Jewish game company getting cucked

The subject in the matter isn't specifically political, but it does involve big jewish business decisions and I thought you might be interested in hearing whats going on, so here goes:

Ubisoft, a french videogame company known for making cancerous nu-male poz/liberal trash products and promoting cultural marxism on every gamedev talk lectures is facing tremendous trouble with their stockholder, Vivendi, another big mass media conglomerate jew company in France currently holds more than 20% of ubisoft's share capital and it's voting rights, See:

i'm not that literate when it comes to understanding how company works although I have been seeing articles lately of ubisoft on suicide watch, hence why this info is important to my next point, in order for ubisoft to avoid Vivendi utterly cucking them and throwing them under vivendi's curtain, they are relying on their team of developers on releasing a "Good" game, enough to tell the holders to fuck off, this is where Assassin's creed origins comes to play, they actually forced their staffs to work this time in releasing a game that doesn't suck dick as much as their previous products, atleast some "effort" was put on this to guarantee good sales, they were so desperate that on release date they paid of a giant wave of marketer shills to give AC Origins a good review, see:

So now for the conclusion, why bring this shit up on Holla Forums at all, whats the purpose for any of this?

Now because ubisoft were caught red handed paying for third world shills to do positive reviews to guarantee good sales, that very action fucked with them back, a massive stockpile of sock accounts started flooding metacritic with negative reviews, the sales are going to shit and this could potentially throw ubisoft under vivendi's flag, conclusion? JEWS JEWING JEWS this is the part where it'll be fun to watch an anti-white marxist company go up in flames, getting sodomized by another money hungry jew company, the cycle never ends, but with ubisoft completely taken over by vivendi, it's possible that all their anti-white kosher projects will be put to a hold for the transition, anything holding back inevitable garbage is a good sign, if you want to get in on the fun to ruin their sales, see:

since Holla Forums approves discussion on the hollywood jews and their disgraceful pedoshit fetish and shitty kike movies getting released constantly, I might as well drop the videogame subject in between.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping for visibility

Are user reviews enough to damage sales though?
Critic seems to be the bigger highlight here.

I remember 4 good games from them:
The first Assassin's Creed
That Assassin's Creed you get to play in Venice
Rayman Origins
Rayman Legends

Everything else was utter unplayable garbage.

In all honesty, Rayman was probably one of the last series of games that weren't pozzed heavily (((Ubisoft))) unless you count Rayman Origins and the bastard spin off, the rabbids series.

Well, you can't just dismiss whole Tom Clancy series of games, user. There are a lot of good ones


Good, boycott this shit hard

I barely play any western games anymore due to shitty games and even shitter buisness practices. Modern jewbisoft is proof enough. The western games I still would play are either free or pirated.

The only games worth playing are made by AA devs or amateurs making games as a hobby. (((AAA))) and (((Indie))) games are all kike trash for different reasons.

previous rayman games were also made by ubisoft. rayman 2 is a great game. I didn't like any of the assassins creed games though.

Far Cry 2 was actually pretty cool

to be fair asian game companies are doing almost as bad when it come to jewing the consumer. they just shove less coult-marx shit down your throat when doing it.

Silent Hunter III, with the Grey Wolves expansion was fantastic.

But you're right. Almost everything else they've made is garbage.

ubisoft is getting cucked hard, they are losing so much money by attempting to fight back, this is fucking hilarious.

the first splinter cell, and the first farcry seemed ok, I also remember people saying the rainbow six was good. (but i've never played them) i've tried Assassin's Creed 1,2,3, and 4. they ideas are kinda neat but the execution has alway been bad. ass-creed was always a mediocre series force memed into public consciousness.


Sounds more like people think it's ass and the reviews match it.


Was Crytek, not Ubisoft.
Sage for >>>Holla Forums

right, but Ubisoft. published it and owns the Ubisoft ip.

er, I ment Ubisoft owns the Far Cry IP.

Never liked them they always made derivative crap that wasnt as good as their competition. Boring grey and brownish environments , microtransactions up the ass , pay to win games. Let the company burn.


Shame that means I'll probably never get to play Blood Dragon 3: Vietnam War 2, though…


Post flyers at anti-White dev companies asking if they were sexually harassed, hollyjew sex scandal boogaloo, game dev edition commences.


yeah, that poster does look cool. but those people are considered the villains of the story. and the main characters are going to be some mystery meat cuck And two black characters constantly bossing the player around telling him to kill the "crazy" Christian/redneck white folk. typical jewbisoft.

