Syria launching airstrikes on Turkish soldiers. SDF/YPG and regime forces launching a joint offensive for Al Bab.
This could have big implications for the Middle East if it escalates.
Syria launching airstrikes on Turkish soldiers. SDF/YPG and regime forces launching a joint offensive for Al Bab.
This could have big implications for the Middle East if it escalates.
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Hori shito, Erdogan is going to be anally devastated if they succeed.
Shit is about to pop off. I wonder if this will give IS a chance to regroup.
this is my Syrian Civil War dreamteam
IS are fucked at this point.
If rebels take Al Bab it looks like the SAA/SDF might buddy up and try to push to link the cantons and box the Turks in.
Ideally then the SAA would do a deal with the SDF which sees them push round to Raqqa south of the Euphrates. If theres fighting with the Turks/rebels around al Bab and the cantons, elements of the PMU are keen to move for Raqqa once the Mosul op is over. The front between Deir ezzor and Sinjar has been pretty quiet for a while for IS, but I imagine the PMU could stir that up a little.
Putin has absolutely shanked Erdogan in the back on the anniversary of the Russian jet being shot down
it's fucking beautiful
Based Assad
He's fucked. He estranged NATO with his islamofascist bullshit and now Putin pissed in his face after he reconciled with him months ago.
He's totally isolated and if his military endeavour fails he's done.
I really hope that after Isis is dealt with the kurds are in a strong enough position to actually create their own sovereign state. However I fear that the peshmurga will head up independent northern Iraq and the actual socialist elements will be crushed by international forces.
The biggest question is not even Peshmerga, but how to get Kurdish lands in T*rkey and Iran. Poles were in similar position in XIX(except with Germany, Austria and Russia) and they became independent only after WWI ruined those three monarchies at the same time.
There is no hope for socialist elements in Iraqi Kurdistan. They've been hostile to Rojava and are firmly under the boot of Turkey.
The PYD will be in a very strong position in Northern Syria though. Things look pretty promising there.
If the war spills over into turkey I will not be upset at all.
As long as it doesn't trigger NATO, and as long as the beaches close to greece are patrolled (which they wont be)
I'm not joking when I say this is a great time for a coup.
Turkey's internal contradictions and divisions are starting to balloon. You can only unite everyone against the boogeyman PKK for so long.
If the war starts I will be there for sure. I wanted to drop everything and go fight in Syria against Isis but I just never actually had the money to pull it off. But if the war goes into Turkey for Kurdish independence then I will do everything in my power to get here. I can imagine a better death than to get blown up by my own government fighting for socialism in a foreign country. If I die I want to die by American NATO hands for ultimate irony martyrdom points.
Well, there won't be another coup for quite a while since the July one failed. Erdogan went full on Moscow trials on every branch of government after that.
Good commitment bro. My feeling is it wouldn't trigger Article 5 because Turkey have already entered the war of their own volition, and the Turkish state would call it "domestic terrorism" to save face for as long as poss…
why not just go to Rojava? if you can afford to go to Turkey you can probably afford to go to Syria
I am literally living hand to mouth right now. I'm about to start working a second job so I will actually be able to save up money here soon, but for right now unless I could get some kind of sponsor its just not possible right now, and then there is the problem on what to do about my lease for my duplex. It doesn't expire for another year.
Fucking based! Philgreaves BTFO
oh okay man.
but I think if you have the desire to go, you definitely should when it becomes financially possible. maybe try brushing up on your kurdish in the meantime.
Phil Greaves' brain is probably melting right now. The "NATO proxy YPG" actually collaborating with the regime? my god.
lol Russia has positioned itself to work with Turkey
now its going to have to choose between Syria and Turkey
US can use this for their end
it's not much of a choice is it? Russia has invested a huge amount of time, money and lives in propping up the regime. Erdogan just got meme'd on hard by the Russians.
Not sure why putin would side with turkey over assad? especially when the turks shot down one of his aircraft
it's like fucking poetry fam
I have a solution to all your troubles: Stop paying rent.
Obviously you are not thinking on the levels of pandimensional water polo.
one of the oil pipelines will go thru Turkey either way, so expected the unexpected
yfw putin takes the black sea fleet through Istanbul and "removes" one of the bridges en route
Can someone explain what's going on.
Assad's forces and the kurds are fighting together pushing from the western kurdish canton toward al Bab, taking IS territory
Assad jets are bombing turks to fuck
Anniversary of Turkey downing Russian jet.
