Ayy lmao
Rip their clothes off in free DLC in DOAX3 as an answer to SJWs
So is anyone gonna post DOA porn here? I would really like that.
In anycase, this is the best answer.
I would rather them add back multiplayer for volleyball and jetski racing
All we need now is a Senran Kagura vs DoA cross over game. I think I would rather it be a fighter though.
SJW salt incoming
I'm surprised this fanservice game seems to have more support than most AAA patches.
Just import it, it's still in english. No point in them releasing it elsewhere since everyone who wants it already has it.
Why? I dont own a Bloodborne box
KT pls
I'm already waiting for the kotaku article
Then download the Vita version. You can pirate it there.
Inferior titty engine tough
that is true.
Plus the vita version has no tanlines
Tan lines are garbage. You are garbage.
lmao what a gay
No user, you're garbage
Man KT is on a roll lately between Titty Ninja Island 3 and Bushido Bill. If they could only rescue Fatal Frame from Nintendo purgatory…
That trailer was so cringy lmao
Ayane is in EV. Its sweet not because of Senran reasons, but she goes back to the more toony looks like the older DoA games did than 5
It'll be most excellent.
This is so fucking awesome. I can't wait to play this with PS4 Pro and PS VR.
I love the music too!
Same my fellow Sony™ Playstation® fan.
This was sexy except for the dog.
Agreed. I miss jet ski.
I don't mean to be a Sony fan, I'm getting a new PC, but I also need a PS4 for the exclusives.
The only "answer" to SJW's would be to give us a localized release.
Anything else is just stupid
Maybe if it had any
Muh sides and muh dick
A sane and enjoyable Destructoid article? Is satan putting on mittens and turning the heater on?
Do I fit in now? Where are the rape games? ∨ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ (´
PC port?
ah yes i gonna chose $100 in "virtual rape claims" jack
10/10, Japan.
Tan lines are beautiful
Ah Americans.
This video always cracks me up.
apparently the guy who made this is an sjw now.
If you like Japanese games buying a gaming PC is unnecessary.
I stopped playing Western games and a PS4 is pretty cheap these days. I'm wondering what JPN support the NX will get.
Lots of people become SJW because of peer pressure. But secretly at home they download hentai.
So pirate it instead, user.
You guys need to pull your head outta your asses
Also why don't they show show actual nipples?
This is true degeneracy
Animated 3D usually looks dreadful anyway. 2D all the way.
does it hurt to be gay?
You can always go back to cuckchan where fellow sjw are a boogie man.
Call me back when there will be a DOA mud wrestling game
Go kill yourself.
Wow check out this faggot.
So they basically took the clothing damage mechanic from DOA5 and made it even more lewd?
Something wrong with you brother.
Please user, no kink shaming. Go back to tumblr you triggered load of faggots.
you know user a pretty good way to give yourself away as new is to bring up le cuckchan without any provocation, maybe sage for maximum effect
Ebin argument bro xD. We should ban anything that can potentially cause harm because anything that can facilitate violence is the root cause of said violence.
This. It's the bullet that kills. The best a gun can do is beat you over the head.
Get a life, bin that knife!
its not the same people saying both
If you're gonna hypnotize someone, use a butt like this. I'd work on anyone.
Damn I'm tired. Butt I'll dream about butts though, that'd be good.
Still better than niggers, strangely enough.
Exotics =/= tanned. They just have a different skin color altogether.
the movement's just a bit too different to make a loop out of it
I'd buy DOAX3 just for Marie and I aint even ashamed of it.
That's all fine and dandy, but what's Hip Whip Girls?
I'm okay with this.
Marie Rose is white.
That a pedophilia.
She's also 18.
That's what japanese pedophiles tell you. They are always (((18)))
love surpasses age and physical limits
She'd still be legal if she were 16 in many places, including where I live. So frankly, I don't care. Marie Rose a cute.
Calm down there, Common Filth.
Not for much longer
I just want to take her to my house and cuddle while watching a movie.
A 3D waifu will ruin your laifu.
Would do some but I'm in exams.
good taste nigga
Then I'll make myself 2D!
If only you were moral and manner with doa5 we could have had it :^)
i always play as marie rose online (even though im much better with honoka or nyotengu) so when i cold clock someone across the room i can do the spin>walk away move where she turns her back to the enemy and does that cute march. (i believe its ^pk< after a spin)
i never play online because im a big pussy and level 8 computers whup my ass more often than not which doesn't make me feel confident
same… but sometimes i get lucky. go into training with a character you can flow well with. then crank the AI all the way to the max. try to land as big of a combo as possible.
you'll eventually figure out how to stay alive and throw a big combo.
Playing the AI is different from playing people. I've only played against people offline so I dunno if there's a matchmaking system, but if it is then noobs will most likely be matched with noobs. You could also first research which character's playstyle you can gel with the most and then go learn some combos and juggles, that'll give you an edge.
Do you have a webm of that?
Who exactly is this assface who thinks his numale opinion matters to one of the high profile jap developers?
And what the fuck is this animation at 0:03
This is the only answer to this kind of issues.
Well fucking done.
