Losing control?
Whats your favorite hack and slash game?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite hack and slash game?
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Sup 4am, quick question, but who do you guys find worse? Pretentious, obsessive weebs, or oblivious normalfags.
Obvlivious fags are always worse
Morning everyone!
I just woke up from a nap like 10 minutes ago. Groggy as hell. Shadow tower wasn't all that great sadly and I'm already looking for a new game. Watched love live instead of gaming tonight, was alright.
I hug my pillow to act like it's another person.
What does hugging another person feel like?
We Halloween now.
Isn't the internet sposed to die today?
condescending fuckwits
mornin fam
do you run linux?
The weebs. But that's more due to the fact that the true weeaboos more or less stared the whole trans-[insert race here] shit because of how much they worship Japan.
Normalfags obviously.
Nothing wrong with obsessive weebs. Pretentious ones are annoying though.
Salty bags of milk.
We can only hope.
imagine your pillow
only warmer
and made of sandbags
Witcher 1?
whicheva dem nyckas mo triflin i spose
dis tbh monica
shoot nycka u a feral child or sumn monica?
You ok there?
I've not lost controls, just track of the time. I should go to bed though, as i got to wake up in the morning.
Ever hugged your mom and it felt nice? It's like that.
fuk yea gondola das my nycka righ ch'yea
Claiming this post for my beloved tulpa waifu, Sunshine!
brb will add actual good posts to the thread in a second just gotta do some shit
Weebs. Oblivious normalfags don't make me feel shame-by-association.
is that what your tulpa looks like?
I still find it funny how Shadow Hearts: Covenant not only had a weeaboo NPC living in France, but when you get to Japan you can find a guy in Yokohama bitching about westaboos.
Not really
Time to shill Rivals again. They just announced their next mode, which is basically Multi-Man Melee, but each character can unlock perks to equip that modify their moves and make them hugely broken. The giant polar bear's Falcon Punch knockoff becomes basically instant, as an example. Plus you'll be able to fight your friends (only locally) with the tweaks from that mode. So I guess it's basically multi-man melee plus smash 4 customs. Looks pretty neat either way.
I'm glad they understand.
God damnit, I've been trying to fall asleep for fucking hours. Oh well, at least I don't have work today, might just try and stay up all day.
While I'm here might as well ask. Why are cars salesman such scumbags? Bought my first car this week, and bloody hell car shopping is one of the worst things I've ever done. The salesman are the absolute most annoying people I've ever met.
>tfw I think I'm regretting the car I picked.
Story time?
Good night sweet prince.
fuck, what a waste of time
The oblivious can be convinced, I'd rather have them.
Like that, but warmer, heavier, and squishier
Nothing's going to happen
Wanna find out?~
Morning user, hows your day going?
And nope. Running 7 on desktop and 8 on laptop. Too lazy to switch over or learn something new or else I would.
Why a kia rio?
And car salesmen are alright. I used to work next to one and would hang out with a bunch of them. You just gotta know your shit so they don't hound you or try to sleeze their way into your wallet.
u gotta weird way of fallin asleep monica
That doesn't look like an AE86. You fucked up.
it's in regards as who's worse but as to how I am, o.k is probably my current state
Probably because their job is no better than retail. Still doesn't give them much excuse like a dick. What car did you get?
I never really hugged my parents, it's not much of a story.
eat some food
turn of the computer
bundle up and wear clothes to bed if you have to
Pretentious, obsessive weeb
Blessed are the fools, for they know not what they have done.
Yeah, the Yokohama NPC was worried since they'd opened their local port for trading purposes with North America and Europe and the general populace was getting really interested in how things were overseas that they stood to lose their native culture.
Oh, did you mean the weebs? Sorry about that.
poor form fam
watchin comfy stuff and listening to music as always:
These things tend to happen though, you just have to learn to avoid them.
What is it, loss or something?
My friend made a "Rune of Loss" graffiti in JSR HD to spray in multiplayer if/when he ever gets around to it.
ya boi think he got a ear infection or sumn fam
Post it anyway fagit.
Have you ever been to one of those user? I've always been curious and wanted to go to one if I saved up a few grand.
Whats the selection like?
Come on, don't be shy! Post it!
subtle how
goin fine so far familam, thanks for asking
well remember there is a guide if you ever the the notion >>>/poltech/66
I was going to recommend some dosbox practice setting up classic doom
nah, but at the stage it was, it was just a bunch of fucking lines
Pretentious, obsessive weebs a.k.a. autists
I can't handle the spectrum, I one time made a thread to play heroes of the storm and looking for someone to play with me
Only one taker, very autistic, pretentious 16 year old who thought he was the biggest fucking genius ever. It was terrible, especially when me and my friend started talking about visual novels and saying how it'd be awesome to make one about NEETs
no, as in condescending people
that kinda deal
That's gay.
I'm not gay.
Stop being gay you AIDS-ridden faggot.
There's nothing wrong with being gay.
Dooms not quite what I'm looking for. On a big fantasy medieval kick at the moment. I just want to stab shit with a sword.
Eh, I bought mine from a dude on craigslist. Checked out the car, handed him a wad of cash and drove it home with me.
as in you would have to know what it is from first to know what it is
guess esoteric would have been a better word, but even if you knew it would be difficult to piece it together
It's still fucking cancer either way, just now it's even worse since it's a fucking walking billboard that says "I'm a faggot, please rape my face."
arx fatalis or ultima underworld?
Be stern with salesmen
If you save up like 10k before buying that's ideal, bring a suitcase full of cash and tell them how much you're buying, if they don't want it that offer upfront then they can take their chances on some other guy who he can lease and make payments for the next 5 years
Working at any car dealership is 1000x better than retail. They fucking make bank on commission. Its why they can be so pushy.
