True nationalism should not be tied down to any one economic ideology. Instead...

True nationalism should not be tied down to any one economic ideology. Instead, they should be willing to switch to different modes of economies on the fly, whatever will do the best for the people and the nation.

Dissenting opions are fine as long as they are non-violent. Public discorse and free speech is good and healthy for a nation.

The public should be able to adress their grivences with the leader, who will then make a plan with the people and the upper heads of government.

The news should not be censored.

Disabilities are a tragedy, not a weakness.

The nation is one organism. Cells=Indivduals, tissue=groups, organs=local goverments, indivdual cities, small companies, organ systems=these groups should work together for everyones benefit, organism=a strong and healthy nation.

Being nationalist does not mean you should hate other peoples for being different. Bantering with other nations is fine.

The people should NEVER be dissarmed. The leader and the controlling group could get too greedy and take this oppurtunity to become tyrants.

Fascism does not equal tyranny. Fascism is a dictatorship that is dedicated to the well-being of the nation. A tyrannical dictatorship exists only to benefit the dictator and his keys to power if need be.

While their is nothing inherently wrong with being rich, when the rich put their own profits ahead of the nation, THEN it's a problem.

In the event of a post-scarcity economy, the nation must become less concerened with the material distribution and more involved in national defense, keeping the law, and securing the border.

The military shall have a constitution that clearly establishes in a list that "In case the leader does X thing, then you must remove him and he must be replaced with the Head of the Military." The military is how the government has it's power, if it were to stop listening, it would be powerless.

It is inevitable that democracy will backslide into corruption, political backstabbing and lobbying.

Class-flaunting is divides the nation among class lines and destroys unity. It should therefore be considered treason and disturbing the peace. Class-flaunting is when those of the upper-class insult or degrade those of the lower-class based on their wealth.

Don't just be loyal to the state, be loyal to the state that is loyal to the nation!

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you expect individuals to risk their own capital in an attempt to succeed in a free market if the risk of it being seized at any point is always there?
This is the entire principle that politics is based around on a national scale, unless you're somehow claiming I should be able to call Trump up and demand that he fix an issue of my choosing.
As is recognizing both how a nation's actions my disadvantage you, while understanding their rights.

This is how you die, every time.

Free speech is not actually necessarily beneficial - in fact, it can be quite harmful. The idea of 'truth always wins!' is pretty, but naive. When you hold 'free speech' as a paramount matter of import, you have provided your enemies everything they need to destroy you.

An impossibility, logistically.


Ridiculous. Disabilities are both a tragedy and a weakness - it is a tragedy to have such a state of weakness imposed upon oneself.

Cancer is a bitch, and tumors kill. How can you hope to excise such when you've given free reign for their own self promotion via free speech? You can't.

Naivety writ-large. You don't even understand the concept of the struggle of which you are a part - you think it wrong to hate your opposition, and righteous to love your enemies. Foolish.

And what happens when armed Communists overthrow your government?
What if they don't, because of generations of societal programming having totally demoralized them? What if, despite having guns, they refuse to pull the trigger, because free speech has allowed the propagation of harmful ideology?

Fascism is civi nationalism. Its trash. Period.

Why? That sounds like ligitious bullshit a Jew would love and exploit to the fullest, and linguistic evolution would make it negligible within a few decades. Just look at the US Constitution.

The military does not exist in a vaccuum, it is made up of individuals. Thus, if one group of individuals stops listening, the government - or state - is only powerless so long as it takes to get another group of individuals into position.


Hellooooooo Gommie Jew.

Don't be loyal to the state at all. Be loyal to your nation, which is invariably a thing of blood, or not a nation at all. Loyalty to the state is irrelevant. Be loyal to the nation, and if the state serves the nation, it works out nicely.

Yeah but when I raised this point in class, I got kicked out of class and slapped with a 5 day suspension. So yeah, it sounds nice on paper but you will be punished for even thinking about this, let alone, god forbid, talking about this.

Keep saying that after learning about economics.
Read pic related, obligatory reading on Holla Forums.

YOU are a fucking CANCER

punishment is your lifeblood

get used to it and keep going

Opinion discarded. What is this fag shit?
Why on Earth would you think that that is appropriate wording for a law? It's as vague as possible! That makes anything the current governments wants to be illegal, illegal. That exact wording gets people put in jail for complaining about Pakis raping their kids.

