Losing control?
Catalog down edition.
Losing control?
Catalog down edition.
404 am thread
RIP catalog
Well kicking out my roommate is going to be awkward considering I'll probably have to help him move his shit out. I don't know if his friend is still here or what, like 30 minutes after my roomate knocked on my door but that's it, didn't here the front door open or close.
Morning everyone!
MGSV is so ehhh. Can't get into DaS3 cause I'm shit after not playing so long. Wanted to play something more modern but guess its back to ps1 stuff.
Sorry the threads so late, fucking catalog.
So your roommate likes dicks, whats the big deal
Is him liking dicks worth losing his part of the rent over?
What video games are you faggots playing?
Better pray you don't get slapped with some kind of hate crime or some other commie bull shit.
MGSV mostly. Shadow tower in a bit if the thread doesn't kick off.
Legend of Mana for the PS1
Hey 4am, quick question, but do you think flavor of the month games like Undertale and Overwatch show that normalfags, and us, live in a shared fantasy?
Morning ritsu
More money for other things > dealing with faggotry
Think of it this way you can buy yourself a body pillow and if he tries ridiculing you you can just tell him that he's an anomaly in nature
He's a fag. Also yes it is because I can get a new roomate who's probably not a fag.
Hey fuck you pyjamas are comfy.
There's no legal document, it's not like I'm a landlord kicking someone out for being a fag, I'm just the guy on the papers that leases the apartment, so basically I doubt I could get in trouble
Haven't shilled Rivals of Aether in a while, but they just put an update out the other day. You can now use custom colour schemes online (or disable them if you don't want to see them). That's really the main change, other than a button check option in the character select screen.
Fucking nothing. Stuck at this nigger in 7th Dragon 3.
Threesomes are great, man.
Morning user, how are you today?
This man is my hero.
The new update sorta left me miffed.
One of the big things about the plot is that no one knows what show down the Aurora or the Degasi.
New update comes out, here's the fuckin answer right off the Mountain Island. giant fucking cannon thing. you can go inside the base of it, but nothing spawns there and there's nothing to do yet.
Like fuck I was hoping it was the Sea Emperor protecting his home from a weird flying sea monster, or a Warper got curious and teleported into the Aurora's engine's Drive core
Nah fuck that its
Flavor or the month games are just things that are popular for a short while and then are forgotten about after a while. It's the same for anime.
There is nothing wrong with being gay Holla Forums
Bored and modding the shit out of skyrim so it's playable
Also made it to the Lava Castle. Saw that the Sea Dragon can also spawn with the weird "Burning Godzilla" texture effect.
No idea what the deal with it is, apparently it makes creatures extra aggressive.
Pretty sure theres all kinds of laws about how you have to kick someone out, even just shitty roommates. Look it up user, don't want him getting a kike lawyer and some media buzz about the poor dindu nuffin faggots coming to bite you in the ass.
I did that for a while and it was alright then it borked out on me. Add some of those mods that add tons and tons of spells to the game. Lots of fun with those.
kill yourself
In bed it's great to just wear underwear however it's pretty fucking cold where I live, so when I'm not in bed, it's nice to have something else
Really? I didn't think so. Whatever I'll still tell him needs to get the fuck out, if he wanted to sue me he'd have to come out of the closet to his family so I doubt he would. Man I thought he was a good guy too.
Would you say Subnautica is worth purchasing? I've been debating it for a while. None of the versions I pirate end up working, probably because I'm retarded.
And here's the Giant Cove Tree.
this shit is such a bitch to get to.
they also apparently removed the Reaper Leviathans from the front of the Aurora, so you can go there earlier and get the Exosuit, like half the items for the Cyclops, and the Transfuser.
Any situation where I have two other people touching my dick is a good situation.
Why not just wrap a blanket around yourself like a toga?
Was playing SMT IV but it's starting to outstay its welcome. Playing Lords of the Fallen while I try to get drunk.
is that a fucking ayy in there?
I had a dream last night where I used Adobe Premiere and it didn't suck dick. I hadn't used in in over half a decade at this point so I pirated the "latest" version (a snapshot of their subscription based shit because apparently they do that now which is mad gay)
I spent a good portion of the day learning it and transitioning over from being a Vegas-fag (which is janky as fuck but it's better than not having any idea at all.)I really like it even though some of it's design decisions are fucking ASSBACKWARDS (ie: having to press a button to switch to a tool then CLICK on the exact spot to split a track, and no video snapping.) And for the LIFE OF ME I can't understand how this sack of shit STILL doesn't support MKVs (which are objectively the best container) They pay royalties out the ass to support all these obscure proprietary formats the film industry uses and they still can't support a free format that's widely used.
Been re-containering some of my anime but it's an arduous process because I have to o it one at a time with my current methods. Anyway I'm making a retarded AMV with meme nigger music so I can get used to editing with it. Also, even though it's a nigger to figure out, masking is god tier.
I don't understand the question.
Yeah I know some people here in 4am even have mentioned being stuck with roommates they couldn't get rid of.
But yeah you are probably safe then if he doesn't play the fag card.
Whats lords of the fallen?
Got this gem in the thread about how the site is completely fucked.
I bought it last year back before most of the current stuff was added and I've played it off and on since.
I'd say its well worth the $20 if you like exploring and running from spoopy ass sea monsters.
Nah it's just a light bulb.
I don't think Mark is the right person to ask anyway. That's more Codemonkey's territory.
my big rig is giving me shit and the moment I get control of it back I am going to backup and nuke the entire thing and start fresh
why is that anyway?
Whats that mugi thing? I wanna watch it!
The site went through worse shit a little bit after we first moved here, but it's still worrying.
Just finished a round of TF2 after realizing my old mods fucked up the audio files and made some sounds turn into high pitch screaming noises of a hellbound banche.
Going to fix the files right now and get back to playing some more.
Unless that one user wants to play some Insurgency at this time of morning
Got snacks and shit too.
I had fun playing them, not sure what your issue is here.
Yeah, I remember. Persistent DDOSing, and Josh ruining everything.
I have like 3 that add almost 1000 together so that'll be something I guess, my alternative is to play through dawn of war 1 campaigns
i feel ya on dat ris all da shit in mgsv dey did ryt n they's so much shit das blatantly missed potential
dis tbh monica, water cooler talk
(((adobe))) got 2 go, outta ey body dey ass need to get got forilly do
lors of da fawlen lyk western ds rip off fam all in all not worf it unless rly rly need dat ish
u eva fukz w/ dat react os shit monica?
Josh did nothing wrong. Spending a little bit of time on an instance of infinity that someone from Holla Forums set up is letting me get used to it, but the css is still horrifically shit.
What's matchmaking like? How much cancer is there?
Current mecha project
Horse knight robot
Uses the large "Hot Air Balloon" pieces as a big scarf/cape
Probably gonna redo the legs, since they're not very posable.
If it was 2 females, unless they were like EXTREMELY disgusting, I would've jumped on that shit like flies on shit, but it was 2 dudes. Hairy, fit, big dudes. I don't fuck with gay shit
Because I'm not a fucking retarded faggot.
Yea I don't think it's illegal to kick out a roomate, so I'll do it, and if it is illegal, then he'll have to come out as a fag to sue me so whatever.
it has to be at least 5 to be a circle jerk fam, plus they were going to totally fuck, so it wasn't even a jerk
I don't understand Ebonics.
