It's a diversion right?

All this celebrity sex scandal shit is (((Their))) attempt to distract the masses away from looking into Hillary/DNC/Obama right? They covered for these people for years the only reason to stop protecting them now is to hope people will be dumb enough to get caught up in it and stop exposing their shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Diversion/fall guys or building up for something greater or maybe just having too much on their hands and the allegations made against them being too indefensible.

I did see something the other day about that #metoo movement thing starting to be co-opted in the same way the occupy movements were, but I didn't read much about it.

Shut the fuck up you stupid kike. Getting kike predators in jail a bigger win then getting kike stooges in jail.
You sound like a cuckservative faggot

I'd like them all detained. Am I a faggot?

the interesting thing is this is all spilling out over british politics atm right now, massive sexual scandal is being uncovered or shilled as we speak. i wonder what the connection is? or why the distraction

look up Westminster sexual harassment
british policss sexual abuse or sexual harrasment scandal, not long ago there was a treasure trove od pedo ring info coming out about celebrities and politicians.
what's the link?

Jews wouldn't sacrifice their own tribe members to save their pawns in the DNC. If you believe that is what they are doing you are a faggot and do not belong on Holla Forums

can you die?

My guess is its a diversion from a deeper pedophile/trafficking ring present in hollywood/government. They are throwing some under the bus and will try to create the illusion that all the snakes have been outed : in an attempt to force the outrage to blow over before the real players get outed.

They realized that everyone hates hollywood, and they needed to rejuvenate their soon to completely fail industry by generating compassion from the population through victimhood.

They realized the "levee" was about to break, and they needed to do a controlled spill. Theyre using this opportunity to strengthen whatever blackmail scheme they have going by "outing" anyone who has deviated, as a warning to others that they are totally willing to play their card.

Just a theory of course, add it to the list…if theres one thing we've learned the past couple years its that truth is often stranger than conspiracies.

It will not stop. We all realize each day these Hollywood yids are all pedophiles.

Hard to say, OP. Their distractions might keep the top guys safe, but it is having an effect on the lower people they're cutting and running.

For example, NeoGAF imploded last month and the community spread out to who knows where

The Q Agent guy seemed to be implying it's Operation Mockingbird taking down Hollywood influence. Ronan Farrow might have been blackmailed to do his exposes for his crimes during Arab Spring. He was in charge of it. Soros is targeted. These claims seem very exaggerated/taking advantage of SJW outrage over sexual advances. "You can't blame a guy for trying," as people used to say before 3rd wave feminism. Don't be faggots. Also, Weinstein may be singing like a canary. Q implied something about someone singing about Hollywood and there was an article saying FBI is getting names from Weinstein. Does anybody really believe whores can be raped by rich men?

why the bong scandal going on at the same time? feels like a distraction, this is all normies are hearing on the news.
do you think its something to do with derailing brexit, atleast its something bigger that is being used as a bonus for helping de-rail brexit?

Yes, yes we can. Some high level Jewry going on in this post. Fuck off yid

Great plan. It only helps us more by reinforcing what we know on the populace about the nature of kikewood and its faggots. Even if this were the plan, it gives us a huge advantage.

Why it's not their plan? Because you're thinking in terms of the media somehow allowing for the DNC stories to be top headlines if it weren't for the celebrity news. Why would the media focus on the DNC to begin with? Even without the celebrity scandals the DNC would not be used as news.

Ronan Farrow is Operation Mockingbird. Weinsteingate is Operation Mockingbird. These actresses will say whatever they're told to say. Ronan is contacting reluctant actresses right out in the open on twitter, trying to get them to say they were raped:
"In 2011, Farrow was appointed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Special Adviser for Global Youth Issues[24] and Director of the State Department's Office of Global Youth Issues.[11] The office's creation was the outcome of a multi-year task-force appointed by Clinton to review the United States' economic and social policies on youth,[25] for which Farrow co-chaired the working group with senior United States Agency for International Development staff member David Barth beginning in 2010.[26][27] Farrow's appointment and the creation of the office were announced by Clinton as part of a refocusing on youth following the Arab Spring revolutions.[28] Farrow was responsible for US youth policy and programming[11] with an aim toward "empower[ing] young people as economic and civic actors."[11] Farrow concluded his term as Special Adviser in 2012, with his policies and programs continuing under his successor.[29]"

Soros funded Arab Spring. Either Ronan Farrow is still working for him with this Weinstein "expose" that is ongoing, with a "strict deadline," he says, or Ronan has been drafted by deep state to eliminate Hollywood influence for "the storm."


