Continued from
Persona 5
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Latest atlus games such as SMT IV and Persona 5 both are garbage. I am surprised how deep they fell.
I'm interested in his adventures to find the cake.
Persona fags should be shot and killed.
samefag thread
But he cant even read anything. He'll never even figure out how to open the goddamn box.
He's doing a service to Holla Forums.
fuck you
They are ALL sluts and you know it. You are supporting the spread of 2D thats almost as filthy as 3D
Not even gonna mention the race mixing.
Only race mixing is with Anne.
I threw up at P:3, I mostly stopped playing video games after that.
1 is 1 too many
then fuck the other girls
Serious question. Why dso OG SMT fags hate the persona series so much?
Because Persona is waifu bait that is only enjoyed as virgins project their need for companionship on grills.
On top of that the Persona cancer leaks into the SMT games.
But what about the gameplay?
If its any good why is it never discussed?
I can usually tell a game is shit, meme game, flavor or the month or waifu bait by how much someone actually discusses gameplay.
Its almost ALWAYS devoid in Persona threads, memes never made based on mechanics like Debuff Skele, but on the female characters.
Why don't you SMT anond make your own threads and stop crying in a thread of a game series you hate?
Wouldn't you say it's because Persona is a JRPG and all JRPG's have shit gameplay?
How is smt that different?
I cant say I've played one that I like or thought was interesting other than resonance of fate, but I found I was too fucking stupid to play it in a way that I could enjoy.
I've been playing Persona 5 and the gameplay is pretty fluid for being turn based and the negation is back from P2, encounters are harder with having to sneak up on enemies if they spot you then they can gang bang you.
Because they're actually just trolls trying to shit up board culture. You ever notice how it happens every new Persona thread?
You ever fucking posted in a thread which was a designated Persona circlejerk/hugbox?
Most people HATE the Persona series and it's waifu faggotry.
Holla Forums thrives off of conflict and disagreement fuck off and take your hugbox mentality with you, you stupid slut.
They aren't arguing in good faith and you fucking know it.
We have post ID's here you faggot. I am part of they.
You have to go back to 4chan. I don't know how you found this place, but fuck off and never come back.
It's alright, I know what happens in the game.
I actually found a person who had chosen teacher.
And he was kind enough to blog about it. Everything is in Japanese, but you can at least judge from the picture what's going on.
I could ask translation user on halfchan that if he is interested to translate s-links.
Your cooperation with her starts at the school were you confront her about the job and you make a deal at your place that you won't tell anyone about the second job and she let's you skip classes in favor.
You can call her and ask her to do tasks such as cleaning your room and make food (sp items) for you.
I'm a little bit lost here what happens at the start because her mementos request happens at rank 8 and I don't see the hospital scene here. Onwards from 10/5 she talks bout the forbidden relationship between a teacher and student. I'm not sure if you can convice her, but she does say on the last panel before rank 10 panel that ''Being with you more…is fine?
At rank 10, you can call her to give you massages so you have more time to do stuff at night instead of sleep to the next day. Also asking her to clean up or do laundry onwards is free of charge.
Apparently you can spend Christmas with someone. Teacher comes to your house and you spend time at your room. Also you can spend Valentine's day at your place. She brings you chocolate and talks and leans on you. Potter says he enjoyed this private talk with her.
On the next day, all the other ladies show up and you know what happens. Seems like teacher doesn't know about the other ladies, seeing from pictures.
That as far as I can go for now. Gotta ask translation user if he is interested to translate these scenes.
oh shit cake detective
Who cares if they aren't arguing in good faith. If you can't defeat their argument then fuck off and kill yourself
This isn't necessarily right either. you can tell whether or not someone is arguing in good faith if they actually respond to the points the other person is making.
actual trolls or whatever tend to ignore any valid points and keep repeating themselves. It's really fucking irritating and no one ever calls them on it.
Once Kaneko and Cozy left the games lost their real soul. Now they're just generic anime garbage, there's no tone of isolation or deeper mythological current running through the games.
