An interesting flurry of infighting and jockeying to associate their "brands" with the "It's OK to be white" fliers could be observed these last 24 hours among the so-called "alt-right". It started with Milo trying to sell shirts featuring the flier text, while Dickie Spencer flailed wildly to claim the fliers were the brainchild of Identity Europa. Enoch and Millenial Matt fought hard to upset Milo's marketing efforts with their own version of the same shirt. Later, Fash the Nation claimed that Mike Enoch was actually the originator of the fliers, having been behind a campaign a year ago using a similar phrase. It seems that everyone is desperate to capitalize on and claim authorship of these fliers.
TRS claims IOKTBW fliers are brainchild of Kike Enoch, Spencer attributes them to IE
Other urls found in this thread:,
Oops, forgot to embed.
Typical kike tricks.
Bloody kike cunts. Fuck reddit for getting them where they are now and I hope they rip each other apart. Instead of the reactions to the posters being the focus of the media it's going to be these alt-kike fuck heads.
You should webm that shit.
Literal kikes taking credit for and profiteering from grass roots white identity movements. Color me shocked.
its only a matter of time before one of these kikes files a copyright.
These people are parasites. Still like Milo. But they're fucking parasites.
Richard Spencer should be lynched for the good of white people.
White Nationalism "saving the White Race".
this is pathetic who cares about credit?
on that note its time for "It's okay to be an Religion of Cuck™ophobe" fliers
Dont sage it, this could backfire on them big time. Holla Forums is bigger than they are. They leech off us, not the other way around.
Is there a way to file a null copyright, like, to copyright something as open source or something, without tying it to a specific person?
eceleb holocaust when?
Would this apply to those fliers?
I actually think it is already public domain?
## What is the public domain?
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Thanks for this
It's about them turning "it's okay to be white" into just another cuckservative thing. Jewish faggot Milo is selling shirts.
Its not time for anything, this campaign is just starting and the normiesphere hasnt even really been dented by it. I bet less than 5% of America has heard about these posters. Keep pushing.
Mike Enoch had a segment a few weeks ago where he said, “the fliers we put up are meant to be benign, so there can be a media chimp out to something inoffensive.”
Not saying he came up with the fliers, but this idea has been floating around for awhile.
no, they just consider Holla Forums to be altright.
Yea well, if anyones going to steal credit for that entire idea it goes to AV. This poster campaign was Holla Forums, and its been attributed to us by the media and people on social media. There was even a counter campaign by antifa, if you havent been around.
you're welcome user
i was half asleep when i first read the op
absolutely continue this campaign but there are several iterations that can be started as well like; "it's okay to criticize jews"
With time, of course. Its a natural part of the meme spread cycle for variants to be created.
I thought they considered us "antifa" back when Mike's wife was an issue
What did you expect?
Here's a real protip: If you want credit for something, don't do it on an anonymous imageboard. Just be glad that this is spreading.
Stupid fucking retards. Your shirt isn't your twitter bio. This thing is bigger than you. You want to turn the fight for the European people's existence into chanology. Next thing you know there'll be a bunch of fat greasy neckbeards with these t-shirts taking selfies and hashtagging kekistan.
You know what was winning the culture war? Anonymous autists with spare time and cruel humor. Not faggy marches. Not acting like a retard in public. Not doing interviews with VICE and HuffPo.
These retards make me so fucking mad. I don't know if they're just stupid narcissists or they're deliberately trying to sink the ship by tying every pro-white political movement to eceleb drama and closeted con artists. Stop turning our race into a brand, you soulless socialites.
>(((Kike Enoch))) putting echoes around (((Milo Fagopolis)))
That's basically claiming "we endorse fliers, we've put up fliers before, so your fliers are our idea" – and that's absurd. He can't claim credit when he didn't participate in the creation, or put up a single flier. They're obviously riding something because its getting attention, trying to develop credit by association.
No they dont, they consider rightist libertarians to be alt-right, which is what they are. They merely larp, in their own words, and I guess you could say appropriate national socialist symbols like when you see a libertarian saying "Hail victory!". They are as genuine in their National Socialism as Hitler was in pic related when he chose marxist socialist symbols in order to provoke.
Found this on cuckpol.
Enoch's a heeb. Of course he's going to take credit, both to bolster his own false image of credibility and to derail IOTBW. He's probably assmad at (((Milo))) just because he got beaten to the punch at monetizing it.
So what I don't understand is why these kike's are allowed even have a platform in the first place, why has nobody tried to remove them??
Who cares ?
if anything, this is good.
NOT because alt-kikes are good in any way, but the message still triggers the shit out of nonwhites and was never supposed to be some kind of Holla Forums trademark.
This is good because this puts the propaganda mashine on overdrive and spreads the message even further.
How? Outside of murder all you can really do is expose them for being shysters.
Because you're going to steal it and sign youre name to it, right faggot?
Just be glad you're selling shirts?
Its not that its spreading. Its that kike controlled opposition are taking credit because they seek to marginalize our impact as the real opposition. Youre either a shill, or retarded. Im guessing you have a VPN, so I guess all I can say is KYS and make the report anyways.
Audible kek
You don't need to murder some one to remove them but just rough them up, you know like actually show the kikes who us running the game, it wouldn't be hard to do at all and I feel that I would only take one incident to scare them off
Everyone, pay attention to this post, because it sums up the essence of the alt-right eceleb mindset. From the very beginning, these parasites were nothing, normies with no clue, no original ideas, no trend to get in on and claim ownership of. Then word started to spread that imageboards were a "thing", that there was this creative underground, an untapped resource just waiting for someone to come along and re-package it for a wider audience, to put their name on it and create "the next big thing". That's what all these alt-right faggots have always done – then they have the balls to turn around and tell the people they plagiarize:
Meanwhile, they distort and ruin those ideas, because in their truly radical form, these ideas are dangerous. It should be clear by now that these frauds do nothing but try to sell your ideas back to you. They say you're "basement dwelling NEETs", that you need to take their advice and let them represent you if you want to succeed. In reality, they'd be normies no one listens to without your ideas to slap their names and logos on. They've treated you like a sweatshop for memes from the beginning. Nothing they promote is their own creation (except themselves). It's time you realized that YOU ALREADY LEAD THE Right, that you always did, and these people haven't done shit to improve on a good thing.
I believe Millenial Matt when he says he's making 0 profit off the shirts. He might be a namefag eceleb but I've never seen anything come from him that indicates he isn't ourgoy
It doesn't matter who gets the credit. The cause is bigger than our egos.
and that kike faggot milo needs to be hanged.
It's the price you pay for being ANONYMOUS FAGGOTS.
Deal with it.
Every time these parasite try to "speak for our cause" they alter it to fit their personal agenda. If you don't see the problem with that, and clearly you don't, you're probably out to do the same.
Are you seriously defending a bunch of larping morons like Kike Enoch and Tricky Dicky here?
This is exactly why these kike's should not be allowed to have a platform, people's shouldn't stand for this type of bullshit all it does is bastardize pro white movements for money, this should not be allowed to happen
And pic related is the price you pay for being a namefag. Boo hoo. Deal with it, nigger.
Other way around: This is how greedy kikes expose themselves.
That's a perfectly reasonable way to look at it. I just wish you had the nerve to go tell Kike Enoch and Dicky spencer this instead of posting it here. This is basically "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes at you" tier posting.
GTFO, sack up, and go tell your precious ecelebs to stop taking credit for shit they didn't come up with
Fucking unbelieveable jewishness
If those kikes credibility doesnt now finally die in the eyes of the world then the jews will eternally blind the people from the truth.
These kikes are doing exactly what they're meant to do, and that's act as controlled opposition, steal and co-opt everything we do so that we stop doing whatever it is that's effective in order to distance ourselves from them. Not sure what the correct course of action is but clearly this is effective.
How about remove the problem? That's the perfect place to start
I heard it was the guys over on Ebaumsworld…
lol it's always the same shill memes on rotation:
Do you think people here are stupid enough to be swayed by that shit?
Fuck your d&c
like fucking clockwork
Absolutely, but it gets even worse because not only are they going to take credit for shit they didn't know about until after the operation was launched and well public, they are going to try and attach their names to the campaign and be figureheads. Look at the posters in - not necessarily a bad effort I guess, but they're shit for not understanding that less is more, but even shittier for having American Vanguard with their name logo and website attached to it. It stops being a political statement at that point and starts being an ad for some group. What grabs people's attention about IOTBW is primarily that there's no attached motivation or group to the sign itself; all the viewer can get is that somebody somewhere out there felt strongly enough to put in the effort to go and post those flyers to make a clear political statement with zero ulterior/profit based motives. Oh sure the media can say 'people from the internet did this!' but nobody gives a fuck, it's not on the poster and we as a group do not have a face to attach to it. In the reports all that people can see is the poster with an innocuous phrase, and the media and leftists inexplicably calling it racist. Now, mark my words Spencer the fucking faggot is going to give interviews and give the media the face they so desperately need to associate it with, and in doing so they will have their hook to discredit the project with. Again, they can say it's Holla Forums or 4chan or whatever but the normalfags don't understand that - they understand faces and people and not amorphous internet hiveminds, it's not a concept that means anything to them thus it makes no difference even if the kikes report it's Holla Forums to blame, the message is the only thing that makes it through to them.
Up until now I had a lingering disgust for the alt-kike, but just now I finally saw the true damage they're actually doing to us. I feel nothing but seething hatred and rage for them, these shitheads are as deserving of being lined up against the wall and shot as any of the major kikes you would care to list. They are quite likely our single biggest problem right now.
Try harder.
Fuck your d&c shareblue.
David is going to take you for some ping pong
Jesus Christ these (((people))) truly are the biggest kikes around, like something out of a bad comedy about shitty salesmen
You are horrendously bad at your work.
TRS is already busy trying to change them, to remake them as "thiers". They'll predictably ruin them, because they don't get the idea in the first place. Simplicity, innocence. They just want an excuse to write their name on it, even if they sabotage it in the process. Useless cunts.
It's nice to see that the alt-kike damage control skills haven't improved since the second Jimpact.
This. It's using tactical logic fallacy (genetic fallacy) to destroy our propaganda efforts by tying our work to them and neutralizing it.
Lol this is the worst display of shilling ever
Are you really the best they.can come up with?
We have won. You are not even remotely close to competition.
Reported for horrible shareblue faggotry
Namefags are always cancer and will always disrupt work. They add nothing and are only here for personal gain.
DON'T ATTACH FACES AND NAMES TO THINGS, RETARDS. If any TRS faggots are reading this somehow, stop trying to claim everything like you're fucking Isis. It only fucks things up. Even if you do something and it gains traction, don't say it was you. Say it was a good thing. Applaud it all you want. Just don't take credit for anything. This isn't boyscouts. You don't win by having the most badges.
Karbon Light (the font in the fliers) is a commercial font and Milo probably doesn't have the rights to it. The people who made the font could sue him if they chose to do so.
Hey fag if they ever come to my city/state they will be dealt with that's a fact and same needs to be said else were, I'm not advocating violence or anything retarded but at the same time if they're poisoning the well something needs to be done what ever that may be, they have to know that they can't subvert anything
This is why traitors get the rope first.
These people clearly are not serving our interests but instead undermine it all.
That's nice, boyo, but this is an 18+ board, yeah?
heil'd and checked
Good thing that happened over a decade ago for me but nice try fag, see being impotent and too afraid to stand up for yourself and your people is exactly why these kikes are allowed to do what they do and that should not be acceptable
I'm calling someone out for defending TRSodomites, of course I don't think they will
I bet you call this place "Antifachan" when you visit your good friends at the gay bath house
Bear in mind, they also lied about Ghoul being a faggot. Here's the thread about it
TRSIDF is in full swing today. At least you remembered to sage
I'm just glad you stupid queers have graduated from "Everyone that doesn't worship our ecelebs is antifa" to "Everyone that doesn't worship our ecelebs is shareblue"
The font on Milo's shirt is different, check the apostrophe for example. I'm no fontfag though so I don't know which one he used.
Oh boy, are you a woman?
Or are you just too dumb to understand about anonymous imageboards and social shaming?
You can't stop us.
You're going to die
First fagmilo now jimpacted kike enok and little dicky spen$er. What a bunch of parasites. You trs fags are also to blame for continuing to feed them with gibs. Cant wait to see this blow up in their face like they always.
I came up with it 5 years ago on cuckchan.
This every meme needs to be anonymous in origin
By trying to take ownership of it you are only showing your kippah
This is the sweet scent of sorosmonies burning.
I love it
I’ve filtered at least 15 different shill IDs from this thread so far. It gets small pretty quick.
I don't think your boss will be happy to hear that.
Of course it is. It's cuck phrasing. It's better to be white, kikes.
Still, the salt must flow. Nothing wrong with turning the kike's tool against him.
It's pure PR cuckery.
So instead of moving this conversation forward in a positive direction about how to better deal with this kike subversion you would rather attack some one who is advocating for such a thing? Got it filtered
This has been a public service announcement by your resident rabbi.
Identify, Adapt, Overcome
These control opp faggots think they have the upper hand in getting us to stop our op, but they cant see through their own hubris and realize that we are the ones wo have won this by forcing their hand to coop our memes. This happening is just another example of how powerful the memes Holla Forums creates are.
Literally allwe have to do is let these dogs sperg out over Holla Forumss successful op while we move to the next op with it in mind that they will eventually coop the meme, and smith the meme in a way that when they coop it, it will only blow up in their faces, like a trap card, or like the gun that explodes in the criminals face when it doesnt recognize their fingerprints in Judge Dredd.
We must get back on our feet fast and think quickly if we are to achieve victory.
Didn't (((Enoch))) mock the 5 words for being to mundane or something like that?
