Other urls found in this thread:
I'm sick of Luka threads
What is that based on though?
Kill all chen
you get my last post? :o
Just seems fitting for you.
scoot here?
i just figured out screen recording with quicktime, multi-output audio routing with MIDI setup and soundflower, and separate channel mic input, so i can totally do some vids whenever
limiting factors are my macbook is only little, so only little games, and also my desk isn't here yet
This coming from you? Pfft hahahaha
Why are you posting that awful movie?
There were three equally shitty movies about spelunking: The Cave, The Cavern, and The Descent.
Sorry, I was gayming.
What was it?
I at least blame the alcohol when I send mine.
Damn, that looks so cool!
You'll figure out a pattern and a niche for yourself soon enough :3
fraud is like a bad thing to do.. right?
Didn't even know that was from a movie. I thought it was more concept art from Diablo haha
They're sleeping, I usually play with them when we go outside in the afternoon
The screen from electronic devices admits a blue light, the light simulates daytime and your brain doesn't want to sleep. Instincts kick in and your brain wants to hunt, it wants food and it wants to have sex.
You should really wait an hour after you turn off your devices to go to bed
Ofc you already knew all that
just testing everything running at once, but it all works perfect c:
Only if you're a jew.
I don't send my dick to people.
except for that one guy
Woo! this makes me happy.
You could do retro games!
apple devices have NightShift, which shifts screen colours towards the warmer end of the colour spectrum when it's on, so they actually help you sleep better
checkmate atheists
mhm, or Rinse and Repeat ^^
ew is that what I look like when I post?>
Or rinse and repeat xD
and Sassy Sims
yaya i thought you were gonna say the blue light meme. i am well aware of that already and downloaded the meme programs to help with it.
thats me 24/7
well im 21 so
that's not called fraud though
I've done it to one person in this thread.
No one else
Apple thought of everything!
or that stick shift one about pleasuring your car ;)
Just shut off the electronic and enjoy the darkness, read a book and your brain will want to sleep on it's own
Uh... I know it's hard to read at night since you don't live in a city... but still
Huge "senpai" potential with that shift game xD
s-s-sen paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
candles are nice for that
I got a butt pic in return
I'm going to work
Who uses candles under the age of 50?
The world would be better if everybody was an adorable loli.
That's disgusting.
Have fun.
That shot/angle looks surprisingly Grim-esque.
But then we couldn't fug
I've had the same one for years. only ever light it if I have a headache and it's storming outdont ask
I looove reading at night while laying on my bed next to my window, the orange glow from the street lights help me see
Not everybody D:
Hey Erin, what headphones you rocking again?
i am so surprised that like, apart from soundflower for routing system audio back as an input device, quicktime does literally everything i need
i always thought it was useless
I used them in high school to hide the obvious smell for a while, then once I realized my mother knew and didn't care, I just went on the back porch.
Beats MIXRs normally, but i don't have those right now, so i guess urBeats earbuds
the nicki minaj ones
kinda jelly but at the same time i enjoy not having light pollution
thats what a friends/your garage is for
Sudden useless becoming useful woo!
I was just wondering. My headphones are bearing the brunt of some of my rough treatment atm. Wondering if I should upgrade.
Probably might try and just get em repaired.
I was just looking at the pros and thinking "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS Be that guy"
these are the mixrs i normally use
they're real good
When you sleep at night make sure you put your phone away from your bed so that you don't grab it to check your email
Your emails can wait, your health can't. Remember, I'm a doctor and you should listen to me
Why do you buy stuff everyone else has?
She didn't give a shit if I did and was more mad I was doing it in the house and possibly stinking it up.
My room had windows down most of three walls so I opened them and the smell was never an issue.
She even offered to buy me some much better shit from someone she knew since medicinal use was forbidden it that state but she worked for a cancer place that it was an open secret.
I mean if my son was doing meth in my house I would beat him
You're a good person
i check that like once a week if that
sounds like the exact same situation my russian friend was in. he's a p big dealer now because of it though
i use mixrs cause i mix duh
is your brain holding up okay?
I mean if my son was doing meth in my house I would join him
You're a bad person
I did like extremely minor running for a few people in high school for some extra money.
It was a super white, upper middle area so even prosecution of drug crimes was nonexistent.