Yes, they. And I had 27 posts in the last thread and I've been on Holla Forums since 2014, you fuck. You want my OC? I don't filter people like you because you actually talk. Understand me now, dumbass?
I need play and see what I can find.
Don't you want to play the game though? Why not wait?
I must have misread the situation. Damn you're testy about your street cred, nigga.
I do, it just that my copy is in the customs right now and I have finals this week, so I postpone it playing until Fall Holidays.
I'm proud of Holla Forums. And I'm proud of not going to cuckchan once since I came here. I admit, I probably fly off the handle a little too much when someone accuses me of going there.
Looks like you've officially exposed this Cake's mystery
But some icing on her. She's waifued
You're missing out on endgame content user. One day it'll be nuked for good and you'll never get to see how bad it's fallen.
He did good
Nigger its so bad that even /vg/ has moved out in droves to our Holla Forums fucking /vg/ left that's how bad it's become.
Thanks for the cake. I knew about the spoilers when they came few days before the release because someone had datamined the ps3 version of the game.And I would rather spoil myself before hand, because there is nothing that Atlus can do to stop spoilers from leaking.
There are still few mysteries I want to find out. In the previous thread, I mentioned that she confesses her love to you at the pinwheel. I want to know if there is more, like can she kiss you or is it that too far. So far I know that Tae and Anne are kissable.
Do we get to eat this cake is what I'm wondering.
Fuck, I love this. There should be a game where yo help cakes get over their problems.
haha Maybe we don't want to turn into pillars of salt
Actually we already established that Futaba is purest virgin hikki-NEET.
Anne is also a virgin despite hanging near a rapist for so long maybe she got felt-up though, so she's ruined. Not so sure about "yakuza hostess" Makoto or that photographer girl.
I have a feeling GothNurse is a virgin cake, though. Something about a grown woman wearing HotTopic apparel just screams "untouched".
Anyone notice that Anne, despite being the Aryan ideal, is supposedly only 1/4 White?
No really, unlike Ginko who is half-white, Anne is only a quarter white. How?
What if Anne is secretly an orphan baby from an alternate P2 where Tatsuya and Ginko shacked up?
Just nothing but waifu faggotry.
I would like this a lot, actually.
We've had three threads on the story already. Get over it.
There is barely anything to talk about with the plot and we've been over the fun OST already. What else should we discuss?
Don't actually answer that; I don't care.
Do we have the whole OST in webm?
You might as well be discussing Bioshock infinite or Life Is Strange.
You niggers are so unaware.
What does Holla Forums think of Futaba?
I will cancel my pre-order if Ashley Burch is voicing Futaba.
Have a webm. There. Combat. We've talked about that dozens of threads ago when it was first released and we've been over the inclusion of demons and demon negotiation. Now get out, useless.
I don't think she'll be returning.
She's busy with Horizon Zero Dawn and Atlus don't really use the same VAs from the new titles that much.
- Needs the NHK
- Probably sincerely autistic
- Most definitive virgin in the game
Thought i might have liked her at first but her way of sitting and the fact you clean her room while she plays vidya instead of cleaning it with you drives me up a wall of no return. Shes shit tier
Are you surprised that your casual friends are doing casual shit?
I like to think that when she went to the mall to shop for clothes, she didn't know what kids wear these days so she just followed group of edgy teenagers into hottopic.
I want it even more now.
Looks like shit
Nobody cares what you think faggot.
I hope we get someone good to voice Rusty Venture.
Dojima's English VA was great.
Female otakus in Japan have the weirdest way on playing video games.
How badly are NEETS seen in Nippon?
We had some great oc of this last few threads.
Very badly, but like most bad things in Japan, the japanese doesn't really talk much about it, they prefer to hide it and pretend it doesn't exist, unlike the west with our endless "THIS NEW TREND IS GOING TO END OUR NATION!" articles.
The numbers don't lie.
Didnt someone from Atlus or something say a JP voice dlc could be possible? Any new news on that?
