so is Navarro and Hernandez.

Muslim keeping Kosher and not Halal?

Mejia is the surname jews were forced to take in Spain. Not Spains best idea to allow jews to remain but at least it allows the identification of jewish lineage.

(((International Revolutionaries)))?

Wondered about that. Cruz is another crypto name.



Makes sense. The whole point of making jews change name to Mejia (Messiah) was to humiliate and identify them. Would make sense if they forced other Catholic terminology like Cruz (Cross) into their surnames.

do you have a link to his fb?

Kill yourselves

and our Sephardi seems quite proficient at counterfeiting.

Just gonna drop this here



Yeah, like I said it wasn't a great idea but at the time it probably seemed like an alright idea.

His appeals and their rejections. Original crime still unknown.

What fucking utter losers.

Do not impede their ability to generate or distribute OC. It is premium ammo.

Notice anything left of the license plate on this van? They seem to have a thing for boys and the color blue. Pure coincidence, I'm sure. :^)

other than a slice of pizza. a battered toy, and a windowless rape van?


Hardcore atheist that got indoctrinated by CNN to assault church goers. Sad to see the damage inflicted by the jew owned media organizations such as comcast and msnbc.

Pizza, you say?

You must be new here. Symbols are from the FBI not LA Sheriff. LA Law Enforcement protects their pedo masters.

Well, there is this triangle logo on the back, but it's not really close to the spiral one. Probably the company that made the giant van-covering decals desu.

Look closer, user.

These are pedo symbols and the LA sheriff has it just like the windowless rape van.

you don't say


Confirmed ANTIFA


If anyone could give exact home addresses of every major personality that has said something along the lines of "They were praying and it didn't help you stupid goyim" That would be fucking fantastic.

it had to be some sort of religious or personal motivation because if he was just targeting a group of people wurstfest is going on right now and is jam packed with people all week

This the thread now?

It's got the most replies so far.

from previous thread near the end. adding it again for relevance

sorry wrong one, don't waste your time on that one

this is the one

Pardon if it's been posted. His linkedin "causes" certainly lean left. Screen capped in case it gets shoahed.


bump for no new threads until these are filled.

Thankfully, Wil Wheaton has since apologized for his twittering. The poor, mentally unstable lad made a mistake. I sincerely hope the backlash doesn't drive him back into a severe depression, or worse. I'm just going to leave these links here incase others want to join me in voicing messages of support and understanding. - kikebook page - kikepedia page - Personal jewtube - Tabletop and more ww faggotry jewtube - twatter page - faggot's old blog - faggot's blog, stardate 1488 - page, product reviews,
anyone? - kikegram -
Liberal with a mental disorder, shocking.

Why the fuck are we going from thread 3 to thread 3, where the hell is #4

guys we got bpearthwatch with sam hyde

Holla Forums buys the official narrative again edition. fuck this site you are literally cattle.

nigger-tier tbh

this is thread 4 now hotpocket hasnt edited the op

4 is a flop and has a gay OP

Fuck off shekelstein

link to faceberg plz

his facebook is shoahed

Can we talk about how fucking ugly this dude was? Looks like his face was made with playdoh by a retarded 5 year old.

the state of this garbage site filled with human garbage

wheaton is going to be busy

why did people create two other threads?

dead link, nobody archived it

what comment that's an image for fucking ants I can't see the comment.
you're not going to convince anyone of anything with that image

What do you guys think? Left is picture from Orientation in April, Right is August when he marched with ANTIFA in San Antonio. Think he lost a bit of weight in that time working at a water park?


because mods apparently never stickied thread 3 nor did they delete the clones.



this is why I'm not particularly worried about a new push for a gun grab.

Fuck me is this the most convenient shooting ever. And so close to vegas, I mean this is unbelievably believable

not the same person at all….look at the nose and hairline…common' people…

no. drop this stupid shit. the guy at the rally is tall with broad shoulders and a square jaw, looks completely different from the shooter.
as for the orientation video it's too blurry to tell and who cares anyway? we know he worked there what difference does it make if he's in that video


Or perhaps this is simply the new state of politics in Burgerland. Fuck, have you false flag faggots been asleep since Nov 8? I think so!

Godspede user.

so he put his mexi-wife in the ground?

Wait, no, fuck that, that can't possibly be.

Are you telling me some of you niggers had access to the site, and posted fucking screencaps instead of archiving it? Are you really that fucking inept?

i didnt even get here until thread 3 nigger

why do people jump out and call him mentally ill?

their excuse was that they were phoneposting. we already yelled at them in the previous thread 3
in reality they probably took those screens from 4chan anyway

Wasn't talking to you as you, faggot, I was talking to you as 'user'.
I cannot fucking believe this shit would go down, and some shitstains would take fucking screencaps instead of archiving. I mean jesus fucking christ, and people are going to say Holla Forums hasn't fucking changed?

And none of the cuckchanners managed to fucking archive either?

Before you screencap anything, before you do FUCKING ANYTHING, you fucking archive shit like these. Jesus Fucking Christ.

makes sense.
i was wondering why this drug addicted atheist wifebeater didnt bludgeon his beans.
i guess he did, after all.

It got shoahed very quickly, as if Faceberg was told to take it down before the name was released.

He just went off the deep end guys, it makes total sense.

what a time to be alive

or this woman is just a dumb bitch?

Wesley doesn't just block you, he adds you to his blocktogether list - you'll get blocked by his fans. He's doing you a favor.

I was napping when this happened and joined thread 2 at 400+posts so I couldn't archive it

Why are shitskins so retarded that the openly post photos of them breaking the law online?

Yet we have screencaps bro. That's no fucking excuse. Some asshat genuinely got his dick all hard at the prospect of posting pics first, so he didn't fucking archive, and now those pics are 100% fucking worthless because we cannot prove they came from his faceberg/media accounts. Worthless. Totally fucking worthless.
God damn you stupid stupid niggers.


Holla Forums is great at cucking themselves


Why do you ask questions you know the fucking answer to, while posting images drawn from a jewish propaganda movie made to demonize you?

FB archive

He probably jacked them from halfchan.



Kill yourself.

lol what an assmad kike

exactly user,
keep the automatic archive link in your bookmarks tool bar for fucks sake people

javascript:void(open('' encodeURIComponent(document.location)))

what the hell are you blathering on about?

Somebody's had too many blackpills today. Time for bed.

Our justice system is a fucking joke, we need more vigilantes.

Is it confirmed that he's in AtomWaffen? I've seen a few of their autistic videos, they mostly consist of them putting up flyers at night on a Texas university campus

Why are atheist groups online are so cringeworthy?

He's mocking you/us because Anons were too fucking stupid to archive instead of going for the post and instead took screencaps. The result being, none of these screencap images have any value whatsoever, because there's no proof they came from the shooter's page.

That's not an argument you double-nigger.


Thats not a sewing machine, thats a fabric cutter


fuck your lack of caption

nobody knows wtf that screenshot has to do with anything

i'd be surprised if those were his pictures

no thats a commercial sewing machine, nigger muzzie must work at a literal sweatshop

I'm glad nobody is archiving. Facebook is fast on their way to shutting his history down so you can't build a case against the JLeft

give me the link

please tell me that's from today

Who establishes their entire identity around not believing in something? And, for that matter, usually they choose one particular god in whom not to believe - the god of abraham. Now just between you and me I'm like a buddhist or some shit so I'm not a big worshiper of yahweh either. Nevertheless, atheists don't stand for anything but "NO U" and it's not enough for them to not believe, they have to vociferously and aggressively not believe, and they insist that you to not believe too. It's the same problem we see all over. If I think Kwan-Yin is a pretty cool goddess, you can agree, disagree, not care, whatever. But an identity centered around negation instead of affirmation of something is just reheated nihilism and it shows.

What I don't understand is why did he shoot now? Why couldn't he wait until Christmas eve, the time of the year with the most church attendance other than Easter Sunday.

That's what kept the niggers in line.

And you did? This your first time here yid? Despite Am-X's jewish overtones, it's a meme goldmine. STFU and leave now.

May 26, 2016

What the fuck are you talking about nigger? I don't even have a decent fucking phone, and I'm able to copy-paste a hyperlink into archive.

you blind?

Yes you fucking can. There is literally nothing stopping you from copypasting the link into and hitting the archive button. Lazy fucking nigger.

What's the official narrative?

LOL Facebook shoah'd and nobody archived it. Keep screenshotting you fucking idiots. None of that is credible

You aren't exactly helping.

official narrative is as follows:

Its Jewish trash and making maymays from it only furthers its efforts. You are a useful idiot.
Lurk two more years, then go back to cuckchan.


apparently so

It was in previous threads. He mocked the dead for being rural conservatives, said the kids who died were eggs cracked to make an omellette.

that's not him you idiot

I was about the archive him. During the 1st thread we were all on the 1st lead which was false. Then someone said check out two names. The 2nd name was Devin Kelley. The first one I searched for was dead end. I went to his page, opened archive, copied and pasted the url and it became a dead link because at that very time Zuckerjew killed it.

The media was implying basically "we'll release details after we scrub his social media" like it was a standard procedure.

Anyone else remember them saying this? I think it was the ABC radio stream.

Read the previous threads. Plenty of us know that it's just another hoax.

Maybe he lost his temper and killed his wife today so it was now or never?

What is the URL? We can try the Wayback Machine?


go back to africa stinky discordian

You were the one posting the screenshots you fucking nigger.

Now I'm really hoping DK murdered his beaner babies…too delicious

lmao this is the same thing that happened for vegas. everyone was too focused on that other boomer.