I know ^^
I find that hard to believe. People can get really addicted to their electronics
Oh cool, I didn't know you mix
How long have you been doing it?
since i was liek 15 or something
Do you host parties and stuff?
Party at your crib when?
pierre david guetta uses mixrs and i am wholeheartedly convinced he is jesus
used to, those days are no more. i am too much of a shut in.
pls no
You on them hard drugs?
look at him
he's definitely jesus
I don't blame ya. Introverted life is best life.
like every time you look at him he's doing something jesusy
sadly not everyone can enjoy such things
tfw only ~100 people here aren't white out of the 26k
should get to know me more then I guess
for a second i thought his shirt was this girls shirt
one time, we were tripping hard on acid, and we were watching a guetta set, and he raised his arms like jesus, AND FUCKING FIRE EXPLODED ALL AROUND HIM
that's when i knew
that's when i knew he was the christ
he loses USB he cancels gigs.
I need a separate racing rig.
he didn't cancel that gig, he lost his USB playlist, so he rammed the songs on an SD card in a random order and played them oldskool
unless this is a different time
I swear I'm not racist
Yeah, it's funny how that works.
One of my friends' dad was even a detective and asked me about it with not even telling me to stop or anything. His words were more or less "don't get into anything worse since you're the only normal friend my son has". That area was just weird in general. He even got me out of a speeding ticket I didn't even mind paying.
When I was in the midwest, it was a town of a few thousand with literally no non-whites in the city limits.
where do you think the music is stored
Like a good jew he knows how to shill for his miracles.
Seen him "live" though.
Was aite.
He's Jesus, he just becomes the speaker.
see my post earlier
see those pink things in my decks?
USB sticks
most CDJs can load from usb, which is far more convenient than changing CDs every few minutes, obviously
genius right
solve the chiliad mystery for me pls
Geez didn't even know it was dis week.
I always think cats will be pulled out of the box square like those Japanese watermelons.
i decided to not care this year, but that Xbone S being advertised on my 360 dashboard got me curious
And I'm listening to Rod Stewart.
Please shoot me.
"its like really fucking hot out here"
"lemme check." ... "53 degrees"
my friend is currently dying of heat in FLORIDA right now while I enjoy glorious chill weather
for a nerd you sure suck
awwh... i think you'll be a lot happier if you got back out there
I think it's only $249 for you (I don't know the pound shortcut).
i see
is it any real improvement over the regular xbone?
apart from being slimmer, i assume
Atleast it isnt Elvis.
I was listening to Elvis the other night.
i still don't have an xbone, kinda glad, cause if there is an S now, regular ones will get even cheaper
Kinda feel like bringing my mech keyboard to school but then again I don't have much to type anyway geez.
Kinda wanna Wii or something for the new Zelda, which looks neat unlike the 100000000th FPS announced there.
Think Shadow of the Colossus + Wind Waker atmosphere + some more neatness.
Minor over the current one.
It's just to make people migrate from the 360 and low end PC as opposed to the beefier new one. It'll probably be sold at a loss to increase market %.
I don't play GTA V.
i have never enjoyed zelda. didn't play it young, so it's not nostalgic for me, which kinda leaves it high and dry at uninteresting
i see.
It just looks like a fresh new nice game though, doesn't look like they are building on the franchise like [other games].
Since laptops are far more common than desktops, it's kind of neat push to unify Win10 and Xbox, with cross compatibility so laptops become the "mobile" arm of Xbox with no real investment.
Just seems interesting to see how it ends up in practice.
hmm, i see, i will sneak a peak
they do that? i have a nice windows laptop, if i upgrade it to 10, it can play xbone games?
tech support 😂
Casper is tech support
Win10 came with Xbox Live integration but wasn't really used for anything other than game statistics from the app store.
They're changing it so that any game purchased on the marketplace is playable on both Win10 and Xbox One. I'm not sure what all that includes but I doubt exclusives and flagships will get that treatment but third party stuff and "arcade" style titles.
Cloud saves and shared progress so you can pick up and go on any device.
Time to crank up Dolphin and Deluge again for some Zelda-binging.
But why is it racist when it's true?
because i'm not radioactive or dying from smog
Not yet
southerners make me cringe...
why did you stop?
oh my god
Stop what?