This. Asian mobile/gacha/mobile are just as jewy as western games.

christ, bringing a 7700k it it's knees is impressive.
if only game makers would put that much effort into optimizing their game.



Go back to >>>Holla Forums

About fucking time Ubishit goes down the drain. They have been garbage for YEARS. Nothing of value is lost.

They could be trying to drive the price down. According to french law if a single stake holder own 30% or more they must tender an offer to buy the company/get majority. I read a press release by vevendi that they we happy with a 25% minority stake, interestingly enough they didn't insert themselves on the board last year even though they could've, unlikely they are trying to buy now.

First assassins creed was fun. Early rainbow six games were good as well

Gamergate should have taught you that video games are an unfortunate part of the larger culture war.

Now fuck off you double nigger.

Blockbusters are still around?

The cult leader going to end up being more likable than the diverse main cast we suppose to be rooting for. Mark my words. Far cry 3 Had a pro gun control message that backfired and Pagan min was the only likable and logical character in far cry 4.

I'm still in awe of disbelief this is real. I actually thought this was a parody and I still believe it is. My, my, how much Far Cry has changed from the Crytek original. That one was pretty grool for its time and I imagine it still would be for someone who has never played. I loved Far Cry 2 - although, the story is not very memorable because it really is a chore and walk fest, but you get to burn down Africa and kill niggers for blood diamonds all day. Add to that, cars that break every 5 seconds and malaria sickness, and you get the best Africa simulator ever . The game basically revolves around you destabilizing Africa and ends with you causing millions of refugees and commiting suicide. top kek

Yea, games are pretty fucking stupid.

That’s nothing. Compared to wolfeinstein 2. The No More Nazis trailer is pretty much the new mighty number 9 crying like a Anime fan on prom night. Politicizing wolfeinstein 2 backfired so badly that even normalfags thought the Nazis were less savage and more likable than BJ and friends.

Honestly The first assassin's creed suffered massively from a "push button to win" mechanic. Don't get me wrong, all the others did too but the first one was so fucking blatant.
You could win every fucking battle (except when fighting templars) no matter how outnumbered you were with the same strategy:
In fact, This is pretty much THE way to fight in AC1. You can alternatively spam the attack button and then tap the block button when an enemy moves in to attack but the only benefit of this is you're not as bored waiting for them to attack you since your basic attack will get blocked every time no matter how weak the enemy.

Hey Holla Forums I have the perfect game for you. Its called HOB. It's a Zelda-like plat-former but the real Holla Forums approved material is in the subtext of the story. You play as a character trying to remove poz from your homeland. That really is what it comes down to in the end. Also the old robot dude rode the tiger like a champ. Go play Hob and Ill stop shilling.

uh… platform… platformer
Oh, spellchecker… Im retarded.

This is a kike shill. It knows that video games are extremely popular and it also remembers that the perceived "christian attacks on vidya" were a large part of what drove much of today's young adults to be anti-religion and somewhat leftist. Now the left is driving young folks back into the arms of the right and this scares the jews, so kike shills will go on right wing sites and shit on vidya in order to make young people think the right is anti-vidya (it's not - every Holla Forumsack either plays vidya or used to before the industry went to shit) and drive them away from the right.

Whenever you see someone hating on vidya, calling it a waste of time, stamping out discussion of the industry, etc, you know that person is a jew or a shabbos goy and needs to be given a good deep huff of phosgene. Sites purporting to be right wing but opposing vidya as a matter of site policy, like MPCdot, are basically outposts of kikery.

Agreed on most points, but video games are almost by definition a huge waste of time. Enjoy in moderation.

do you mean this thing?

so blatantly fucking obvious at this point, they don't even have the shame in hiding it anymore.


so it's okay to talk about harvey weinstein groping underage kids in hollywood but its not okay to discuss jewish shadow company controlled by rabbis who happens to own videogame IPs.

why not post "back to Holla Forums" whenever a hollyjew thread appears? I don't see YOU doing that.
Pic related, BOTH of these guys are part of a big multi-media, one makes movies and the other makes videogames, both are on a quest to blue pill the masses.

