Is the catalog fucked for anyone else?
Holla Forums catalog 404
Also a few threads I had open that weren't on the last page 404ed for some reason, don't know if is it related or not
Same happened to a few other boards. Page one threads just went 404, catalogs still work though. Something fucky must be going on with 8ch.
Board is falling apart, nothing new here.
yeah same here the rest of the boards work just fine so we all know whose fault this is
that is not the case
Press f to pay respects
Catalogs for other boards don't work either. I'm pretty sure any thread in auto-sage breaks as well.
Trust me, I'm way ahead of you.
malicious or just 8ch being 8ch?
from a catalog tab i had opened i was able to enter a 300 post thread on page 14
It might be an issue with cyclical threads again if that's the case.
The catalogs for /a/, /tg/, /fit/, /metav/, /mu/, /n/, /o/, Holla Forums, /sudo/, Holla Forums, /w/, and /wg/ are working just fine.
But /monster/'s catalog isn't working, and that's just plain wrong.
i suppose thats fortunate, and while everything is fucky everyone can do one squat and eat some oatmeal
The front page of /a/ doesn't work.
Holla Forums front page is fine, Holla Forums catalog is 404
/a/ front page is 404, /a/ catalog is fine
Adding to broken threads case, I checked on a thread I had open, the update section said it was pruned or deleted but it also said it was on page 3. Now I checked it again it says it's on page 4, and I can open the images without any problem. So I assume they're not deleted but just temporarily inaccessible?
Agreed I bet it's that fucking cats fault.
I, literally, just refreshed the /a/ catalog and it's all good.
He said front page, not catalog, you mong.
but seriously , then why are only 'some' boards affected while others function just fine?
The catalog is not the front page. Are you retarded?
Get some taste fam
Why do you care about those plebian furfags so much? I'm afraid Holla Forums is far more important, and I can't just go back to page browsing. That's disgusting.
No thanks. I'll stick with my lolicon and titty imoutos.
His mom wants you to stop blaming him for 9/11
Pick one faggot.
Here we go, again.
Look, just take your protestant tripe, and go back to /furry/, already. The catholic await you.
whatever's affecting the website might actually be helped found out if they figure out what happened to these specific boards. Who knows if server B which contains 1/4th of Holla Forums and the catalog pages for some boards has fucked up? We don't, but it can help others find out.
I know issues are issues, but if Holla Forums shat itself, I wouldn't have any issues. Get me?
Yup. Getting 404's
well i made a thread for ti on /sudo/ , hopefully codemonkey sees it soonish
If leftypol goes down and takes 1/4th of Holla Forums and removes the catalog, it's not an effective solution.
i thought /furry/ was for furries, not catholics
Don't bully them, they'll just get loud and obnoxious
How about a timesplitter thread in the meantime ?
why am i seeing the resurgence of this meme the past few days?
cuckchan went down 4 times the past two months
Coincidently i just started doing it. Ive been here since the first exodus
post more vidya swing, if it exists.
well thats nice, its so stale its fresh
you just started 'going down'?
how much do you charge?
/cow/ catalog is 404
/operate/ as well
/cow/>Holla Forums
report it here >>>/sudo/6727
I dont know what you're talking about, mate. If you want a go all you got do is ask.
Holla Forums has cute 2d girls posted constantly. /cow/ has fat people
you mean Holla Forums has fat people who are obsessed with traps
Thought internet at work was fucked. Nice to see it's this shitting itself again.
the quality of a board can be determined by the amount of cute 2d girls posted
>Mermaids that the old mariners already wanted to fugg
It's not gay if they're wearing a skirt.
Also namefags like Val don't post in /cow/. So it's instantly a better board.
This is completely true.
They're still not Val though.
I'm scared.
Val is ok, he is a good gamergater leader.
it saddens me how little attention fairies get on /monster/
Holla Forums ib kiled?
This is sarcasm right?
It's a goon.
/tg/ is fine as well.
do you expect me to be srsly about val? The whole gg threads at this point are just a joke, a shithole of the worst shitposting on this planet!
The only use of those breads is if you want to know what twitter drama is going on.
Fairies are cute
Holla Forums is all go, maybe you need to be less low energy.
Fairies are cute.Slimes are better.
A little concerned about acid, but my dick doesnt care.
I guess I won't make progress then.
It will care when you no longer have one
so im trying to look for it starting from page 15, and page 15 doesnt even load. maybe that has something to do with the porbelm
This happened a while ago before too, it'll be fixed in a few hours.
If it's not there then how can it care.
In the long run, it's worth it.
It probably has a mind of its own
I hope you're next going to post the webm of the H game that goes into excruciating detail being dissolved into a monster egg.
If I had it and was at home I would.
I'd be posting slimes otherwise as well. Sorry to disappoint, user.
i dont know the meaning of compromise
Thanks user
oh vey, thread on pol up, shitting on val's gg breads.
ui, nice.
I'm scared.
i thought you were anonymous
I'm b009c7, how are you?
im playing video games so i guess im okay for now
creeper world 3, its some rts/tower defense game where you shoot at the ocean, sort of casual (at least, the main campaign) but its satisfying and theres a shitload of bonus content. its like youre an interstellar janitor or plumber.
Sounds neat, something to do while i shitpost. I used to play EVE and do my taxes and shit but then it got completely swarmed by goons to the point that you could only join them if you wanted to play. Now i just drink and contemplate suicide because there hasnt been a good game in so long.
