Critical Deconstruction of Normative Leftist Memes

Fucking nothing this November 4. Big shock. Let us – not celebrate, not gloat; those are for victories over worthy opponents – grieve? the utter state of the left.

ITT, we do this by assembling the absolute worst lefty memes and basking in their fail.

Other urls found in this thread:

Classic. Genius.

It's as if they know us.


How can their memes be so profoundly unfunny? Does anyone have that screenshot?


collection im building. some was from the MN antifa dump the other was from Holla Forums

I figured as much, but do communism and anarchy coexist well?

Both are upheld by terrible foundations and angsty dregs of society so I don't expect two horrible ideologies to compliment each other when both fail entirely.

uh… user…

Well the purpose of the thread is to collect trash so it checks out.

What the fuck is this supposed to be? This almost looks like it was meant to be a troll image but I doubt it with all the other ones I've seen. What the fuck is the message?

The maoirty of them are Anarcho-Communist. Anarcho-Communism is a confusing ideology invented by Abbie Hoffman, a domestic terrorist in the 60's


captcha: fokgen


Leftards are incapable of unironically espousing their views. The bad quality is meant to signal how self-aware they are about being silly political individuals. It's some sort of weird ego coping shit.

They know their world view is wrong, however their world view is also the only one that will nonjudgmentally accept their disgusting shortcomings. They can't accept truth as nature and God (in a deistic sense) has set forth to govern and be governed, so they have no choice but to cling to their lie and douse it so deeply in irony that they don't have to admit that they base their paradigm in falsehood. Leftists don't just lie, they ARE the lie.

It would be worth it to "return the gold" to India, if the British were also allowed to take back electricity, automobiles, telecommunications, sanitation (what little exists), modern medicine, mechanized farming, the lightbulb, etc. Many lulz would be had as seemingly the most unwashed and useless massive population in the world would descend into levels of savagery that would make the modern street shitting masses look like an efficient German society in comparison.




Careful with your accidental memes, user.

So they admit that Blacks are genetically further from us than all the Australopithecus'species?

You're wrong; they had a choice. They could have stared the truth square in the face, acknowledged it, and begun the long journey of self-improvement. Instead, they chose to live a lie, and so they wallow in misery and despair.
Of their own volition, they chose, and so they are damned. Their fate is just.

What is the argument, here? Do they really think that in a commie utopia they won't be forced into camps?
>implying they think at all

There's nothing to deconstruct. Good Gods, I can't read this retarded shit.

Is this meant to be an ironic hyperbole of a lefty comic, or is this legitimate? I don't believe that anyone could think this is remotely funny.


The original was made by an absolute autist named TruthSeeker meant to be serious and then wind of it got on Holla Forums and they've been making their own.

There are already two "ANTIFA Minnesota/Minneapolis Exposed Thread" full of Holla Forums meme spam. Fuck off.


Anyone got the truthseeker comics from Holla Forums? I had one saved but I guess I lost it and I can't find the comics anywhere online.

Wait, what's even happening in this comic? I'm guessing Porky is Holla Forums because he's a pompous lecturing faggot, but then why is he arguing in favor of capitalism?

One thing I've noticed with these leftist memes trying to shit on capitalism. They always whine about how they end up working for the man and making them richer.

But they could just start their own business and become the person who has people working for them to make them richer. And the part they miss is that they will still end up working for the government in a communist system, which means they'll still be "working for the man", except instead of "capitalist pig", it's one government you have no choice from leaving unless you move to a different country.

Leftists memes aren't meant to be funny. They're meant to stoke other leftist's egos by telling them that they are right while berating and mocking anyone who disagrees.

The real question everyone should be asking is how they manage to be unfunny when simply repackaging memes that are funny.

I think it's no coincidence that they do this in such a blatant way and considering how much money is put into the left and into various shill groups, I'm starting to think that literal shill groups are the ones making their memes and supplying the dozen or so actual Holla Forums-tier leftist with "memes" that do nothing. Think about it. Remember how we would see from afar on cuckchan, supposed shillary supporters constantly editing maga memes to repackage them as pro-shillary/anti-maga memes? What if a shill group like shareblue has nerds paid in pennies waiting for more memes to edit into lefty-memes?