I already used waybackmachine. Nothing after Nov 5 and the one screencap is dead page

I want to thank all the idiots for not archiving and instead taking screenshots that will be immediately memory holed

Im digging into a different angle that needs my skill I found an audio anomaly in one of the videos. Not only is there an anomaly but the channels were both mixed differently so that they can not easily be separated and isolated. I think they changed something that was said in the video.

Stop derailing the thread, faggot.

I saw that on 4chan Holla Forums. Apparently they didn't archive either. Looks like the kikes win today

Good luck building a counter narrative now goyim

Has the Antifa angle been confirmed, or is the motivation still not clear yet?

all evidence has been wiped from the internet already of who he was

they're getting to work on a coverup of his home

it's game over bro

I didnt say it was the shooter. Its some twitter faggot who is mocking the victims. Im not spoonfeeding you anymore.


wow, sounds like a complete waste of time
godspeed you useless autist

motivation will always be unclear

welcome to las vegas shooter part 2

now give your guns up you racist


So, you were on cuckchan, and you posted screencaps, and now you're laughing at the fact that the thing you did was fucking stupid and you're a boob? Good stuff.

Fucking worthless.

Fascinating, what video or audio recording are you working on? Discrepancies like that are important

Kill yourself my man.


he's not wrong


Why? You won't do shit, and neither will anybody else - nor would it be good if you did, because it'd just turn them into martyrs. God damn this board has really gone to shit in the last few months.

Just testing.


r e d d i t

San Antonio reporter on the scene practicing on live stream with no clue he's on.

im sure we could get that cuck fired at the very least

God damn I hate the fucking moderators almost as much as the kikes they serve.

Stop derailing it with source less screenshots. It's going to be beat into your thick skulls until not another happening goes by where this happens.

Blue in Buddhism represents healing. Everything in that pic represents something else.

The lefty antifas are literally trying to make his wife kill herself if she hasnt.
Also it wont let me archive all the comments that are on her marriage post.


Uh pretty sure they're too late

keked n checked dumb nigger

You're right I wont do shit, it would just be nice to know where these people live for no reason at all.

Anything before today? What is the URL?

I archive everything. Go fuck yourself.

top kek

Fucking this. Derail the thread? Derail it from what?
There's nothing to see - because you stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid fucking niggers didn't archive. So we have nothing. No names to sort through and find connections, no groups to examine, fucking NOTHING.

I have never been more disappointed in Holla Forums than I am at this moment.

Literally why do americans insist on keeping guns?!?!?

Negroes start searching other fucking social media, anything you can find. Linked in, twitter whatever. Even myspace, fuck it

go die of aids

Found it. 2:23:30

Was this announcer guy just being retarded by saying "scrubbing"?

Get a life, bin that knife. :^)


ls this shitskin sewing $100 bills together? Literally what.

technically this is 4chan's fault. they have way more traffic. if (((someone))) is watching they are watching 4chan, not here
by the time those screens were posted here the profile may very well have been shoahed
if it's really that imporant to you you should probably be on 4chan to nip these kinds of things in the bud

Avery Dennison is the company.

Because we don't want to end up like the Whites in South Africa.

can anybody record this stream, I have a feeling this nigger is going to spill the beans

Except cuckchan is full of retards, so that's no excuse.

It didnt help that for 2 hours we had the wrong name

Because atheists and atheism itself is cringe worthy.

Yeah he's been laughing and smiling awkwardly. Something is up. Someone record

For the record this is the archive for his sister Lauren. His other sister Lilly and his Mother deleted their pages earlier on.

You're clearly a fucking yid.

I was more concerned with him saying "scrubbing his social media" as if it's a standard procedure to wipe mass shooters' social media before announcing their identity.

Will make a webm but have to download the whole thing

He probably sperged. His reeeeeee instincts couldnt be contained any longer

embed for the lazy

5th of November.



yeah thought that was odd, shooting at the vigil?

Why is this even allowed?

These accounts should be left open for the public to review. It's very suspicious when they are scrubbed.

Everyone, who isnt a kike shill, should follow this anons advise.

Seems legit bro.

Because private companies are faggots and Kikebook is owned and run by the jewiest of jews.

He was probably disappointed with the impotent Antifa turnouts yesterday. But now that ZOG deleted his social media we won't get the full scope of his subversive activities and they will frame him as a generic nutjob.

Possibly covered in an earlier thread but the Jew York Times claims this as the reason for his discharge from the USAF:

4chan Holla Forums was banning a shitload of people right when this happened. Since it was a rolling sticky I'm not sure it archived properly anywhere, but there were a ton of [deleted] posts and I was banned. IDK if it was anything nefarious necessarily, maybe mods were just angry because of the fucked up nature of the crime. I got banned for being "off topic"

I bet money the woman lied about the assault knowing the military would believe her. Happens every day in the US military.

Meme came from here. Lurk 2 years before posting newfag yid.

This is why you

Before you post a screencap? Archive.
Before you mention it in a post? Archive.

Heres some fucking tits so you god damned newfag mongs we've been flooded with pay attention long enough to perhaps get the fucking memo. God damn it, so fucking incompetent…

No one wants your whore pics here either.

Probably posted by a newfag redditor like you.

(((They))) most likely deleted everything before they released the name. Cover-ups 101.

might as well oil up your asshole too just in case.

Don't ask me why, it pisses me off.

The only rational reason I can think of is to avoid "tainting the jury" or whatever. It's autistic justice system bs. But he's fucking dead like paddock. There will be no trial anyway. The TLAs are feeding conspiracy theories by scrubbing it all.


It wont archive correctly for some reason. I found something of note on his linkedin page though. Dont blast me for not archiving, Im trying, it just wont work.

I've probably been here longer than you yid. Wanna explain how any meme calling out yids is somehow reddit-tier? Oh that's right, your hook-nose is getting in the way.

Danielle Kelley is friends with victim Crystal Holcombe (whose children were also killed). Archived, but it doesn't show their friendship:

From same NYT article:

A one million dollar ranch/home in bumfuck rural Texas is pretty good living. Think 5 million plus in a coastal LA/NYC shithole. What a dumbass.

Archive today isnt archiving his linkedin page correctly. Im fuckin trying because I understand fully why EVERY FUCKIN LITTLE THING must be archived.

Fuckin hell I hate these demonic kikes.

I like this


This could be a clue that he was definitely a leftyfag. Only a leftist retard would toss all that shit away for his (((ideals)))

1 mill in rural texas is more like 20 mill in LA/NYC


you noob

makes me almost feel bad for him
and then join antifa, drink the kool-aid and shoot up a Christian church apparently because you married a whore and she destroyed your life.


Nope, we got screencaps. Reality is, some faggot got ahead of himself and instead of archiving, he raced to get caps and post them for (you)'s, like a redditor, and now we have nothing.
Once again, the influx of newfags and vermin fucks us.

When they're shitty memes, yes. Like, ya know, posting an image of a Zionist stooge over a concentration camp, pushing both a r_TD maymay AND a 'the holohoax happened!' maymay.

Truly, you are the cancer.

LinkedIn is set up to inhibit archive.

Now THAT we can use!
Tell me you've archived it.

can you archive that shit?

made a clip

Give us more. Link. Archive. This isn't good enough without back ups.

Wayback has nothing either. WTF.

Commie confirmed!
Just like Stephen Paddock and his Antifa documents in his hotel room.

When are we going to crack down on commies?

linkedns robots.txt blocks all crawlers

What was the URL anyway?

Except it doesn't matter, because stupid niggers didn't archive his fucking Faceberg page, so we have no proofs.
And if this nigger

doesn't post the fucking link/archive link of that shit ASAP, I swear to God, I'm going to transcend space and time to go back to the night he was conceived and kick his father so hard in the balls that the sperm that would be him is obliterated.

Get out of here you fucking yid. You're so damn transparent, you probably have a trans-parent.

CNN identified good samaritan

Truly, genuinely, kill yourself.

He shoah'd the post. Come on user. We been arguing like maniacs about this, fuckin archive before screen shotting this shit


I just found out Mommy in Law used to attend the church, so did shooters wife. PLOT THICKENS

whatever, he shot up a church, you really think it's such a stretch that he'd beat his wife?
he also killed her and the children if that woman on social media is to be believed


Yeah, i bet that gold star of david around your neck is pretty heavy. Maybe take a break yid.

is the asian the fat shooters wife?


No, some randoms so far from what I can tell.

Damn, Dave Ivey is nobody's bitch. Most people would be whining for sympathy or shekels right now, but not Dave Ivey, he's already hoping the shit is burning in Hell. What a fucking bro.

working on it

She was female, so no, I don't believe her over him.


Am I crazy to find it weird the radio guy said they were "scrubbing" his social media?

This means he might not be an actual felon

Too enraged by the incompentence of this faggot right here

Just kys. That's all I have time for right now.

new braunfels isn't rural.


Except the absolute fucking double-nigger that is the user who posted that didn't archive it.
So its like it never happened.

God damn the incompetence and social-signaling (you) thirst is fucking unbearable.


We already had indication of as much.

The atheist soyboi shot up the church because his spic wife was probably cheating on him or some shit, and she was a church-goer, so he went in and shot it up. But we don't have shit for evidence to prove that meaningful portion of that narrative at this point, because the chans are genuinely incompetent.

Where'd you get it nigger?

Why can't I archive comments on FB?

Nita Jean I think your at your anger stage……. he might have did a terrible terrible thing but he was still father a husband and nephew son a grandson . I'm sure at some point he had done some good things in his life though he did a really bad thing
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 54 mins · Edited
Christoph Dollis
Christoph Dollis He was discharged from the military, after serving 12 months confinement, for assaulting his then wife and child. He later went on a murderous rampage to kill his new wife and child's church members (I'm not sure if they were present: I hope not but fear so).

