
How will Holla Forums deal with the Multhusian Crisis?

What happens when there just isn't enough?

Free Market will fix it?

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2 years pls

I think you're searching for 4chan pol from 4 years ago.

Ummm… This shit is going to go down whether or not you people think it's blase' .

Doens’t exist. Malthus was mentally ill. Overpopulation isn’t real.

oh boy, remember seven years ago when we all fucking died?

I remember peak oil predictions back to the 80s. Never heard one before 2038.

You're an idiot and a faggot, OP.

What's coming is a punctuated equilibrium. Rich will get richer, mostly protected by their communist tools, ironically enough. Race-mixing continues apace. And overpop will remain popularly unrecognized as long as the elite think it works for them. Global climate change, first warming, then cooling, remains contentious until it snows in the tropics. How soon until we start to dig ourselves out of our morass depends on how long the Abrahamic religions hold sway, particularly Religion of Cuck™. Assuming we don't completely destroy life on Earth, our lives will improve starting 6 centuries from now, at a minimum.

No one is coming to save us.

(((You))) beings and your ego… kek. (((You))) honestly believe you can destroy all life? It is no wonder to all other peoples why God sent the Messiah to personally curse all of (((your))) to eternity in Hell.

aid to third world will be cut

mass starvation

mass immigration

inevitable hardening of borders and big swings to the right politically

if we manage to survive as majorities for that long

if we are minorities, it could be very bad for us

Destroying all life on Earth is easy. Toss a few more nukes around, and we disrupt the microbial ecosystem: all life dies. Problem solved.

You're trying to sound smart enough that people will take you seriously. Religion has been relatively dead in the West for centuries already with America keeping a half-baked version of it alive. Do you even Spengler bro? The evidence is pretty much irrefutable then and even more so now. The problem is that nothing has filled the void of those failing religions so they've either become pacifist and weak, or been taken over by radicals that simply use the religion as a rallying cry.

Christianity, Judaism, and Religion of Cuck™ are about as authentic today as modern day Buddhism and Hinduism are to the original understandings 2,000 years ago, which is to say not very much.

Genocide of the worthless races, return to primitive and noble agricultural tribal societies, galactic conquest, and/or semi-planned NatSoc economies.
Where do you think you are? Capitalism a shit.

For you and me, yes. But for the IQ80's that populate Earth, they're gonna be ensconced in religion for awhile yet.
There are shortcuts to improving life on Earth… one of the best is to draw down the global overpop, esp of IQ80's.

mosques are opening in my county as quickly as the churches are closing.

in the past they used to make wars to solve this problem. or just migrate everyone from africa to europe and then migrate everyone from europe to swedistan and then

I wonder how many governments are evenaware of this stuff, unlike what many here think, the NEW/Jew shiut is only really prevalent in the west and a few other minor powers. Regardless of ideology, a lot of governments are opposing this subtly, India for sure knows about what is going on, Iran as well, china too i bet, Japan for certain. Their retarded dream of tikkum olam is crumbling as we speak, the following of this idiotic nonsense is weaking the west, the USA and Europe are basicaly on their kness, other nations are taking advantage of the situation. Did the jews actualy believe everyone on earth would just go with their plan without resistance? holy shit, hitler was not kidding when he said jews are the most stupid people on earth.

The same way we will deal with our enemies, bullets, bulldozers, and mass graves.

i think you'll see ebola/retard baby virus's(forget the hue virus name) spread in third world countries to control the population.

if methane is a fossil fuel does that mean pluto has fossils?

The free market would fix it if it if the malthusian trap was real, but it's an 18th century boogeyman. No problem - no fix necessary.

Peak Gullibility

The generation of hydrocarbons is a natural geological process of radiological decay. In The Deep Hot Earth, through geologic time, oil becomes coal, and so on. Yes, other celestial bodies than Earth store up their hydrocarbons.

so many slides

We can make gasoline out of just about any plant user. If we run out of oil they'll just start burning corn for fuel. Hell you can make engines run on alcohol this is nothing to worry about even if it was true.

now we have an issue

nice numbers
but.. you don't reference Olaf Jansen


Malthus "prediction" is correct. But both population and resources are variables which can be controlled.
In a closed ethnostate, if resources are scarce, then people will have less children until the situation improves.
On the other side, one can invest in technology which expands useful resources.
Animals tend to stabilize within the available resources. If there are few resources, less humans can live in it (but not 0, not extintion)
When the time comes when resources are plentiful, population will grow again.

Migration disturbs this equilibrium but that variable can also be controlled.

starve the Irish, of course. Also, his name happened to be Malthus and not Multhus.