Something to note, the dev studio behind it, Runic Games, closed not that long ago, so the devs won't see a cent if you buy it. Just pirate it instead.

this kikes weaseled millions from the quebec government.
in toronto they've been looking for talent for years but nobody with skill/dignity wants to work there.

All Rayman games were good faggot.


That should be their slogan.

Good. I have always hated Ubisoft to the bone. Though it has a few good games, but that was years ago.


I can't remember the last Ubisoft game I played, they're a pretty bad company.

Holla Forums we need to wait for far cry 5 to get released and immediately begin to review bomb the shit out of them.

it will be their last game that they have to do good with, if they fuck this one up, vivendi will surely take over as they won't have enough money to purchase the shares, so it'll be imminent hostile take over and ubisoft will finally fucking die.

lel, that pic is something I haven't seen in years.

Seems like twitter and youtube likes to do boycotts of pozzed bullshit , as noone listens to game journalists sites at all. I heard wolfenstein 2 did terribly esp when the twitter marketing decided to bring politics into the mix , they thought it would boost says but turned into a death mark and people outright boycotted the game.
Point out the pozzed bs of far cry 5 and gamergate and youtubers wont touch this shit noone will buy it.

>Don't forget to add the DLC for just $49.98 more!


I would actually be very happy if Jewbisoft tanks, they're one of the biggest producers of SJW shit. I also wonder how Bioware is doing nowadays. Company's that aren't on free money-IV usually don't last long when SJWs take over.

Enough to warrant a boycot. Why anyone would pay 60 bucks of their hard-earned cash is beyond me.

Lol obvious shill.

some people are accusing ubisoft for using customer's machines as a bitcoin miner, except for data mining, i'm not sure if that's legit.


Why does that suit look shooped on? Were they too cheap to make an actual suit and just CGI'd it in? Look at the fingers.

That was some hilarious shit, the Anita expy ended up being a drug dealing, child soldier-using nutjob if you helped her. I'm pretty sure the dev who goaded people over this on Twatter is secretly /ourguy/ was having a laugh the SJWs expense.

Oh fuck, that sucks. Hopefully the devs will move on to other projects and make a studio that isn't owned by the gooks.

The high CPU usage come from their 2nd Anti-Piracy measure.
Denuvo is a joke and completely worthless so they added "VM-Protect" which is some kind of Vituralization software to protect the game against piracy.

ill give this solution maybe 2 Months until its cracked.

>Ubisoft, bethesda, and other heavy political fedora tipped hidden nods backfiring left and right

Oh, come on, not everyone is Phil Fish.
If you were to make a game, you'd be an indie technically. There's nothing inherently jewish about small teams. Of course you're not going to get many masterpieces, but such is true for big budget teams too.

Doesn't matter.
By the time any indie game makes the steam front-page, the devs are guaranteed to be swimming in money due to their low overhead.
Low-to-zero overhead means every unit sold is almost pure profit.

Save yourself the trouble of researching every developer and just pirate the games of these newly-minted millionaires.

>steal from small businesses goy, they don't have the overhead of (((our))) studios so it's okay.
Kill yourself heeb

The point is that you don't need to feel sorry for indies and buy their shit, cuz if you've heard of them, they're a fucking stacked indie.

Only kikes have spaz-fits about piracy. Stop projecting, yid scum.

Far Cry is pretty good, you oughta watch Rabbit's Respawn just to see how good. He pulls off amazing shit everywhere he goes.

Vivendi is more than likely waiting for all the social justice bullshit to be purged from Ubisoft before buying it. Right now, you buy Ubisoft, you get a bunch of talent-less devs who were hired because they have a vagina or non-white skin color. It's useless to them.

Vivendi will sweep in and buy Ubisoft once they crash, probably after FC5 bombs. Then, they can buy it, purge all the diversity and SJWs, and use all the semi-decent IP Ubisoft has to try and make something out of it.

The value in Ubisoft isn't the developers they have. They are not making good games. They are making duds. The value is in the fact that someone can buy Ubisoft and start making Assassin's Creed, Tom Clancy games, Anno, Rabids, Prince of Persia, Far Cry, Watch Dogs (it's a cool concept very poorly executed), Beyond Good And Evil, etc.

