So this is what the general public thinks of competitive gaming.
Do you think vidya will ever or should ever be considered a sport by the outside public?
So this is what the general public thinks of competitive gaming
esports is fucking normalfag shit. Fuck off
Depends on the game.
Most casuals don't know much about Evo
It isn't even considered sport by the inside public?
If you are an ADHD 12 year old on hir medication or so it might have its charm, but then you wouldn't be on the Holla Forums would you?
Why does it matter what other people think?
OP i think you're under the impression that posting this on Holla Forums will "anger" people here.
I don't know if you got the memo, but Holla Forums is far too shit at video games to ever play them on a competitive level.
There's no audience for your bait here.
So normalfags don't like esports? Good to know even they think twitch enabling cancer is terrible.
No, and it never should be.
Do you consider Chess or bowling a sport?
Competitive gaming, is, unfortunately, considered a sport. I hate the fucking idea as much as the next guy but shit like Chess and racing are sports too and they don't require any direct physical ability either
I agree with that video, e-sports are parasite attracting cancer.
Did you think this would make people angry?
At least you use your arms to an extent in bowling
Chess no
So even more normalfags can contaminate the already shit-filled pool.
Yeah no.
No. It's like video games in that it's a fucking game.
Yes, as it requires actual physical skills to excel at, namely aim to roll the ball, like throwing a baseball except it's a really heavy one and you're supposed to make it hit something.
Besides, this is semantics. the whole sports industry is cancer, considering what happens in the background and all the hand shaking and bribing that just is.
Sports are cancer considering that it involves money and bribery, self-improvement through exercise or a game between friends isn't, however.
why the fuck should it matter if it's a sport or not in the first place? This is exactly like the "art" argument, it shouldn't be considered either art or sports because that attracts parasites.
sports are games too :^)
Isn't Poker considered a sport as well?
DDR is a sport by your definition.
So is star craft
We shouldn't be calling our games sports or art or whatever attracts the public attention and the con-artists in it.
What defines sports is exactly the same shit as the art argument. You want to stay the fuck away from the argument because anything that involves a game with rules between two people is a fucking sport, and that like the "GAMES SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ART" fags are people who want to see even more shit in the industry.
Games are not art, they aren't sports, they aren't whatever subjective term you fucking want them to be, they just are.
I'm so tired of you shits trying to fuck up games, yet again.
nice work
Competitive gaming is the equivalent of considering driving to work a sport because you are "racing" other people.
Poker is barely a game. Try playing it with no gambling.
she was at minecon 2016
Everything that is touched by esports turns into shit. Not the games necessarily, but everything regarding tournaments and so on. I want the industry to crash hard partially so esports can die forever and we can just have normal tournaments again.
hope not
Says the fucker who's on the side of people who have turned "art" and "sports" into a subjective term.
You are projecting.
Everything that becomes popular turns into shit, books,movies and now videogames
This is the definition most people are going to see, since google posted it.
now, let's figure out how to re-interpret this.
Doesn't specify how much, and even your added "high" is a subjective term that can be manipulated.
That's it. It's not precise, no definition technically is, it doesn't set a line or standard, because it's up to humans to set that standard.
And when that standard is low, we get "e-sports" or "Poker" or to the point that the unofficial real definition is "whatever is on tv and calls itself a sport"
This is the result of critical theory, basically an offshoot of critical thinking where you fucking lie for your own benefit.
I know a parasite when I see one, and you're one. Get the fuck out.
As soon as they hook it with a subjective term or sense of importance, narcissists flock to it for attention and the hobby becomes inundanted with impotent people with inflated senses of self importance and a need for validation, latchers-on who care not for the game or the sport or the art or the hobby, who are there for the attention.
This is why games and movies are so fucking shitty these days. these cultural parasites flock to anything that gains attention to gain attention.
And you're a retard who can't even get his own argument straight. Lurk more or get the fuck off the board and back to reddit.
That's an awful lot of poorly formatted text to say you hate dictionaries when they disagree with you.
wow your parents must be real proud of you. no wonder you have no sex life or friends.
brilliant meme that ignores you just tried to argue with a fucking dictionary and trying to "re-interpret" it.
But they are. That doesn't mean you have to be a faggot about it.
Describing yourself today? stop making blogposts.
How about you stop acting like pic related and stop trying to make your hobby look like it's adult and instead enjoy it instead of inviting faggots in to fuck it up again?
