Fucking get in here and cube nigs

Okay normally this would go in /polmeta/ I agree but it is too fucking important not to post here.

A group of strangers wake up in a dystopian hellcube of epic-sized proportions built by an amorphous group of people all of which have zero idea about how the project got to be built.
The cube is a deathmaze of traps and dead-ends and the maze is constantly moving and shifting unbenownst to the inhabitants.

This is where it gets fucking spooky as shit:
The fucking main protagonist is a wojack looking autist that notices repeating numbers over and over again and the people there use him to try and escape this hell hole.
The movie is littered with shadow government and conspiratorial undercurrents, overlayed across several political messages that relate to the modern time.

Other urls found in this thread:


You might be right. But you are still advertising. What exactly in the movie is revelating considering how old it is?


Well are you gonna stream it or not faggot


Okay so long story short they all realise they end up in this cube as a result of this massive shadowy project to build the thing, it has similar lines towards the state of affairs related to the creation of the internet as well as how there are massive systems built by the (((elite))) to constantly shift reality like a giant puzzle or game..

I saw it like 2 years ago.. not a bad movie. Especially since the shitskins all die. But why does this deserve a thread?

You didnt notive the wojack looking autist who notices a repeating pattern of digits and is therefore the only on that survivees the every shape shifting death maze?

Ffs the first frames

I only saw Cube 2: Hypercube

Kind of a derail but I don't want to make a thread about it and this is just a fun thread anyway so… you should all watch the first episode of Beast Wars (transformers spin off from the 90's). It's the most blatantly occult/conspiracy laden thing ever seen in entertainment media.

It just goes on and on


you faggots, cubes are a not-so-well-known sign of a specific political alignment

So you know better.
Kill yourself, cunt.

You aren't sliding the Qpennings.

Wew lads is that the fucking infinity logo?

Consider myself thoroughly gassed.

Also they are sticked you dumb fucks. Why eould I slide happenings?


Beware the Cube, Holla Forums.

Saw all three of these fuckers when I was still a schoolboy. Great films. Very coded and almost definitely memetic powered.

The prison is a fractal cube and the prisoners allegedly agree and sign a document to participate in what I'm guessing is usually a plea deal. (Cube zero)

The numbers are not only repetitive but prime number based.

Shit. Totally forgot about this movie. It has memetic potential.

Wojack turns up in a green room
Then they are talking about the military industrial complex

If I remember right, the nig has to be put down because of his chimp-out, despite the only reason he's survived up to that point is the white people figuring everything out.

And wojack goes


It's a good movie. The sequels (which I think were done by different writers and directors but I might be wrong) were fucking lame though. Sage because the cubes weren't based around repeating numbers, they were based around moving co-ordinates (I think that's the first time I've used spoilers for their actual purpose).

The original Cube movie had very little of this stuff. The viewer and the characters got little to no answers as to what the cube was or why they were there. The only answers the viewer gets is from the characters pondering their predicament. That's what made the movie so compelling. It wasn't about trying to stop some conspiracy or get to to bottom of the cube mystery; it was about just trying to survive this weird fucking place.

The sequels provided more answers, but that's the reason the sequels suck they ruin all the mystery.

No but they did ask some very specific questions that activate some almonds in a Holla Forums context

stream in you nigger
Holla Forums movie nights when

Okay fuck it you lazy shit


I can't enjoy movies like a normal person anymore, so I've not seen this, but note hints in old movies when I watch. Nosferatu I'm convinced is actually kikes represented. Zombie movies, zombie are the goyim. I still enjoy a good one though.

I can watch few comedies. Tommyboy and Black Sheep is my jam. Well, Chris Farley was. Stand up comedian George Carlin woke me up honestly, his jokes stuck. He hid his red pills in comedy. Kikes didn't like his brand of comedy, they only think shit and pranks using shit is hilarious. And sex. Otherwise I'm watching documentaries now of history subjects. I'm finding some red pills there. Feels rewarding there. Pedowood has long been slipping it in for their lulz, between us joke, now the goyim know. Giving us internet was a bad plan. Instead of porno, I looked up gore. Crime photos, accidents never bothered me. When you all post gore to scare off shills, I'm zooming in "how the hell did he wrap himself around that fence" "wonder shot or drowned nigger in Katrina photos lemme zoom in.

I haven't been able to enjoy a whole lot in the entertainment genre in awhile, mainly because I'll never watch focal point. I'm looking at decor and background, shrines, floors and patterns. I once had to take stagecraft drama classes in HS it became a habit to eyeball the set make sure nothing was messy. Learned that which is handy, even though I failed the stupid class.