They have good IP, but the people using those IP are shit. Vivendi will want those IP, owning video game IP that is strong is extremely important. It's exactly why Nintendo can slap Mario on a game that has nothing to do with what the original Mario games were, and they can sell like crazy. You can make a great game and it can do well, but once you have popular characters people already know, you have a very good seller.

It's just a matter of time until Ubisoft runs itself into the ground and a larger company buys them for their intellectual property and then fires all the "underperforming" employees. Whoever wants to buy Ubisoft, they want all that intellectual property but they don't want all the politics and bullshit that goes with it. And it's just a matter of time until Ubisoft is up against the ropes and Vivendi can buy it, purge SJWs, and start chugging out generic AssCreed games that would never sell without the AssCreed name.

Think of the IP thing like this. If, theoretically, Nintendo started producing nothing but shit and someone wanted to buy it, they would want it so they can slap Mario and other Nintendo characters into their generic game, and people would get excited for a new Mario game. That is the only thing Vivendi wants Ubisoft for. They don't want their current developers. They don't want their current employees. They want to make generic FPS games and slap Tom Clancy's and Assassin's Creed on it so it sells more than some generic military FPS and some AssCreed "clone".

cheap like a jew and stealing like a nigger. You're a multicultural wet dream

I think they are fucked either way.
If vivendi still majorly owns ubisoft:
- Viv can force ubi to change the company direction/hiring process or whatever or they'll be purged
If with ubisoft fetch back the control of the company:
- They will surely continue on as they are and eventually die

In either case their only escape is to actually make something good that people will buy for them to survive.

they're doomed then


We got a live one!

Does that law have any real bearing to an international company? At all?

Apparently so, the family that owns ubisoft already lost control of gameloft, vivendi took that shit away.

Fucking frenchmen.

On a side note, does anyone have the sales numbers for the latest kikensetin? Most I've heard is 150k on steam for the first week and then it flatlined hard after that. Polite sage for slightly off-topic.


Redpill me on this.

dude, why bait people

there are enough people in the world who say this dumb shit in earnest

Owners: 174,133 ± 12,433
Players in the last 2 weeks: 151,612 ± 11,601 (87.07%)
Players total: 151,612 ± 11,601 (87.07%)

Quad-trips confirm bethesda lost millions on this poz'd turd, and no amount of cost-cutting sequels, patches, and switch ports will save them from going under. Much obliged user.

Farming simulator 17 is the only white man game left

It's the solution to Ubisoft's financial troubles,


Whining about them on Holla Forums is also a huge waste of time, unless one is a shill.

No, what you're describing is something like a fanmade freeware Mario game. Software piracy is when you copy the whole work directly.
Pic unrelated.

This really. At any rate the anti-piracy stuff is about control more than anything else, it's a way of locking down culture by the kikes. Under this system they get to choose what gets printed and when and how. It is the antithesis of how we view our memes and how they organically morph over time.

Well, they do have the better concept trailers than any other developers out there.
It's just that whenever it comes to execution they always fall flat on their faces.

The only game they have that isn't flopping hard in recent memory is probably Rainbow Six: Siege, but even that is about to change if they keep throwing optimization out the fucking window.

Denuvo founder Reinhard Blaukovitch is possibly a Jew based on surname, so if it is proven, Denuvo will be granted triple parentheses.

Their chink owner wants MMOs and (((service games))) but they were tardy in developing one such game. The same chink company also puts Gigantic developer Motiga on brink of death for letting their games flop.

What's the game in pic?
That looks like utter cancer.

Exactly! Just as Stallman says, when you pirate Non-Free Software you're still using Non-Free Software.

What is describing is making an immitation of Non-Free Software with intention to make it Free, share it (e.g. LibreOffice, Gimp).

Come to Holla Forums sometime.


Pic related is how people feel about diversity.

keked pretty good there

So that's why everything that came after rainbow 6 vegas 2 was utter shit.

Kmmo level Trash with broken as fuck balancing

Entire game is a gimmick

More of the same but now with extra politics and even more uninteresting characters and bullshit choices

Am I missing anything

This is not just politicizing - this is full on consumer programming.

The Star Trek game developed by Telltale

you can't get more jewish than this, I think we know what he meant by it.

Let me tell you how this works.

Its not till you go full Hitler that the cycle is ever going to stop.

