What are some good games to play with a high-end PC?
I'm getting one mainly for using UE4, but I want to know what more can I get
I'm not expecting much
What are some good games to play with a high-end PC?
I'm getting one mainly for using UE4, but I want to know what more can I get
I'm not expecting much
Fallout 4 and Skyrim Remastered.
good games? Mostly things that are 10+ years old. PC hasn't really gotten anything particularly good, and the best looking games this generation are currently console exclusives.
That must have been before it was heavily downgraded
And there's that
Heavily downgrading means 'removed the intense sharpening filter' now?
Which they added an option for it several patches ago.
it has been proven that the level of detail and the density of those details has been significantly toned down in the release version compared to earlier versions. CDPR made a bad game and also fucked up the one redeeming thing they could have had going for it, gwaficks.
Ok, show me the proof.
Burdens on you.
Note that I have the Witcher 3 installed and ready to go to capture my own screenshots, before you try providing any heavily compressed shit.
shots fired
You can get pretty close to the bullshots with some texture mods and a proper ENB. Obviously won't get near the same level but at least there's something.
What the devs said during the defense force was right though, the time of day heavily affects how the game looks; sunset when everything looks red/orange is especially ugly and I have no idea why they didn't step back, look at it and just remove it completely because no amount of mods will fix that shit.
I heard the Talos Principle has really good graphics and requires quite the system, but never played it or tried it
are you retarded? It's been well documented across the board. All versions are for the most part equal. Completely different assets with much lower resolution textures, less models for decoration, etc.
This is year old news at this point. Are you straight out of half chan?
Other than the distance fog obscuring things and the fact that both screenshots take place during different times of day in many of the shots, it looks exactly the same.
What objects specifically have the "lower resolution texture", where it there an obvious reduction in decoration models? Point them out, don't reflect with your "half chan" and "r u new" bullshit.
Just about any simulator will look nice on max.
And this was in May 2015, there's been about a dozen other major patches that have added additional graphics tweaks and features since then.
Try reading something other than the headline for once in your line.
There is that HD texture mod for TW3, its better than nothing.
I didn't know fogging changes the texture on a gigantic boulder to a far worse one. Please stay delusional
why use gif for a comparison image?
Why do you Redditors even like that game? Boring as all hell, you only like the "mature" Gays of Throne-style writing don't you?
Are there any games that make real use of 64 bit memory? Even GTA V uses no more than 4GB.
At least two of those pictures are bullshots
CDPRfags have bad memory and low self-respect
Nigger are you fucking high? GTA V uses no more than 4GBs of VRAM, it uses a lot more than 4GB of system memory
What games do you like user?
What does this have to do with taste? It's a commercial complaint
games are nerd shit
So what if I like dark medieval fantasy? What is it to you?
Means you have shit taste and should kill yourself
might and magic games don't fit my taste, sorry.
Maybe you're using your system ram as VRAM but I'm not. I consistently get 3-4 GB of usage anywhere in the state.
It means you can't read for shit and this borders on avatarfagging
You can't be serious
I don't think you know whats avatar fagging, I'm just dumping witcher screenshots and art.
F04 is starting to look pretty snazzy with how the mods now really starting trickle out.
Remember when Holla Forums would suck CDPR cock and shill GOG every day?
Fuck wasting time just for muh mods. The base game is boring shit and to make it enjoyable, you'd have to remake it into a new game.
is that talos screenshot posted as a joke? Is It not completely obvious how fucking trash the graphics, but most importantly the optimization is for that game in particular?
Because he's a retarded shitposter who doesn't know how comparison works.
He jumped on the retarded anti-CDProjekt ship that sailed a while back.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a shit game, but it looks fantastic in certain areas.
Shit optimization though.
To be fair, there was reason to be pissed. The game was downgraded, but some anons act like it was the end of the world. Having a Witcher 3 thread was impossible for a few months because of all the retards screaming about downgrade 24/7.
Ultra graphics are a meme, the developers just put shit that they know will kill the performance even tough it makes no difference visualy.
Always try to push the resolution and filtering to the max, then the textures, and only then you start amping up all the other useless shit. with this method its pretty easy to figure out what kills the frame rate and does absolutely nothing.