Nah, mate, Porky's a capitalist. Pretty sure that's what they call capitalists over there. And Bugs, I guess, is a retarded Dude Weed Lmao Bernout who thinks that communism means free shekels, hence the "why can't you just print more money?" line.
As for the last panels, it's leftists doing what they do best - pretending to be victims.

I find that pic related is pretty good in explaining to even normies why Holla Forums's arguments are a joke.

Truthfully, the only big CEOs who unabashedly roll around in their shekels are the ones who push progressive causes that all these useful idiot leftists adore. I'm a machinist, or as the the faggot commies like to say "the proletariat", and nobody I work with or boss above me could believe or facilitate the kind of stupid pie-in-the-sky bullshit that your average soy-sucking faggot takes for gospel. It really pisses me off to hear them labeling themselves "the working class", as if their monetary troubles came from a "porky" instead of their own stupid life decisions to live in a big city, never cook at home, and buy every new bugman piece of technology with their credit cards.

"pure coincidence" though amirite?

Invariably the ones who have jobs work in a service industry or sit behind keyboards. None of them work with their hands (making coffee doesn't count.)

I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.

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I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.

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I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.

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I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.

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>Just look at that slop job!

Flat tits or GTFO, pedo.
Reported for spam. Will kill next time.

Report, filter and ignore the pedokike

Did Holla Forums ever find out who made these shit graphics, and if so, was it Quentin?




I thought quentin was permabanned years ago

That spammer has been banned too, but that doesn't stop him.


I'd toss that line out because it turns the image into hyper-jewish OY GEVALT YOU FILTHY GOYIM AREN'T GIVING ME ENOUGH MONEY tier kvetching (which let's face it it is either way but this makes it more obviously so).

That third one is pokemon or something, right?

These are really sad. I can't bother to say anything funny about these… they're so unfunny they suck the life out of all other memes.

yeah, hitmonlee and hitmonchan I can't believe I remembered that

Capitalists are some of the first on DOTR right behind the kikes and will be mixed in with the Communists for they are two sides of the same shekel

try making a ns thread since april user


Fuck off.




Fucking checked. Also, duckspeak doesn't translate well to memetics. If anything it amplifies the weakness of the already tortured message.

This is painfully accurate.


Capitalists are even worse then some Communists.


uh huh, prove me wrong then nigger. make a good ns thread like old times.

uh yeah bitch
i have been wanting to make a thread about this, but due to the nature of the topic, as well as pics related being all i have on the subject: I was hoping anyone could provide any more caps about language i guess, the nature of memes, the sheer power of thought and its profound influence over people, or to physically shape the world

ooff back to lurking


I do but for completly different reasons then the author's intention


I fucking hate the socialists for bringing up that fucking sickle like it's a cool symbol.
It fucked my country, took all of it's dignity, took all of the great minds. We were totally trapped in time and made in to slaves.

ah but friend, that was not real gomunism. If it was real gomunism, it would have been good, but since it was bad it must have been state capitalism. Workers unite, this time it will work for sure.


90% of the Anarcho-Commies I've ever dealt with were confused socialists who hated the state because it "protects property and the rich".

Okay what the actual fuck is this timeline and how will I explain to my grandkids that furry gay pornography of a popular videogame made references to one of the most important political scandals in our time

Its a little sad when people from here can ironically make better leftist propaganda than the left can.

What's wrong with capitalism, aside from corrupt governments taking bribes from corrupt corporations to give them favorable treatment? Capitalism encourages growth and innovation.

Nothing. What's wrong is "capitalists". It's a jew term to begin with, and adopting it is like calling yourself a bourgeois with pride. It's existed for centuries upon centuries and only now has a derogatory term tied to it, like fascism.

Get a fucking job.

"Capitalism" is state sanctioned Usury. That is the system we have today in the West. With all the Jewish money tricks designed to funnel all the wealth to the top (to the Jews) and disenfranchise literally everyone else. They then use the power and wealth acquired via this mechanism to buy the govt itself, which is why this problem has never gotten better, only worse, since the inception of the US Federal Reserve in 1913. It was Usury at a national level.

What people have been fooled into thinking, is that Capitalism is what we USED to have —– which was simply "Free Enterprise". However "Capitalism" is the Jew method of coin-clipping the actual wealth created via Free Enterprise — with every transaction. Until eventually all the wealth is concentrated at the very very top.