Assassin's Creed abominations, ranging from Victorian trannies to WE WUZ.


wasn't karl marx in one of those.

Won't miss Ubisoft, but it seems on their deathbed they are fucking up Rainbow Six: Siege with broken inbalanced DLC operators. Shame, it was a good game for the past year.

Selling power is a sure sign of failure ubishit is fucking dead already

Fuck off already with your spam, reported and kill yourself.

can you please go away

but isn't copying a file replicating instead of physically taking it away?

Bui is at it again I see.

Farcry 2 is amazing. Checkpoints don't respawn unless you leave to the second map. I once wrote a giant wall of text describing the greatness of the games design and execution, long story short it's a timeless game and offers some of the best guerilla combat in video games

the whole thing is cgi. thats a cgi nigger

Stealing involves removal of a product that the producer is now not able to sell. In piracy, nothing was removed. Digital media companies make the mistake of assuming one pirate = one lost sale. In reality, if pirating the product was impossible, 99% of pirates simply just wouldn't buy it.

I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.

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I don't blame Bethesda at all for this one. Evil Within 2 was bretty gud, and for all the shit they get for milking Skyrim, nuDOOM was pretty entertaining, and Wolfenstein 1 was decent.

I will however, blame Machinegames for this shit though, best shooting Mechanics I've played in a game in a very long time (aside from nuDUUM) and it's bogged down by a game that's over 60% cutscene'd propaganda.

Fuck it man, I barely have time for games anymore, last thing I played recently was Mario 64 - 2 with more hats edition.

and it was pure as driven snow, it felt good to play something that wasn't shoving shit down my throat.

What the hell is going on in that image? Is that a bomb?

R6: siege breach charge. He's gonna blow that pussy


Nintendo systems are pretty much the only things I've actually enjoyed games on over these last few years

Feels good to watch all these giant AAA publishers finally start to squirm, Capcom included

Friendly reminder that Al Gore a canon assassin

I’m surprise game journalists haven’t attacked Xcom 2 for being anti-race mixing. The aliens plans was literally human genocide by breeding out human dna.

Not to mention, the underrated as all tits multiplayer mode. The multiplayer was fun as hell. Way too underrated, I was playing that shit like BF before BF was even a shitty thing. Strapping IEDs to peoples vehicles, mowing mad assholes down, playing star wars shit. So many keks. But, forget about that, why not mention the very powerful map maker? I want to believe it was a combo of the easiest and greatest map maker of all time. Of all time!

Thanks for the nostalgia, user, and OP. You were only sort of a fagggot.

Sounds to me like nothing new. People like these game companies have always paid for shills to fuck over everything from players to investors.

Mech Warrior Online was using a site called Micro Workers in order for people to create an account on there. They would pay like 10 cents for someone to show that they made an account. My guess is that they were using these sites to spoof numbers in order to keep investors happy and have it not appear that their game was dying. Suffice to say that third worlders that have no ability to generate income decently will use sites like this in order to gain decent economical gains when they are being paid in USD. A nickle in USD is like a fistfull of dollars in some countries. Imagine doing something that only took 20 seconds and being able to eat for the whole day because of that.

This is nothing new. The only thing that needs to be done is to make sure that companies go down for it this time.

A huge waste of time that's still worth billions of dollars and millions of participants, therefore making it best-tier propaganda potential. The Jews and best goyim trying to use video games as a propaganda tool make video game a not waste of time.

Yahtzee Croshaw of Zero Puntuation sucks the Prince of Persia's game's dicks, and he usually has pretty good taste.


Pick one. He's a britbong memer that thinks "has classes" = "TF2 clone" and does these 2 hour "talk over a game" goon LP-tier "podcasts" with a homosexual australian. His taste is shit.

Well that just shows how much you dont know about the gaming industry in general. A lot of japanese companies are being retarded as well. My main complaint: Capcom

Capcom has a ton of titles that they keep sealed away and do nothing with even though the demand is through the room. They "concentrate" on a few games mostly games that have "E-Sports" scenes like Street Fighter. They cant even manage that. Street Fighter is a god damn turn key operation so much as they put a bit of effort into it. Ill break Street Fighter down for you.

