Other urls found in this thread:
Get the FTC involved and nab Sean Murray for false advertising.
What country is ASA based on?
If it's in the UK, they might have a chance of getting this through. I believe in the UK is one of the few actual cases where a game company was fined for false advertising.
It was way back when for some PS2 Medal of Honor game, where their adverts on TV showed CGI trailer stuff, but the game itself of course looked like dogshit in comparison. Some angry dad bought it for his kid, was flabbergasted and brought it to the authorities and they were fined.
Not sure how it translates to "promises" of content.
They'll probably just receive a slap on the wrist, but maybe it could force that murray faggot out of hiding.
Please no. I don't want to look at hipsters who think being barefoot is ok in a professional setting.
Even if it doesn't lead to anything, it would still show that marketing based on blatant lies isn't completely untouchable.
In the case I mentioned earlier, at least in the UK it lead to companies not being able to show CGI of a game in an ad, they have to show in-game graphics. Not sure if they can have a mix or not.
"When it rains, it pours." When is he going to off himself?
I don't know if much will happen but I'm going to be pretty happy if it does
Also means people will beware when lieing
The ASA is based in the UK, so this actually has a decent chance to be found as false advertising. Just look at how pissed the normalfags were at when they played the game and couldn't get refunds.
Fucking finally
Another case I remember is where the British Homeopathic Society got fined for tweet advertising homeopathic anti-depressants.
So I'd say chances of this going through are pretty good, especially since Hello Games is also based in the UK.
Looks like Full Metal lurk more faggot
Absolute cancer. I'm speechless as to how far the dicks of a tiny team of people can get down one person's throat. Hope the £18 quintillion Hello Games paid him for it was worth it.
That's quite a feat.
So the worst thing that happens is they get no mans sky ads pulled but the marketing has been over for a long time.
If this agency has any power then how come they haven't eaten Todd Howard alive yet?
yfw you didn't buy NMS
where is murray?
serves them right, they deserve this for false advertising, selling garbage at full price and especially because most likely are SJWs.
fuck them.
Here you go.
My friend was defending this game to high heaven after it came out and saying that it delivered exactly what it promised. He's quit playing it after just 6 hours of playtime.
nice try, schlomo
"The ASA has the power to have advertisements it believes are in breach of its code of conduct withdrawn, and prevent them from appearing again. If an advertiser refuses to comply with an ASA ruling, it can impose sanctions, such as asking internet search websites to remove a marketer's paid-for search ads."
Don't think much bad is going to happen to them, I reckon they'll withdraw as soon as they get the complaint
Holy fuck, the ASA are finally doing their fucking job for once?
I'm amazed. I thought they just let vidya off the hook after they did shit to Molyneux.
The ASA are based in the UK (they have some power over Ireland as well, I think), they can't do a lot to an American dev.
Posting keks.
What happened to Pete anyways?
finally, a happening. It was soooo boring the last few days.
There's literally nothing wrong with using google,
Holy shit I really went to see what was going down and now I can't stop wheezing,
I never buy games on release, unless it is some kind of special edition I am bit of a buyfag.
Not buying a game with no solid info about it pre-release is really not something to be smug about.
Fact they are getting investigated for false advertising is something to be smug about.
Any excuse to jerk ourselves off and pretend like we actually did anything is a good excuse
Good fucking lord, redditors truly are an advanced form of cancer, good to know their precious idols are getting what they deserve for being a bunch of incompetent, lying morons.
Fuck doing anything.
Fact they are getting investigated is good enough excuse to jerk off.
Just don't pretend that what you've done matters.
We can only hope that this keeps happening more, and that the same starts applying to AAA developers too.
Its because thanks to social media its easy to like feel friends with the devs and take a lot more bullets for them.
It's like they're learning but whenever something comes out and generates more hype they'll just jump on it again.
Remarking creatures.
Sometimes I wonder if the majority on the bigger subreddits and probably the smaller ones as well isn't just shills by now responding to each other, with very few actual users, who somehow didjn't leave that shitshow during the past couple years.
I think the only Reddit i have ever seen that seems more user than shill is the Destiny one because that even reached a point last year where there had been no content for 6 months that the mods changed the theme of the board to be all black and say something like 'guardians down, shits dead' which was a kick in the pants for Bungie to start talking again.