It feels great too to at last, witness someone openly straight in your face flipping the finger to those joy sucking sickfucks.
i tend to do best with hitomi and marie
naotara seems easily spammable and mai can also be spam but not as easily
She went from a 3/10 to an 8/10 with that change alone.
Literally who?
Butthurt northerner detected
seems its just you hold back after a spin to do it
She looks like your average boring japanese slut girl with that hair. Black hair is THE bottom of the barrel taste.
straight long black hair is shit tier
Nigger detected.
Well, they seem spammable but spammable characters are shit especially in DoA since doing counters is piss easy and if you're in a stun state you can help yourself get out if you do the correct hold to counter your opponent's next attack.
One thing about gitting gud is to not get disheartened after some big loss, everyone has to start somewhere and meeting someone stronger than you should be a motivation to improve, I'd also recommend you watch good Marie and Hitomi players to see what generally works and how you should play them (I don't main either so I only really know what to do against them).
Say that to my face motherfucker.
i used to play sf4 online all day but DOA is different and actually requires some skill in defense rather than just tapping back at the right time to block fucking everything
pic related
Are you saying Blonde is any better? top fuckin kek, m8.
thanks. i couldnt find this anywhere.
blonde is rare. blonde is gold. blonde is youthful. blonde is beautiful.
Blonde is only good if its natural
Like Rumia's
People keep on thinking that no western release is the real tragedy here.
Did squix fuck up CIndy's face too when they edited the other chicks in the game?
Quick question, I'm using the english Vita version of this game yet I can't seem to get any of the DLC. Does this mean I need to make a Chinese or Japanese PSN account first before playing this game?
Yes. The vita maybe region free, but to get the DLC for the imported game you need to have a PSN account from the same region as where the game came from.
There is some loopholes however like if an Asian/English release gets released in Europe the European DLC will work with the physical cope of the Asian version for some games.
At least admit that it's just trash you wanna wank to
Okay this might just be ridiculous enough to be great with english dub, like Space Dandy. I'll wait to see.
are you implying marie rose's hair isnt natural?
I cant go against those trips
The bullet doesn't kill anyone, the transfer of kinetic energy does. We need to pass common sense laws restricting physics.
user pls
You're retarded.
All those 3D horror porn doujin makers like FOW will have to move to another franchise, since what they're putting out right now will become even more redundant.
Tans are beautiful.
Who is this loli bait?
PS4 has exclusives asshole.
There are many Japanese games still exclusive to PS4.
Been here for 2 years.
Go away newfag.
Anything besides BB and Disgaea 5?
Does someone have sauce on this mod? Google does nothing.
There's nothing wrong with being a gay homosexual deviant faggot as long as you keep your shit taste to yourself.
Her bio literally says she's 18. Fuck off, retard.
This is like if Holla Forums made a trailer.
There are many 18 yr old AV stars in Japanese porn that go for the young schoolgirl look
tbh user, the average breast size of a japanese person (or any Asian) is an a-cup
Therefor its alot easier for japanese women to look like school girls
The funny thing is, that 90% of the girls in my highschool (in Aus) had greater than c-cups, the national average is C-cup and because we let in all those asians for the past 3 decades, the true blue auistralian D-cup is tainted
There are Western girls that look the same way but its rarer.
They just short.
Where can I find more/sauce?
She looks deformed
Hot yeah, but still slightly deformed
that depends if never ever releasing more doa for pc after nude mods were made is a bluff
Why are they pouring salt on my wounds? Where's my Talim.
What did they fucking expect?
Stepping forward.
what th fuck is the point of releasing 600 gazillion costumes if there is no nude skin
are the devs masive teases?
is that joost?
>is that joost?
That doesn't look on contract…
the whole "please dont make nude mods" was retarded, even more when they released an inferior version to the PC.
I know right, we must throw the evil ring in the flames or Mordor so that the evil contained within that evil object be destroyed forever and ever.
Nigga I'm a faggot who literally sucks dick practicaly every tuesday. tan-lines are godtier
Keep this going.
Kick the importing out of the loop, and just put it on steam. It would probably take a bit of work to make it run on Direct X, but really they had to give it away on PSN when they could have just released it with an Xbox or PC port. Steam doesn't give a shit about muh feelings, get your balls back Tecmo.
I should try saying that some time.
why should they put it on pc, when it's going to get pirated and hardly sold?
The feminazis are being surprisingly quiet.
VR patch was pushed back, probably to save one certification fee of 40k dollarydoos by supporting PSVR and PS4P in one patch instead of two. The screeching will resume when that's out.
Keijo is actually a hot-blooded sports manga. It has all the same autistic attention to strategy, technique, training, rules, stats, etc that you'd get from a manga about a "real" sport. The ass and titties end up being just a nice bonus.
SJWs had meltdowns about Senran Kagura two years before a western release of Burst was announced. Kotaku will write pieces crying about random eroge on slow news days. It happens all the time.
I doubt anyone in Japan reads Kotaku anyway. It's all just clickbait. And it gets comments. But that's what the media has become.
Give granny a kiss
why is that girl beating up her pokemon, how rude
What a homo.