I can't enjoy movies like a normal person anymore, so I've not seen this, but note hints in old movies when I watch. Nosferatu I'm convinced is actually kikes represented. Zombie movies, zombie are the goyim. I still enjoy a good one though.
I can watch few comedies. Tommyboy and Black Sheep is my jam. Well, Chris Farley was. Stand up comedian George Carlin woke me up honestly, his jokes stuck. He hid his red pills in comedy. Kikes didn't like his brand of comedy, they only think shit and pranks using shit is hilarious. And sex. Otherwise I'm watching documentaries now of history subjects. I'm finding some red pills there. Feels rewarding there. Pedowood has long been slipping it in for their lulz, between us joke, now the goyim know. Giving us internet was a bad plan. Instead of porno, I looked up gore. Crime photos, accidents never bothered me. When you all post gore to scare off shills, I'm zooming in "how the hell did he wrap himself around that fence" "wonder shot or drowned nigger in Katrina photos lemme zoom in.
I haven't been able to enjoy a whole lot in the entertainment genre in awhile, mainly because I'll never watch focal point. I'm looking at decor and background, shrines, floors and patterns. I once had to take stagecraft drama classes in HS it became a habit to eyeball the set make sure nothing was messy. Learned that which is handy, even though I failed the stupid class.
I've not been welcome at our t.v. time, since I couldn't calm down with my outbursts watching Designated Survivor. "Omg that's like we are!!" "Jesus that's our gov't tricks " "Is Keifer 'the Christmas tree attacker madman' warning us?" Same with Mr. Robot. That one I still enjoy alone, I'm behind a bit. But it laid bare how little corporations think of us, or anyone that can't help them. They use people, innocent ones. Especially great was how losing money was their worst nightmare. I learned smart home features just might all mess up bad at the same time. But damn it'd be good feels if hackers reset all debts.
I do think there's programs that slip in what they've learned. Some being kikes that think if they disclose, then they've told the goyim and therefore it's o.k. I'm not sure how degenerate Keifer is. He got help after jumping into the tree (I keked at that though) Anyway, he directs 'Designated Survivor' and directed '24' both some original ones, and the new one. I felt a lot of foreshadowing was going on in both programs. They were situations that "Might could happen, you never know" I like to think he was trying to brace folks, or maybe even condition people they could make it possible idk which yet. I thought that a collapse of the entire gov't could absolutely happen another way, because of the corrupted are so numerous, they're almost all terrible. The way it happened to be gov't collapsed was way different so he'd be able to claim (((pure coincidence))) either way. (A bomb leveled the capitol building in it, killed almost everyone, cept one, he became VP, was thought of as heroic but was bad.) It's a good show but I had to stop watching that. Homeland security too.