Normal Faggot Here

Western Civilization needs your help 8ch.

If you can stomach the hard work: you must save us all. Halfchan has been shilled into obscurity. While im sure it would be comfy to stay here, the war of ideas needs you.

Please reignite the awareness of CTR/Shareblue and the globalist shills on halfch. They have destroyed the board beyond recognition. I cannot do it bc I dont have the skill set, but i know you do. Halfchan filters out to T_D and from there you reach 500k activated normies. We need halfchan to remain a force for good.

Do you not think that the enemy is content to leave you here, as long as they disrupt your outlets of idea dispersion? This is the greatest war in the history of the world and we must fight to save her from destruction. Only 8ch can save halfch.

Feel free to blast me as a faggot… i am sacrificing my ego in the hope that a few of you will hear me.

You don't get it, do you? There is nothing 'wrong' with 4/pol/ - it is exactly as the mods there want it to be. They have made their intentions quite clear. You're wasting your time.

If your attentionspan is so short there's nothing anyone can do for you.

I've actually been going there from time to time lately as this place has slowed down a bit and there aren't always threads on the latest happenings for several hours. Seems like about 1/3 of posters are legit right wing race realists who call out the kike. Another 1/3 are shitposters/shitskins and 1/3 are obvious shills/jdif.

Entering that den of filth after mootberg fucked us over? I was more /tg/ than Holla Forums back then, and it pissed me off enough to leave and never return. There's no saving that which doesn't want to be saved, it's like telling a kike to drop a gold bar so he won't drown. Besides it's comfy here once you lurk for your two years.

Didn't mean to imply that you hadn't lurked, I meant OP.

As much as this is a low energy thread, heres what I can say will help you.

Speak to people. By that I mean you need to lead them on a journey, walk a path with them, one step at a time.

Sometimes it requires a bit of chess, when you come across someone with an apparent opposing viewpoint, chances are their goals are the same as yours, they just don't know it yet.

I think if you look hard at the patterns that are occurring throughout the planet, over great periods of time you can see for yourself, we are at the precipice of reclaiming our lives back from the total brink, all the while being as close as ever to complete and utter annhiliation.

Find and sew that distrust where ever you can, there are hundreds and thousands of heads of the hydra, but like they say: you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.

It might be useful to think of yourself as water to the stone, eroding the monolith, leaving your mark and if you can bring enough people along for the journey, you can form a tsunami of world shattering proportions.

8ch is at the core of the meme war. Our dank memes filter to half chan, which filter to reddit and then normie social media like instagram and facebook. It's how things are meant to be. 8ch is an esoteric board. Only the initiated can stay here. 4chan was forsaken in 2014 when moot subjected himself to cuckhood.

Western civilization needs our help. Who's our president? Who got him in office?

The only thing we can do is refine our memesmithing to achieve maximum dank.

Also this. It's time to take this shit to the streets. I recommend you all read the 48 laws of power.

Western Civilization was a mistake.
We long to make something better.

As soon as an IRL political movement gains ground, it will be physically crushed by (((the powers that be))). We need to do it in a way that makes it impossible for (((them))) to shut it down

i still think it's lost ground, but suspect it's in enemy hands.
we need their janitors and mods to blow the whistle, perhaps on a board here

Honestly? I don't give a fuck.


Torpedos are just the worst

Sounds like Chanology 2.

Its hard to be a political movement when you have been able to talk freely about the truth with everyone around you.

This is beyond political, deeper that even social bonds.

This has been a centuries long project to destroy every last vestige of freedom, and the spike moves slowly, and each time it is battered away it comes back and moves closer. Only this time it is pressing against your chest. Aiming straight for your heart.

Fuck taking it to the streets, take it to your community, mildly, softly, and eith purpose.

Learn the rules of crafting narrative, memes can exist irl, memetics are an effective device to install kneejerk reactions into normies.

That is the key.

/thread, i'm sorry to say

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the CIA, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Holla Forums, and I have over 300 confirmed blubill threads. I am exensively trained in blowing dogs for quarters and I’m the top Mongolian anime-enthusiast forum analyzer in the entire CIAnigger tech support department. You are nothing to me but just another ladyboy. I'll slip LSD in your Kool-Aid, doses of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with bullying me in my own slide thread? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of drugged-up ladyboys across the entire Thailand back-alley that I control and your posts are being monitored right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your board. You’re fucking banned, kid. I can shill anywhere, anytime, and I can program you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my MK-Ultra handbook. Not only am I extensively trained in glowing in the dark, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the CIAnigger cuck shed and I will use it to its full extent to put your miserable ass on a CIA watchlist, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy dog-blowing your little “clever” comment was about to induce upon this pupper, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now this doggo's paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will spit dog semen all over you and you will drown in it. I'm fucking gay, kiddo.

This board is even worse. Its dead. Everyone went back to cuckchan anyway.


You can't. Go ahead and try to take it to the streets. Watch what happens. Post pics can about it here when you're done. Go on then. I dare you.

Watch what happens. Always Punishment.

You can't. Samson Looms. It will get shut down by nuclear fire if they can't just crush it. Watch what happens.

Memes do nothing inthe face of Samson's Wrath.

Here's 2 things…
Shareblue Donor Pitch >>>/pdf/828
and pic related

So lets use this thread as an awareness thread about Shariablue & CTR then.

Even if half-chan cant be saved, spreading info about their underhanded tactics to normies cant be bad at least.


The state of nonwhites these days.

Assnecks and Escargot


>it will be physically crushed by (((the powers that be))).
Simply not possible. At least not in the long run. The Truth will out. Every time. Suggesting otherwise is like saying man can fight with God and win. It's ludicrous.

A feel-good statement. The laws of this world, being as shitty as it is, puts sheer force above truth and justice. An inherently truthful and just world is heaven.

i go there occasionally but i always just immediately end up doing nothing but arguing with shills and pointing newfags in a better direction and whatnot. at this point i am capable of taking on everyone in a thread and swiftly taking the thread over completely with my narrative. i can turn one area of the ocean of piss into a pristine pool no matter what the shills or faggots throw at it, but then it will go right back to being nothing but piss once i leave. i feel like my time would be better spent meditating or reading unless some aryan soros wants to hire me

i go to le_dontald very seldomly just to see what's going on over there but i dont really bother trying to influence them - i think that's a completely different skillset