Fascism is not an economic system. It is not a political system. It is not an ideology in any way.

The enemy won't be able to gather much support if the vary basis of his ideology is proven to be wrong. If he has some good points that can be logically, culturally-ethnically absorbed, then it will fit.

I'm not saying that one individual person's message will be able to make it to the very heads of governance, but that is should instead be petitioned to be heard by the government at at least a good number of people, say, 100,000 people or so. If it really is not a problem for the head and his party to deal with, it should be handled on a local level instead.

If the public finds out that your news is actively lying to them, they will be understandably pissed. They eventually will come to question your very leadership itself. Just look at our modern lying news media.

Actually good point, I should reword to instead say

Dissent is only truly cancer if it begins to harm people, such as in the form of riots. If the other idea truly is wrong, use your logic to discard them, or, if they do have some right ideas, absorb them and synthesize them into your ideas.

This constant idea of, "That nigger is the enemy, I gotta kill him!" is what allows the international bankers and allows the international Jews to control you. However it is stupid to say that race is bad and that we should destroy it all, as destroying the basis of nationalism also allows gangster banksters to control you as well. If they are a friendly race, then they are good. If they hate you and all your people stand for, then they are enemies.

Communists should be willing to address their ideas peacefully until eventually, their ideology is disarmed and incorporated in healthy amounts. If they actively harm the people, then they need to be put down with military help.

Entho-Civic nationalism. A small number of foreigners are allowed to trickle in and are only allowed in based on the combination or individual stats merit, business or ties to the nation, close the gates, assimilate into the genome and culture will naturally come in, the genes will be absorbed, dispersed and then gone.

I will agree that they are pretty close, but not the same thing.

Essentially an elongated version of what I said.

There will never be such a thing as "post-scarcity," at least in terms of resources. Post-scarcity of labor could potentially happen with robot/technology advancements, but then again they have been saying that for over 200 years now.

So, like what? Masochism or Bust? lol

Nice ID

yeah I first learned about tor and all that jazz back in 2010 when I was researching the visa & mastercard ddos thing for a project for school. Fell in love with it ever since

Wew lad, I touch a nerve?

Explicitly proven false given the current condition - the basis of several ideologies espoused by the modern left have been proven objectively false, yet they persist. Why?

Yeah you are.
So, you basically want what most Western nations already have, which is shit? Hmm.

You were talking about censorship a moment ago, what happened to that?

Our modern lying news media still has millions upon millions of ascribants. Don't fool yourself - most normalfags are still suckling at the news media teat, even the ones who don't trust them entirely anymore.

Keyword: Should. Lots of things should be one way or the other, but so many of them aren't that way. Why?

Are you suggesting non-violent dissent cannot be cancerous? This is preposterous as a statement, so I am assuming you are not saying that.
Yes, that's nice. But what about the rather-large portion of the population who do not have the capacity to functionally pursue such cognitive efforts? "Use your logic to discard them"… I don't think we'd be where we are today if that was the common man's response, do you?

Communists are not human. Neither are most non-Whites, if not all. Humanizing your enemies is foolish and a Darwinian death sentence.

No, its not. In fact, the abolishment of the concept of "that other racial clade is my competitive opposition in a Darwinian struggle for survival" is exactly how the Jew (you don't need that 'banker' bit - all the relevant international bankers ARE Jews or are in service to them) came to rule my people. Or, more accurately, idiots like you imbibing such propaganda is what brought it about.
Race isn't bad. Race is wonderful. More precisely, YOUR race is wonderful… That's how a healthy species (aka race) is liable to espouse things, a healthy species being one which is going to survive.

As I said before, you do not understand the struggle of which you are a part. You have lost the ability to see the enemy, if you ever had it.
Then all other races are our enemies.

Simple question: Lets say a child is to be born somewhere on Earth. What would you like that child to be, optimally? A member of your own kind, in a civilization you find agreeable?… Or a member of another clade of hominid, in a civilization you do not necessarily find agreeable? Like I said, simple - it does not benefit the lion that the crocodile, the hyena and the leopard exist, and it would benefit them greatly, in all probability, if such did not exist.