/We/ have such a strange effect on outsiders. Here, the dreaded Neo-Nazi Alt-Right got a look at the single, solitary good idea Holla Forums has had in its entire sad existence :^), and they instantly go full-Jew and start wringing each others' punams for the shekels and the infamy.
Fuck these fame whores. If any journalists from some faggot MSM shitrage happen to be lurking, trying to pierce the veil of why we're so fucking awesome, here it is: We're strictly anonymous here. We don't seek fame, we shun it. For all any of you faggots know, I could be Based OP, or I could be Milo with a black dick up his ass right now. It's the ideas and concepts that matter, not the people. People let you down as everybody here has learned the hard way.
Tl;dr: Fuck these namefags. They will felch each other for scraps and become even bigger laughingstocks among us. We will move on to the next stage of our 6 million-step plan to colonize spacewith whites.
They know you always do the opposite of what jews say so they are playing it now. Anons need to watch for that crap more.
Protip: Every step is a dead jew
It's not cuck-phrasing. It's bait. If you look on /cargo-cult/, they know it's bait and have a whole thread about the best way to respond to it. Normalfag lefties aren't as familiar with bait. We're netting a huge amount of fish.
How was my reply in any way, shape, or form shilling? Is there a single person left on this board that even knows what the fuck a shill even is? You niggers cry about the board being unusable because of the nonstop cancer without even sitting there and wondering why the fuck it got like this in the first place. Lemme do a quick favor for you and look up what shill is, maybe the other underaged tryhards that took over can gain a modicum of awareness while we're at it
Yeah I'm sure the kikes sold you on that whole fisher's of men crap. It's bait for you to join the muh pr tribe.
Don't let your ego get in the way of a good idea.
Hell look at all the sperging over "NO TOUCH DA POWSTAWS GOY" that is going on for evidence of the kikes scurrying in the walls.
Anyone have that source that shows for them how Fash doesn't stand for fascism, but actually for libertarian bullshit?
If you saw what I said earlier about letting the salt flow (even though it's a cuck phrase and better to be white) you wouldn't even mention ego, faggot.
Kikes false-flagging, stealing content, hoaxing, infighting, purposefully being counter-productive and looking bad, and peddling for shekels.
What else to expect from the Alt-Kike?
Fuck off, user was clearly using the image solely to illustrate his point of
Fucking learn to interpret subtext.
Don't let the kikes control it. Do whatever you can with it to create salt. fuck the PR
Holy shit you are an ignorant fag. I'm puzzled by how many idiots can't grasp the idea behind this campaign.
And it's a bullshit argument that has no substance. I told you why. The only one caught by this is you.
Use it but acknowledge it comes from the kikes.
Hi kike er mike!
I was mostly neutral on the "Alt-Right" personalities like Enoch, Spencer, and Heimbach… even after C-ville, but this is unforgivable.
Frankly, the best service they could render at this point in time is "martyrdom"; before they perpetuate any more of this petty faggotry
I'm hoping another bernout with an itchy trigger finger and, hopefully, better aim takes them out
Typical tricks, TRS
Wow this is the first of your posts that doesn't contain the word "kikes".
So now these people are all Jews?
Your "argumentation" insults everyone's intellect here and it's blatantly obvious that you are an impulsive, low IQ retard. Basically a nigger. A true untermensch. Go fuck yourself.
Happened here first I watched it brew (Pretty sure). News even credited reddit . Its a ploy to get real perp to out himself.
cold,but I thought it was a Christian meme.the fish
First day? Where did christianity come from? Take your time, there is no hurry on this test.
I dont give a fuck about this infighting drama bullshit. We can have autist infighting sessions after the day of the rope. Until then all it does is d&c us. Especially with other groups outside of Holla Forums
Why won't you name the jews Enoch?
Bill Plomfeneg claims QTDDTOT are the brainchild of Darryl Ellier, Darryl says this shit is retarded.
I agree, but the problem is Holla Forums isn't going and fucking with other groups. They're fucking with our ops, and when we get pissed they yell "FUCKING 14/88 LARPERS GO WATCH ANIME IN YOUR BASEMENT YOU NECKBEARDS" while happily taking the content Holla Forums produces and slapping their logo and pricetags on them.
We are going to fuck these guys up. When the hammer falls they'll be fucking destroyed from the inside out, as they are all Protocol 11 slaves of the jews, and thus have blackmail chains. It's why the jew is promoting them.
Except Mike Enoch is a jew; Tricky Dick is a homosexual FSB agent; and Milo is a fag jew gay married to a nigger. We just can't stop calling the controlled opposition jewish because -drumroll please- they're fucking jewish!
…although to be fair the article linked in the OP does sort of link the alt-right to this campaign but it still explicitly credits 4/pol/ for coming up with it.
What's going to really fuck their noggins is when the payloads on those dank memes they "created" finally drop.
If it had started with pEiNOviCH, the posters would have read
Fuck these kikes.
Wrong. It could be considered PR cuckery if it was coming from a group or organization as a political stance, however it is not. This is an op to point out (((leftist))) retardation, nothing more.
I'm failing to see the problem. "Stealing" good ideas is what political groups have been doing since forever and while I hate the alt-kikes, this complete rejection of IRL name activism makes no sense.
The cuckchan newfags(the vast majority of this thread) claiming that this is the best thing Holla Forums has came up with really need to lurk moar.
Very good post, you're describing Spic Fuentes perfectly.
Linking the IOKTBW op to specific groups/organizations, adding logos, etc. reduces the effectiveness of it. And allowing known buffoons (Spencer and Peinovich) to take credit for the op definitely reduces it's effectiveness.
I thought the problem was that TRS wasn't PR enough?
I wish nu-pol learn the meaning of the words they throw around.
I agree but this was always going to happen(see unconnected Milo).
Confession time: until just now, I thought Spencer and Milo and co weren't necessarily all that bad because they were providing a good stepping stone into right wing political thought, and got people talking about issues they were previously too afraid to mention. But this shit has just changed all that. This has really hit home for me just how corrupt this kikery truly is. Any person motivated by genuine, sincere reasons will not stoop to claiming undue credit nor argue over who's idea it was.
This isn't about them stealing idea. It's about jews presenting themselves as saviours of whites, which they do over and over again with their shitty alt-right crap. Fuck the kikes, their very existence is harming everyone, not just whites.
That's not even vaguely what he was getting at. It seems like you're only here to muddy the waters and start shit. You're not very good at it. I hope you're not being paid.
Why do you think they are bitching so much about how normies receive it? They kvetch for days about any changes to (((the message))) that aren't pure cuck. It is more than ok to be white.
The kikes keep pushing a false dichotomy. I say use it all. If the kikes over at reddit want PR give it to them and then some. Don't stop where the kike draws the line.
Most saw them as nothing more than useful idiots at best and controlled op at worst. They want to own it, we can sink them with it. They know this which is why they don't want changes. Any edgier and they will have their matzo rations halved.
Did you mean "disassembles"?
I can't reply if I don't know what you mean.
Specifically what?
Which dichotomy?
Normies or Alt-kikes? I don't visit reddit.
Use your words.
I wish you stupid queers wouldn't make things up. The problem with TRSodomites is that they are phony. They are Frank Collin-tier
No one comes close to Frank Collin-tier.
You type like you are doing earlobe spacing but without the
so fucking kys
Spotted the TRSodomite. Reminder that all of the infighting began when you faggots came to our site for months after getting caught shilling our site
Bitch harder Schlomo, you're not going to be able to stop this now. White guilt as a concept died three days ago, which you will see play out before your eyes in the coming weeks and months. And there is not a single damn thing you can do to stop it. Your centuries-old plan to convince white people to let themselves be exterminated is now dead and buried, and it was done in 5 words. Get fucked.
How about you get back into the oven you came from
Kinda Like what Holla Forums is doing right now, ITT.
Holla Forums isn't arguing over who's idea it was. most of Holla Forums is arguing that we shouldn't tie names, faces, or groups to this. It's most powerful as a simple five-word memetic device. IRL groups with shit to prove should stop trying to make it a tagline for their upcoming book.
I'm sooo glad we have these two acting as the official spokespersons of the white race.
6 words
We're doings things IRL such as unironically fundraising for the SPLC.
What? You trying to tell me what I can and can't do on an anonymous image board?
Who cares?
Seriously if you are not a shill and are occupying yourself with this please kys
I recognize that "humor". Weird twitter goon shit like "freeze peach". Once some anons suggested we pull something like that but nothing ever came of it.
If you fuckers actually listened to their podcasts, you'd know that TRS has been working on this campaign for weeks.
You just feel intimidated because they know how to put the chans to work for them.
I don't give a fuck about trs but this endless shilling against them and spencer like its some sort of fracture point to make us fight them is fetting both old and tiring
The funny thing about this all is that TRS knows that they are blatantly ripping off our content. They know that it's us that came up with this. They are here deliberately attempting to deceive us on this issue.
They are blatantly defending Mike Enoch lying about this to steal our content. These unoriginal faggots are stealing our shit and claiming that they made it up
Here is the thread archive from their forum:
Jesus Christ. Shills all over the fucking board. A whole pile of (1)s just showed up in every single thread I'm lurking roughly of this quality.
Bullshit, see this
You faggots know you didn't come up with it. Take your attempt at gaslighting us and go fuck yourself with them
Fuck you TRS
Reported for defending jews.
Enjoy your ban TRSodomite.
You fucking retard need to realize the following:
No one cares
Get a new schtick
I just made this, need feedback, go ahead, punch me in the face with criticism, I love getting shit on.
kys, thief
The fuck is this shit?
Go back to your AIDS bog TRShill, this is a National Socialist board and your kind isn't welcomed here.
funnily enough we unknowingly already have the perfect counter to this tactic
if the ecelebs wish to get shekels out of watreing down our memes, we give them the old gen barrison treatment
make everything they associated with, first and foremost their face filled with our worst
so that any google search will display a page of our modification before their own, at which point the ecelebfag reputation is too ruined for normie shekels
they want our memes let them drown in it
you just need a handfull of autists willing to commit to it
Reported for blatant shilling.
muh trs
Any last words before you get banned again TRSodomite?
It is truly a mystery as to why nobody like the TRS fags.
I love that you went into full sperg mode after
Doesn't matter. The idea has spread into the brains of normalfags and will continue to do so. Credit is irrelevant. What matters is that people keep being exposed to the anti-white hypocrisy of the status quo.
While factually true, fuck giving them the satisfaction.
It really doesn't matter. The campaign is effective and needs to continue. Anybody throwing a shitfit over who "gets credit" is a shill trying to shut it down.
It was obviously Holla Forums but the various ecelebs are naturally trying to make a power grab over it, which is why said ecelebs are shit. The "alt-right" still doesn't have anything resembling semi-decent leadership. They're all degenerate drama queens.
OP mentioned what they are doing. They are associating the message with themselves. This is what leaders and celebrities do to gain popularity and keep it.
Sauce on the kikess?
Is this their lame attempt at trolling/raiding? Or are they being serious in trying to shill on Holla Forums?
It's kike enoch's wife.
Nobody is doing that. People are pointing out that allowing buffoons like Spencer and Peinovich to overtly take credit for this will ultimately result in the whole thing losing effectiveness. PLus, I guarantee they will fuck it all up.
Who is Kike Enoch's jew wife?
Caught red handed this time you stupid lying faggots
And hopefully the new right will learn from this to pick their leaders based on actual virtue and merit instead of "LOOK AT THIS BASED TRANNY/HOMO, NOBODY CAN CALL US RACIST IF THEY REPRESENT US!!!"
This is what you get. This is what you deserve if you supported these retards.
i'm still waiting for the mods to ban these faggots.
Probably both. It's sad because I've seen literal autists do a better job at both shilling and raiding.
It's obvious why the shills are
'''but why the fuck are regular Holla Forumsacks bumping a d&c thread?
Report and hide.
And then another 15 of the rancid J-left from Shareblue pop up again ranting from their D&C script.
What is it about TRS and Richard Spencer they are so butthurt about?
what is so bad with dividing ourselves from literal cancer? I mean just look at your fucking posts.
post 1
you are the literal fucking cancer nigger. gtfo.
Huh, what am I supposed to do in regards to this thread?
10 out of 10 post
how so?
i'm not the one from trs here, you already have a shitty website, fuck off back there, I don't need to go anywhere you faggot.
Filter and report TRSodomites.
You've been fucking CAUGHT and fuck ALL of you
They’re fucking up. Getting a little too wound up, I’d say.
It’s a sign they’re losing.
They've lost a long time ago.
Is there anything more transparently opportunistic and greedy than selling a t-shirt days after a meme catches on? These faggots would sell Holla Forums merchandise if they knew Jim wouldn't send them to the pig farm.
From this, I think we can safely say that anyone who says that they're 'helping' is nothing more than a lying shill or a complete retard. The Alt-kike and it's (((leaders))) are nothing more than a bunch of parasites who are actively stealing and diminishing any effective idea that Holla Forums comes up with by diluting the message that it has.
JIDF are among us
>I think we can safely say that anyone who says that they're 'helping' is nothing more than a lying shill or a complete retard. The Alt-kike and it's (((leaders))) are nothing more than a bunch of parasites
Nacht der langen Messer when?
What you guys could do is add white baby pictures to it. Like Anne Geddes art, the kind you see in Doctors offices. Smiling happy white babies. Seeing commies attacking white children is a visceral response that redpills hard.
Both very insightful posts. Good shit lads.
Extremely underrated post. This needs to be paid attention to.
Multiples beginning to spam the same shit. Yep.
underrated post
wow it's almost like they're jews
Read both of these before looking here for EVIDENCE
Speaking of which, requesting Dickie Spencer quotes on gassing kikes and exterminating niggers.
