The general effects of Cultural Marxism on its supporters

In Communist and Marxist circles, two terms keep coming up: Proletariat and Bourgeoisie.

And at the heart of their ideology, it instills within its supporters 2 things. An underlying hatred for anything bourgeoisie-related (to be against anything they consider "pro-bourgeoisie" or "anti-proletariat"). As well as an underlying solidarity for anything proletariat-related (to be supportive of anything "pro-proletariat" or "anti-bourgeoisie").

While "black & white" "us vs them" mentalities have existed long before Karl Marx was ever born, the lack of grayness and intolerance of such mentalities can always lead to disaster.

With that in mind, it's then no wonder why people like Bernie Sanders (with his "fuck the rich" propositions) often take actions or propose legislation that could expressly be described as "anti-bourgeoisie" or "pro-proletariat" in nature. Even if not explicitly stated.
Whether or not you agree with such actions and legislation is not the point here, but necessary in understanding in what I'm about to say next.

If the 2 terms (proletariat/bourgeoisie) were originally meant to categorize people into 2 distinct groups (largely by economic/political status), then Cultural Marxism has since adopted these very terms and mindset in regards to categorizing people by their various "identities". The proletariat now being rebranded the "oppressed" and the bourgeoisie as the "oppressors".

This is why it's not unusual for feminists or lgbt people to be carrying around the hammer & sickle. Not because it's a leftist symbol, but because they legitimately do view themselves as the "proletariats" of their causes.
And sadly, as a result of such a mindset, the "fuck the rich" mentality then culturally translates to "fuck white people", "fuck all men", "fuck cis scum", "fuck straight people", and other such friendly outlooks.

But the discrimination is not a problem.
What IS a problem (and the end goal of Cultural Marxism) is when they gain power and start passing hate speech legislation and positive-discrimination measures. Both of which are often extremely biased against the "bourgeoisie/oppressor" groups & beneficial to "proletariat/oppressed" groups. Institutionalizing their discrimination into law, and causing division and friction among social groups.

Cultural Marxism has already permanently crippled every non-U.S. country out there (hate speech laws that punish anti-Muslim sentiments, no matter how many trucks kill them), and America itself is suffering heavily too.
Our American universities and private companies now implement the same draconian madness, and a large section of the populace (PEW study on the most censorous people: Democrats > then Independents > then Republicans) now set out to punish anything "politically incorrect".

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, you're probably right. Seeing that its Holla Forums, I'm probably just preaching to the choir. And it looks like this thread is already getting buried, it seems.

Well, thanks for hearing my 2 cents, anyways.

there is nothing new under the sun OP.

Alright, I'll keep that in mind next time.

I just wish that international entities (like how the UN badgered Japan into implementing hate speech laws, like how the EU and non-U.S. nations can pressure international companies like Google into making hate speech policies, etc.) would kindly fuck off and stop spreading this shit ideology worldwide.

i bump this

You're confusing pre-war orthodox Marxism (of the kind that became Soviet communism), with Cultural Marxism: its called "cultural" to distinguish it from "economic identity" Marxism as it had been before. They dropped that economic baggage, and picked up a cultural memes, because the lesson of the two world wars was that the working class is nationalistic and won't radicalize along economic identity. While labor likes certain aspects of economic fairness, and increasing their power against their bosses, they are still racist, nationalist, and religious. They'll happily side with capitalism in defense of their nation or race.

So communists starting with Gramsci began to learn and observe from their failure against counter-communist movements like National Socialism and Fascism. Groups like the Frankfurt school changed their "praxis" (their practical approach) to radicalizing people along non-economic identities: sex, gender, race, sexuality, ethnic minorities, etc. They realized they could radicalize people against the white race, who was the backbone of the Western institutions they wanted to destroy. After all, communism was never really about economic fairness. It was all about destroying the subverting the West for Jewish hegemony. The Frankfurt school approach worked so well, the Soviet Union later adopted the Frankfurt School's logic in its subversive activities.

Well said brother

Exactly, so many people are stuck up on "well, it isn't true Marxism", that wasn't the point. It utilized critical theory and put emphasis on cultural institutions that would propagate certain concepts and narratives, like oppressor vs. oppressed. It branched out into other fields of sociology from there.

Thanks for posting those images. I found them to be very informative. The KGB Yuri interview may have been old news to me (still an excellent red pill, nonetheless), but the other stuff was really fascinating to read through. Particularly Horkheimer's strategy of Badly strawmanning traditional viewpoints (things that are normal or common sense) in the worst possible way, only to provide offer a "sensible" compromise afterwards. (That tidbit suddenly made me recall various "debates" I had where leftists have employed that very tactic.)

