League of Legends Worlds

I know this game is often derided on Holla Forums but the world championship just started today, thought I'd make a thread for discussion.

NA just took the first game of the tournament, CLG 1-0 G2

Kill yourself

meme game


You are not welcome here, try cuckchan.

Shit thread i aint even spoiling this



You already know that 99.999% of Holla Forums hates ASSFAGGOTS. The few who don't play DOTA. Are you retarded or something?

the nerve of some people!


This game has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, kill yourself.

I dropped it well before they changed Taric's entire kit, and afterwards it certainly didn't make me come back. It's just not worth it when they want to change any champion that could be remotely fun to inject muh skillshots into their kits.

Fine, have your shit thread. See how many anons want to talk about the shittiest, most cancerous game belonging to the most cancerous genre.

wow, how prestigious

why dont you go get those phat stacks of tournament loot man, its easy right? then you never have to work because you beat everyone at the most casual game :^)

Lol's meta is absolutely horrible, and even worse than Dota's.

The Gay-as-fuck Taric and Yorick reworks killed any interest I had in playing League ever again. Riot is so out of touch with the community.

Taric screams sjw pandering if the Cait-Vi-Jinx shit didn't. I won't be surprised if they "toned down" Miss Fortune's design (I think they made her tits smaller in the new skins).


This doesn't fit Jinx at all.

nothing has changed

get the fuck out

What is worse, doto, lol, overwatch? Paladins? HoN? HoTS?



8/8 bait

Reminder that morrello doesn't understand why healing roles are good for team based PvP

Since they killed Taric with that faggot ass rework, I don't even install it to play with my normalfags friends every now and then.

The new tree dude looks kinda fun, tho.
I'm still barely interested in it because of blue midgets.


meta? whats the meta?

isnt that the point? doesnt that make it cuter?

I havent played since 2011 and I can tell you the meta is 90% likely to be
1 top
1 mid
1 jungle
2 bot

I mean I hate people shitposting about other video games but here it has to be called out because League is absolute shit.

but yeah id bet youre correct

Amazingly shit, now fuck off.


all this sounds like a problem with their matchmaking, if theyre getting matchmade with people who arent taking the game seriously then they probably arent high ranked enough to be worrying about running in to the occasional "shitter".

Rumia a cute

Even worse is the fags who complain about "noobs" in regular matches. I've played like, 50 games total in it's lifetime, if you're actually being matched with me, then doesn't that sound more like your problem?

Post Meglings


Didnt see that one on HF

League porn is dying out user, ever since over watch came out the casuals moved onto their new "waifus" (I use this tentatively, they're not real waifus and they also have more than 1)
tbh LoL sluts were never good waifu material to begin with
All of their characters are 1-Dimensional trash

Unlike Rumia

HF has alot of "missing" art, which is why i never use it

obligatory sage

overwatch may have had influence, but i think people growing tired of the game had more to do with it as "t3h pr0nz" seems to have been on the downturn for a while.
the worst part is that the porn wave reached its lowest ebb right before the poppy redesign. shes so fucking cute.

Mother of dog. Who the fuck even plays this game?

There are people here that do user
they are currrently discussing CRAPCUNTS on the designated threads, and those games are just as cancerous

Reminder it took Riot four world championships to finally raise the prize money off "Worlds" by making so purchasing a skin increases the prize pool for their game.

On the plus side the wildcard BR's completely decimated the number 1 seeded Chinese teamIt is honestly hilarious

DotA had a similar story, but since DotA doesn't have a static meta the entire international went absolutely bonkers about it because of all the strategies and meta plays that were pulled off. Something you will never see in LoL of Legends.


its ridiculous, they have the knowhow but for whatever reason they want the game to be played in a very rigid manner. can you think of any reason they would want something like that? maybe they think it will extend the lifespan of the game if they slowly change things on their own?

Can you give me details or VODs? I haven't touched an ASSFAGGOT in ages but I fucking love it when someone brings something unusual to the table and catches everyone by surprise and fucking takes the win by being an ACTUAL wildcard.


I remember before I stopped playing that Riot literally enforced the meta so hard (not just by balance patches) that they ended up disqualifying a team for not playing in that rigid manner. And since all tournaments are/were owned by Riot themselves…

Honestly there were a lot of shit that was just mind breaking at TI6, but it was mostly individual/team plays. I can't remember the real standouts so have this thing I found by searching instead.