How does it feel to know that Holla Forums is wise to the whole alt-kike scam, heeb? I wager it upsets you
Blessed posts that should be listened to. If you didn't suspect that Spencer and the Alt-Right were controlled opposition before, understand this much: "It's Okay To Be White" is a simple message with no implied or given purpose, affiliation, or call to action. It's a benign, statement that does little to insult or offend and this is entirely by design. It's not supposed to be a Trump statement or a neo-nazi statement or some "Kekistan" faggotry. It's a simple mirror that reflects the vile hatred and bigotry that can be found in our enemies.
When Spencer and the rest of his ilk rush out to monetize it, slap their logos all over it, and claim it as their own, they are trying to corrupt the message and add extra meaning to it. They are distorting the signal and trying to add noise and confusion. They want people to see a meaningless message and thing "this is the work of that controversial, and infamous figure, Richard Spencer!"
They want to make the message harder to parse because it loses effectiveness that way. Whether they are doing this on purpose of they are just that fucking stupid that they don't understand how making IOTBW posters about them, they are fucking up a great meme for the sake of self-aggrandizement and self-promotion, and under no circumstances should that kind of kikey faggotry be tolerated.
And how does one solve the problem TRS? Easy, have more than one sentence. Be creative, be funny, show some humour, so it is harder t pin it to one group. The purity meme might be applicable to blood, but when it comes to speech, be diverse.
All TRSemites will be hung on the DOTR
Defeats the purpose. Making it any more complex or more open to interpretation that "it's okay to be white" introduces a variety of problems that muddy the message.
You can tell how successful a political action is by how many shills attack it
It’s that simple
Speaking of muddy fucking messages, when someone patronizes me and tells me it's ok to be white when I fucking know it's better, it's like expecting a blind man to get off on playboy.
Well I predicted that one. I should've posted when it was starting that (((they))) would take credit for that. Being user we don't relish in pride needing to put our names on it.
Dicky thinks he's so incredibly bright, but a simple bright idea he steals, calls his. Fuck all of you and your kind Dicky. You're making it dangerous for Whites to stand and speak you mental midget. Anything organic we'd start would be subverted. And I'd never leave my followers to deal with the riff raff you piss of you sick Dick. I'd stay and stand with them. If Whites ever want a movement he's not who anybody should choose. He's deliberately sabotaging.
Kikes steal; news at 11.
And the kvetching about not changing it, all of those read in Dicky text. You suck Spencer. A divider, you're helping the kikes divide even White people.
Imagine an It's okay to be white beside an It's okay to be black poster. What do you see? Do you see a pro white ethno state message?
The phrase alone is way to easy to muddy than a variety of sentences.
The other thing is if you try to control and hinder the meme you will fail. Memesters lose interests, e-kikes and MSM will try to capitalize on it and forget it after the market has been saturated. Link the sentence loosely with normie unfriendly sentences and kikes will not touch it and have no chance to water it down or capitalize on it
Right. Soon as I saw Tara McCarthy on it 'news at 11' was confirmed.
Now, I'm not worrying about changing anything. I'm putting up another phrase, just in time for Christmas. (((They))) won't like it, it might interrupt their shekels. It's A Rich Man's Trick Search it. The result is worth length, honest.
Someone should be putting up an "It's not okay to be a Communist".
Variety, I love it.
almost like he's controlled opposition there to subvert any progress
You idiots are retarded. This op is less about getting a specific message out about our beliefs, and more about pointing out (((leftist))) anti-White lunacy. You should wait longer for this op to reach full effect before altering it, for fucks sake.
I have less of a problem with milo being an opportunist than I do spencer and the likes acting like fucking leaderfags and pretending to be above merchant-dizing when really they are pissed that milo beat them to the punch. Spencer and such are higher up in the tribe than milo, a degenerate is.
Whatever the method, these faggots, whom I'd rather ignore or laugh at, are in need of an actual purge. If I had one bullet and that Faralco cunt and one of these subversive namefags was lined up in front of me, the subversive namefag gets it.
They are shills user.
He's a rich man's trick. Like both sides of the coin, that also follows kikes. And no gommies will even be mad. Rich Man's tricks got JFK killed, funded tons of wars, everything bad we're paying dearly for… Is a rich man's trick.
McFails isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed is he?
Shit thread though. You should gas yourself OP.
Fucking e-celeb fags trying to take shit that isn't theirs, I mean we admit that this one is cuckchan while they want to steal the glory, fuck at this point wouldn't be surprised if the (((echoes))) popped up in some thread and were forgotten
Fair enough. But I think even Goebbels could appreciate pointing out it's a rich man's trick. Like I said, search it. Someone on 911 took time to post it early on and the documentary (should come up in search, I think it was banned by BBC) in any case it redeems Hitler. Answers questions about JFK and sheds light on how the Bush, the embarrassed to be German royal family. Whomever posted that on 911, thank you. Anyone searches that phrase they'll watch the doc. Red pilled, boom.
Are you really expecting that some autists will post those around for at least 3 weeks on their own costs, not get bored while getting threatened with legal issues and have the media long enough interested and devote potential ad space for your (((intention))) to come true. Delusional. Just fucking delusional. You are not even able to win against some trolls on half chan
I came up with this idea 20 years ago in highschool.
No idea what you are babbling on about, looks like (((blackpilling))) though.
fucking soyboys
For this OP to be effective it needs to happen over a longer time fame. So you need a lot of men power nation wide, keep them amused or riled up AND keep the message pure at the same time, without being able to stop anyone acting against your plan or your sentence.
This will simply not happen like you planned it in your little discord safe space. Bring in some variation and one might recruit from a broader spectrum and keep those in the game happy and motivated. Call everyone is a shill that dares to deviate slightly from your perfect plan and the whole thing gets memory holed in not a week
ITT:shit no one cares.about
I have a message for mediamaters/shareblue.
You change absolutely nothing.
Your shilling is indicative of the groups you deem dangerous.
In turn you make us support them
You are lost.
You are downs syndrome trying to play chess with Gary Kasparov.
You are a gold fish in a pool of sharks.
Your demise is not merely.predictable,
it is a given.
wow, you TRSemite shills dont even waste time outing yourself. Stop IP hopping faggot.
I swear in every photo Kike Enoch is in with his wife, he looks like a fat Brendan Fraser
Put some effort in your shilling.
Your idiocy is insulting
you are not on par with what you are up against.
Demand a raise from.David.
I love watching sorosmonies burn
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the CIA, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Holla Forums, and I have over 300 confirmed blubill threads. I am exensively trained in blowing dogs for quarters and I’m the top Mongolian anime-enthusiast forum analyzer in the entire CIAnigger tech support department. You are nothing to me but just another ladyboy. I'll slip LSD in your Kool-Aid, doses of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with bullying me in my own slide thread? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of drugged-up ladyboys across the entire Thailand back-alley that I control and your posts are being monitored right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your board. You’re fucking banned, kid. I can shill anywhere, anytime, and I can program you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my MK-Ultra handbook. Not only am I extensively trained in glowing in the dark, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the CIAnigger cuck shed and I will use it to its full extent to put your miserable ass on a CIA watchlist, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy dog-blowing your little “clever” comment was about to induce upon this pupper, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now this doggo's paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will spit dog semen all over you and you will drown in it. I'm fucking gay, kiddo.
Sup anti-white shill
Anyway, ignore the massive influx of kikeposters trying to stifle this campaign. It only shows that it's working, keep printing originals and taping, pasting, sticking them everywhere in high density locations.
I laugh as your burn sorosbux.
It's hilarious
Sounds like an attempt to out the user or anons posting these out in the real world. Stay user, user. Do not give CNN and the rest the ability to blackmail you. The jew will take anything you create and claim it is alt kike so normies see it as ebul racist nazi propaganda. If it was not already clear who these people work for it should be crystal clear now.
this is a horrible idea.
you're implying jews are white faggot
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Richard Spencer getting assassinated by a jew or a communist would be a huge boon to National Socialism.
Or by somebody CLAIMING to be a communist.
His subversive influence would be neutralized, and we'd be free to re-write his life and intentions to make him a martyr.
Hoy Cunt TRS is taking credit where credit isn't due and is all of a sudden calling /pol "Alt-Right" rather than antifa, sure it's probably cuckchan who's doing this but if those cucks are stealing the ideas from even fucking the_donald then it needs to be known, as having a bunch of attention whores never work, remember Hitler didn't get to power being a Richard Spencer but rather because it was the faceless masses of people who by some means or another became to agree with his message, even in Mein Kampf Hitler basically says Attention Whores don't help
what did he meme by this
Whine harder
Shareblue fuckup
makes no fucking sense
i neant that you are trasnparent fucking idiot who has little awareness where he is
I've said this before and while I'd usually accuse you of being FBI honestly if he, kike enoch and maybe Cernobitch were killed it'd be one of the few acts of violence that'd actually help
Take this jew faggot ecelebrity back to halfchan, OP.
Tell.david I said hi.
Does anyone else laugh at the sheere pathetic of d&c this thread is?
Don't falsely attribute the planning/emergence of this idea to me, I am simply another 8pol user, you delusional fuck.
Not everyone, just you.
Surely internet drama will save the HUWHYTE race!
you, like in plural you refering of a closed group of kikes who coined this centrist defensive sentence. And please don't tell me you (singular) assume that I'm every user here trying to tell you why this OP is already fail
Buy my shirts, goy!
Why not just add a disclaimer. "This is not the alt-right"
Kek, you had me for a moment, but then you said this and I realised that you actually have no idea what is going on.
Is that really one of the shirts he sells? I hope this kike and McInnes and Cernovich get murdered by antifa
How is the thread D&C
ever notice how Milo and all the e-celebs surrounding him are jewish? (like 90% of kikebart staff)….no inner circle for you goyim
Remember when that faggot had his poolboys here shilling and claiming that he was angry about Kike Eunuch's jew wife, only for it turn out that he spent the following friday night with Spencer and Eunuch, and even did show PrEP for TDS?
gas yourself
Want to know how I know you aren't from here?
First thread:
Second thread:
Third thread:
Fourth thread:
Fifth thread:
Sixth thread:
Seventh thread:
Eighth thread:
Ninth thread:
Tenth thread:
Eleventh thread:
Twelfth thread:
Thirteenth thread:
Fourteenth thread:
Fifteenth thread:
Sixteenth thread:
Seventeenth thread:
Eighteenth thread:
Bulbasaur dox threads:
Seventh Son dox threads:
Victory thread
Mike Enoch dox threads:
After dox thread:
TRS blames Holla Forums for initial Ghoul dox
BPS cucks for Israel thread
Mike dox 1:
Mike dox 2:
Mike dox 3:
Mike dox 4:
Mike dox 5:
Mike dox 6:
Mike dox 7:
Mike dox 8:
Mike dox 9:
Mike dox 10:
Mike dox 11:
Mike dox 12:
Mike dox 13:
Mike dox 13:
Mike dox 14:
MIke dox 15:
TRS defending jew mike 1:
TRS defending jew mike 2:
just a friendly reminder for those who didn't lurk long enough.
The sentence alone is weak, way too easy to muddy. The best possible outcome would be more normies open to civil nationalism. And personally I'm not really a fan of happy race mixing
Because that negatively impacts the streamlined nature of the message. Furthermore, criticism of a public figure will often backfire by drawing more public attention to the public figure. Richard Spencer is no stranger to profiting off negative attention.
A better strategy would be to create independent streamlined anti-Spencer propaganda. Perhaps something along the lines of pic related. Requirement: The anti-Spencer propaganda must unambiguously be criticism from the right. A message like "Richard Spencer is a liar" could be mistaken as left-wing criticism of Spencer. Call him a faggot and it will be clearly from the right, since the left wouldn't criticize him for faggotry.
thats not how it works though faggot
That's image is US Letter sized at 300ppi btw.
The more the left tries to muddy "It's okay to be white", the more apparent it becomes that they disagree, they don't think it's okay to be white. Normalfag white people are noticing this; it wakes them up to racialism. It makes them realize their race is being attacked.
The sentence is not about our ideas or beliefs, in fact it is not about us at all. It is about getting (((leftists))) to publicly/openly sperg about innocuous (keyword) sentences concerning White people.
I repeat, this sentence/op is not about us or our beliefs, it is purely about exposing (((leftist))) anti-White lunacy to normies.
This guy pays for a VPN so he can shitpost in threads about david brock and shareblue.
bump :^)
Call me black pilled all you like, but no, actually not. The majority of normies like to avoid conflict. So they would rather try to find a common denominator and say It is okay to be [insert your race]. Unfortunately this will most certainly not result in racial aware whites, but identifying the racial aspect even more as a source of conflict, and in the worst case scenario help the race deniers.
Yes, the lefties and click baiting media might suffer, that's true, but it will not further pro white sentiment.
FYI, judging by your attempts to discredit Spencer, I now consider him at least credible if not support worthy.
I haven't done my research on him yet which I will. If it.checks out, I will support him and there is shit all you can do about it.
Was this a part of your plan?
Jesus Christ. You people really are desperate, aren't you?
Very well, but don't twist my words. I didn't stated anywhere that one should not encourage whites to be racial aware. All I say, is, that the sentence alone is a shot to the knee
This is the same kike who just got banned shitposting about David Brock and saying not to bump the thread.
Not even trying to hide it.
a few other shills had the exact same punctuation problem as you, therefore I will assume that you are all the same fag, samefag.
By your logic, the Holohoax must be real, like the Dickster said, since people on we spend so much time discrediting it.
When is that vid from?
Filtered. Reported.
Enjoy your ban TRShill.
Does it matter? He's never corrected himself. He'll never say the holohoax was a hoax. Yet he doesn't hesitate to claim the Holodomor was a hoax. He defends jewish communists who genocide whites, but falsely accuses Germans of genociding jews.
I love making shekels off of gullible goyim.