The "logic is not independent" quote also suddenly reminded of this one excellent 13 minute YouTube video I saw once: PJTV - Bill Whittle - The Narrative - Political Correctness
It amazingly covers a lot of ground regarding the Frankfurt School, Political Correctness, classical Marxism, and Cultural Marxism in such a short time frame. A great introductory red pill to introduce to uninformed people.

I'm well aware of the differences between classical Marxism (which is a retarded and ==Impossible== concept), Marxist-Leninism (which tbf, is more practical and realistically achievable), and Cultural Marxism (which applies the "proletariat/bourgeoisie" outlook to various "identities"; not simply the "economic/political" identities the terms were originally meant to describe).

Classical Marxism ("b-but that wasn't Real communism!!" whines the leftist) is Impossible because it needs to be contradictorily BOTH an anarchist society (to successfully be considered Stateless) and a totalitarian one (an overbearing governing force that Makes Sure that things STAY Classless, Property-less, Moneyless, and that no one ever implements these things again) at the SAME time. An societal state that is literally impossible to achieve.

Marxism-Leninism is admittedly realistic by comparison. Oh sure, achieving a "Real Communist" state (the stated purpose of Marxist-Leninism) is still like chasing unicorns. A fucking unrealistic goal will still Never happen, but hey, no one says you Can't make a ruling political party of pro-unicorn people to try and chase it anyways.
I could, likewise, start a political party with the expressed purpose of "making anime real" and become extremely widespread and popular. It doesn't mean we'll Actually ever make anime real (an impossible concept), but forming political parties (a realistic action) and Trying anyways (a realistic action) is what makes Marxist-Leninist state more "practical" than the actual existence of a Real Communist state.

As for Cultural Marxism, well, you've already heard my spiel about it up above.

I get that leftists want to protect workers from being fucked over by corporations (I'm ok with America being a capitalist-leaning mixed economy with protections for workers; TRUE laissez-faire capitalism would probably be an nightmare to live under), and if they were just after better conditions for workers and such (no child labor, basic minimum wages, etc.), I would have been fine with that.

But no, they just HAD to continue promoting an Impossible Stateless, Classless, Moneyless, and Propertyless society that WILL NEVER fucking work.
And ON TOP of that, their continued speading of Cultural Marxism, hate speech legislation, and positive-discrimination measures are currently what is destroying Europe right now, with a Muslim invasion (the constant massacres, rape gangs, and explosions) that Europeans are LEGALLY FORBIDDEN to speak up about.



Any rational discussion on left politics is practically useless. Obviously Marx and other kikes invented this shit as a social weapon to let a country self destruct. It was never meant to work in any way except destructive. "True communism" non-kike version doesn't exist either, it was always meant to kill and degrade non-jews at its core, mainly through shit like starvation as anyone here has seen.

(4th image) In what world does a negroid need to "learn" how to "sicken Whitey?" Are they seriously unaware that we have optic nerves and olfactory glands? Are they under the impression that seeing and smelling blacks is NOT one of the most sickening experiences a White person will have in life?

Funnily i just checked /marx/ on which i lurked and watched few stalinists discussing their bullshit, and what's really amazing about cultural marxism theory is that it infiltrates all strains of marxism in general, and led to marxist-leninists fighting against transphobia, eliminating anything worthwhile in their theory. So i guess it is indeed not just "cultural" marxism, but evolved demoralized marxism in its final form, where cultural degradation allows it to be completely immoral to the point where its weimar with commie attitude.

Or both Ismail and leftypol board owners were paid by american democratic party to promote socdem bullshit and now even alternative leftists are just as bad as the rest of them.

Just wanted to bring this to your attention.

The White Working Class doesn't always win. But Marxists ALWAYS lose.
All true Marxists get shot at the end of their "revolution"
Once the Jewish elites get into power and get control over the police state, they always turn on their useful idiots.
All the idiot leftists these days trying to create a stateless society will be shot by the thousand if they ever actually get a "leftist" revolution going.
The Elites (Jewish and non-Jewish alike) are not stupid enough to be overbothered with which "ism" religion they champion. When the time to switch hats and become communist or capitalist arrives, they're more than happy to make an about face and become whatever "ism" "ic" or "at" they need to be to continue ruling.

But it's a good thing that the Marxists are so stupid. It means that they can never succeed. And since the (((enemy))) has chosen to use such idiots, we can too. When an enemy makes himself predictable, he has made a mistake. Take advantage of the opportunity.

Ask any leftist what will happen once the Oh-So-Wonderful revolution is over and Communist heaven is established, and then walk away as they stand there like a retard. Not even Marx knew what the fuck to do with it. He never wrote anything about after communism would be in place, how it would be maintained, or whatever. It's such a meme. Marx was a prime degenerate, who was severely in debt and rejected his own mother when she told him in a letter to stop fucking around.

i like the idea of a fasces as a hammer instead of an axe, although i'm not sure what the symbolism would mean in terms of general melee weapon philosophy

That's just the state these Communist communities happen to find themselves in, unfortunately. While they will never consider people like Peter Thiel (gay) or that Jenner fellow (tranny) as a "proletariat" in the original definition of the term, they Do however classify them as honorary proletariats as far as their "oppressed identities" against the "straight/cis bourgeoisie" is concerned.

