Ethnic non-practicing Jew here, I have a long family history of being involved in socialist, anarchist, and Marxist movements in the US going all the way back to the late early 1900's in NYC (my grama having voted for the Socialist Party of America in the election right after the 19th amendment passed) with her husband and eldest son having participated heavily in demonstrations and organizing strikes. Why are so many of you against Zionism? You realize that most of the under served and persecuted proletariat Jews from Eastern Europe that got shoahed were some sort of left leaning or otherwise, right? and at that most of them were Zionists. Why is antisemitism allowed in the modern day left when Jews have played such a vital role in elevating the masses from destitute enslavement to capitalism and the muh privileged classes?
Ethnic non-practicing Jew here, I have a long family history of being involved in socialist, anarchist...
Nice try Holla Forums
Care to explain your logic? I'm just curious why you think I'm some fascist?
Fuck off, you're probably Holla Forums anyway
Zionism doesn't have to be exclusively Jewish and quite frankly I'd be open to anyone who wanted to escape persecution to come to Israel no matter their "status". I just don't understand why so much of the left opposes it when all their movements and ideology have foundations on people who supported it.
Possibly not a facist, just low-tier bait. The people of leftypol aren't dumb enough to be suckered by your bullshit "Antizionism = Antisemitism" argument. Hating an ideology for the suffering it causes is not the same as hating people for the way they were born.
Zionism is fantastic, I have no issue with it. The problem I have is that only non-whites are "allowed" to hold ethno-nationalist viewpoints.
Ethnic non-practising scientologist here, I just wanted to say rate my uncle.
OP here and I'm asking you to leave please
How about instead of shitting on Zionism you advocate to change it? Oh no, you've just got to attack some Jews against because apparently you're going to pretend that certain historical events didn't happen.
typical Zionist
Oy vey it's anudda shoah living among the goyim we need our country schlomo write a letter to the goyim at the state department and make our demands clear!
the same comparison of the prevalence of jews in socialism could be compared to their prevalence in the capitalist class, and zionism is the worst kind of ethno-nationalism. Your entire appeal of an ethnicity being beneficial to socialism is absurd, by that logic russians are the socialist race, based on their soviet past.
Persecuting a people for wanting a home away form persecution is the kind of shit that will lead to another holocaust
Nice job twisting my words around. I'm saying that have you maybe considered that you're ideologically unsound given that most of the people who pioneered the ideologies you find root in today were in fact zionists and yet you refuse to accept it.
I have to say, I'm quite thrilled with the current crisis in Israel, Palestinians need to launch more attacks tbh.
Fuck off Holla Forums
Btw ur waifu burns coal
I knew someone would eventually post something like this, you filthy antisemitic fucks spit in the faces of all those persecuted many who gave their lives for the people. You celebrate the same kind of violence that happened in the pogroms instead of advocating for a peaceful solution.
Hadn't heard about that, nice. Turnabout is fair play, go Palestine!
Nice meme
Arabs and Jews living side by side and Arabs not shooting rockets at us.
I really don't understand why you guys are so autistic that you think anyone who disagrees with your must be from Holla Forums
Oh but I do emphathize with the poor Israeli that is exploited by the porky and his/her rabbis. However, I have no empathy for those zionist fellows that continue to oppose the existence of a Palestinian state even if misguided. The support for Saudi Arabia by Israeli leadership demonstrates the immorality of Israel.
Continue to cry afoul with accusations of anti-semitism, I have no problem with your religion, but until your oppressive, nationalistic state disappears off the face of the earth, the zionist deserves a slow death.
All the people accusing me of being some racist xenophobic Jew-fascist who don't see the irony in people claiming to support equality taking pot shots at a persecuted minority (Jews) just because you disagree a bit with how we run our country
And you call ME a nationalist! Wow
I don't understand why you guys can't read. I thought Jews were supposed to be smart.
That's about as likely as China and Vietnam being true friends like the US and the UK.
I don't have an issue with how the heebs run "their" country, I have an issue with how they run ours.
I will indulge in this bait
as much as zionism is prevalent, so too were other nationalist degenerations of socialism, and other bourgeois leanings, and they were historically suppressed and purged.
the soviet union created a jewish republic in the southeast to solve this problem.
You can always find one example to prop up or a few. The fact of the matter is that it's the Palestinians who don't want to live with the Jews, not the other way around. The Palestinians are the ones who oppose settlement and living in a unified state, I'd love to have an Israel where Arab Muslims and Jews could get along and be neighbors, most Jews don' oppose this, it's the Palestinians that attack us and kill innocent settlers and even non-settlers constantly.
You and I know that's not the same thing. The Birobidzhan is a tiny land locked piece of unfarmable uninhabitable land that have no history for the Jews
Wow, nice political cartoon bro, those never have any bias.
And it wouldn't be like that if they would stop blowing us up. All security measures Israel takes are simply reactions and self defense.
You deserve blowback for as long as your state exists. In fact, they've been too easy on the zionist as he continues to rip apart their families while enriching himself thanks to land-seizure acts courtesy of the corrupt Bibi regime.
Maybe if they stopped suicide bombing check points, busses, and the neighboring states stopped threatening to destroy Israel it'd be easier to have a more open society and not have circumstances where homes have to be destroyed.
You can post ebin reaction images all you want, it won't change the fact that the PaleSTAINS are the ones provoking the violence and the ones who are a threat to peace and a single state.
Maybe if you'd stop provoking it every step of the way.
Jew nazis are nazis too.
lmao, so was israel until you stole paleztinian land.
I have yet to hear ONE actual argument.
i have yet to hear an actual question.
cucked by the romans, kek
i hope you visit your precious desert and end up dead in a bombing
Why are you guys so violent and antisemitic?
lol no
Nice idpol
oy vey nevah foget da 6 billion