Why do this other than to give unthinking children a confidence boost?
Game isn't a puzzle game
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Usually games that do this put in something that isn't really a puzzle.
Indeed, it's usually the caliber of the OP's webm
I don't think I've seen good puzzles in games since Silent Hill 2.
Legend of Grimrock 2 had some tough cookies, but they were more annoying than fun to solve.
Because some developers don't know what the fuck they're doing
Always hated that shit.
why are you complaining about finding something that stinks in a pile of garbage?
The jailer is the key?
>you have to bribe the competitor to lose
Typical nigger. Stop being black, son.
this is why this indie cancer with lazy ass games that do only one thing, will never die
Fucking Drakengard 3
wtf i hate zelda now
If this game didn't have that fucking RTS bullshit it would've been golden.
What game?
I love puzzles, honestly if you can't appreaciate a good puzzle on a game then you should kill yourself you ape.
>Spess mareeh
Good puzzles yeah
Wait a minute that card fuck no
In the early 3D days puzzles were put in to break up the monotony of the otherwise limited gameplay. In recent years it's mostly used as a way to pad the game length. Which I only like the latter method when it's in a game like Dead Space where puzzle solving actually contributes to something that matters in the story. And isn't just some RE style bullshit where you need 3 fucking coins to open the door to a supply closet.
Let's just put in a minigame that's the exact opposite of what the player is here for
The fact that people actually got stuck on this fucking astounds me.
Maybe they got confused and thought "THE CARD HAS FIVE SYMBOSL BUT THERES ONLY 3 BELLS WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?"
What a disappointing final boss.
It was cool to see all the boss character cameos, I guess.
After I beat Robobot, I got a chance to borrow Triple Deluxe … literally 1:1 they are the same game.
i liked these
git gud
If it didn't have the RTS bullshit it would have been a shitty hack and slash.
Fucking Sly.
Holy shit they even repeated it in cisquisition? Do they really think the majority of their ME1 players didn't play KOTOR1 and that the majority of their Cisquisition players didn't play either?
I had to look this up when I first saw it in KOTOR because I'd never heard of this before at all.
They explain the rules pretty clearly, you don't mean you actually had to look up the solution, did you?
where do they explain anything?
They just tell you that you can't move a charge to a pillar with a charge above it, that when you move a charge it takes the top one from the selected stack, and that you need to move all of them to the right side in order to complete the puzzle
Pretty simple.
Slider puzzles are the worst.
I'm embrassingly bad at puzzles in video games. I'm really good at the action segments and can usally power through that sort of stuff without an issue. But put a simple block pushing puzzle in front of me and I get confused as godamned fuck.
Feels shameful mane.
Do you have any screencaps of this shit?
these are gay.
Why do people hate those so much?
because it's a time wasting puzzle and has never has nothing to so with the game I'm playing, I did get the game because this gay puzzle was in it.
I think he might mean the snowboarding from Final Fantasy VII
I liked them the first few times. And then I realized half the fucking game was going to be spent doing them.
If iJustine has a Bioshock Infinite playthrough, I'd suspect her.
I'd cure Burch of her SJW
What's wrong? These things are piss easy.
It's fucking boring, I did the puzzle there 5 times before I posted it, it's fucking boring as a puzzle and no game that implements it is ever at a good time and is never simply optional
Resident Evil 4 had a puzzle like that. It was so piss easy that it served as more of an inconvenient time wasting obstacle than a puzzle, and yet, DSP had such a hard time with it that he had to call his girlfriend to solve it.
the RE4 one is the best one I've seen, it's actually made so just making the moves in a circle around the edges just lets you complete it which you can easily see if you just look for a second
worst part of Talos Principle by far
Runescape made everyone who played it an expert at those damn things.
Okay, how about this:
It isn't a puzzle if the solutions are guessing.
I love that shit though
Now if this is a X in my A thread
I hate that shit.