Are videogames a sport? Yes, just like chess and poker
Should this people be considered athletes? Lol no
Should? Shouldn't? I don't know. All I know is every time some studio tries to market their game as an e-sport before it is even out gets utterly shat on very quickly.
Why are you narrating your own actions?
Like Overwatch?
I wouldn't consider Tic Tac Toe to be art but you sound like a tremendous faggot.
Overwatch was marketed as an esport? Proof?
Devil's advocate - Overwatch didn't market itself as an e-sport and the so-called "competitive update" took months to roll out.Besides Overwatch is a success among normalfags and these games are just sitting in the dust now.
I'm not inviting anyone. Why are you so insecure? Vidya is a sport and art. That doesn't mean it has to be hipster trash.
It's because you define it as a sport and art that it's hipster trash that attracts hipsters.
How are you this fucking dense?
Why are you so mad user?
Vidya is art. It literally is by the definition of art.
It's legally considered art by law as well.
You stupid hipsters are mad because other hipsters want it to be considered art and you are too hipster for those hipsters.
It's truly amazing.
If I call MGS3 or super mario bros art does that somehow make it a worse game?
Im not, Im just telling you to fuckoff
You can't have it both ways, user.
I fucking hope not. Normalfags already ruined it enough. I pray for the opposite, for games to became a nerd thing again, and normalfags move on to something else
We're telling you to take your bullshit elsewhere and to fucking fuck off. That doesn't make us hipsters, that makes us unwilling to tolerate your absolute bullshit.
I don't even know how people can ask this question. Of course it's not a sport.
wtf i hate video games now
The general public wouldn't even care if there were no big bucks or public figures watching them so as to give them a motive to watch them.
And on the other hand, every single company ever that makes multiplayer games nowadays want them to be an esport from day 1, which makes them shit in most cases.
kek. Butthurt hipster.
But videogames are art. That is an objective fact.
Why does that anger you?
tbh, i feel like calling video games a sport is insulting to actual athletes
Like Golfers, race car drivers and bowlers?
they're still more of a sport than vidya
clicking on minions for an hour and occasionally attacking an enemy champion doesn't sound like a very physically challenging sport
golf requires precision, race car drivers need fast reactions n shit, bowlers need precision too
I don't give a fuck
DDR and king of fighters are more physically exerting than bowling and driving a car faggot.
Like any shooter?
sports are sports. They involve physical activity and often teamwork.
Chess is not a sport
Darts is not a sport
Video games are not a sport
Not being a sport is not a bad thing, and esports is cancer both on the sports scene and the gaming scene.
Do you consider Evo and competitive Quake as an Esport?
I can watch both of those for hours.
jump off
Dolby did a tournament and this proves?
Yes, you can. Hipsters are fucking normalfags, what's worse they're mentally ill normalfags that masqurade as artists and in academia.
They're integrated into normal society and are otherwise unaware of what isn't popular or in mainstream media.
The same people who vaginally queef out easter eggs onto a canvas and call it art infest the art scene and other normalfag positions.
You do not want to appeal to normalfags.
The vast, vast majority of people who call games art would also say that the really angry shit I took this morning is art.
The word "art" doesn't mean much anymore. I would hardly say that art has an objective definition.
How are they a sport? They require no physical exertion. Sure, they're competitive but so is rock paper scissors and we don't call that a sport.
I'm not sure you know what a hipster actually is.
Since you like to use google for definitions:
>a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream
By that definition, hipsters would not follow the trends followed by normalfags.
Tell me, are the fags who are socially accepted despite making literal shit art projects not hipsters?
Or are you trying to redefine what something is, faggot? Because the outside is inside. They've become the norm. Have you lived under a fucking rock?
"Sports" is just taking otherwise fun games and making them shit for normalfags to watch. Just like that image of the people inviting people to play a game and the game getting ruined by normalfags, sport just means that the game sucks now.
Is that chinger changer nigger dagger?
Then how the hell can they still be hipsters if they're the dominant culture?
I'm not arguing whether or not they're liberal shit, but if that's the norm then they can't possibly be hipsters by the very definition. They may have been hipsters years ago when liberalism didn't dominate culture, but as soon as that the liberal shit became the norm, the liberal hipsters trends of yesteryear became cultural norms.
And because of that, people following trends that go against the current liberal art shit are the actual hipsters. Meaning that Holla Forums is full of hipsters.
I don't mind there being pro tournaments for games, but the "eSports" angle of it needs to die completely.
Vidya is art. That doesn't mean it has to be pretentious.