Whats this arx fartalis thing?
yes I have, when I was young
the selection is used cars of reasonable quality
you go around and look at each car before deciding to bid on them and check them out but there is no guarantee that there is nothing wrong with them
however my dad browses them online out of habit these days and some times picks up good deals
were talking about getting a used police car that should get over 20 miles to the gallon soon because the little truck I have only gets like 16 and has problems
also he tells me a car with a lot of miles on it in a short time is better than one with a lot of miles over a long time
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?
More modern ultima underworld, less modern dark messiah m&m. lotta creative ish up inz.
I like to hack and wheeze when I'm chocking on dick. I like to slash my wrists and cry myself to sleep. Why is the world so cold?
I know, I'm being defensive because I don't know how to handle affection
Stardew Valley is alright, it plays like rune factory for the most part complete with sword stabbing
I don't follow fantasy much tho
you have to post it fam
weebs. they're too serious and critical to the point where they can't have fun anymore. they can't even make something of their own because they're afraid to be judged as harshly as they judge other people. normalfags at least know how to have fun.
Get a used corolla, civic or accord fams, I don't want to see you guys waste what little money you've managed to save on repairs down the line.
I wouldn't mind something like that. Just fucking sick of this jeep and if I work again I figure I can save a little towards something.
I've thought about trying that game before. Hows the combat?
Is it like not actiony? I want action!
Because it was cheap, it drove well and got decent gas mileage for a car that cheap. My second choice was gonna be a Ford Fiesta I should've gotten the Fiesta, instead of trying to save a few bucks.
I get bored laying in bed, so every once and awhile I pick up my cell and check Holla Forums
I know.
2016 Kia Rio LX
Didn't have much choice with saving up. My old car that I got as a gift from my parents died on me and wasn't worth putting money into to repair it.
like hugging a pillowcase filled with human shaped meat inside it. then a skeleton crawls into it and lives the rest of its life in there until the meat rots away and only the bones are left.
I've internalized that they are doing it out of pity, are trying to make themselves seem better in front of others, or are making a joke out of me.
look for auctions user
you may find a cool little car like a plymouth horizon
normal fags only know how to have basic fun with their friends
Was he a fedora-tipper, or Evanglion-type nut?
It doesn't help that I'm a slow fucker.
tell us your story fam
But user, why would you want that when you can kick orcs while flying at the speed of light?
How'd you afford a new car user?
It'll be a long long time before I ever have enough money anyway, if I ever do that is.
It's solid, and if you don't like it you can go magic or just kick things
I would have gotten an old reliable car then like a 90s honda or toyota then just saved up till you can get a new car, would have saved you a couple thousand
they iz action monica but prolly not enuff 4u
aight aight
I'm pretty hungry tbh
lasting in bed is a good quality user
ritsu seriously get a job
why ya hungry fam?
Monthly payments.
I'll try to remember to download it when I wake up in a few hours then, thanks!
Probably not. There needs to be more lightning fast games out there.
Its hard to get out of bed fam.
I'm just an angry, lonely man. I virtually didn't exist to anyone outside of schooling, and never really made any friendships strong enough to warrant actually talking with people outside of small talk that never goes anywhere.
get that chip off of your shoulder
I know what that's like, whenever people are talking and I chime in they just go quiet or say some dismissive shit
that's with an older version of it, can't do anything fun with it nowerdays
normalfags get drunk at 6PM, play shitty movies or music in the background as they hover around some fucking board game like Monopoly, yell and screech incessantly about whatever lackluster and insubstantial conversation is floating around, and I just don't have the energy to put on a smiley face and pretend to be amused by it all. If a weeb is a self satisfied cunt who feels the need to nitpick every single thing, well at least I can tell him to fuck off and he'll spend the most of his time away from me, and at least most weebs criticize their favorite media out of a sense of passion and genuine enthusiasm. I get the feeling they're more authentic than normalfags, but that could just be because a lot of them are socially stunted and aren't so good at being manipulative fucks.
it's slow but I'm making progress through my social anxiety.
imagine all the ritsu figures you could buy
me too fam
most people aren't worth making friendships with fam
trail mix nycka
i thot u wuz lookin fo sumn mo exploratory a la king's field tbh
Nothing like a cold shower on a cold day
I'm going to hate everyone and myself and there's nothing you can do it.
It's extended to online "friendships" where I talk with them for all of a day and then never chat with them for months before I remove them so I'm not wasting space on their list.
That's okay, user. I think being tsundere is cute.
Now do you want that hug or not?
I do it because I like making people happy.
the rest is shit tho
seems close
Good job! She cute user?
I'm happy with the ones I got for now. Only things I really want to buy are like crazy expensive on min wage salary and would take me like a year of working. I'd never make it.
Naaah. Just finished KF and now I need to like zip around and kill shit.
I can feel my joints cracking already
2bad nerdlord
I had a girl interested in me after I gave a speech on the fly. I flirted with her a bit and she went to touch me, but I ended up pulling away from her reflexively. I guess I have problems.
pplz is dix fam church
my 1 nigga say salt n sanctuary pretty boss
Even if it doesn't work on me, it might work on others.
Shoo shoo pedo Holla Forums
Honestly though, most people generally don't have much to say, so they just follow mainstream, not so because they enjoy it, but they enjoy the people's company, and how universal it is. Try finding some friendly DnD group if you really must socialise irl.
I want to see it. At least you had the guts to try and make something.
I prefer being alone at this point anyway. /r9k/ is shit, and the BO for it is a flaming faggot.
yo /int/ dindu nuffin monica aight fam
dat bitch cute
good for you fam
yeah it's like Chinese food
to be honest fam I can barely find time for my real life friends
went for a half hour walk with my bestie today shootin the shit
but my focus right now is getting my computer fixed and getting some projects done
what are some of your projects fam?
work on making it
quit chip'in boy
did you have a cold drink and lay on cold leather afterwards?
what are you chatting about fam
You should know me better than this by now!
