Tfw Steam4Linux doesn't just werk
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You're a double fag
Found your problem
I seriously hope Holla Forums isn't this cucked.
Why do you hate freedom?
you must be some fucking casual trash, i only care about games, go back to compiling kernels and making scripts that only reinvent the wheel.
>>>Holla Forums
Where else would it be you daft cunt
Fucking stupid hipsters and their shit threads.
So that makes it ok to use a shitty OS?
And you're calling others stupid?
Literally anywhere else, newfriend.
I found the fix, guys.
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm running it right now.
MMA is where it's at.
And stay there.
tfw installing Gentoo right now
It isn't remotely difficult, but oddly pretty exciting
well at least it's a better OP than the shitpost of the last thread
What IS Gentoo? Why is it a meme, and what does it do? I don't think I've ever actually researched it.
Microsoft won, embrace extend and extinguish, nerds
It's a linux distribution. Essentially a different flavour of the linux environment that handles things differently than others.
I assume the meme comes from the stereotype that it's difficult to setup and manage, coming to be seen as the "hardcore" distro.
It allows for you to tailer your system exactly how you want it. That sounds like a buzzword description so here is what I understand.
Programs are compiled to handle a lot of different hardware and environments for compatibility, which can make things slower to load compared to compiling only the parts your system needs. Gentoo has an efficient way to handle that (USE flags).
You add some keywords to a config file and your system will leave out unnecessary optional dependencies from things you install. You can even do this to your kernel so you don't have drivers and other shit your system has absolutely no use for. This makes your PC much faster.
As such when you use Gentoo you're supposed to compile everything. (which isn't as hard as it sounds, maybe just time consuming depending on your hardware)
But I hear you can apparently install binaries too.
git gud
it's a Linux distro
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
mama mia
You used this last thread, my man. Get some new bait.
How about you stop being a faggot and make it work then?
Put simply, it's a Linux distro with package management inspired by BSD ports (hence portage)
My one Windows laptop is off the Internet entirely. The other one is Libreboot and only runs a few emulators and old games.
Can do.
The Libertarian movement, nurtured in part by widespread disgust or disillusionment with the two major parties and in part by its adherents' yen to be associated with an imagined political and intellectual elite, has expanded in recent years. Most new recruits seem to be gathered from that somewhat nebulous group known as Yuppies: television-weaned, city-centered folk under 40 whose major pursuits in life are a full enjoyment of the standard items on man's pleasure menu, as well as rapid job advancement in some high-tech or otherwise glamorous industry, interrupted occasionally by est encounters, visits to the racquetball courts, and libertarian meetings.
Libertarianism fits the spiritual vistas of many Yuppies like their Calvin Kleins fit their bods. It combines comfortable elements from their radical youth with the nervous economic conservatism of their maturity, and all of it is dressed in the flattering garb of profound philosophy.
The high priestess of libertarianism is the late Ayn Rand, a one-time Hollywood screenwriter and the author of long novels dramatizing her philosophy, known as "objectivism." The salient thesis of Randian thought is that the individual human mind is the prime mover of all progress, and anything that would fetter or restrict it is part of a "collectivist" drag back to primitivism.
Government exists – or should – solely to enforce contracts between free individuals, and perhaps to provide for the common defense, although no one is obligated to pay for the defense or to serve in the armed forces. Libertarians in practice strongly oppose drug control, immigration laws, gun-control laws, social-welfare programs, and taxation. They favor unlimited and uncontrolled capitalism in all its forms.
The type of society favored by libertarians seems to be a sort of loosely-contained anarchy: each intelligent, self-seeking, rational mind goes quietly and peacefully about its business, pursuing its own objectives, not disturbing or interfering with the objectives of other free and rational entities. Government, such as it is, will be called upon only to arbitrate contractual disputes.
While any citizen so inclined can ship himself off to boot camp in order to keep the armed forces going, the ultimate defense against "collectivist" oppressors is . . . an elitist strike. Those possessors of the freest, most rational, and most inventive brains simply will refuse to continue to exercise their competence and ingenuity in the service of "collectivists." After their strike causes the lights of civilization to go out, lo, the objectivist heroes will get into harness once more, having demonstrated to the unappreciative herd the errors of its past ways.
