ok im a newfag. i've been reading threads in classes instead of doing any actual work, but my first post i can remember. i have a friend in tennessee, we were tight but his dad fired him from his job then kicked him out but thats irrelevent, that bought my a MAGA hat as a christmas present, dont know why he got it october, but fuck who am i to look a gift hat in the bill. came to school and asked my friends thought i should wear it today, basically did a poll. now this is the first time i wore the hat. so i put it on with a proud smile, and start talking to the misfits i hangout with. not even 10 minutes with the hat on some dindu sneak attacks me and yanks it off my head. i havent gone to the admins about it yet because half are black, and majority of them are leftist shitheads as far as my knowledge. i know theres a group of nigs that may be connected with the thief. i want you to troll the shit out of my school and make the school come to its knees. i was on the fence about the people here but now i just want some shit like the schools server or power to shutdown, i dunno just fuck my schools shit. in 1st block atm. you could just tell me to stfu though, or tell me that admins are the best choice, but i want some advice from some peoplewho would feel the same way i do about the situation
Lets fuck over a school full of dindus
Fuck off
Step 1: grow up
Step 2: stop growing up by killing yourself you fucking faggot
Step 3: ???
Step 4: not your personal army
Cringe alert
Stopped reading there.
honestly i didnt know what i was gonna get from this but i did specify i was fine with just being disregarded so im satisfied i even got a reply, so im just gonna stick to reading to reading threads from now on
Lurk for a minimum of 2-4 years before posting.
get your shit together and start handling your own problems, nancy-boy…
fuck i hate other peoples children…
ok im on a laptop and i would have handled it but the only people that would back me up fucked right the hell off when they saw 15 niggers as the ones fucking behind it.
This isn't halfchan, faggot. But I agree that this isn't a worthy cause. OP should beat that nigger's ass.
How far do you want to go for your cause? Can you get these dindus worked up enough to shoot you while live streaming? Short of that outcome, your thread isn't going to gain much traction.
Make up false rape claims against the niggers in the name of females from the school. Email them or something. Don't start shit personally with anyone.
You do realize if youre white you have the ability to activate Aryan Rage, which is basically Kaioken, and multiplies your physical and mental abilities far beyond even the strongest nigger.
Do the smart thing. Get the administratio
To return tje hat to you. When that doesn't happen as appears to be the case, call the police and notify them of a theft. The dindus may risk criminal charges but the administration will not luke the idea of being sued out of a job for aiding and abetting theft. They will be making their bad choice. They should be punished for it.
Mission accomplished user
That's pretty fuckin pathetic tbh
Pretty stupid to post this here tbh, it would be very easy for somebody who knows you to identify you with this information. Just imagine one of them niggers falseflagging here and stumbling upon your post.
I would be very careful with the identifiable information you post on the internet, especially on sites like this which will make you a social outcast. Maybe it will work this time, but when you continue to be so careless you will get doxxed eventually.
the only other person here who goes on this kinda stuff was my friend who bought the hat, but he only goes on 4chan
When you've had enough and literally black out as rage overcomes ya. Go crazy, 'come to' with chairs and desks you hulk threw, students backed against a wall, scared, didn't mean to push you that far but they never know when to fucking stop. That was one experience of mine. It happens when I've let anger sit and boil.
Second time it happened came out of it in the back of a police squad car. I honestly wondered had I went and killed someone. The officer had to clue me in. Then I took anger management to help and look good in court. I felt degenerate after that, learned a lot from it.
I still have that ability to Aryan rage, but it's definitely controlled, for now. My dad used to tell me our DNA is that of hundreds of murderous armies, and watch my temper, dad had it happen, but Vietnam fucked him up. I've had my anger tested to my personal limit lately and I'm at the "wish a nigger would" point again. This is certain, if I ever get jailed again, it'll be for a damn good reason. I won't wonder did someone die, I'll know it. Hope it won't come to flipping out again. I don't like when that happens, I literally cannot control it once I've lost my shit.
OP-tl;dr Go crazy, throw chairs, lose yourself, once the nigger made you lose your shit they'll either leave you alone, or befriend you. They felt bad when they pushed me, they have no idea about White rage. It's real and they poke poke poke.
No, fuck off.
1. You wore that hat into enemy territory.
2. Not only was it enemy territory, but it was also nigger territory.
3. You did so without any plan in the event something happened. You didn't even have your phone out to record or a friend to do it for you.
4. Giving out this much personally identifiable information.
And do your fucking homework. Don't be lazy.
ok prove you didnt do the same shit in school
ok so i just saw the trashcans in the area the nig took it cleaned out so either im not getting the hat ack or a nigger still has it
The nigs will probably wear the hat tomorrow. That will be your chance to take it back with semi-automatic gun fire. You are a retard for allowing yourself get in this situation to begin with.
hand to god, i had my first "white-out" when i was in first grade…
needless to say there were many school psychologists in my life from then on…
today, as an adult, i can honestly say it takes concentration sometimes to avoid a repeat of that scene…
this is the closest to helpful without being an asshole has been yet. you sir are a fine gentleman and fuck bitches. but i would not shoot up a school. i have plans for shit, and a major felony would fuck up all of them
You are fucking retarded, fam.
Fake and gay
More rape allegations can't hurt.
This must happen, for how this is being kvetched upon.
Any bridges around you can jump off?
This is an awful fucking thread, OP, and you should be ashamed of both making it and the circumstances which you placed yourself in to get you here. Either rectify the situation yourself in a mature, well-reasoned and non-emotional way, if that's a possibility for you or continue on your path of absolute, unrelenting faggotry.
I've had this EXACT experience in the canteen at college when I was younger.
When I spoke to my friends later, they were still in shock, lost for words but laughing their asses off.
Nobody ever fucked with me again.