I can go on and on about this one game. Capcom has tons of money making game IPs yet the japs who control it have zero idea on what the fuck they are doing. Same thing with Konami and Castlevania when they changed to pachinko

The difference between the west and the east are night and day. Both are retarded but the main issues differ due to their misunderstanding of priorities. The west think that by catering to the social nigger warriors that due to their loud voices and their ability to infect decision making that they MUST be the main target audience. So you have companies like bioware that hire faggots like anthony Noburch, End of Rine Stanely Woo, and Jennifer "Hamburger Helper" Hepler to write for their games that include so much about social and political topics that dont exist in fantasy and space with every race looking the same and art theft that it was no surprise when their games didnt sell.

Then you have the East. The East has its share of retarded practices but I can forgive them a bit more because its more out of ignorance and being out of touch than it is being a brain dead liberal. The East is more of a console based industry. They think that no one would buy games on PC and practically sell to consoles even though time and time again people have demanded en-mass that they want their games on the PC. Like look at Dark Souls, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry ect. Each one did fucking amazing on PC sales even with the concern of piracy and possible smaller audience (its a lot harder to track pc sales than it is consoles since each console is sold by a single company and not by many different ones. Sony sells PS4, Microsoft sells Xbox , Nintendo sells Wii and its really easily to grab how many units each company as shipped within like 6 months, especially since those WILL be used to play video games unlike PC which has so many more uses.) They generally dont want to sell outside their main market into western companies unless its a sure fire hit like lets say pokemon. They find that the do much better trying to focus on their own country than they do trying to go for a universal game. This is especially true when it comes to MMOs. Koreans region lock the shit out of it, so much in fact that you need to prove that you are korean in order to play some of them. If they would open up games like Monster Hunter to PC they would make tons more money but the eastern industrymen are stubborn. So really they are more ignorant about games.

All in all this whole thing is just another example of an impending crash. We need a crash that will crush every single dumb faggot that does not know their shit.


Why is this political? Well this can be a stretch but I believe that it matters. Video Games are a new widespread medium used to indoctrinate people into social and political beliefs. Hence why we had gamergate and all that other bullshit. Old school gamers and a few new school got tired of the shit being shoved into their pasttime that never had it before. You have these newer generations who may not know about anything social or political being "taught" about how in Assassins Creed Karl Marx was a "Good Guy" fighting the bad men that sought to destroy the world. You are having kids being shown that there are more than 2 genders when they are asked if they are one of the many made up names like "Two Spirits" or "Gender Fluid" and "Non Binary". You have the new crop of impressionable minds being shown that the only ones who know anything are blacks and other non whites and that whites are the ones being the bad guys (see new wolfinstien game).

Im sure you guys are tired of reading by now but this shit needs to stop. We need to figure out how to start shitting on companies who do shit like this BESIDES gamergate. Not just video game companies either. Companies who use their platform to instill degeneracy within their ads, games or brands need to be shit on without regard for who or what they are.

Please tell me this is the same studio. Top is Montreal, no?

Doesnt matter. Even if it wasnt the orders still come from the top. Flood your company with a bunch of diversity hires, make them take a coperate picture to show the loudmouths on social media that "They are championing women and PoCs!" in hopes of them buying their game. The people wont though because the people who bitch about this stuff would rather be on social media complaining about it and being seen that THEY ARE COMPLAINING, aka fighting the good fight against oppression. They dont buy shit and instead would skim through youtube videos and then make their own from chopped up videos of other people complaining about sexism and oppression.

The companies who engage in diversity hire programs like Ubisoft have gone down in profits. Go ahead and fact check. There are even articles about all women companies who have shit themselves and didnt get any work done. There is evidence to back up that majority female/PoC companies are now doing worse when they adopted said things. They do this for a spike in stocks but since they dont know shit about stocks they think that its a good thing. They take the spike and think that it will sit at that price. The company suffers through lack of work and the quality of work suffers due to these diversity hires.

Any company that rejects this bullshit is far more profitable than those who embrace it.

Let it die, they're pozzing up children's mobile games now, they took over some fairly popular mobile building game from what I remember (kids love Minecrafty games) and are probably going to focus on mobile clients much like other (((game companies))) because that's the easiest way to get a constantly subscribing userbase I think.

Just let it die

Dont worry, once a company shifts over to mobile gaming due to thinking that "its the future of gaming" thats when they die. Its like betting on the hardest hard in poker to show up. Its a stupidly hard risk. The payout is amazing but the chances of it is so low that you are retarded for even thinking about it.