I've not been welcome at our t.v. time, since I couldn't calm down with my outbursts watching Designated Survivor. "Omg that's like we are!!" "Jesus that's our gov't tricks " "Is Keifer 'the Christmas tree attacker madman' warning us?" Same with Mr. Robot. That one I still enjoy alone, I'm behind a bit. But it laid bare how little corporations think of us, or anyone that can't help them. They use people, innocent ones. Especially great was how losing money was their worst nightmare. I learned smart home features just might all mess up bad at the same time. But damn it'd be good feels if hackers reset all debts.

I do think there's programs that slip in what they've learned. Some being kikes that think if they disclose, then they've told the goyim and therefore it's o.k. I'm not sure how degenerate Keifer is. He got help after jumping into the tree (I keked at that though) Anyway, he directs 'Designated Survivor' and directed '24' both some original ones, and the new one. I felt a lot of foreshadowing was going on in both programs. They were situations that "Might could happen, you never know" I like to think he was trying to brace folks, or maybe even condition people they could make it possible idk which yet. I thought that a collapse of the entire gov't could absolutely happen another way, because of the corrupted are so numerous, they're almost all terrible. The way it happened to be gov't collapsed was way different so he'd be able to claim (((pure coincidence))) either way. (A bomb leveled the capitol building in it, killed almost everyone, cept one, he became VP, was thought of as heroic but was bad.) It's a good show but I had to stop watching that. Homeland security too.

I have this movie and it was a good watch the first time due to its mystery. Of course, the nig chimps out and kills the white girl

I watched that shit once while I was sick and had these horrible feverish nightmares about the hypercube. It wasn't a very good movie but the concept of getting trapped in that thing was fucking terrifying.

This movie is definitely coded by someone you might consider /ourguy/ it is a fantastic subliminal redpill

That shit is from like 94. Canadian film no? I think it did well and then they made like two shitty sequels. Anyway not /pol

Just watched the movie. Fucking good shit, it's rare that a film can actually get me tense. Nicole deboer was a qt3.14 too.

explain yourself

Beware the Cube.

I agree that Cube Zero sucked, but I did kind of like Cube 2: Hypercube.

go to /tv you sliding adolescent nigger (and how in the fuck haven't you seen any cube movie before? there are 3, by the way)

Then I suggest you give it another watch then.

it's interesting how they all get redpilled in the redroom

Always loved this movie. Need to watch again.

So when are you going to either
A: get tired of making slide threads or
B: go back to cuckchan

Bump for interest? Gonna watch this after finishing work.

Stop wtching netflix OP


Yes OP, we know.

How many sides does a cube have?


6 sides, 8 corners, 12 edges

fucking kikes

and yet the idiot savant wins

because he is too dumb to have any fear or desire.

Cube is a great movie. Yeah.

Very interesting, I've seen this pic before but never bothered reading it all the way through. So what's the significance of this? Jews worship the deification of evil? This breakdown suggests they were tricked into it and #notalljews, but doesn't explain why even normie jews tend to be fucked up even if they aren't knowingly part of the conspiracy. Evil rubbed off on them, or corrupted bloodlines through dark rituals disguised as worship maybe?

Funny, I knew the guy who played Rennes in the first Cube movie, Wayne Robson. I was friends with his daughter and he lived one street over. Good guy, sadly passed away a few years back.

He also voiced Frank in Disney's Rescuers Down Under

Oh hey, it's the containment cell for Unit 01 when they inexplicably put it into space.

I'm getting tired of this forced meme.

Saturn worship. Look at the fucking hexagon.

I don't know why it does this, but Saturn's pole unnerves me with its straight edges.

You dingus, the fact that they use his Autism is completely by design.

The entire point of CUBE is That the CUBE has no higher purpose or hand controlling it; its either a Rich Boy Project or a Government commissioned experiment that got scrapped but fell through the cracks and is still on a function payroll. One of the main characters worked on the CUBE himself and says as much; its a project running itself because no one asks and no one tells so no ever has the full picture to whats actually going on, and they NEVER will, including the people inside the Cube, which is in fact the true horror of it all.

The Cube is just a shitty ripoff of Five Characters in Search of an Exit.

How do you feel when you watch this video and the planet Saturn is slowly approaching you, growing more and more in size?

More spooky than anything I saw this Halloween.

NASA forgot to increase their polygon count

I've seen a video where some dude spins egg yolks in a bowl with a big spoon, and it forms a hexagonal shape; it could just be related to gravity

it is related to gravity and quantum mechanics

ICP was in on it from the beginning

No.. I noticed it..