Sorry, it's late as fuck, so I'm just thinking of bullshit right now. I know the whole, normalfags follow what's mainstream has been said to death, but sometimes it feels like there's a bit more to it. Especially seeing all the fan content of shit that usually supposed to die within a few years, like said. Shit like Overwatch that usually depicts the characters in a more, their daily life kinda mode, and Undertale, which usually has visual thematics go overboard, do you think these people live in a shared fantasy? I mean, it's more than just enjoying something that has deep lore, but moreso the lore that the fans themselves have created, based upon the selling points of these products. What makes this different from stuff like Stalker fan content, is that while Stalker content is based upon actual user experience, and is made almost exclusively as parody, other shit feels as though they are being romanticized, based solely on the pop content. People don't enjoy the content, they enjoy the real life made up thematics that accompany it, based both on popularity and the romanticism. They go on to make their own content, (like indie gamers and fan artists), not based on personal experience, but rather what they saw from the shared fantasy. I don't know, I'm tired as fuck right now, but I can't sleep, sorry for the blogpost/autism.
Wise choice user. He might try to rape you in your sleep. Happens all the time in hentai.
That being said, why are greentext stories here always gay stuff?
How dare you.
What about killing /sp/?
It was just ok the first time playing it. But its just not a good replay which you'd think it would be considering its sorta open world and crap.
Yeah I had about the same. Best part of having that many spells is you can play all kinds of weird builds you can't normally do in a betheshit game. Like being a pure illusionist and stuff.
Yeah cause it was rushed to shit. MGS games aren't one of my favorite series but I always went into them expecting really high polish. This one had none of it.
And lords thing got good combat at least?
You mean besides fucking up Infinity Next and somehow breaking 8ch to the point of unusability? And also being a whiny furfag bitch?
I don't see the problem. I'm just saying a mouth is a mouth.
nah man I'm just trying to get my win 8.0 running so I can steal all my shit off of it and start fresh at this point
apparently this particular problem was avoidable if I added an update, which leads me to believe that they fucked around and forgot to add some digits on a clock and that's the fucking problem
An action RPG inspired by Dark Souls. It got written off as a knock off because Dark Souls was oh so original but it does a lot to differentiate itself.
In other news, the show is over and nothing definitive happens to her. The worst case scenario has been avoided and I no longer have to worry about the canon love interest angle with her
I have been up all night doing particles in unreal 4 while listening to vaporwave.
Also shitposted a little on the side.
absolutely disgusting
Oh, the discord overlay is because I was playing with some people on a discord server. The matchmaking made it feel like how TF2 was before fucking hats and FTP. I got to play a standard match of badwater. It felt nice. No micspam, just people who wanna play some TF2.
It's some of the comfiest shit user, you should try it.
/sp/ stole our gets.
Holla Forums was always broken :^)
Scarf thing looks neat!
Eh autists gonna aut. Same goes for any fanbase really.
Even with all the bs casual easy mode options turned off, stealth is far too easy. Walking up to someone in broad daylight shouldn't be so easy.
Because we're here, and if we're here, we're too autistic for women. Plus the west is degenerating and fags are "normal" here.
What if it has a beard? Do you really want to feel beard scruff on your member?
I know right? Fucking animals couldn't even take it to his room.
I don't believe you because you seem like a faggot and I don't trust faggots.
I'm not the guy who walked in on two guys masturbating the other.
This is the man that is running our board.
I played some Autism Fortress 2 today. It was fun.
Yes. Adobe is the Jews.
Josh did a LOT of shit wrong. I don't think he's a bad guy, but if you think that he mishandled absolutely zero things you have a meat stick up your ass.
The matchmaking got infinately less shit recently, allowing you to reconnect to games you dropped from. After you level up enough almost all the cancer is gone and it's pretty nice.
I feel the same way about MGSV. It's stil pretty good though.
Any particular reason you went with an engine with such awful licensing? Not bashing as there are some legitimate reasons but I'm just curious.
/sp/ always steals our gets.
Sorry, it feels like I could've explained that better, but I'm more referring to both normalfags and mainstream culture, as well as autists.
He kind of broke it worse, though.
I'd be okay with it. Just close your eyes and think of whatever you're into. If you make it clear you're not down with bottoming, most gay guys don't seem to mind, in my (limited) experience.
iz not so much not likin it, but jus lookin at it you could tell dey azz coulda done mo w/ it n eitha didn't or dey wasn't able 2 monica das da problem.
u kno ne thing bout react os yui pimpn
raciss ass pillow bitah
ye ain't get 2 pik yo roomies n prison moncia balee dat
I gotta agree with you there, fam. 4am was chill before it became a fucking avatarfag cesspool.
If it's broken, what's a little more breaking going to do?
Ahhh I might check it out then. I'm craving some fantasy action really bad at the moment.
And thats really great! How did you like the season after watching it?
Ahh well can't help you there then. I dive into my escapism stuff more than most so.
I should just replay mgs3, its the only one I really really liked.
Nah, with 3 you can make a circle pointing inwards and jerk each other off. It'd just be a mess to clean afterwards with all the cum on everyone.
So did Huey, I don't see anyone voting to take him out back old yeller style.
Download infinite heaven and increase their sight and hearing distance. Can make it like FoBs. Very difficult, very frustrating. Can even make being discovered game over and have no retries.
Where's here? You don't live in San Fran do you?
It had a good length. I felt it lasted long enough, granted it SHOULD'VE lasted long since the game wasn't even finished.
It's eh, pirate it first
Harambe pls.
Because the alternative is unity and i rather shove a broom up my ass than work with unity ever again. Or some cryengine or some shit and that's just fucking no.
Licensing thing ain't no biggie.
Also unreal 4 is so nice. It treats me so right. and it's pretty.
todays degenerates have no respect for others what so ever
like the faggot kings in the worst times of rome
Because Mark purposefully has his mods ignore shitposters just long enough to piss everyone off.
Well, at least we can post most of the time. Josh broke it so badly that the userbase still hasn't recovered.
That doesn't make me gay, in fact, I would argue the fact that because I'm kicking him out makes me a very moral person
Absolutely fucking vile.
Good think I'm not going to prison or planning on it.
Here as in this thread and as in the west.
Romans were fags tbh, couldn't even wear pants like men.
Those shoulder pieces look new. They a mixel piece or what?
The userbase did recover. Offsite.
y is it jus Holla Forums tho? da saym shit don't happen on Holla Forums w/ a similar pph n shieeet. I mean a nigga think da shit would work similarly across da saym platform fammo
das his name man, don't besmirch da shit fam
naw iz faggots inability to handle bantz for da mos part
yea me neitha monica
bad form regardless
That sounds great!
But 3 questions. Is it easy to install? Does it work with like version 1.05 and does it work with the pirated version?
I kept thinking I wasn't close to finishing it then BAM last mission. Plus so many open plots that went nowhere like french slut and that kid stealing the robot.
I meant the userbase of this site, though. We've been dead in the water for ages because of that furry fuck.
I fucking love DS humor images, thanks for posting this one. I missed these things.
pant's didn't exist then
at most they had leggings and that shit was gay as fuck
Getting this upset over someone being who they are means you're not very moral user. Jesus said to be kind to your neighbor.
We're still here, aren't we?
I wanted to see more of that HUGE FUCKING ROBOT that was being built. But nah. It's gone now.
RasctOS has been in development since the Windows 95 days and is nowhere CLOSE to being usable for most things. It has been picking up a fuckload the past year or 2 and it can actually run Skyrim now, but even shit like web browsing still doesn't work. Whatever, if the Russian government can use it then maybe they're on to something.
3 is my favorite as well. Have you played Snatcher? That's most definitely my favorite thing that Kojima has worked on.
Don't play that card fuckboy. You don't have to be a Christian to hate faggots.
yeah, of the catalog. dammit
There's nothing wrong with being gay. That's pretty homophobic of you. I think you need to go to a diversity clinic to get your head fixed.
Yeah that would have been nice too. 5 could have been a truly great modern game if it had another couple years in the oven. Fucking konami.
Nah, ain't that like a point and click adventure thing?
user please
Wrong. You are simply wrong. The fucking Old Testament has references to pants, most of it written before the Roman empire existed.
I don't give a shit what Jesus says, plus his father told us to kill fags, so am I going to heaven or hell? Oh wait I'm going nowhere because heaven and hell don't exist.