Is it bad to have a 1440p monitor but play games at 720p resolution?
Might as well fuck off to consoles if you dont use at least your native resolution.
Let me guess, you bought an expensive as fuck high hz monitor but cant keep upgrading your video card to keep up with it. If so, you are dumb as fuck man.
You're a fag and you have shit taste
No, I just bought a Asus PB258Q because I heard great things about it and it was affordable for me.
I wanted a large screen for convenience when working or browsing the web, with gaming put on the backburner.
Even at 720 my shitrig struggles to play Postal 2.
Didn't fallout NV,and Skyrim mods make them new games with how so much was improved?
Does it even makes sense to spend big money on a powerful machine? These days only triple A games are worth to play on ultra and as they are so badly optimized you get essentially scammed by tech companies, even if you manage to find a good deal it will be obsolete in two years because, again, they keep pushing bloated games so you need to upgrade shit sooner
In the end you spend a ton of money to get fucked in the ass for something entirely optional that doesn`t effect gameplay
Star Wars Battlefront
Eh, you have a point, but you really shouldn't build a PC just for the sake of playing modern consoleshit ports in the first place. Build a decent rig, play your backlog with the added benefit that custom texture upgrades and other user generated content will afford you, play emulators and enjoy the first 6 generations of vidya, and actually do something practical with your time that a PC can help you with, like programming or video editing or something, for fuck's sake
Mount and Blade warband
-Metro 2013
-Dark Souls 3
Downsample less-demanding games you already like through GeDoSaTo.
Aside from that, try out shit like Serious Sam 3, Crysis with config file tweaks, the Metro series (original or redux), Ashes of the Singularity as a pure techdemo, or alternatively the Star Swarm benchmark, and the nuDoom demo. You might also want to try out Uningine benchmarks and shit like that.
The game looked and sound beautiful too bad it was marketed to people who don't play games to begin with.
"Star cards" and jetpacks for everybody what the fuck were they thinking also the matchmaking was trash of trash tier.
Nah, I'm just too autistic for those games.
Really nigger? the game tells you every fucking second how every single person is an asshole and how gray the world is.
Yeah, but it also has this tongue-in-cheek, wacky humor thing going on. There's a racial war going and at its peak, and innocent people are getting caught in the crossfire; there's disease and mythical beasts from some alternate reality wreaking havoc on the world; There's degeneracy of all sorts, like a thriving drug market, thievery, prostitution, and the game even implies that slavery/trafficking is a thing. It's all dark and brooding and depressing, but then the characters will just shrug everything off as though it's "business as usual" and the most deplorable things that happen to them are just the modern day equivalent of wearing your brand new 200 sneakers and stepping in mud.
It's really not that impressive, it's just less saturated. It's a nice effort, but not as good as the bullshots.
Dwarf Fortress
Skyrim is okay for looking at pretty girls.
Metro Redux looks pretty nice
Although these aren't taken with the best texture filtering since they made my computer crawl at 20fps because Nvdia put in code to cripple amd shit
We'll never get what was promised. Never again.
The world in Witcher is colorful as shit and constantly reminds you how fucking cool you are
I think most of this has to do with the colour palette looking worse
i know it's early access zombie survival bullshit but miscreated has genuinely unbelievable graphics considering how well it runs even on my toaster
Call of Chernobyl runs better on my PC than Call of Pripyat
Which game, and how bad is your toaster?
Obduction was a nice looking game, it doesn't require an high-end PC though, it ran fine on my GTX 560 toaster.
The puzzles were damn easy too, finished it in two evenings.
the game is miscreated try reading my post and my computer is actually pretty good, except i'm still running a GTX 760. those screens are on medium settings with only 2x AA turned on, and it still looks like that and runs at a constant 50-70 fps
I liked the witcher 3 but there is no doubt it was downgraded for consoles. Even water effects were removed.
Yes, I sure do love looking at horribly compressed images and low quality gifs for proof that something looks bad.
I'm genuinely starting to think everyone on this website is legitimately retareded and that they just hop onto whatever fucking bandwagon they can becuase "Muh causes!" like were in a south park episode about scauses.
And honestly, who gives a shit if it was downgraded on consoles? It's a PC game.