Art is something created that took creativity and talent to make so even if it's bad it is still art.
Dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive.
Enzo Ferrari would like a word with you
I hope not. But it's not like a bunch of faggots gathering to watch others play vidya is any different then a bunch of faggots gathering to watch others play a sport.
I hope not. The idea of video games being on the same level as sports or even art or movies is the result of hacks being unable to break into any of those areas as professionals so they fall back onto something a little easier, and yeah I'd say video games are the easiest entertainment medium to make.
Video games aren't sport. Video games aren't art. Video games aren't movies. No matter what, end of line, period. Video games are video games, and there ain't nothing wrong with that and people should stop treating the industry as a means to trying to be any other than a video game developer.
Maybe when 'cyber athletes' actually have to be fucking athletic.
Chess is not a sport because of the broken imbalance that the devs have not fixes in over 2000 years
a variance of +/- 2% really doesn't matter that much.
yeah, no physical ability whatsoever.
Wait, people wanted Evolve to be esport? It's a 4v1 game.
Limited game modes, shitty characters, no story mode. Of course it was made to be esport compatible.
main esports games right now are LoL, CS, Hearthstone and SFV, which are about as exciting as passionate sex with your grandmother
Stop lying to yourself, you guys only hate esports because of cs:go. Before cs:go and dota non of you minded it.
I remember times when esports was used as a argument to point out that a game is good, like call of duty and ut having a competitive scene but games like bf not.
Why wouldn't 2% be significant? It seems to be a clear 2% that keeps on coming back with little fluctualtion. This isn't a fluke, there is a 2% better chance to win when playing white. Its probably quite well in terms of balance compared to anything else that isn't perfectly symetrical, but there is certainly a bias.
Watching e-sports and regular sports is exactly the same shit. That doesn't mean that e-sports are good, however. It just means that watching regular sport is the exact same kind of cancer. "I sure love watching other people play ASSFAGGOTS" is the same as saying "I sure love watching people kick a ball around a field!" If you like to watch either, you're a fucking moron and hsould kill oyurself
It was laughed at by many even then, but at the time you wouldn't hear a dev say "we want the esports audience" so they didn't get nearly as much hate.
You want to know why it is supposed to be considered art, at least in germany?
Becasue it would shield it from censorship. You can't censor art.
Although I know that some SJW certainly have tried to do it recently, yet at large still couldn't get it done.
So you're saying TF2 was meant to be an esport.
lethal league gets big when
TF2 was meant to be a fun multiplayer game with a class system and a focus on team play. TF2 becoming an esport game would be a simple evolution.
Overwatch however was build with a focus on esport from the begining.
TBH I can't stand esports, it's not a sport, it's just another way for some companies to make huge profits and it gives a bad idea to the young generation that they could win millions just by being good at CoD or Overmemes.
I remember a sequence during this year's E3 where there was a fat guy apparently one of the best players at EA's hand-egg game and he was on a picture with a "real" hand-egg athlete. It was just pathetic.
Because they act the same and act like they're opressed.
Again, do you
Because if you're pulling some semantics bullshit, you're fucking retarded.
Esports is cringing bullshit.
For once normalfags are right.
Thanks that was the word I was looking for.
Uhuh I laughed at the Koreans in the 90s.
Esports are no worse than traditional sports, and I think there's nothing wrong with liking either. I don't personally enjoy them all that much, but I would rather watch a good Dota 2 or Street Fighter mach than a game of Football if given the choice.
I think it should be considered to be a sport by the general public and it absolutely will. LoL and Dota 2 are already significantly more popular than baseball in terms of viewership and I don't think anyone's going to claim that baseball isn't a widely accepted sport.
Why exactly is a game trying to be an esport a bad thing?
I want actual reasons here.
Because it seems part of it involves trying to be the best quality possible to attract attention, fun to play to attract as many people as possible but also requiring a lot of skill so there can be actual competition.
Oh and also reinforces the idea of gitting gud as well as trying to win and play the game.
It's like the complete opposite of the direction walking simulators seem to go and so far I can't think of a single reason as to why trying to make a game competitive means it will suck.
The video is funny though, lots of pundits and baby boomers don't like that their traditional sports don't atract the younger crowd that prefers videogames instead.
wrong as shit, it makes the game need to rely on hype for everything, its financial success immediately disconnects from its actual quality as soon as it becomes an esport.
triple wrong, now if you are way too good your character will get nerfed, if you are bad you will be ranked with other bad players instead of good players, being good dosnt make you better then the other players in the server, characters that are good enough but attract bad players will get buffed, ect.
just like real sports, esports are anti competitive both in the normal sense and in the market sense
When humanity as a whole gets some fucking taste
I don't mind competitive gayming in a community sense.