ISIS take huge swathes of Northern Syria and share a border with Turkey.
Turkey is quite comfortable with this situation and some would even say supported ISIS.
Kurdish forces with coalition help start to absolutely batter ISIS and retake much of Northern Syria.
The YPG are very close to uniting their territories (cantons) and Turkey gets thoroughly spooked because of their existential hatred of Kurds, so they send in mercenary jihadists (FSA) to stop the Kurds uniting their territories.
Both the YPG/SDF and FSA are involved in a race to Al Bab, which is very close to Regime territory.
Because the regime hates Turkey and hates rebels, they've recently engaged in airstrikes against them.
SDF, Hezbollah and SAA have come together to capture Al Bab from ISIS and Turkish rebels.
I thought Assad and Turkey were against each other anyway
Thanks user didn't know Turkey was aligned with ISIS
"""They're not""" They just did nothing while IS controlled their entire border, did nothing about IS troops operating withing 25m of their border, then when IS lost the border, they started complaining about "terrorist" kurds on their border….
If I were ignorant about leftism I would now be surprised about how leftists went from Turk apologists to kebab removers.
Only now that Turks are attacking people that aren't white, the left opposes them.
Who? Jihadi Julian?
Actually, the Turks tried despooking Kurds from their muh ethnic identity and only started a war with them when the spooklovers started a terror campaign against Turkey.
The Kurds are also the biggest of islamic fundamentalist retards in Turkey, whenever you hear about honor killings in Turkey and by Turks abroad, it's Kurds.
Wait, when did the Left love Turkey and the Turks? Turkey's like the modern Left's worst nightmare - a state where (formerly) secular, nationalist generals just coup'd any government that was too Islamist for their tastes
Like when Chomsky claimed that the only reason people opposed Turkish EU membership was racism.
I guess you're now going to claim that Chomsky is the biggest idiot on foreign policy around (and all round failure in philosophy and linguistics) but fact is that the left hangs on to his lips.
Since all the time that they have been facilitating the crimes of Turks in Europe, which is about 50 years now.
I'm not saying his work is bad at all, but Chomsky has been always regarded a huge retard when it comes to politics.
Are you the retard that thinks "Economics For Dummies" is a good economics book?
Do not feed this retard, just report him.
Holy shit. If Russia, the US, Syria and the Kurds all team up to buttfuck Turkey I'm going over just to make sure things go well.
He's an icon of the left and held in high regard, only not so by the people who actually know shit about philosophy, linguistics and politics but that's perhaps only 2% of his target audience.
No, that's another guy in the alt-right trolling operation to subvert Holla Forums.
But it that would help Russia wouldn't it
You're starting to upset me with this shit.
The US isn't much of a player in Syria these days, and isn't involved in this. Russia, Syria and the YPG are though.
It would seem they're still doing a lot of airstrikes and sneaking their SOFs around backing people up (apparently they have people in Manbij) They are pretty peripheral though….
can we make this a meme
This literally already has a page on know your maymay
He has a respectible history of exposing NATO's and the CIA's crimes to the public but very few people on Holla Forums actually agree with him on current events.
And honestly, Turkey isn't much less secular than eastern european countries.
They're ramping up their drone campaign against al-Nusra. Conveniently after the election of course.
That's a liberal homie.
I'm pretty fucking sure he isn't even a socialist
You think Obama's trying to remove as much as possible before trumps 5.1 dimension surround-jenga begins?
l i b e r a l
He thinks socialism is the military and roads…
we really should word filter liberal to triggered reactionary
He's not a liberal, he supported Sanders. Your use of liberal is just "leftists I don't like", as that is how Holla Forums always uses the term liberal.
I think US support, indirect or not, of Nusra has become completely untenable. The whole rebranding campaign in August failed miserably. So now Obama wants to be able to say he didn't support them to preserve whatever bullshit legacy he'll have. They had to wait till after the election, though, because Hillary's whole platform for Syria was arming the "moderate rebels".
Sanders is a liberal. A based one but still liberal.
plenty of liberals and non-socialists supported sanders.
Found the liberal.
This is not contradictory, Sanders' platform is social democratic(welfare capitalism), which is digestible to liberal centrists
I'm pretty sure you don't know that liberalism is against government intervention and pro-free market.
