What does Holla Forums think about thanksgiving?
What does Holla Forums think about thanksgiving?
I like mashed potatoes.
Good food with a lot of historical baggage. Aside from that I like it because it's one of the few holidays that isn't commodified to hell and back.
My aunt makes the good mac and cheese during it so I can't complain.
Excuse for amerifats to stuff their fat faces.
nigga it's the epitome of commodified
that said, i'm looking forward to pecan pie like a mf
also National Day of Mourning at Plymouth Rock
It's no where near the level that Christmas or Valentine's day are.
I always kek when I hear my liberal arts cousin whine how Thanksgiving is an evil holiday celebrating genocide.
tbh it really is an imperialist holiday. so is any patriotic USA holiday.
and religious holidays like christmas are reactionary.
HOWEVER, there is no ethical festivities in capitalism, so just enjoy yourself dude and eat the fucking turkey.
Roasted turkey is shit, but I do like my pecan pie. If you're having turkey, spatchcock it then put it on a grill if you have one.
Dirty american celebration of one their many warcrimes.
The idea of white guilt only bolsters the illusion of the Noble Savage.
You don't have to hate white people to love red people. Red people don't have to be idealized to be worthy of love.
Demonize one party and idealize the other is the basis of Propaganda. This is why Identity Politics is antithetical to reason and equality. #Hypernormalisation
The pilgrims where genocidal religious extremists and refugees fleeing persecution.
The only thing wrong there is comparing the pilgrims to syrian refugees.
Too much historical baggage
We should just call it Food Day or something and make sure everybody has something to eat
but let's make it food day everyday.
Never cared for the traditional food and the Black Friday sales are always fucking worthless.
a spook