He's just fishing for (You)s
Perfect. I want this to never go away.
Legitimately subhuman scum deserving of suicide.
I think there was once an interview with a mom of an older hikki and she was bad mouthing him right outside their place, only to see the son jump out the window mid-interview.
She cared then, obviously.
Not when its a shit game.
You sound like Bioshock infinite fags.
This is actually a good point, because based on that E3 demo that character narrates literally everything she does, so Burch may actually be stuck in a VA studio for the next six months unable to do anything else.
You can tell they've never had to deal with niggers.
Go make a non-Persona SMT thread instead of being a whiny lazy nigger.
Yeah, but it was a "maybe kinda sorta" thing on Twitter so take it with a grain of salt. Pretty sure it was just PR "pls don't hate us" tactic.
It really fits when he's in his "swag" suit. Wish I could find it.
His arcana card is hilarious, though. Makes me think he's the pope of apathy
Like being called a neet in japan is like be called a waste of sperm.
They haven't been clear but if they cuck Futaba then Holla Forums's autism will be come a force that which non can flee from.
Anyone have the manga scans?
So leave and leave you to your circlejerk and arguments of which shallow waifu is better.
I should make a game where gameplay is an afterthought, and just fill it to the rim of some 2d bimbos and you faggots will buy it.
Could even add pre-order bonuses and run it on Denuvo and you faggots will still buy it.
You're the one shitting up the thread nigger.
Typical nigger, barging in where you aren't wanted and being home wreckers.
SMT4A is fine, great even. Fuck Lucifer, he's always been just the bitch ass controlled opposition. TDEfags BTFO forever.
I like that it triggered curryniggers.
It's a step up from P3 and P4 at least.
Does he match adachi Holla Forums?
Not even remotely. Adachi was successful for much of what he did.
Mortal Kombat simply was not remotely good enough.
Aside thinking lowly of humans because we're fucking retards, Krishna did nothing wrong. He just wants to violently hit the reset button. I just want to know how the fuck he was sealed in nihongo to begin with.
Adachi never got laid.
Some links that were posted in the last topic in case anyone missed them:
>Full Soundtrack
>Acquirable Personae (WIP) Alice, Mother Harlot, Cybele, Hua Po MUH DIK
(Cake) Detective
Does she have a kissu scene?
That is unknown.
need to find out
Just hit me you have to tell Sae that you fucked her sis if you romanced Makato.
I like the sound of this.
Now THAT is much more Arsene Lupin. Would have been far better to get with Sae but I'll take what I can get.
Her face would be priceless if she found out that you banged her little sis and have the MC just smile saying this.
SMT is only canon with itself up to Strange Journey and DDS. Everything after is new people using the brand.
However, that being said, Krishna best boipussy.
This is terrible. Japanese NEETs are like anons: they need to be protected, cared for and lightly bullied, but only if they are cute.
Whats the SMT story line? Nocturne then Digital Devil Saga? I say that because of the Demi-Fiend fight in DDS1
they live a hard life
Can someone explain to me why Persona is either loved or hated in a Homostuck kind of way? Never bothered to find out why.
Shared multiverse, but 4 and 4A piss all over any nuance.
Because homophiles pretend that Tatsuya and Jun are canonical when it is clear that Maya and Tatsuya are not, since Ginko is best girl
I love K009
is the manga out?
Needs more porn
Ah~ a classic
I think I'm growing a little sweet on Anne. The more I see of her and learn about her, the more I kind of like her.
But I owe it to cake to get that cake first.
Also, check out this fan art of Futaba. I wonder why they elongated her legs so much. Are they afraid they'd make her too short?
Is that even possible?
I remember this one. There was some real asshole choices in P3, like the sneakers one and laughing at your friend for not bring able to get a cake.
Another classic.
I think P4 got better comics ultimately.
Maybe because it exploded in popularity.
Anyone have the one where they compare "how people would speak if they texted"?
Got it.