I don't like, however, what it does to developers.
When a developer makes a game with espurts in mind, it tends to sour the game itself.
The best ones come out of not being coddled to be an big-name epsort by devs.
How so, when hype get's you sales in the first week but never retains players afterwards?
Singleplayer games rely far more on hype than any multiplayer game as hype does not make for good life support.
Is there a single instance you can point where this happened and wasn't the actual character being objectively better than any other so he got a nerf to make him just as viable?
And does that really have anything to do with this anway, as they nerf the character but not the player?
Removing crutch builds or OP skills and demanding the player to actually get even better with that character sounds a lot like "git gud".
So you'll be ranked with players that have a similar skill level to yours giving you a fair fight from which you can learn more. What's wrong here?
??? How are real sports anti competitive?
Vehicular racing has been a sport for thousands of years.
I'd be okay with "esports" if it implied anything to do with actually challenging games like fighting games or RTS's. 99% of the time it's fucking astroturfed/crowdfunded two-way MMO bullshit where they change the rules every two seconds, throw in arbitrary dice rolls in a game where it's completely unnecessary, and make half the game spent PvE'ing. And pay2win mechanics for most of them too, and the big one that doesn't is worse than everything but fucking League.
Back in the 70's there was a pay driver that passed out from exhaustion after 10 laps. Nowadays on some tracks the drivers take 6.9 sustained G's along their spine for up to 8 seconds on some corners, 60+ times a race. The drivers can literally crack walnuts with their neck muscles. The physically fitter the driver the more speed they can take through the corner and resultant the more G's through their spine. A journalist who got a chance to drive a V10 era F1 car nearly passed out from exhaustion after just a few laps of driving at a far lower pace than an actual F1 driver does.
Enzo Ferrari is not the god of motorsport, he is as much regarded for his blatant failings and the resultant political mess that left Ferrari a pile of trash until Brawn and company arrived as he is for making some above average cars in the 50's.
Considering how young this "sport" is, funding for it is gonna be rare and must come from somewhere.
Professional athletes from less popular sports have harder times getting sponsors and as a result you barely ever hear about them.
This is a legitimate point since you need stability in the rules but it's also an interesting point for another reason.
In most games that undergo balance changes, those happen because players find a way to play a specific character\weapon so as to make it clearly superior to most everything else. Whenever the rules are changed (usually) it's to equal the potential of that character\weapon to the others so every match doesn't devolve into everyone playing with that character\weapon.
But the large amount of patches released for the game mean one or two of these: the company is mostly incompetent in terms of balancing and\or the players can find some depth to the game that the devs weren't counting on.
Technically, at that stage it's a competition about who PvE's faster. But it's boring and unecessary, yes.
Not really a problem for the competitive scene, though. But it's a bad point, yes. Fortunnaly we are moving away from that, most games distinctively avoid anything that could be associated with P2W, these days and leave money purchases strictly for cosmetics.
Just because it doesn't require physical exertion doesn't mean its not a sport. they call them SPECTATOR sports for a reason, that means that a certain number of people a year spectate said event. If rock paper scissors had multiple millions of people clamoring to watch it then yes it would be a sport, I'm sorry it doesn't have any physical exertion. But why isn't woodcutting or construction a sport, that requires much physical exertion. All sports are games, Basketball = game, Football = game, Racing =game. The criteria for any mundane activity to be a sport is the amount of viewers not how much you can run or wear yourself out in a short period of time. Now I don't support eSports, but when it matches views of large spectator sports, has fans like large spectator sports, teams, sponsors, etc, just like large sports, then its probably a large sport. Doesn't make it right though.
Thank you for your shitty opinion. Would you mind sharing your winning record at playing gookclick vidya competitively?
Like vaginal paintings are art. Repeat that as much as you want, there is nothing objective about games being art. Is chess art? It's a game too.
chess sets can be art
Game assets can be art too. Doesn't make the game as a whole art.
But there's no necessary point where it stops being art either. Installation art is a thing, and not in some retarded, edgy "this bathroom is now an art installation" kind of way, setting and presentation are part of it.
It's art. It serves no purpose except to entertain or pass an idea, message or emotion. There's no objective reason to spend money on it.