Here you stupid faggot, a dev confirming that they downgraded the PC version. archive.is
Guess what: These fake "in-game" trailers never ran in realtime. Even the downgraded PC port ran like shit.
Maybe you should have started with that instead of looking like a retard. That's also already been talked about in the thread. But really, an article on May of 2015 and like this user said:
whats that third game it looks comfy
ty sir
Seriously? Admitting that you were wrong is THAT difficult? I mean it's a damn anonymous imageboard it's not that tomorrow we'd call you out on being retarded j/k we will regardless
I wasn't.I'm just saying I'd sooner believe the actual patch notes and the word of people who actually bought the game than some retard going off gif comparison images and articles from over a year ago about what a game looks like post patch.
The fact that you're changing your IP every single post isn't helping your case. I'm starting to think you're a serial shitposter with a vendetta.
I don't know, man, it just looks like the release build with a sharpen filter :^)
Or maybe, JUST maybe I'm a different user? Have you considered that option? I mean it's creepy and mind-boggling at first, but just think about it: maybe there are more than just one person calling you out on having the mentality of a twelve-year-old
But hey: believe text written on a website by a a person - after all, developers always tell the truth -, rather than actual comparisons of the game!
Who cares about that 2014 gaym?
Dat bad attempt at backtracking the argument.
If those images are representative of the Witcher 3 then I'm surprised the developers put that much effort into putting gif artifacts in their game's visuals. Also what kind of weird dimensions does it support? I never heard of a game with a 635x281 resolution.
You're basically comparing vanilla Dark Souls and Dark Souls with DSfix with the graphics turned on low if you think that it's a valid comparison.
lmgtfy.com?q=witcher 3 downgrade comparison
But keep on circling back to that single gif, that way you don't sound like a resident of a mental institute
meant for
Sorry, user
That low qualify gif wasn't to show graphics but the effects that got removed. The Aard sign cannot do that in game.
that may be true but its still bullshit, cdproject aren't the only ones though.
Do you Todd shills never get bored? I'm being srs here. Constantly forcing this meme to keep up the Bethesda Q score in order to prevent the whole thing from collapsing under the weight of its mediocrity. Or perhaps even worse, you're a retard who thinks they haven't had their "lol i'm gonna shitpost" schtick co-opted by corporate attempts to make a cult of celebrity out of a hack "game designer".
There are no super-crazy graphics on PC, OP. The cost of developing those assets would far out-weight any return they would get for releasing a PC only game in the current climate. Diminishing returns, and all that. Your best bet is to look in to modding some already good looking games. The original Crysis looks absolutely crazy with cinematic mods and stuff, though I can't remember what they all are off the top of my head.
After the VGC PC will move back to PS2-tier graphics and get better games from AA publishers.
I remember someone got back the old particle effects that was cut, but that faggot never released his mod even though he promised.
Also that image is ruined by shitty fog effects and bad LOD. Most of those can be fixed with mods and some ini tweaks.
not happening considering how much more games sell on consoles.
Consoles are dead, fam.
the audience disagrees, and the fact that there's been no good games on PC for half a decade. I can at least name a dozen good console games these past 6 years.
The last PC game worth giving a shit about? The so-so stalker call of pripyat.
be less wrong.
sorry, I should have mentioned the new wow expansions? Funny enough, someone who might mock ps4 or xbone players in another thread for paying 60 a year to play online games and get other shit as a part of that subscription fee will happily ignore that tens of millions of PC gamers pay 15 a month for a single game.
It's under 10 million these days, and you're comparing a game where several thousand occupy a server at a time to a subscription service that enables you to play peer-to-peer multiplayer.
The current generation tanked. Consoles are finished.
You're still in this 12yo console vs. PC mindset. Nobody fucking cares about platforms, fam.
The entire expensive graphics AAAAA+ games as investment objects industry will crash and burn.
There's more than one sub-based MMO, you know this, right? Please try to keep up. Not all console games use P2P connections, and even then, there are various services including subscription games that come with both console subscription services.
You've got not ground to stand on.
yet all the games sell more on them, funny.
are you retarded or did you just lose the plot that quickly by accident
Games I have actually played on my PC?
WoW can look pretty nice maxed out. If you have a real beast and can max it at 4K it really looks crispy.
