How does it feel that this is the only Arena shooter being developed with any budget and advertising behind it?
I will play the shit out of it if there is a way to play without the ability bullshit
How does it feel that this is the only Arena shooter being developed with any budget and advertising behind it?
It's going to be shit unless they announce that all previous info they released is now outdated and no longer applicable to the current development
Paragon has even less players
Its fucking dying
Toxikk released recently. It's pretty decent, and the basic bitch version is free. No idea how it compares to new UT though, probably same shit but with different guns.
Fucking good. Then that means UT might have a chance.
It has vehicles and fun maps but it's biggest issue is that it has no advertising so somehow has less players than UT
On a scale of none to Kratos, i'm Asura angry.
It's a lot more like Halo than UT. Makes sense why no one wants to fucking play it
Trips confrim
UT was always shit though. Hitscan pistol weapons are fucking gay and not fun to use.
Quake 1 shotgun spread is as big a hitscan as an arena shooter should get. Or the big nailgun.
Easy there with your wrong opinions.
UT > Q3
Paragon might have a chance in that it's pandering to the PS4/PC crossplay crowd, so the game is designed to be as braindead as possible outside of card building.
However since it takes kind of a monster PC to run compared to other mobas/ASSFAGGOTS it might not even make it out of open beta.
There is such a crowd?
You know it's not an arena shooter, right? It's gonna be overwatch.
I mean it's available to two platforms so that there's a larger playerbase, but the game obviously suffers for it.
I'm still waiting on that one game that captures what made MNC so good. I wish that game never died.
The UT weapons are more fun and better.
Yeah no shit, no way I'm having babbies with controllers or my team and there's no joy in killing a team full of those either.
RIP Toxikk; you could have been a pretty decent UT clone.
Well in that way yes, but also in the way the game is designed.
I've played it and it has a great deal of potential but it's just unused. Everyone moves so slow so it's near impossible to actually dodge and require decent aim, and a lot of the abilities are just massive AoEs and cones that are impossible to miss unless you're really terrible.
I think the game's biggest problem, same deal with smite, is that it's a moba with shallow third person elements instead of a third person pvp game with some shallow moba elements.
Speaking of which, how is Gigantic, if anyone has played that?
I really hate how marketing makes or breaks a multiplayer game now. Games like Renegade X, Shattered Horizons, Section 8 Prejudice, Shootmania and Toxikk really deserved more.
Embed related is pretty promising, hopefully by attracting twitch normalfags and streamers they can get an audience. An audience full of casuals new to arena shooters is better than no audience (most of the time). Plus no fucking hero abilities.
There is, custom servers are already confirmed. The only remaining worry is config customization.
Knowing this is 2GD's creation I kind of expected more in terms of trailer humor(because this is just shit) but it looks kind of decent. Will keep an eye out on.
Although I'd like to mention how out of plenty of modern FPSs at least Diabolical has the good sense to have weapon models not be fuckhueg and take up more than 20% screenspace. I like that.
Can these custom servers be LAN-only? I'm sick of this trend where custom servers are all hosted on the developer's own shit.
I loved vehicles in UT 2004, and they look great in toxikk. I still have ut 2004 so I can play with bots form time to time because they are great.
Is toxik less fun that ut 2004? Are the bots decent?
I wish the graphics looked better than quakes
Quake Champions isn't an arena shooter, though.
It's a class-based shooter.
did anthony burch help with the trailer jesus fuck
I thought they said it wasn't? Fuck, I was actually looking forward to this.
Guess I should have known better.
It's not an arena shooter.
Because name recognition is pretty much free marketing.
QUAKE "Champions" Not Characters or Classes but "champions"
Brand recognition.
It'll basically be trying to be TF2, and considering class-based shooters suddenly got a large influx of new games recently it'd just be seen as a cashgrab trying to ride the current fad.
It is an arena shooter. An arena shooter that has a default ranked mode where you choose a character and loadout. Other than that everything is as you would expect it in a Quake game. We will have proper, classic duel servers and CA servers and everything else. The nay-saying is as retarded as early praise would be.
Weapon control is a massive part of Quake, that alone fucks a lot of shit up.
Loadout in this context means one starting weapon out of the set MG, Nailgun, SG. I agree that it's a shit idea but again, it's only in the default cancer modes they want to push for marketing purposes. The community will just end up playing what we've been playing the whole time.
