Seiken Densetsu 3
Your favorite JRPG
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Mother 3
Got a good laugh out of that one.
Chrono trigger though, its hard to match
Xanadu Next
Chrono Trigger or Breath of Fire 3.
BoFV :^)
I don't have a particular JRPG that i consider the greatest, since western RPG games are superior.
But Fragile Dreams has a special place in my heart.
citation needed
Best post-Gamecube Nintendo game
Xanadu Next
My favorite games lul
Does Brandish count?
i like the puzzles in that game
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete for PS1
I don't see why it wouldn't
does the SNES ver have dela mode?
At least say Brandish Renewal if you like the older gameplay style, the SNES version is objectively the worst version of the game.
this is a vidya music thread right?
Probably Wild Arms 3 or the Shadow Hearts + Shadow Hearts: Covenant duology. Also really fond of Tales as well (Eternia, Symphonia, and Vesperia being among favorites there, but I also really liked Abyss and Xillia 2).
Admittedly though my backlog is huge, even just looking at JRPGs. Plenty I still need to give a go for the first time, even classic "must play" ones.
Chrono Trigger. I know it's very simple, but it's simplicity done well.
Yeah, I do have to say that one has certainly managed to stand the test of time. Well animated, expressive sprites, excellent music, a neat take on combat where combo attacks actually feel like proper teamwork, a simple but timeless tale, and a generally lovable cast. First played it a few years back and found it really enjoyable. Makes me glad that the DS port was pretty good (especially after the loading issues I hear the prior PS1 port had), considering I tend to like having actual copies of games I enjoy when feasible, and I'd much rather pay something like $15 for the DS one rather than $80 or more for the SNES original.
Kingdom Hearts, Tales of …, and Final Fantasy.
Didn't the DS version also fix some of the "quirks" of the original translation, like Frog speaking in old English even though no one else from his time period does?
Is there a good, definitely worth playing Tales of game that I can emulate? Like for PS1 or sooner?
Its better to do something simple well, then to do something fancy poorly. Execution is most important.
Also, its a shame that ova didn't get picked for a series.
I really did like that game. It did a good job at atmosphere and combat was serviceable.
you people disgust me.
You may need a translation patch (unless you can read japanese or just don't mind), but the very first game has a remake on PS1, so that might be a good starting point if you want that particular system.
There's also Tales of Destiny, the first one released overseas, but the English version has a few problems, namely gutting the skit system and thus half the plot and almost all the voice acting is gone. I do not know if there is a translation for it.
Lastly, there's Tales of Eternia, the third PS1 game, which is also available overseas. It's renamed Tales of Destiny 2 over here, which got fucking confusing because they made an ACTUAL Destiny 2 later on PS2 (which never left Japan). I do not know much about Eternia, particularly if the overseas release butchers anything like Destiny did.
Anyways, that's three solid options right there on PS1 alone. You're bound to like one of them, I'd wager.
okay, fair, but on average JRPGs tend to be superior to WRPGs
Stopped there
Shingi Meigatsu 5
yes, it's a retranslated script
everyone in the medieval era has a somewhat refined way of speaking but none of them, Frog included, speak in ye olde english
the people of the prehistory era are more expressive in their dialogue too, while still maintaining a primitive tone
That's you
Suikoden is really good(even 4 isn't bad), I just think there other JRPGs outshine it.
Is the part where Ayla implies she's bisexual and says Marle's breasts are too small to feed babies still censored?
Also, my favorite RPG would have to be Mother 3.
yeah, the bit about the breasts is still censored, but the implied bisexuality is there. This is one you might want to cut them some slack on
Hipster faggot detected
why the fuck did you even come here
Might as well
That's a bit odd. Why leave one part uncensored but not another?
Yeah, it's at least better than the SNES version. If worse comes to worst, I can just play the fan re-translation.
Ni No Kuni was fucking magical. A bit slow at the start but otherwise its amazing. Post game mindfucked the shit out of me too.
No question, I'm sure.
As far as the really early games go, Phantasia PS1 and Eternia are pretty fun, the latter is a good bit more fluid though. You could also look into the Gamecube version of Symphonia as well. Not to say much bad about Destiny, but it's a bit hard to go back to, and there is a fan translation in the works for the apparently great Director's Cut of the PS2 remake.