What if they are the military? Here's a conundrum: What if a significant portion of the people, the military included, decide they WANT to be a Communist state, because you didn't inhibit the promotion of Gimmienism and they can't "use their reason" to figure out that Gommunism is Jewish bullshit and going to get them and their families killed?
What then?

Nah. Just civic nationalism. And its shit.
What is the major difference between the two?
Let's ask Dr. William Luther Pierce.
Ignore the source, focus on the content.

Ah, but it wasn't lad. Loyalty to the nation is loyalty to the nation - if the state serves the nation, wonderful, aid it… But do not give it your loyalty, for that must always rest with the nation, with blood. YOU suggested that if the state served the nation, it was fine to allow your loyalty to encompass the state as well… And that's hazardous.
But then, you also think Gommunists can/will be peaceful (don't worry goy, the military will stop them if anything goes crazy!), cry about class divisions, and think Fascism had a racial component. So, there's that.

My main contention is that the family not the individual is the cell of society

A fair point, though I would argue inaccurate, specifically in the context of a society espousing women's suffrage.

This is one of the horrors of that incredible mistake our forefathers made. When you give women political agency, you are destroying that "family as the cell-unit" paradigm, because the family is no longer a cell-unit with the male as the commanding factor - it is now an atomized grouping of individuals, each with political agency.

This has done so much damage, I cannot even begin to express it in words in this post, without eating up even more space than my above effortpost at this no-doubt-gommunist-shitbag OP. So long as there is one vote per family, as it were, then the family is the cell-unit; but, should you grant other agents within that structure such agency, you have eliminated the paradigm wherein that structure serves as the cell-unit in an organismal political ecology.

Here's a generalized question, since we're having fun discussions in this shitty thread:

Which is preferable: Peace or Struggle?

Which is preferable to the common man, whose aim, generally speaking, is personal pleasure?
Which is preferable to the man whose aim, specifically speaking, is the survival of his kind into perpetuity?
Which is, in Darwinian terms, preferable as a state at any given time?

I'm not proposing a specific answer here, but I'd like to know the perspectives. I tend to ascribe to the "Cycle of Man" theory, which suggests that the hard times are where strength is bred, through struggle, and the good 'peaceful' times are, invariably, the initiating factor for decline into the rule of those driven by personal pleasures over the struggle of duty. In such context, I find it difficult to justify pursuit of peace, or even the very notion that peace can or does exist, as opposed to varying levels of struggle being requisite on behalf of any individual organism within the paradigm, with greater degrees of struggle requiring more in order to survive (but, in so doing, breed strength over weakness, breed beauty over ugliness, breed discipline over flippancy, breed a prioritization of duty to kind over personal liberty).

Can the struggle ever end without degradation? Can the struggle end at all? Does perfection exist, or does such pursuit go ever onward?
These are questions I do not have an answer to that I am satisfied with. Maybe Holla Forums can help.

stfu lol

The problem with dictatorships is they will shut down the business if it is harming the community but they will also shut it down if the business owner doesn't let his daughter marry the dictator's son or some crap like that. This is why letting the community decide if the business is good for the community is the best form of government.

OP, you're a child who knows nothing.

It's sad that you're so clueless. So I hope you're a mud whose trolling.

Nigger has been binge watching GoT or some shit with this one.

Logistics much faggot?

Actually it's both. It's unlikely you give a shit about anyone but yourself and maybe your family so I has to ask, what's your defect?

I don't want to read anymore of this dribble.

Until the community decides it likes railguns, meth and hookers and then things quickly go off the rails, you see? And the population that doesn't share the interest? Well, they get railgun'd by meth'd up hookers.
That's why it doesn't work - because the majority rule isn't a good thing. At all.

Unless the military is corrupt, which is why the people should be their own military. Unless the people are niggers. Then trying to push any human system will work about as well as on termites.

The people won't always choose wisely, but they will be correct more often than supreme leaders. And when they realize, they made a bad decision, they will be able to realize it sooner since they're not secluded from the effects of their decisions and be motivated to find a solution sooner since they'll feel the positive effects of a good decision sooner.

Dissenting opinions are fine as long as they are contained. If we allow kikes to infiltrate universities and brainwash the youth again, we might as well not even try to take over.