Sometimes the consumer forgets the power they have and leave it to the caterwauling SJW's to use and abuse.
What the fuck, there is no way this is a real human.
I remember seeing one during launch week on that list thing they had saying "It's ok, some features have been added with the new update so people who gave it a bad review on steam should change it to good."
They are shills.
I used to go to r/warhammer until someone asked what is people's opinion of Age of Sigmar.
Moderator commented that he won't find any negative opinions here because it is strictly pro-GW subreddit.
Rest are bit better but all of them are primarily echo chambers.
most of these subreddits are run by pr people directly involved with the companies and also by hotpocket shills expecting to get a job within said companies
damn it feels good to be a miser
I don't have enough schadenfreude anymore. Can these dumb fucks just bury themselves ten-feet deep so we can stop talking about shitty, awful, terrible, unoptimized walking simulating non-games, and start talking about video games that are worth half a damn?
Also if you want to see for yourself.
r/subredditcancer r/undelete
These two are kinda dedicated to be anti-shills.
That's nice, where were they when others have been doing this shit for years?
How about going after EA?
It's because NMS was an exception for them, it's the first time they felt cheated in a while.
Nothing to be smug about, I also didn't smear shit over my face today. Hardly something to be smug about.
Its shitposting either way.
I've never liked the
It just seems like shitposting that is hardly entertaining.
True, if you can't find a good reason to post your reaction pics you're clearly not trying hard enough.
Who gives a fuck? They already sold the game, nobody is buying it after the first 2 weeks anyway
It is actually quite big deal.
They specifically care about people like you so you won't have to sell a game week after release.
You know the industry is a big load of shit when watchdogs have to get involved. Did something similar happen with someone else a year or few ago? Maybe I'm just thinking of Steam with their shit refund policy.
I don't buy games, ever. NMS has a mostly negative score on steam nobody is buying that shit anymore
Some nice OST from SiIvagunner
would be cool if this would be the reality. But user, reality looks different.
There are a shhitton of people who are brainfucked as hell and buy every shit that get hyped by some random faggots on the internet.
Just wait and see, watch dogs 2 is coming soon.
I prefer this one
I thought you wrote "I sold the game". For that I am sorry.
Still it is big deal.
Most of the sells they have gotten and fanboys were because of false advertising.
It doesn't matter in case of NMS but it might affect game advertisement in the future. At least now we know we can send mails to authorities and it works.
How original.
You honestly sound like a faggot who jerks off in their tears.
NMS sold well initially but will probably fail to make a profit.
Inafune did everything right.
No weakness
it's time to bury the Murray
While I'm doubtful about this going anywhere, I honestly think this is ultimately a positive thing. Its about fucking time people talked and put a stop to the Murrays and Molyneuxs of the world, even if this case likely won't do a lot to Hello Games.
This year just keeps fucking going.
what anime is that fox girl?
lurk moar
is this bait?
please wait for a year or two before you post again
Mahou Senshi ChinChin
I pirated it and still felt jew'd out of my money
that's exactly how I felt about the Xbox One
When the game was release i instantly knew some burgerclaps would sue.
That's what burgers always do.
I have no clue user.
It's a British company. Britbongs usually care about copyright.
All porn of Mileena that has her without her mask is automatically shit-tier
Well hot damn.
There's nothing wrong with it if it's his business, kiddo.
Now will someone please kill the dumb motherfuckers who still pre order games?
They're the ones who enable this shitty industry.
Boku No Pico
C'mon user, summer's over
I want to lick that navel
Liru, there's a pron game with her, never played but it seems that you have "hands" and touch her and undress and fuck her.
Wait I remembered it's Berserk.
right back at ya
I don't know how to use paint.
But I never used any of these user.
Hey now.
user you're scaring me.
I'm fresh out user. But thanks for these, they were pretty good.
Learn how to google the lyrics you faggot
I meant this mix of it.
Git gud.
reddit needs to off itself
What the fuck?
Gotta love how the modern casual has been near conditioned to not want to see devs get fucked over regardless if they deserve it or not.