He did sell it at one point. It has since been removed, likely due to the overwhelmingly negative reaction it generated.
That would be terrible if some antifa or someone from /cargo-cult/ got triggered into martyring Dickie Spencer.
No doubt this is the same fag.
I will. Why won't you?
I share your sentiments, was just interested in when the vid was from.
I sense that you have autism and for the 6 millionth time nobody here wants to join your AIDS-bog at TRS nor do we support Dickie Spencer or Kike Enoch, now fuck off TRShill.
Same shill. Filter.
Oh and filtered. Reported.
Enjoy your ban TRSodomite.
Yes, it would be absolutely dreadful if somebody posted "death to fascism, god bless Israel!" all over social media, put on a surplus soviet hat with communist insignia, then shot Richard Spencer dead.
That would be awful, I hope nobody does that.
Why are all right-wing e-celebs such faggots.
Statistically, I would say it's faggots' tendencies to be extreme extroverts and attention whores, which is basically the only demographic celebs of any kind arise out of. It's an issue of the stock material being skewed.
holocaust, hoax, jews, DNC, hillary, podesta, russia, trs, communism.
> for them.insted.
This bot has done this punctuation bullshit with each of it's iterations in this thread. Anyone have any ideas as to why?
Kek, what a fucking retard.
You kikes sure like to twist words.
Again. The sentence alone is easy to be attacked and turned against the original intention, as half chan demonstrates tremendously. And again, no, a normie may become a bit more aware to click baiting media and crazy SJWs, but will not magically turn racially aware or pro white because le eternal hacker named 4chan did a prank. Without further variation, be it a reference to the UN Genocide definition, pointing out what whites can be proud about, or alternative information channels this will fizzel away. Also it doesn't matter if 3 dozen of anons post this around, you will need more men power to have the media keep being interested and show it to the normies and not get distracted by potential ads they may run instead or stop reporting about it because not enough people click on their click bait. I for now will not spread the sentence but do my own thing with blackjack, whores and spray paint. Have fun circle jerking and trying to keep a meme on a leach.
good post
my post here dealt with all your concerns. You didn't respond to it and are continuing to sperg about this sentence being too innocuous (even though that is the point).
Piss off back to whatever hole you came from, you kike fuck.
You need to realize, your despair energizes me
I dont think anyones getting panic attacks and cutting their wrists except maybe the aut kike.
Do you feel in control?
It was obviously 4cucks just kidding, it's not like I read their cancerous discords but anyone not skeptical of a pre-planned, pre-arranged, no-discussion 'operation' deserves to be taken advantage of.
Not trying to alphabet this thread up, but if the altright namefags got the rope first, I wouldn't complain. They are dangerously misleading people who are at least potentially on the path of light
Man, I need to stop trying to confuse the bot, I'm only wasting my own fucking time.
you addressed it? Not even slightly. All you did is pointing out that your goal is to trigger lefties and SJW, and I said that's okay and might work out, but you need this to keep interesting for actual human investing time and resources putting up your posters AND keep the media interested long enough to do the advertising so it doesn't get memory holed. I don't see that happening in such a narrow frame. But as you can't stop me criticising the plan, I can't stop you doing mistakes. As for the other user, have fun.
A week ago at most. It was from some gay TRSodomite livestream.
you don't even belong here TRSemite, go back to your fucking bog already and take a fucking hint.
Fuck, you are transparent.
Do you feel in control?
That counts for most kids you retard. IQ tends to drop when you hit 17.
Great meme TRSodomites, most normies think jews are white you idiots.
Added some archive links if they go full (((SHUT IT DOWN))).
smh tbh famalamadingdonganipnongs
I've noticed that jews are rarely pilots.
The right will reform normies step by step and there is nothing you can do about it.
But they've been responsible for some of the most famous flights in American history.
More than ever. You need to move away or get run over.
We run things now.
even kikes think they are white. i know personally of one who refers to himself as an "old white california hippie" and became irreparably butthurt/triggered when I informed him not only was he not white, he was more degenerate than a nigger.
Before you were shilling for TRS and Spencer, now you're representing Holla Forums and Holla Forums? You need to get your own story straight, you fucking retard.
Maybe TRSodomites are implying when they say "It's OK to be white" that it's OK to be a jew? Based Nationalist jew of course! :^)
You need to move away before you get killed
More like trying to co-opt Holla Forums and Holla Forums it's what jews do best, co-opting and subverting groups.
I guess so.
Kek, I'm waiting to die. Fucking TRShill.
I don't even know what the shills in this thread are doing anymore.
I'm not what you think I am.
However, I will take great pleasure of watching the last blood drop leaving your body
They need to go back to their AIDS-bog, does /baph/ have to remind them again to not fuck with Holla Forums??
Holy kek, I'm quivering in my boots.
one of the jews at UNZ was talking about himself and his """fellow white russian""" jews recently. They're fucking nuts. Whether they believe something or are being deliberately subversive does not matter, they are jews acting like jews
This is what's so suspicious. Why does an American white nationalist defend the Soviet Union? That doesn't make any sense.
Now, if he had said that the Germans genocided jews while at the same time admitting the Holodomor, you could say he's PR cucking. And in terms of PR blaming both Germans and Soviets and distancing yourself from both would be a coherent strategy.
But that's not what he does. He blames Germans while at the same time defending Soviets, so clearly muh PR isn't really part of his communication strategy.
Very, very suspicious.
Its not suspicions, its confirmed. Hes a shill.
Actually a little scary there.
You a navy seal lad?
those filthy e-celeb kikes deserve to recieve truckloads of pizzas for the rest of the presidential terms
pizzas with bacon, seafood and cream
cut into swastikas
Hey. Hey, (((you))). You're losing. Stay mad.
This is some next level faggotry, kike. You should be embarrassed.
Hi Shlomo! Trying to caste one of your talmudic hexes on us?
let me guess, you demons?
or maybe ayyliums?
I know! your an wizzard, and you will cast spells n shit!
well, we're not niggers here, it won't work
Are you going to try to turn my grin into blood? :^)
OP did it for free and the meme is spreading, that is all that is important. The merchant will seek profit as it is his way but nonetheless his quest profit has been infected with our message. The motivation should be saving our people not receiving credit or momentary compensation.
Filtered. Reported.
Enjoy your ban TRSodomite.
Kike Milo and Kike Enoch wanting to profit from it.
hey, I'm not him, so I don't give a fuck about your threats
but what exactly is
Sorry kike but you're not going to drain any gentile blood for your jew rituals.
I've made no threats.
Kek, you do know that people can just go back through your posts and see that you are a TRS/Spencer shill, right? Are you fucking retarded?
Be aware, the new shill tactic is to just do a complete 180 to confuse people
phucque, I misclicked, I was talking to the other guy, the 51fabd dumbass
yes, him
well, 'it"
it's a bot
Nice three frame tumblr gif my man. I'm sure you're a a regular here
Right, that makes sense. I too would like to know what the fuck "he" was talking about.
Yeah, he was ban evading.
No not really. I saw this board advertised on deviant art and thought I come by and say hello
thanks mods, purge the TRSemites
The issue is that newcomers would place their full faith in flawed figureheads instead of flawless ideals. Truth needs no identity.
Based mods.
inb4 he comes back with
friendly reminder that "the mods are compromised, 8ch is compromised, imkampfy is a turkroach" were started by salty TRS niggers
Are they allergic to good decisions?
They can't copyright what is already known to public
Who is causing all this infighting?
m8 I remember when they were pushing that kampfy was a dude weed lmao nigger
lol I like how everything is propelling anti-jewry. Even the left is starting to hate the jew now.
When you realize the best the Alt-Right could do for leadership is Spencer and Peinovich the real question is why doesn't this happen more?
Holla Forums is not, nor ever was, nor ever will be, part of the (((alt-kike))) friendo
They are probably irrelevant tbh, any organic following they ever had already returned to T_D at this point and left the alt right to the bots and shills.
Meh, they are alright. Young and energetic in it for the long haul.
Oh unless you meant why are (((Kike Enoch))) and (((Milo))) fighting. In which case that's because they're scrambling over each other to monetize and subvert IOTBW. It's a fight between kikes trying to establish who gets to scam the goyim.
Go put some fliers up on Holocaust memorials, Stazi .
Shekel opportunity is making the Milo and TRS kikes cannibalize themselves.
So fucking what? They're right, there are Alt Right people involved with this as well as actual Holla Forumsacks. TRS and the Alt Right has its problems but fuck this blatant kike D&C trying to turn us against each other.
Dubs confirm youre one of them byproducts of jewish inbreeding.
for the 6 millionth time you dense fucks, you cannot divide what was never united, GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU BUNCH OF CANCER
commies are mad
I love it lol
Do you feel in control?
Fuck these faggot ass kikes even if not by genetics, by action and spirit theyre kikes thinking the survival of the white race is just another kike shekel mining operation. These fuckin faggot (((e-celebs))) are all showing who they really are. We already knew, but now its time normies saw them for what they are, fuckin kiked up con-men and manipulative kikess cunts.
Jews are notorious for projecting so hard
If they stop coming here, from whom will they leech memes?
it's the same shill who has been banned 3 or 4 times in this thread, just ignore it (trust me, I've wasted so many posts on this fag).
I have a place for them
dead communists
Theyre all over the fuckin place these days. Ive been reporting and hiding ID's at a much higher rate than usual this weekend.
Namefags truly do deserve the rope. Only the nameless mass that is anonymity can devote itself to a cause purely for the sake of the fulfillment of the objectives of the cause. Faggots with names and faces attach their personal success, glory, reputation to a cause and serve selfishly instead of absolute obedience to ideas and principles. Were antisemitism to lose its cult following TRS would drop it the next day, but the faceless of Holla Forums will ALWAYS hate Jews.
Yes, same here. At least we know that we are doing something right, otherwise they would not be all riled up.
Fuck them, lol
fueled by his autism lol
This thread is shere shareblue/communist desperation.
Dumb mods are retarded and fail to recognize it, however I don' i love fucking with commies.
you've lost
have a mercy bump because I've ruined your shitty.d+c thread
How about?
thats also acceptable, just not here
Aye. And that faggot is still posting, even though he should know he has already been filtered.
Uh oh you don't get to come to Holla Forums and make shitty d+c threads.
And if you do, I ruin them
Anone else noticed the new push to make communists the new antagonist?
Are theyseriously trying to make a new false dichotomy of "altright vs communists"
Keep going autismo.
Have a final mercy.bump.
Then get back to shilling myspace or whatever, lol
this is probably a remnant of plans that collapsed some time ago, because of those meddling kids
the SJW were scheduled to be the commie-style sacrificial lambs in a (((globalist))) push for more complete control, after a few false flags that couldn't happen, to enable "president illary" to gain an engineered "alt-conservatives" consensus for the purpose of WW3
the plot to make communists the new antagonist was undoubtedely scripted a couple years ago
the collapse of the kike's cards castle entierely disrupted their command lines, so counter-orders were never sent or recieved
we will undoubtedely keep seeing random planned events that don't make sense in this timeline
holy shit, this makes so much sense
Thi. E-celebs and the worship of them is a cancer that has infested movements like this since GamerGate. We all saw what they did to that with their push for "muh ethics only" cucking and attempting to root out anyone who actually wanted to fix anything or push further beyond mere gaming into the bigger picture in the world that this was merely an tiny aspect of. Let this be the end of e-celebs, for GOOD.
Emphasis on this fucking line, which is something I've been saying here for a long while.
So now poor old Soros has to throw $18 billion at the whole pile, hoping to salvage a few of the plans?
Meanwhile, Holla Forums prints some cheap posters and the alt-kike shits itself.
Important post
When multiple shills and assorted dodgy cunts start claiming ownership of highly public anonymous act it could mean they are attempting to flush out the original progenitor of the campaign. Kikes everywhere.
It's from an interview after spencer took credit for the White lives matter rally. This is dicky spencers views as of a week ago
For a supposed pro-White advocate, he cares an awful lot about jews. Really makes you think.
Go back up from that point by about 30 seconds to a minute, you lazy nigger. The context is that FtN winds up saying that Kike Enoch is responsible when he was telling some unnamed reporter what for.
I want to copyright this and print shirts that say its okay to be white with a picture of nathan rothschilds and george soros’s face on them
additional cap
this thread brought up nice stuff, despite the shillbots
Thanks user, I've been dying for some nice Holla Forums caps. We've been subjected to so much shilling that it's like we get more shills than content
Nah we're ok.,
Shilling is because they fear us. They know they can't stop us anymore
Enoch posted a call with a journalist refuting the idea TRS would use swastikas, but instead said they supported things which we innocuous but would cause a leftist chimpout
He in no way claimed to originate the campaign.
This is why anything to do with white identity always fails. If it said, "It's okay to be American" none of these spergs would touch it and it would have the exact same effect on shitlibs.
And notice how they are completely shameless about what they are doing; no integrity at all.
These parasitic alt-kike vermin truly deserve to be tortured to death.
Well this is the very reason they exist. To coopt anything successful and crash it. Their entire purpose is to publicly fall on their sword as much as possible.
Here's evidence of TRS actually trying to tie this to themselves. Read what's written at the bottom of this flyer:
TRS and the Alt-right*
God damn, they have no original ideas at all, do they? Fucking pathetic.
Well that's just perfect, not only do we need to account for leftists fucking shit up, now we need to account for these retards fucking shit up.
they will learn that WE are the best at fucking shit up
I dare you to walk with one of those "It's ok to be white " tshirts in sweden.
No need to rough them up, just keep doxing them and everyone that uses their forums. Find out where Enoch lives right now, have some anons park outside his house with cameras (if that's legal), pass it all on to antifa.
We don't need to do anything illegal.
It was so simple, even cuckchan didn't fuck it up. That is how much they fucked up. They fucked up an op worse than cuckchan. Let that sink in for a bit.