She's eternally in Golden, and that's all that matters.
I feel more depressed about Chie-takers. They have to wait until about a quarter into the game until her new voice actress realizes that trying to be "unique" and "special" makes her sound retarded and she settles into the role properly.
That's the stuff. Perfect timing
one more i beg you
Fuck, I haven't seen this one, and yeah I'm out.
Atlus's Lightning
Marie is in the game
But much, much better. And as a cake.
Dang it, user! The YosukeCancer one was worth it, though.
I don't get the other comic. Naoto has the biggest breasts in the game this side of the Nurse.
I'm loving this soundtrack. The normal battle, pyramid, and Night themes are great
That can be fixed.
I'm enjoying P5 so far but the only girl I want to fuck as much as Naoto is Goro.
There was two more "beary strange" pictures with different levels of cropping but that and this were the best. Also another quote. So proud of requesting these, thanks user who did these. Still praying for I HAVE BEEN CUCKOLDED BY A NIGGER IN A BEAR SUIT.png
I really am getting more into Anne, but this is what I'm talking about.
Look at this.
How can you not choose this cake?
That is too cute.
Nice try fuccboi but Kaneko was all on board for this storyline as he oversaw it all. SJ has more in common with SMT4 than the rest anyway.
Aww shieeet. I remember that thread, I made it.
Never thought it would get as popular as it did.
I still haven't beat P4
Isn't she?
Also SMT4F reconfirms the events of SMT1&2, which is YHVH was just a demon that struck down other demons to be the big man on top.
I hate every side of this argument so, so much.
Also who's this semen demon
Aight user. Do you honestly look at this shit, and think it can be compared to Persona?
Just, tell me. Tell me what makes you think Homeshits and Personiggers are anything alike. One of them is a circlejerk of pedophiles and Tumblrinas, the other is the Persona fanbase.
This is art and should've won first prize in the contest it was made for. It should say on DeviantArt.
Also, the moonrunes for Bebe's panels mean something like "I am an idiot."
I think user was just asking why Persona has a love it or hate it attitude surrounding it. Still stupid he used Homsetuck to compare, Homestuck is cancer, Persona is harmless weebshit
Holy shit.
please god let there be a halloween event where she wears a similar outfit, socks included, my dick needs it
Close. I wanted a version of this panel uncensored here:
I just went through that scene in P4G and I like how Teddie spergs his way through the festival and the girls are sick of his shit in seconds. Karma's a bitch, you double nigger.
I am in awe. who's best girl
God bless you
Clearly Chie
I would have said Naoto if I hadn't been Chie's girlfriend when I found out she was a grill
I mean boyfriend
soft spoken, hard working, already has a form of income
She's the only one that would make a half decent mother
I didn't ask fucker
She pushed you in a shallow river with a giant fucking rock that could've killed you and Junpei's autistic cousin, or Yosuke as some call him. I'm not some autismo that wants her dead, don't misunderstand, I just don't get how you can trust her to not break your heart. Then again I'm reaching the point where I don't consider the camp scene canon like a dumbshit
I dont want spoilers
I just want to know
can you fuck the cat
good taste
Here, this might help:
The cat is a boy, and as the tumblrettes are well aware, there is no gay romance in the game.
thats disappointing
I wanted to fuck the cat
my nigger
Margaret > Elizabeth so much so that if I had the option of the two together I'd take Margaret on her own
Just finished my first playthrough at 117 hours. I feel empty, do I shoot myself now?
Agreed. She also has a amazing theme and the name is great too.
Battle Hymn of the Soul.
That was their English PR guy, John Hardin. Please don't listen to a word he says, he has lied to us at least half a dozen times and is a huge fucking faggot.
Has anyone posted the artbook yet? I'm curious to see Soejima's illustrations of Goro's thief outfit and Robin Hood.
I have the artbook that comes with the anniversary edition.
Goro's thief outfit isn't in it.
When Person 5's OST isn't hype as fuck, it's smooth as hell.