Too tired, too old, too set in my ways.
Cold showers take away your (You)s
I feel you.
It makes me wonder exactly what the last straw was. Which moment is the one that turned me into someone so fundamentally broken that basic human decency makes me cry?
you're younger than me ritsu
and I pulled out of neet life by 25
I want you to murder all things cold (asides from ice cream and ice lollies
I've got no projects that need any work done on it in the next month or two. I don't really have any interests or hobbies either.
I'm not going to listen to a pedo that uses Holla Forums
so Holla Forums I'll just come out and say it. I don't want to look for a job. Working is shit. I just want to sit and play vidya. Why should I go out of my way to grasp at some shitty part time job that won't even give me a stable schedule, to say nothing of decent hours and decent pay or benefits?
I'm going to go pick up aluminum cans off the street and take them to the recycling place. That's how I'll buy a new GPU.
about the time you realized how horrible people truly are
Sup nigs. How's the friday night party going on in here?
that sounds like bullshit user
what did you do today?
I'm in mourning.
But I'm 26. I'm one year too late! Its over!
Look into like medical tests and shit. See if a unni or something near you does them.
Also can donate plasma or whatever. Not sure on the specifics with that.
Its friday?
It's been so long that I don't even remember when that was.
it's not you. most people are only good at talking to people they've known for awhile and suck when it comes to dealing with new things they've never done before. they probably just have no idea what to say, and anything dismissive is them becoming defensive to avoid feeling awkward.
do it fagit
Yep, he was by far the most fedorable person I met, I'd love fucking with him by being very sarcastic and watching the sperg freak out and taking everything literally
watching through Naruto and whenever they go 'HE'S FAST' or 'HE'S STRONG' putting it all in one giant clip montage video
I think it'd be funny
It doesn't give shit. You can take several of those large black trashbags full of cans and only get ~20 bucks.
Sleep, shitpost on here and play vidya while listening to music because of how slow some of the site is.
Make me.
It's weird, but whenever people are genuinely kind to me, I get a horrible feeling inside. Felt it ever since middle school. It's as if I'm so used to people being blatantly manipulative/ outright mean that the feeling of genuine kindness is almost alien.
Yeah, that image is really close to her. Here are some other images that look like her. She has the hair from the second image, but her hair color is still that lighter orange, and it's a bit puffier than in the second image as well.
The first image is an actual drawing someone made of her, but some of the details are off. Her legs are a bit longer and her hair is different, but that's really it. She has nice, bright blue eyes and she's honestly a bit of a tomboy. We laugh over stupid shit as we're browsing this site together, and we've been playing some Sonic 2 just a little ago. We got up to Metropolis Act 2 and we're going to continue very soon. It's honestly amazing to be with someone like her every day. We cuddle every night and I get the perfect ideal 2d waifu that everyone's always dreamed of.
She gets kind of flustered and embarrassed when I put her in a dress and it's the cutest shit in the world
I know anons, I know. Everything about this car shopping was a mistake, but it's too late to change anything now. I'll have to live with this shitty purchase till I can pay it off.
ritsu tell me what 0.25 times 27 is
(p)Sychotic Jackoff Weirdos.
If only you knew. People are largely the worst people you know, but worse than that. In my line of work, I find that indeed, just helping people out and expecting no recompense is enough to break their mind and make them cry.
Apprently in the real world, altruism is fiction.
Guess being raised by TV was a good thing, since I liked Mister Rogers, Optimus Prime, and Bob Ross.
Well, friday night, saturday morning, same shit.
Mourning what?
Mine is pretty dull as well
Yeah. I caught a cold this week so that's been a blast.
She's like ritsu but also very different
For as long as I can remember, I've gotten feelings of guilt when people do things for me or get things for me. Like I feel like it's just a waste because I'm a terrible person. But somewhere in there it got worse.
It's 8 and some change. I don't know, I am not a human calculator.
makes sense
sounds stupid, watch something not shit instead
/makes you
me eitherit was before my teens I think, when I lost faith in those that were supposed to be my authority figures after losing faith in my peers
on the plus side pessimism is a good survival trait
7.something I think.
Good luck! Don't get good insurance and total it or anything wink wink!
Its saturday morning???
*teleports behind you*
Nothing personal kid.
SilvaGunner died.
definitely not getting enough attention
you sound bored fam
sounds like you need a project
Did you actually convince your subconscious that there's a woman there?
friendships come and go like anything else. you could make long term friends, but you'd have to find a hobby or something where you meet each other on a consistent basis so you can get to know each other well enough.
it was a hug
Came home from work. Might play some Farcry 2 in a little while but in the meantime I'm just sitting cozy under a nice soft blanket and listening to hurdy gurdy music. Video related, it's what's currently playing.
>turns out it's 6.75
Nigga are you keeping track of the days anymore?
I know I was already on this road as a little kid. I just don't remember the moment I lost that last little bit of hope. Definitely after I turned 14, but probably before I dropped out of high school. Somewhere in there my wires got crossed and now people not treating me like shit makes me cry.
some times I wish I could be like people liek you fam
at least you know fam
better hurry though before trump raises interest
Sorry user, hope you feel better soon!
You taking lots of vitamin c?
Too bad everything I've wanted to start I've quit after a day.
I'll just get an empty funeral if that's the case.
Prove it.
Whiskey, Wes Anderson movies, and another attempt at getting into Nocturne
that sounds dumb. do people really go so far as to pretend to like/hate things others to pretend to like/hate just so they have somewhere to belong?