Capitalism is predicated upon government intervention and the free market never existed. From the left's perspective he's a liberal because he supports or at least his proposed policies support the continued existence of capital.
don't do the autism thing where you argue over semantics and instead realize that the way we use that word is different, fuckboy
liberal is
whether they be nanny stater or a free market fiend, they are still liberals
We /removekebab/ now ?
If "the left" is the 100 or so posters on Holla Forums, then you might be correct.
In the mean time I'll be speaking the language shared by millions instead of just the handful of people here.
Don't do the autism thing in which words have an entirely different meaning than their general use.
By common parlance our beliefs don't even exist at all.
Okay, what term would you like me to use to describe people who don't relate to our beliefs at all? We can call them capitalists, or classcucks or something like that to make you comfy.
What the fuck are you trying to prove? Turkey has been NATO's mad dog since the 50s.
I don't see anybody but amerifats saying that
Perhaps something that doesn't simplify politics into "us vs all the others".
What are you talking about? The rest of the world uses liberal in that sense. Only in American politics does liberal=left.
anglo politics* minus australia.
Perhaps you can stop derailing a good thread, faggot.
Nobody says socdems are liberals either.
Except for everybody to the left of them. This has been going on for decades. It's not something exclusive to Holla Forums.
If the whole reconciliation with Turkey and seemingly being alright with them invading Northern Aleppo was just a ploy by Putin to lure turkish troops into Syria before raining a shitstorm on them, then he's the greatest troll of all time.
Where? I always see people being able to distinguish vanilla liberalism, social liberalism and social democracy
It's meant to be an insult.
Leftist publications and groups. It's just an offhand way to refer to someone who supports capitalism amongst the left.
Pretty much everywhere I go Liberalism = Lolbertism
Only on the internet I use it synonymously for Social Democracy/Social Liberalism/Left Liberalism because the internet is mostly populated by burgers.
Guess I'm unlucky, since I've never seen it in non-anglo sources. And I don't see non-american anglos using it that way too.
And people unironically start believing that bullshit when attempting to define political stances
American "libertarianism" is just neo-liberalism.
Social liberalism still operates with liberal economics as its base. Liberalism is extremely broad, and the stupid use of the word "liberal" to mean social liberal exclusively needs to stop.
Right-wingers are overwhelmingly liberals. The ones who aren't are either fascists or monarchists.
No, it's classical liberalism. With the difference being that libertarianism extends into the social sphere.
No, its neo-liberalism.
"Classical liberalism" is used as a buzzword by the Right and the classical liberals did indeed talk about social issues.
But classical liberals also talked about social things you dummy
They did but they didn't incorporate into a broader voluntarism as base.
Neo-liberalism is a left-wing meme, nobody irl calls himself like that
Yeah, what are you adding? Those wiki articles were read a long time ago.
The point is that "libertarians" are neo-liberals or maybe neoclassical in their economics which is the only thing they agree on. Calling yourself a "classical liberal" sounds dumb since it refers to a historic time and political economy was BTFO'd by Marx..
That term didn't come from the Left. It's only because burgers changed the definition of liberalism to mean social liberalism in their politics that conservative liberals and neo-liberals began avoiding the term which led to the leftist term libertarian being co-opted.
Hayek always called himself a liberal for example, but when he went to the US he found himself in a problem with people using "libertarian" instead because of the change of definitions. Hayek was a neo-liberal. He would not use "libertarian" because he knew that libertarianism actually meant socialism.
liberalism(without any further adjectives) - muh free market, privatization, deregulation
social democracy - nanny state, welfare, progressive tax, unions etc
social liberalism - middle road between the two
Hayek was part of the group of liberal economists from which neo-liberalism broke.
No, social liberalism is still liberalism. It's just with regulation and state interference.
And you have to differentiate between traditional social democracy and modern social democracy.
Does anybody have this image in normal size?
I never said socliberalism is not liberal, but for the sake of clarity it should be treated as sightly separate due to certain different policies.
I perfectly know the difference, but all "classical social democrats" now call themselves democratic socialists anyways, so who cares?
thread's dead lads
new thread:
meant to quote
We /Bashar/ now.
I have a really edgy friend who calls himself a neoliberal
Homelessness is not an option.
I need more money than just the plane ticket because I want a personal first aid kit and a Kevlar vest when I go over there and that shit is expensive.
It has nothing to do with their race it has to do with their ideology. And we never liked Turkey.
You don't know the meanings of the words you are using.