Naive? Search fappening for Rose McGowan and Paz De La Huerta to see their explicit selfies and photo sessions. They are attention whores. Rose McGowan was livid when she didn't get a 3 picture deal when she was fucking the director of Spy Kids.

Hollywood golddigger crying rape number one

Hollywood golddigger crying rape number two (Paz de la Huerta)

#metoo was started by Alyssa Milano, an actress who will say anything for sheckels. It was always intended to be a psyop.

It's just another form of the left eating itself now that it is out of power. When these people don't have the masses to oppress and molest, they turn on each other.

Also, up to date Kevin boi has been a very, very good Goy. One a lot of normies/lemmings measure themselves up to and look up to. A lot of suits have learned his moves and a lot of middle-class men think he's the shit because of movies like American Beauty and The Shawshank Redemption. He's very charismatic, and all that.

It's most certainly one of the best cards to burn in the PR-movement, if you want to shift a focus towards the ebil white man.

It's happening here in EU too. The wave is pulling up.

Hello weinstein, your days are numbered.

Ok, white knight. Go lap up Jonathan Mcintosh's cum from Anita Sarkeesian's pussy, cuck.

Oh, and don't forget to #listenandbelieve and #believeallwomen. Ronan Farrow is targeting Weinstein for political purposes. Where are all the actresses who will admit they slept with him for a part? Keeping very quiet, because they have fat wallets and can't be blackmailed to be part of the story. Muckraking.

Throwing us a bone and to focus on these allegations instead of digging more. Also, a distraction from the failed Las Vegas shooting/false flag. Now they are going to push all kinds of pro-feminist bullshit, Hollywood is full of (((white))) men that are also sexual predators. That needs to change so double down on the non-whites and female projects. Give more of a spotlight to women being abused, ignore the men. Let women go wild with accusations and receive no penalty.

Nobody asks any of these women what their definition of rape or consent is. But if you read their stories, they basically admit the consented. Oh, but now, sucking a guy's dick without complaining is not consent. I get it. #youcantblameaguyfortryin

Of course it is.

Hollywood whore golddigger crying rape number 3 (Asia Argento)

PS- she willingly fucked Weinstein many times after he "raped" her, she admits. Ronan Farrow is muckraking and taking advantage of 3rd wave feminism to enact social change.

Nah, it's probably about something else. No one was going to look into Hillary/DNC/Obama in any case so nothing to spin there. My suspicion is that this, combined with the mee toooo bullshit is a sort of generational "lay down the law" psyop for their entertainment industry drones (actors, producers, etc.) They are showing how you can get btfo'd with no evidence, no recourse, no nothing for whatever reason the people who pull the media's leash wants. They are sacrificing some dried up old assets that doesn't deliver much anymore to scare all the others into behaving. The previous generation is dying off and this has to be done with every new crop.

Keeps the serfs in line.

NBC says Ronan Farrow was "booking accusers and covering the story really aggressively." In other words, he was bribing accusers and aggressively leading the questioning so that they would see the sex they had as rape. Want proof?

“I just sort of gave up. That’s the most horrible part of it, and that’s why he’s been able to do this for so long to so many women: people give up, and then they feel like it’s their fault.”

In other words, she didn't feel like it was her fault until Ronan Farrow bluepilled her on 3rd wave feminism "rape by consent" during his aggressive questioning.

Why would you feel like it's your fault for giving in a blowjob that you decided to give? You don't have to say you want to do it to decide to do it.

No, this is 3rdwave feminism rape. The kind where you can blame a guy for being persistent after you give in.


That could be it, though I feel everyone gets told this when they break out in Hollywood. I think the main reason is still to pretty much sweep LV false flag under the rug.