Rand manages to impart a certain appeal to these concepts in the pages of her emotional romances. But the entire movement, from its seminal ideas to its political expression, is a trap for deracinated fools. "Objectivism" is a soul-state for urban Americans dominated by a highly personal and economic Weltanschauung. It is not political thinking at all, merely a thinking about politics. It is, at bottom, a poltroonish mirage for those who will not face the grim facts about a world teeming with hostile non-Whites (who would slaughter with glee all elitists "on strike") and an America rapidly sinking into a multiracial quicksand. The libertarian is oblivious to the fact that present racial trends, if permitted to continue, will at the very least put an end to his treasured concepts of unlimited frontiers, endless space, and wild freedoms, those nostalgic mind-sets that abet the growth of puerile nonsense such as libertarianism.
Rand and most of the early objectivists were Jews; thus the preference for an anarchic bourgeois condition and the primacy of economic thinking. The Jewish communist and the Jewish libertarian may seem to be in violent opposition, but with the emphasis on the material and on what is considered to be the "rational," the two are alike, though one may seek the end of "justice" and other that of "freedom." Both are hostile to movements built on national, racial, or cultural instincts.
To a libertarian the "mind" that creates civilization is spread about indiscriminately among all races and peoples. Racial idealism, cultural dynamism – these are invalid concepts that in the "free marketplace of ideas" will find new buyers, say the libertarians. And so it is that Ayn Rand once wrote: "Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism." 1
Those who are attuned to facts, to reality, and whose living, race-based impulses are Western, Faustian, will smile – horselaugh, perhaps – at Rand's transparent stupidity and at the pathetic childishness of her followers. Were it not for a tax-supported police force, and for the tax monies that go into the monthly welfare checks, the impoverished urban non-Whites would rise in the night to murder all objectivist Yuppies faster than one could say, "Who is John Galt?"
Let the libertarians continue to weave their fantastic, gossamer webs. Let them add their bit to the chaotic factionalism of America, this bizarre whirlpool with a hollow death at the nadir. The static rationalist concepts of prissy "objectivists" will drown in the steaming vortex; schemes about going "on strike" against mindlessness will bring one day only a sad, head-shaking smile to those who once held them dear.
Libertarians quack loudly and long about "rational thinking," but in reality their program discourages fact-based thinking on the part of intelligent Whites, a few of whom might otherwise be capable of thinking their way through to a realization of their dire straits. Instead, the libertarian movement offers them only a sugared, gingerbread ideology, which will crumble instantly at the first full-blown, feral blast of the dragon's breath.
yeah… you told that linux distribution who's boss.
The best are the linux fags who do it because of "muh freedoms" and then don't use a VPN or even worse use Tor. I feel sorry for people who are easily influenced into bad decisions.
You, the OP, don't get to say inb4 a damn thing. You also don't get to use it to deflect criticism, or ignore the biggest problem with your post. You know that you're making a bad decision and you think that a mocking dismissal of that problem means it should be overlooked.
Your problem is Steam.
I don't use Linux for games because it's much harder to find pirated games to download for Linux
This poster has brain damage.
SteamOS (Linux) is bullshit. I have a Linux HTPC, but all Steam does there is stream games from the Windows box. Because there are all of my gayms installed.
just kys and be done with it, you're one of those retards that hates using the right tool for the job, I bet you eat cereal with a knife.
There are some binary repositories, I heard. Difficult isn't even the question there, compiling everything from source is just time consuming as fuck.
Anyways, another advantage of Gentoo is compiling with optimizations for your specific hardware.
Linux has been pretty good at doing more than just running a server for almost 20 years now
You're still using a knife to eat cereal instead of a spoon.
Is this bait, or do you actually believe this?
I'm using a knife to cut meat.
If all you can eat is cereal then no wonder you're a windowsfag.
And I'm speaking from personal experience here. It'd be much more annoying to do the work I do on Windows.
How about you stop being autistic and use a normal distro like Ubuntu like everyone else?