The Oligarchy/Plutocracy that is created via Capitalism is the same one created via Communism. The only real difference is the amount of time it takes to establish the power of the oligarchy. Communism does it immediately via guns and overt control that is very very easy to see. Capitalism does it via invisible, multi-generational methods that are almost imperceptible to everyone just trying to get started in life.

In essence, Capitalism and Communism really are two sides of the same international Jewish coin. It's the difference between an industrial farm with animals stuffed in cages in giant warehouses, and those "free range" farms where the animals intermingle and interact — they THINK they are 'free' if they are in the middle of the pasture, but once they get towards the barbed wire fence, or when the farmer comes for his meat or milk, that's when they realize they're really not free and are just livestock. The Farmer in either scenario being a Jew.

Nothing. It's just that half the people here are using the retarded euro definition of capitalism, so when you talk about capitalism they think you are talking about corporatism, or like they just define it as jewry. But yeah, a generally hands-off economic policy usually leads to growth if the people have any initiative and competency.

The problem is that a 'hands off approach' leads to (((certain people))) being able to usurp control, at which point they simply turn it back into "corporatism" (as you call it). We know this because they have done this in literally every country on earth now.

No one is saying that we need some boot on the throat of the common mom and pop shop, but to keep insisting, in true deluded lolbertardian fashion, that we can just let people do whatever the fuck they want without any restriction and we won't wind up in the same shitbox of tyrannical ZOG control is simply fanciful and naive thinking.

What we need is national socialism. Where literally anyone can do whatever they want. Amass more wealth than fucking smaug in that dwarf mountain. Be a fucking trillionaire. But the second your actions/industry/business decision are against the nation, the people, and/or the 14 words — your brains will be decorating a brick wall in front of a firing squad.

Anyone who says 'hands off' is the way to go literally hasn't been paying attention to how Western Civilization has been brought to the brink of destruction, helped by the fucking subversion of "muh free trade" or "muh free markets".

But then surly the problem is allowing >(((certain people))) to operate at all in your country in the first place.

True. Which is why any, ahem, "final solution" would have to involve removal of the eternal Jew.

However, there are so many cryptos that no one could be sure that we got them all, and that they'd simply bury themselves……..wait a generation or two after everyone forgot and were blissfully happy and complacent —- then they would emerge from their fucking underground synagogues again to start the process all over again.

Which is why complete removal of not only the Jew, but the tools of the Jew, and the mentality that the Jew operates from is necessary. Remember, these people have survived hundreds of attempts to get rid of their fucking crooked blood-libel having asses throughout history. These people are literal cockroaches that keep coming back. Again and again. And so while we can put systemic programs in place to ensure that they are gone, we can never become complacent enough to believe that 'they really are gone this time'.


I think that's the real answer here. They will subvert *anything*, not only capitalism. Given a free hand and a couple hundred years, I would not be surprised if they could subvert NS.

Get lost, boomer.

Oh, I have no doubt they could if people were unaware and complacent.

So the double edge sword of Holla Forums, where everyone calls everyone a kike shill……even though it gets really tiresome after a while………the good thing is that it creates an environment where any ideas have to either stand or fall on their own merits and how it upholds the 14 words. Strict scrutiny. Zealous enforcement of non-kike ideas and systems. In that way all 'ideas' are put through the wringer and fleshed out and taken to their logical end-game. All the weak points are examined and thought out.

Go whine about muh handouts, big papa gubmint dont pay fo me house and fone wah wah wh

pics and dubs criminally underrated

It's not the only problem. We'd still end up with greedy fucks siphoning off wealth as unnecessary overhead, but at the very least they wouldn't be using that wealth to destroy the nation like Jews do.

Most removals of Jews from a single country has been successful. The problem is that they just go to different countries, wait a few centuries, and then come back in. This was an unsolvable problem because one simply couldn't get rid of Jews throughout the world. In today's world of global empires we probably do have that power and need to exercise it.

As always the price is eternal vigilance. The problem is that that's rather hard to achieve.

The end goal of Marxism is a classless stateless society.

Why are they called /cargo-cult/?


Holy shit, that's an incredibly Jewish comic. Kill yourself, my man.

Holla Forums really needs to understand the "Left" better. Lurk their websites and read their books. /cargo-cult/, /leftpol/, GETchan, Bunkerchan, and their other bunkers. Various subreddits (and not the "Glumpf", blue hair types, but the actual ones with theory). Their reading lists. Their news sites.