Maybe you're going a little far with this he was really a good person in some ways thing. Just a thought.
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2 mins

No you're not. They're saying it now to get us used to that procedure.

Wil Wheaton
c/o Sutton, Barth & Vennari Inc.
145 South Fairfax Ave.
Ste. 310
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Richard William Wheaton III
Wil Wheaton

2603 Sea Pine Ln, La Crescenta, CA 91214
460 S Lamer St; Burbank, CA 91506-2948
116 E Main St; Manhattan, MT 59741-2204
90 W Madison Ave, STE E172; Belgrade, MT 59714-3955
865 Monte Verde Dr; Arcadia, CA 91007-6119
460 S Lamer St; Los Angeles, CA
387 Lay Pass Rd; Manhattan, MT 59741-8178
15301 Ventura Blvd, STE D340; Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-6633
7523 Salton Sea Way; Sacramento, CA 95831-3789
3800 La Crescenta Ave, STE 106; Glendale, CA 91214-3948
3800 La Crescenta Ave; La Crescenta, CA 91214-3924
15 Horizon Ave, APT 2; Venice, CA 90291-3635
3145 El Caminito; La Crescenta, CA 91214-1933
2603 Sea Pine Ln; La Crescenta, CA 91214-1443
3800 La Crescenta Ave; Glendale, CA 91214-3924
2820 Honolulu Ave, STE 255; Verdugo City, CA 91046-1001
3800 La Crescenta Ave, STE 104; La Crescenta, CA 91214-3948
3008 SW Twilight Dr; Topeka, KS 66614-3225
5730 Uplander Way; Culver City, CA 90230-6617
2133 SW Brandywine Ln; Topeka, KS 66614-4286
3800 La Crescenta Ave, STE 104; Glendale, CA 91214-3948
10965 Strathmore Dr, APT 204; Los Angeles, CA 90024-2482
616 Veteran; Westwood, CA 96137

And before you say 'cuckchan', save the me the time of telling you to go back, put that faggoty snark back in your pocket, and go back. Then, tell them I called them all incompetent.


Dunno, but even if its not doable, saving the page should suffice.

Crimes of passion tend to be focused. He went out to hurt lots of people. Why not wait until she was home?

Antifa makes more sense. Although I don't disregard your theory.

more links

It's getting live comments now.

Jim Cross This has to be fake. Another Dave Ivey posted Devin was anti government and ran with ANTIFA

Pastor's wife uploaded this photo as her cover photo today. White hair is Michelle Fields, Devin Kelley's mother-in-law

Specifically, in the comments:

Filtered & reported.

It's like you want to be lynched.

the video of the 'cowboy that shot the commie' at 2:30 theres a random clip that sounds like its from a documentary "as the ger-inaudible -inaudible the cucumber the inaudible is inaudible"

Ive done my best to isolate it but its the exact frequency of the cowboys voice it could be nothing but the way it is the same frequency and the right channel is lowered but that is the only difference between the two channels makes it seem like the video was mono and then edited and fucked with to make isolation impossible.

Really odd.

The Uncles a good egg.

Did facebook fuck up?

Email Addresses:
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It's a gentrified meme city for retirees, academics and tourists but at a population of less than 60k it's most definitely rural compared to LA, NYC, Paris, Moscow.

The facebook page is already archived you faggot. It doesnt show comments in the archive link you mega cum junkie

This isnt him is it?

He went out to hurt lots of people in a very specific context. Most indicators suggest his wife and children were there, and are dead.

I have no doubt he was an antifa stooge, but the motive here wasn't politics by all indications, it was butthurt.

I was just teasing you, user.
You big silly.

ok it's not kaczynski-tier rural but compared to NYC or LA an outer burb of a third tier texas city it's pretty far out there and thus cheap af

could be


Yeah, it's like gentrified rural. It's basically on the dividing line between rural and suburb. Like College Station.

Can you spergs not fuck every investigation up?

Scott Ayres Any proof he's your nephew? Or more info about him?
Like · Reply · 14 mins
Michelle Scullion Barrow
Like · Reply · 3 · 12 mins
Scott Ayres
Scott Ayres True
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 mins
Scott Ayres
Scott Ayres People are sharing screenshots of this post and 1 from another profile with a different profile pic labeled Dave Ivey. So just putting pieces together.
Like · Reply · 7 mins
Harley Brown
Harley Brown Scott: Who the hell are you? What a stupid question.. What: You think someone would make this up?
Like · Reply · 2 mins
Scott Ayres
Scott Ayres Could be a fake profile. It's social media. Unfortunately people make up loads of fake news these days.

Ok, check the judenbook for his uncle again, some Jim Cross fucker posted the screen shot. We need to monitor the uncle's response

Meh, looks weird, but still not useful, because it was someone posting a cap. I could make a fake cap right now, post it on faceberg, and it'd be just as useless.

Didn't anyone else hear it when they said so?

They are going to great lengths to hide the motives of these people. The motive of a muslim with ISIS is very clear and I can still sleep at night. But these mass shooters with apparently no motive makes me paranoid. We need some transparency.

Think is the top Dave Ivey isnt the same as the second one, who posted the pic. The one who allegedly posted the pic is the FB page linked.

You sound like you're projecting your unhappiness and lack of worth. That must be a difficult life to wake up to every day. God bless.

The way I look at it is this, if there is (((no motive))), I assume its kiked up shit via the spooks.

There's a few different ways to use the API to archive facebook. We're going to have to figure out a way to approach /g/ with this project later.

I can't figure it out.

I'm getting a lot of conflicting reports, from what I hear this guy:
1. Was dishonorably discharged from the military (meaning he couldn't legally own a firearm)
2. Was pro-Antifa
3. Was killed by Civilians with guns
The first one is definite, but what if the other two?

Your kind isnt welcome here

20 million is a retarded exaggeration, that's my point
The other user who said 5M was more accurate

He was chased away from the church by the civilian with the gun, though it is unclear if that's what killed him. lt looks like he has leftist affiliations as well.

2nd one seems likely third one is what the media is rolling with right now

2. Certainly not a Republican. Likes Atheist content apparently. Could be deduced as Antifa sympathizer.
3. Is strong.

He was shot by a citizen with a gun, which made him crash his car…….police arrived on the scene and finished the job

His linked in page, which was still up a few minutes ago, leads me to believe he is a leftyfag.

Linkedin doesnt archive correctly, and wayback has nothing

That's not confirmed but it's reasonable considering the data that's been made publicly available.

The resident shooter at least made DK drop his primary and flee the scene (from what I've heard); Even if he didn't get the kill shot, an armed citizen stopping the attack is "problematic" for the anti-gunner narrative.

was reported on Faux that shooter was shot by same type of round shooter was using


Probably happening indirectly but I can't imagine how they came to decide on this policy of being so opaque.

can't archive either, here's a screenshot

More leads.

Shooters wife was friends with one of the Victims. Blue Hair whos husband is either dead in the hospital or in critical condition.

Pardon if it's been posted. His linkedin "causes" certainly lean left. Screen capped in case it gets shoahed.>>10862942

What? An AR? Everyone has those. I have like 10. You can't swing a dead cat in Texas and not hit someone with an AR15. They're a dime a dozen.

Good. Everyone and their cousin has an AR these days. IIRC, it's been the best selling rifle for several years running.
that should be enough to keep Republicucks from pursuing straight up bans… They'll probably push UBC if DK was a prohibited person

That is a "dishonorable discharge." A "general discharge" is one step above a BCD.


World Trade Center was demo'd then hauled to China without forensic analyses. Why would Sutherland Springs be any different?

The ugly ones definitely marry.
Something about the capeshit crowd and their perceived maturity level.

Yeah but apparently he killed his wife and kids. His wife was a member of the church that got shot up. He was a fat atheist commie neckbeard who probably hated christians and didn't want his beaner wife to go to church anymore. Kills her and the kids — flips shit and decides to go all out and goes to the church and starts blasting.

Also see:

Michelle Fields (Danielle's mother) was very close to the pastor's family.

I agree. His causes he cares about are leftist shit. Heres the screenshot

Literally digging through her old accounts friends list, almost every one of them are victims or people that went to church. So the motive definitely is based off his wife now.

that bastard

I'm guessing due to bullet wounds


I know, its just the media is still doing the 'Whyyyyyyyyyy' story. I am pretty sure we know.

Here you go user. Buy 100k and you will have a lambo by 3Q 2019

wouldn't be a far leap to blame the Church/Religion for his marital problems

Any chance his wife is in the videos on the Church's YT page?

I missed it where is there proof his wife is a beaner? are there pictures of her? My guess was he got cucked kid looks albeano and went ape

>(((republicans))) and (((NRA))) come out against the 2nd amendment
It makes me go hmmm.


And news on a 2nd shooter kids?

Thank you all for answering my questions regarding the shooting.

What we have to do now is to SPREAD the info. This guy was a dishonorably discharged veteran, meaning he illegally obtained a firearm, who was pro-CNN and Pro-Antifa, and was stopped by (right wing) men with guns. This is PERFECT for pushing back against the narrative Vegas started. They already took away bump stocks in my home state, let's not let them or the NRA take any more. "It's okay to be white" took off to great success, I think we should spread this too.

check out his earlobe shape

That seems unlikely in this case.
If there was more than one shooter, the responding civilians would have had to engage them too.