You should buy games to support artists that do things you like instead of treating it like a product you consume.
You can say it's not art all you want, doesn't make it true either. You can argue some are bad art and some are good and you can even say some companies are more interested in making a product then a masterpiece.
But if you say that Deus Ex or Planescape or Age of Empires aren't art, you're a big stupid faggot.
Basically a sport is anything you can compete in.
that's why both swimming and, say, chess are a sport.
it's why poker is a sport as well, and if we call those things sports, heck, why not video games too? who cares at this point?
Who cares if it isn't a 'real sport'. If you can make money out of your hobby, then fucking do it.
The funny part is how most people who make fun of it don't play physical sports at all whatsoever.
There isn't a doubt in my mind that eSports won't be as popular as soccer in the yeas to come.
That's my argument, if racing and chess can be considered a sport then high level competitive gaming should too. Hell most competitive games requires more reflexes, skill and strategy than chess.
Holy shit, an intelligent counter-argument on a chan board, what is this world coming to?
Sadly, you're absolutely right. That's more of a not-strictly games issue, but regardless, it's relevant. If I were god, I'd de-emphasize mobas and put more on non-Capcom fighting games and arena shooters, but that's an opinion thing.
It makes sense. There's not really a short-term (game-wise) solution for that sort of thing in something like a moba since they tend to be combinatorics nightmares, especially in something like Dota where most if not all of the non-component items have an active, but it's very relevant in LoL and the like too. The long-term solution is to simply design games around having less combinations of things just for the sake of having combinations of things. I rather like the Awesomenauts/HotS approach, where it still has customization, but it's tailored around each character instead of being one size fits all. While not a moba in the traditional sense, Battlerite has a similar system with its rites. That way, you can nerf specific characters whose strong points are too strong instead of having to have collateral damage, and vice versa with buffing.
Fortunately, the three I mentioned above tried to distill the game more down to combat. Dota tried to as well, but the problem in that case is that Dota's combat is extremely low execution on most characters (save fringe cases like Meepo, Invoker, Ember, Storm, etc.) even though it has more emphasis on tactics, positioning, and cooldowns, so inflating the economic worth of fights (comeback aoe gold and XP) really fucks with the game something fierce.
And thank fuck it's been phasing out. I really don't have an issue with even silly skins as long as they're not too garish. Dota skins somehow manage to be garish AND not funny on a number of community submissions though. Fucking crowd-developing.
I want to stress and voice an opinion that probably isn't abnormal here. That Esports is very cancerous and very stupid.
But I regret understanding fully that that opinion is not reflected in the millions of people outside of Holla Forums.
Don't be so sure, there are a lot of Chad Thundercocks out there that mock "those stupid nerds" for playing videogames instead of "real sports".
The theme is that people mock what they don't know and the more you don't know, the harder you mock.
Soccer is popular because of two factors only: it moves vast amounts of money and is incredibly easy to pick up on.
You can feed small countries with the cost of a really good player and you can play it with just about any light weight spherical object. Poor people do it with cabbages.
eSports used to be something that moved no money and required insane amount of skill to be a part of. These days, the games people compete one are a bit simpler while videogames are more acessible and more people try them, so that issue is actively being solved already.
All it needs is to move large sums of money as well and it will beat soccer. As soon as advertizers require more viewers, they'll make a push for TV air time, radio talks, billboards and other things to promote their dedicated ad space.
And keep in mind, the great majority of the "videogame audience" are young people that make dumb decisions with their money. They are the perfect crowd to market towards, so why put an ad on a soccer game seen by 30-40 years old men that are wise with their money?
We're a rare breed here, we stay and keep coming back because this kind of people are still here.
Free Market. If the majority wants to see a tourney of League instead of Quake, that's what's gonna happen. I'd personnaly prefer Unreal Tournament and Civilization, but I'm happy with what we have now. Overwatch and Dota might not be as fun to play for everyone but they make for excelent "viewing sports".
I'd honestly watch a match of 3-4 hours between 6 Civilization players, I can't even imagine how fucking crazy that game would be if taken to competitive levels. Maybe it wouldn't be shit anymore ;_;
Problem still remains that the game is decided in the 5 minutes that are the teamfights and ganks in midgame. Everything before is setup for those, everything after is snowballing. But since the outcome of the outcome is decided by the best setup, efficient creep farming is still a very important part of the game, despite being the most boring one.
