Is this the S.T.A.L.K.E.R killer?
Is this the S.T.A.L.K.E.R killer?
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Probably not
how many shit threads do we get? i already hide 3/4 on th ecsatalog and everything else is slow as hell. The fuck happened to Holla Forums?
Summerfags are in school or playing Pokemon go outside?
Maybe if you stopped posting in these and started posting in the good ones maybe we'll have less shit. Crying about doesn't make it go away.
Unlikely, IIRC it's always online right and has MMO features?
They're pretty different if that's true
You also really can't kill something which is dead
If they add good gun mechanics to the game and add the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. feel, then it could.
But it's a FPS/TPS and there's no TPS in the video, as well as, it being an MMO.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. died a long time ago, dumbshit.
Not that's just self killer.
This game will be shit with Pre-order bonuses already plaguing it.
No thanks. They havent decided what they wanna do yet.
What's so compelling about STALKER anyways? When I played it the gunplay felt like shit. Or rather, enemies and allies didn't have much in the way of damage reactions and it just killed my mood instantly. And yeah I played on Master
Stalker is already dead
This does nothing to address the problem. In all places, the idiot masses always outnumber the elite. The only way for the elite to drive the masses to greater heights than they are naturally capable of is by creating effective tools to suppress them.
It is not enough that user should make his "good thread", because that supposes that the average retard is capable of distinguishing good from bad, unless the comparison features some case from the far left tail of the quality Bell curve, that even his feeble mind can recognize as awful. Everything to the right of this is "good enough" to tickle his unremarkable neurons, thus their attention is more or less equally distributed between such threads, and there is no particular preferencing of quality beyond instances where quality threads also happen to have some quality memes, but again, taken in their sum, these amount to white noise.
user's effort in making good threads must be supported by suppressing shit threads.
Says you, search up Call of Chernobyl.
TL:DR, someone combined all the games to be used as a platform for mods.
No it's
Not. There no zombies and more realism
I would love to play this if it weren't both multiplayer and running in unity.
I don't like the meme that all unity games runs like shit, and I'm sure that unity, in skilled hands can run amazingly well, I just don't believe this will.
And the multiplayer is honestly just a huge turnoff
It's an "MMO" survival shooter.
It's a DayZ clone.
It is and it will be shit. The idea of being able to play as regular enemy on some missions is neat, but the game will be shit.
Even Fallout 3 beats stalker
Don't be a fag
Stalker is boring.
Its garbage, console trash and its already been downgraded and they're already doing damage control before doing a public release.
Fuckoff with this garbage.
stalker really isn't a good game, it's the epitome of meme game.
How can you kill that which is already dead?
I-I'm s-serious, user.
Multiplayer soon marked ones
You can't make stalker any more boring, it's already at maximum boring.
That's good and all but how can we identify the line after which the quality of a thread starts being influenced majorly by taste and opinion?
Just by saying that, I know it isn't.
I'll bite because I enjoy actual discussion.
why do you think it's a boring game?
I could see a few reasons, but most of them are fixed by master difficulty.
The biggest one for me would probably be that most enemies are always going to be in one area. You don't get much in the way of random encounters.
Makes walking around somewhat dull when you know when you'll have issue and when you won't.
Late game gets piss-easy, sometimes. You have a few enemies that stand a chance, but once you get an upgraded exosuit, you can wade through most mutants and some lower-end stalkers relatively unscathed. Even the high-end stalkers are going to be quite a bit less difficult.
Startup is a tad rubbish. The shit you begin with isn't exactly the most accurate, and the general tactic I've run into to beat most shit is to do so from the next block over, which won't work. Shotguns have stupid spread, incidentally. Love the things, though they're really only good against mutants, but their spread is just dumb, that I recall.
I swear to god if this is the same guy still shilling this fucking game you need to fucking get over it. And if you're not fuck off anyway for saying fucking "Stalker killer". Stalker hasn't had a new game in 6 fucking years, there's nothing to kill. Just go shill somewhere else you colossal faggot.
Isn't that wolf girl ?
thats stupid on so many levels.
The real STALKER killer is GUNSLINGER.
Well to be fair any game is a STALKER killer because it is already dead
But stalker's already dead.
There's literally nothing wrong with Unity.
They won't get the money back they paid your team.
Actually im kinda enthusiastic for this
And let me just say.
All in all, kill yourself.
made me reply
But i really mean it, first of all its created by russians thus production and labor costs are lower.
They seem to focus on the gunplay and guns in general with is good
Also they already have experience because they made a quite decent FPS some time ago with name of i dont remember
Screw this game, and post slavs
Nope but it will probably kill dayz.
Bullet sponge progression confirmed. Happens every time. Apparently the only way to do it if we look at tendencies in other shooter MMOs.