Nice argument :^)
Why are they calling the new Prey game Prey when there's going to be nothing linking it to the old games?
sick quads by the way
how frustrating
i tried the freebie version and it was fun, but you can just tell it won't survive long enough to warrant buying into it
also the rocket launcher seems to be -the- weapon to use in that game rather than a bit of everything
Like Fallout
Or Tes
Or Dishonored
Or Prey
Or Wolfenstein
Or Doom
jews gonna juice
Dishonored wasn't a new IP?
Dishonored 2 is?
And like every other attempt at dethroning Dota+LoL, it will completely fail.
It is logistically impossible to break into the ASSFAGGOTS market. LoL is slowly dying as its casual players move to CRAPCUNTS and as its core players move to Dota 2, and Dota 2 is the logical end for anyone interested in the genre. If you care about this type of game enough to spend >100 hours learning how to play one game, you're going to want to learn the game that is least likely to die off, which will always be the oldest, most tightly balanced, and most complex. Whether you love it or hate it, for ASSFAGGOTS players they will always end up with Dota. Anyone who wants to get into the genre will start with whatever the biggest one is because it'll be the least likely to die and thus cause them to have wasted their time learning the game, and that is either LoL for its gargantuan size or Dota because it doesn't lose players.
And if you make an ASSFAGGOTS so simple that there's no real learning curve, then you will have lost the entire point of the genre and the game will cease to be an ASSFAGGOTS (which is pretty much what CRAPCUNTS are).
tl;dr it is impossible to make a successful Dota clone and the closest you can get is going to be something like Overwatch which barely has anything in common with it at that point
The flak cannon, rocket launcher, and shock rifle are cooler weapons than anything in Quake.
I'll give you the shock and flak, definitely more interesting than a hitscan shotgun and… not really any equivalent to shock in Quake. But UT has nothing like the lightning gun, a weapon that pushes the target back at high firerate letting you literally float people in the air. Also Quake's rockets are better than UT's. The way Quake rockets bounce opponents around is way more satisfying and a real feature. This ties back into how stiff and awkward UT's movement generally is though, it's not an isolated problem with the rockets.
The weapons in UT are all redundant. All cool but not really useful. Pick up the shock, sniper, rockets and flak - congratulations, you have everything you'll need. Just make sure you don't run out of ammo.
The weapons in Quake are single purpose, built around the idea of each weapon filling a specific role. You want to collect all of them and use all of them in certain situations. Weaker weapons (grenades, plasma and shotgun) are absolutely worth picking up and high level players will use them all the time. In UT the weaker weapons are used when you don't have the stronger weapons.
Anyone feel like fragging a bunch of scrubs for a duel ladder?
Hmmm, maybe we should develop a system to express rage. The essential part of this system would be the Kratos, any display of anger could be equated to half a kratos lets say. The zero point would of course be zero Kratos, up to infinity which is 1 kratos since it is logically impossible to be as angry as Kratos
ya blew it op
literally Shootmania / Nexuiz Reboot - tier levels of dead
Warsow and Xonotic had their shot. Neither of these games is ever going to grow, just give it up.
Reflex also has a hard cap on its growth as it caters to the QW/cpma crowd. But at least it has that place secured solidly, I don't see QC replacing it for any of the dedicated players.
Reborn = Diabotical = not Quake-like enough for people who want a new Quake. It might find some players, it might be fun and I'll definitely try it out if there's a demo. But I don't see how it could compete with QC over vanilla Quake 3 players or with Reflex over CPMA players as it caters to neither audience when there are games that do. That last part is critical. If Reflex and QC didn't exist then Diabetic Al would have good odds next year. But they do exist, with Reflex being fully playable and QC starting its beta before 2GD can spend the kickstarter money on coke.
It's shit.
What do you think, Holla Forums?
Boring. Squad based objective oriented shooters (Tribes 2, Planetside 1, BF2142 / BFBC2, SAVAGE, Natural Selection, etc) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flounce 'n bounce root 'n tooty jump and shooty games
UT's lightning gun is the link gun, but it pulls instead of pushes. The shock rifle is good for chain pushing/juggling enemies, its m1 has a knockback.
too bad ns2 is getting transformed into an overwatch clone by the devs who were stupid enough to post a public link to their trello where they said they were.