Why is it that nearly all the cute stuff nowadays have been drawn by lefties?



We understand them perfectly well. They mask their low IQ by coming up with their own vocabulary. They Tell you to read a book so they don't have to admit they are bootlickers just following the words of their leaders. All of their theories are semantics and are never applicable to real life nor do they make sense.

The only thing to understand is the psychology of cults and the mentally deranged.

I don't know if a retard or troll made this…

It's obviously a reference to when the UK, France, and Israel tried to take over the Suez canal and overthrow Nasser in 1956. The guy in the bottom is Nasser, who was the president of Egypt at the time. It doesn't actually have a political message beyond repeating the facts of the incident: Nasser was not overthrown and did not lose the canal.

meme responsibly, lad


captalism = state sponsered usury.
It's a perversion of free enterprise.

What does "NY 1 WO SPEAK RP IZ GENIUZ" mean? And what the hell is a "MOXY"? What is wrong with those retards?

Anarcho-communism is the stateless, moneyless society described by Marx and is what actual communism is. What people refer to as communism, the state managed command economy like that found in China and the USSR is actually socialism.

Calling it Anarcho-communism is redundant. Both are retarded ideologies that have demonstrated time and again that they are destined to fail miserably.

Google "Pecheneg", even I know it's an iconic Russian weapon and I'm not even /k/
More brains less assuming faggot.

Got one fresh off the tumblr presses! This is what pedokikes actually believe.

Is some kind of typical trick to get anons to meme for the faggots over at Holla Forums?

No, just pointing and laughing at the libshits that claim to more humane than we are utterly fail to understand the human though process.

the ice cream is a metaphor for fucking children

These must be some kind of super meta parody, nobody this retarded should be able to produce OC.

it says a lot when they can just give up and produce a genuine improvement

Not sure about MOXY but I think the first one is supposed to mean "Anyone who speaks RP (Received Pronunciation, the standard upper-class English accent) is a genius".

The worst part is that I genuinely can't tell if this is a joke, or actual communist rhetoric.

It's legitimate communist rhetoric.

There is nothing wrong with working, making money, and spending that money.
Usury (i.e., debt-based fiat currency that steals from you via inflation caused by kikes printing their fortunes instead of working for it) is the problem, but that is not what capitalism should have become.

The gold standard prevented this, but crypto currencies can bring that back.

nah, that's just the heaven-on-earth part of the marxist religious doctrine

I think these will do nicely

What's there to "deconstruct"?

Leftist memes are basically re-branding rightist memes, you see Hitler, they put Stalin head into him, you see nazi Pepe, they put a hammer'n'sickle in place of the swastikas.

It's low energy shit. There's a reason their memes require them spamming them over and over again, and they do it to spite right-wingers, not for fund.




So I am elite basically

Are they this dumb?

Holy shit


I suspect that whoever actually runs that tumblr is just trying to remind people how fucked up pedophiles is

I can't really tell though, so if it is, it's really effective.


Beyond dumb user. It is a point of pride for them to not know real history, and they then have an obsession with being ironic. Which just means that everyone always get everything wrong, the few who know better call it ironic, and no one ever learns anything - and thus they are entirely dependent upon kikes to tell them what to think and act.

This is beyond mortal understanding.

anarchy and communism, and any shade in between, or thereabout, are the same. Because they revolve around the concept of the tabula rasa, which is a correct assessment on the part of their faggot philosophers.. None of their shit is achievable without the complete tabula rasa. Because as long as one man lives whose mind is not "a clean slate" which has been disconnected from his fathers, he will resist. And resistance leads to further dissonance.

This is why they focus on abolitionism and attack tradition/social mores. Every succeeding generation must be too distant from their fathers for the sons to be able to understand the lessons of their fathers wisdom of "why you dont let your women fuck niggers" or "why jews need to be run out of town, always"

the memmie you posted was made by a London art student

they probably glanced at the last thousand years of English history to try and scrounge something vaguely commie to counterbalance the Imperial Redcoat motif
and the best they could come up with is Cromwells Puritan new model army probably because this is an image of the fighting force of Englands armies during the brief Republic era


Objectively wrong, confirmed for never reading marx's trash.
End goal of marxism is a global concentration camp with 2 classess, equals, and equalizers.
Real marxism has been tried multiple times and you can build one yourself relatively quickly.