They are though
stop trying to know me
I think that d00d has autism of some sort.
I am euphoric.
Because you write a lot
Writing a lot doesn't make you some high intellectual being, it just means you write a lot for no reason and I don't want to read long winded responses
Like most southerners
I'm Ema, hi
Azn people really are the master race
i told you why i do. if you don't want to read it then don't, you always did.
I'm sorry but it's true
Would you like it if I wrote paragraph long responses every time I replied to you?
Race traitor
this will be the game in the first Erin Plays
I'm part azn
But you're worst Asian.
i'm downloading an older build cause hopefully moar bugs
Actually, that's just like island niggers, indoniggers and Burma.
yeah 53 is boiling hot ;~; heat stroke sounding...
while my chill 10 is cozy da breeze
not alll the time but sometimes yes
Are you transracial now?
I had a thing for Asians for a while after snapchatting with some slut from Tinder.
Go back to your homeland and make giant robots
i mean it's like 100 where he is right now
100 is like cooking temps
not irl temps
It was all the time
White = boring
You're a slut too
Not right now
I think we need to get the whip back out and get you in your leash again.
its not bad
i mean i used to live on an island and loved it when it got that hot
now it's just whatever
then tell me!
You are white.
while testing the game out, i spanked him too hard, he called his safe word 9 times, i ignored it, and now he won't let me play again for a week
Spank Bants
two weeks even
tell me what the temp really is then?
on real metrics
I was mowing on Sunday and it was 97 according to the thermometer on the porch with a near 70% humidity.
My pasty ass was shirtless. I'm sure that was a sight for the elderly neighbors.
I but only answer to Kanra
I do
I don't think Russian is white, that's like saying Greeks and Spaniards are white too
It truly is an amazing time to be alive.
overide games internal clock
brushie brushie
system clock*
these things work on system clock
i had to rub his back afterwards but he was not soothed
Slavs are white.
turn off internet clock
and fast forward the date is what i just said.
No they're not.
They're the niggers of light skinned people.
We were born just in time to see how it all ends.
I would want to be beat until I REALLY feel it.
100f is like 35c or something
for some reason during the weekend and the one before i went shooting. it was in the 90s all day, kinda just wanted to kms to get out of the heat
do it more.
that pic is nice
how are you all fine gentlemen and supposed ladies today?
How dull
Don't grouplink me with garbage, please
who needs to explore space
It's hot down here!
I don't mind heat at all.
I just hate humidity.
My shoulders and back used to be in a perpetual state of sunburned from running shirtless.
I wonder if I should give you a forth chance...
Pretty good actually -hug-
I don't care
You people need to really stop hijacking my shit
It's this shitty website's fault.
some is better than none though. it kills me here
is it really up to 4?..
oh yeah... there we go. a real temperture
35 is hot :(
oh so slavs isn't a misspelling of slaves...?
And the admins need to know how to computer better.
Being in a desert is bliss.
Especially parts of west Texas where let's be honest, you could bury a few hundred people and still no one would ever find that minefield of graves.
It's not really the site being shit, it's more of how imageboards were made to save files.oh wait the site doesn't go off of the same time that it shows. fuck everything
plural noun: Slavs
a member of a group of peoples in central and eastern Europe speaking Slavic languages.
terrible thread
regular desert is fine to me. it's the high desert that has been killing me at a high rate for the past decade.
4got name
terrible thread
*pulls the trigger*
This is the worst thread I have ever seen.
And I lurk /r9k/
Part of me just wants to move to parts of Utah or Nevada.
if it's hot down there it may be indicative of an infection! :^)
-squeezes you tight-
Ene wants to be taken off of the notifs list
you'll probably see this before you see a steam notif, so yeah
just letting you know of his request
proofs attached
au revoir
I bet you're real proud of yourself, aren't you?
No one ever mentions him, though.
Gold reservoir?
I think I'd rather Utah than NevadaI know fuck all about Utah
Are you really this retarded or just pretending to be?
Utah's beautiful but fuck Mormons.
nigga shut the fuck up
sometimes I bring him up
i actually googled it, and apparently slav does come from origins of "slave" ._. rip all slavs...
you really think people here dont recognize assbro on site?
based retard user
i think they're just trying to piss people off
oh god nevermind
I've been to Nevada 5 times, 4 of those I had seen people die.
mental lag
Grim don't be nasty.