Uhh you don't get to bring Waifus
It was a fucking mess. If you ask me, the stuff that happened before the first game should have never been explicitly shown since it's better to let people's imaginations do the legwork. A lot of potential character development was lost as well. Instead of showing how some characters were manipulated and exploited they just wrote it off as mass brainwashing.
All in all, really dumb.
What does mark have to do with /sp/ and josh?
Well look on the bright side, alexander the great was a homo and he conquered a lot of muslims. Maybe the west just needs to realize its potential.
Well i've never been in a gay circlejerk in real life before, so im not too used to the positioning. I'll take your word for it tho.
Yes its easy to install, just install the app snakebite, which autoinstalls it for you, i have no idea for version number, and im guessing it'd work with pirated version. Only elder scrolls fags get worked up over retail copies.
If I were you I'd get a bluelight, just in case because maybe he jizzed on something you may of drank/ate and boom you have the AIDS
No problem user! Here's another.
A few of us, yeah.
citation fam
I meant social form
I can't help it, but 8bcf95 is still taking the bait.
So you're saying that Muslims are top tier as well because they kill homosexuals and oppress women?
I was continuing the dialog about Huey being ignored.
That counts.
Ahhh that really sucks!
Was she cute in it at least?
Thanks! I'll try it out post thread.
Why would he be doing gay shit in the living room
ever had freeze dried ice cream sandwiches? its not bad at all
Oh. Well you already went to bed so i doubt they were worried about that. Though doing it in the living room is kinda gross. He could have had people over before now and done it at any point in the house if he's alright with doing it in a public space in the home. Kinda ruins the sense of cleanliness when your roommate does that. Other than that, im not sure what the social faux pas is.
She's always cute. I haven't gotten around to it yet but I'm planning on doing a similar thing to what you did for Ritsu, combing through it for screencaps
dat space food shittt monica dat shit wuz cold
Well the thing is Fags aren't Fags because they're born that way but because of a Hormone Imbalance
I love how fraudulently faggots use that term.
It's a menu based adventure game (my preferred style) so it's not as hard to figure out as most games in the genre. It's really fucking comfy.
This image is fucking gold.
Sandniggers should end their lives too.
I had one of those once. About broke my damn teeth on it but was tasty.
Its great! I need to get back on that project but since I'm not avatarfagging anymore I think I'm going to wait til I get the blurays and do it all in png this time instead. Starting over is gonna be great honestly, I skipped a lot of frames at the beginning last time so.
Yes Shlomo, you are my greatest ally
You're missing what I'm saying, here. The site never recovered its userbase because of what he did. We've got a fraction of what we used to have. We've got 2 semi-active boards and even they're slow by pre-jewsh standards.
I think fags would be happy with jumping in a lake
Oh. Not enough people would complain about huey to get him into any decent amount of trouble really. That's more Ritsu thing. Huey is more of an urban legend nowadays.
Yeah I love it when people incorporate king of the hill into other stuff. Always satisfying for some reason.
it never ends.
That's actually kind of amazing.
You don't know a lot about history huh?
I think I'll be fine.
Vid related
Whatever, there's your citation
Muslims would be fine if they were white, not a religion, and treated women slightly better to be totally honest.
Would you blame dogs for fucking in the living room? No. Because dogs are animals. So are fags. The only difference is you can rough up dogs when they do it and it's not vile and disgusting.
No fags are fags because they hate themselves so they live for for cum and only cum. When you hear some fag saying "Love is love" just know that he really means "Cum is cum"
Are you guys going to be here tomorrow?
I just need to find the time for it. I should also poke around for new art
Depends on if the UN nukes 8ch or not.
Aren't jews normally the ones loving gays?
Not huge on games without some form of action but I'll remember it if I wanna play something like that!
I'm always here.
I've got nowhere else to go
Try drinking some soda, carbonation helps.
Why are you so oppressive you fucking cishet white male? I hope you're happy that I'm cataloging this on my tumblr page.
Thank you goy, you truly are my greatest pet friend.
Holla Forums and Holla Forums were the two major boards to actually leave 4cuck. A lot of the smaller boards had enough issues with moderation on here that they stopped going or made a new board that worked.
That's true.
Stop trying to whitewash everyone you bigot.
Doc said I should avoid soda and spicy foods if I'm literally full of shit like I am.
The ICANN shit is just for DNS. If you know the I.P of Holla Forums you can get here no problem. It's like before when hotwheels lost the dns for Holla Forums due to all the sjws filing child porn charges and we had to put in the I.P manually.
If catalog is still broken tomorrow morning, someone make a thread, then post the link in the various external chat places like the vidya discord and the cytube, then those who see it spread the link to other 4am goers who don't use those alternate places
Isn't he the one who knows the Truth about the Holohoax
It does have some cool action shooting segments you can use either the D pad for or a Konami Justifier if you own one.
Not my problem Shoveldick.
KotH is life, KotH is love.
How the fuck is that amazing?
I think you're mistaken, a quick look at his most popular videos would prove you wrong, and I do like him, he's one of the only good pastors tbh, shame there is nothing like that where I live and plus I can't bring myself to believe it.
We shouldn't whitewash non-white, we should redwash them.
Most of the others are just completely dead at this point. Holla Forums was active when the pedos were here, but I think this is an improvement for it.
How big is your pic collection?
How much art of her is there out there really?
Also I didn't know her name was peko pekoyama, sounds adorable!
What do you even eat then?
If anything, if ICANN does go to UN, and they take down Holla Forums DNS, we'd be an even more obscure and harder to find. Not sure what Jim would do with the site though.
IIRC theres a video of him talking about how blood and lineage doesnt matter that much and he admits he's got jewish ancestry, and then claims just about everyone else does too because so many are descended from jews. Whether thats true or not, like the gengis khan one, i dont know.
That picture is amazing. Almost as good as a freshly cut lawn,
Murder is wrong if it's done by whites because it's oppression. I bet you even think BLM isn't a good organization.
I'll have you know I am a strong independent trans-black woman.
I understand why Jim kicked them out, but you're probably going to get shit on for 'muh free speech'.
I didn't even know those were a thing and now I need one in my life.
Cloudflare stops you from connecting directly via ip. ICANN's been pretty independent from the US and I doubt the UN are going to do anything with them and leave them as be. This whole shit involving ICANN's fucking retarded. Worst case connect via TOR.
So you're completely useless?
Show your waifu you're a manly man by doing cool poses with one!
His grand mother was like half jewish, who fucking cares?
Aww heck I can't argue with that logic merchant. I guess I should just buy a chastity cage and watch my wife get railed by niggers, do you know where I could get a good one my greatest ally?
I don't blame him for kicking them out, really. The problem with having boards that allow some pedo content is you inevitably get people showing up who don't care about the set rules (even if those are just "keep it legal").
Well I guess many of us have descendants who have lived in Judea but firstly it's not the Judean who people think of as the main Jews but the Ashkenazi and secondly our LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor) is before we evolved to our European environment
It's a little over 300 pictures and that one there is new to me actually. There isn't all that much since she's not terribly popular but I've found some really nice art for her.
And yes, her name is as cute as she is. It's something I'd really like to tease her with.
Do you think Flip land will deal with this shit knowing how Duerte's been lately, I'd live with not allowing porn if Holla Forums is allowed to exist
Usually tons of protein. Meats and the like. it's probably why I'm so backed up. Doc recommended I pick up MiraLax, so I'll be using that once I get off work today.
That's just a ridiculous situation to end up in, I mean. If I were going to do something like that with someone and I knew someone else could possibly walk in I'd definitely either move to a room or wait until like 11 pm or something.
I'm glad you figured it out! I can hook you up with a friend who sells I
Yea well, like I said, fags are animals.
Oh how wonderful, you truly are my greatest ally merchant!