They've been forcing that goblin face meme really hard as of late, I figured might share some redpilled mutts.

it's an /int/ meme you stupid nigger. fuck off back to plebit

It's being forced all over the place. It's ripe for hijacking because as it happens, leftypol seems to love it.

How DARE they call Jewish and Arabic people racist, don't they know only white people can be racist

It's called le 56% face.

commie spotted

Who gives a shit what it's called? it's going in the fucking trash.

top kek. the le 56% cia nigger and diversity group should be lower right corner images.

Leftists are really condescending

That's all thst needs to be said really

It's to be used as a wake up call to white america to produce more children you dense autist.


What does Einstein have to do with leftism? They so obviously just want to seem smart with their 2011 meme formatting over some generic image.


It's a fucking call to action

not a fan of capital. Nor am I a fan of what even middle-business owners promote here in my home country so they can keep the fake ROI going on with the constant wage repression and borrowing ponzi scheme through the constant immigration of 100,000's a year in a country of only 2 dozen million. They need to be hung, drawn and quartered for treason.

You have no idea how badly the last one will trigger Holla Forums

(((capitalists))) get the rope too, yid

I realized that in another century, Marx would have been considered the founder of a new religion. The mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker of 18th century.

Leftist memes are all around you. That you don't even realize it, is proof of their effectiveness.

Give him a few centuries user, it's how leftists will try to venerate their movements. Today's antifa will probably be considered martyrs unless things change drastically.

You it's funny that this meme didn't really catch up back in /int/ but now suddenly leftyniggers on cuck/pol/ LARPing with Communist and Slavic flags are using it en masse. Honestly the Le Amerigan Bear meme was way better, it had it's charm back then.

user, I'm pretty sure it's the boomer cuckservatives that say that. Leftists that tend to be Cultural Marxists actually hate Zionism and they only hate it merely because they see it as a form of Jewish "racism" against the dune coons. This is why these types of Leftists are also anti-Israel because somehow they think Jews as White and dune coons have brown skin therefore they're always oppressed everywhere they go, including countries that welcome their stay.

I thought usury had a different definition. Usury is lending money and charging for it, as far as I understand it.

So what dipshit are you going to run around with a command economy?

It exists and it is fairly popular. But what's more important, is that it's implicitely denouncing race mixing and mass immigration. It's ridiculously easy to adapt and make into a racist meme. What started as butthurt goon yuropoors trying to stick it to the burgers may well be turned into a fairly effective meme a la moonman.


the reason its minorly successful is because it was probably made by European nationalists poking fun at yank mongrel nationalists when they celebrate some European nations continued slide towards civil unrest and ruin

Well if that doesn't just make it morally okay!


He was a kike who stole a bunch of concepts from gentiles and passed them off as his own and subsequently became the go to figure for blue pilled retards to hold up as genius. He's a demigod to most soy boy commie pieces of shit.

Some copypasta that's extremely retarded and was written by someone who was 100% serious about it.

When are you actually going to provide an argument other than posting memes about how communism happened and failed, or something about Tumblr feminism which has nothing to do with Communism and hasn't been relevant since 14' gamergate? Pol Pot actually wasn't a Communist (calling yourself Communist doesn't mean you're actually a Communist if you do nothing even remotely political… same would go if you called yourself a Nazi and married a Jew), Venezuala isn't Socialist just because they nationalized the industry - - - the government owns the industry, not the citizens. Nationalization via government isn't Communism or Socialism. No one argues that Venezuala is good. If they do, then they truly are uninformed. Finally, the reason why people say Communism hasn't been tried, is because it hasn't. Communism (AKA Full Communism, hence the gay subreddit Full Communism), and Anarchism are synonymous. Communist wants to achieve Full Communism through Socialism. An Anarchist wants to achieve Communism (or Full Communism, or Anarchy) by skipping the Socialist state idea and going straight to it. The reason why you see so many people argue today about how Communism should be brought today is because Lenin fucked things up with the idea of a vanguard party which was supposed to lead the Socialist state into Communism. In laymen's terms this essentially meant having a group of supposedly dedicated Communists that would never betray the cause usher the Russians into Full Communism. What happened is Lenin died, Stalin was now at the head of the Vanguard, and then in essence told everyone to eat his cock and became a dictator. Communists of today generally (90% I'd say) don't like this idea of a vanguard party. That's why they shit on Stalin and Lenin and say it wasn't tried properly. As for the Cheka, they slaughtered a shitload of the ruling class and white guard, along with their families. I'm not sure what you would expect from a group of angry ex farmers that had been living under a literal Tsar in 1917 to do. Stalin was a dictator and killed his political opponents. This would be the same thing as Operation Hummingbird or various other purges committed by Hitler. I know I sperged out but I can't take the memes anymore.