Rose McGowan (crazy whore who recorded herself sucking a producer's dick who has dated MANY producers and has a chip on her shoulder) suddenly decided the 100k was not enough for her, and was approached by Ronan Farrow, who was "booking accusers and covering the story really aggressively."

All of the sudden, something was worth more than the 100k she got! Suddenly she's not afraid to break her confidentiality agreement. I wonder why that is? $$$


For the sake of… investigation, please, keep them coming. I agree with the label but we have to be extensively accurate and complete

Weinstein got fucked since he messed with Goldman Sachs. He was horribly in debt to them, so he got punished.
Don't know anything about the spacey scandal.

I get the feeling these cunts have little prrof against them.
Hence why they are promoted.. because the media knows it will fail in court.

That would slant everything in pizzagate yet again.. thus making it a mere conspiracy again.
And this may lead to accusations against skippy and clinton less impressionable.. people will think it's internet hysteria.

That also may lead ro restriction on internet digging and "unofficial" discussion. Just as they planned to do.

Yeah, that'd make a welcome change from the 1/3 of the thread that you've shit up with non-sequitur bullshit replies.


If weinsteins legit, spacey may be a set up to get him out of hot water.

Sure. Here's Rose getting fucked by one of her producer boyfriends. (She only seems to date producers, and she gets PISSED when the higherups cancel her projects, like Red Sonya/Barbarella/? 3 picture deal)


Both him and weinstein implied it was true with their statements in reaction.

I think they're fucked tbh. And if it's true, then this isn't feminism at all. It's merely actors terrified to speak up about it.
And that would lead to a dominoe effect. It wouldn't be surprising if they all came out od the woodwork.

The ONLY supivious fact is that the media are covering this far more than when feldman and wood came out about the child abuse. Why is child rape and abuse given nothing in comparison.
Answer: women weren't involved.

Read her statement, ya rube. Half of these bimbos are outright admitting that their definition of assault is giving in after a little pestering. How the fuck does a fat slob like weinstein force his cock into someone who won't fuck him back? How the fuck does someone lick a pussy without a woman opening her legs? 50 percent of women don't even know where a vagina is, so maybe he just kissed her navel.


Some women are muddying the waters.
Some are not and were legitimately abused at law.

The issue is the pushing of precedent and public policy. That is the goal of some of these women.
Others simply were treated like shit.
Some may be muddying to increase sentiment against the legit ones.

Yeah, one woman on british TV said she "came out" with her Weinstein story just because she saw people not believing the initial claims. So, these bitches come out and tell "their story" of "harassment" .ie "unwanted advances" because to them, Weinstein is guilty until proven innocent.

Bit of a scummy thing to do though. Regardless of the legality.

He deserves a massive frowning upon.
Unless his coercion was extremely excessive and with arguable unconscionability or undue influence.

No we just need to condemn the fakes, promote the real accusations.
Like the 14yr old case with spacey. That's utterly disturbing.

he sits on them until they pass out from either blocked circulation or the smell.

I don't give a fuck if it's "a bit scummy," white knight. Last thing I'll do is set back the human race a thousand years and throw a victory to 3rd wave feministas just to kick a rich man while he's down. I've got mine, and if he wants to pester Hollywood whores, more power to him. His loss.

Are you claiming that there's no such thing as rape? Fat fucks like this kike rape all the time.
Quite easily unless she's a fucking hamplanet.
t. teen Vogue
Are you retarded or schizophrenic?
Many of these claims do sound like harmless bullshit. But I don't give a shit - the libtards who fostered the "everything is rape" culture are getting it in the ass now. Normal women don't think like these media cunts and never will.
This bullshit isn't going to distract from fucking anything because people can keep more than one thought in their heads at the same time, despite MSM and Cultural Marxism's attempts to dumb everybody down.

Oh, bullshit. It's an unfalsifiable story that is probably true, but alcohol lowers inhibitions and it was 30 fucking years ago. His castmates are now piling on because of "inappropriate comments" and thus all goes down the slippery slope to SJW Hollywood. You thought Hollywood was left before? Watch, it will be full on SJW bluehair bitches like you've never seen.

Come to me when there is a FALSIFIABLE accusation.