Mormons are the weirdest branch of Christianity.
Even boy molesting fruits of Catholics look normal in comparison.
I mean
if everyone is comparing me to a literal terrorist, why wouldn't I be
do you echo things/people because there's not much mass in that cranium of yours?
if youre gonna be lonely your whole life isnt it just best to suicide now and move onto the next world
Enjoy yourselves, threaders.
Luka isn't one of them. Stop mean.
How did they botch your lobotomy worse than the retard Kennedy daughter?
See ya around
go get level 7!
sometimes i think looking into religion and shit then i remember half of that shit and nope the fuck out
Is that good?
Sorry for that game
azn master race
mhm... you're very mean to me...
-squeaks under my breathe- >_< you didn't hear that...
all those vehicles are gone now
Some of even the Protestant branches are weird as fuck.
Most are just relatively normal but some like "Church of Christ" and Pentecostal are just fucking weird.
just using his words he said in his post!
when is x time fellow x
my mom sent me this song before
it was after a family tragedy and she said she just wanted me to be happy
it meant a lot
so this picture tells me neru is
nice neru
it is done.
-runs my fingers through your hair and scratches your head behind your ears-
but I didn't get a hug...?
Maybe I did get faster queues with you guys
Wtf is this
sorry wrong link
this is the right one
i think i'm better now. you should think about it.
didn't they bury them all?
is it bad if i only remember going into a church for one wedding then the rest of the time to talk about survival shit/huntingcub/boy/eagle scouts memes
The only thing worth remembering is polygamists burn in hell.
downloading a whole bunch of games to play
the biggest file, and the one i am most interested in, is Dog Petting Simulator (Demo)
Nice blog.
you know when you post that with a european flag its not really ironic
What the fuck does that even mean?
thats even worse..
mfw I'm no longer the poster that blogs all the time
what are you trying to tell us
Save me
Looking forward to that dank content
No, no.
You still are way ahead in that.
it means he has no clue in politics and is only sustained by raging autism
i have that
was on ritalin for it but got taken off very quickly cause it made me make suicide threats
i was 8, no shit weird stuff was gonna happen if you gave me stimulants
How did he even graduate high school?
Is not UK flag zemmel
N I C EI B L O GC L M 8E O 8 G
I'm a lot better now about it
I actually say "hello" when I enter a thread and start conversations with people
but I guess you can stay salty if you want
I'll just lick you when you're not looking~
how do we know he did
if he did its probably just from sucking off his principal
but from his inability to go anywhere in life thats the mark of no highschool diploma
I see it as
"I'm rich and I'll say whatever I can to make it sound like you'll become rich. also guns"
"free X"
"Everybody says I got a few people killed and did some treasonous but I'm innocent! also muh female rights, even if Trump is saying better shit"
There's no proof they did
that ascii was aesthetic as fuck
teach me
I'm just saying you still blog a lot.
bake n bike
The code text uses a font that every letter is the same spacing.
you'll become rich
I already am.
Also the "I'm rich" person was Trump LOL
HEYNOW I do not really play lulu support I mainly play mid/tap
4 people wrote jake 'n bake for my name in my yearbook
i hate memes
i just know they're gone
> > 1 0 8 5 4 6 6A E S T H E T I CE S T H E T I C AS T H E T I C A ET H E T I C A E SH E T I C A E S TE T I C A E S T HT I C A E S T H EI C A E S T H E TC A E S T H E T I
No you don't. I do.
