If I remember it right, every time the surface a portal is placed on moves forwards or backwards, the portal is closed...

If I remember it right, every time the surface a portal is placed on moves forwards or backwards, the portal is closed. And, the only time the portal is on a surface moving laterally, it stays open.

Unless I remember it wrong, is it safe to assume that portals can exist only on moving surfaces that aren't moving in the directions a portal is placed in?

the cake is a lie xddddd

Im a girl AND a gaymurr. Stay away silly boys


That is not canon, it's just using the same engine, it's hardly any proof.

You'd almost need a PhD to really know the answer to that question, user.
Here's a video of a physics professor talking about Portal 2.


da kake iz a ly :DDDDDDDDXDDDD

they are stationary from the point of view of each other.

This is borderline nitpicking on my end, but there's no such thing as perfectly stationary even if you observe 1 portal from the other's frame of reference

the blue/orange area is the possible margin of error.

Before any discussion on the implications of moving portals gets too far, I would like to remind everyone that it is extremely well established, and is indeed the fundamental principle of the gameplay, that portals DO NOT conserve momentum, even when both are stationary.

It isn't that Earth propagating through space away from some centre, it's that space is expanding between objects. Imagine a universe composed of the surface of a balloon with pennies glued onto it (only the surface of the balloon, no thickness; this is a 2-d theoretical universe), which is then inflated. All of the pennies get further away from one another, but none of them is actually moving across the surface. Furthermore, there is no "centre" to the balloon-universe's expansion either (there is a centre when considering the balloon as a whole in our 3-dimensional space, but this is not a part of the surface-universe we're considering). Note that the pennies (galaxies, planets, etc) don't expand like the rest of the universe, since other forces (electromagnetism, gravity) hold them together more strongly than inflation pulls them, apart.

Oh, and to be even more nitpicky, the sun isn't really orbiting the SMBH; the mass of the stars interior to Sol's orbit is several orders of magnitude greater than the black hole, so it's actually the sum of all of those that the sun orbits. The SMBH is basically irrelevant to the sun.

The tube cutting puzzle in portal 2 had moving portals

This thread reeks of gay theory I don't play videogames but I want the social status.

What a faggot.

Wasn't there something in portal 2 about how a portal can only be placed on a surface made out of moon rock?

it's pretty much a dead meme at this point, so kindly fuck off.

why would you take fictional video game, made by people who aren't scientists and who tried to make the game be more funny than anything, this seriously?


if i remember it right, you havent fully pressed the A button as long as youre just holding it down. and, the only time it counts as a full press is when youve released it.
unless i remember it wrong is it safe to assume that a half press from another stage can carry over to another?

An A press is an A press. There is no such thing as half!


Some people genuinely like to speculate, discuss and theorise, purely for the sake of curiosity. Not everything is about bashing people. Some genuinely enjoy discussion.

The only reason it's closed is because aperture doesn't want you solving shit incorrectly. It's supposed to be a limitation of the test.

(checking wasted dubs)
That meme never made sense. The cake isn't a lie. It is shown to you in the game itself. All of the faggots shouting "the cake is a lie" never finished it.

Fucking physicist.

You have never been to early Holla Forums, have you? Arguing for the sake of argument is one of the most fun things you can do.

There's a level in the first specifically made to demonstrate that you KEEP momentum.

The way the math works is a little more wonky.
You have to picture this:
I use " " because it's not actually a parallel dimension, it's our own.
So, you have a stationary portal. Let's say it's the blue one.

Before you even consider "object" moving through them, picture what happens when you try to move a portal.
If the orange portal moves, you're moving AN ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSE relative to our own.
Let's assume the mass of the universe is FUCKLOADS.
How much force do you need to move it with an acceleration of 5m/s^2
F=ma, so F= FUCKLOADS * 5
Thus you need FUCKLOADS of newtons, aka nearly Infinite energy. Not really infinite, just a large ammount.
Since the portal gun can't sustain that ammount, the portal collapses.