In fact, PUT IT IN THE GOD DAMN CONSTITUTION, that unfalsifiable accusations are not to be acted upon.

He's likely connected to the ring ya dumb fuck. I want to exploit this situation to brimg the ring to light. That way hollywood is irredeemably slanted with this behaiviour.

This may ricochet into abuse outside the US.
We need to focus on the circumstances of the "victim" at the time of the alleged abuse in conjunction with the degree of coercion and the degree of power and influence the person alleged had over the "victim".

Stop licking the balls of these hollywood kikes. We need as much as we can get against the MSM.

Sounds like YOU don't know where the vagina is either. Rape is only possible with violence or violent threats. None of these stories describe violence. Threats to not hire you for a movie do not count. "Feeling powerless" does not count. Unless you would give your wife a free check to fuck any man she feels powerless to by and then comfort her.

You mean the comments proving the rape?
Thats the hollywood jews fault for being a fucking retard and giving them fuel. They reap what they fucking sow.

And that is exclusive from any form of feminist influence. That's just flat out abuse and they inadvertently admitted it.

They should have said nothing other that I deny the accusation and we need to see their evidence in a court of law. Then they should have court ordered the information that they were to use in the accusation. Then declare an injunction or another order because it's slander.

They didn't though, because it's true and the evidence holds.
So they resort to muddying waters instead.

Empowering 3rd wave feminism by giving credence to their definition of "rape" is the stupidest way to bring down the pedo ring there is. That's a sword men will die on. Oh, but I forgot, Holla Forums and 3rd wav feminists share a puritanical goal of protecting womyns from pestering.

I'm not even following the story and I know of 2 bints who've said Kikestein violently raped them. Plod in britbong and Jew York are preparing charges against him for violent rape.

You can go home now, juror.

Both of those accounts involve only innuendo of force

Actually being in a position of extreme influence and using that to exploit or coerce someone is arguably actionable.
But I doubt the position of influence is that great, except when the accuser is a child or deliberately drugged.

Getting drunk is just not good enough though.
Physical threat to do it may be required for the oldet accusers. Children don't need any of that though, any accusation is taken seriously if it's a child because NO child can consent to sex.
They're inexperienced and easily manipulated due to their age and mindset.

But some of them aren't feminism. It's flat out rape.
They inadvertently admitted it. Attack the non legit accusations, not the ones they clearly caused.

Depends on the comments.

If he bragged about a violent 14 yr old boy rape then yes.
If a bitch got a bit tipsy and spread her legs too easy then that shit shouldn't make too much of an issue in court. It's a waste of legal resources even cobsidering such a case.

Lawyers are professionally abliged to not waste court time. If they take the case and lead their pleadings, they better damn have a good case.
Otherwise they should be charged with professional misconduct.

But the US is not my country so it might be a weaker system there where lawyers are allowed to halt court functions. Here you'll lose your job for making shit up.

Weinstein could rape you and you'd ask for fucking photographs.
99+% of rape convictions don't have the kind of evidence you'd accept.
Criminal trails aren't decided on whether something is
you delusional sperg.

Hello Anita Sarkeesian

This. Diversions don't involve powerful jews personally getting fucked over. We could talk about a diversion if someone less chosen was the target of all these outcries but ((Weinstein)) and ((Spacey)) are definitely as protected as you can be in the entertainment industry. If their heads roll that means there's real conflict in the industry. Jews jewing Jews.

Oh, please show me where Weinstein inadvertently admitted to violently raping or violently threatening anyone to have sex, Fake News Shill Operation Mockingbird Puritan Fuck.

#listenandbelieve cuckboy


I see conservatives and 3rdwavefeminists have a lot more in common than I thought. Both of them want to lock up all vaginas from pestering males, but can't identify them. Why isn't one woman enough for you? Just because the Pope has a harem doesn't mean you have to.

Projecting much, white knight? One woman is enough for me, I'm not thirsty enough to defend Hollywood whores.

But there does need to be a degree of evidence that satisfies beyond a reasonable doubt. A mere accusation is simply not enough.

But an accusation confirmed by her peers testimony that were near her and heard about the alleged attack shortly following it is far more credible.
The focus would be on whether the testimony is similar in fact to the accusation. Discrepencies may actually worsen the case.

