
Is America ruled by a Sanhedrin?

Yes, the Elders of Zion rule as a Sanhedrin.

Judges has just way too much power in the US, like more than your president. It's really crazy.

I believe the Sanhedrin had most of the power in ancient Israel. More than their king? I have to look into this.

Enoch went off on the judges for their “Talmudic reasoning” in one of the recent trs episodes. This should be memed. Maybe refering to any judge overrule of the will of the people as a member of the Sanhedrin? Just wondering.

Time to rend some garments.
Calling the Justice system a "sanhedrin" would be a pretty clever move.


I’ve been reading through the Talmud Sanhedrin tractates. There must be some rule (Halacha) which allows the Judge class to overrule the king, or something which delineates their roles, which if, when found, could become the deeper truth behind the meme.

I was going to bring this up at some point, because even der normie can understand that rule-by-courtroom is a corrupt system

It’s heady, but can be memed I believe, though it would take some research, reaching Normies and lower iq American whites
A majority disagree with the judicial class’s rulings in recent years

Yes and they are Jews



Interesting that the talmud was written after Jesus death.

legal injustices are a constant motivator for the vocal minority, arguing for court reform would register as a blip on the attention-span radar, but a blip that doesn't trigger a conditioned response.

kvetching about legal proceedings is a blindspot, it's a corridor into the masses frequented by mostly jews and needs to be a line kept open in order for the faux-demos narrative to function.

Not really. Apart from the claim of it being merely a written compendium of super sekrit oral laws, it was also a reaction to Jews getting fucking rekt by the Romans long after Jesus' death and the ensuing complete destruction of their religious institutions.

Just to clarify, im not proposing undermining the uselessness of the current mo: apparent local judicial prejudice against the minority. Rather the (((coordination))) Of the Federal judiciary against the will of the people.

And somehow exiled Jews with the Talmud Bavli have precedence over those Jews who remained in Jerusalem with their Talmud yerushalmi

Fuck off trsodomite

Absolutely, I just think that the way into the lower meme-o-sphere's support is through local causes. Cases wherein people's lives are tangibly affected by courts overruling state/fed reform for the worse.

How to meme this, tho
The merchant meme is strong
We need a distinct meme for this

>Sand hirne sand skulls
>Dearn shin hidden bone/hidden kike letter

we'll figure it out, we're far from a chaotic game plan right now but it can come together quick