Now assumig that is true, we can solve the "object moving through equally moving portal".
Let's supose for a moment that it IS indeed pheasible to use a FUCKLOAD of energy to move the portal.
If the WHOLE FUCKING UNIVERSE moves, and it has momentum, the object is moving in the oposite direction with equal (in value) momentum. So when it crosses the portal… it falls.
Case closed.

Wait what?
Have you even played that game?

But you don't keep momentum. See the diagram. The exit velocity is completely different from the entrance velocity. That means the momentum changes too.

But F=dp/dt, and momentum is clearly discontinuous and non-differentiable across the event horizon, so we can't define a force associated with the change unless Newton's 2nd is invalid. And if that's the case any attempt to discern what happens is doomed.
Besides, force transmission across portal event horizons is unclear to say the least. Gravity obviously can't get through since you still fall vertically near portals. But light can go through them, so EM fields are transmissible. And since you get through without disintegrating into elementary particles, EM and the nuclear forces are also maintained.

Do you know what "completely" means?
Your momentum is not a scalar number. It's a vector. Sure, it has a diferent direction, but it keeps the same module.
When people say "you keep momentum", they mean "you keep the value of your momentum if it was projected onto a axis that is co-linear with itself". They just shorten it.
Ever heard someone say "if you take a downward slope, your momentum slightly increases in the X direction corresponding to a a certain cos function, and increases in the Y direction according to a sin function"?
You haven't? That's because real mathematicians know what the word CONTEXT means when talking with people that are not mathematicians. Unlike edgy neo-atheist like you who opened an "Algebra 101" book three days ago and think they're hotshit because they made it all the way to chaper 2.

Tell me, are you one of those autists that goes around screaming at people to stop using the word "weight" and change it to "mass" instead?
You're not gonna make a lot of friends that way.

Also, instead of considering momentum, here's a much better way to think about it.

You have an object on point A. It moves to point B instantaniously. Because it entered a portal at point A and exited at point B.
Let's supose those points are 5 meteres apart.
What was the speed of the object?
V= d / t V = 5 / 0 V = ∞
That's it. That instantaneous speed it had was ∞.
How much energy do you need to apply to something to acheieve that speed if the object has a 5 kg mass?
E=mv^2 E = 5*(∞)^2 E = ∞
Infinite energy.

No matter how you look at it, portals require either:
a)INFINITE ammount of energy
b)A diferent, unexplained method of energy transformation
c)A quantic state that applies to the whole universe and colapses onto a single state when the portals close

You ask me, option C is the closest one. Unfortunately, it's the one where Math also goes bonkers and I'd rather shoot myself in the mouth then apply Classic Mechanical Physics too.
You know why? Because Classic Mechanical Physics is at best, a very good aproximation to how shit works at a macro level.
Take atrition for instance. You could study it at an atomic level. Diferent electronic clouds from each atom interacting and replusing each other.
Let's make math to calculate 39475384765^3234234 atoms gliding against 34573864537^765873 atoms.
Or, we can do some lab test, develop a model that comes 99.9999994376% close and call it a day.
Because when you're designing a no-slip rug, you don't give a shit about atomic forces, you just want to know that rubber is good shit for friction.

What they really mean is "speed is conserved between portals". But speed probably sounded less scientific and cool than momentum, so they used momentum instead. They're computer scientists, not physicsts.

Stop LARPing as a woman, faggot.

With well placed portals would I literally be able to fuck myself?

of course, you massive cocksucking faggot

Imagine getting to take someone's cock with you wherever you go via portal :3

We already have a better version of that as a doujin. And if you don't know it then holy fuck what kind of newfag are you.

Doujinshi are no substitute for one's own imagination user-kun o3o

The main problem with that is the fact that if you move your hips forward to thrust, your ass moves away at the same speed. So you could penetrate yourself, but not really fuck yourself.

Unless the surfaces the portals are on can move. Which brings us back to the OP question!

while I only got the game after it went up for free one day, I have heard that it originally did not have the cake at the end. They added it later

how come the portals even exist in the game if the earth spins and travels through space

Negative, what was added later were the eyeballs around the cake turning on after the cake's candle was extinguished, and the party robot dragging you back inside.

Portals will only stay on stationary objects relative to itself.