I want a new patch though because I hate playing against Morphling so I'm taking a break. New patches for DotA always completely change the game in some way.


But of course.

Consider sucidie



So you tell me to consider suicide then you're happy I'm not going to? Weirdo.

It means Ill have to kill you

One more.

Doesn't this game use Adobe AIR?
I play Dota2.

Good to know, fuckoff

There is literally no other waifu cuter than rumia

You mean people still seriously play this?

People are serious ly playing DOTA 2 and CRAPCUNTS right now user.
Why are you surprised?
We even have Destiny thread now

taric pretty much killed any remaining interest i had in coming back to the game
"the shield of valoran" doesn't have a fucking shield anymore
and i even had the bloodstone skin, which now just looks like some OC donutsteel emo character from deviant art, while before he looked pretty badass
fuck, i can't even play him as anything other than a support/jungler anymore. before he could pretty much wreck top if he went tanky/ap

is this what they call buyers remorse?
Because Halo shooting wasn't satisfying at all with the shitty autoaim that came with it
Unless hes referring to how Halo was "fun" because it was easy to shoot on a console
Halo wasnt a bad game, it was greater than any ofg the other FPS that came out on console in the past decade but thats all it really was

This right here.
Taric was funny as fuck to play because of that. Tanky stuff+RoA+Nashor's Tooth wrecked so many "1v1 me" faggots faces, it was hilarious to see.
He was also a manly support, the kind of forcefeeds the carry kills by pretty much single handedly killing the enemy team.
Now you have zero fucking damage, and you are forced to play passive as fuck.
Shit sux.

why live
and don't get me started on the "hey lets give this champion skillshots, that will make him more challenging to play". i can't play zilean/ryze because of this bullshit


Go back to >>>/reddit/


Better than the casual dead shitfest that is Heroes of the Storm

Niggers just keep tonguing my anus, click to find out why

thats pretty outlandish. i remember one of the earliest tournaments the european team made a name for themselves by being unorthodox.

Comparing shit to a stillborn abominations shit is negligible
They're both shit

should i be surprised that there are so many taric fans on the Holla Forums?

Dotard here. I've tried to understand league at low-level but just haven't been engaged enough by the game to rise up the ladder myself. I'm going to watch this anyway and see if I can understand the hubbub at top level. What characters and teams should I look out for?

Why do they think they're welcome here?
Why do they keep discussing this garbage here instead of going to cuckchan and reddit where people will accept their shit taste with open arms?

pure coincidence
it's not a crime to admire a manly man

are you some sort of retard?

Also better than stillborn (that game is an ASSFAGGOTS and a CRAPCUNTS) Battlerite is the best game in this shitty genre

Stop shilling this fucking garbage

you can't stop me, nerd

shame what happened to stillborn. a SMNC successor would have been nice.

I think i will redownload LoL just to see what they changed since season 3. Any tips since then (i enjoyed Karthus a lot is he still viable? What about stuff like Top Vayne or support Cass?

Stillborn dont know if they want to make a PvE game or a PvP game so they ended up halfassing 2 modes rather than focusing on one thing. And grinding for items and having skills locked in a game that cost money is fucking dumb

Look at the state of modern gaming.
How many popular games out there are actual games? For all the shit that LoL and Paladins deserve, at least you can say they're games. No wonder people craving something new go to them instead of playing MGS3 for the hundredth time.

One of these things is not like the other.
Battlerite is actually a decent game and is not an assfaggots. Bitching about the monetary aspects would make more sense, but with everyone on edge lately if it looks a little like it might be an assfaggots they immediately break out the dubs folder
Although with the faggot or faggots who have been spamming the threads and making horrible OPs that sound like shilling, I can't blame you or others for jumping to conclusions. There's no self-awareness. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same types making these other threads.
I guess that's the curse. It looks a little like assfaggots so we've got these retards flocking to it and giving it a bad name before it has a chance.

That is the biggest problem with the modern gaming industry. Most new games are over hyped AAA shit (Nu Mans Sky, Most Ubishit/EA games) Or VR showelware that shit like Overwatch/Paladins or ASSFAGGOTS or card games are what people play these days as it is better than above shit

I like the game but i feel like healers can heal for too much right now and it really lacks content (only 2vs2 and 3vs3 plus there are only 15 chars)

Kill youserlf.