I believe it was in the second thread…

is it possible to pull off a false flag using a guy like this who has issues, and just execute him and his family and 25 others? I would assume he was seen by witnesses at the church? but you could use a mediocre body double as long as you keep your distance.

I'm betting the 2nd shooter was reported from people outside the church, and was actually the guy returning fire on the shooter.


Linkedin blocks archives because it's a data harvester that wants your personal data attached to your employment to more easily attach any "wrongthing"/"wrongaction" to employment blacklists.


He volunteered at vacation bible school years back for a week probably forced to by parents. His interests were atheism.


someone still has to keep tabs on 4chan, it's necessary to have intel on what's going on there, but I agree it is totally infested and you should be behind 7 tors proxies etc.


And what the fuck is this shit? Are shills spamming these threads now to try to bait the mods into killing all investigation into it?

he had a bad conduct discharge not a dishonorable discharge. this means he could legally own guns

Probably. And the mods will probably take the bait, like retards.


I am confused. This person links a post to a person that was 'murdered' but that person is still posting…

mods are MIA that's why it's happening. They stickied the first thread but haven't been around to sticky 2 or 3 so people kept making them and now someone's trying to make it a running joke i guess. yawn

Probably there to try and turn them.



surveillance planes above san antonio
domestic abuse on spouse and child

All these people are either related to or are victims along with their familys. All Wifes friends. Watch for names in the coming days.

I miss Hotwheels tbh.
Look, 8/pol/, I've been locked into this hatebox with you for 3 years and it has been a blast. user have helped me see things I never imagined, and a lot of it was a great time. I'm ready to stop being angry online. I'd rather be angry offline. Keep fighting the good fight.

I made a thing

why are books banned again
im not a newfag im an absenteefag

Reported. Kill yourself.

I believe you but do you have a source? I really need to check on that. That’s bad for us. But we should still push the fact that he was a leftist


thread theme

links are in the previous thread. it's called 3 as well but it's the one that is full/locked


nose has the same bulbous tip just different angle + makeup. And that joker pic was obviously taken several years before the soy induced low t balding

follow this chain of comments they explain the difference between types of discharge

getting in shape will unfuck your posture

anything more solid on his antifa connection?

and explain the 100% different jaws, too
fuck off autists

That would be the most retarded 'false flag' ever. Vegas looks like it's a false flag. This does not. The jigsaw puzzles seem to fit and there aren't any crazy holes in the story thus far. Fat piece of shit marries beaner. Beaner loves church. Fat POS is fat angry atheist commie neckbeard. Loves antifa commie shit on social media. Probably despises his wife going to church. Stuff happens in the middle, he kills his wife and kids.

Since it was on Sunday, I'm thinking this fucking fat atheist confronted his wife as she was getting ready to go to church. Kills her and the kid. Thinks "this is the church's fault" because [insert commie marx logic here], decides to kill the churchgoers because they probably supported his wife going.

Commits crime, runs away, is chased by white redneck and is shot in the process, bleeds like the stuck pig he is and crashes the car. Police arrive on scene and pump fattie with more lead. Game over.

infowars is shilling hard that the church recorded every single service. there's a video that the fbi immediatly grabbed of the shooting, and they're going to memory hole it indefinitly just like they did with vegas.

fucking sick of the fbi taking everything over and doing nothing with it. the fbi might as well be the secret police. what are they even doing involved in this? murder isn't a federal crime, it's a state crime. if the governor wanted too he could handle it himself, but they always cuck this immediately to the feds, who then take all evidence, and memory hole it for 50 years until their forced to release some version which they then redact 99% of.

I have my 'recruit handbook' from boot camp that explains all the types of discharges that we had to memorize. If I knew what box it was buried in I'd take a picture and post it.

They did record everything. Their Youtube and Facebook page is updated weekly with the services.

can the state police classify something? i don't think so. they're forced to release it eventually. as soon as the fbi gets ahold of literally anything though they'll immediately slap a classification on it, secret, top secret, whatever, and blatantly abusing the system, and then never release anything ever.

we'll never get any answers about vegas, and a week from now this will be forgotten too.

Did I misread the part about killing his wife and kids first? I thought his wife, kids and in laws were in the church and among the dead.

that isn't true police don't have to release shit either.

That is pretty much my conclusion at this point. I just want to be able to prove this faggot was a lefty.

The Domestic crimes part of this is what the shitlibs will attach to. Stronger gun laws to protect the victims of Domestic Abuse, blah blah blah

Imkikey thinks they're off topic when shit like Religion D&C threads are left up all the time

Come on now son.

Because a few dumb niggers get really upset that the mods are shit, sperged out, and now just to spite that one sperg, the mods ban book threads on sight.

Mods are plants with ties to r/the_donald plant mods whose goal is to dumb down places like these into KKK-tier controlled opposition

I don't know the word for the fallacy there but if they really try to make that happen, normies are going to be redpilled in the mainstream not only about how often women lie about domestic violence but that the worst offenders are gay women kek

There is a separate board for it at >>>/pdfs/ also there was a book thread that was not anchored that recently died due to the recent spam on the board. Certain groups make book threads asking Holla Forums to buy their Eceleb books, then whine about the threads being deleted later

Even without the court martial the DV conviction would have stopped him from purchasing a gun in Tx.

that doesnt explain why they've banned books can you be more specific



was he convicted in a civilian court though? or just court martialed? maybe the court-martial doesn't apply.

even if the conviction was in nm?

It was the same year his wife was a bible school teacher at the church that was shot up


No, since you're obviously exactly who they want posting here

Look at the stuff Wil Wheaton retweeted from Shaun King and Anthony Oliveira‏. His apology is fucking horrible too. He says Rand Paul is just "taking advantage of people's prayers" so he's trying to pin his actions on Rand Paul.

I saw that he bludegeoned his wife and kids first, and that's why they were waiting so long to release the name because they needed to notify the family of the beaner (and since wetbacks have huge litters, that took a while).

Well it's not a stretch when this fat piece of shit was dishonorably discharged (from the fucking chair force, of all services), had atheist and left-leaning "interests" all over his FB page.

Was is actual Dishonorable though? or just BCD? Only dishonorable precludes gun ownership.

The angry normies are now finding the step moms facebook page. This should be fun to watch develop.

that's fucking creepy, he probably volunteered to learn the layout of the building

Who. Fucking. Cares?

Wil Wheaton is a nobody, he's a numale faggot c-list actor whose greatest career days were when he played a child on a libshit science fiction television show. He doesn't matter. Stop getting so upset about some faggoty literal-cuckold who cries his soyboi tears on social media specifically to draw attention to himself.

Nice, put archive links as sources next time though.

i've got the catch phrase/soundbite that would browbeat Republicucks into passing "sensible" gun legislation in my mind already but it's staying there

There aren't any archives for half of it, and I couldn't be assed to search through for them all, but I feel you.

It's perfect to expose the mindset of the left and those in Hollywood. In other words, fuck off /cargo-cult/.

Still, thanks for the good effort user.

Being this is another dead white shooter that has targeted mainly white conservatives, and this one being nearly as "we just don't know" territory as Paddock, I'd think it's a Samson option attempt to force those that have grown up with firearms as tools and funs to feel alright with being infringed. Has a lot of potential to backfire mercilessly but wouldn't put it past them.

They tried doing that with the Nigger Mindset book a few months back when they were still on good terms with cernokike

meant for

cry moar faggot numerous other people already explained it hahahahaha

Kill all antifa

Two things not in your narrative.
1. Look at the church's facebook page, it was being trolled by muzzies on posts over a week ago
2. Look at the "it's going down" facebook page, on Nov 2 an antifa fag called for violence against churches
This attack was premeditated and the target was widely known. While the personal shit may have influence that choice of target and choice of operative, this isn't a sudden snapping.

more like Sandy Vag


Gun control is a moot argument anyway. Anybody who supports any form of gun control does not respect the right to life away from evil or harm.

I wouldn't be surprised if the nothingburger of Nov 4th triggered him to go all out.


I honestly wouldn't mind such threads if they have quality topics. They rarely do though. The book threads were okay by comparison to some of the shit left up here for hours.

Be honest: The only reason book threads are banned is because some sperg got on the wrong side of the people in charge of administration of the board, and, being the fickle petty faggots they are, they ban book threads on sight now.

I haven't watched any televised coverage (not home) but I haven't seen any mention of multiple crime scenes being worked. Which is what led me to believe they were all in one place.



clearly that isn't the point of gun CONTROL.
We know the motives behind it, and they're not at all virtuous, or for our benefit.

What anime is that from?


Boku no pico


Hahahahah, no.

Konosuba or some shit.


Template threads are not necessarily objectively bad. A thread about books once in awhile is actually probably good - I certainly wouldn't mind it. Especially not compared to some of the shit the mods leave to rot on the board for days at a time (including literal NazBol recruitment threads).

Kek, and as if on cue, it gets bumped immediately before I reference it.

Yes they are. Fuck off to cuckchan if that's what you want, or just go play in a cement mixer.

Nope. Be less asspained over this issue.

the mods are mia if you want a boko thread make one
sage for off topic

I cut cable a long time ago. I don't watch Talmudvision at all. I have internet and nothing else. It's quite liberating. Anyway, everything I've said I gathered from other posts/screencaps in this and the other threads and I deduced what happened from there.


Why should I be mad when you faggots are the ones getting banned for shitposting? I'm telling you how it is, "bro." Deal with it.

No shit stupid. The wife was a member of the small church so it stands to reason the Pastor knows parishioners and their families.

Still amazed the pastor allows his stripper-named daughter to post that sleazy cock-thirsty looking selfie.

