If Tomorrow Brings War

If tomorrow brings war every day will make us stronger
Every day we will learn
more of what we never knew before
Each day another enemy will die
Soon the factories are producing again
everything a war machine needs
and one day
The capitol falls.

Nov Fourth Self Defense

Good luck on your quest to defeat public waste services. One day, the people will righteously seize the means of reducing the street trash.

Hitler should have used gas (Phosgene/Tabun) on the Soviet troops as they advanced. Human spam tactics stop working when they are brought into the equation. Fortunately we won't make those mistakes again.

Who is willing to shoot first?
Armed confrontations will occur.
Whoever shoots first gets blamed for starting it all.

Bring in your cans, the garbage girls are coming.

Beating up garbage cans is one thing bullets flying is another.
If some kind of mass slaughter happens tomorrow things will never be the same

You seem a little radient today, OP.

Actually I am the opposite.
If someone or some people cross the threshold into justifying murder based on ideological differences an absolute bloodbath will be unleashed possibly lasting years.
For comparison look back to the 60s - 70s.
Radicals were willing to kill.

You going to the gas chambers is the only thing that will happen

Religion of Cuck™ists are already doing it based on a religious ideology.
But the radical Religion of Cuck™ic murderers are usually immigrants.
If natural born citizens of this nation turn to murder because of right - left ideological differences things will turn far deadlier.
The last civil war started because of this.
Bring modern weaponry into the picture, like machine guns and one man is capable of tremendous killing potential.

The least of your problems. The real concern would be things like chemical and biological weapons being used.

Uhhhh probably not. If BC weapons were used the entire world would turn against the users.
Also it would result in the other side using them to retaliate. During WWI chemical weapons actually weren't very effective late war, if a real civil war happened on U.S. soil with both sides possessing scientific and industrial bases same thing would happen.
Biological? Probably same.
Both can be protected against with HAZMAT suits or special uniforms.
Nukes? 99% unlikely.
Civilian pops might suffer really severely though if not the armies.

The people I feel bad about the most for are the normalfags who don't care about politics who are going to work in major cities. There is going to be so much traffic in cities everywhere because some idiots want to play in traffic. As if that will convince people Trump is the bad guy. At the most maybe some Berkeley tier stuff will go down. I'm hoping for at least 3 instances tomorrow of people exercising their rights to run over anyone who attacks them in their vehicles.

Right to use public roads takes precedent over right to live and laws against murder?
Running over protestors will further divide the country. A tipping point is within view, once the tipping point is reached enough people will be radicalized to begin a mass scale civil war.
First it's the civil strife which inflames a country, then people take up arms and start gunning down the ideological enemies.
Perhaps the state calls in the National Guard to restore order. What if people shoot at the National Guard, declare independence?
The turning point.

Chemcial weapons of WWI (Mustard, Chlorine, Phosgene) are nowhere near the lethality of modern nerve agents like the G or V series agents. An MLRS barrage of V series agent on a soft target could wipe out thousands of civilians rapidly. Tabun and lesser G series agents could be used in a similar manner with less lethal effects. Phosgene is still dangerous and is easily synthesized and widely using in manufacturing.

Biological attacks could be simply poisoning water with cholera or C. diff, or even more sinister like using weaponized smallpox. The healthcare system in this country is already overburdened and wouldn't be able to hold up under the strain of a civil war. Nobody would know if it was a bio attack if it was carried out properly.

Dunno about nukes. Boomer subs and potential foreign allies would keep them grounded. Radiological bombs might be used in terrorist attacks though.

Commies don't have a right to live though. All thieves must die, even ones that take inspiration from convincing fanfic.

"Chemcial weapons of WWI (Mustard, Chlorine, Phosgene) are nowhere near the lethality of modern nerve agents like the G or V series agents. "

Literal murder of civilian pops is how you become a rogue state.
One side might win the civil war using such tactics but what about the aftermath when few nations are willing to trade with you?

Even the Norks haven't gassed their pops.
Nor the Chinese.
Bioweapons would very likely be noticed. Tales of mysteriously empty cities, everybody dead. Oh and testing for the bioagents is possible.