First of all semitic is just a word to classify a group of languages. Secondly claiming Jesus was a direct descendant of the King of David denies Immaculate Conception; which you know and I'm only pointing out for those that didn't see it as obvious bait. You actually have no fucking clue how Jesus was to inherit the throne of King David. hint: it's not the fucking genealogies that you uneducated kikethiest/LARPfagans regurgitate

Its actually due to axial shift based on the fact the planet wobbles as it spins. Its poles move the length of each side of the hexagon in each angle of the hexagon with every angle.

Fucking marketing thread. GTFO.


nigger this film came out 20 years ago


where are you fags pouring in from?

it is related to cymatics. Fluid medium movement/vibrations will create many geometric forms to contain/distribute their energy


try Z-Nation
it's fun

Why the fuck did this thread stay up and the SNL skit with Mike Myers and Heather Lockleer saying the Holohocaust was fake and calling out Pepe by name was anchored?

Also why is the black guy fucking a white guy thread up for 85 replies?

What is the logical reasoning behind the Pepe slow down meme?

Good movie, but come on.


Not really.

They should both be anchored.

Bible qoutes for the star of david and

Kekistan (Alt-Right) destroyed it like they destroy or take over all of Holla Forums's culture with their gay campaigns.

They need to die before anyone else.

I literally just saw this movie two days ago.

I'm not sure you paid attention to the plot very well. The mathematician girl noticed the room numbers were in pairs of 3 digit primes. The only thing the savant did was factor the primes.

explain this plox

Im disappointed in all of you.

Not ome person here, yet, even comments on the obvious human sacrifice element in an apparent temple to saturn.

damn i loved that movie he was my favorite character too




Still doesn't explain how the ancients came to associate the hexagram, eye ( vortex on the other pole) etc with Saturn considering there's no way they they could've observed it with the bare eye. Also the whole black cube, black sun thing I have no educated clue about this stuff when some claim it's a failed, thus dark star. Supposedly singlw star solarsystems are somewhat rare.




Our Saturn is Our Saturn (Wotan)
(((their))) Saturn is a hermaphrodite

praise Bogs

Could you recommend some documentaries?

Cool movies. spoilers below.
The girl who notices the prime numbers name sounds like 11 when spoken.
Red, green, blue,orange and white rooms.
Nigger gets all rapey.
lots of repeating digits and palindromes in the room numbers.
Autist 'wins'
27 layers to get out.
Old ladies dog is called Skippy
Tiny monolith.
Waking up in a pool.
Time stops at 6.06
Realities merging into one.

Also when are you cunts going to notice pic related?

let me just ask you this
which do you know more of, the culture that made pic related?
or the culture that destroyed them.
hint:one is Semitic and one is aryan


Watch Falling Down/Dark City/Fight Club

Its a good anime
This is specifically referencing the opening of evangellion 3.33(English version) where auska is in her eva 2 and is securing the thing in the photo housing eva 1

Throw Videodrome on that list


Falling Down is a great movie.

They tried to memory hole it. They tried to shut it down. But this ham has spiraled out of control!

n * (n - 1) / 2, where n is the number of dimensions. Learn to into n-dimensional chess, user.

Nobody in here noticed harvey weinstein hired a company called black cube.

Wasted thread.

Sounds like an analogy for Holla Forums and the journey down the rabbit hole.


these the same guys who made cypher? that was an ok movie

and Network


Mr. Robot was created and is written by a kike named Sam Esmail. Gas yourself, Chaim.

What happened to the frogs tongue?

It's being used like a skipping rope to make the others jump.

Alt-Right DOTR when?

Your OP isn't very good. Please try to refrain from posting while intoxicated or sleepy.

The movie predates imageboards and dubs, and the spoiler ending is that the cube was some sort of runaway bureaucratic nightmare, a military industrial complex Winchester house which cannot be stopped and which may eventually devour the entire universe, and it's all our fault.

I'll grant you I saw this inconsequential and kind of dumb little horror film about 20 years ago, but at least I'm not drunk.

Good flick but there's not much to it.
Kafkaian plot, Argento influences (the aesthetic), and Christian undertones (the sinless idiot goes to heaven).
All Vicenzo Natali's stuff is smart and worth checking.

AS if it wasn't obvious form the synopsys, it is shit.

And we are getting tired of your stupidity, Christcuckery is 100% semitic. If you bothgered to9 study it, were it came from or its intended purpose you would realize just how fucking retarded it is for europeans to be christian.

(((Who))) do you think the (((Atheists))) pushing so hard against Christianity are.
(((Why))) do you think (((they))) have tried so hard to silence and subvert such individuals as Father Coughlin and Cornelius Zelia Codreanu?

I watched this after seeing this thread. Thanks OP, it was really good