That reminds me I've been meaning to take silly pictures of muh figs with muh guns one of these days
Ahhh well the anime will really help hopefully!
What sites do you use to look for new ones?
That sounds horrible. Take up smoking.
The way I hear it, the last board owner for our /hebe/ made a site for them. I have no idea why I keep up on gossip from a fucking pedo board, but apparently he was also /hebe/'s first board owner who wasn't trying to use it as a honeypot or something.
Oh, you're one of those goobergate creepshows that made Briana Wu flee her house in terror.
wew lad
Usually just pixiv. I'm not very active in searching for new art
I'm just waiting to get drunk right now on the alcohol my parents bought me but it's not even 7pm so I'm going to have to wait a bit longer.
Here this is actually the clip from it, still like 30 minutes though.
Which part are you wewing at? The honeypots, or them making their own site, or the fact that it's 4 am and I'm gossiping about internet pedophiles on a tibetan amphibian analysis BBS?
All three.
Never. My fuckhead dad was a smoker, and so was my mom.
I forgot if I posted this here. I know I posted it on /4am/, but I came across this on kikebook because one of his sons added me as a friend. Look at this fuckhead. I'm 90% sure he probably saw something my mom posted of her and her own bikes with her husband, and probably thought he'd be able to look cool trying something similar.
I didn't know you had any guns Ritsu! Whatcha' sportin brah?
I actually never gave a fuck about GooberGays because I thought it was autistic. I just wanted to get the fuck out of 4chan and never come back. Haven't been back once since.
RIP /vr/ ;-;
Can someone tell me how did these threads start anyway? When I was on 4chan I was always on /vg/, I never went to Holla Forums
Ah right, always forget we have cloudflare.
Normally the guys who listen to him are Holla Forumsacks so I like to remind them theyre favorite preacher is jewish. It's fun.
IIRC aren't the jews today not actually the jews of way back when? They just copied the name or some shit?
Its 4 in the morning user. I'm not even checking post ###'s.
Oh, so you're a Nazi. You disgust me.
It started out as a feels thread.
Try boorus some too. They'll pick up stuff that isn't posted through pixiv though probably 90% of its from pixiv anyway.
Sometimes you just gotta accept the comfy NEET life and not fight it user.
I don't really like to post about exactly what I got because (((they))) are listening.
Though I do like to brag about my shiny sexy s&w. Its so shiny!
Nah we just played smash
I'm no "not 1 drop" type, shit 3/4 white and nearly anything else and you may as well be full white.
what is it you wish to do with your time?
I'm watching it but your an ass
So wasteland 3 will be fundraising on Fig. I still dont get why theyre not using their profits to make their next game.
at least turn on ID colors fam
Well at least I'm not a faggot.
wew that pic, hope I don't have a mid life crisis.
And I guess that makes sense, will help you poop though.
I'll look into it. It's always nice to see something new for her.
Damn I forgot how tricky it can be to play spy.
Sometimes I forget you burgers are pretty mixed. Here in canada, when you're white you're usually 100%. Usually.
Noscript blocks such things as this. I also have really old browsers I use sometimes where such features dont work. Like Palemoon.
jus stik n move monica
Why pay for it yourself when you can get retards to give you free money?
Yeah I'm lucky in that k-on was super popular so had a decent amount of art made for it. But its also been off air forever so something actually NEW is rare.
I'm really liking this guy's videos. Interesting stuff.
Oh, okay. I just can't resist some hot goss. I've been keeping tabs on the Maddox/Dick Masterson beef and it's getting juicy. Dick got banned from the UCB Theatre because Maddox posted an old audio clip of him saying that your safety is your responsibility, and painted it as him saying rape is okay. This beef is getting really juicy and I'm very excited for Tuesday because they'll probably both rant at each other on their respective podcasts.
I'd take up smoking if it wasn't addicting or expensive. Also my folks would kick my ass.
When did I ever imply I was a Nazi?
You should post pics sometime!
Spy is 4 fagz
Oh. I thougt they were a success. Im surprised theyre making a third if it flopped.
Because taking advantage of others is wrong. it's important to consider others feelings before using them in such a way.
Oh, man. My dad's 57 and he bought a motorcycle this year. First one he's owned since the 80s.
I'm told he came back covered in mud.
What's this about now? My obsession with gossip? I can't help it. Sometimes I even watch Steve Wilkos because it's on right before I leave for work.
I want to live a comfy NEET life, but I can't do that without putting a huge burden on others or somehow making enough money per week to move out from my room. I'm too stupid for that though.
Lately I've been thinking I want to draw, I always end up putting a little time into learning here and there, but never actually commit to it. I know that if I put in the effort I'll enjoy being able to do it at least make some change on the side with it, but I barely have the motivation to even get out of bed.
All I do is read manga and collect anime girls.
Just now.
The spoiler was pretty funny.
By what measure?
Fam I'm Canadian too, I'm just saying go look up 3/4 black person, 3/4 Asian person, they look white with slightly different facial features, shit some of them might have blue or green eyes, and their children if they had them with a white person would be completely indistinguishable from a 100% white person. Plus a lot of people here especially the french are mixed to hell with the natives.
KEEP WATCHING FAGGOT that might be the wrong video
>not playing as the point and click game
I suppose I'm late. Any word yet on what caused the catalog to 404? I was thinking that maybe that ICANN transfer happened early and 8ch got shut down or something, until trying other boards and finding that they worked.
Been trying to get more into Star Ocean: First Departure, but something about the combat feels rather draining. Might have to do with the fact that I have absolutely no healer at this point and every battle seems to require some amount of restoration afterward.
success is relative
Trump is going to win and you can't stop it.
I like the point and click game sometimes. It can be pretty comfi.
I'm a scout main
Don't ever take up smoking Yui or I'll kick your ass!
And yeah I've been meaning to but my phones always off so.
Ahh well don't get too stressed out then, if you do just remember you are actually thinking about doing more and not just giving up.
But it's 2016! We need a woman in the white house.
You're not one of those fucking abbos are you? I thought we dealt with all of you already.
I dont trust new things and I dont like change. It's easier this way. I dont even save the pics since the naming change that codemonkey put in. I either use snipping tool and copy it or dont bother.
Well were they in the black or the red?
Do you ever lose track of your life
At least Sunday and Thursday will be good
What happens sunday and thursday?
And I always lose track of time at least. Never can tell you what day it is.
Don't worry, Melania will be in the White House as well as Donald, hell maybe Ivanka may rock up time to time
go for a walk fam
take your drawing stuff with you
just draw anything
Hilldawg is a far better choice than that monster Trump.
It's one of the biggest detriments to her lack of popularity. It's cool that I don't have to deal with a bunch of people claiming her as their waifu but it comes with a lack of art and merch. I prefer it this way though.
Of course not I'm 100% white, blonde hair, blue eyes, flat nose bridge, pale as a ghost. I'm just saying if I met a nice woman and she was 1/4 non-white I'd still marry and have sex for the sole purpose of procreation in the missionary position.
He's not fucking up roman history tbh
I could gossip about what's going on for hours. Here's the gist of it, though.
We've since found out that he also told basically everyone but the sound guy that if they wanted to ever work with him again, they were never allowed on Dick's show. Their most popular recurring guest refused to pick a side, so Maddox's girlfriend apparently posted a bunch of his private conversations online and sent death threats to his ex-wife or something. And on top of that, he's now claiming Dick is a rape apologist and that he's a sociopath. It's very hot gossip, the whole thing. I can't help but eat it up.
Bill you don't have to do this
That really sucks. 3d printing needs to get the point we can print off high quality figs right now!
I'm only thinking about it though and not actually doing anything. I'm lying to myself in an attempt to feel better about being a leech, but I can't get myself moving to change that.
I might try that, I'm going to have to get a better book to scribble in because right now it's just some shitty lined paper school notepad. Might also need alcohol for it because I haven't been outside just to walk around in a long time and I'm pretty sure if I see enough people I'll probably start freaking out.
