Just gonna shill for this piece of shit over here for a little bit for free because the amount of fucking retards...

Just gonna shill for this piece of shit over here for a little bit for free because the amount of fucking retards playing at the moment is too staggering for my poor heart.

Battlerite. If you by some odd mixture of luck and fate remember Bloodline Champions, it's pretty much that but actually improved gameplay wise. Kikery is going to be a foot once it properly releases but for now it's pretty good and entertaining. No more Healers healing Healers healing Healers healing Healers meta for the time being, supports are still as fucking bullshit as ever, but game is still fun. For those that don't know it, it's basically a - relatively speaking here - fast paced Arena game that works on a best of 5 system. Can't change heroes mid-game, you're stuck with what you pick and picks are decided before you que for better or for worse. Outside of using the WASD keys for movement and the left click for basic attacks, pretty much everything else is a skillshot. Most, if not all heroes, have five basic abilities, an Ultimate ability that sucks dicks 9/10 times, and two EX abilities. The more hits you land with basic attacks and abilities the more energy you charge up, EX abilities requiring at least one bar of energy before being usable while Ults require all four.

Fun things are fun.

What the fuck is this stance

You ain't seen shit nigga

Holy shit, give it a break and try again in some months.

I actually never seen this shit shilled here though, interestingly enough, only Paladins in recent memory


It's good, but now's probably not the time to talk about it. Maybe.
The bitching over it being early access will never stop regardless of it basically being ready to go.
Seriously why the fuck is it even in early access? Why is the "straight up buy the game" option not going to stick around?

Only negative I've got is that it's pure matchmaking (private games are invite only) at the moment. I will fight all I can on the steam forums to get them to change that. please help

Please stop. It isn't an assfaggots and being one would have been a reason to shit on it.
Funny enough it fits the term moba far better than assfaggots do. However it's better to just call it an aRPG Arena game.

if you insist I'll talk about it with you and other brave faggots after I find the time to play more

This is like the fifth Battlerite thread in as many days. They don't tend to stay at the top of the catalogue very long since maybe ten people on the board know what it is or will give it a chance and all the rest just post

That being said, I feel fairly tempted to pick it up since I enjoyed BLC back in the day but
I don't really care for the talent system either, though its better than the talismans I still feel like its detrimental to the game since it adds a whole vast layer of more shit you have to remember opponents potentially being capable of.

These character designs are pretty unappealing and the sun flare in the OP post makes me want to gouge my eyes out

Nigga stop hurting yourself.

I honestly only bought it because a few of my mates insisted and I said fuck it even though I personally loathed BLC. Pleasantly surprised but after about 100 or so games in solo que I can tell ya' it's not worth it unless you're a rank whore. The amount of retardation is staggering, like I mentioned earlier. As for Talents, honestly I enjoy them simply because it makes shit/mediocre heroes actually playable in Solo Q such as Sirius.

Character designs are cliche / standard as fuck, yep. Jade is arguably the most pleasant to look at and she has the voice of an edgy 40 year old that ruins it all. Thankfully the gameplay itself is fun and the sun flare isn't actually present in the game itself, just the artwork shit.

no thanks

Bumping solely because you're pulling shit out of your ass.

Arena games have popped up around the time of the very first ASSFAGGOT.
They get boring faster and have less content.
Top it off with this being 20$ early access.

Why don't you just fuck off ?

I wonder why this could be
Strange that you'd find a large amounts of retards playing this game, fam.

So are Grim Dawn and Battlefield 2142
Eat shit nigger

Poloma + Ashka is pure cancer. They just stand back and spam left click. If you try anything they'll blow their cooldowns to reset the fight, and if it goes to sudden death they can easily push/panic you out of the ring.

If you buy it now you unlock all current and future champions forever.

It's shit.

So a future 2 characters before the game dies?
Very nice

How about you take your trash and go shill it somewhere else.

Check these trips by the way


Almost lost hope

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.



thread over

also check these

So is it actually any good? Its getting hyped to death all over steam. Some even saying its gonna be the next big e-sport.



Had no replayability, and it died weeks of release. Free2play

Very similar, suffers from the same issues. Fewer champions. Buy2play

Why is Battlerite gaining so much popularity?

Seems more like he bites za dusto.

i loved bloodline champions. but why the heck cant you put the title in the subject field? i wouldnt have even given this thread a look if that brazilean shitposter didnt bring it up.

Its trash, its dead trash.
Just like this one shall become soon enough
As it currently is it is only trash