I haven't been banned over anything, but I see the folks who are constantly annoyed, and I don't personally have any issue with 'template' threads, such as a book thread or two. You, on the other hand, are super-assmad, and obviously so.
Be less assmad bro.

The mudslimes liking all the stuff on the Church's page is the only odd thing standing out for me….but it's a really fucking big odd thing. WHY would a bunch of random pedo goatfucker shitskins be trawling this church's kikebook page, of a town of 400 people that's 94% white? Usually the muzzies spend their time masturbating over little girls' instagram pages.

Prior to the 4th there were numerous antifa faggots posting isis tier videos wearing plate carriers saying they were ready for war.

No, you idiot, the shooter was married twice. So his EX-mother-in-law.
Which could contribute to a motive, assuming the shooter was not on good terms with his ex-wife, let alone her Christian mother, the latter of whom was in contact with the wife of the pastor at the church that our atheist pinko shooter's current wife was attending.


because he converted to Religion of Cuck™ that's why he shaved his beard
antifa isis working relationship:

The key factor would be showing where those pedo goatfucker shitskins were actually from.

Shields was the current wife


quite the coinky dink that so many of these people look like they are into spirit cooking also

Checked for indeed, my bad. Other user is infact a dipshit.

I really hate the brainwashing that's been done to women and young girls


konosuba is gr8, watch all of it

why are you so buttmad about everything

Why do you have an insatiable thirst for cock?
Just one of the mysteries of the universe, I suppose.

I'm getting bad vibes from white hair lady, like she is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

I think I found his job, goys. Production engineer in music at Stanford. Lines up with his desire to get into teaching, and matches his location. Spread the info, brahs.

that and his wife probably nagging him about his atheism. He was a failure and knew nothing better awaited him so he took the express train to hell

Wrong thread.

Which faggot is this?

Wait, what's this shit? What kind of idiot drops his weapon when he's being engaged? That's the time you need it most.

probably the bullets traveling faster than the speed of sound ripping through his body

He pussed out once he realized shit was for real and his sick actions carried consequences

Aw, thanks bro.
Nobody is welcome here faggot.
Here's my view on cuckchan:

Stay assmad about 'template threads' though m8. I'm sure the bookfags will stop bitching eventually… Because god knows autism won't have anything to say about tha- oh, well, nevermind. Good luck bro!

I think of it more as training. Then again, I think of women as being only slighty above dogs in cognitive processing. You let a Jew train your dog, I'm sure it'd be shit too.

A neckbearded fedora from a millionaire family, with antifa affiliations and a Christian spic wife. Obviously.

Some people in the Mom's circle

I'm not telling you to go play in traffic ironically, faggot. I'm being sincere. Go high five a semi-truck on the interstate.

Alright dude, I'm getting alil uncomfortable now.

oh fuck off

I think I seen this story plenty of times before:

Now normally, this story ends with the loser delibrately geting a discharge with something other then dishonorable, usually with health or pt. The serviceman files divorse, and finds another job, and surrenders his income for child support, and thats that.
This time, its different.

go be a niggtow someplace else

1st pic is foster care page. Different page from the 2nd pic.

Worst case you can mirror the stuff yourself with "wget -m" and whatever other arguments are needed. Sometimes you have to span hosts, and sometimes have to change user agent to something they don't block. I often use "wget -m -t 0 -r -k -np -U Mozilla". But you might not want -k for this purpose, and you might need to omit -np and/or add other paths (watch out though, without -np it might try to download entire websites which will take forever). Get familiar with the wget man page, and use it often, so you can adapt as needed. Also:
% cat ~/.wgetrc
robots = off

don't archive anything

they might delete the social pages

we can't collect any evidence

evidence of what

Are there any pics of the mother from about 20 years ago? She was probably smoking hot.

user I…

This kid is a Satanist, as most Atheists are. Heidegger was a real atheist. Sartre was a Satanist.

t. a guy who read Heidegger and how 'humanism' is inauthentic

Basically, when was considered God ded, Heidegger didn't replace God with Reason like the centrists do in order to maintain a Christian metaphysics under the pretense of 'rational'/'truth'

sage because none of this shooting shit matters at this point

people can't change their religion?

And at least once a month his science experiments almost destroyed the Enterprise. The guy is a menace.

You see this red shit in the screenshot: ?

That's censoring usernames. Nobody here does that. He obviously got that screenshot from cuckchan or reddit.

is it actually a rule on 4cuck?

I've never archived anything before. Not too sure how to do it tbh.

The absolute state of 5.56!

Remember kids, 7.62 saves lives. is incredibly simple to use. but i'm not sure if that is considered to be the best archiving site right now

So does Hitler for most stuff, especially animal welfare and environmentalism (not many people actually know that). Human/civil rights not so much except if you don't think Jews are humans.

You can file a FOIA request. They can tell you to go fuck yourself in response. You can then take them to court over that, and the judge can tell you to go fuck yourself. You can appeal, and have another judge tell you to go fuck yourself.

No normalfag is going to facilitate the online uploading of a gore video of dozens of people being murdered in a church. They'd have to be depraved to want such a video made public. They'll stonewall you at every step. It's not because they're covering up a conspiracy, but because your intent offends and disturbs them.

Fucking degenerate.

That's always bugged me because it's something that really should be made public since it kinda affects the entire public. I don't buy the "it's to protect the family" bullshit either. It's not like a family on the other side of the world will suddenly experience crippling pain because I might see their family member die.

They were probably at that church.

Probably, seeing as it's 4cuck. I remember back in 2014 they were banning people for "doxing", I doubt they've stopped.

Then he's not an athiest.

Yeah well, normalfags gonna normal.

I've been surfing the net looking at gore for the better part of 20 years now, as have probably the rest of us here. At the very least we've been on imageboards for years. We've seen videos of cartels skinning people alive, ISIS executions, Slavs brutalizing each other with screwdrivers, etc. We've been desensitized in a way 95% of the population hasn't. Combat vets, first responders and surgeons have similar levels of desensitization as the average habitual imageboard user.

I've noticed that a lot of the time people on Holla Forums seem to lose this context. They become puzzled when normalfags don't upload gore videos to the internet.

no one deletes google plus social pages. no one even knows they exist. and no one would even know they are archived. you are just trying to stop people from collecting evidence shill.

Forgot to address this part: Look up Nikki Catsouras. Her gore photos got sent to her family members by people online looking to torment them. To somebody who's been on imageboards for years, that sort of trolling might seem hilarious because Nikki was a degenerate cunt. To a normalfag, what happened to Nikki's family is stomach churning.

There goes whatever career Wheaton might have had. Did he even have one?

It's pretty much the "think of the children" excuse used for grown-ups. The nanny state will protect you good goyim, now go watch sportsball and bend your knees.

Besides going to trekkie conventions to sign autographs? I don't think so. Trekkies are dumber than dirt though, so he'll probably still be able to sell his autograph.

thread theme

If they allow him in the convention hall, which is questionable now.

Yep, and the Nikki thing went mainstream. The harrassment of her family was covered by media.
I'm convinced that's the reason they refuse to release all the Sandy Hook shit

I'm not sure if this is enough of a meme that it's different anons doing it
or if it's one faggot (you) posting about 7.62 every.single.happening…
never stop

nigger can you copy/paste?
go to, put the URL into the box, watch it turn into an archive URL, share the archive link

The shooter drove off the road without being bumped into, and he was apparently wearing body armor. My guess is he was shot nonfatally because of the armor and managed to flee before bleeding/pain/etc. caught up to him and he could no longer control his vehicle.

Most of the book threads I've seen get deleted are just rec threads that could be answered with five seconds of searching. I've seen plenty of threads talking about authors and their works. I'm not sure why people think general threads are necessary.

grew up in your typical 10,000 sqf home with pool

Also say hi to Blockhead Joe for me. He still will never write for the NYT

Sandy Hooknose was a horribly botched hoax. Anyone with half a brain should know by now that was a hoax. It was very sloppy because it was the first one of these big gun control psy-ops.

I'm already seeing parallels with this one in that there doesn't appear to have been a rush of ambulances to carry the wounded. I haven't seen any footage of stretchers and they put up large tents around the church completely blocking the view.

They will. The other cast members and basically all the fans are libshits too. This is hardly the first time Wil Wheaton has said something stupid.

I'm near certain of it. Either it was a hoax, in which case they'd never release the photos; or it was real, in which case they'd still never release the photos. If you were a normalfag and strange internet people demanded that you upload photographs of murdered children, you'd tell them to fuck off.

That's the first time I did it and I don't recall seeing it before. It's mostly memeing, 5.56 is pretty good and the AR-15 being America's most popular rifle is hardly a poor state of affairs. But a 7.62 rifle, perhaps an AR-10, is clearly patrician. 5.56 has some advantages from a military logistics standpoint because you can carry more of it, but if you're just a civilian defending his home or going around town with his truck, I'd say 7.62 clearly has the edge. More expensive though.

You're thinking of GenX types, perhaps. I'm older GenX and a lot of my classmates didn't marry until their 30s or even later. Boomers, I think it was often a similar story. They wanted to sow their wild oats and just kept on sowing them for decades.

A lot of young millennials are marrying. Most of all, it depends on background and upbringing. More blue collar, rural types go ahead and marry. With city kids, headed for college, marriage is less common. That's pretty typical of Americans for a long time now.

We may not ever hear this because HIPAA laws.


Has anyone looked at her "likes"? They include Women For Trump Movement II: MAGA 2018.

We don't even know yet if she's dead or alive, do we? Regardless, I'm wondering if their fights and breakup were fueled by political differences.

Archive, scroll down:

The Texas church madman was a disgraced Air Force veteran who was court-marshaled in 2012 after assaulting his wife and child, reports said.