I can't really refute any of the arguments…can someone fill me in?

Source? The fact game Devs are calling gamers a racist subcultural over wolfenstien 2 flopping as damage control should be proof enough.

This is before wolfenstien 2 flopped.

The young Turks were also shilling hard for wolfenstien 2.

I'd be happy with one more Splinter Cell that wasn't a pile of shit.

Think of this faggot as a massive cuck. He tries to stay in those social circles and keeps doing things like gender neutral bathrooms in a game that DOESNT EVEN NEED A FUCKING RESTROOM, Like the only time to put a restroom in a game is to make a town or city or whatever look more lived in. Technically you never ever need to put in a restroom in any video game unless you are trying to make a city look more lived in. He tries to appeal to other races but even then a lot of the times people dont want to play as black people or mexicans. White people are more likely to buy these kinds of entertainment since the people with expendable cash are usually from white nations. Also just having an option to change race of gender squashes the majority of issues. IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT, do what they did in Halo or DOOM. Just never take the helmet off and you can self identity and imagine you are the last spartan fighting the evil aliens or whatever retarded shit you want. He is just using that excuse to pander while not looking like he is pandering. "But I want to include all the other races" Is just stupid only because you would just do it.

The best way I have ever thought up of doing inclusive character development is to get a fucking hat and put in a basic name like john and then pick out of the hat. "Oh well i drew asian so its an asian named john". If you randomly generate something its not biased in the least yet when people FORCE themselves to put in other races they are pandering. Thats just how it is. Also its a hell of a lot easier to make white characters. Not because of color but because of features. There are a lot more design choices you can make and you wont be pressured to get their hair or culture right. Its just so much fucking easier to make white people. You make a white person and he can be from anywhere. You make a black person and pull him from africa while giving him a fro you are fucking racist and should die. So naturally, what would you choose? The easy character or the headache waiting to happen?

Well what do you expect. The dude that wrote the god damn books died in 2013. Any new writer obviously wont have near enough talent so its like asking carpenter to take over the plumbing. Sure they both work on houses but the carpenter wont be able to do shit with what the plumber left behind.

Post it.


He stopped doing those podcasts last year or so because he moved to the states.

Write this down Holla Forums, this gives me an idea.
It's the type of game that slaps a GAME OVER screen in your face everytime you play, but your optimistic every time you hit the "try again" option because surely the next time you play it'll be true communism.

The best thing I've ever played from Capcom were the Mega Man Zero series. Good story, good music that didn't overuse guitar sounds like the X series, amazing art style, challenging gameplay, different choices for equipment and weapons, and Ciel was such an aryan qt I wanted to bone badly.

They stopped right at the forth one, while the X series went on seemingly forever without any real substance.

If they did it might draw unwanted attention to what is going on in europe and North America.

Make the game over screen "Maybe next time you'll achieve real communism"

Go back to assrael, rabbi, and stay there.

Theres a rumor going around that Wolfenstein 2 that the Mary sue , that feminist culture site is credited in wolfenstein 2s credits. Does anyone know if theres any truth to that? That would be a very good explanation as to why wolf 2 came out the way it did , more sjw and thrown in feminism.

Remember that these are the same niggers who said "People dont want another Megaman Legends". Because of this one of the jews behind megaman swooped in and said "Sure ill give you MEGAMAN…I mean.. Not MEGAMAN" and those people swarmed to him, gave them their hard earned money EASILY. Sure he jewed all those people out of a few bucks but my point is that capcop does not know what they are doing. Thats probably why they dont want to make anything that isnt a surefire hit and just stick to Street Fighter.

Heh. No wonder they're taking such a strong interest in other peoples' IP's.

Wew, lads, someone's got some months in a work camp in their future.


the guy who made gears of war, cucked beyond repair, who would of thought.

Three K's a day keeps the niggers away…..

If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth (including weeaboo degeneracy!) as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked! - invite/ - JfW5mn6 (Remove the - )

1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!

Sieg Heil

He was always a cuck

This may be of interest to those of you who wish to keep SJW's from censoring Japanese games:

This may be of interest to those of you who wish to keep SJW's from censoring Japanese games:

(wasted for not crosslinking properly)


Just when you thought the glowing in the dark was the final form.