Pros who have actually played it say it already feels tight though in terms of controls.
But in terms of mass appeal they've got work to do. The art style is meh, aesthetically I was underwhelmed by the gameplay reveal (including the cam footage). My main hope would be that they refine the visuals on weapons and the lighting on the maps. Everything looks "flat", especially on the jungle map. It looks like fucking aztec from CSS, copy pasted grey floors and walls, some greens, nothing stands out. I'm sure they can do better and they probably just weren't focussing on graphics yet. They need to find a more distinct style that lets you know you're looking at Quake Champions at the first glance and I'm NOT talking about a fucking DICE colorgrading filter that desaturates everything.
I reformatted that post so now the first sentence is phrased awkwardly. It came later originally so ignore the "though".
I dont' think you understand what that is
ironic considering most of the quake weapons are "shoot something straight forward"
Straight projectile: Rockets and plasma
Arc projectile: Grenades
Full auto hitscan: MG and LG
One shot hitscan: Shotty and Rail
Where's the problem?
It's not an area shooter though, they already said it's going to be class/hero based.
The actual only areana shooters with budget being devolped are UT4 and Halo 5's updates and Halo 6
Everything I've seen so far points to the classes being less "OW/TF" and more "fightan game."
None of it matters though, since it's going to die less than a year because no one seems to ever fix the things that make arena shooters needlessly unfun.
Why is it always screenshots of that map whenever someone posts something UT4 related?
Where you did get this bullshit? From an interview, the creator said it won't be a MOBA
I think there's a competitive mode, where all the class abilities are disabled.
Look, casual contrarians desperately looking for excuses to not play actually hardcore games and be exposes and shitstains that fucking suck.
Sure schooled me.
Kill yourself
This pretend talk makes you look like a child.
An angry child
I still dont know how there are people who post like this.
Looks like you got some CRAP in your CUNT, faggot.
That shitty lighting looks like it's made in Unity. Why would they use fucking Saber 3D when they have a great engine in id tech 6?
To cut down in costs
If they could they would make this ahit cartoony as well, but they know they cant get away with it.
It would be just another Federation Force if that happened.
Make no mistake though, this is a CRAPCUNTS.
So one tenth of the game will be a watered-down, half-assed version of something the game aught to be designed to be in the first place?
Yeah, that's totally acceptable.
No, it isn't. Is this the new shill strategy? Coming up with a ridiculous strawman that can easily be disproven and in doing so you discredit actual critisizms of the game?
Fake bullshit critisizm:
Real critisizm meant to be discredited:
It's not a fucking MOBA, it's a "hero shooter" wearing Quake's skin as a coat. It's Quake 3 plus characters like you would have in a fighter or a strategy game.
This strategy of ignoring real critisizm and instead fighting fake critisizm to look like you care is getting really annoying and if my experience is anything to go by we'll be seeing it for years and years. Bet some faggot at some university wrote a book about this one weird trick a decade ago and the games industry recently discovered it. If there were a button that kills everyone who has ever even considered a career in marketing I would press it without hesitation.
Play Doom 2016 faggot
The shills are out in full force
He said "arena" shooter.
nah UT was worse than quake 3 in every single way except variety of game modes and its modding community being larger.
No other game like this. Never will be probably.
One of the heroes/champion/quaketards has the ability to summon healing totems.
Those all go to Quake 3. You were saying?
Fucking kill yourself nigger.
no thanks, i'd rather not
especially when the former game only has to just push aside "muh lawyers" to land on Steam after having been Greenlit for ~1.5 years at this point.
On the side of Xonotic, that mostly just comes down to the borderline-perfectionist devs that still wished it was 2005. All they really need to do is immediately slap a 1.0 version sticker on front, as the current state of the game is very playable on my toaster of a laptop. Not to mention that the devs could put it out as 'Early Access' or even a small-scale crowdfund, as most of the 'unfinished' parts of the game come down to polishing to game to a shine (even literally in the dev roadmap)
Can they "polish" the graphics into looking contemporary? Because both those games look like they're from the year you mentioned.
Thanks for admitting to being too retarded to know how to use alt fires
I think that's already been confirmed, but it's not going to be the main focus. I don't think it'll have ranked matchmaking but it'll exist.