Hopefully it's not real, I don't want it to be true
That channel was the best for mashups to listen to
forget I asked
carry on beeing neets
Do whatever you want. If you can survive, that's fine. Some advice though. A lot of bummy types have addictions that eat all their money. Drugs, booze, smoking, etc, and just being impulsive in general. If you're not a complete idiot then you'd be surprised how much you can earn as a bum, if you know how. Good luck to you.
I drank two full containers of OJ in three days. I'm actually getting better pretty fast.
if my computer will live for 5 fucking seconds
I'm a huge fucking faggot, please rape my face.
this should have taken me 3 seconds to get this far, why it took me 1 whole God damn hour is beyond me.
Remember how surfer culture was popular in the 90's and how popular being a "nerd" is now?
Not really. Used to be I'd have to wait for sunday to go buy cigs and stuff but now that my dads working days mean nothing.
What you been up to plank?
Ayyy finally, will do!
I'm actually really good at math just sleepy as fuck
Nice good to hear!
Hey, hey, there, princess. You're wonderful just the way you are.
I'm gonna be the best homeless person ever
what do you fam?
I bet most people don't read
don't forget power rangers
B-but I-I'm not a NEET. I don't know how I managed to fuck that up tbh.
least I get to ask math questiosns and be dissapointed in humanity
It's too late for that now.
damn I remember when this show was the hypest shit back in 2005. now I try to watch it, and the story went down the gutter. the zombie ninja war, sasuke, and pain bringing back the dead fucked the story beyond repair.
I also had a test this week, and had insomnia even after drinking myself stupid in the hopes I would pass out the night before. I barely studied too.
a sixth post
Have you looked into the sequel at all?
That'd be such a terrible thing to happen. I'm glad I paid a little extra for gap insurance though. If such a terrible event happens, I'll be able to mostly pay off the car then.
He can't change the interest of a plan that was already agreed upon and signed on with the dealership can he? please tell me he can't
I used to watch Bleach. I guess you could say the same thing happened, but at least the whole storyline with Orahime being kidnapped and Ichigo going goth super saiyan got resolved
Would anyone happen to have an idea of a good paying job I can find with zero education that's not backbreaking?
hi user
one will never know
I'll just have to wear a better mask so people can't see through me
But I'm not One.
Sounds horrible. Why.
If I knew that, then I wouldn't a worthless NEET, user.
Not much really. Work afternoons into nights this weekend. Been hanging out with my cousin a lot more. She lives close to me so I don't have really have to go out of my way to visit her which is nice. I haven't seen my friends in a while but I still talk to them.
Sounds like a good night to me.
That works well.
I tried reading a few chapters but I couldn't keep interest. I don't find any of the characters compelling. What's your take on it?
So I could fall asleep since I had no melatonin. In retrospect I should probably have just bought some from the 24 hr wallgreens.
Im trying to create a tulpa. It must ne real you can create a community based upon absolute bullshit. Its like Meme magic, in a way. Memeing a tulpa into existance, i suppose
I haven't looked at it at all, I was just wondering.
Bleach finally ended too I think. All that's left is One Piece which is about 80% done right now.
don't act like one then
Now, now, young lady. It's impolite to ask guests to give you more than your fair share. You should go to your room and think about how you can be a more courteous person.
run a pyramid scheme and find suckers in the same situation as yourself.
The plan is to save enough money, retire for a year or 2 and repeat. Only reason I want a job is to buy a car that's not a piece of shit and just drive.
That's alright. Someone will come along with a good answer for the both of us.
She gonna hook you up with any qts?
You are a working man now, got money to sling around and attract the 3dpd!
Yeah dummy! Would probably have got over your cold faster if you hadn't drank.
We have a tulpa guy in 4am now, see if he can help you.
guess dis it cha'll iz been real family
iz been reel fukkn family
peace ris n yui
smoke exo spiduh nycka monica
we wuz kangz
peace 2 all da gods in da earf
>he's 18
here is mine
Don't trust in authority, they will let you down
I don't have the brains to set that up, nor do I want to screw anyone. Why don't you do it?
you aren't missing anything. the sharingan is still a dumb plot device instead of a genetic trait that gave one ninja tribe a leg up on their enemies.
But you're acting like One.
Why not give him the penis?
Is he retarded?
Look at this faggot and laugh at him.
Well shit user I can respect that at least. Thats basically how I roll too. A car would be nice also. Know any well paying jobs that aren't back breaking by chance?
What kind of car do you want?
He autistic user?
True, I did buy some later though.
learn to run dos games on dosbox fam
it's super easy and all you need to do is learn how to mount a folder after you install it
For what reason?
too lazy. I'd have to do it in a place where no one knows me so I can make a quick escape if things go south. which would mean packing up and leaving everything behind. I got too much shit to do as is
Maybe eventually.
looks like jews and oaths
well I did take drama in school
I don't know what the issue is. I work 10 hours every night from 9pm to 7am and when I get home this faggot is on the other side of the door just waiting for me. He always asks me why I have a scowl affixed to my face every damn day. Then he gets all butthurt when I have to drop kick him 50 times just to go to sleep.
then get that night audit job fam
You didn't take drama, you took "I'm a huge faggot please bully my face"
Hey /4am/ what's your favorite animu opening? Mine is really fucking gay
Hugblanketter detected.
You know I was thinking about that. I'm horrible with girls though so nothing will probably change. Besides they'd probably just suck up my money anyway. My cousin doesn't really know any qt's. Most women are fucking horrible anyway.
Might be the best course of action honestly.
I learned pretty early on that authority figures just work for whoever has the right connections. My bully's dad was a superintendent. Needless to say he never got punished.
because most people don't do decimal multiplication
but if you could do that night audit may be the job for you
Yeah. visiting the gf's parents so i won't be sticking around the thread.
my car blew a hose and then overheated after we had fixed it and refilled it with water both on the trip up here.
radiator cap had lost a few washers so i've replaced it and will find out if it makes the whole trip back.