Looks like someone is just desperate enough for attention to ruin others lives.
But I'm not Bill.
I knew Rachel Maddox was a dyke, I fucking knew it, I just havn't seen proof
Of Ritsu or Peko? I'm only aware of a meh quality itty bitty fig of her
Could be worse. You could be that bloatfly guy. Must be a bitch and a half finding fapping material.
Well then why not just get with another women and make a 1/2 kid, then he can find a white girl and they can make a 1/4 white girl. You still get there eventually.
Figs are not a high priority for 3d printing. There are more important things to worry about.
All the Yuifags I've ever met couldn't commit for any halfway decent periods of time. It doesn't matter, waifus are our own special entity anyway.
Pic related.
Why aren't we funding this?
I don't know anymore. That isn't how it's supposed to work- but it did.
Huma you don't need to do this
We be watching Inishal Dee
I'm a regular old person just like you!
Thinking is the first step to doing!
And you actually want to do something too which is really something.
Believe in the me that believes in Ritsu that also believes in you user!
Nah Ritsu has tons and tons of figs, I already own 10 different ones.
Theres that small peko one and this one that I found so far.
Waifuists get no respect.
Fucking Noice
Because then the kid wouldn't look like me, I wouldn't get with a 1/2 person because even though 3/4 people look almost exactly like white people, there's still a difference. It's not what the woman looks like, its what the kids look like tbh.
Cause guys with waifus tend to be NEETs with no money sadly.
He's lived in California too long and turned into a social justice warrior, that's all.
Oh, you.
I actually wonder if Hillary browses Holla Forums, I mean she knows about us but she doesn't seem like she has the time
If you are Hillary this is the one and only time I don't ask a female Tits or GTFo because of how groutesque Hillary is
That's cause waifus arent real.
true. Must suck having a kid you cant see yourself in or really relate to.
Master Seargent Miller had a waifu. He wasnt a neet.
alright fam
I don't really know fam it was crowd funded
I played it though and it was medicore
he isn't much fam
you dumb motherfucking cunt all he has is talking about how a guy dropped his drawers when he was taking a dump
I WANT women to have underwear its fucking hygienic
Stop slut shaming.
stupid coldness stop being so cold
Shoo shoo pedo Holla Forums
Hillary doesn't know about us. Hillary's people barely know about us. Everything they've said about the alt right and shit like pepe sounds like a retarded old person talking about "those darn kids"
Who was millers waifu?
Is that guy legit? I could never tell
I find that philosophy doesn't work for everyone. I personally couldn't ever fight canon. What happens to her is what happens to her and I have to live with that
I can do that
On second thought, no I can't. Fuck
if you murder the cold then I'm still not a pedo
do it at nightIn penwith your shitty notebook paper
Yeah, because you're a super pedo.
That is arguably the worst thing that could happen tbh.
No you fucking idiot, It means pants. Underwear didn't exist until very recently, maybe mid 1700's. I mean for fuck sake, some native American tribes had pants, do you really think that Europeans, WAY MORE ADVANCED THEN NATIVE AMERICANS EVER WERE in the time of Jesus and the Romans were too fucking stupid to make pants? By the way the emperors were faggots.
stop with this meme
Yeah I ain't finding it. Would probably have to get it on like a nip site.
Makes me miss superbus, he coulda found stuff like that easy.
It's not a meme pedo.
Man, looking at the 3DS theme store, there are a lot I would probably buy if I wasn't broke. It's probably a good thing I am.
Switching gears for some kawaii uguu operating action insurgency.
Do you guys like military shooters with SHOULDER LEAN?
yeah it is, it's a really old one
We all miss Superbus. You really can't blame him for leaving though.
Whatever pedo.
Every time I play it, I just wish I was playing Red Orchestra 2.
kof 98 is fun but hard af
memes be gone
Is Holla Forums under new management? Why was I banned for avatarfriending yesterday?
If I still had my paints and shit from when I did models I'd consider it but I doubt my ability to do her justice
CFW that shit, it's easier than ever. You can get all of the themes for the low cost of no money
I'm not entirely sure how to do that from whichever firmware version I'm on. Plus I couldn't play online if I did, right?
Why don't you go back to your friends on Masterchan? Did someone claim /ssft/?
rule 8 means they're allowed to ban anyone they don't like
yes they did
It seems you've missed the shitstorm. You can be banned for avatarfagging because Mark is asshurt that everyone hates him and his waifu.
He also memed Stu's voice actor to death as he died the same day the rule took effect (we had a week's notice.)
das not wut rule 8 mean fam it mean dey hate muh blak ass so much dey gave a niqqa his own rule
ritus is black?
I only asked because someone made a sticky linking to youtube. Why didn't you keep it you pedo?
I liked it though the setting wasnt altogether that interesting. I was hoping the next one would be a more urban setting.
Cold is the greatest shit ever. Im sitting snug in my big fluffy green sweater right now with a cup of coffee.
Big Boss
Yeah I'd hate it. it's also why I could never raise someone elses kid. If its not yours, whats the point?
Thats a cute karen.
check mate fam
dey think i'm playyan nahh fam neva dat i ain't kno y nigguhs b thinkin we avatar faggin or rp-in or w/e. like i ain't see no dice or miniatures. (((d&d))) dude alwys get shut down for sum reason.
dem numbas woulda been nice monicas
i'ma a fighta tho
Naw, you can play online just fine. Check out the thread if you can
my issue is with how shit their work was some times
I got about as far as the cyborg before giving up because an object obstructed me from clicking the way to save her
Wish he'd start up his own website for it or something.
Think hes probably broke these days though.
You should start practicing again and try!
Could even make some money selling them if you git gud!
wew fam
decided to let go in the end, it was too lonely that and I was different as a person
that's because you're warm while I'm not and it's getting to me joints
Because you became a hyper pedo? There's a few people on it surprisingly.
I'll have a look, assuming I can find the fucking thing with no catalog.
Why, was there a particular reason?
I actually don't have a problem with adopting white children, if I ever found out I was infertile or my wife (which I don't have) was, I'd have no problem adopting a white kid, but like if I was infertile, I would have a problem with my wife getting some other dudes sperm and having a kid, because then it's her kid, but not mine, whereas if you adopt, it's neither your kid, or her kid, so who cares so long as it looks like you.
How fucking illiterate are you? They didn't wear shorts, they wore faggot togas and tunics, even the god damn Legionaries wore tunics with fucking skirts.
Well at least they know the flames even if they don't know the fuel
glasses, motley and some other guy
rewatch the video
I don't know who they are, but I only skim the board once in a blue moon.
I won't be able to for a while. The figure itself is expensive and I'd also need to get paints, brushes, and other models to practice on first. No way am I trying her until I'm completely confident in my abilities. I won't settle for anything short of perfection if I attempt her figure
i rly rly like blouses when dey ain't got matchin pants monica forea'l
ur knee 2 fucked to do sum yoga monica? shit warms yo joints n muscles up good maek u reel comfy monica 100
No real reason to go.
I think I'm on too new of a firmware to do CFW.
Still seems pointless to me. Unless you're training him as a protoge or something. Though I agree if its her kid and not yours its really not worth it. best to bounce.
Put on a sweater?
Got tired of the Holla Forums group on planetside 2?
Yeah I hear you, I'd be the same if I was painting Ricchan.
Its pretty dang cute.
Nichijou still a shit though
What's going on tonight my niggus?
That's the best reason to never attempt her. Accept that perfection is unattainable and draw her away.
It doesn't matter. The 3DS has few good games anyway.
I dunno, having a kid probably makes you a better person. Someone to do shit for you when you're old, someone to give your shit too when you die, just seems right.
[wwew]'s been dead for a while fam.
yeah any kinda physical activity just inflames them more
you're a reg like?