I fucking love rayK
So we throw a party when they go bankrupt?
t. pantsuwotaberu
I didn't know you post on Holla Forums.
Holy shit user have you heard?! There are other continents! Amazing right?
lol get fucked sean, you piece of shit
The RWBY subreddit was acceptable.
you know getting this triggered at a joke just proves the image more correct, right?
Just makes me cringe
I never went there so it was never changed. I even have my OS set on english, mostly for help on troubleshooting.
Oh well.
it's just a joke my white friends
Reddit is generally when you are looking for small fanbases. Its size makes them alive.
I still go on Berserk, Spice and Wolf, Evangelion and Touhou subreddits. r/Berserk are bigger shitposters than our /a/
Anything larger makes this site extreme shit, specially gaming dedicated subreddits.
Get out.
You deserve to be banned
Look one thing you will learn from me as guy who still goes the once in a while:
You should shit on the reddit much more you already do. Some parts of it are fine but this site in general is one giant pile of shit. Pretty much anything bigger is one giant shit and subreddits who try to oppose this are either ignored and die or are kicked out of reddit like r/european.
Touhou is just for pics so whatever, I can agree I deserve to die because of Eva one.
I hope they all lose.
anyone that didn't see NMS coming 10 miles away is a moron and only has themself to blame.
We need a No man's sky WEBM in 's style
No user they do it all for free, they are not shills, this is what a hugbox is
They can show CGI footage, but have to have NOT GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE in big writing across the screen
I don't understand. What is this?
One of reddits many child porn trading subreddits.
Description is on the second pic user.
Sounds like a subreddit about taking pictures of shit.
How the fuck does everyone know so much about leddit? Is it true that we're overrun with faggots now? My only interaction with that shitty website is through here, ironically.
That's what I feared which is why I didn't go look it up.
Wait a minute!
Are they trading lewd photos of THEIR OWN CHILDREN?
Have you really never heard the phrase "Drop the kids off at the pool"? It's about shitting, literally shitting.
Paint.NET does wonders.
Run, coward!
What is he saying user?
The Advertising Standards Authority is one of the few good things about the UK. That Beach Body Ready advert was judged to be acceptable.
Just use the original language for the game. To actively avoid your mother tongue is stupid.
And to anyone who only speaks english; you should fucking learn another language for your own sake.
Very nice.
RLM has resurfaced some of the best shit that would otherwise go unnoticed.
It just keeps getting better and better!
This game is fast reaching TORtanic levels of entertainment. Definitely the best game I never paid, pirated or played.
That game was clearly a bait and switch preorder scam. Low cost for sony, high rewards. It's scummy as fuck but it is to be expected when the clinically retarded redditor is now seen as a profitable resources.
They never had any plans for it beyond release.
This. I need to switch to irc and test if there are better communities. help
They did, shitloads of DLC.
Any more exploitables I find or get posted, I'll make!
Release date: November 26
Once in a wihle reddit actually gets it and says something based, of course they back to being cucks not long after
I can't wait for this meme to die.
There's really no reason anybody shouldn't know either of these. It's Darude's Sandstorm
it is more likely that you die first.
this meme will stay for a very long time, it will evolve and spread to the normal fags and you know what, this is a good thing!
as soon the smuggest faces go around on shitbook or censortwatter together with this line from the meme didn't buy it the majority will start to followe up, the cool mountain dew cooowadoody 12yo kiddos will jump on the manufactured 9fag meme and the end of pre-order will slowly creep into reality!
maybe you will witnessed it too, one day, if kek wills it.
Nigger, the entire premise behind this thread is more or less centered around smug satisfaction.
Is there something wrong lads? Oh right I forgot the chick, she's ぼくのぴこ.
neither have I to be fair
only euphemism I've heard was calling it "pinching a loaf"
Can someone please make a stupid montage of NMS with nothing but smash mouth's SO MUCH TO DO SO MUCH TO SEE playing over and over and over?
I don't know why but his hairy, pale feet really bother me. /triggered
Don't know why you are getting upset over that second picture. All these defenders are getting downvotes for their posts.
"Throwing Obama out of the White House"
wojak illustrate posters, not op