Devin Patrick Kelley, who joined the military in 2010,was given a dishonorable discharge and slapped with 12 months of confinement in 2014 after his court marshaling, CBS News reported.>>10863268

Trips of truth

Gunmans current wife was associating with his ex and her family via the church. Naturally, in his head, the church was the source fo all his problems, or, at the least, facilitated those perceived problems. I mean, he was a fedorafag, right?

Fucking piece of shit.
Reminder that a leftist's worst fear is someone that can fight back

Feels don't matter because crime scene photos are a matter of public record under Connecticut law. There was no exception to the law allowing them to withhold photos because the supposed victims were children. There were no corpse photos because nobody died.

Fucking degenerates. I've never even been catholic but this sort of shit would have been unheard of in my church.


The law doesn't matter because the law is executed by people and the people in charge of executing it are going to tell you to fuck off. But by all means, file your FOIA requests and lawsuits. It's not my time you'll be wasting.

NBC reporting Bad Conduct discharge. It's consistent with what happened.
Kelley purchased his rifle at Academy. His background check would not have cleared if he had a DD

Actually, Church of Satan Satanism is definitely atheism. But also remember, CoS was started up by (((Anton Levi))), so ya know how kikes are.

Dishonorable's are only awarded by General Courts Martial, not sure simple assault rises to the level of a GCM. The crime he was convicted of is probably more than simple assaults.

general courts-martial, consisting of—
(A) a military judge and not less than five members or, in a case in which the accused may be sentenced to a penalty of death, the number of members determined under section 825a of this title (article 25a); or
(B) only a military judge, if before the court is assembled the accused, knowing the identity of the military judge and after consultation with defense counsel, requests orally on the record or in writing a court composed only of a military judge and the military judge approves;

faggot, why the fuck didn't you delete the name?

5 days prior shaved his beard note his above facebook pic comments

NYP is more truste worthy. So far that's the (((story))) unless someone provides proof otherwise, I'm sure a (((friend))) could have gotten a gun for him.

oh it's a hoax now? what would be the reason to lie about that? to say he had a BCD vs a DD?
fuck right off

Also they are both big media outlets you don't get to choose which one is objectively right 'until proven otherwise' you tremendous faggot

Most people aren't even aware of the different types of discharge aside from honorable and dishonorable, so I wouldn't immediately assume that this is deception on their part. Hell, even many ex-service members aren't aware of the difference between their own separation and the grade of discharge that accompanies it. For example, being involuntarily separated but receiving an honorable discharge.

keep saging a locked thread with your lefty rage

Criminally underchecked dubs.

i saged something off-topic earlier and forgot to delete the email field
feel free to start arguing your point any time

So he illegally acquired a gun?
Then why are they pushing laws if they clearly don't work?

No I think that suggests that this is more suspicious than that. I smell threats/blackmail.

Not necessarily, whether or not DD disqualifies someone from gun ownership varies from state to state. Also they might be misusing the term "dishonorable discharge." An offense with less than a year of confinement might have only earned him a general discharge. The military isn't terribly consistent with how they hand these out.

He's also registered to vote, he couldn't do that if he was DD

It doesn't seem that way. I dislike their democratic approach but it's quite clear here that they're not okay with certain behavior, though it is kept vague. Never good to jump to conclusions.

I'm starting to think ANTIFA is purely to condition people towards the right.
I refuse to believe people are this stupid.

I remember reading some tweet or something about marital issues.

*an offense with a year or less of confinement
This is as opposed to offenses punished by a year and a day or more.

Gonna need that FBI post for the symbols.
I also have yet to see the source for it too.


Was evidence of his anti-fa status posted here? I didn't see his name on the roster in that other thread.

Why are the pedos ruining black sun symbols?

Reading threads like this make me so fucking sad, why cant i be a fucking libtard degenerate and not realize how fucked the world actually is

They are a Communist paramilitary - there's no debate about that.

They were founded in Germany in 1931. As Antifascistisch Aktion. Exclusively to attack and intimidate people from voting for the NSDAP.

NSDAP of course won the next election, and used their Brownshirts to disrupt Antifa. Whereas Antifa were, just as that, a group of brutal and ruthless thugs, the Brownshirts were largely the former Freikorps - a group of "Fuer Grossdeutschland, gegen Versailles" type WWI veterans.

So yeah. They have served exclusively that purpose.

Is what I had been suspecting also. Unlike Vegas I have seen no real evidence.

That too depends on the state. Texas automatically reinstates it after completing punishment. Besides for domestic abuse where he didn't serve felony time (year and a day at least) it was probably treated as a class A misdemeanor. Which would neither disqualify him to vote or own a gun.

Do you expect christcucking normies to

Ahh I hope the internet never changes.

They're a laughing stock.
Not a communist insurgent of the likes of che guevara.
In fact the lack of that has me worried that people are just too tame to revolt from any angle.

This is what burgerpol is like, of course.

Hey, before you go calling it a Hoax, look up the UK School shooting. Turns out, there's a long list of other things which get covered.

Dunblane's shooter, Hamilton, was a known paedophile who aquired a gun license from the second-in-command of NATO. The head of NATO in the European continent; second only to the North American leader.

Intervened personally when Hamilton, who had been fired from several jobs for trying to diddle kids, and nobody in his town or any neighbouring town, would sign off for his license.

This was used to ban handguns.

I might add that, DA usually specifically disqualifies you from gun ownership in some places. However, he might have plead down to avoid a DA charge and might have just and assault on record.

Che Guevara "fought" against largely unarmed spics and a corrupt Latin American government (as if there's any other kind!) - if you gave me a knife and a hand grenade I could have done the same damn thing without being a Communist nor having T shirts of my face.

As with all Latin American "revolutionaries" - Guevara fought on Easy Mode. He fought against a government which largely nobody gave a fuck about, had very little in the way of guaranteed rights nor actually had any real power beyond a handful of conscripts who often weren't paid.

Keep in mind that Portugal, a country which managed to get its empire destroyed by a single earthquake, conquered half of that continent.

If you want an actual effective terrorist/guerilla force, look at the IRA! And they avoided Gommunism like the plague! Hell, when the IRA declared itself Marxist, most of them left and created their own IRA. This time under the "Provisional" banner.

You didn't even read my post shill

It's easier to type that way and like I said; you're checking the wrong thing. Pictures of "actors" isn't evidence. What we know about the UK version is that the person who SIGNED the damn license then went on to campaign for the ban.

It's easier for you to type like that because reddit requires you to double space.

If there is to be an uprising, it won't be on the left that's for sure.
They lack the consistency in goal and motivation to train a proper insurgency. They are also afraid of death… because they never think about spirituality. Without the Soviets, it just won't happen.
Even China or Iran would be of little help to them, because the first won't risk doing that and the latter is a right regime.

Aside from the hardcore satanic lefties, they don't have the sorts of people that would start this shit.
The best they have are pissed off hispanics and negroes, the ethnic tension in their mix would ruin any insurgency.
The only threat to the current state of the world is the right… and we're in power, so there'd be little point.

I don't consider this a good thing either, it seems like a burden to carry. The left gave up and now we're the Atlas that must shrug.

Implying that a guy who was nuts enough to shoot up a church wasn't nuts enough to beat his wife.
Which orifice?

That's because, after around 1945, Stalinism turned into some weird National Communism.

The entire war was fought for the "Motherland" and thus, Russia was actually competent and held some value in patriotism; which is why so many willingly died for it.

A civil war in the USA would be overwhelmingly one way, especially now. Russia's own internal politics say that their best shot is a white USA under Trump - and if Trump is impeached, they will see that this will be the weakest the USA has ever been and actively support insurgents. Most likely Constitutionalist. Or, at the very least, ensure no other country can support the impeachers.

"We" ain't in power. Look at Europe. 500 million people, several nuclear states, colossal military. Immigration policy owned by fucking socialists.

Why does he look like eggman?

It's swinging.
For the first time in some people's lives they've considered a reason for tightening borders and rethinking globalism.
Many are debating a more third position approach too… but I just consider it a form of global "natsoc" to a degree with more technocratic approaches and far more libertarianism. People are also becoming aware of cartels and corporate partnerships and their destructive influence on our society.

We're in interesting times for new thought… but it needs to happen quicker.


He expects exactly that, because he's forgotten what it's like to be a normalfag.

Remember: This is why the left gained so much power. It's this cult of "morality" that's killing whites. People like this will go out of their way to try to one-up their neighbor in the morality game. The uncle should have told the cunt she was no better than a Muslim apologist. She would have changed her tune really quick or shut up.

because he was told to do it today

And why was he told to do it today?
Because they're planning something later.

We need to dig into potential next hits.


He has a recurring character on Zimbabwe Theory.

He has a younoob channel where he keeps inviting all forms of b tier voice actors and youtubers to play boardgames

sometimes i think soros funds them because he knows it pushes society to the right

I also had that suspicion for a long time.
He seems to deliberately act as tyrannic as possible in a manner that only we would see.

Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?


yup that was my thought too

wow-o-wow-wa, its crazy we get better information than the fucking media.

ever since "Dabiq" stopped publishing I stopped following ISIS's internal propaganda. any chance they released an order/recommendation to shave before committing these acts?

Michelle better retreat to the bunker and pull her accounts….

How did this have anything to do with the government? Its crazy to think Timmy V had a better plan than this fuck.

Good thoughts here.

yeah the platform does not make sense, and violence doesn't ever work (except in romania, thanks cianigs and world bank!).

yup still going strong (they have an outfit running out of austin right now infact running drugs and guns). and why are they around? they disrupted while avoiding just killing randos, something Religion of Cuck™ists can't seem wrap their heads around.