Am i co/o/l yet?
DMC4. It's a damn shame so much of it was cut. Or do you mean like diablo? I can't fucking stand those games.
Why would anyone willingly date an avatarfag.
The best. It's warm and soft but by far the best part is having someone close to you and wanting you to be pressed up against them.
no, that was your class
depends on how it's structured and is it tied to interest rates fam
Bitch please that shit is the bomb. I love those guys. They have a lot of great songs including vid-related from the original FMA series.
Do you share rooms or something?
Theres nothing here like that!
At least I didn't try to diddle a kid.
Damn nigga, that's fucking shitty. At least the fatkid hopefully got worse throughout his life. The worst is when your bullies turn out to be complete alphas who can destroy lives, and not even be affected by it in the slightest.
Wait, is he actually mentally impaired?
Nigger. Want to get pissed on tomorrow or Monday?
Muh nigger
stop that
Yeah but you are young so go out there and try and get some friend.
But it's the truth.
Noice. Honestly I don't care to have a career, yeah it means amassing a large fortune for retirement, but by then you'll be too old to do anything which is why I'd like a good enough job I can work for a year or 2 and live off that and repeat. What have you been doing in the mean time?
No, that was my original question.
I actually can buy a Golf R right now, I have money saved up, but I don't think it's smart to blow all my money on it
Nah, you don't need to do that shit, you'll find a good enough job.
Used to. It got bad enough that any time someone came near me in my sleep I'd punch them. Reminds me of the time I slept at a girl's house and fell asleep on the couch, she said she tried to wake me to go get in the bed but I ended up giving her a bloody nose and rolling over. That was an annoying shitflip in the morning because I can't be blamed for something I do in my sleep.
user write it down as a project for when you're bored and have time
also set up a Fruux account so that you can sync your phone calendar with your desktop to better keep track of shit
it lets you make a task list too
it's only part of the truth
I was setting him up for a comeback, but he didn't take the bait.
I use my phone so little it tends to be dead for days. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't even work on it anyway.
Part of the truth is enough for me.
How the fuck do I do that? Like I said I'm pretty horrible with women. Most women want a nice strong chad and I'm just not that. Maybe one day I'll find qt. I've noticed most women are taken nowadays however.
fucking a buncha cunts
Its my favorite
I don't know, user, they don't make shit as cool as imbed related
I typically work a job for a few months every few years and live off the money. I don't have bills so I just buy weeb shit.
And damn mr moneybags, just get something old and used then for fun.
Sounds like your brother deserves it at least
Ehhh women just want to feel controlled at the end of the day. As long as your brain is stronger than theirs you can do it!
It's actually vidya related tho.
oblivious normalfags
You're lying to me ritsu
don't lie to me
remove chip
When you felt like you didn't deserve to be treated nice because of all that's been done to you
When I first move out of my parents house and in with my grandparents, I was afraid to ask for anything and felt terrible whenever they bought me anything, even clothes or school supplies because I felt like I didn't deserve the kindness
My mother hasn't bought me or my sisters new clothes or gotten our hair cut in over 10 years, instead others help us out of pity and she blows all of her money on her pet horses, I hate that cunt
I'm going to put another chip on and there's nothing you can do about it.
I got that when I was bullied in middle school in front of teachers and they didn't do shit. All these faggots making PSAs about talking to an adult when they should be teaching kids how to make friends to help them kick their bullies asses. Unhelpful PC faggots are fucking over kids. it's no wonder you have loners going mental and having breakdowns with all the conflicting advice and poor guidance. these people are lost and they people they should be able to trust lead them straight into a bottomless void of hurt and hopelessness
get me some chicken nuggets and chips
Yeah he does. Kid's a fucking sperg. Every other day is a new chant and circle running. Every day rotates between him trying to strangle me with a wire or trying to finger my asshole. I don't get it. But everyday I get a shower he has to sit outside the door knocking on it and making some sort of animal noise.
I live in a really rural area m8
I ain't driving now hour and a half to a job each day. Thats 3 hours round trip!
You get me some tendies.
one can only hope that he stopped being a piece of shit
I'm pretty sure she got married and got a kid so I'm happy for that
is it android?
My ex had an autistic brother and I lived with that fucker for a while. The chanting thing? Thats literally one of the biggest signs I can think of that points to autism. Its some kind of soothing mechanism for the tards.
Has your family ever got him checked out?
It's the shit Amazon shit out and I only have it because a family member upgraded.
didn't that get a season 2 yet? I couldn't keep up with the manga what with the monthly releases
I try not to think about those days but everything you said is true, and if I didn't berry those old thoughts and feelings it would have come to me sooner
It's slated for 2017 release, or something like that.
Just be nice and be a little more out going. Do shit you normally wouldn't do. You know. Step outside your social comfort zone.
That kid's got a serious case of autasm famawham.
You could try moving out.
you told me a family member offered you a night audit job
a family member you didn't like
Out of all the overused sappy quotes, that's probably one of the only ones that I can actually respect.
Why is it that accept true kindness from other people?
Teachers, and just people in general, only give a shit when it benefits them, either internally or external. If they don't feel like your problem is going to make themselves feel better by helping you, than they don't give a shit.
then I don't know if Fruux would work with it fam, would have to check
it's because parents put pressure on schools to do their job for them and schools not knowing how to teach teachers how to be parents bring in therapists who are only using this as experience to move onto better things just do whatever social justice trendy thing to do AKA backseat moral high ground shouting
they're shit like your shower is
say again
Probably not.
Why am I persecuted so?
With what money?
