Not in the USA


Political correctness is a modern American scourge.

Even in the face of mass murder, pearl clutching Leftists such as Chuck Schumer feel compelled to lecture us about the virtues and necessity of allowing into our country an endless chain of young Muslim men. They mostly originate from troubled, war-torn countries. Common sense suggests we should at least carefully check out those who may be determined to come to America to commit acts of terrorism, but the politically correct are more concerned with virtue signaling. They can’t even bring themselves to call the murderers “Muslim,” because they’re so afraid of being called “Religion of Cuck™ophobic.” Jake Tapper even called the cry, “Allahu Akbar” a beautiful phrase, even though it’s often uttered by Muslim terrorists as they commit their heinous acts.

Apparently Religion of Cuck™ is above criticism now. Obama (probably a Muslim himself) began forcing it upon our country and now we increasingly need to change American culture to favor the religion of muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker. Muslims will soon outnumber Jews in this country. Will Sharia Law replace the Constitution? If that happens, we may as well toss a burka over the Statue of Liberty.

Political correctness is also responsible for our statues being torn down and patriots being labeled “nationalists.” If you’re white and a patriot, you’ll be called a “white nationalist" and then a “Nazi." It sounds ludicrous, but that’s today’s reality. Conservative blacks who love the USA will be smeared as “Uncle Toms" or “race traitors." Jews of all political persuasions will be attacked regardless. Christians are routinely smeared and accused of racism, homophobia, Religion of Cuck™ophobia and being anti-abortion. Christianity is hated, while Religion of Cuck™ gets a pass. It seems illogical, but it’s about destroying what’s left of American patriotism and replace our culture with a George Soros vision of globalism. Hence their promotion of the endless, feculent immigration.

Thank goodness President Trump is not politically correct. He wants to stop importing our enemies. For that he endures the usual insults and names tossed at him by the virtue signaling left.

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Should have drawn MuhMad

why do you always post the edited version OP?
The guy gasping was a kike in the original

Appreciate them as always, Uncle B


Where's the original? It was Shlomo objecting in the original.

does anyone have the original?


You make that sound like that's a bad thing, Ben.

I found the original.

you beat me to it

Don't forget how Ben hired kike lawyers to come after us over the edits. Libertarian until inconvenient.

Schumer IS schlomo.

Proof? You have none. Ben had a right to go after those who were defaming and libeling him. Libertarians believe in private property and he owns his work.

It took me forever but I found the original hidden away on his website.

my bad, wrong upload

The nigger did a fucking interview with know your meme.


This comic portrays ALL Muslims as terrorists and we know that is simply not the case. Ben needs to become more all inclusive and include Muslim women in burkas and Muslim children playing with their puppies.

He might have sued 4chan in the past but he is clearly buddy buddy with Holla Forums.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

that screencap is missing alotta stuff

I remember him coming crawling back once he realized the only people who actually gave a shit about his comics were the same people that he was trying to sue, this doesn't mean we should forget his backstabbing nature.

3/10 not enough labels

you are confusing "backstabbing" with "bluepilled"

Im impressed.

i like how that bumpstock comes with a silencer but also with an m203 grenade launcher.


I like how that rifle doesn't have a bump stock.

Let's be fair to CNN. If you're thunderfuckingly ignorant about guns, then a stock that moves in and out like that can look like your imaginary version of a bump stock. You know, without the forward grip. Extra points for combining the stealth of a good suppressor and the firepower of an M203 grenade launcher tho; very fudd.


They could've spent 5 minutes watching some Hickok and not looked like complete fucking retards. I also like how they slapped a suppressor and an M-16-model 203 on that bitch.

lol that nose though

Nice quads

Good one, Zyklon

Libertarians don't believe in Intellectual Property :^)


it makes me wonder if they are stupid about guns on purpose. it would make sense, you wouldnt want libtards to actually learn something about firearms, then they might not be as afraid of them. they say shit like "fully semiautomatic" and claim assault rifles blow baseball sized holes in people

Friendly reminder ben garrison is a shit cartoonist who has to spell everything out like he's on /cargo-cult/



niggers should be able to pay for abortions with their EBT cards

Daily reminder the 'Ben Garrison is bad because words' narrative is peddled by a /leftynigger/ shill.

In his defense he cooled down after he actually met us (well after telling us to get fucked with a cactus), especially when we showed him proof that the edits were actually started by 2 Jews on 4chon (not 4chAn you fucking newfags) although he would never admit it but he's gotten less (((libertarian))) and more )))paleocon((( with Trump.

There it is. Who keeps shoahing these originals, fuckin filthy kikes!

ask how I know you're new


A non-insignificant portion of the shilling here has been because of those kikes.

What the fuck is wrong with nationalism, cuck?

4chon was better than Holla Forums ever was but they also had prolific kike shills like Lazare and Oven Magnet (famous for the Ron Paul is Jewish spamming) and disgusting shabbos like Chemfag. It was just easier to tell since most posters used Trips over there.

That kike who admitted to the edits did so before 8/pol/ existed.

Read the post you nigger, this guy was on 4chon's /new/.

Listen and Believe, amirite?


Typical kosher lolbertarian. He won't be spared when the DOTR comes.

Intellectual property law is a massive hindrance to meme culture that does nothing but prop up kike pieces of shit and prevent them from having to compete with superior versions of their products and ideas for their shekels. Of course a lolbertardian would love it.

Know Your Cuck needs to be unjewed. Look at the comments here. THEY ARE CANCER!!!

based Ben

Jesus christ that is a pretty redhead.

You think you're jew aware, but you keep supporting jews like Ben Garrison and Nick Bougas. Have fun in the camps, pol.

She is missing one thing, my seed.

ok. how am I new?

Holy moly! Puberty was kind to Pippi Longstocking.