Smooth ass Meguro.
I really hope this game gets a decent localization.
It is. I love Sadness, During exams, and Nighttime.
Thanks. Have worst girl.
Which one's worst girl? Also they're lesbians, not girls or any kind of human.
Careful, you might cut yourself on that edge.
You tell me.
I dunno, Fuuka? Worst doesn't mean bad though for Persona 3. I just found her boring.
Hey T/u/mblrina, "edge" is your version of "cuck," you self-loathing orbiter.
There's actually two versions. One normal one and a more subdued one when it rains. I doctored up my rain version with some actual rain sfx and tried to make it loop neater for maximum chill.
Thanks for the second one. I know there's two versions for almost all the songs on the sound track, one with vocals and one without. I would post mine but I don't know how to turn mp3 to webm.
1. Open video editing program, even something as basic as Windows Movie Maker
2. Put a picture in
3. Put music in
4. Set picture to show for the length of seconds the audio track is
5. Save movie
You're done.
For example: here is Futaba's dungeon music. Another really good track, actually.
Thank you. I'll do some tomorrow, when I wake up.
One more favorite track.
This is the music that plays after you win a boss battle. For all intents and purposes, it's this game's version of "I'll Face Myself" but where that track had kind of a melancholy hope to it, this is much darker, because the situation is much darker. You're dealing with far worse things, in a far more extreme way and I think this track fits the tone really well. Much like with I'll Face Myself there's a soft reprise of the boss theme in there as well.
I've gotta say, the P5 soundtrack is fucking great.
is catalog view not working for anyone else?
Yep, me too.
Like smokes and whisky.
got to love that increase in file limit
Just throwing this here in case importer anons don't know. Catherine DLC is free from 5th of October to 10th of October.
I hope we get the same deal.
Only shitty thing about the sound track is that despite having an equally long dev time as Persona 3 it doesn't have as many vocal tracks in the OST. Guess we'll have to wait for the re-release in two years that comes out just a few months before Persona 6
This is the battle music you get with the set.
Thanks user.
Like this?
I'm getting the hang of it and something for you guys
Also the swimsuits are free starting from 5th of October as a thanks for P5 for selling 550k copies during its first month.
are all the costumes dlc?
You win.
Good work.
fresh lewds
Are you retarded?
My God
I'm really glad they acknowledged her maturity there and didn't had her hairless That's nicely done.
This. I love older women with a little bush to show their age.
This is excellent. Best thread yet
That's how it should be, user. Shame there's only one vidya artist I know that acknowledges this.
We will never get another Growlanser…
so good
I'm a little surprised how borderline unanimous it is that folks favor the teacher cake. I didn't think she'd be so popular, not to the point of rivaling the party girls.
Also surprised that she's the Arcana I usually don't give a shit about. Always neglected Temperance in my P4 runs.
Satoshi drew KanColle fan art? Know where I can see the whole thing?
Don't give two shits about the game but I love them Abyssals (and some shipsluts too).
Temperance sucked in both P3 and P4. Not only were both S-links incredibly boring, but Temperance was dump arcana for Personas too. Now it's got a fun, interesting character with a super useful set of perks that come with her. I don't know if the temperance personas ave improved but even if they haven't this is the best temperance they've ever made.
There's only about four pictures
His artwork is so fantastic, though. I'm furious they don't have him working on more JRPGs anymore. He's just relegated to porn now, but even his hentai pics are so well done it's more artwork than pornography.
I think it's mostly wish fulfillment since, outside of Maya [a romance that sort-of did not last], we never got to obtain and keep a cake.
And Persona is the only series (outside of Growlanser) that can give us this opportunity.
Also, I think most of us have grown up considerably in these past ten years. We're definitely older now, so while P5Protag is only about 18 or so, we're more attracted to women our own age.
I think Sadayo and GothNurse are closer to our age range in real life, and that plus the wish fulfillment moves us forward.
TL;DR Cutie Christmas Cake is finally ours, and we're old men who want our cake
They delivered and it's a good one too.