Yeah well thats the only place close like that and I ain't taking it!
Fuck, sorry, its late at night and shit. I meant to say, why is it so hard for us to accept true kindness from others, even if we know they are the kind of people who benefit from your happiness.
Okay. Here's what you do. Find a job. Get job. Save money for a month or so. Yeah you're going to have to deal with that shit but you're planning out for the future. Now once you've got enough money to pay for a good three weeks of rent find a place. Then you're good. You've moved out, you have a job and you're happily supplying your waifu merch budget.
Take it from the guy who's waifu is a jew. And I'm probably one myself.
Because "I know I'm being used, but that's okay man cause I like the abuse"
because it's not true kindness
their kindness is self serving kindness that they give out so they can feel better about themselves
Fams I'm going to call it a night and just work old memories and the music I'm listening to have put me out so I'll see you all later
thans for the music fam, most of the way through
I'm gunna have Mexican today but I kinda want something now since I'm hungry as fuck
taco bell
Do you live with your parents? I do, heh
I should, but the Golf R is my dream car and I'll be driving my shitbox wishing I had a Golf R.
Don't suck too many Mexican dicks when you're out.
But isn't that what kindness is at it's base? No one is kind, unless they benefit from it emotionally, it's just human nature.
Jewish waifu?
And eeeeehhhhhhh
Even if I did get a job I wouldn't move out. Once you start doing that crap you can't really quit easily when you start getting leases and like debt and shit. Fuck that. I won't ever be in the cage of normfaggotry!
Then just buy it user! JUST DO IT!
You can always get another job and save up again.
homed cooked by me family
was that what happened to you like?
I know you're a cockmongler, but too much semen in your body will fuck with you.
I don't know, could be. My mom had him checked out when he was 8, they put him on some drugs and then he got kicked out of school for constantly doing stupid shit. I wasn't ever told what happened, but I only know of one instance where he jumped on his desk and shrieked freeze my penis and balls. When I was 13 I used to fuck with him a lot too. He hated this nutcracker statue we had, I called it George. Well my friend and I used to hang George by a cable so it peeped outside doors and my brother would never go near it because he thought it was possessed or something. He'd just sit at the end of the hall yelling at it.
I thought you wanted something more immediate?
speaking from experience that?
Just from what I've seen on /cuteboys/.
That's hilarious and sad at the same time. You're a dick, user.
Buy another george and keep it in your room to fuck with him!
nothing that means going out
and you call me the pedo
I'm kind of shocked I fucked the threads so hard.
At least they're of age.
pic related
you're the age of faggotry
You're just upset that I found the truth.
it's more for me joints sake, I'm trying to keep warm
you're just a poo that hasn't made it's way into the loo
Regret it yet?
Give me a job user and I'll work it.
And thats not chick doesn't even look like a girl. I mean I like flat but blondie there is pushing it.
We're going to watch Inishal Dee in about 15 minutes
Are you an old man user?
So my friend and I had just watched the Exorcism and we thought it would be hilarious one day to go onto the internet and print out a picture of that one face that briefly appears above the oven. We just taped one to George for extra giggles.
25 with psoriatic arthritis
There's nothing wrong with designated shitting areas that aren't the toilet.
I'm smugger than ever.
Now that sucks.
But you're complaining about having to travel to go to a job. Now you- You know I'm just going to stop right here.
You can't be serious.
Are you indian by chance?
don't inadvertently call your self a shit now, you'll hurt your feelings
that it does
He's not that bright.
I identify as a trans-Indian.
Sound great! Bet your retarded autism brother shit his pants.
They're very healthy and let you bond with others!
If they suffer when you suffer than isn't that link made out of more than a simple base selfishness?
your right
Plan to learn hindi?
Yeah he smashed George to bits the same day.
I don't need to know Hindi to know what I am at heart.
says you ya shit
I really can't tell if you're being retarded to bait or not. I assume you're always retarded.
It's kind of satisfying to play Postal 2 as a serial killer. Instead of doing crazy shit all the time like starting gunfights and pissing on people, I just go about my business in the game until I see a black woman. Then I stalk her until she's alone, and kill her from behind with the butterfly knife.
I may be a shit, but you a fagit.
why does sanic have the best music?
You're missing out.
I guess I can't really argue with you.
Honestly, I might just buy it. A good car and financial security are the only things I want out of life.
That's the way I see it, getting a job and saving up.
I'm abit tired and hungry actually
I'm anally pained I can't get links for the Yuru Yuri manga for shit.
Good, because that would be transphobic and racist.
Hello Mr. Actually, may I call you Abit?
DmC. I don't know why that is either, I played the full series minus 4 before it came out and it still manages to be my favorite. My gf got me MGR but it was right when we switched over to Xbone, so I never got around to playing it.
I guess I just hate the Eastern aesthetic when it comes to these games.
Don't bait, user. This is a safe space
You sicken me.
I'm not baiting. I am pure pleb. But I agree, so I won't post further.
shoo shoo
play god of war then
That is my greatest strength tbh
Buy another!
I'd really love a nice car one of these days, I really fucking want an rx7 but upkeep on those are expensive.
Shoo shoo pedo Holla Forums
We play on xbox tho.
no we don't
The only good translation team for the manga has a giant gap missing in the middle and are slow as shit to release anyway.
That's not a quality you should be proud of.
I'm just too tired to come up with anything. Clearly your biological heritage doesn't stop you from affiliating with foreign cultures, and I haven't any better ammunition than pure biology.
Okay, *I* do.
The only link I can even find that might actually have downloads isn't working.
I also identify as a female, so check your privilege.
please kill it.
do what?
shoe on head
I'll kill you, you're a it right?