I'm in blankets
It died almost right after I quit playing. I can see that almost nobody went to the replacement.
rip wwew, you were fun while you lasted
literally any image of karen is a cute one, there's no need to say it retard.
what's rule 8? how do you read the rules?
what was the sh*tstorm?
this, the 3ds has only shitty games aside from pokemon.
Catalog lied, people died.
I only went occasionally back when it had traffic.
How sad.
Sittin around being tired, fucking with Adobe Premiere and swearing about proprietary software making my life harder. How about you Plank?
You what nigga? Pokemon has been irredeemable trash since Gen 5.
fam he pretty much quotes the bible of a roman dropping his drawers
frustrating stuff
computer is half fucked, decided to nuke it and start with a fresh OS install
That wasn't a Roman you stupid bastard.
you know I was being serious about that last /4am/ right?
you're not a oldy then on the cuck chan days?
I wonder if the kit comes with any guide to the paint required. If it does that'd make it all much easier
Maybe someday I'll be able to draw her. I've never been very good at art
The 3d models alone are worth it.
I also really liked X/Y, even though it was so short.
It's been ages, but I think I would post my id in the threads on cuckchan occasionally, but I was mainly a console player because I was retarded.
Oh yeah catalog is dead isn't it?
Still fucking around with editing? Just make another moonman song, you'll feel better. I'm alright, I just got back from a halloween theme park with my cousin. Was pretty fun. I have work tomorrow in the afternoon which is going to suck. I should probably sleep soon.
ok fam
I never use the catalog anyway unless I'm searching for an old thread.
If you're running Windows you pretty much have to reinstall constantly if you don't jump through hoops to maintain it. Shit sucks man.
Kids are fine, but better to devote yourself to a higher cause. Change the world by your own means, not leaving it to the next generation.
What killed it?
So why're you cold then?
Alice is still cuter though.
this one ran for years tho fam, I became out of practice with some of my prep measures
I'd assume so.
I've never ever looked into garage kits honestly. Didn't even know they needed to be painted.
They look washed out and generic as fuck though. The sprites were always fun and different at least.
All my bookmarks are to the catalogs since the index used to be fucked up for a few months, I assumed 8ch was just down.
Yeah. I blame the Russians.
The game. Almost all of us were growing tired or it. The game's not that great but we had some good fun.
Ayy I thought you were dead.
Whats up?
pre /vg/?
no heatings, old flat
Should I:
Insane burnout, a lot of people would play for 2+ hours in one sitting for over a month. Probably my favorite memory of playing was defending Scarred Messa Skydock for something like 3 hours and then pushing back and taking territory.
delet this
I didn't either until I looked into it. The other issue that comes up there is reading the instructions.
That's my plan for our second anniversary. I'm planning on getting a cat but I might get a small dog if I have a line on a nice, small one like a pug or corgi
Hoover your drawing
I spent a lot of time on /vp/ when it was made and rarely went to /vg/, so probably not.
you are banned from replying to me
I'm learning Adobe Premiere since I haven't used it since I had a Pentium 4. When you've made YTP shit for as long as I have and still do it, it becomes a part of your daily routine. I have fun with at at least. For the full story see
I just used the index when that happened and when it got past page 3 I got pissed and used the catalog but it was always secondary. In a tine before catalogs, you had no other choice so I became set in my ways long ago
Roll for it.
Even for hovering, odd for drawing.
You could always just get someone who knows nip or knows how to use translators well to figure it out. Got a buddy who could maybe possibly do it.
And right! I forgot she liked animals. How long until the second anni? I want to see pics of a cute animal!
Yeah well you are banned from getting all my (you)s
I never used catalogs until it happened, can't image going back.
I have to get up at 7am to go it class, so no sleeping late for me. The alternative is waking up early like today.
make sure to get some rest fam
draw me a spider instead
thinking about it kinda depresses me further
If you apologise I'll consider letting you give me your (You)s again.
i'll draw then
Remember the good times.
Fuck off Satan.
I always wake up super early when I have to do things. Would rather play some games and stuff first plus I take hours to wake up from zombie sleep mode.
I will never apologize to satan! Begone!
Do some pushups. Always increases the body temp.
Ah that always happens in the end. Im sure you guys'll find something new to play anyhow.
I've noticed even Ross is growing bored of it and looking for something else to play with the community.
Here's your (you).
I'm kind of glad I used a name different from what I use on steam so the nonexistant spaghetti I dropped wont follow me around unlike Nacho
what good times?
I'd rather not have my arm joints inflamed thanks
I usually get enough, but today is my mother's birthday. We got up early to give her cake.
It's difficult for me to sleep early, other side I wound definitively show up again.
Give Ritsu back her hat right now!
only played with you guys like once
I wanted that warbros feel but the game isn't even as good as old warframe
Other side of what?
I might use my name again. I did for Project Reality but after getting promptly banned from every server I'm going to leave it for another time.
It's at the end of January. Her love of fluffy animals is the thing I tend to roll with when it comes to displays of affection for her since it's one of the only things I know for sure she likes. Apart from that I know she likes sake, wine, and some other stuff I can't easily obtain.
Part of her bio is disliking candy which gives me absolutely nothing to work with. I don't know if it just means she dislikes sweet things, corn syrupy shit, or anything else. I like to imagine she has no self control like me and eats lots of it whenever it's around and sometimes getting sick and afterwards she swore off the stuff
very nice fam
Well going to take a short nap before class. Goodnight everyone. Reminder that Jesus loves you.
well it was sort of nice being chan famous for awhile and collecting lots of lewds from people but it kinda spiraled into horrific
you fags will never guess who I was
Otherwise you cheeky shit.
The game wasn't great.
I might use it at some point, but chances are I was so forgettable due to the fact that I hardly talked in text chat that nobody would remember me.
These threads turned out the same way.
I love you faggots
Ha that last bit great!
At least your waifu likes booze, sounds fun!
I don't like to picture Ritsu drinking too often cause shes underage and all but I think she'd be pretty dang cute while drinking. Even more bubbly than normal.
Jesus loves you too!
B2W2 was the 3rd best pokemon game
I neva knew wut tf wuz goin on in tf2 afta I went bak, a few years later albeit tho monica. like meta-wise at leas
wouldn't it be funny if everyone you ever talked with on there is post here right now
Hand over all your (you)s, and nobody else has to die!
There was one battle bard that showed up to the threads. It wasn't you, because I don't trust you if you say there's a time you wouldn't avatarfag.
shit thread
I only avatarfag in certain threads currently only do so in this one
here, don't shoot!
Sure you do.
There are a lot of battlebards fam.
The game was not great it's true
K-keep going. I know you have more (you)s. I want all of them!
that was the only picture of an anime girl with a gun i had
go look I'm not hard to find
She likes some booze that I know of. There's a very limited range of things I can test for.
The even less useful bit of her in-game bio is that she likes the color black. It gives me nothing to work with
Hence why I used one.
The best part of playing with wwew was yelling 'wew' in global chat and pissing everyone off.
I don't have to look far to find you. Because you're right here.
Nah I'm all out fam. I used them all up shitposting to Karenfag.
Well then go get more! There's an ATM right around the corner! Get me more (you)s or I'll kill your waifu!
Aren't you really like strict on no head canon stuff too?
Must be difficult.
Dude weird, that isn't even quoting me.
no spidergay i'm drawing a dark image of a lot of people in a row, all with their backs to the viewer. i'll draw one girl facing forward, smiling. the smiling girl will be drawn a lot lighter than the rest of the picture.
it's supposed to show how a small bit of brightness in someone's life can resonate to cancel out the darkness and make life worth living
but i need those (you)s
I'm taking those (you)s.
that sounds like a good time
I think the best part of Warframe was the massive magnitudes of salt we acquired by winning every event
and then OC would be posted
every image in this vid is a victory poster
The salt was overflowing.