You mis-used "too" in the Albert Einstein meme, are you by any chance trying to false-flag with your meme, or are you dumb?

It's just shit I saved relax Syntax Holmes

For a Jew he was actually pretty alright I probably wouldve had him castrated instead of gassed if I had worked for the Reich tbqh.

At the very least I doubt he'd be posting fake quotes

Yeah, but he has nothing to do with the political view being expressed. Something like Marx or Martin Luther King I would expect, but Einstein? They so obviously just want to seem smart by using an easily recognisable image of a smart person.

Anarcho-communism is even more retarded than communism with a vanguard party. Anarchism of any description is the most stupid ideology I could possibly think of. You expect people to willingly give up their hard earned shit without some government pointing a gun at their head and that shit to be allocated and delivered without somebody to do the allocating and delivering?


Implying we aren't the only radical group that actually knows more about economics then what they read on the index of the Communist Manifesto. So, essentially, we are the opposite of Social Justice Warriors, and thats a bad thing?

wew lad

not fake

I've noticed a theme here. A common thread if you will, and bear with me…

All of these memes are, waitforit, completely fucking retarded and unfunny just like their creators.

I know, that took an entire thread, but we got there. Thanks for the laughs fam.

If humans were ants then communism might work, but humans are human and the lack of property rights will be a disincentive to work. Of course, the press-gangs of the soviet model is not real communism yet according to the modern commie, but we'll get there if only we somehow become more ant than human.

I know who came up with Porky. It's from a sign near the Adbusters office.


Only corporate marketing is this tone deaf.


Literally in the communist manifesto. Neck yourself

Holla Forumsacks need to learn their enemy. read their books, lurk their boards and sites, study their memes.

Their memes don't really need to be seriously deconstructed. If you want to do it for fun, that's fine, but don't take it too seriously past "what not to do". It would be similar to the autists like Mr. Enter who obsess over Spongebob episodes, or the Simpsons community that won't stop sperging about how Simpsons is dead even as they write an essay on every new episode.

Lefty memes aren't good for some basic reasons, but I think the main on is the people making them.
They're all spergs, trannies, teens, and furries who take the ramblings of a fat jewish neet way too seriously. Most good comedians are alcoholics who hate themselves. Holla Forums is funny because we're hateful paranoid conspiracy nuts. Leftists are fucking jokes of human beings. The really bitter and paranoid ones may come to our side in the future once they get sick of playing grab-ass with totally-not-sjws, but for the most part these internet leftists are the kind of people who wear vests over graphic tees and write paragraphs on how stupid Chris Chan is that begin with "I have aspergers, but even I would never…"

We should be deconstructing this subclass of loser and trying to discover what it is that motivates them to suck so hard. Deconstructing their memes would be like deconstructing Sonichu.

>>>Holla Forums

Reminds me of Hong KOng 97

Ironic, because Hong Kong 97 is anti-commie

Chin is the greatest vidya hero of all time



We're NatSoc not corporate dicksuckers.

They do chaim capitalism promotes materialism, Communism fails outright, both are terrible, economy must be tailored to the volks needs.

…i don't get the op image.
A leftist wants peace with Russia, independent Ireland, and Britain out of the eu and NATO?
The fuck?
Please explain, anglos.




There is also a Norwegian guy on /lit/ who keeps fucking posting it. I don't think it is political just that he thinks if he posts it enough he can say that he beat his imaginary American opponents in debates about Walt Whitman's dick.

read books nigger


lol pedophiles genuinely believing kids will enjoy fucking them. This is why they should all be necked.

Are these satirical or actual leftist memes?

Think its both

I honestly can't distinguish between the two. Leftist memes are that incredibly bad.