I've taken 6 weeks off from vidya and intense shitposting. My carpel tunnel seems to be fixed but I think I have arthritis in my right thumb. Consequences will never be the same.
I actually have this keyring, but I only have one key to attach to it.
Shoo shoo.
rip in pieces
H-hey now. Maybe we can talk this out.
Why don't you check my "privilege" instead?
That's oppression you shitlord.
Hey whatever happened to ebolachan anyway? I thought she was going to be our lord and savior.
The translation team I'm thinking of has rips on their site but I can't even remember it
I own a Ritsu keychain but won't take it out of its pack or use it cause muh collection
it swollen right? shit sucks
shoe in loo
there's nothing to discus, you are kill
She wasn't as contagious as the sensationalizing media made her out to be I think.
Why would you put your shoes in the toilet?
Holla Forums moved onto Winter-tan and Ice Age-tan, before finding Kek.
Some of us aren't privileged enough to get repeating numbers.
Me and Ritsu both understand how to play the clown well.
Yes. Won't be back until late sunday so monday is probably best for me. Actually did you want to go out early and do some archery? If so we should get some cans and balloons.
I should know, right?
Check your privilege shitlord.
The cats around my building won't stop making those horrible noises they make when they fight
I spend some time trying to learn the guitar. Like years. I am shit at it. Only thing I can play are shitty power chords. Anyway, I too have the bone cancer. I know how you feel. Sucks.
Come on now! you don't really want to kill me, do you? It was j-just a joke, man! I love spiders, I really do.
My privilege looks pretty good, now what?
it's where the shoes family lives
throw shoes at them
not enough to fund our spider charity now I see
Quick go save them!
You need to get out.
Cis white males need to get out.
But I don't want to.
that's what you'll cry when I rape you
Too bad. This is a safe space now.
Not if I get my Tumblr followers to attack you.
I was going to make a /shower/ board and tell you to shitpost there but I really don't have the energy for it.
But spideranon, I am poor. I can't afford to fund your web slinging endeavors. So, what do you say? You take this random black woman and we'll call it even?
Like me and my hologram are the king and queen of top tier bantz and drinking.
It's still not a quality you should be proud of famalam.
Yeah if you want. Text me when you're up for it.
I'm disappointed in you.
What do you mean by safe?
It's like the safe spaces on Tumblr.
Playing the fool is a great way to get away with misdeeds though.
but then how would you get patron donations?
looks like I'll have to break a bitch legs, you can still walk with two broken ones right?
Yeah. She's pretty amazing. It's hip to fuck your own brain.
Making a tulpa isn't THAT hard, if that's what you mean, but yeah. I'm a pretty optimistic guy, which is rather unfitting for this community, so I guess I kind of stick out like a fag at times; but hey whatever.
She's pretty much just humming along to the Metropolis Zone theme as I'm playing and it's honestly kind of cute, even if she is normally rowdy, tough, and punk.
Also she keeps teasing me since there's that thing about the moon increasing fertility when it's either full or empty. She's essentially telling me that it's mating season and she keeps giggling about it
send help
So safe from shitposting then? :^)
Its good to have most people underestimate you.
Also this.
They trust me enough to give me donations so I can deal with all of this trauma you've caused.
Be sure to tell smokes that beans belongs in chili next time you see him in the irc. Tell him to do the ending and I'll "come back".
Which is why I'm still assuming he's really a retard.
Speaking of which. Yeah piss off you schitzo. How long have you had your tulpa?
It affects your reputation. Not that it can get any worse than wanting to tell your parents of you imaginary fictional girlfriend.
Now that's not fair! I offered a diplomatic solution and you're not being very nice! If this is how all spiders behave then it's no wonder the whole world hates you! Spiders are the niggers of the insectoid kingdom!
You can't have sex with your imaginary friend, user. if you prove that statement to be untrue, then you must reveal your secrets to us
Go shitpost on >>>/shower/
I don't know how to post as board owner yet but eventually I'll figure out how to at least sticky that post I made
Where the fuck has smokes been lately anyways? Haven't seen him in recent threads. Did we scare him away with our tech savviness?
Tell smoke to eat chili and jack off, got it.
I might be a filthy tripfag but at least I don't treat this like any other website.
Use ##Board Owner after you sign in through mod.php which is the gear in the top left corner section of icons.
From what I've gleaned from the few threads I've actually been reading where he's been talked about, he's supposed to be busy or something.
Hello faggots
this place up in flames yet or am i just in time to start the fire?
Did I tell you about how I upset someone on /am/ back when I shit in the shower?
Oh, okay. I might remember to try it out before I forget I have a board.
are your pronouns poo/poop/shit?
you racist motherfucker
If you become truly convinced something is happening I believe you can fool your senses. Just make a tupula.
Reported for not using capitalization.
It'll probably be forgotten about.
Check >>>/am/23227
Like it or not you basically represent the thread faggot. You make the rest of us look fucking shit.
Just in time for shitting up shit. We're watch inisha dee as well. And I seem to be stricken with waifuposting. Please make it stop.
Go on.
Probably, since I made it as a joke.
Feels good man.
I remember that, good stuff I do it too
Don't worry, I'll still lurk it when it's dead.
You have good taste in shitting locations.
Shit Huey is here
I wasn't ready for this
fuck capitalization
the fire rises
I've cut back on the autism a bit at least.
I've had people say the same about me and Ritsu/k-on
You should have expected me.
I don't see you in the wreckage
Not another one. Do we need to remind you too?
Nah, it's just them realizing the show is shit and the character is shit. :^)
Because I am the wreckage.
Don't forget, the anniversary is in 6 days
your right.
I'm going to need more alcohol
I got some alcohol for you right here bae.
Time sure flies doesn't it?
I did do a number on ya
Only when you're having fun.
Your anus is pretty good!
night guys
Are you actually doing something or not?