Oops. Didn't mean to sage.
Side note, while I'm happy most of my favorite Personae are back (only need confirmation on Lilith and Yaksini) I'm also partly disappointed that it's mostly a re-hash of the P3/P4 pantheon. Bit of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't", I guess.
Also, I confess I'd love to see Nergal and Succubus Catherine as Devil and Lovers Personae. Maybe even Dumuzid for Hierophant, Tower or Emperor. Heck! I'm surprised they haven't thought about it.
Most Temperance Personae were nanny types and, at least in P4, you had Yukiko for that plus ridiculous fire damage. I just wanted to wreck shit with Chariot/Strength/Devil or be a cunt with Alice.
Funny how a lot of accomplished h-artists do vidya art at some point. Shame Satoshi didn't get back every now and then like Raita (Valkyria Chronicles).
Good points. I'd add they know they've been bad by blueballing us out of the nurse in P4.
Smooching Maggie does not make up for it!
I'm not even a waifufag, but dat sensei.
I liked Persona 1 and 2, but 3 and 4 I had to force myself through. I tried 5 on a whim just because I could pirate it and am surprised that I'm actually having some fun with it. Unfortunately I may opt to play the English version instead, because holy fuck all this reading is starting to get to me. It's really just the amount of forced scenes after one story wraps up and you have to be introduced to the next villain. I got through Persona 3 and 4 in Nip, but I don't know, maybe I'm just suffering burn out from playing over 20 JRPGs in Japanese in a year and a half.
I love P5 I'm happy its good its much better then 4.
I won't say that at all, but it certainly is a lot better than I expected it to be.
Shame they didn't bring the story writing and antagonist skill from P4 into P5. Adachi must have been a fluke, since we haven't gotten another turn-around quite like him and Mortal Kombat is weak.
I'm also an Arsene buff so all the slapstick with the protagonist being the butt of the kicking gets to me. I wish they would stop this trend.
Again so much shit has come out that once I come a cross a decent game I'm happy, this game has its faults for sure but its been a while since I've genuinely had fun with a game.
Add the word "Christmas Cake" in there somewhere and you have the perfect tagline for this game.
Well said, user.
Hey now, Bebe was a pretty good example of the difference between a weeaboo and a Japanophile. The former just loves animu, the latter appreciates the country for what it is. Plus you can tell him how to insult himself in Japanese instead of how to say goodbye.
Does this game still have a variation of Knowledge/Charm/Courage, by some chance?
This is clearly the best soundtrack Meguro has done since DDS. Hot fucking damn. I'm gonna keep looping these for hours.
Yes the game has social stats return and unlike P4 you actually have to have levels in them to progress the girls' co-ops. Granted, P4 had a FEW of those, but not many.
Same here. Wonder how the Japanese find her? She's over the age of 18, so they probably don't care too much.
I also tend to ignore Temperance, I don't even remember who it was in Persona 3.
The faggot.
Which one? There were a handful of them.
The baguette*
Good point, I forgot that every guy but Junpei is gay, which is why you're the only guy the girls can date.
Kenji wasn't gay, he was just a cuck
Where's the cakes?
Tried looking for more. Those were all I could find.
I see. Thank you anyway.
The traitor was so obvious even playing it blind I'm convinced they weren't trying to replicate Adachi's popularity. They did recycle the two wildcards bit though.
I can honestly say I love it too. Finished just shy of 120 hours yesterday and it was pretty much everything I'd hoped. My only issue with the game is difficulty. Hard is basically what normal should have been (an annoying trend with modern RPGs) and the puzzles are so easy they require no literacy to figure out in a matter of seconds aside from a single one in the first dungeon. Anons always criticize 4 for being too easy, but I thought normal felt just about right when I played it a few years ago. It's an absolute joke in 5 and I fully expect people to shitpost about it on English release.
One last nitpick would be the way costumes work is just awful, they turn back to the default thief outfits for every story scene rendering them totally pointless to use on anybody other than your active battle party.
pretty much summed my thoughts user.
