Why are there no good VR games?

Why are there no good VR games?

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Because the creator wastes his time dating gaymergays and shitposting trump memes

There are. The tech isn't quite at the point where free movement can be achieved but stuff where you're in a vehicle works well. DCS has great VR

Cause it's a gimmick like any other. There isn't anything worthwhile you can do with VR that you can't achieve with conventional immersion. And tying game shit to your crappy flabby 3D form is never an improvement.

Wait for holodecks and even then they'll only be good for porn and that's only until gynoids show up.

What are you talking about? There are great successful VR games out there


The article I linked to isn't fiction. Free roam VR arcades are already here. They don't purchase articles on gaming sites or hire ecelebs to promote it so nobody hears about them.

Are you implying that strapping a monitor around my face doesn't mean I'm in a virtual reality? Are you crazy dude? That'd be false advertising, and that's illegal!

Because it's a shitty technology that was around since 90's and there's a fucking reason it's not used.

How much did you pay ?


yea that looks amazing bro

Any idea how realistic these VR experiences are?


Because the only use for VR is sims and sex, and both are tough to get good gameplay for

Explain to me what is wrong with that ? Have you ever played lasergame or paintball ? Imaging this but in a better and virtual environment, that shit could be really fun.

What did you think free roam VR arcades would look like? They're wearing HMDs, carrying laptops that are interconnected through wifi and are being tracked by cameras. There's nothing else required.

They don't have to waste money on impressing 12 year olds with a gaudy decor or bodysuits with glowing leds on them, their customers are adults who can pay $75 an hour.


Nigga, strappin that thing to your face you have the chance of breaking it if you trip or smash right into another player. Just play lasertag or paintball, better yet just play paintball since it's way better than lasertag or this vr shit.

I got bunch of good VR games but best so far has been Onward.


Even if there was a VR killer app game it would still play better with a monitor and a keyboard and mouse

Our Finnish team played against this viper dude, his rick and morty voice acting was top notch and the hour and half we played with him was awesome


Everybody is still feeling out core mechanics like movement and are limited by the number of tracked points.

tl;dr it's still in its infancy and needs another two generations of development before it becomes "a thing"

flight sims are pretty rad though. house of the dying sun in vr made me super giddy.

This right here. When the VR meme was in its infancy, and Oculus was just starting to become a thing, I looked at it and thought:

"This is the new 3D, isn't it?"

And yes, it was. They won, they sold a shitton of useless hardware and they're laughing right now.

People said that about 3D

because of trump and gamergate

Having used (and owned) the VR available in the 90's I'm getting tired of hearing this retarded mem spammed here.

The shit we had in the 90's is as much VR as the model T is a car compared to a Civic.

because devs have ONLY been treating it like a gimmick, or an optional extra at best. you look at the vr-centered games on steam and you won't find a single fucking cohesive game on it.

it seems like psvr's lineup has the right idea, though, if only through necessity

i heard that votoms vr is pretty gud

dont those goobers ever get sick of being on the wrong side of history?

Nope. It's flawed on a fundamental level.

VR itself is too expensive to get into so devs are sparse.
Give it a couple years until headsets are dirt cheap.

Hasn't really changed that much.

For what purpose? It has nogaems, it's like defending the 2006-era PS3.

Yeah, just like the Civic isn't all that different from a Model T.


I know right? Its like the Civic was a Model T or something, lol

Yes, I know, that's why I said it needs more development. Nobody's going to buy these things mass scale while you have to wear a pound of gear on your head and waggle plastic sticks to pet tiger.

Unless you're saying the whole idea of full reality simulation is never going to work in which case you're the guy at kodak who looked at the digital camera and said "yeah right, this will never catch on"

You're right, its like comparing a Model-T to a civic.

It won't stay that way forever. At least porn is good.

Yeah, its definitely almost like a civic compared with say, a Model T.

Retard. It's fundamentally flawed as a concept.

