It's true that I killed my Mentor… and yet, I am not his murderer

What did he mean by this?

Also what language are they speaking? Is it French?

Do not attempt to understand, just follow orders.

There is nothing to understand! Nothing makes sense!

He meant that his legs are ok

Not french, it's a made up language.
Though some words are taken from french, i.e. Brouzouf is french slang for money, similar to dosh in english.

Killing isn't the same as murder.

According to the Talmud, you can be deliberately responsible for someone's death without being guilty of the sin of murder if you get another person to do it for you.

What happens if Deathwing doesn't sell well and/or gets blasted in reviews?
Will they still be able to make EYE: FED SWAT Edition?

That's the opposite of what most consider justice.

Dont kill your mentor and join him to fight your commander, later at the HQ your mentor atacks you in order to make you absorb his power and be able to cast some powerfull PSI technique to kill your mentor whit it

quote it


Get this hothead out of here!

Was he autistic?

Have you ever even seen the state of our Holla Forums?
It's worse than Holla Forums.
It doesn't help they have one BO who logs on once a day.

Influx of newfags has actually increased the quality of the board recently.

He meant that you will never be able to escape your cycles of guilt.

WEW it must have really gone to shit?
What was it tripfags discussing their 3d waifu Super Girl from the GW?

Holla Forums used to be the designated shitposting board for all the memesters that had been banned on halfchan/tv/

It's simple, really.
He was not the one who murdered his mentor, merely the instrument, much like a knife or a gun.

I heard it was Greek, but I could be wrong.

Your Cyberbrain died and "soul" always goes back to Ark/Gates trying to rectify past mistakes

All of this because psy power open another dimension and every soul experiencing purgatory



Killing while following orders isn't murder, it's a soldier's duty.
Killing the willing is euthanasia.
Rimanah wouldn't make waves and kill his mentor when siding with the feds, stealth hacking drones ftw

He likely meant that, yes, he killed him, but his hand was forced by other causes.

It's actually Hellenic Greek. The voice actors and writers were students of Old Comedy and were inspired by Aristophanes to do the whole game in the Attic Greek dialect.

Streum On is one of the few studios I'd give money in a kikestarter

It's a figurative manner of speech

what did they mean by this?

It physically hurts thinking what EYE could have been on an engine other than Source.

Does anybody have a webm of the GITS uzi?

That's not what it is, the uzi in GitS was a normal one, firing high-powered, armor piercing bullets. Its rate of fire was normal.
The uzi in EYE is a miniaturized tri-canon minigun, the bullets are 'normal' as much as normal applies in EYE.

as far as I can tell, the game is trying to say:

Rimanah is you but you have memory loss and he isn't real. You killed your mentor but then you had memory loss and forgot you were the commander (at least consciously) . It doesn't really make sense but it's all I remember.