ISRAELI 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱FLIGHT INCOMING NOW!! Remember 9-11 drills. DANCING ISRAELI S. THE ANTIA (((you's))) inbound to NYC
ISREALi flight inbound landing now in NYC!!!
The fuck is going on is this real?
why are you a faggot who won't do the work to prove that this is in any way an abnormal occurrence, besides that it should be?
We really should've banned Jews in 1776. Anywho, I'm interested to see how Nov 4 turns out.
It's better to have the enemy in the open with blood on his hands, than to take down a chameleon that hides in the shadows. The enemy can't hide anymore, we could find every last one with DNA testing. We wouldn't have had the opportunity back then, and would have thought that all the rich bankers, newspapermen, and merchants were our own kind. It's better now that their crimes have reached wider audiences and will not be hidden any longer.
You faggots always try to distract with this shit. I remember when you pulled the same shit during Assange's disappearance.
They stand out quite clearly, the more insane, evil and corrupt, the more visible it is.
Their behaviours, manners of speech and so on are all evident. Especially in past societies. They were expulsed hundreds of times and were identifiable.
Look at the figures, they were almost non existent in the states until 1900 when they began a full scale invasion. The 1890s is when the zionists living in russia finalised the current iteration of their plan to destroy the world.
As usual, it isn't a coincidence.
They went from nearly 0 to millions within a couple of decades.
Same happened in some European countries on a smaller, but still poisonous scale between 1900 and the 1930s.
The whole world will know we must kill them.
But shit thread.
I've seen plenty, there's nigger ones, pajit ones, even bugman ones. They all share the evil inside them, even if their outer shell is camouflaged. There would have been no way to rid them in 1776, even if a couple of nobles hid their "mistresses" we would be in the same boat, without being able to see the cause.
Shit forgot to sage, it is a crap thread though.
IS this one weird.?
There will still be (((Holocaust))) survivors in 2050. You know how big those piles of (((ASH))) would be? Just better yourselves physically bros, you don't even hafta workout, just be extra vigilant, eat right, sleep no more than 6 hours a day, have a strict schedule. Work construction type jobs, help build stuff, go say HI to yer neighbor, grow a garden. I could go on but you faggots won't listen.
And all the Occult… ITS legit, Crowley Influenced MANY MANY people and his ideology, (Which was comprised of literally doing as he wilt, but Also pushing himself to the absolute limit. If he wasn't so degenerate he'd be ok. He studied and got into MANY secret societies aswell. LOOK em up. I think one is mentioned about Trump…. Plvus Vltra??? Anyone ever here of these people? Anyways, Majik is real a fuck, and we need to get back to our true Earthly and Heavenly Roots. I'm absolutely serious here…..
there are dozens of flights between US and israel every day.
cranium format is a pretty good identifier
Fuck off with your sensationalist crap unless there's proof it's anything other than a normal flight.
half of 'em are crypto my fellow white people. the other half are openly ethno-religous supremacists
Salt left bout to get vanned after today.
Whatcha sliding moshe?
Can't hide that nose. Somehow it showed up in fairy tales, as a warning?
This happens probably multiple times every single day of the year. What's your point?