I'd be around if I'm not here
that's stupid, do a spider instead
Say that to the rifles in the closet.
back off buddy, those (you)s are mine!
this looks like a lucky star character but i dont recognise him???
When we weren't shitposting in chat, we had one guy named something like "Gas the tranu" destroy certain objects and get flashed onscreen which was fucking hysterical.
It was great.
I'll be sure to call you a pedo Holla Forums user.
Make me.
I'm no pedo
your fat
it's not lucky star.
it's made by the same team though
Because you're a super pedo.
Nah just been craving a good donut lately.
shoo pedo Holla Forums spider
I've actually been re-watching Lucky Star recently. It's pretty cozy.
I feel ya on that man.
I'm pretty strict but I'm not immobile. My current state is actually predicated on interpretation. She has every intention of pursuing a relationship with someone else but I don't see it working. There's a professional hierarchy there that will always leave a power imbalance between them as well as other factors that I think will cut short any attempt at romance between them
this really is the best community
Catalog's fixed
i just noticed
am not
go shower shit you penis shitter
Doesn't help looking at k-on pics all the time.
Sounds complicated! I only ever have to fill in gaps and its pretty easy with Ritsu's personality.
fuck you Karen
it's a medical problem you don't have to tell everyone
One thing I really like about this site is that in one thread you can be talking about obscure games made in the style of mongolian cave paintings with a guy, and have discussions about food with someone who consumes semen for protein at the same time.
Well I'mma head to bed. On the off chance the UN nukes 8ch tomorrow morning I'm gonna say fuck the police and post my waifu. Night fellas!
night fam
It is and I don't always follow my own rules. At the end of the day I love her with all my heart and whenever I do something for her I try to ensure it's something she'd appreciate.
Night yui!
Talk to you next time!
Thats always the best way to go about it anyway.
Start my first job on wednesday, 55k full stack developer. I'm going to die.
How the fuck do I get neverwinter nights 2 multiplayer to work?
G'night yui
Tell me.
What was your spaghetti moment?
Pain is the price of warmth.
I didn't have one that wwew knows about.
it isn't
You fucking shitter coolguy.
I thought you were the fag going on about that con.
Then whats the one they dont know about?
Yes it is. You're on a board that loves guys that dress up as girls. Get over it.
:^) I've never been to a convention.
It's a secret for a reason.
That's what I think.
At any rate, it's time to hold her tight, tell her I love her, and go to sleep, hopefully dreaming of her. Good night thread
Night peko!
Time for some shadow tower
kill me
But you're user, you can share with us. Whats the harm?
Nite random citizen
I was the fag who did that vocaroo
I can be warm if I had a harem of cuteboys loving me all over
Magicians don't share their secrets.
going to head off now G'night faggots
I hope 8ch doesn't burn tomorrow
well I'm going to head on you now faglets
But how could you solve their lusts if you can't even do physical exercise?
sorry fams, other shit to do
have a good night all
wew lad
my dick doesn't have a joint, although you're right about that
another reason to kill my self then
I actually do have other stuff to doWith my penis
Is it a feminine penis?
no god damnit I'm about as ugly as bronski so of course I look nothing like a girl
I bet it's super feminine and you're just afraid of spider hitting on you.
7 inches is not feminine now stop talking about my dick you fag
Did you accidentally hit 7 instead of 4? They are fairly close on the keyboard
this mechanical keyboard does not have a numpad
They're still fairly close together. I really think you're just scared of it being known.
I think you're jealous
nothing is going to change, life is going to stay the same
I'll need some proof before I start believing you.
He asked you if it was feminine not how big it was to be totally honest fam.
good night fams
Just means you have the most feminine penis out of the entire thread. Maybe even the site.
What the fuck is a feminine penis? Are they real or is it just a meme?
They're real. Just like masculine vaginas.
You telling me you can have a big feminine penis, what the fuck?
Now I've seen quite a few vaginas, none of them I would describe as masculine.
Maybe? I dunno. You can probably have a less than average (or even just plain small) manly penis right?
size isn't what matters, it's how you treat it
anyways this is me actually going off now
They're pretty rare.
Good bye. I'm not coming back after this gay shit. I'll be back tomorrow. First post.
But are feminine penises rare? What is a feminine penis? You're the expert you fucking queer.
I'm just shitposting tbh
Silky, small, hairless dicks have traits that are typically associated with femininity right? Vaginas can be muscly, strong, and hairy as well.
Does it HAVE to be small to be feminine? Can a small penis be manly?
Also I don't think vaginas can be muscly or strong. Also hairy vaginas don't make them manly tbh, bush is best
Do you know of a masculine penis that's small? There's probably a scale out there of masculine/feminine genitals.
I would say a 4 inch penis could be manly if it's like rugged and vainy, but anything less than that is probably feminine tbh
I'd say a well groomed pussy bush is very feminine user
and a muscly vagina only means its tighter right?
What do you mean maybe? You spend a lot of time staring at cocks no doubt so what's the biggest penis you would describe as feminine?
I don't see how a 4 inch dick could be masculine, but that's just me. It doesn't start until 6-7 inches really.
Fam my dick is 5 and half inches and lemme tell you it is in no way feminine so your scale is fucked.
Can I get some proof?
How about no.
But that's how science works!
Do it faggot. Kill this thread with your dick.
Absolutely not, you'd have to prove to me that you are both, female, 8/10 or more, within half a kilo from me, and want to fuck me for me to even consider posting dick pics on the internet.
You're not a true man unless you're in the 90+ percentile of men
Enjoy having a feminine penis
Are you scared that you'll be found out to have a feminine penis?
I can't offer you that but what I can offer you are lolis holding a daki of Trump.
What if he was a fat fuck?
I'm pretty sure 5.5 is with 90% of men.
No, I couldn't care less what some fag on the internet thinks about my penis
That's stupid and I'm not fat.
Then why don't you post it?
Because I'd rather not have anyone but myself, my future wife, and possibly my physician thinking about my penis in anyway.
But I'm thinking about it right now, so you might was well post it.
It's average as fuck 90th percentile means than 89% are smaller
so basically only 7+
penislets pls you have a femis
it's 4:47 on the west coast.. anyone still losing control?
Catbra was right. Catbras really did keep the gay away.
Well I worded that post wrong, I don't want anyone seeing it. Post your dick. If you won't fuck off.
Oh right. Well never mind my stupidity, but 5.5 is not a "penislet" fam, it gets the job done.
I hate fags I'm just shitposting tbh
The gay spikes and peaks. It's mainly because I wasn't around for a lot of the threads in the past month or two, and homoko has seemingly been refusing to interact with everyone from the thread back when I still talked with everyone so it didn't get brought up.
You can't get without a little give user.
Who the fuck are you?
And why would I want to get a picture of your dick?
You want the dick user, I know you do.
I don't believe you.
What warrented that? Doesn't seem like a reasonable action.
more shootaz means more fightin its not rokkit science
finished my biz
user you're deluding yourself
You'll never make a girl make this face with 5.5 in
Nigger I'm kicking my roomate out because he's a fag, I do not want pictures of your dick, go shit in the shower.
Because shitposting is fun and I want to make it to 751 replies tbh.
Apparently he got a boyfriend, but he was always incredibly pissy whenever I interacted with him.
More fighting means more shooting, but getting teeth means you're not fighting.
How about I shit in your shower~
sure fam
every night these fags try to make me gay when things die down if I don't fuck off
I'm just really good at getting people to respond to it seriously.
Again that's not really reasonable to completely abandon all his "friends".
You need to pray to Jesus and you'll have these faggots off your dick.
angle is more important tbh fam
You know I'm not entirely sure of that, how long you can last and how you move has a lot to with it, plus I don't think 3d women make aheago faces. Also, I don't really care, sex is not about pleasure, CERTAINLY not female pleasure, it's about love and reproduction.