I still argue that Smite, HotS and Awesomenauts did the best you can possibly do with the genre since they practically or completely remove the laning phase and change the focus of the game to fights and secondary objectics (that force fights around it) but those aren't gonna be as popular because the crowd that loves Dota and LoL has toaster puters and prefers an actually simpler game.
Despite the large amount of items and the hardcore feel of Dota, I'll consider it easier than HotS simply because you can pick a few characters and carry the entire game on your own, teamwork is never a requirement in that game. All you gotta know how to do in Dota is how to kill better and the XP\Gold advantage you get is enough to win the game against decent teams even if your team is retarded.
Meanwhile in other "less skilled" games, you can have as many kills as the entire enemy team and still lose the game because you can't cooperate with your team or play the map properly.
You're correct that it's an opinion because you're not backing it up with anything.
There are good and bad aspects of Esports and there's certainly a ridiculous culture surrounding it, but it's a bit silly to have an opinion on it without stating why.
Yea. The developers were really pushing it into an e-sport. Don't you remember when they had fake e-sport announcer for some of the gameplay videos? It was about a similar quality as those fake let's players playing far cry primal. Trying hard to sound invested was a detriment to make it appealing. There are just too many people who've taken leaping before they look as an actual business action.
Do you know what something being a 'professional sport' means?
It means thousands of kids preparing their entire life only for less-than-a-handful of them to make it, getting fucked real bad by companies who don't give a shit about the athletes and only want to make money, performing for millions of people who don't give a flying fuck about the sport and only want to cheer for their team because they like their team's color.
Stop trying to be labeled as something stupid by some mouth-breathing media idiots.
As someone that has suffered through Art school let me say that the 'artists' don't believe in the definition or the laws. Art is now "EVERYTHING"
If your definition of sport involves physical athleticism, then no. If it's more about competition, than yes.
On the other hand, viewership of esports makes a LOT more sense than regular sports. Even the worst competitive video games are way more fun to watch than any ball game. In theory anyway, I don't really watch either there's just more interesting stuff going on in a game.
Esports is retarded autistic garbage, but im fine with it existing as a niche.
However, as it gets bigger and bigger and more cancerous the big publisher's will attempt to build games around it, then you get more shit like nudoom
big surprise fam ;^)
I don't give a shit about e-sports or normalfags or your thread for that matter.
It's white privilege at work. We need to introduce affirmative action in Chess. By 2020, at least 50% of Chess games should have black move first.
I'm actually want to start a campaign now too see how many retards will latch on and see how far it goes.
Not giving it a click, but from the thumbnail I assume it's a just an assortment of non-millennials laughing at the concept. Nothing wrong with that, playing video games never should have been made a viable career. If only LPers would be shit on in the same way rather than having been so damn successful they've practically replaced the Talmudvision for younger generations.
Careful user, you'll be messing with Poe's Law, you might create a monster you can't slay or control
fuck persistent flags between posts
Sage because doublepost, just wanted to say you could fix the problem by having a dice roll or something at the start of each chess game to determine who goes first instead
Heroes of the Shitstorm wasn't even meant to be an esport in the first place. It was supposed to be a chill game based on their properties until Bobby Kotick and Chris Metzen wanted that [CORRUPTED] esport money Dota and LoL made. HoTS is what you get if you focus on esports without making the game fun, thinking fanboys who sucked your dick since closed alpha will keep your terrible product going (even they have their limits).
Want another example of a really bad esport attempt?! Street Fighter V. Capcom tried to cater to the esport scene, and it failed miserably.
SocialJusticeWatch is starting to show its cracks, but because the game updates are "free" it's still kicking (new heroes are free, but you still buy boxes). If it was Team Fortress 2 with LoL/HoTS sleazy pay stuff, SocialJusticeWatch would have been dead and pissed on like SFV.
You're fucking retarded.
I think it would be hysterical if we could actually change the rules to something like a coin flip or a dice roll as you said. It doesn't seem too difficult to pull off either.
But affirmative action will just make Black move first always. Black will also get two moves first turn to compensate for millennia of oppression.
So long as there is a substantial amount of people who watch them and someone who can profit from it they will keep existing. Not even mad really, to each his own.
That's a fucking great idea, but we need to make it seem sensible.
We can also create a bunch of bullshit statistics in how it's actually better for game balancing.
normalfags in the modern word are literally subhuman cattle
If someone even bothers recording them in history they won't be remembered as anything more than the most pathetic submissive creature ever seen.
Genocide normalfags, save the world