Standing Rock is basically a war zone. Why isn't the media covering this?
Standing Rock is basically a war zone. Why isn't the media covering this?
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Higher quality video here:
well gee user, I wouldn't know
Authorities are actively blocking communications. There continue to be thousands of protesters at SR.
A report on Zerzan's radio show
Submedia has footage too.
Anyone planning on heading over there? I might decide to make the trip to protest with them.
It's the media!
I just wish InfoWars was on this, too
look like [[[Alex Jones]]] is on porky's side :(
Because they are on Porky's side, duh
Gee I don't know. Why did nobody give a shit before Trump won?
Also, the protests are a bit shit teir. They're not water canon, they're hoses.
And those posts about "hurr durr an old lady died" Of hypothermia. Come on. How many hours does that take to set in?
fuck off faggot
Fair enough… But Hillary would have been in favour of this and Obama clearly is. Why now?
Or was it all okay when Obama did it?
Obama is still doing it you fucking retard. It was never okay whatever bourgeois figurehead was in charge while it happened.
Kill yourself or read a book. Either way fuck off.
Everyone on my facebook won't shut up about this. Why should I care exactly?
why the hell don't they bring a militia there like the bundyfags did?
The Unibomber was right, leftists only goal in life is to lose. Lose fights, lose the sympathy of the general public and lose elections.
the samefag Holla Forumsyp has been going hard in multiple threads
Yeah but these protests have kicked off massively since the election.
Obama has been pulling this shit for 8 years while the same people who are outraged now sat at home and did fuck all.
So what, these are protests against Obama that just happen to have popped up the week after Trump won an election?
The protests started in April
Yeah, totally, and I totally have solidarity with the local natives.
But all the liberals who have shown up since the election, who have been nowhere to be seen for the last 8 years while Obama pulled this shit left right and centre? they have questions to answer.
Fetishizing it when a rightwing police force fucks them, nowhere to be seen when its a neolib one.
Notice how the Standing Rock protesters… ARE ACTUALLY USING BARRICADES? They've been able to prevent the pigs from moving a single inch, just by using barricades and organized support tactics (maintaining bonfires, throwing back gas canisters, etc). Looking at the footage, it seems they probably have less than a thousand people working with them at any point in time. This is what is possible when protesters organize strategically and tactically instead of just marching around and "occupying" things randomly.
So you're a contrarian faggot who doesn't pay attention to current events. OK, fuck off.
Why are you even asking this?
But are they doing anything more than that? Porky has no problem with riots themselves, he doesn't care if pigs get killed or whatever, as long as rioters' attention remains fixed on piggies.
You really think it is this few? It seems like there might be more at some points. OP webm seems packed.
Not long, considering they used them in freezing temperatures.
They're not rioting or killing cops?
Let me put it like that: are they sabotaging pipeline operations or just demonstrating their feelings?
Well, it is out in the fucking dakotas. I think both dakotas have less than two million people between them.
I think to be further away from civilization you'd have to go to the moon.
You're thinking of Alberta
Same reason why we got no news of the prison strike.
Crikey. I think he's mad. Sorry for upsetting u xoxoxox
Nah, he's thinking of Ohio
Also, North Dakota is like fucking Siberia in the winter. It is a barren, desolate, ice box. Right now it is a balmy 0° C, but that will change as we get into December.
they're not sabotaging, but rather blocking the development.
They've actually set construction vehicles on fire.
Pretty fucking based. They are fucking doing this shit right. All they need now is an arsenal. We have to get out there.
Sorry, this content isn't available at the moment
Yeah, the whole FB page got taken down.
Someone uploaded it to Twitter:
Did you even watch OP's video?
never thought i will be this proud of burger comrades tbh
Holy fuck what
People have been freaking out about it for months?
We know who Facebook works for.
IIRC they built the barricade a long time ago to stop porky from crossing, but it backfired as the pigs are now using it to keep the protestors away from the actual construction.
when will this ape finally join the forest ?
Massive respect, they are much better than the pacifist liberals.
I thought originally it was because people wouldn't side with the police/security if they were shown actually abusing people.
Then I remembered that when people were protesting over what's his face here in Charlotte getting shot other people were cheering on the police and the fucking National Guard patrolling our fucking streets with loaded weapons. Even protesters were thanking them. I hate the word "cuck," but the general population is so fucking cucked by authority.
Why the fuck aren't there more people there? Everybody knows about it regardless of the media, it's all over Reddit, Twitter and Facebook, so where is all the support? I know most people can't leave to go protest, I myself am barely able to afford living, but I'm sure a lot can.
I wanna see a goddamn horde the size of a fucking army pushing those pig cops back and trampling any unlucky enough to trip and fall. Where is the Occupy crowd? The RadSocJus crowd? The Antifas?
I imagine most people willing to go there can't exactly afford the plane ticket or the time off work or the gas it would take to drive there.
I certainly would go there if I could.
That is a big part of it. North Dakota is the middle of nowhere, so plane tickets are crazy expensive. It is not like there are any nearby airline hubs. Also, anyone who is not acclimated to the arctic weather there is going to be in a bad way.
Indians are tenacious as fuck. We need to radicalize more of them so they are on our side when the revolution comes.
That's a misleading picture.
I found the video it's form, and they didn't mention the burned vehicles or how they got that way.
So far, all I've read is the police dept. is making this claim.
I'm 8,000 miles away atm. Please do! The more, the better!
I think plenty Native Americans are radicalized. Their entire history here has been against the government, for obvious reasons.
The police did not burn them, if that is what you are suggesting.
My father is comparing it to Wounded Knee in 1975. He was there running guns, but he is a bit too old for this one.
I'm not suggesting either way. And how do you know the police didn't?
Wow, your father is oldschool, huh? Good to know he was on the side of the Native Americans.
I'm not American but it seems obvious that they'd loathe the current system, given how it basically genocided them
Lakota SSR when?
I found this when looking up info on the burned bulldozers.
They don't mention how the pipeline isn't in compliance with the law, itself, conveniently. Anyone who knows more on the subject, please let me know how accurate this is. Given they're parroting the police dept., I'd say not very.
unless [[[ ]]] is our way to identify porky pawns
didn't some nazi cunts turn up there recently?
lmao, yeah, it defeats the purpose
You mean the waterfilter?
Why would police burn vehicles (making them more difficult to remove) that are blocking road access to construction vehicles?
Shit map.
To have a reason to blame protesters, justify their violence against them. Block the protesters from getting closer.
cletus pls, it's not anuddah shoah
Capitalism is basically a war zone. Why isn't the media covering this?
It is, they're just on enemy's side.
I doubt the police would intentionally destroy the property of the corporation they've been sent to protect. If they were burned by the police, it was likely an accidental fire set by their grenades. There's plenty of video of protesters going around smothering the grassfires that pop up whereever police grenades land, and also videos of protestors throwing the grenades back.
However, and unfortunate as it is for winning over the masses of libruhls who don't understand that there's a moral distinction between violence against property and violence against human beings, the trucks were probably burned by a rogue protester.
looked shopped (at least the man does)
Dude is 69 this year, and yeah he was a resident of the Rosebud reservation at the time. Thankfully he didn't get caught, because I was born a year later. It's funny. He hid with his brother in California where he met and married my mother.
Wow, that reads way more romantic than it actually was. I should be there.
Solidarity, brother(or sister). That's a cool backstory. If you're able to, you should go. Keep that fam tradition going. ;) Or do what you can. It seems the media narrative at villainizing these protesters is taking hold in some people. It should also be combated at any opportunity.
Only racists want to segregate the south. kys raciost faggot