Because you don't find legitimate faults in the games and just meme bullshit at them.

I forgot to list Walking Simulators and VNs. Where are all the collect a thon platformers?

We've had like 20 threads about why they're dead. Ask yourself why you're stupid enough to not know at this stage.

Karthus is kinda overshadowed by everything rite now, lots of movility in everything for him to really shine. He is still ok.
If you are good with Vayne you should have an easy enough time, and Cass had her kit redesigned. I can see her working bot.

This is what you get when you allow overwatch threads

Is Morgana still broken as a support? Is Soraka still ass or did they buff/rework her? How are the new heroes they added after season 3? What heroes are generally top tier for each role right now? I am just so bored that i am redownloading this shit right now

I also liked AP CDR on hit Kayle a lot both as Support, top, Mid (was a great counter the whole game to Zed) and Support (the ult is a good counter to all-in lanes like Leona + Ashe and She can heal well and play passive with W. They they nerf/rework her or is she still the same?


Mark and his clique have been compromised, the Blizzdrones and other assorted shit-eaters know this. So they've been getting cocky, repeating thread after thread shilling to each other and going full rulecuck on anyone who gives them the reception they deserve with hotpocket backing.

As it happens, compromising the moderation team of a forum is the ultimate goal of COINTELPRO.

It's that or forbid the discussion of video games on a video game board. Either way, by your logic, the board is compromised no matter what.

You are better going to a lolwiki page and just browse the champs you are interested, but on those you mentioned they are pretty much the same, Soraka got reworked too.
Try and have fun, faggot

No, because it's a bad mix of Salior Moon and Harley Quinn. Ashe would have been more fitting since she actually uses a bow.

Riot's not even trying to hide their meme obsession with the new gay Yordle they made (Kledd). All Kledd does is say zany shit, hoping the LoL community will make shitty memes out him and Draven.

Riot gets very butt-hurt if you dare defy their meta, sometimes banning you for mastering an unpopular character instead of the heroes they shove down your throat (Draven, Draven's gay boyfriend Braum, Gay-as-fuck Taric, Ashe, Caitlyn, Gnar, Lucien, Vi, Jinx, Lee Sin, Azir, etc.).

I wouldn't say Dota's meta is any better (Fuck Bounty Hunter).

Riot went out of its way to ruin Twitch after it gave the bastard a fucking decent model. Ryze, Cass, and Mordekaiser had some really bad reworks they refuse to admit were disasters.

I saw and read up on the Yorick update, I died on the inside because they ruined him like they ruined Taric. I don't want to know what they'll do to Urgot.

Cass had one of the worst reworks Riot made in a while following Ryze and Mordekaiser. She's still sort of meh especially with new champs.

The only ASSFAGGOTS that is remotely tolerable is Dota 2 and that's just because of the hilariously high skill/knowledge/tactics cap. The quality of these games is defined by how deep the tactics go because there's no reason to spend 100 hours learning one that is anything less than the most deep since you and everyone else that plays it will inevitably move to the deeper one, which is why LoL is slowly losing players as the casuals move to CRAPCUNTS and cores move to Dota.

This doesn't excuse Dota though and it's shit because the RNG and RTS control scheme are trash and need to die. That also doesn't excuse shit like Smite because that game lacks the depth and balance of Dota so it is garbage too.

sage for thread on a truly irredeemable normalfag game.

Oh fuck, i forgot about Morde. He is really awkward to play now. Ryze is so weird with all that rune stuff, apparently you have to spam his e now. His ult is really weird to use. I find Twitch to be in a good enough position, but he feels kinda weak. Haven't played Cass at all, but her new ability that negates ant kind of dash is great to fuck people up.

I also fear what they will do to Urgot. He's one of my favourites.

Twitch never needed nerfs though. Every ADC (even their Gary Stu Ezrael) outshines Twitch. Caitlyn doesn't need to be stealthy for kills, and requires little or no effort out of stomaching her shitty voice and lines. They'll never nerf her because the weens [and sjws] would have a shit fit if their slutty lesbian with a shitty British accent is useless (They sperged over Lucian and Lee Sin getting nerfed a while back).


Oh yeah, Ez and Cait outshines everyone.
Sage because i have nothing to add.