Authoritarian right-wing states are actually the best suited to deal with the Malthusian crisis.

Liberal capitalist democracy places absolute emphasis on rapid uncontrolled development at the expense of the future.
Marxist economics (practical marxist economics, not pipe dream 'stateless, classless' bullshit) are incredibly inefficient and waste huge amounts of resources in bureaurocratic mismanagement.
What is required is a political and economic system capable of planning centuries into the future, but which allows sufficient market innovation so as to not absolutely crash in a dynamic and changing world.

Population correction will occur.

We are evolved for hard competition over scarce resources in a deadly world.

Just because you live in a decadent time of abundance doesn't mean that the other 99% of human history was easy.

Ethnic NatSoc works for me. Tried und true under even the worst of circumstances.


Overpopulation? Seriously? You're worried about overpopulation? It's like you're really not capable of thinking for yourself at all. There is no such thing as "overpopulation" and I'll tell you why. When the population of the shitskin countries gets too much for the environment to handle, they will simply die in record numbers. Just like that. There is no reason to obsessively worry over finding a solution to "overpopulation" when nature will do it for us.

How will Holla Forums deal with the Multhusian Crisis?
What happens when there just isn't enough?
Free Market will fix it?
Yes. K section will happen and the least fit leftists will die. Preppers will live.

Biologists have long noted that species will tend to evolve behaviors which best aid them to effectively exploit their environment. Among these behavioral life history traits are reproductive strategies. Reproductive strategies are, as the name implies, the strategies individuals will use to reproduce. Here we will focus upon the two strategies demonstrated in r/K Selection Theory in Evolutionary Biology.

The science behind r/K Selection theory was hashed out decades ago. It emerged as biologists pondered why some species reproduced slowly using monogamy and high-investment parenting, while other species reproduced explosively, using promiscuity and single parenting. At the time this science was developed, the researchers were wholly unaware of its relevance to our modern ideological battles in the world of politics. The terms r and K came from variables in equations which described how populations would change over time. r represented the maximal reproductive rate of an individual, while K represented the carrying capacity of an environment.

two environments will produce a very particular psychology in the individuals exposed to them.

The first environment an organism may face is the presence of freely available resources, which is referred to as an r-selective environment. This most often occurs when a predator keeps a population consistently lower than the carrying capacity of its environment. Just as rabbits do not strip their grassy fields bare due to the predation they endure, the r-strategy is designed to exploit an environment where resources are freely available, everywhere.

In the other environment, a population exists at the carrying capacity of its environment. Since there is not enough food to go around, and someone must die from starvation, this will evolve a specific psychology within such a species.

Termed a K-type psychology, or K-Selected Reproductive Strategy, this psychology will embrace competitions between individuals and accept disparities in competitive outcomes as an innate part of the world, that is not to be challenged. Since individuals who do not fight for some portion of the limited resources will starve, this environment will favor an innately competitive, conflict-prone psychology. Study shows, such a psychology will also tend to embrace monogamy, embrace chastity until monogamous adulthood, and favor high-investment, two-parent parenting, with an emphasis upon rearing as successful an offspring as possible. This sexual selectiveness, mate monopolization, and high-investment rearing is all a form of competing to produce fitter offspring than peers. This evolves, because if one’s offspring are fitter than the offspring of peers, they will be likely to acquire resources themselves, and reproduce successfully.


Earth's max sustainable pop with high technology = 1 billion
Earth's max natural sustainable pop under ideal circumstances = 450 million
Eath's max natural sustainable pop as it currently =

You're also a huge faggot.

The problem is Africa you niggers.

Biofuel require crop land. Crop land needed to produce food

Hey kid, if you weren't so fresh in the gills you'd know your grandfather was saying shit like that back in his day.
The fact you're here still saying shit like that means
1) they were wrong
2) so are you
3) you're continuing your family tradition - of still talking shit
4) you're just as annoying as they were back then

Both academically and professionally, I've studied this. For many years. I'm qualified. You're the Jew, here.

Overpop is a global problem that effects all environments and societies of Earth, no matter how removed.

Fuck off Al Gore with your bullshit "climate change". Go read up on Milankovitch cycles.
During Winter in the Northern hemisphere the Earth is 8 MILLION km CLOSER to the Sun, yet the Northern hemisphere is much colder due to the little tilt of the Earth's axis.
TL;DR the variations in the Earth/Sun orbit relationship have a shit ton more impact on weather that "muh CO2 emissions".

No it isn't. Overpopulation is not a Western problem, unless you consider the immigration situation, in which the solution is very simple: deport niggers, deport beaners, and remove kebab. Then shut down all immigration except whites.