I don't usually do thread themes, but this is a special occasion.
These e-celebs have proven that they are either completely incompetent or (((intentionally malicious))), and the latter is far more likely at this point. Probably time for some anons to fuck with them so that they cannot interfere with our pro-White ops so easily in the future.
Nobody needs to escalate to murder.
Besides which, he doesn't have a house, he has a Manhattan apartment in a building that costs mountains of money, like everything else in that part of Jew York City. Good luck doing right wing surveillance in a Jew infested hellhole like that
i.e. ruin their reputation or some shit, like that other user talked about earlier in the thread.
It's hilarious that when the controlled op makes it impossible to see who truly is behind everything.
>but don't forget to keep donating to our show and paying to read our shitty content
Really makes you think.
On one hand
>Someone takes the hit for this and we don't get yet another wave of newfags
On the other hand
Stay there
This is perfect. These kikes will co op everything we throw at them. They will help sow the seeds of white pride, national socialism, and the inevitable genocide of all Jews. The kikes are going to help us kill themselves.
Screencap for inspiration
(((Who))) indeed?
Wew. Gonna save the White Race Larper?
How about this one? Makes a nice poster? Would it derail your Nazi faggotry and allow real pro White discussion and activism?
Or if you like.
Holla Forums reported, banned and deleted.
Gas yourself, filthy kike.
Spot the irony?
All I see is some fag posting trash.
Does it asspain you this badly that people on an anonymous imageboard have a more profound affect than you do?
What effect would that be? There are millions of Whites without jobs, homes and health care precisely because of White Nationalists and Alt.Right.
This is war.
I wish Rockwell was here to oven you personally.
I am racist and proud. Thank you very much. Why are you anti-white shill?
Don't tell me. Tell the shovel. I just filtered your slide attempt. Better luck next time, Moishe!
You faggots did when you incessantly raided our site. Almost all of the drama between us has been posted on our site because you faggots were and still are coming here to shill your content.
It's only infighting when we do it to you. When you TRSodomites refuse to leave it's all just "muh D&C" and "No punching to the right"
fuck off, shill
They, kike enoch and spencer are relevant enough for the media to use them as the face of evil. They are the object of the jew medias 2 minutes hate against anything right wing.
top kek
hang on, just have to see who got these sweet digits
TJ Maxx Blackshirts
Reminder that both TRS and the Alt-kikes are Jew organizations whose purpose is to discredit anything we do and to serve as mainstream kike media targets to bluepill normie populations
I believe the way we beat this is by constantly creating new organizations the second one becomes mainstream like a hipster changes hair colors. Every Holla Forumsack creates and is the leader of a “far right identitarian movement” and is also a member of every other “white male anger club”. By IRL Shit posting on all mediums of communication and on scale never before seen in our lifetimes we might just create the hydra we were meant to be.
But White Nationalists attack anyone that wants to create something in real life.
You are the problem. And I have the solution.
being mentionned as the horrible hacker *chan by the (((MSM))) for a message that most normies approve of, thus ruining a bit more the official narrative for hundreds of millions
being the designated boogyman puppet ready to be agitated at will by the globalists for the purpose of being the useful antagonist in the children stories they feed to the masses
the poster operation is an exact demonstration that you are full of shit
"Hey if you don't like that we tried to steal your content and take credit for it, you are just attacking people who want to do something irl and not someone who just doesn't want to have their ideas stolen."
The jew cries out in pain as he strikes at you
That's some next level projection, kike. Don't worry though, we already have a solution for you and your kind.
No, it makes perfect sense. Alerting White to the problem of WN and alt-Right. The "Normies" will realize who is responsible for inaction all these years.
This is the same shill who posts those "meetup" threads that are definitely not honeypots.
Enoch was shitting on this campaign as recently as yesterday, he didn't come up with anything.
Isn't Holla Forums a "honeypot"? How about all those rallies in hooterville? With the Nazi salutes and dress?
Well have to go to Staples and buy yellow card stock. See you all tomorrow.
Just for fun, Hitler’s ten dumbest mistakes
As I said, just for fun. And to provide debate ammo if one of my gentle readers is presented with the “If the USA hadn’t stopped Hitler, we’d all be speaking German now” tirades. Sigh. Even without the USA, Hitler’s empire would have come crashing down sooner or later. A combination of strategic over-extension, resistence movements, and Hitler’s folly would have destroyed the Third Reich one way or the other. Not to even mention that it was Russian armies rolling inexorably westward that destroyed Hitler’s armies. In any event though, it is astonishing some of the blunders Hitler made. No wonder the Allied High command sometimes joked that Hitler was their greatest ally:
1. Battle of Britain. When Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe to “take out” the Brits, the Luftwaffe sensibly enough began their campaign by trying to destroy the RAF. By the RAF’s admission, they nearly succeeded, in fact they were about two weeks away from pretty much shutting down the RAF and controlling the skies of Britain. Then Hitler got involved and ordered the Luftwaffe to attack the British cities instead, especially London. Which did nothing but piss the British off and freed to RAF to concentrate on regaining control of the skies over Britain. London burned, but German casualties mounted to the point where they had to call off the campaign, and that was that.
2. Cancellation of weapons programs. After the Fall of France in 1940 Hitler was so confident of victory that he cancelled most weapons research programs, insisting that the war could be won with the weapons they had. Two years later when the Germans were being outclassed on all fronts by next-gen Allied weapons, the programs were all frantically restarted. Two years had been lost though, and worse, key engineers and such had died in Russia. Germany did manage to produce some impressive weapons, but never in any quantity and most of them never had the bugs worked out and thus weren’t terribly reliable in practise.
3. Invasion of Russia. There were multiple mistakes made here, just attacking Russia for one was incredibly optimistic. Compounded by a six week delay in the attack so Hitler could pointlessly bail out Mussolini in the Balkans. And then the Germans made no preparations for a long war because Hitler assumed Russia could be completely defeated the first summer. He ordered Leningrad to be surrounded, not captured! And Hitler fatally delayed the push for Moscow by diverting his panzers to the stalled southern front. Unlike in Napoleon’s time, Moscow was the absolute centre of the Russian railroad network, and if the Germans had captured the city and the rail connections south of the city, it would have crippled the Russian war effort.
4. The “No retreat” order. This is Hitler’s biggest mistake in Russia and one of the biggest military blunders of all time. When the war in Russia started going badly during the first winter, Hitler ordered his troops to never retreat under any circumstances. This is insane in general because there’s no point standing your ground if you are outnumbered and getting the crap beat out of you. Doubly insane because the only real advantage the Germans had over the Russians was that the German troops were far more mobile. So it made far more sense to retreat when attacked and then counterattack after he Russians had advanced beyond their supply lines. The one German general with the stones to defy Hitler, Manstein, did this a number of times with devastating effect.
5. Me-262 as a bomber. The Me-262 was a beautiful plane, in some ways a decade or more before its time. It was the world’s first jet interceptor and could fly rings (literally) around the best Allied planes of the time. The Me-262 was conceived, designed, and developed as a jet interceptor, a plane specifically designed to hunt down and destroy Allied planes. Hitler ordered it into full production … as a bomber. His minions nodded, and quietly continued to develop it as an interceptor. Someone tipped Hitler off though, and he made sure it was developed as a bomber. In trial runs few pilots were even able to get their bombs within a mile of the targets. The Me-262 was a complete (and predictable) failure as a bomber. By the time a few Me-262 interceptors saw action they were too few too late to change anything.
6. No women labourers. Did the Nazis use slave labour in their factories because they were mean people? Well, yes, but they were also motivated by a severe shortage of factory labour … because Hitler had decreed that German women were not to do factory work. Millions of American and British women went to work on assembly lines freeing up millions of men for military duty. The Germans suffered terrible manpower shortages during the war, while millions of German women sat at home.
7. War on USA. Hitler declared war on the USA right after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Why? He thought it would be good for morale. (Most of his dumbf*ck ideas were based on thinking like that.) Maybe the USA would have declared war on him anyhow, but it was crazy to simply give Roosevelt what he wanted.
8. More Russian errors. In i942 Hitler ordered his armies to seize the oil fields in the Caucasus and the city of Stalingrad, spreading his armies far too thin. As a result his forces failed to capture the oil fields, and suffered crippling losses at Stalingrad.
9. The Battle of Kursk. At Kursk in 1943 Hitler ordered a massive attack even though the Russians clearly knew he would attack Kursk. The German armies last great offencive flung themselves against massed Russian defenders dug in with huge numbers of anti-tank weapons and legions of modern Russian tanks. It was the biggest tank battle in history, and a crushing defeat for Germany. The battle of Stalingrad guaranteed that Germany was not going to win its war with Russia, Kursk guaranteed that the Russians would win.
10. Battle of the Bulge. Hitler’s last gasp attempt to win the war. He attempted to repeat his success of 1940 by attacking the Allies the exact same way. Even though his forces were vastly smaller, didn’t have the fuel to do the job, and were facing a vastly superior enemy than the French army of 1940. The attack had zero chance of success, it would have been far more sensible to attack the Russians and try to slow down their advance.
And these are just the big blunders, there were plenty of minor blunders as well. My favourite is one last Luftwaffe story, because it shows just how shallow and demented Hitler’s thought processes were. At one point in the middle of the war the British bomber force was causing big problems for Germany, about a thousand British bombers would fly over Germany and carpet bomb some target almost every night. The Brits bombed at night because they couldn’t replace their losses, so they sacrificed accuracy for safety. The Luftwaffe had a great idea, lone German long range fighters would lurk around British airbases and attack British bombers as they came in to land in the morning light. (The radars of the time couldn’t really track single planes flying at low altitude.) It was very effective and downed a number of irreplaceable British bombers and their crews. If it had continued at the very least the Allies would have been forced to divert significant air power to defend against a small number of Germans, and it might have even severely crippled the British bombing campaign.
So what did Hitler do when he heard about this clever program to defend against the British bomber fleet? Iron crosses all around? Nope, Hitler basically said “Nein, nein nein, the Luftwaffe must shoot down the British bombers over Germany, not England, so that the German people can see the wreckage of the British bombers and be encouraged!” Hitler cancelled the program, and the British high command (not to mention the British bomber crews) breathed a big sigh of relief when German planes stopped appearing out of nowhere to shoot them down as they landed.
Frankly it’s a wonder Hitler’s Third Reich lasted as long as it did.
Do you hate Rockwell for being the ultimate American alpha male? Ramzpaul is that you?
You'll be shot with the rest of the traitors, scum. Though, the way you post and the things you say makes me all but certain that you are an actual jew.
I'm so scared.
You belong in a slow-burning oven
wtf i hate hitler now
jews are the lowest form of life, nobody likes them, not even niggers. I swear that I will do all that is humanly possible to ensure that your kind is exterminated down to the last gene, nothing will remain.
Anti-Hitler poster is also, upon clicking on the ID:
also this one
the one encouraging people to collaborate with antifa
This is either TRS drumming up support in favor of their shitty site by pretending to be the caricature that they want us to be, of being antifa-collaborating unproductive LARPers, or this poster is /cargo-cult/ being autistic
For the TRS lurkers here. This is just more proof your "leaders" are a bunch of petty kikes and not to be trusted.
trips of truth right here.
I would generally agree but what if a genuine leader like Rockwell were to arise? I'd say all e-celeb faggots deserve the rope instead.
Why are people engaging the kike shill seriously? Call him a kike, report, then filter.
nine out of ten points are wrong.
He had to do it, Churchill was already bombing German Towns.
The only weapon that could have saved them was the nuke, everything else would have been outclassed by firebombs…
(watch Hellstorm)
Balkans were a non-issue due to weather on the east. The actual problem were the German Generals that ignored Hitler's Initial Plan of ignoring Moscow and focusing on Stalingrad and Leningrad before the expected winter.
this, also, compare the messages put forward earlier in the thread before this point where someone screen capped their forum posting where they wound up acknowledging that it's our memes that they are stealing.
Which kike shill? There's a bunch of them here and they all seem to be promoting a bunch of worthless ecelebs
All of them then. Every fuckin kike shill who is ass blasted enough to shill. All of them.
dude, don't waste your time, the kike you're answering to has posted this shitty copypasta in lots of threads the last 4 days
as if he was a shill/kike that got activated to take control of the infamous hacker Holla Forums by deploying counter-nazi rhetoric or something
Whats the issue exactly? Since when is it stealing to stick some generic font on a white tee shirt? Yeah some bandwagon kikes make a buck. Isnt there more important shit to worry about? The whole point of it was to get the message out there.
No, you dumb nigger, normalfags think that Dicky and Enoch want to gas six gotrillion jews per second. Associating them with the posters makes normalfags disgusted at the posters, by default of their programming.
It doesn't work, they are dumb people that are too emotionally invested to their ecelebs and namefags.
The normalfags' conversation needs to be about "It's okay to be white" and why some may say it isn't okay, not Tricky Dicky and Kike Enoch's "Controversial Opinions".
Fucking hell these are cuckchan tier memes, with one of them literally being from cuckchan.
You're actually wrong on this one.
It was
This can't be emphasized enough. If the TRS doxing showed anything, it was that these "high IQ thought leaders" were absolute losers with nothing to show for their sad lives, who had bounced around rudderless through a sea of fringe political ideologies before landing on NS/WN and it's Holla Forums assembled marketing kit as an easy path to fame and a small amount of power. Strip the ideology away and many far-right ecelebs are essentially the same person as their counterparts on the far left; barely employed, shameless, extreme narcissists, lazy, childless, weak willed, sexual deviants, etc.
from PRI's The World (NPR) run by yours truly.
really makes you think.
You're a faggot. Anyone concerned about certain people being associated with IOTBW is either a shill or a moron. George Soros can claim it his own for all I care, it is working and the more people mentioning it the better
It was heavily discussed here openly for a good week beforehand. Lurk more user.