I just want the government to try something and if it doesn't work try something different. This will never happen.

I'm in a few of their cliches on sock accounts, I'll keep the ears open.

Soros is really a tough nut to crack, his left hand seems not to know what the right is doing, but having to compartmentalize enough to help the nazis round up your own people (while feeling zero remorse) as your coming of age event got to be extremely warping.

I met him once in NYC, I thought he was a great guy, funny even. granted I was like 15. I always thought he was conservative until the last 5 years or so. "The open society"'s reference to popper is really cryptic, yes theres the line "we can't tolerate tolerance", but popper is a pragmatist at heart, hated the communists while pointing the inequalities inherent in capitalism. Popper would be the prefect mask for an organization that isn't that interested in political side-taking as much as a force that can shape the world economy just enough for soros to make even more money knowing whats going to happen (like his dabblings in eastern europe)

it appears that AR has a binary trigger assmebly

Does anyone have a tl;dr?

do they still call themselves the IRA? i lived in austin and never heard of this

The Jews did 9/11.
some sauce for fellow non-gunfags

Guy probs killed his wife and kids before going to the church his ex-wife was a member of. Nov 4th may have been a triggering event (stressor). Idiots didn't archive his facebook even though they had access. Perp worked at a waterpark, aethist, his family is disowning him, not a hoax, still no info on who killed him/if he suicided himself. Why he shave? is a lingering question as is did someone give him the weapon. He was discharged for "bad conduct" which means he could own guns and vote, history of domestic violence.
tl:dr- guy was a whack job, likely stopped by a good samaritan who loves the 2nd admendement.


actually it appears to be a:

​Liberator Bidirectional Trigger System
The ONLY Patented Bidirectional System on the market. Don't be fooled by imitators. Our system works in every manufactured AR without modifications. Go to You Tube for demo video! ​
Distributors wanted for our Liberator Bidirectional Trigger System!!!
Give us a call for more details


It's possible he was trying to get a job and felt his sloppy ass beard wasn't helping.

yes they do. They have killed visiting Irish that oppose their aims (in texas) in the last 3 years, interpol was brought it. Many though they generate income for the homefront. Speculation that Houston is the port they are moving the arms in and out of as similar happenings have happened there. Turned on to this by an ex-girlfriend, was reinforced after I got a fed drunk in houston and he slipped abit.

had no idea you could have a trigger that could do this at all, wild, going to buy one.

Which waterpark? There are many in that part of Texas.

**interpol was brought in. Mainly though***

**interpol was brought in. Mainly though***

schilterbahn new brauffles

*tips bible*

I was afraid of that. Also it's spelled "New Braunfels." It's a German town settled by prince Solms, and my home town.

how are you enjoying the sausage fest lad

Not very much. I have to deal with drunk tourists for the next week.

dapper dude.

so tasty

Kelley of New Braunfels, San Antonio, was confronted by a neighbor armed with a rifle who shot him through a gap in his body armor
The gunman then fled but was pursued by neighbor Stephen Willeford, 55, and Johnnie Langendorff. Kelley lost control of his car during the high speed chase and Langendorff says he was shot dead by Willeford. Two armed citizens stopped the Massacre.

So Ted Cruz is a crypto kike? That doesn’t surprise me at all with that ratty face.

uber lel, you guise are rly sweet with your non-reasoning whatsoever, keep on dwelling bois

How? You with the big wigs in yankeeville?

very quick reactions, sounds like
im guessing it wasn't a secret what a fuckup the soyboy was

any sauce for contact info on Mr. Willeford? I'd like to send him a nice letter.

yep. Mom was a big time head lawyer (general counsel) for a monster of a worldwide conglomerate, lots of dinner parties, lots of big wigs.

testing because i cant trust you niggers
earlobe spacing
redchanit spacing

Lie low mate.

remember, no israeli

or what? long time ago. I'm user might even be lying ;)

Could have sworn I've seen the photos in the OP months ago. Deja vu. Especially the second image.
I swear we've had this shooting before.

Does it matter to me? You could be a reindeer for all I care.

why would he shoot up a random church, do these people think terrorism is cool

Does it make anyone else's blood boil when people think something is "terrorism" just because it caused terror? It's literally becoming my pet peeve.

Because cucks want to kill white people

you dont deserve that get

I think it had more to do with who was in the church not the church itself

this is going to become normal everyday church attire

it was his wife's AND his ex-wife's church
hardly random niggerbrain

That's what we call "the Armor of God"

the sword of the spirit placed over his heart.

Contributing image found on "yournewswire"

The girlfriend of the guy who broke Rand Paul's ribs the other day is phlip

I was commenting on the woman in the pic's definition of terrorism you absolute faggot.

yeh no ur the absolute faggot, absolute faggot

I hope you didn't just dox yourself Matt

bois bois bois we're all user here. its okay. we'll get through this. together.

lol hi matt!

speak for yourself cuck

look how old the screencap is
probably a cuckchanner

fucking amateur hour…………jeez.

High score Paddock waa a race mixer
The supreme Gentleman was mixed
This guy in texas was a racemixer
There was a few others that i cant remember that are in IR relations or are mixed.
Clearly this is bad.

Yeah he looks like some one who would have a cuck beard and it looks like some one who just shaved.


Clearly a CMC drop-in. Either one or two stage, fancy but nothing out of the ordinary.

Checked dapper quads


Atheist scumbag. Like Wil Wheton.

Umm guys… That looks like Saiem H'ide with the beard. How can he keep getting away with this!

Someone on cuckchan is a local and got some really good shots of vehicles

Seriously, there's good photos of cars, police, towing companies, etc. I'd start dumping them over but it's Monday and I have to go make the bacon. Please, someone take the info and pics from there and get them over here. THANKS

absolutely haram

I'm starting to freak out a bit. I know for a fact I've seen that picture before. Calling all anons, please help.


Unless it's some odd phenomenon undiscovered it's likely the effects of stress.
Otherwise it would be clear to you if it was a proper premonition.

Still, it is really nagging me how familiar OP's photos are.

OKAY FINE I'll do a quick dump before I go

Get those streamable links DOWNLOADED and ARCHIVED

I'm out.

checked keked

come on guys

paranoid user found an interesting connection, moloch heads.


that's a cow head

cows don't have horns bulls do, guess who moloch is? a bull

Top guy has longhorn neck tat
Bottom guy has open moloch logo shirt
Top guy has normal non-connected earlobes
Bottom guy has spook kid raper attached earlobes

Plutarch wrote in De Superstitione 171:

… but with full knowledge and understanding they themselves offered up their own children, and those who had no children would buy little ones from poor people and cut their throats as if they were so many lambs or young birds; meanwhile the mother stood by without a tear or moan; but should she utter a single moan or let fall a single tear, she had to forfeit the money, and her child was sacrificed nevertheless; and the whole area before the statue was filled with a loud noise of flutes and drums that the cries of wailing should not reach the ears of the people.

Feel the same way mate.

with that said the paranoid on cuckchan was adamant it was proof of a false flag, I don't think that but I do think it's interesting

That bronco you posted had obviously hit that tree behind it and rolled on its top then landed on its wheels.
Is that the donkey kangmobile?

I've heard that deja vu is a sign you're on the right path

It's a fucking longhorn skull, you spergs. Common BS in Texas. Not everything is fucking moloch.

Longhorn tattoo in Texas user. Not a rareity

seemed like the reel deal to do too.

yeah look at some UofT frat fags and get back to me

I'm thinking maybe user is picking up on the face of a mass murder given all the happenings. if you feel this way again user, contact the feds. cereal.

yeah it looks rolled and according to cuckchan user who posted them that is the shooters vehicles

Fucking cowboys

Get back to you with what, nigger? I've lived in Texas my entire life. I know what a Longhorn skull looks like. It's fucking Texas FFS.

You know taking Jewish anti-white propaganda and turning it into pro-natsoc propaganda is something we do all the time, right?

Domestics get a lifetime gun ban. Even a shove. Or accidental injury in texas is domestic assault and they have what is called "zero drop/zero tolerance meaning there is no way out. Youre done.

Also i dont want this to get out but the longhorn neck tat on a beaner is texas syndicate prison gang shit. Literally the most violent gang at one time.

What's wrong with being Atheist? Its practically against the rules here to follow Jewish teachings. Why would anyone with a brain want to follow Jewish teachings?

that's pretty funny then, if the killer got his gun legally but the hero got his illegally

They are called the "New IRA" or just the "IRA" now and have reformed several splinters under a single group, as of like 2014 when one of their leaders was killed by a drug dealer. This stuff about them selling drugs seems like propaganda to me, because they are anti-drug and even had organized entirely dedicated to stopping drug dealers, like RAAD, which is part of this new big coalition IRA. From what I gather, they are in preparation for another hot violent phase. Theres all sorts of stuff on youtube(although most if its propaganda by BBC etc), and the BBC keeps a timeline of republican dissident activity on a website going back a long time, I think back to the mid 2000s or something. They blow stuff up and shoot people all the time, but the news never reports on it because its genuine white resistance for nationalism and no one needs to hear about that amirite?

I knew a bunch of Irish guys that have Shamrock tats on their arms or wherever. But they're not AB or anything. Unless evidence comes out saying otherwise, I'm going to guess that this guy is just a dumb redneck with a gun and degenerate tastes in what he puts on his body.

Otherwise, if he was prohibited from having a weapon, LE would have ran his background on scene and found out —- and he wouldn't have been giving an interview.