You mean like after dungeon completion, the costumes change to default ones? So you can't use the costumes outside the dungeons? Do they even show up in the in game cinematics like Persona awakening and before they attack the boss or are they wearing their default costumes on those? That's a bit lame.
I think user meant that, despite the CG cutscenes being rendered in-game, they default back to the thiaf outfits.
Oh this is gonna be hard
It's either her or Cake. So far Cake is winning because she never has a cutscene where she knocks out the protagonist like he's some shmuck. Also because she's best cake.
Anne does make a good argument for her case, though.
Is anyone interested in Haru? I know we have Futaba fans and the two Cakes are our favorites, and Makoto being both a stalker and the younger sister of the detective who's after you is also pretty choice.
But Haru's five-head is rough
No, I know, but at least he has the decency to cover it with hair on everyone else if you look too long at Anne's hairline it looks like she has a front comb-over.
Oh, I see.
Haru literally wears the trannies uniform from Catherine:
Not sure what that's supposed to symbolise but it's not exactly a turn on.
I like Haru. Many people like to make fun of her forehead, but I just think it just makes her more charming. Not mention how sweet and polite she is and even when is angry she carries herself with class. Only downside I think of her naiveness. She has the cutest style out of the group and doesn't mind getting her hands dirty while doing farming in the school's upper roof top.
Erica? I didn't thought about thought about that because it has been long since I played the game. Oh well, Haru looks cute in the waitress outfit. It kind of fits her considering her being a daughter of a harburger company president.
Haru is Mitsuru 2.0
Mitsuru's qualities were split between two thrid years: Makoto and Haru. However, Makoto just got the president and biker parts, and mostly got original stuff apart from that. Haru has Mitsuru's s-link personality, which I consider pretty separate from what she was like in the rest of the game. AKA: out of touch oujou.
Oh wow, how blind I have been.
I remember how much that game triggered Neofags and the like. It was great.
Always welcome for some lewdly cute Potter X Tae art.
The MC looks like he could be his son.
Is this real?
Good tidings my fellow cake connoisseurs. Japan seems to be acquiring this taste as well. (Bonus Makoto.)
Side note, just started giving the OST a proper listening and holy eargasms, Batman! Is it ever so fuckin' good. Don't think I'll get tired of this battle theme any time soon.
He does look like Vincent a bit. Maybe it's the unkept hair. There is not much we know about his parents other than that they sended him to live in Tokio with their acquaintance (Sojiro Sakura).
I like 4th one the best.
Yeah, the ost is nice. I like Beneath Mask's both vocal and instrumental versions most.
This'll hurt.
Frist pic looks like the one on the right has a tiny T-Rex arm.
Btw, has anyone found the official arts in high resolution? The P4 set was around in absurd res (a site called 'Et Tu, Gamer' and used to have a fantastic gallery of game art but all that went up in digital smoke rather quickly) but I've had no luck for the P5 stuff (not even a average quality cake).
I'm pretty sure it's shooped
I mspaint worse than a 5 year old but fucked around just to see what thumbnail would look like without megane.
Hot damn.
Maybe this could help you.
Yes it does, thank you.
Hmm that face…
Well, the good news is Persona isn't going to disappear anytime soon like many of my other beloved franchises. Bad news is that means Persona 5 is gonna get milked till they're selling the bone dust.
We've discussed this.
Also, DC Douglas is the second confirmed VA for the game. He says he's playing "a teacher." Kamoshida? No one knows for sure yet.
Do we really have to have this same conversation every fucking thread?
Yes, because apparently people have trouble understanding that in a limited artstyle same-face is a thing you'll run into often. They seem to have an even bigger problem with thinking it's exclusive to anime, read some Batman comics and be amazed at how similar the female faces are.
It all makes sense
Nah Soejima just needs to branch out and stop being lazy
That area boss looks pretty interesting.