So if old school communists advocate for legislation that helps workers and punishes corporations, what's stopping the newer breed of communists from advocating the same thing for "oppressed" identities (positive-discrimination) and punishing their "oppressors" (hate speech legislation).

That's why it doesn't surprised me that this poster wanted homophobic/transphobic posts & posters to be censored. That's just the state of their communities now.

Saw this sliding, wanted to give it a bumb.

The key terms are haves and have-nots. The jews did not have nuclear power and a lot of nice things Christians had. They also can't fight. What they had was psychology from centuries of being merchants. They could lie and identify suckers pretty well. Cultural marxism is riling up the have-nots with hope into transferring wealth to the jew. After the jew is given control, they start genociding their supporters because there's no way Soros is dividing the money he stole equally with niggers. Life cycle of the commie: misery, hope, false victory, death in gulag.

Here is a video that does a great job at explaining cultural marxism in simple terms. I thought I'd share it here.

Once you understand the jewish invention that is Cultural Marxism a lot of the current culture will start to make sense. And like most redpills worth their salt, once you see it you cannot unsee it.

I agree in spirit with everything you posted, but there's no need for walls of text to say what we've known for years – that leftists hate white people. All of their rhetoric about "diversity" and "tolerance" is pure platitudes, they don't actually believe it. The endgame of their jew-marxist ideology is a planet where whites are a minority in every single country.

There's no need to argue or reason with liberals; they're a lost cause. Cultivate white racial consciousness in your fellow normalfags, but leftists learn nothing except from a boot to the throat.

Mind fucking blown. I'm saving all of those pics.

That Max Horkheimer pic blew my mind. I knew that marxists use language to change opinion but I never understood the mechanics behind it. This explained it perfectly.

"Hork Logic" in all around us.

I don't understand why gentiles, of all people, openly support their own genocide though communism/zionism.


Now that you have their methodology, use it to your advantage. Make caricatures of their arguments (not hard) and insist on hyper extreme traditionalism. Then come to a compromise of regular traditionalism away from their degeneracy.

And no wonder heaps of idiot women end up being the supporters of it all, for they may lack moral judgement but boy do they love when conflict is removed and everybody can be happy cuz now we're all equal :')

This is exactly what Trump already does, as he explains in Art Of The Deal. Start with a ridiculous offer, then negotiate down to what you actually want, while your opponent thinks he got a great deal since it's such a "compromise". These tactics are effective and we can employ them with greater efficacy than the left, since our arguments already carry the weight of logic.

most "gentiles" i find tend to be transhumanizing kikes

Jordan Peterson will save us. He's going to launch a website where students can upload their school/college/uni material and it will be checked for marxist garbage.

Good post but yes, mostly already understood around here. Also notice that guy you were replying to was probably a shill as he was banned.

It's good to remember the basics. We have newcomers everyday, you can't simply assume everyone already know who is behind leftists movements and their strategies. If you just go around thinking everyone around you is wake as you are, you'll end up in a bubble, pretty much like the social justice warriors safe spaces.


Perhaps consider re-reading the last post again.

Their whole point is - from what I understand - that the focus on things like i.e. tranny rights distracts from the class war and the communist goal of overthrowing capitalism.
Not being interested in trannies, nigger dick or whatever sick and debauched thing you find on the deep web, is not the same as actually supporting it.
And it's sort of vindicated when you take into account how much air is sucked out of political movements by focusing on rage porn.

That's more the nature of Leninism and it's intention of capturing the state rather than abolishing it. Engels himself wrote that purpose of the modern nation-state purpose is to uphold private property, and by extension the profits of the bourgeoisie. Even the Enlightenment thinkers (Like Rousseau for example) wrote about this.
When Leninists succeed at capturing the state, they inevitably become corrupted by it. Lenin found his allies immediately wanted to re-institute private enterprise, and had to backtrack later with the New Economic Policy. Mao was forced to invite Chinese industrialists into the communist party.
To an extend even Hitler and Mussolini faced this problem when they took over their respective states.

The worst part is, most of them fail to realise they are the bourgeois or "harmful bourgeois element", they are literally useful idiots.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Cultural Marxism is, in fact, Cultural Deleuzianism-Guattarianism, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Deleuzianism AND Guattarianism. Idpol is not a political philosophy unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning philosophical non-system made useful by Guattari's schizoanalysis, rhizomes and vital deterritorializing components comprising a full philosophy as defined in "What Is Philosophy?"