nope, I don't~
what did i mean by this
test test
rest in peace burnt sanders
just looked it up and a few websites say they're still there in Rassorva
Barnie Sandles
big boy test
,++++ ###+. #+++ ++++ +++++++ ;+#, ++++' ,#` +++++ +###' +###+' +##'#++ .#:+++#+ ++ ; + +` ; + +;; ++ `##;#++ #:';`+: ;'`:;:+; #``:;:+# # `+;':# #: ;'';# #.`.;+`: ';::;'# #.:'#' #+#;
I should have made this post more general to everything he says but see
that filename
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is he trying to become a girl/loli now? wtf lol
░░░░░░▄▄▄░▐▄▀▄▀▄▒░░▒▄▄▄▄░▄░░▌░░ ░░░░▄▀░▄░▐▐▄▀▄▀▒░░░▀░░░░▀░▄▀▐░░ ░░░█░▌░░▌░▐▐▀▄▀▒░░░▒▌██▐░░▌▄▐░░ ░░▐░▐░░░▐░▌▐▐░▐░░░░░░▀▀░░░░░▀▌░ ░░▌░▌░░░░▌▐▄▀░▀▄▒░░░░░░░▄▀▄░░▐░ ░▐▐░▌░░░░▐▐░▌▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀█▄▄▄░░░▌ ░▌░░▌▌░░░░▌░▐▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀▄▄▀ ░▐░░▌▌░░░░▐░░▌▀▄▀▄▀█▄█▀█▀█▀░░░░ ░▌▌░▌▌░░░░░▌░▐▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄█▄█▄░░░░░ ▐░░░▐▐░░░░░▐▐░▌▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▀▀▄▀█░░░ ▌▌░░░▌▌░░░░░█▐░▌▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀░▄▐▄░░
kill me
tfw no loli
No, he's just a midget and basically them already.
I just name things with dumb filenames.
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i see. for some reason i knew that filename before reading it :^)
It's a joke about trannies and having to settle for the worse hole.
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women > girls that are indistinguishable from little boys
both has their time and use
Lolis are just for child raping pedophiles that are in denial about it.
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░███░░░░░░░███░█░█░░░█░░░░░█░░░█░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░███░░░░░░░███░░█░█░░░█░░░░░█░░░███░░░███░░░█░░░███ █░░████░░░█░░█████░░░███░░░█░░░███░█░░░█░░░░░█████░░███░░░░░█░░░░░██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ █░░██░░░░██░░░░░░░░███░░░████████░░░░░░░███░░░░████████░░░░░███░░░░░░████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░████░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░
very true
what else would they be attracted to that specific figure for
just closet pedophilia imo
nonsense, irl kids are disgusting
lolis are sexualized beyond recognition of anything real
but i probably just sound like a pedo
>"No, man. I'm just jerking off to drawn pictures of children clearly enjoying sex. I would never touch a real child. I am in no way a pedophile."
Flat is justice :^)
You're a chink so of course you'd want to molest kids.
must be something i dont know about then, i think we went on about this before and i was just as confused then
i thought it was a religion meme
legal age here is 15 anyway. ;v))))))))))))))))
I just prefer my bed to yours since it's more comfortable.
Did I just rape you?
not with that attitude
She makes fun of them as much as I do.
What? How?
I don't recall you ever being in my bed.
You just keep saying I get to use your couch.
oh fuck i didn't notice when this happened. at least his 2nd is just as good
weird. i thought they were all good or something
gonna go laugh about this till i fall asleep now. bbl
oh wait before i leave have these
j.m p/15rV8bv bit.l y/11sbaxy
I hate you all. Please die.
Good night.
I hope the souls of all the cats you've eaten murder you in your sleep.
nini :c
Good night
May you find comfort in the black abyss.
-shivers and cums- im not cleaning that...
I'll think about it but no promises
Dude ._.
Is it not Muslim enough for your British cuck standards?
Yeah totally that, haha you got me there xD memes
hi subtle
Sorry for being a bigot and not buying every illegal immigrant a house and giving them full welfare.
Boy, we sure are racist for not doing that.
No one really agrees with that here, it's why the EU-leave campaign actually has a chance, because people hate foreigners and want tougher immigration laws
how are you ~
One nation under Sharia law.
*grabs dick*
Who even are you?
whore from /lewd/
/lewd/ died so the survivors came here
Niko! It's your cousin Roman! Let's go bowling
Why do we get every other place's rejects?
I'm baka
I'm from lewd but it got boring so im here now
I'm fine, average
Kinda agitated I guess
I don't even know why you are pointing this out when some mudslime just conducted the worst shooting your country has ever had
sup kunt
im not a kunt...
whats up bitch
What are you agitated about?
Im glad youre fine tho
It was just a bunch of gays so it was only like 5 people dead.
We're going to build internment camps for all "refugees" at least.
nothing :/
I'm here to lower the overall quality of your board.
I would have thought you were doin some poppin shit.