This guy is antifa, the church shooter, thats not really ambiguous anymore.

misunderstanding, was replying to you goys cause I agreed and didn't want that idoit to get the you's

no wonder he was ready to roll on that fag with Mr. Willeford

What? I meant the guy giving the interview with the tattoos. Not the church shooter.

My mistake then, I went up the chain of replies briefly but didnt notice.

What the hell. You know what a Wurstfest in German means? Literally party

the guy I knew of (claimed IRA) was pushing coke big time and kicking up the cash up the chain supposedly. yeah its just not reported. they are active.

the cuckchan laper is heavily implying MS13 who is controlled by the CIA or at least contracted by them took this dudes family hostage (and killed them without him knowing) and forced him to do this, thoughts?

why would he run if his kids were on the line?

well antifa-faggots did align with ms13 and isis possibly some kind of connection

They are against drug dealers who compete for their market
Of course they deal drugs. Nowadays the remnants are no better than MS13
They are also pro migration and even have nigger members of their Sinn Fein political arm

Wew lads, the perfect happening that we've all been wishing for finally brought to life. Say what you will about them but you can always count on (((Antifa))) saving the day.

>dwarfs Charleston Chimp Church by a large margin, can't keep beating that fried horse

Christmas came early boys, I'm not saying to start celebrating yet but if you got some eggnog laying around or good pumpkin beer I'd suggest you get chugging. Santa Claus comes once a year so we want to show him that we've been good anons and deserve a White Christmas, right?

Probably family.

Also what kind of faggot posts pictures of their weapons on faceberg?

Snopes is seriously such bullshit. They claim that he wasn't part of Antifa by saying that he didn't want to start a communist revolution. I'm not entirely sure how to exactly say this, but Snopes only addresses half the truth and refutes it that way when it is convenient for them.

You're expecting liberals to use logic there my friend.

The line is that they only are against non-IRA dealers in order to maintain a monopoly on it, but they are concerned about their people, not money. It doesnt make much sense to me, I could put an argument together justifying it to some degree but Im more disposed to simply deny it without real proof. Even Vice didnt suggest that, after they had ran a negative piece on RAAD and their violent anti-drug tactics. They never once suggested that the republicans are selling drugs, and we all know Vice would have taken any opportunity they had to slander nationalist whites.

Sinn Fein are traitors, thats not the IRA. McGuinness is dead now, but in video related he actually calls the people still trying to achieve freedom the traitors, he calls the IRA the traitors. I was actually in the process of turning it into a webm because I couldnt fucking believe he had the nuts to call THEM the traitors.
Anti-white bullshit, the IRA does not go around killing random people you dont have to kill a random person on the street to attain membership. This is garbage, and report worthy. They are white nationalists, national socialists, and their opposition are pro-israel communist unionists, anti-nationalists etc. I think I can guess where youre from, and what you are.

3 minutes into the video.

forced him to do what?
fake and gay
filter larpers

From Deutsch/pol/.
We in Europe are not just "white" we have separate distinct nationalities. It doesn't help us to be called white tbh. It helps the cause of globalisation in their attempt to destroy borders and separate ethnic identities

so like, according to snopes
antifa = they want a communist revolution

Also BBC
British Broadcasting Communism

didn't his brother say he wanted the government to collapse?

could've been a fluke. just one guy supporting his habit claiming he was "forced to" by his org. going to check out the vice piece tonight. they don't kill randos but they do kill innocents. they are degenerate af. they are a mafia nothing more.

Yes, and we covered this the other day, youre traitors. Do you want me to go quote Goebbels about Hitler saying he sorely regrets the losses of the white race in Asia, speaking about England? Dont spread this anti-white garbage, and about NATIONAL SOCIALIST WHITES. Youre a fucking RACE TRAITOR.

Snopes is owned by Soros, of course it will bullshit or mud the waters over antifa shit.

Wew lad. You Yanks don't get it do you?
NATIONAL socialism. Take care of your own problems
I link you a pic from Deutsch/pol/ and you decide I am English. How do you know this?
In fact I'm Swiss German

Holy fuck you solved the mystery of the century. Who knew the ten day salute to sausage was about how many men are there, and not about partying and eating sausage. You have truly enlightened us. It's the scandal of the century! I have to run by town hall later. I'll make sure the city is made aware of the true meaning of the term "wurstfest." Then I'll go down to the park and protest out in front of the main entrance to wurstfest. I'm sure all the drunk tourists that have been pounding five dollar cups of beer since open will hear me over the sounds of carnival rides and polka bands. Hopefully I don't get attacked by an angry mob of old men in lederhosen.

I forget what thread it was in but someone brought up that a lot of you in the Detsch/pol/ are spreading anti-white sentiment at which point I dug up the quote by Goebbels from his diaries, saying Hitler himself "profoundly" I believe is the word - profoundly regrets the losses of the white race in asia, speaking about England, Goebbels going on to say however that it wasnt their fault. Yes, you do whats best for you, but you dont spread this anti-white bullshit that were not all in this struggle for survival together. Hitler cared about Europe too, youre spreading anti-white D&C and nothing less.

Mr. Willeford /ourboy/

Theres the quote, I dont have the page this time. Its around January 42.

make sure you dress up

Meant to post this

January 30th, at the end of the entry (its a long one). You can show that to the anti-whites who seem to disagree with Hitler and Goebbels.

Needs a SHITTED.COM added to it.

AHA! The Notorious Terrorist Mastermind!

Samael Al-Hayed!

Use this against normalfaggot liberals who are soft and don't like to think that Antifa are bad because they're "anti-fascist."

Do we have any confirmation on the antifa connection yet?

So a "militant" atheist. Wonder if he had a reddit acct. also why would an atheist marry a baptist?

Maybe she wasn't a baptist when they met?

Proof that he was part of that group? Not even your screenshot says he was part of that commie group unless I missed something.

Kinda makes sense, killing your wife because she threw away the fedora garbage and going after her church for revenge after getting cucked by Christianity. Thats some high level autistic screeching and rage.



Didn't he teach at a bible school or something years ago. He was married and was divorced before the discharge, then got remarried after correct?

Possibly he converted to atheism at some point after his discharge due to the failed relationship and domestic abuse charges?

absolute shitheads, why oh WHY doesnt shit like that get media attention

He was probably a dumbass who believed beliefs could be put aside in marriage.

I just heard about this on the radio,horrible! Anyone know anything how that 2 year old that got shit is doing?

Leftists are like coward school bullies


The DV alone strips him of his gun rights even if it's a misdemeanor. (((Lautenberg)))

kill yourself kike

Totally not a honeypot, goy- I mean guys!

Someone should make a social media archiver that archives everyone, their likes, their posts etc. Doesnt have to even save images.

Where the fuck are his ears?

You stop shilling your damn discord now or I'll get your mischling to leak on you again.

Right on, bud. Thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately it just archived the main page and not the pop up when you click the "about" button which is what contains the contacts.



Just fuck it
Get in and dump everything


Is there any substantial news yet? As a God fearing Texan this shit rattles me.

Let's not forget this isn't the first church shooting by a member of the Anti-American Confederation. They're doing us like civil rights days fellas.

i don't think there's going to be any more substantial news on this. they're just waiting to memory hole it now. fbi took it over so you'll never get any news about it from the police, and he's a fat atheist antifa faggot, so the media wants to memory hole it too. I would give it until next monday, then you won't see or hear about it anywhere anymore.

I wonder if Michelle Fields is related to James Fields in any way…

The muslims trolling the church's facebook page needs some concentrated autism applied to it.
Also the Pollack dude from CO who called for antifa to target churches on the antifa FB page on Nov 2 needs some attention.

that would be epic but fields is from california and she's a spic.
wikipedia says "raised" in california, was she even born in the U.S.? everything I can find suspiciously says "born in 1988" and "raised in california", leaving out exactly where she was born. The mother was born in honduras. Fields married a kike.

A connection between a CIAnigger and a media personality.

Redtext was a mistake, and so were you.


That faggot killed himself, at least this cuck actually tried to shoot some people.


Why is my birth year such a huge thing for these CIAniggers? Is it because of the digits?

Le gaytheism isn't a belief damage control on r/atheism is pretty insane. Hilarious to watch too.

All branches of the IRA are scum, fuck off. And before you say it, I'm not English, I'm from Northern Ireland.

White on White crime.
Holla Forums applauds.

I am sad.

Speaking of which, has that dude even had his first day in court? What did he plea?

user there is no south or north emerald isle that's the dichotomy that has you hating your fellow gaelics

good samaritan stopped the shooting with his own ar-15

He reminds me of the Der Untermensch

But I don't hate the Republic in the slightest. What I fucking despise are mystery meat yanks worshipping terrorists because they hear them call themselves nationalists and automatically assume that they're good.

blame the SAS for the school bombings because they admit they did them

Both sides did awful things. Disliking the IRA, as anyone sensible does, doesn't mean I'm fond of the UK.

dubs, I see your point however when the media hates a group and shits on them constantly I tend to side with the group over the media
sorry for off topic not trying to derail

lets' just fill up this one

Are all small town churches this comfy?

until an antifa-faggot shoots it up

Hahaha the earlobe shills are back.

IRA are cunts and not 'nationalists in any normal sense of the world. They are socialists and really left wing. They are nationalists who want only to impose socialism without interference from Britain who don't want a bunch of commies next door
This isn't National Socialism either
I have met niiggers/half castes with IRA tattoos from Belfast
IPLO and INLA were the same kind of extreme leftist shit

That's understandable and you'd be right to do that a lot of the time, but not in this case. Even southerners hate the IRA.

Here's an archive you nig nog