Many left identitarians use a modified version of Deleuzianism every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Deleuzianism which is widely used today is often called 'Cultural Marxism' and credit is given to the Frankfurt School, but many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Deleuzian non-system of difference, developed by the Liberal identitarians.

There really is a 'Cultural Marxism', developed by Adorno, Marcuse, and Walter Benjamin, but these people aren't using it; it isn't a part of the system they use. Deleuze's repetition is the philosophy of liberals: the difference in the plateaus that allocates the machinic desires against the oppressive totalities and identities that you know. Deleuze is an essential part of Guanttarianist identitarianism, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete liberal college campus. Deleuze is normally used against Frankfurters: Cultural Marxism is actually the whole system of Deleuze and Guattari with the name of Marx added. All the so-called Cultural Marxists are really Cultural Deleuzeans!


I came here just before the election like many others. I've gotten over that blackpill hump where things are overwhelming. I still have much to learn and stuff to read and research. But i wont get tricked by jews again.

The lurk 2 years meme is actually a good thing. As I said ive only been here for one year and I'm starting to understand. Then after my second year, I can really begin to contribute to discussions


Nick, why are you posting here?

No one gives a fuck about your an hero'd Frenchman.

Blah, blah OP is giving us his first book report from the state school he's going to.

That's all nice, FAG, but it's last century shit.

We don't, but the left takes heavily from the French socialists. After all the Russian faggotry made it apparent to even the dumbest bitch how flawed Communist was (at the very least economically) it was French cunts who reinvented it you could say. Put their bullshit spin on it and it's followers, are the jew cunts in schools brainwashing kids today.

The reason so many Marxists are self absorbed upper middle class faggots is because they believe fighting capitalism will cure the poverty of their soul.

polite sage.

OP I have a question for you, how the fuck did you miss fall for this shit? Is it the fancy vague language that's deliberately hard to understand? The Communist Manifesto spouts the exact same shit Social Justice espouses only baked into something sounding more fancy/ If you didn't read the book then you can safely assume anything your school taught you about it is cherry picked "truths" and a whole lot of bullshit.

*OP I have a question for you, how the fuck did you miss these highlights and fall for that shit?

Fuck man I need to stop posting so late.

I wouldn't be surprised if Cultural-Marxism was being promoted by the CIA to undermine Marxism and Communism.

Once you get them to focus on race and gender, you slowly start to loose the smarter and productive members in your movement, first the white working class, then you start to lose some intellectuals, homosexuals and students and a few minority groups.

Until Marxist primarily have a huge block of blacks, jews, muslims and genderconfused whites, all of which hate the other groups and most of whom are completely useless.

Meanwhile, all those old groups the left abandoned, most of which are white people, will move towards the right, take on the values of the right and more or less end the threat of marxism-communism as an ideology or pseudo-religion.

Think about it.

Nope, I see a lot of buzzwords, but nothing is being said. Primarily because no concrete examples of anything are given.

When in capitalism, you and Trump are best buddies, equal in everything. Hahaha.

True, it wouldn't be surprising but it would be quite strange given the way most people live their lives these days I would have thought.

capitalists with friends ehehehe


I kind of wonder if they expected Fascism and National Socialism to grow bigly, and the Frankfurt school revised Marxism in order to allow it to survive in liberal societies. Around that time National Syndicalism was fairly popular, and it was already proto-fascism. (National Syndicalism seems like it's been memory holed to hell and back) If socialism hadn't gone from economics to sociology it in all likelihood would have been absorbed by the Third Position. Considering that even the Marxists had to come to terms with the necessity of the state they, in that moment, were forced to accept that some form of equality was required, (rulers vs citizens) so it wouldn't have been hard to expand that thought into economic and biological inequalities.

Because in all technicality any socialist should prefer NatSoc to capitalism, and any capitalist should prefer NatSoc to socialism.

Very underrated posts but very concise and generalized truth of the kikels their playbook.

We have the same tools far more sharp and ready. Memetics combined with context creation may lead us to select for societal sanity. We must become the lalilulelo or at the very least prevent them from holding the power at all costs

kojima predicted memetics and semi-predicted 2016 election with Metal Gear Rising: revengeance. who's to say it won't happen again?

The CIA might've been able to do that, if they weren't too busy moving cocaine and doing their best to be good-goys.

I read some books written by The Frankfurt School authors.

Now I see everywhere fucking White Supremacy and became critical when I see white people

I fucking see racism everywhere. Luckily I want all non-whites exterminated and it does not affect me, but imagine what happens to centrists after the brainwashed by Cultural Marxism.

Here's an old read about CIA funding of early culture wars…
Of interest: the "anti-Stalinist" historian's observations of Soviet propaganda tactics. Check out all the (((targets))) of Soviet campaigns.