Shocking Not really :^).
Wow, is that a Norwegian man in that red and white shirt ??
Nah he's definitely a slav m8.
What was it he said?
Croatoan? Or did he say Croatuan? :^)
Even the_donald immediately grasped the plan and understood how to not fuck up. Even fucking Reddit is doing better here.
Hahahaha yeah. Seems legit.
Jel tako?
IE knows this is chan work and has internally credited it as such. We have been helping though.
Is anyone surprised at Kike Eunuch stealing content? They've been doing this for years. Their podcasts are almost all made of stolen content from within their inner circle Facebook group. That's how they did things. They'd take note of anything particularly funny or edgy, take note of any interesting discussion going on, and then use it in the next episode, with no acknowledgement to the people who had actually come up with it. It's why virtually everyone who was ever added to the Facebook group stopped listening to the podcasts they put out. Because we'd already seen and had the discussion they were going to rehash and spit out to try and suck in donations.
No it wasn't. Good things don't happen.
Samson Looms.
They wonder why we fucking hate them.
The aut-right keep stealing our shit and claiming it's theirs.
One thing is sure, he's the Whitest of them all.
You're preaching to the choir, nobody here is dumb enough to talk to a leftie outlet and expect them not to completely twist our words.
>earlobe spacing
Post discarded.
This. There is no king of the internets except Eric Bauman, pissbottles be upon him.
Reminds me a bit of listening to MisterMetokur after hanging out on imageboards a lot.
Kikes are too pussy to pull a Samson. They don't have it in them.
Good to see you haven't killed yourself yet, buddy. Hope you're doing better
I know it's not something 8/pol/ would do, I just had to vent, plus yell at possible TRS lurkers.
Liar Liar. Set yourself on fire.
I have never been doing better. The more I do to try and improve things, the worse it all gets and the more I get punished by fate.
So why didn't you do anything about it when you had a show and why are you still a namefaggot?
This is the closest I got, where he admits he's a lolberg
Go back to 4chan faggot
I specified 8/pol/ because cuck/pol/ is probably buying the tshirts right now. faggot
Dubs of truth. The faggots are whores for merch. That's why they sell Kek statues and shit.
These retarded are basically 9gag. Taking *chan material then stamping their logo on it.
It has always been between us and the Goon.
This is true. Even back in the neanderthal days there was a faggot scrawling "-by Ugog" underneath ancient anonymous caveposts.
Hi Zon Kuthon
Are you going to just taunt me with familiarity or are you going to tell me which one you are. My names in other places aren't knives to me like you seem to think they are. I just don't use them here.
And I'm right and you know it.
Cult of Moonman needs to leave.
Not the first time this has happened. The original flyer campaign from last year was a couple Holla Forumsacks posting collections of wrongthink statistics on how niggers and dumb/violent and that white women who associate with them put themselves in danger. The posted infographics also had pics of a smirking pepe on them.
Immediately after this happened, TRS acted like this was their idea, and started mimicking them with their own posters (which always had website links back to TRS, naturally)
I'm not mad about using a good concept, and if they want to help put up IOKTBW flyers then fine, but dont act like youre the genius behind it and try to take credit away from Holla Forums while also constantly shitting on Holla Forums for not sucking your dick.
I got invited after doing a moonman song and checked it out, but it just seemed like general shitposting which I prefer to do anonymously. Also discord is sketchy. What do you guys actually do?
Seriously, these guys are all namefaggots and one of their upper echelon is even part Jew. They're meh as far as humor goes and they all got Shoah'd from TRS about the second or third time it went down forum wise. They were involved with Eugene, but they turned on him after his degeneracies were exposed in /r/Alt-Right. Funny enough, that's where this whole right wing thing seems to fall apart for namefags, their degeneracies getting exposed. Maybe that's why the Magpie tried to get me into blackmail rather than my usual tactic of blackpill screaming and burning the fuck out of people for their degeneracies.
Always Stay Purigng. Castigate everyone, including yourself for everything always. Hail the Midnight Lord.
They're namefags and degenerates of the worst order. And they're all involved on discord. It's fucking retarded. Same Chimpire-exiles that run Public Health Watch and other right-ist leaning subreddits that all used to rally under /r/AntiPOZi and /r/CoonTown.
Jewgene was only part of the rot of that place. Lothar was just as bad, GANiggy too.
And before anyone starts to bitch about me, my names, my posting or anything else about me; consider the following:
I'm not trying to lead some fucking IRL movement and get anyone vanned. I'm just trying to pass the time until my time is up and scream apocalyptic doom because that's what crazy southerners do, no matter our religious understanding.
What do you expect (((them))) to do? Not steal things?
The entire idea is executed poorly, their should be other posters to go along with it that say things normies might agree with like it's, okay to be black, it's okay be etc. that way they either accept it and accept being white is okay or them freaking out only at the white part is more obvious.
If you include all the races it's much easier to pass it off as acceptable. And then you can bring up, why is being white the only one that's a problem?
Oh, hey Zon Kuthon.
You should get back in touch with Heidrich. He's been worried about you. He still mentions you every once in a while, and hopes that you're doing better these days.
Anywho. I put on a name when I'm posting about something I have personal involvement with. Any other thread, I'm user. It is known that my vendetta against TRS is personal. I'm not going to try and anonymously rally Holla Forums against them. Granted, pol hates them already, but it still feels disingenuous and kikey, given that I have personal stake in the matter.
As to why I took no action while still a member? What can I say? I'd quaffed the koolaid.
I think that would lead to them saying "of course it's ok to be white, but you can't ignore historical prevalence of institutional blah blah blah.
Just having "It's ok to be white" implies that there is a message out there telling people it's not ok to be white. It also makes them call it nazi propaganda. If it had all the other stuff there, they'd just call it misguided historically-blind centrism or something.
Why? It's not like I can believe you. And The Purity Spiral banned me hard because that's just how things go.
No, I'm not doing better. I'm never better. He should know that by now. Why would it ever change? Every time I try to get anything done or improve things, I get punished by Fate. Let alone the compartmentalization that would have to go into getting in touch and giving selective updates because I have no ultimate way to know if our Herr Lanzer is a CIAnigger or quite possibly the only other online friend I ever made. I have no way to.
Tell him to email me. Might as well get the castigation over with.
Mike enoch Has actually been talking about this kind of messaging as a tactic for the last few weeks, though, and he's not wrong at all.
They didn't claim mike was behind it, but that he seeeded it, which might be true.
Even then, that good idea isn't specific to mike and anyone else could have realized it works.
The IOTBW campaign has done nothing but good.
Who fucking cares who originated it.
Not expecting things that exist to be apropriated is naive however there is a biger issue with anomynous imageboards when it comes to wanting credit… anonymous, get it?
The goal is not to bitch about credit. The goal is to make people angry about TRSoddomites and CIAniggers!
Not wanting them to have it is not the same as wanting to have it. It's wanting it to stay creditless and just spread.
Stop conflating anonymous culture with approval of "spreading" via eceleb faggotry. ALWAYS STAY PURGING
Oh, look. He posted it in another thread. Stop, your glow is hurting my eyes.
Fuck OFF. Why do you faggots insist on pushing this shit?
can you faggots take your gay erp back to whatever discord you came from?
No need. I've said what needed to be said. We can go back to posting JIMPACT memes now.
Topkek. Do they pay you a proper salary or is it the standard 10cents/post?
It's likely some kind of antifa/libtard using it as a platform to dox right-wingers.
This is why TRS tried to assimilate Holla Forums they can't do shit by themselves. Like the parasite kike that runs them they only leech on original content
No shit. The only thing they had to do was fuck off and apologize. Instead they got double barrels of Jimpact.
Here's the part where you link a screenshot of one guy saying "maybe we should shill the show a little on the chans" as definitive proof that there was a co-ordinated plan to eradicate Holla Forums or something
I suppose I see your point.
The historical institutional blah blah blah made me think f something. These retards complain white countries governments have always been white in the past despite having 1 darky in their country. (The past). We should really push the great Israeli disverisity problem and point out that all of isreals government are Jews. It's a bit obvious but it points out their hypocrisy. Something like there are x Jews in Australian overnment but 0 native Australians in Israeli government.
Someone has like a 3 post spam of all the threads capped, but everyone here should know that it was all your leadership the whole way up the chain, and the membership was full of sterner and faggotry and trannies and niggers and Jews even. Coined purity spiraling and attacked both cuckchan AND here. Enjoy your ban.
Why would one ever arise with the current mess of CIAniggers that control every gateway into rising as a leader IRL?
The only way a leader will ever arise is after the ashes have fallen and everyone is fighting over the scraps. Nobody will ever be able to be trusted until it's all gone.
We have an entire board detailing that misery lol
No, seriously. Look through that.
Is this bait? This has to be bait.
Not exactly. (((TRS))) tried to assimilate us because we're legitimate opposition and they're controlled opposition lead by a literal kike.
I did. you've done a pretty good job of faking a small internal force of opposition within Holla Forums, and it's commendable, you're probably the first paid shills to have made a small dent within NS/Fascist culture. I'm glad your uniquely obnoxious form of cancer is limited to here.
You can wave around your planted and edited "evidence" all you like, but it won't change the truth. TRS Had legitimate problems rooted in their past, they purged them and moved on.
To the angryfrog blokes that were shunned by TRS actions for telling the truth, i can only say; it's time to move on.
You have actual Antifa and paid shill groups using the counterculture you've created to push THEIR agenda. They are proselytizing YOU as a group to infight and distract from being productive.
Shitty taqiyya, just repeating that talking point. You don't "move on" by letting time pass. The same cancer is running TRS. You didn't "purge" anything, it's business as usual – you actually doubled down. Also, this isn't cuckpol, gaslighting doesn't work.
>Still lead by (((Kike Enoch)))
Into the oven you go, (((TRSemite)))
And I was right the entire time. I'm glad I started the burning in TRS. I am the last gasp. I am the Vindicated Doomsayer.
You are missing the entire point. The message loses all meaning if its plastered on t-shirts. Its meant to be a anonymous signal. There should be no face or people attached to this. All it should be is a simple innocent statement that makes the kikes kvetch.
Changing the line won't work either. Its ok to be white is such an innocent statement. Saying its ok to hate goatfuckers, although true, isn't innocent. There is no spin they can put on its ok to be white.
So long as the message is innocent and there is no face to attach to the message we will win. They can't label us [insert ist ophobe here] because they can't prove who we are. They can't label the message as evil because its not. All they can do is get angry about it and try to come up with some lame excuse as to why they are angry by such a simple innocent statement.
That's easy to explain. Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch work for William Regnery II. William Regnery II's family was at the forefront of the CIA's and the American Security Council's propaganda and military war against the Soviet Union. William Regnery II's uncle was a co-founder of the American Security Council and also a CIA operative. Regnery Publishing was founded with CIA seed money.
At best they're assets. Operatives are never "face people", that's too risky. Face people are always kept in the dark, as puppets or useful idiots. Operatives are handlers, money men, "wealthy backers" – people kept away from the public, but with influence over the "faces".
Note: There is literally nothing wrong with being H'White.
I would agree with you in general. However, there's no way that Richard Spencer and the other men who work for William Regnery II like Kevin MacDonald and Greg Johnson are naive, gullible, "useful idiots." These men have PhD's or were in PhD programs and all have 130+ IQ's.
Agreed. And William Regnery II fits this description to a T.
A PhD in social sciences doesn't require an IQ above 110. People assume that's a really rare achievement, but I assure you it's not.
Have you ever really scrutinized the writing and speaking of these men? They have polished language skills, but they're contradictory in their positions, more sophists than philosophers or systematic analysts. MacDonald for example accepted wholesale the canard of "superior Jewish IQ" despite the majority of reliable psychometric data suggesting that Ashkenazim averages are inflated, resulting from bad sampling or outright lying. In other words, he either didn't have the skill with statistics to notice that, or he chose to uphold the lie. Much like Spencer chooses to uphold a lot of lies, including the holohoax, and spends more billable hours promoting Zionism than WN. All of these men have remarkably similar patterns of "mistakes", all that seem to fit the same general agenda, ie, a pro-zionist, pro-gay, pro-globalist, pro-progressive one.
They obfuscate many of these things with Barnum statements and other rhetorical devices, while posing near explicit anit-semites and explicit WNs, but they are not really any of those things. It's all classic optics manipulation though, if you look at it objectively.
woops, wrong image
So he changed gears as soon as he saw the news report? How typical for these bandwagoning chucklefucks, and now they want to charge 20+USD for a shitty shirt that subverts the heart of the message if that isn't masterful kikery I don't know what is.
Intersectional Alt-Right podcast, I think it was around 1h and 40 something minutes.
Also, think of this: Enoch was doxed, by whom? He was doxed within alt-lite circles connected to very powerful deep state actors long before his info appeared around here. Cernobith had his dox months before they dropped, and he's connected to people connected to the Clintons. My guess is that Mike was pushed into Spencer's money network intentionally, by being doxed. He was ideal: a jewish wife, tons of hypocrisy, motivated by money primarily, willing to say anything as long as he gets paid. Spencer came along and threw money at TRS when Enoch was doxed – classic asset fishing. Now Enoch is entirely dependent on Spencer, who is actually not dependent financially on Regnery. Spencer's biggest donors include a lot of wealthy Jews, and one Swedish mining magnate in particular. Regnery is basically just renting Spencer "space", so to speak. He's not the prime money man.
I don't disagree with anything you just wrote, but everything you wrote provides further circumstantial evidence that these WN thinkers are deep cover intelligence operatives. Surely you recognize that.