Eternia is admittedly missing the skits in English (Symphonia was the first to have them intact, albeit unvoiced), but to my knowledge that's all that was cut, and given the way the hint system is voice and portrait only, I have to wonder if the skits might have had no actual text to translate. it's worth remembering at the time of the PS1 version being brought west, Destiny had done really poorly out here prior, so they may not have wanted to make what could have been deemed extra effort (and with Eternia bombing in sales as well, I don't think we'd have gotten anymore games here if Nintendo hadn't opted to cover ToS for Namco). I have read in an old review though that the localization director had mentioned they were going to do their best to ensure script accuracy for the English release, and aside from a few niggles here and there ("Sekundes Corridor" clearly should have been "Sekundes Collider," being a variant of of Dhaos Collider/Dhaos Blast from Phantasia) it struck me as pretty solid.
Yeah. Frog no longer speaks Ye Olde English, but still has a very polite manner to him, fitting the idea of him being a knight.
I still need to play them sometime myself. Heard pretty good things about most aside from Suikoden IV (though I know there's one user that's made a big deal about calling the notion that "Suikoden I and II are good" to just be a meme; haven't seen him around in a while though).
I thoroughly expect some people just have a "Don't discuss games/subgenres I don't like on my board" mindset. Though admittedly JRPGs aren't for everyone.
I remember considering looking into it myself, but from what I saw in discussions with other anons it was apparently rather hit or miss with players (I think AI issues were the biggest issue, or something if memory serves). Still, it's pretty fucking cheap these days, so maybe I ought to pick up a copy.
I've wondered that with Wild Arms 2. I mean, I can get why at the time they might have opted to change Caina from a guy to a girl since he was gay for his boss in the Japanese version, but they left what are clearly fade-to-black sex scenes, including one of incest, intact in the US version of the game (meanwhile PAL never got the game at all).
Mother 3 / Chrono Trigger
Probably this game.
for what purpose
I just can't take you seriously when you say your favorite JRPG isn't for a legacy system, that's all.
The DS is a legacy system tho.
Seriously tho, why are you shitposting in your own thread?
Ah, to be a young lad again using ZSNES's graphical layer removal to spy on Angela's nude sleeping sprite
The one with the annoying girl sidekick and the gay emo main character.
Always good to see fellow Shadow Hearts fans around. Wish there were more people around to discuss it with on average here (been working on some infographics to hopefully spark a bit more interest from some that haven't given them a go yet), but like a number of other now dormant/dead JRPG series, there's little warrant to making specific threads about it individually.
I kinda feel like a shitty fan though because, as much as i love SH1-3
(yeah, 3 isnt great by any means, but i had fun with it), I just cannot get into Koudelka, for some reason
4chan is fucking here. Prepare for war.
Most nostalgic:
The gameplay was extremely watered down and bland, and I don't care for Ghibli art style, but the game's atmosphere and the added touches of immersion like that big book you can consult really made up for it.
I can't say it's one of the best, but it really was incredibly charming.
Yes please. I'm already aware of the series via bits of the soundtrack I've heard on YT.
I played Koudelka first as far as the series goes, and it may have helped that I knew what I was getting into with it (same with FtNW; it's not my favorite, but I still find it pretty fun). It's best to treat it as its own thing from a gameplay standpoint, though lorewise it does fit in to the series canon as the earliest entry. I will admit that it's not a game for everyone (though I think it got treated a bit unfairly in official reviews when it came out).
Here's them as work in progress samples. Still trying to figure out the best way to resole some issues, since unfortunately the second one is wall of text-ish.
Are you me you faggot
Dragon Quest is really fantastic for the most part. V is one of the best games I've ever played. One thing that gets overlooked about it is how well it uses the silent protagonist concept. Nothing else I've played comes close.
Also, Chrono Trigger is basically a Dragon Quest game with a Final Fantasy game shoved up it's anus like a dildo.
finally someone understands why i say CT is overrated shit
I wasn't saying it's a bad thing. I actually really like Chrono Trigger because it has all the good aspects of DQ and FF, and filters out the rest.
Chrono Trigger is indeed overrated, but it's certainly not shit.