I'd more likely smash your faggot skull, you're probably a fucking manlet skeleton.
I am not trying to make anyone gay, or myself, I am simply shitposting.
good point, but you could just have the grotz pick them up. you gotta think like a boss even if you aint the warboss
not you fam I just wanted you to see the message
pretending to advocate for the gay is still advocating for the gay
Cool. I'm honestly thinking about killing myself before class this morning. If someone replies to this with dubs and a "how to" maybe i'll do it. :^)
penislets please
Granted I bailed and only pop in once in a blue moon to shitpost in the threads to the point where I'm actually "missed". I haven't actually shown up in the IRC for ages so I don't know if he's actually interacting with people. I'm only really here because the mods don't give enough of a shit to actually ban shitposters, and I haven't really seen anyone from here as anything close to a friend.
So you're into BDSM then? I can work with that.
Now you're thinking with power.
If people keep falling for the bait, does it really matter?
why are you thinking about that fam?
relationship bullshit again. I forced myself to keep going, but all it's really shown me is that I don't want to fucking do anything.
praising jesus just makes the fags come after my dick more
tbh fam when I'm lurking I do notice shit gets gay after ritsu leaves and the bump limit gets hit
Fam 5.5 is no small thing, you're probably just shitposting because your dick is 2 inches FULLY FUCKING TORQUED
6'3 220 pure muscle if I ever saw you in real life I'd fucking lay you out tbh
D-did you actually put your dick up to the screen?
Okay that's it. Night fags.
Brass-sempai misses wwew.
no my penis is 5in flaccid 8.5 in erect, u jelly penislet
Why do you have than image saved on your computer?
Does anonymous shitposters doing random shit really matter?
Someone will be laid out alright.
that's a lie
you just don't want to do the things that people and society expect of you
I bet there is something you do want to do
it's mainly the same fags doing it
lol no
conversion nigger
night fag
Well I'm plenty tired now. Been playing vidya for just about 24 hours now. I'm gonna try to sleep.
first minute
It's not a lie mate. Remember or not, I'm that guy that avatar fagged with Suu/monster musume all the time.
I was dating that BDSM chick who wanted to be poly.
I left her (or as she tells others she left me) because I refused to be a cuck.
But I miss her.. I want nothing more than what we had back. I guess sure.. I don't care about society, because what's the point when I'm going to be jacking off to hentai for the rest of my life?
have a good night fam
I think it's funny that Holla Forums got the idea to work when /r9k/ didn't.
good for you fam, I remember that part
find a not degenerate girl
that's because /r9k/ memes themselves into failure
and Holla Forums wasn't even really trying
Not really because we're both sitting here talking about dicks on the internet with strangers so we're both not getting any pussy.
Fam what are you? I bet you don't even pass 6'0". I bet the only women that ever complimented you was your mother and your grandmothers. I bet I could knock you out 1 punch. You're a loser. No one likes you. Kill yourself.
Oh thank fuck.
See fam if a woman says she wants an open relationship, open palm firm slap across the face and tell her if she ever does that again you'll smash her fucking head in and if she goes to the police you'll kill her. Shit you should do that if a woman does anything you don't like to be honest.
If anything, it just shows that natsoc is still looked down upon.
You don't have to lie and project this much on the internet man.
Question: is there such a thing as a non degenerate girl?
The answer so far, proves to be a loud NO.
I miss the closeness, sleeping alone fucking sucks.
heres a better vid actually
don't worry mein fuhrer I used a ruler like years ago
I never expected all of this happening when we moved from 4cuck.
Fam you haven't even said how tall you were. I bet you're a fucking filthy kike. I bet you're circumcised. I bet your father laughed when the rabbi sliced your little baby dick foreskin off and sucked your dick and gave you herpes.
Sleeping alone is way better than being a cuck. Also it is your fault for not putting her in her place.
Well as long as you didn't put you dick up to the screen who cares.
well, also the fact that Holla Forums jsut fucking works
remember those Holla Forums pics with /x/ barely able to preform magic after years of trying and compared to a more attractive Holla Forums who did it amazing on their first try?
where are you even picking up women?
the halfchan to hatechan exodus may have been one of the greatest events of our time
nobody I guess
I can't be projecting if I'm white, and not circumcised. just saying "lol ur projecting" doesn't make my baseless insults void.
you're right.. I should have raised hell.
The town that I live in? redneck town.. if I had to describe it.
It's great.
What I want to know is why you're so upset about an extremely well known shitposter fucking around. We both know you can be anything you want to be on the internet, so I'm totally a 6'0" white male that's uncircumcised as well!
so just wandering around town?
are you into hobos or something?
sooo good
Feels incredible m8
No. What I mean is i don't look at neighboring towns (hours+ away.) I've talked to women on dating sites, at the bars, at the college, etc.
It's a sewer so all I'm going to find is shit. I'm too drunk to continue on though.
take care anons.
Whatever, bitch shouldn't have asked that question to begin with, in a perfect world, you should've been able to cut off her head and send it to her father so he'd know for the rest of his life he raised a worthless whore but this is not a perfect world.
I'm just fucking around too fam. **but I am 6'3'' white and uncircumcised tbh
fucking amazing mate
I bet you are.
I'm so glad it turned out this way. I want to see how much worse it gets.
are you retarded, that's like looking for water in a toilet after taking a dump in it
move away or look in a place you haven't yet that isn't shit
if you have a roller rink look there
and bowling
and wholesome shit
shid :–DDDD
I'm kind of shocked I haven't been banned yet, do the mods even check the threads if there aren't any reports?
I can't wait.
Mods don't give a fuck. And you better be serious you fucking queer not believing me is the worst thing you could do.
You'll have to force me to believe with the threats of death. Even then I'd choose death. Please release me from this mortal coil.
I will make it my life goal to grant you immortality if you don't believe me.
Honestly fam I want this election to be over so the real fun can begin
are these the akashic records?
Try me.
No matter what happens, it'll be fun.
I got the akashic records right here.
Extrernely fun
I will find you, and I will upload your conscious to a computer hooked up to a camera in a brothel, and you will forever be cursed to watch other men fuck women, and you can't even masturbate. I swear this on every god known to man
Fucking do it m8. I'll bop you swear on me mum.
I look forward to it
It'll be great.
Come at me.
It'll be amazing
More than amazing.
Look behind you.
*teleports behind you*
"no look behind u"
*teleports behind you*
You are like little child.
Better than the best.
*teleprots behind you*
"pssshhh… nuthin personnel kid…"
Oh please, you thought that was actually me?
*teleports into room*
You're already dead kiddo.
Thank you for these glorious times Kek!
*hologram dissappears*
*voice from the shadows*
"You're skills are lacking. Watch this"
*sonic runs up the wall and the naruto theme plays*
*stabs u in the neck*
*illusion vanishes*
My child, you do not know what you trifle with.
*crashes moon into planet*
*wake up from simulation*
kek speeks to you from behind
you got this
But what you don't realize is that you're still in the simulation.
*closes program running the simulation*
*clutches lazer katana*
I'm going to get some sleep because at this point I'm in bed from 9am to 7pm
It's too late for you now. I have already won.
night fam
One more thing, if I don't post in the thread tomorrow, tell Smokes that I said chili without beans is literal cancer, he should go through the ending, and there's nothing worth remembering about the Alamo.
night fam
that's some good ass music tbh fam
slav music is pretty great
Well shit no huey no shitposts
well fam, if you want some vaporware check out the Holla Forums future fash thread
>>>Holla Forums7472062
since it's down to us I'm jsut gonna go play vidia for a bit then take a nap, gotta work tonight
oh, and have a good night fam
nah fam
nah fam
sorry famalam
fuck you the last post is mine
>thinking I have something to do today
there's only one way this can end.
why is everything censored, is this world war 2 again?
Last post's mine fam.
Meme magic will make 2d real.