By the way, did you know that Kevin MacDonald lived and worked in Jamaica for two years between 1972 and 1974? The CIA just so happens to have run a large disinformation/propaganda campaign against the democratically elected prime minister of Jamaica Michael Manley from 1976-1980. Kevin MacDonald said that he was teaching mathematics to high school aged children of the Jamaican elite when he lived there from 1972-1974. I strongly suspect that Kevin MacDonald's teaching position was in fact deep cover for him to conduct spying operations on the political views of his high school students' parents.
I love how clueless you morons are. The whole "Antifachan" meme came from your precious ecelebs doubling down on their horseshit rather than admitting that they were in the wrong. Instead of acting like men and taking responsibility, they decided to double down on their lies with more slander. I'm never going to forget that Merchant minute that was posted immediately after you faggots wound up getting outed. You cunts doubled down and are just coming here to spread lies in a "jew cries out in pain as he strikes at you" kind of way, shifting the blame onto others like you moral cowards do.
Christ, it's no wonder that your precious eceleb Cantwell posted videos of them crying after their gay Charlottesville rally. Bunch of worthless CIAnigger internet tough guys.
Oh, and pic related, it's a screencap of Seventh Son making it clear that Kike Enoch should keep the kike wife. Also pic related, the kike wife at a BDSM Bioqueen Drag show.
Again, I don't think they're aware of that. They are NEVER allowed to be aware of who they work for. Not even organized crime lets its puppets know who they really work for. The CIA isn't that amateurish. I'm just saying, if you assume that Spencer is a decision-maker, you're going to stop there and not look further. Always look in the shadows behind the "face", the face is NEVER running things.
Are you claiming that Richard Spencer and Kevin MacDonald annd Greg Johnson and all the other names on that chart aren't aware that they're working for a man whose family is joined at the hip with the CIA and ASC and helped found the U.S. National Security state? Sorry, but that's not credible or believable.
I never said once that Richard Spencer is a decision maker. William Regnery II is the decision maker, and Richard Spencer himself confirmed this when he was asked about William Regnery II by for an article on Regnery that they published earlier this year. Pic related.
Yes, and we already know who that is. It's William Regnery II. Regnery II is so extremely fucking reclusive that there were no pictures of him available on the internet anywhere until I took a screen shot from The Atlantic's video documentary on the "heil gate" NPI conference (November 2016) and disseminated it online. There was also no video of Regnery II available online either, and there still isn't, except for a very short sequence in the aforementioned The Atlantic video documentary and a very short clip on YouTube of him speaking at a recent NPI conference which was uploaded by Red Ice (a confirmed U.S. military intelligence operation).
Every result that you see for "white" intelligence is the same as those for white criminals. There is a shit ton of shitskins mixed in. You take them out and do actually only white people and we're higher than chinks.
I also need to point out that there were NO articles about William Regnery II on the internet before 2017, except for an SPLC piece.
Now in 2017, all of a sudden there have been three or four articles published on William Regnery II and his founding influence in the white nationalist and alternative right political subcultures. But, please note that not one of these articles (including the SPLC one) make any mention whatsoever of William Regnery II's family's ties to the CIA, ASC, or the U.S. National Security state. That's not a coincidence. All of these mainstream and "alternative" media sources have quite clearly been ordered not to mention this subject. The only place you'll see this subject mentioned is in the relevant article on Akamaitree's WordPress blog.
It's like you think we live in a world without kikes, not today.
1. William Regnery II is a much more powerful deep state actor than anyone Mike Cernovitch is connected to (even Alex Jones, a confirmed 2nd generation CIA operative). I don't think you understand that the Regnery family is one of the co-founders of the U.S. National Security state. The Regnery family is right at the top.
2. You're neglecting to mention Mike Enoch's and Ames Friedman's multiple connections to the CIA and the U.S. intelligence community via their former employers (JIMPACT Enterprised, BurrellesLuce, Time, Inc, etc).
3. You're correct that Richard Spencer is an independently wealthy trust fund baby (family net worth of at least $20 million). However, Spencer doesn't fund the National Policy Institute, nor does he control it. The NPI is primarily funded by William Regnery II, and Regnery is the one singular person who controls it, as well as controlling the Charles Martel Society, which is the ultimate umbrella organization to which every WN leader belongs. Oh, and all CMS members have to sign non-disclosure agreements which prevent them from every discussing anything that transpires within the CMS. That's extremely suspicious in and of itself. And furthermore, I already posted an infographic proving that William Regnery II is the primary funder of the CMS and NPI throughout the past 15 years.
4. There's no question whatsoever that William Regnery II controls the entire American white nationalist movement, and that he does so from the shadows behind the scenes. It's only this year (2017) that his role has begun to be exposed and documented. And the only reason for that is because of the Trump presidency, which represents a triumph of the ASC and the network of CIA/Pentagon operatives connected to it.
Who's that?
(((Red Ice))) tried to shoah my Jewtube account for uploading that uncensored video.
IE gives Holla Forums credit for flyers @ 1:04:10
This board is run by Jews.
Kike Enoch and Spencer are just attention whores.
Never heard of this and just looking at the pizzagate denying makes is a disinfo shill.
No, Cernovitch is connected to the CIA and Pentagon via CIA/Pentagon intelligence agent Alex Jones. And Cernovitch himself is "ex" military (and you know what that means).
Pizzagate is a phony conspiracy theory concocted by CIA agents like Roger Stone and U.S. Naval Intelligence agents like Jack Posobiec.
90% of internet political conspiracy theories are invented by CIA/Pentagon intelligence operatives.
Red Ice is a Pentagon intel operation. Confirmed. (And Lana Lokteff is a Russian Jew).
Protecting the meme by adding NAZI messages ruins the point of the campaign. This isn't PEPE. The goal is different and it's destroyed when you shit up the original line with 1488, even if that's the end goal.
If you want to believe asinine political conspiracy theories invented by Pentagon disinformation intelligence spooks (Jack Posobiec) and YouTube viral marketer Zionist Jews (David Seaman), then be my guest.
Now you have gone off the deep end.
Filtered, kike
Retarded newnigger or shill.
That doesn't surprise me in the least. They used to shill for New Age/One Worldist/Lucis Trust philosophers and frequently feature guests pushing the doctrines and mythos of the freemasonic mystery schools.
They have literally stopped all that kooky esoteric and alien stuff and instead went to 100% race-realism and anti white-genocide activism. Sure they are heavily tied to the altright but of all the people in that camp, Red Ice are the last ones I suspect of having some kind of nefarious motive.
it's time to give these fucks the ben garrison treatment
The evidence for that is shit at beast
That meme was the first thing which came to my mind.
It's kosher trash either way.
Zon-Kuthon, diety in Pathfinder, is also known as The Midnight Lord.
The guy posting most commonly goes by the name Zon-Kuthon.
You're also forgetting the part where Kike Eunuch has dropped my doxx in places for the stigma I brought on his brand when I outed Ghoul. Because that's such a sign of having rid the organization of its problems, doxing people who reveal that your members groom and fuck underage boys.
Here you go user
When the operation started Enoch came out against it for being to mundane, then when he realized potential shekels are involved he claims to have created it. There is no defending kiked actions like this
i hate the alt-right and all their fucking e-celebs, these people just need to neck themselves
I cant believe this kike made me reply
Which is actually good evidence that they're an intelligence operation. It's stereotypical for intelligence plants to switch political/ideological positions overnight.
It's always the ones you least suspect. But they are in fact U.S. military intelligence agents.
No, the evidence for that is very good. It's not quite as good as the evidence for Alex Jones, but it's still pretty good.
They called for an alliance with "BASED nationalist jews" and claim "globalist" not zionist (>implying there's a difference) jews are the enemy. They've also been allowed to cover multiple AmRen events, which wouldn't happen if they were legit.
Right you are.
Jared Taylor has one of the most stereotypical CIA deep cover agent bios that you'll ever find.
I don't think it happened overnight. I think it was a natural development, just like some peoples' red-pilling processes started out with some weird shit and over time slowly focussing in on the (((real issue))). And they DO constantly talk about the JQ on there now.
I think they are a good step for people and they make some decent propaganda to share with normalfags.
And let's not forget about Jared Taylor's Jewish "Scottish" immigrant anti-racist activist wife Evelyn Rich. Observe the large hook nose in the second image.
the nose knows
But it did though.
But it wasn't. They obviously were ordered to change their topics/subjects of discussion by their Pentagon handlers.
>just like some peoples' red-pilling processes started out with some weird shit and over time slowly focussing in on the (((real issue))).
That does happen to regular people. But (((Lana Lokteff))) and Henrik Palmgren are not regular people. For one thing, Lana Lokteff is a Russian Jewess who comes from a CIA/intelligence spook family.
It really does.
You know what they say about extraordinary claims right?
Give me a minute and I'll post the evidence.
1. Lana Lokteff is a Russian Jew. 'Lokteff / Loktev' is a Russian-Jewish-Israeli surname. AddItionally, Lana's father's full name is Ruben Joseph Lokteff. 'Ruben' and 'Joseph' are both Hebrew names/surnames.
2. Red Ice Productions is a U.S. military intelligence operation. Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren are both employed by the U.S. Dept. of Defense as intelligence contractors. The proof of this claim is contained in the following series of images which are largely self-explanatory.
3. There are two newspaper articles in the New York Times that mention two of Lana Lokteff's possible family relatives in connection with their efforts in assisting Russian emigres (probably Jewish) in moving to and resettling in the United States. The occupational activities of these two individuals were/are typical of U.S. Government intelligence operatives.
It has been impossible for the city, already struggling with growing unemployment, to digest this huge and sudden influx. Few of the immigrants speak English well, and most have been unable to find work and are on welfare, said Nadia Lokteff, who offers social services through the local branch of World Relief.
Some attribute the immigrant influx to the shortwave radio religious broadcasts that for years were transmitted to the Soviet Union from Sacramento by a few earlier refugees. One of them, Michael Lokteff, president of the Slavic Community Center and whose radio ministry, "Word to Russia," dates to 1972, said a more important factor was the relationship he and others formed with American churches to offer housing and other help for refugees. "We prepared a network of people who were able to receive the first refugees quite well," said Mr. Lokteff, whose family was sponsored by a Sacramento family in 1950. "There was a welcome mat."
Meh, that's all really vague. For example, nothing says that pet service doesn't cater to civilians too.
Not saying you are wrong. I don't know. But it's best practices to trust NO one anyway and I never game them any shekels, so let's leave it at that.
Doesn't her dad run Christian missions to Israel or something, even though she claimed he gave her a copy of David Duke's Jewish Supremacism.
It does, but their testimonial is in the "military testimonials" sections. It's highly unlikely that that was a mistake.
Filter thread slide attempts. Do not respond to kike posts.
how's this?
Just as effective as "don't think of the color red"
Dumbfuck shill.
I've only ever seen leftists use "Dumbfuck" as a single word…
Made another one.
These have a lot more impact than those flow charts which supposedly link them to the CIA etc. You can identify people by their rhetoric, and these aut kikers are all anti-white controlled opposition.
Do one for Damigo.
This is pure garbage.
You can't meme, lol
Damigo is very close to spencer, and Ive seen him refer to himself as alt-right etc. Id be interested to see a bunch of his fuck ups all posted together on one meme. I dont trust him one bit. Pic related is a start. Apparently only the_donald thinks the aut-kike are cucks.
You do not belong here.
Oh and cant forget when he threatened to call the FBI on his own guys in the discord, if they talked about breaking the law.
That guy posted a bunch of Jared Taylor quotes sucking Jews cocks off and the final one directly shitting on National Socialism. You dont belong here, reported as JIDF.
How do you feel about me boosting each group you shill against?
I've had great success so far.
Do you feel in control?
Youre easily recognizable as the same ban evading shitposter whos been shilling this thread for days now. It makes you a race traitor for shilling people that openly support kikes and attack National Socialism etc. Youre a race traitor. You might think youre in control now, but race war is coming, and you people go before the enemies.
Pls reply.
Do you realize you are making us stronger?
Was this a part of your plan?
You are out of your league here.
Go back to wherever shill factory you came from. Respawn, and try )harder
You just keep telling yourself that all you have to do is always attack attack attack and be confident in order to win arguments, and shift your vpn up every time you get banned. Youre out of your league, read a book you dumb nigger, and go post on cuckchan, you have no power here.
Alt-right is a joke. Why are the people falling for this trick?
I would like to meme "It's okay for the jews to be fake white" to degrade the jews for lolz but there is no way to tell if meme is dangerous or not soo there's that.
Ok, Schlomo
You cant post this drivel without everyone knowing who you are anymore, I was just waiting for muh shareblue muh crew. You even got called out in your setup phase weeks ago, just pathetic. Youre very, very bad at your entire scheme. Very transparent.
That guy, the banned one whos post is greened out. Thats you, we all see it.
I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.
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its okay for jews to be kikes
I told you this "campaign" was the Alt-Right. And worst, it's Dugin. You should of recognized it by the endless bans (thought control) for anyone making a joke, including global bans on cuckchan.
Damn, she has all the hallmarks of a jew face. Hooked nose, w face, big ears low on head, wide forehead, mouth breather, thin upper lip, protruding lower lip, curly hair, dark hair and eyes, down-turned corners of the eyes. Can't tell from these pics if she also has the square shaped body that all jewish women seem to have.
No one is buying your shit, user. All of the TRS Ecelebs cam out against it until they found out that shekels could be made
Bullshit. Milo isn't even altright he's a Bannon reporter who trolls feminists, and the real altright attacked him for posting the tshirts. He knew they would expose themselves.
He is a typical kike lying and contradicting himself like it's fucking nothing.
I was talking about Enoch. When he found out from the Milo incident that there were shekels to be made he did a 180 on his position. TRS was against these posters, and now are trying to subvert the campaign once it got popular.