A defendants alibi or testimony will be considered too remember. If the accuser has nothing bit an accusation, all he should have to testify is that he did not do it, with an argument or story that gives a reasonable doubt.
A women that went back later for consensual sex is a sign that it is NOT rape as it slants the accusation of no consent.. but only slightly. Plus if she talked to her friends about the sex positively, then she got nudda.

Go fuck yourself shill.
Counter argue or admit I'm right.

Dozens of womyn have accused Weinstein of sexual assault.
How will that testimony sound at his rape trials?

I would, but i cbf because i don't get paid to ramble about cases of bullshit american court wankery.
Frankly i want to see the judges lock both up for being fucking pieces of hollywood lard.
Nuff said.

I want to see Arizona Bay become a real thing.
That cesspit of cancerous filth called California needs to drown.


Highly prejudice. Similar fact evidence is a BIIIG issue in courts. Hence why i dont like the non credible cases being pushed.. it will likely end up negatively impacting the real cases.


Don't worry your little head, the mentally retarded are excused from jury duty.

Hung trial, bitches.

Actually it's more like this:

But.. i think the judge should be aware of such behaiviour (assuming they're not a (((newly appointed judge))) for this specific flood of cases) to try to give the fairest judgment possible.

Many judges do not like the promotion of politics in court by accusers. That's what legislation is for.
This isn't the 70s when that was a bit of an issue.

If they had enough to arrest him on, they would have arrested him.

That's the next issue.
Why isn't there any charges?
That's because the police dept is either:

But clearly there are inferences… it should be heard at least.
Or maybe there's time limitation issue.
But - for child victims i think there may be an exception for limitations.. not sure though.

=Hating jews so much you'll go #fullMcIntosh for any white hollywood whore who fucks her way to the top. You still went #fullMcIntosh

Why shouldn't these fuckers reap the seeds they sowed?

Their stories are not enough to press charges, and that's all they have. Their stories are just attempts to redefine rape to "reluctant sex with a powerful employer."

Because we're better than that.

If you want to go after (((them))) go after real shit, like actual human trafficking, not "muh pure white waifu let herself get fucked by a filthy jew. boohoo"

I'm not. I want to see them suffer at the very subversion they supplied.
We tackle the feminist tactic after. Just lets see them squirm.

Well don't deny the plausible legit accusations in there. They're trying to make this a feminist issue so we stop digging.

It's negative conditioning targeted at us, and look at what we're doing? Putting all the eggs in one basket.
Now it's a feminist issue, not a kike rape of america issue.

I think they've already won.

Well then you're one of the many people giving a bad name to modern culture. America doesn't torture and does not subvert justice for political agendas. Peddle your narrative in the third world.

Oh, so you believe Rose McGowan and Asia Argento? That's totally ridiculous. You must be god damn hungry for sex to look at their lives and think they are anything other than opportunist whores who will do and say anything for their "queen" status. Grovel before them. Your loss.

I appreciate your optimism but you can't distract someone from something they're not doing.

Normalfags "the masses" don't dig.

I agree. Normalfags #listenandbelieve that harassment and rape are determined by the accuser's feelings rather than the actions of the accused. They hear a bunch of stars say they were nu-raped and nu-harassed and think it's something serious. They think "Sexual Assault" is touching a playboy playmate's boob at a party or goosing someone. Of course, only when a man does it, because feminists and normalfags have the same goal of putting pussy on a pedestal.

This. Jews *never* sacrifice their own to the goyim, for any reason. If one is forced to resign for PR reasons, rest assured that they will be moving on to some consulting position or onto the board of some NGO as soon as feasible. If you believe for a second they would sacrifice someone as a diversion, you are a moron.

I know what you mean, but this is a perfect oportunity to bring hollywood and some very influential kikes down. Hollywood, in the end, is one of the (if not the) biggest propaganda machines for pure degeneracy, which includes feminism.

We may be giving feminism too much free reign here, but after hollywood's influence is diminished we'll be in a much better position to put it in its place.

Goyim you are literally only capable of concerning yourselves with 1 happening at a time. Focus on one topic all the time, everything else is a diversion.