It's Futaba's Mom
Or more specifically, it's a manifestation of Futaba's guilt over her mother's death.
During the fight, Futaba realizes it's her mental world to control, so she starts creating things to help you.
also an interesting inversion of P4
I can dig it
Ah, those were the days~
Anyone remember the dumb name we called her?
Exactly this, even in-game cutscenes revert them back to their default
There are a lot of conversations mid-dungeon and they switch back to their defaults for every single one, only to switch back to their assigned costume once you're done with the scene. Costumes are present for the entirety of battle, there's no problems there aside from the 2d cut-ins (crit, hitting a weakness, finishing a battle on AoA) being unchanged which is totally understandable because there's no way they were going to redraw those for every costume. Costumes don't show up at all outside of dungeons and mementos, but that's to be expected. All of the Awakening scenes are pre-rendered.
Of Shadow Teddie? Memory's a little foggy in regards to P4…
My P4 MC had a military academy back story. Named him 'Major Boner'.
I liked Yukiko because of the whole WIP Yamato Nadeshiko thing but she's kind of a cunt. Forget about getting even the time of day from her unless you're some Adonis with super powers. Even then there's so no guarantees.
I'm not Mitsuo
Most of the main team girls are cunts. Especially when it came to the camp event and hot springs event.
Which is why only Naoto is pure.
She doesn't pull any of that nonsense (except maybe the hotspring thing, but I'm sure she was just scared of rape because the other girls were freaking out and molesting her already)
of the shadows in general being a dark reflection of the person as opposed to 5's being a more positive side of her
fucking spic
interesting I dislike Naoto the more I played 4
And also dry and boring.
Her giving the idea of 'Hey, let's throw Namatame in the T.V.' to everyone is pretty retarded of her.
She's pretty stale, also the only reason why she's popular is because she's just a moeblob.
I liked her more and more in P4G. On my third run through now.
I mean, let's face it: We would all choose Margaret if we could, and we will always go with Nurse Cake before we romance anyone on the main team, but hey. Of the main cast? She's the best to me.
Though I do find myself liking Rise the more I play. Funny how that's working out.
Matter of fact, in my search for Rise pics I'm recalling how much I ended up liking Rise by the end. This is rough! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME
I'll cut you
oh no one can argue about that point.
I meant anything "emasculating" in a sense.
Now that you mention it, one of the first interactions with "the locals" is Chie punting Yosuke in the nuts.
This whole thing is reminding me of that sadly unfinished P4 comic. (
Isn't P4G Rise the Burched version?
No arguments there. Or the teacher; at least for a booty call.
Only in DAN, and you should be playing the undubs regardless.
That's not saving anything, especially seeing this on Rise's face
Shut up, Adacho
No but seriously, why do you people have such bad taste?
There's only two girls of the main cast of P4 which are worth holding hands and it's Naoto and Rise.
What, do you people actually like the two schizphrenics who shoved you in a shallow stream to die in vomit?
I'm really glad she entered the character when it was AFTER Golden. I don't care about dancing stupidity or anything else. As long as I've got my suped-up P4 with the HD res and Adachai S.Link the only reason to own a Vita until Fate/extella I'm fine.
But she really did kill that character. Horribly.
I absolutely will not buy P5 if she's remotely involved as anything but a very rare, very random NPC.
Absolutely not, thankfully.
Rise is perfectly Rise in Golden. The last time we may ever hear Bailey
Have the english va's been announced yet?
they can always bring in burch for P5 the Crimson's Marie
We only know Cassandra Lee Morris is Morgana and DC Douglas is a "teacher."
yeah rise is a good girl. i dont know how many times i fapped to this image
You take that back you motherfucker
Customers comfirmed shit taste.
I just cleared Futaba's dungeon and I really can't imagine what that'd be like on Hard. Those level 37 Anubis enemies just ruined my party. The only strategy I had against them that actually worked was equipping a persona that blocked dark and holy and just whittled them down as my entire party died. I was lucky to finish fights against them with anyone other than the MC alive.