Arguably more spyware than Win 10. If you're gonna use babby's first *nix, Mint is a significantly less pozzed variant.
Only if you run the Unity variant and manually activate that Amazon thing.
He did. He also seems to have intuited the common root of Libertarianism and Communism in the self-defeating ideology of Utilitarianism by noticing their shared focus on materialism and "rationality", which I would elaborate is actually the belief that the human experience is reducible to standard units which can therefore be subjected to maximization; this is of course false for the same reason Utilitarianism was proven untenable more than 100 years ago, which is that the original unit of "pleasure", which has become "freedom" for Libertarians and "equality" for Communists, cannot be properly defined.
Unfortunately, nearly everyone lacks the intellect to realize how compelling and fatal the counter argument to the very foundation of these ideologies is, so here we are still entertaining them as if there's a possibility of them being valid.
if two console commands are enough to scare you off, sorry to tell you that you're technologically challenged.
Should've said you were using that from the start, user.
The problem was because Steam was looking for libudev.so.0 so I had to symlink libudev.so to that.
Thanks, Holla Forums.
By the way Holla Forums, if you're going to go free, prefer installing Void, Gentoo, Slack, or openBSD.
Avoid systems related to Redhat and Debian.
You're a fucking disgrace to all advocates of free software.
Being free means I have the freedom to install whatever software I wish.
You're the one being anti-free.
Redhat is funded by NSA and gives Lennart the Cancer his paycheck.
Debian was one of the first to back their shitware, and has outdated as fuck packages and is run by retards.
he is autistic dont listen to him
So pirate the games? You can do that on Linux I asssume.
Niggawot, just edit that shit into the steam binfile.
I fucking knew it the tryhards would be switching from Arch to more obscure distros. Admit it, you're just in it for the dick measuring contest, aren't you?
Elaborate please, because that sounds silly.
Well that sucks because I fucking suck at arch.
Ubuntu has become a bad case too but not as fucked as Windows 10.
Using Lubuntu 14.04, shit is cash. Trisquel is also a good choice and 100% libre.
Wouldn't you go full autistic and compile your own shit at that point?
so, backdoors?
People started dropping arch when they betrayed their KISS philosophy and made systemd the default init.
8ch Holla Forums has been cuck central for the better part of 2016
Then just use testing you fucking mong. It's called stable for a reason.
It probably has the same amount. The unity desktop environment in vanilla Ubuntu spies on you and sends your data to Canonical (the company developing Ubuntu and jew extraordinaires that are in bed with Microsoft- seriously, look it up).
Non-Canonical developed versions of Ubuntu such as Kubuntu, Xubuntu etc. do not ship this malware.
I always end up going back to Ubuntu.
I've hopped so many distros and Ubuntu and it's derivatives are much more user-friendly and reliable than most other distros.
except steam on Obongu16.x apparently
Yeah, it's opt-in NOW. It was opt-in for many years.
It was opt-out* for many years.
I really enjoy that we have a constant Linux shitposting thread on Holla Forums.
At least you didn't buy an RX480 and completely lost X acceleration.
I might try wayland on that and see how it handles.
I really gotta install gentoo on my main machine, arch has been a thorn in my side for some time now and it's high time I dumped it.
I want to like Void, but the continued fuck ups with the repository and the shitty documentation really got to me.
The outdated packages were the nail in the coffin. Hopefully it gets better in the future.
Comparatively it's almost been a pleasure to troubleshoot my few mistakes with Gentoo.
When something doesn't work in Linux, good fucking luck, not even god can help you.
Also, void-musl is useless.
I didn't break it, nignog, it was valve that fucked up.
That shit makes my dick hard, but it's not really a good choice for vidya. Last time I checked, it doesn't even support WINE.
This is correct, the Linux version of Steam breaks on its own sometimes when it tries to update itself. It downloads non-functional versions of libraries that already exist on the computer or something. The "steam-clean" script I posted earlier deletes those downloaded files, which makes Steam work again.
Redhat turned Linux into a WMD and made it unusable for any mundane tasks at the same time.
How exactly am I defending it retard
*BSD can run all Linux binaries though.
OpenBSD dropped support for that in the latest release.