Because you very much needed to say this three times.

req uncropped pic

Reverse image search you lazy cunt

OK, i'll bite. What's the fundamental flaw of VR?

I'm just trying to say that its like comparing a Model-T to a civic when you talk about VR.

t. nobody will ever need more than 640k of ram guy

The fundamental flaw is that its like a civic instead of for example a Model-T.


I did, there's nothing.



Yeah model T is a cool automobile. Did you know it only had 2 gears and you shift by pressing or releasing a special pedal, and you engage reverse by pressing another pedal? It had three pedals but none of them was gas, the gas is a lever on right side of the steering wheel, and the lever on the left side is ignition angle adjust because it didn't had an automatic one.

ok, so for non-autists wtf does that mean? a new civic and the first Ford are still both cars and both used for the same purpose.
Your analogy sucks.

Look man, alls I'm saying is that its like you're trying to compare a Model-T to a civic here.

Ok, I know what your malfunction is. You have no idea what a "fundamental flaw" means. I bet you just like how it sounds.

Well yea they're both cars but if you directly compare them, model T is a piece of junk and you'd never drive it other than for the lulz.

For a start, don't be a fucking retard and look at the post above you. I know as an underaged b&, you can't drive so you don't actually know the difference between any cars, but try to use your head a little. For instance, far improved suspension on a modern car vs old as fuck productions. Air conditioning. 350 mile range. See all these quality of life improvements? That was the analogy. He's a faggot for using it as a comeback 18 gorillian times but there was a point.

Comparing autism to that anons post is like comparing a Model T to a Civic

If you look with hindsight it's obvious. Cars get faster, safer, better materiels, etc.

If you go back to 1890 or whatever when automobiles first exploded their way onto the scene at their astonishing speeds of 3mph (and still managed fatal crashes at that rate too). Smart money would have been on these things being "just a fad" compared to horses.

So basically VR just needs about 60 years of development and billions of dollars of research and refinement to be usable by non enthusiasts.

Nah that's not what I meant at all, all I meant was that it was like comparing a Model-T to a Civic.

Yeah I agree with that. The only part that's stupid in the argument is the "fundamental flaw" part. They are (again) both cars and used for the same purpose (travel). They are separated by a 100 years of advances and tech. So we get back to the user that said it need more development. Maybe a lot more. Even so, I don't see the fundamental flaw of VR. If you do tell me. The only thing that's flawd is the current implementation. For example I don't want to wear something that heavy on my head. Perhaps in a gen or two or 15 it will be much lighter. And not cost 1000 fuking bucks.

What would be a good VR game?
Different controls lend themselves to specific types of games.
VR is first person by design and so limits what it can logically be pretty well.
Not too many games seem to have the ability to freely move around for one reason or another and that too seems pretty limiting.
If you aren't really using the ability to move your head than the tech isn't really required for the game.

One kind of game I think would be a little neat would be a sniper game that is simply Wheres Waldo.
Have nice cellshaded people and things in a relatively small environment.
You'd actually have to look down the scope and tilt your head.

I think a poke'mon snap kind of game could work pretty well.

Honestly I'd love one that is just voyeurism as a game.
It would be kind of like don't shit your pants but the goal is to see up a woman's skirt.
You'd be working in a large clothing store.
You'd peep under the dressing room.
You knock a mirror over and get her to walk near it.
Shine the floor until it is very reflective.
Know the type of shoe she is going to go for and put it at the top of a shelf that she tries to get with a ladder.
The store has an escalator and you can easily go behind her.
Figure out a way to luer her on top of a vent.
Place something she wants in a bargin bin directly in the middle so she has to lean over the bin.

So far VR is really just an expensive novelty.
You shouldn't buy peripherals especially ones that expensive unless there are games for them that justify the purchase.

Shit I like this new meme.

It's pathetic how there isn't yet any good Docusphere app, where you can just be surrounded by documents which you move around with your hands. That would be useful.