The healthcare system would almost certainly collapse or get huge cutbacks yes.

Commies don't have a right to live is how a civil war starts. If you start gunning down Commies martyrs will be created. More people with sympathize with them possibly even joining them to fight back against you.

Do you really want mass murder? Let's be reasonable here. If a civil war begins our chances of death drastically increase.

It actually looks like the trash can won that battle.

Let's be clear here.
I advocate self defense.
If one side decides to pull the trigger we will do the same to save our lives.

Bioweapons also have a high potential to escalate out of control. No reasonable side would ever use them.

A nuclear armed rouge state is immune to geopolitics. The only thing you'll have to worry about is cianiggers. Bio agents can be very localized (anthrax) or very widespread (smallpox) and can function as a global samson option in case of attack.
I don't need to kill communists. They'll come to kill me. Communists can be goaded into attacking because the majority of them are defective human beings with poor impulse control and a superiority complex. My family has fought communists for 3 generations now, we know how they operate.


The Holocaust didn't happen.

It sure is botposty in here.

Main computer froze up. It's 7 years old now, perhaps time for a new one before society tears itself to little pieces.

Immunity to geopolitics is impossible.
Enemies of a rogue state can send spies for subverting and weakening it's society.
Rogue states are also typically unable to trade with other nations. This results in people getting increasingly desperate with less and less consumer goods. Just look back to WWI Germany which failed because of the Allied blockade. People were starving so the war effort collapsed.

Things need to be kept in perspective. Most people in society are not communists. A miniscule percentage is. Same is true fascists.
I wouldn't truly call the alt right movement fascistic. It's not a giant movement like 1920s Italian blackshirts and has different goals.
I would call the alt right less dangerous than generally thought.
But then some people just call any non mainstream rightists alt right. So fascists could be considered alt right but why not call them what they are? I would possibly call mainstream conservatives fascists instead for being extremely pro corporate.

Look around.
Do you notice how the ANTIFA is getting more violent daily? And how the alt right keeps getting coaxed into violence?

Look to the government for the answers to why. The CIA wants to eliminate political opponents which is very easy. How do you accomplish the task? Well you make them fight eachother instead of yourself.

Sometimes though the strategy backfires and your opponents gain more power instead fueled by the need to defeat their own enemies.

You know what will happen tomorrow?
A smattering of leftist catladies and trust-fund kids LARPing as communist crustpunks will take to the streets and piss everyone with a job right up the wall. Maybe there'll be a handful of Richard Spencer lookalikes in polos and khakis shouting some faggy shit and getting chased down alleyways.
All the while the machine is grinding. Everyday people are dropping their Marvel comics for Mein Kampf. Little kids are telling each other "Hitler did nothing wrong" and giggling like madmen when the prudish leftist teacher kvetches and sends them to the principal's office. Women are turning full trad as they see all the guys who care about their appearance are roman saluting and working out. Every fratbro in the country is dressing like a muslim terrorist, an offended leftist, or Trump for Halloween.
Go march in your pussyhat 2.0 funded by a filthy-rich globalist kike. Go stink up the streets and screech boring mainstream chants straight from Stephen Colbert's writing staff. All it takes to bring your entire ideology to its knees is a couple bored weebs with gimpshop.

I quit the lil bullshit job i did have. Called my boss a stupid nigress and got prolly kicked out of my literal moms basement (no like for realz… I am an adult but stayed with mom… Maybe idk she thinks im drunk or something. But im just an autist that is sperging out because IT BEGINS!!!!!11!!!1)
Ok um… Yes so. Please let glorious DoTR happen. I understand as a neet faggot i may have to show more papers but fuck it is worth it…

Good. Just don't start shooting or everything will take a turn for the worst.
Right now the country is just simmering but starting a slaughterfest will make it boil with ideological rage.

My ideology? You don't even know what my ideology is. It isn't SJW. Nor is it ANTIFA either. Also not fascist or alt right.
Establishmentarian dem or repub? Nope.

Your concern is understandable, but no armed confrontations will occur tomorrow. Cap me so you can make fun of me if you want, but the biggest thing I see happening tomorrow is the police arresting a few college kids who broke some Starbucks windows.