Oh look it's another D&C thread
hello there fellow white nationalists
yes. with links to prior threads from 4chan and discords. with multiple people who acted like 4cucks, used alt-lite images, etc. sperging that anyone with anything to say about their behavior is a shill/shareblue/whatever. the biggest discussion was about whether to glue or tape or sticker, ffs.
unless you can point to one of our general postering threads coming up with this before those 4chan threads, my point stands. This, while better in many ways, was even less organic than the postering threads in the spring/summer that always had dates decided but no one could explain why. Dates that always coincided with another group's or some alt-right event.
this may sound stupid, but what is there to ruin? It was a meme, and you don't own memes, you release them into the wild. Wasn't this supposed to be a onetime thing anyhow? It makes sense short-term to get the media and jews to publicly over-react, but in the long term it doesn't make sense. IOTBW has no sticking power, it's no 14 Words.
I've never heard that before. If that's true, then that's a smoking gun. Do you have a link for that?
Unfortunately, that's all that exists for deep cover intelligence operatives, e.g. indicators and signals and general patterns. Any hard proof is highly classified and will never be publicly disseminated.
Please provide examples of this, as it will be very damaging to them if you can.
Too little too late. Now they need to call out Spencer / TRS for doing it so many times, or else they're just playing damage control. And they know it, not sure why you even bother.
This is how you know they had nothing to do with it. They missed the entire point of keeping it simple. Now it will just be ignored or labeled as a racist hatecrime, which was never the point.
Stop changing the goddamn poster. If someone wants to claim it, let them. The only thing they'll claim is the bad press.
Keep posting the posters, unchanged.
Use super 77 to adhere them.
Do NOT change them.
Don't change them.
Changing? don't.
It has already been posted in the thread, Enoch was against the idea before it got MSM attention. TRS users even admitted it was from here, then proceeded to try and claim it as their own. Also this user makes a good point. Them not being able to understand the simple concepts behind the operation shows that they had no involvement
Mike was shitting on the fliers as "too simple" when he first saw them, before he realized they were in the news.
Never mind, I think it's actually another apparent family member and not her dad.
These are great, please keep making them. It makes shills lose their fucking minds, especially when you walk them through the sources linked beneath the quotes. They're forced to agree with the quotes after denying them, which is suicide for their optics.
This isn't the least bit surprising.
The Alt-Right is not a singular, fixed ideology and has no designated, official leader(s). The Alt-Right is a reactionary genre of right-wing thought/activism, with white-identitarianism - or white-nationalism in particular - being its' central platform of political interest.
I consider myself Alt-Right for all practical purposes. Dicky Spencer is not my leader, he's an inarticulate fruitcake who isn't half as clever as thinks he is. He's an influencer at best, and this is hardly an uncommon opinion within the AR.
tl;dr: all credit to ebaums
We've been false flagged!!!
That's okay. It's probably one of her extended family members. "Lokteff" is an extremely rare name in the United States. All the Lokteff's seem to live in California and they're probably all related.
Thanks for the images.
Unfortunately for you, Richard Spencer founded the Alt-Right, along with his Jewish mentor Paul Gottfried.
Dickie Spencer is broke. lel no more shekels.
His Mom was late with his allowance.
I can't believe these fags are still at it with the Antifachan. Almost a year later and they're still absolute faggots.
It's amazing that they use/accept the most obvious, least creative excuses. It's hard to tell if they just think everyone is stupid enough to be gaslit by that shit, or if they're so stupid they actually believe their own bullshit. TRS must have the dumbest they could recruit from /r/the_donald to replace all the people they lost during Yidwife Crisis.
That's what criminals say when they don't want you to bring up their crimes. There's no reason to forgive the lying and cover-up of hypocrisy, or attacking their own people once the truth was revealed, and those people rightly decided to disavow the guilty parties. Mike and anyone who helped him hide his yidwife all that time should have stepped down, for the sake of the movement – but that's the joke, because TRS isn't part of an actual movement. It's a fucking private business. All these namefags and ecelebs are out to MAKE MONEY, not "save the white race". Their 14 words are:
< We must secure the existence of our brand's optics, and a future for white merchandise
The alt-right is a merchandising movement, not a racialist movement.
In one of the recent alt right politics podcasts, Spencer outright says the IOTBW meme was conceived by 4chan.
OP is a D&C kike faggot.
Milo > Alt-Right
He exposed them putting their names on flyers frankly.
Spencer saying something now doesn't negate what Enoch has been saying since he found out he could make shekels off of this. Also you can't divide what was never united
If we had real mods this user would be banned for this comment. Instead you get banned for posting Stoicism threads or book threads
No shit it's better to be white. But use your fuckin brain, user. The fact that a phrase so simple and seemingly harmless as "it's okay to be white" is making so many mainstream figures booty blasted is showing normalfags that not only does anti white racism exist, it's also widespread.
You AltRight fags talk like obnoxious hipsters. And no one gave a fuck or even talked about it except Tucker Carlson because he lurks 4ch.
Go be a defeatist somewhere else. Even better, get outside and put up a few posters yourself, assuming you aren't an obese degenerate that would give people a bad impression. I've heard many people IRL talking about this shit, and your whiny posts are doing nothing for the cause. Fags like you should be banned, you contribute nothing except cynicism and shit on everything because you're fucking pathetic, worthless, and even though you know that you're still too weak to change anything.
Now this guy knows how to make propaganda that can change the world.
daily reminder
This would be a good time to give everyone a head's up that Alex Jones was saying he's planning on making a shirt that says something to the effect of:
You left out the part about your primary base of operations being owned by a CIA/Pentagon intelligence operative.
"Watkins says that he joined the U.S. Army when he was 18, first serving as a helicopter mechanic and then a recruiter. He emphasized to me, unprompted, that he didn't work for the CIA though he's 'noticed some people guessing that.'"
Jim Watkins
Holla Forums board:
The Goldwater:
Porn site he is affiliated with (could be a different BBSPINK):
I told you not to IRL. I told you what happens. I told you not to rally. I TOLD YOU there is at least a few on Holla Forums who are still always right. see meme AGAIN
That happened after the great meme war though.
That's the only reason your fucking poster threads are stickied so dont complain (((you))) are on the same team in the end.
I don't have a thonking emoticon mighty enough for this.
I'm honestly not sure why anyone still posts here post sunshine
But sunshine is the greatest disinfectant.
You mean, the man who helped free Terry Davis? We're supposed to believe he's a CIA nigger? Get some better material.
As much of a kike faggot as Milo is he still didn't stoop so low as to claim he created it.
Spencer's oddly been sensible lately. I've been agreeing with most of what he's been sayiing and I hate Spencer. Its left me with the impression that someone else needs to get ahead of him somehow before he fools more people into following him, sadly I'm too much of an autistic fuck to be a leader. If a solid movement like NSDAP ever formed I could help from the shadows, particularly monetarily, but nothing out there currently is worth it. Sage for double post.
Does anybody have the the image of TRS being in front of a jewish rat?
New promo for TheRightStuff.Biz
I own the "It's okay to be white." website, and I am one of the founding anons behind the initial raid.
We are NOT and NEVER were affiliated with any organization. I will put my user ID on the website for proof.
Is this why he turned down associating with people who got 60,000 to rally in Poland for nationalism? Is that what counts for sensible? Faggot wants to be Hitler but can't get involved with larger movements, yeah, so sensible.
Get a website that doesn't require javascript to merely view.
its okay to be dank
If you write the html itt i'll use it instead. I can't script for shit. Just make it look like the wix page.
Are you fucking serious? No wonder ecelebs are cancer. Fuck this shit.
What the hell is going on with this thread?
Oh, they get it perfectly. That's why they're gonna try to sabotage it.
Adding a political affiliation, a name, a face completely defeats the purpose of IOTBW. Spencer and the other TRSodomites are not dumb, they understand this perfectly well because it is obvious to anyone with an IQ over 115. IOBTW works because it is
It uses the hysteric defensiveness of the kikes against them. One of the better single ideas that has come out of Holla Forums over the past few years. And now the alt-kikes are giving the MSM exactly what they need to discredit and denounce this campaign, exactly what they need to prevent normies from activating their almonds for once. An explanation, a conspiracy, a group of fringe nutters seeking to manipulate them.
Fuck dicky spencer, fuck the trsodomites, fuck the namefags. Controlled opposition, the lot of them. Organize offline only.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yeah, that organic
"It's okay to be white." Will not ever affiliate with a political group. The scope is purely to expose the hypocrisy of academia and the news/media.
If TRS, IE, AR, etc anyone ever claims to be "official" or attempt to brand the pdf it will all be illegitimate. No branding, no symbols, no websites, NOTHING on the posters.
IOTWB strengthens the targets of anti-European Cultural Marxism and emboldens them to accept and cherish their racial identity, and to open their eyes to those who hate them.
The meme is basically the reaction to the posters, that is the greatest tool of iotbw. Those with evil in their heart will tear the posters down, try to deface them, ban them, harm those who post them.
The actions of the left are the main show of the movement, this is basically an international confession booth for their deep-seeded hatred.
REJECT branding and shame those who undermine a movement that seeks to break the guilt complex given by decades of abusive indoctrination.
Wait, do we all have super secret Ids numbers now?
Just a way to confirm my first post, its gone now.
I will try to make a non-java page soon. I just heard about TRS shilling on the movement and I wanted to refute that bullshit.
Not only that but they had the dumpster fires Evalion, Michelle G, Sinead, that fucking animation furry druggie whore on their show for a full hour interacting with them as if they were relevant. Gotta love the huge pics of them in thumbnails. It's like they were floating them all as potential e-celeb leaders. And that furry whore hosting the NPI conference for their stream when a simple search would have turned up her furry masterbation vid, or the drug vids, or her fucked up cartoons.
And they did change format overnight. Their site got flooded with angry comments from long time listeners about the change. I tried to locate them recently but couldn't.
Gas yourself kike.
It's because the plan is so simple that you need to have malicious intent to fuck it up.
You are an idiot if you believe this. I am the OP of /wg/.
JFC, did he really? Talk about fucking chutzpah. It was a joint op between TWP, LotS, and NSM, mostly the former two, with some other minor groups attending. Most of the people in attendance are the people that Spencer looks down his nose at.
>doesn't know about the filters seriously, how fucking new can you be, nigger?
2/10, I replied
Namefags are always cancer. There are no exceptions.
The real point of it all is that they're trying to control the fucking narrative, which should be a massive red flag to anyone with a brain. It is our job to ensure that things remain decentralized so that no one can seize control or disrupt White awakening–not even us–especially not us.
There are no brakes on the Happening train
Constantly changing to new narratives and tactics will always force them to follow. In the future it should be a similarly simple narrative but one they can't own. (something based around: its okay to be jewish).
Sanity prevails amidst a few of us. I knew at least a few of us could smell the astroturf.
I noticed a “Turn [town name] into a sanctuary city” sign while driving into my hometown today. It really disgusted me. First, it’s not even a city. Second, the town has been degrading ever since spics started invading. We now have a lot of crime, vape shops everywhere, it’s awful. Tempted to put one of these signs right on that poster.
That's definitely another good point. Even subhuman street gangs often change slang. Ever since I started lurking cuck/pol/ in '07, I have seen slang change so often sometimes I would have trouble keeping up with it, even when browsing regularly.
The only option for shills, then, is to become us, which they cannot do, kek. And bait is the other thing. This op is genius because it is non-offensive bait, and they cannot resist biting every fucking single time.
this is a good point
I am sure they are a controlled op as they attempt to damage everything around them
That is a damn good artist's rendition of the current climate as far as the right wing goes.
Silly question: Have any of /us/ sought a trademark on "It's Okay to be White" merch? I just ordered a self-inking stamp, but maybe if we had legal standing to sue the kike and the pseudokike, lulz would be had?
At least we could stop the motherfuckers from LARPing as internet Nazis.
Mike Enoch credited the flyer campaign to 8pol and 4pol on the Shoah a few weeks ago. He made fun of Milo claiming it. Jazzhands is probably out of the loop to who started it.
wew, how butt is your hurt? faggot
u know. i used to think mike was such a fag….
im starting to come around
i think 8pol might too someday
but its going to take sometime,,, a … lot of time but u fellas better noaught try to shill again, lol u know what happens
Das rite
8pol and trs can be friends someday!
deal with it!
Anyone who says the IOTBW meme is bad optics is an idiot!!!
>Point out (((Enoch))) is a yid
The butthurt seems to be with you, TRSemite.
post shoah mebm where he mentions this pls
chek'd und heiled
whole post is good but that bit should activate your almonds tbqh
I have no problem with this whatsoever.
Poor Richard Partnership kek. His mother thinks he is such a retard she made a pity partnership for him and named it Poor Richard partnership.
My fucking sides!
As much as I find the alt kike detestable, this isn't what they said.
kike detected
maximum kikery
I think everybody who has been on the chans long enough knows who is causing this shit. I notice in every single one of these threads mod ban people who dare express the wrong opinions on the Alt-Right. I also notice they auto correct "W E E V" to "jew" now. It is very obvious what is happening to Holla Forums pol and it's been obvious for quite a long time now.
Just expanding on this: the obvious strategy that is being deployed on this website and enforced to one degree or another by the mods is that everyone - absolutely everyone - who expresses Holla Forums sympathies or sentiments gets shit on. There isn't a single living public figure in the American right wing that these people won't slander. Not a single one. During the 2016 election, before (((they))) started paying attention, you didn't see this constant bickering and infighting. Now it's 24/7 D&C and anybody who questions it is a TRShill or whatever the fuck D&C canard these faggots are using.
It is a very, very obvious tactic and anyone who gets caught up in this D&C bullshit is a fucking retard. No I'm not saying you should like TRS, no I'm not saying I like Richard Spencer. But it's pretty fucking obvious what is happening here.