People where shilling this indie trash called Haydee lately, dont bother with it. Exactly all it has going for is a big ass wiggling in your face, but if you're so inclined here is a magnet link
Wow, cant even post webms thanks Jim.
if that sounds neat to you, infested planet might be worth a look too. in that one youre fighting generic bug aliens that gain bullshit mutations as the game goes on and you must redistribute your resources between technologies, structures and gear for your marines to adapt.
or if youre looking for something slower ai wars: which is an rts that embraces the fact that an ai not written by nasa will never be able to compete with a human without cheating, so the entire game is designed around the completely unfair fight.
Oh shit, catalog is back up.
Sorry, a node crashed. I just restarted it.
lucky trips say fullchan will forge on despite speedbumps
I downloaded this big-ass GOG torrent a while a go. Turns out it included Infested Planet.
Thanks for the recommendation, probably wont get to it till tomorrow though. I've been drinking for the last 8 hours and im not in the condition to do anything complex. Sometimes i think about driving my car really fast into oncoming traffic while listening to this song.
Thx bby
Good job.
Are there still broken threads or did they get fixed as well?
If I may ask, which drink(s) have you had? So if you want can you describe your car? I only been driniking none alacholic stuff recently as it isn't my style to get drink for the sake of it. I had a very nice black Colt, which was lowered and had a sport body. After lightly rear ending another car and writing it off I now drive a Silver Ford Focus with a stock body.
Might need to fix broken threads by posting in them with mod.php. Not sure which ones are broken.
I drink (Russian Standard) Vodka, straight. I drive a 1986 300ZX turbo in red, i go fast, i lose traction and generally drive like an asshole. I like the idea of dieing instantly while listening to some tunes. I cant prove it but it seems like it would soften the blow slightly. At least give the feeling that i died doing something awesome. I used to contribute to Grabcad and Thingiverse so i feel like my contribution to society has been fulfilled.
Sorry about the rambling. There's so many things i still need to do it's difficult to focus.>>10845842
How is your drifting skill? I haven't had much time nor places to pratice it.
How fast have you ever been? The max I have done is 140 km/h .
Not a problem, I certanly ramble even more IRL.
Fucking Linux Jesus shit i got 24 cores and 2 GPUs for you to use an still i get lag using a browser and running a SMB server for fuck sake. You cant do much better than what i got hardware wise and still Linux performs worse than Windows. How the the fuck were they planning on getting any market traction, goddamn.
My drifting is god awful, i dont intend it but i guess my tyres are just that bad. I've gotten up to 180 km/h which is kind of scary, i mean the slightest movement of the steering wheel is meters on the road.
I've designed a prosthetic arm and i've been meaning to finish it. What i want to do it buy a CNC milling machine so i can get my parts in aluminum and make the arm more structurally solid. ABS and PLA plastic just cant compete. It work on the same principal as bike brakes with the shearing force being translated through cables.
I think it would be nice to have my body found while this song plays.
Dicks aside, 30 year old cars dont have air bags so my head would be a mess.
if you want to die in a head on collision consider who youre taking with you, they might not be a bad person.
What? I like you guys, i dont want any harm to come of you. I was planning on a road-train anyway. My car would pass below the passenger cabin and given that the safety standards in 1986 where pretty lax, and the service manual doesnt mention crumple zones im fairly sure that i would impact below the passenger cabin and die instantly without causing any injury to the truck driver. Benefit being that i would be dismissed as a drunk driver or a fatigued driver and no one would would know it was a suicide. As i said, my contributions have already been made to the CAD community so i have done my part for this species.
It really depends on your distro and DE.
Personally "stable" distros are shit and rolling release is way better. Also Gnome 3 is objectively shit (Mainly mobile enspired interface, bloated RAM usage and Ubuntu as a company).
Also again personally I consider Systemd to be a massive blight on GNU/Linux and shouldn't even exist.
I would recomend Void, runit is insantly fast and low resource use. On my system Cinnamon is sandy a bit unstable but it is the only DE (Display Enviroment) that I can think of that allows the screen to be split into four pieces.
Thanks for the embeds they are pretty enjoyable.
It is mostly impossilbe for anyone to know anothers situation with any prior interaction.
See, the thing is that in an attempt to have my cake and eat it too, i run a Windows VM with hardware passthrough. Which is awful, dont get me wrong. It was a large pain in the ass and now that i got i working i dont really want to fuck with anything lest VFIO decide it doesnt want to grab hardware for some reason, which has happened before. Firefox is my browser of choice which admittedly is probably not the best choice but it'd got great plugin compatibility.
I used to mix trance in my youth. Also here's my server rack if you care.
Yes I do care as I plan on setting up my own server soonish.What is the server`s specs, storage capacity anf raid level?
48TB in raid 5 for the SAN connected via 10GB twinax, win server 2012R2 , server is a Z10PE-D16-WS 2X E52560v3 CPUS 64GB 1866 ECC RAM. Ubuntu Mate for my main driver VM, i run a win10 VM with QEMU
I'm archiving parts of the internet that i care about.
Raid console for your interest. I would run 8ch except i live in an Orwellian nightmare that doesnt even allow normal upload rates, not to mention the copyright cases.
How much of that is used? Mibe is going to be a way more smaller, 3x3 TiB Raid 5 (so 6 TiB effective capacity 5.4 TiBone for games mostly).
I would assume most parts aren't more than about a gig each.
Also if I am reading that screen right only one drive is the partially bit drive? If so that seems a bit risky.
With raid 5 you give away 1 drive away for parity stripe, the host swap exists so that if a drive dies it will continue running. Dont expect that more than 1 drive will die at a time, besides im going to buy another 48TB soon. Havent used as much as i'd like because i live with several housemates, those fucking leeches dont understand the importance of archiving.
What made you consider getting 48TB in the first place?