Black Desert would be amazing if their servers could run at 60 in towns. When you're out playing the game though it looks amazing when you max it out. I've actually taken a break form BDO since Legion came out and this thread has made me fire it up again.
FFXIII looks fucking amazing on PC.
DiRT Rally and F1 2013 look awesome at 4K as well.
I don't play many "muh realism" games like in OP's screens. Try running almost anything at 4K and you can be impressed, and also humbled by how much juice you need to play at 4K60fps. I prefer a nice art style over Witcher/Skyrim shit.
TL;DR try anything at 4K
wow, can't you see? The gif just ruins the comparison. It's just some slight fog changes, nothing else! There's nothing wrong here. The game is just fine, why don't you just patch it and it fixes everything? Go on, buy the expansions goyim.
why remember, look at this thread they do this even now
user pls. learn from people here how to fanboi for cdpr better
You know what happend after 2014? The biggest electronics store in my city removed video games from their shelves completely and replaced them with fucking vinyls.
Reason according to shop manager: Those video games (aka console games) didn't sell anymore. Nobody buys those anymore, not even dudebros.
Now we see that desperate try with that "console update".
The industry survived entirely on "muh graphics", which stopped working with the laptop-tier downgrade console generation. They're now going to crash and burn, because nobody is interested in that shit anymore.
That's impossible because the good looking lighting and particle parts of the engine were never released.
Cute unverifiable anecdote user i might believe you if all the sales data and hard evidence didn't disagree and make you look retarded
Which sale data?
They're horrible at foliage and textures
all they did was used brighter colors
Dude I like the game but come on, it's obvious.
Trade show demos are not games, fam.
They can't show "gameplay footage" on tradeshow, because there is no "gameplay" to show a year before release.
They create fancy assets and render fancy animation demos with fancy effects, which never work in realtime ever.
There doesn't exist a game at this point!
It's mockups - it's how the AAA game industry works: Smoke & mirrors.
Hey, hey. That's pretty garbage.
You still see fags, who believe that a non-downgraded Alien: Isolation" game has ever existed.
Fact is: It never ever existed.
All what existed was a fancy trailer overloaded with details and effects, which was rendered with 3D CGI software, not a proper game engine.
Even with all the downgrades, Witcher 3 still runs quite choppy in some places. Granted I'm using a 6GB 1060, which is a very good card but not true beast, but still. GRAFFIX is cancerous and these days you would need to upgrade every year just to catch up, not to mention the shitty job most devs do with porting and optimization.
Arkham Knight is a real nice looking game though. Shame it isn't very good though.
no one expected it from "based" polaks, especially since they kept saying its the youtube compression and such
also people keep forgetting the REDkit lies they made
Fuck off back to halfchan with this Todd shit.
fucking rude
fucking nice though
i agree it's getting a bit old too
It is.
I had no idea that someone could be this delusional and hate a company so badly over a graphics downgrade. It was a shitty thing to do, yeah, but you are literally denying the genre of the series (Books included? Which CDPR had zero involvement in.) because you are mad that a developer did something and have tried to atone for it anyway. What's wrong with you? How did you come to be this way user? Am I replying to a facetious post?
Play something that isn't a post apocalyptic RPG sometime.
Anyone who tells you there aren't good games released on PC recently, doesn't play video games.
Also keep in mind what I listed is only what I play. There is a lot more out there. You just have to put in effort to find it.
Holy fuck WHY?
you deserve your fate
you know whats getting old? cusswords you fucking shitbag nigger
Resolution ≠ LoD
Well that's just objectively false, the PS4 and Xbox One are outpacing their predecessors in slaes.
Fantasy is the genre, dark is an adjective describing the game's take on that genre, and it isn't dark. This isn't complicated.
The downgrade, the marketing surrounding the downgrade, and the quality of the games themselves are all fronts on which the game fails independently. Well, independent except that CDPR's mediocrity is at the root of it.
I'm sorry you spent so much time not only playing these games but apparently reading some polack fantasy book series as well, but I can't really be blamed for how poorly you spend your time. Don't worry, if my dislike for your favorite company bothers you there are plenty of people just like you in this thread who will come rushing to your and their defense.
just because there is a larger number of people eating shit than before doesn't mean the shit suddenly started tasting good