That's the gist of it
Internment camps? First I've heard of that
Like what we did for Japs in WW2 but for any Muslim.
I'm just drawing a few tattoos for my friend, what about yourself?
With these things what you gotta do is just spam their customer service until they get tired of you and stop trying to rip you off
You just gotta annoy them
fuckin sweet, what are they?
Nothing too, actually. I might call up a friend and see if he's down to play D&D. My other friend is a fucking cunt and doesn't care about playing, so he puts in minimal effort every game and I'm done dealing with him.
It bugs me how much that word is misused.
It's correct there.
dont u know tsuchi
all my memes are supreme
you should expect that quality by now
Like, every game or character trying to sound Shakespearean/medieval uses it and it's always wrong. It's "why" not "where".
50 people and many more were injured
Wow, goosebumps
One tribal and one Spiderman with late 90's art style similar to the first Marvel VS Capcom game
And you should study instead of playing video games
So five extra people total injured.
Sandy Hook was worse.
Eat a dick.
Trump is our only salvation. Everyone else just wants to hug our enemies to death.
I was just wondering where it was said that they would go forward with a plan like that
hey grim u play overwatch or what
T R U M P.
That's cool
Study for what? I'm out of school. Also it's not a video game.
Can't be serious boy.
Sandy Hook = 28 killed, 2 injured (30 casualties)
Orlando shooting = 50 killed, 53 injured (103 casualties)
not even close
Oh... In NYC we have school all the way until the end of June. You should still study anyway, you can play video after you graduate
Yeah, but they're queers so they count for less.
Like less than 10 total.
Fuck you.
I don't even study in school, that shit is for fucking queers.
On the flipside though, if you are really nice they could give you free stuff, I've had that before with tech companies
At this point is he ahead of Hillary in polls or what?
Oh boy I got the play
What a shit quality recording tho rifk
You can barely tell Lexi was in it
q of the game
They're generally wrong not in a "muh media bias" but they're just wrong from either sampling biases or just irrelevant to begin with.
dead board
Hour and a half til my flight starts boarding
Who else/phoenix/ here
inb4 Tsuchi will join the Westboro Baptist Church
Not even
why do you only post to mention lexi? are you cucking erin?
Dw it's just a meme
Nice play
What companies?
Ive only had complete shit from those dotheads
What's wrong with studying? Don't you want a comfortable future?
Does this work?
Hello there Swedish fish! We are here to help you get better! You'll be staying here for a long time, but we want you to think of us as your friend. We'll do our best to accommodate you and create an environment that will help you get better. Welcome, to H̵͕͉͍̫̱̹͙̬͔͍̼̫͙̒ͩ̓̾̈́͐̑̈́̎͆̾̓̽ͫ͊̕ͅͅE̸̡ͫ̂ͦ̓́͐̂̈́̈́ͨ̔ͤ̇̚҉̬̘̺̺͕̖̼͔̤̫̥̪͎͕̺͍̩ͅL̵̉̑ͯ͂̑ͣ͂ͬ̋̽́͆͏͔̬̱̼͖̝͕̘̻̬͖̝̜͈͙̰̲́͞ͅL͑̇ͤ́͒ͭ̋̓̈̓̋̈́ͥ̃͏̤͔̯̣̳̳͈͍̻̰͍̗̠͎̣̜̩̕ͅ
We lost anyways rifk rip
I'm going to do a trade, so I don't need to study for math n shit unless I get into engineering which I might, seeing as though geometry was one of my better subjects...
Cause I always pass my tests whether I study or not.
I've been there before, likely going to knock myself out with benzos on the really got daya
Oh you must be really smart, are you in AP classes?
Are you Jewish or Black?
good luck fishy~
SteelSeries sent me a keyboard like £30 more expensive for no extra cost 'cause they ran out of the one I wanted and I was polite
legit q
do you want them because they dont have a dick like erin?
My question is legit too.
I want to know why your big nose is in my business :^)
Like you i'm a genius before my time
gitted good without funding not even a dime
personal vendettas... it's all true
i'm an expert
nah fuck that shit
lots of work I don't want to do
Though I am taking an AP class next year.
AP History, I'm going to try to get into AP European history by senior year.
Really fucking hungry but I lost my debit card
Thank God my mom is taking me out to eat when I get home