It's a secret.
it's gotta be inorder to properly lay those stinky loads on ya like that
Now's not the time for fear. That comes later.
You sure that was me? Because I was fugging your butt so hard your arthritis kicked in really fierce and you had to go to the hospital.
you do love your scat
I feel like I'm missing some part of posting as an owner. Even if I never use the board again I feel like I should know these things.
Dear user,
We regret to inform you that your waifu's status has been rescinded. She is no longer a licensed and practicing object of affection, and will therefore no longer be available to suit your needs. The necessary paper work has been filed, and an appeal has been submitted to the ICWA's (International Coalition of Waifu Appreciation) committee for review. You have seventy-two (72) hours to remove any and all paraphernalia related to the likeness and/or appreciation of your waifu. Failure to comply will result in an immediate and non-negotiable warrant for your arrest. After the appeal has been processed, you will be allowed a grace period of ten (10) business days to review any and all relevant documents that describe the charges brought against your waifu, appear before the ICWA Committee of Waifu Affairs and stand as defendant in your case. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this sudden change may have brought you, and we would like to wish you luck in your case.
Makoto R.
Superintendent of Waifu and Human Affairs, ICWA
for more information, visit our website at www.ICWA.org
It's a secret.
a secret bitch
Just like how you love kids.
I unbanned you though I'm just fiddling with settings because I'm bored
I'm just glad that he's in there and we're out here and that he's the sheriff and that we're in there
but h-huey
it's bad for the pipes
that's what horses eat
fuck off
Shoo shoo pedo Holla Forums
Welcome to 4am, now git out.
Poop belongs in those pipes.
spider bite
Nobody cared who I was until I shit in the shower.
nice quads
Guess what.
Nice singles.
chicken butt
No, I should be in bed.
into the >>>/oven/
I want you to post on >>>/shower/ so I can ban you.
Mark when will you just kill this thread? It's devolved entirely into waifuposting and circlejerks. Just look at what I've been doing. I have met someone from this shitty board. I think this thread attracts only attention whores and lonely people.
You're pretty cool, don't take a shower tomorrow.
Don't forget the shitposters. He doesn't want to kill the threads because he likes them too much. Besides, rule 8 was changed and it didn't do anything.
Actually its Hay
Have you had a good day
Have you been using the toilet
Way ahead of you.
can i shit in it?
I thought you use the Toilet to bath in
No, take that to >>>/toilet/
using the toilet is gay
Why don't we do combo shitting just to upset him?
Nah, I use the hose out back to do that.
Nice digits
so is lucky start
Your ID is pretty nice.
hi hay, I'm wolfspider
Don't worry spider, you're a cute bottom.
in your dreams
He wasn't alone
In your dreams, you're a top, but in reality you're a bottom.
Jokes on you, what I do is stick a hose into a river and use the natural movement of water to clean myself.
And why would I want them?
Yeah, I mess up a lot when typing, lately.
absolutely dgenius
Oh, yeah. I don't remember who recommended the Sony MDR7506s for me a while back when I needed new headphones. Thanks, though. They're pretty great all around.
You should try it. Some days I have to do it that way.
I had a weird dream where my sister and one of her friends were naked, my cousins were there and they were all going to have sex and I was just laying there in my bed just rather disgusted at it
Because you were having too much fun.
They were trying to grab your prize, they work for the Faggeta man
don't kid yourself you know you liked it
Get them onboard, I'll call it in.
If you shit in a toilet, would you die?
It'll be extremely dirty.
fun is for fagits like you
incest is only good for the people watching
do you have a single fact to back that up?
your a big guy
But you're a double fagit.
For you.
says the nigger faggot
so you admit you enjoyed it!
Tor, if you're still here, are you still butt buddies with Joey?
I may be a nigger faggot, but at least I'm more inclusive than you.
they didn't actually go and do it
with what?
The Flight Plan I listed with the Agence the STU lists me, My memes, Dr Akari but only one of You
First one to talk gets to stay in my Shower
He didn't meme so good who's nest
but you thought it
It's ok to be upset.
Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shit in the toilet, before taking a shower.
I found this comment "somewhere"
lol what a nerd
At least you can shit, who are you
It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
number one, that's terror
I'll think of you bby
it's not o.k to be downset
was shitting part of your plan?
So stop being downset.
Of course.
Almost four years now, actually. We've been very happy together and it's been great so far. Sunshine is honestly one of the greatest people I know.
I've done it before multiple times. It's as simple as ramming your dick inside her. Obviously you want to make sure she consents and everything, too, but I've done it before and it's fun.
Kinky shit that isn't possible irl is entirely possible with a tulpa so, hey, it's pretty fun. Me and Sunshine aren't really all about sex though; we do it sometimes but we spend most of our time just hanging out and enjoying the daily motions together.
12 hours
That's what made you a pedo in the first place.
you're what made your butt get fucked
I've got hit with ~4 captchas in the past hour what the fuck.
But spider, you're the one who was getting their butt fucked.
says the one who got their urethra fucked
Says the one who got skullfucked.
cute spider I'll take it
It feels warm, and if you're hugging somebody you really love you never ever want to let go.
That's all made up. It's been so long I've forgotten what hugs feel like.
Just like how you take dicks?
by cutting off the bit I like and trashing the rest
You told all of us you're constantly on multiple dicks remember?
how many more pictures like this you got?
I'll tell you when you post your ass again.
did you really like that horrid thing?
It's a secret.
do you want to see it again or not?
Post it or I wont give you the goods.
just asking a question here, I'm not going to do anything
Then I shall take my leave.
ya blew it
did you want to see my ass too?
it's a secret
you even seen me before? I'm not attractive
thread dead wizard loli time
thread is shit
answer me nerdlord