‘White nuclear family’ perpetuates racism, CUNY prof argues
Her anti-white, anti-family tweets archived:
‘White nuclear family’ perpetuates racism, CUNY prof argues
Her anti-white, anti-family tweets archived:
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Does she think whites want to be impoverished or something? Nobody is going to believe the fact that nuclear families have more fiscal success is bad. Apparently whites owning property is not just colonialist, but also racist, now.
Jewish traditional families perpetuate Jewish anti-'gentile' bigotry.
Destroying the family, the role of the mother and father and also the authority of the father are key goals in cultural marxism and the white genocide agenda.
Oh, so you beat me to that one. Well heres a good book on it, even has an entire chapter on Sweden and how they were undermined by radical leftists. It was written by a leaf in the 90s, but has a lot of really good information and arguments in it.
BLM put out a list of demands and one of them was that white people give their homes to blacks. They also believe whites are "sub-humxn" so yea, existing as a white is racist, and your only way to atone in their minds is to work as a slave until they exterminate our race.
Once you realize everything the Jew does is to undermine and destroy the white race. Everything makes sense.
To a Jew, the ultimate form of evil is a happy white family that is conservative and traditional, and who has pride for their nation.
Fellow white people, why don't you just commit suicide and end your bloodline if you're really against racism?
By having white children you're perpetuating white supremacy you stupid fucking goyim.
I recently applied to cuny for a transfer. I have excellent credit, pay tuition in cash, and I had a 3.8 at the time I requested transfer. I am confident I was rejected admission because I am white.
Part of what I've learned is that the black-nuclear family is one of the least powerful forces and doesn't support anything,
Honestly if I were applying today I would claim to be some shitskin just to get in. Fuck em.
Change “nigger” to all the occurrences of “white”, you have a racist extremist anti nigger rant. Do the same with “kike”/“white”, now you’ Nazi antisemite. Funny how just one word turns a “progressive, perfectly acceptable and forward-thinking essay” into a “racist we kungz nshieeeet bix nood popcap whitey” tier provocating pamphlet
I despise these people and hope they suffer
I never thought simply fulfilling my biological imperative would make me feel so smug.
You want smugness? Have three or more.
I know that feel. Feels good, fam.
They're so close to just admitting they're trying to kill us, but they know if they do the jig is up and we'll all stop them.
do you even breed?
Wait, WE'RE the sub-humans?
You'd better be talking about children.
Yep just saw this. I know she's from NYC so there's a good chance she's a kike
You know after Trump's terms, the Turner Diaries begin.
She says she's a kike in OPs image.
As bitter as I get about women, arrogant kikes like this keep me from going full MGTOW purely out of spite.
Fuck these kikes, I'm putting on a genteel face and going to church this sunday. Maybe I'll take a nice girl out for coffee afterwards. Rotten, evil little parasite motherfucking nationwreckers.
Once you have kids I think you, rightfully, start to become more conservative. Once you realize how liked everything is towards your own the redpills start coming. One of the problems is that before a lot of people have children they put so much value in "peers", which in today's world are a rainbow of multi-isms. Having kids, a family, turns your focus back. Like repairing the moral compass. The future is no longer "poor mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker, I worked with him. The future needs to include him" it is "what is best for my kids?". No good white parent can look ahead and think that this war against whites is beneficial to their offspring.
She is right for all the wrong reasons.
kiked, not liked. How kiked everything is.
Kill the Jew. Beat shame her then cut off her head
I've heard of this "we wuz the original man" shit before, but I was mainly amused that anyone could believe that white are the subhuman ones, especially since niggers aren't even the same species as other races of humanity are.
*and what the fuck is a "humxn"?*
Thread theme
You made a typo, user. I can understand why, though; the key you meant to hit is right next to Y.
This vermin deserves death.
These subhumans always make me laugh. They have no culture, no civilizations, and no history so they just make shit up about being kangz and whatnot.
Their failed race has been living off of the White race for far too long, they are not worthy of life.
im gonna go to every slam poetry event within 100 miles and read this as a white man
truth like this has got to spread
Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin'?
forgive autism but how to pronounce the x?
I wish that these cunts would just come out and say what they mean: "White people, we want you dead." Christ, it's not like it's difficult to understand that it's what they mean to begin with.
Niggers believe all sorts of weird shit about White. I've know some that unironically believed Whites are part wolf, literally werewolves.
why would any one give you shit for that, that sounds bad ass.
Is WATF on /pdfs/ do you know?
I never heard that one before, that's goofy as fuck. I mainly just have heard "we wuz kangs" and "we wuz hebrews".
There is nothing kikes hate more than white families
Yes, another ugly fat girl who grew up in a white suburb, felt looked down upon by the Stacey's and Chads at Shady Oaks High School or wherever the fuck, so she got her degree in sociology to justify her biological pointlessness.
She's not wrong though. Why is being racist bad? serious question.
For some reason only white people actually train dogs instead of just beating them until they turn mean or letting them do what ever they want like a spoiled child. Plus to the average negro, that grew up with a neglectful mother and no father, the white family unit with it's structure, loyalty, and unity might remind them of a pack. So i could see why someone with a broken home and an IQ of 75 could think that.
Reminder that when leftists use the term "white supremacy" they mean mean white people existing. You want a job? White supremacy. You want children? White supremacy. You don't want to get mugged? White supremacy.
White supremacy = White existence.
Has anyone else noticed their spell check working against them more often? Small details, typos changed after you type to make your post look dumb or identifiable. The first thing I noticed it with was moloch, which I have saved in my phone with a small m. But recently it has been autocapitalising itself. My suspicion is that some powwow of rabbis somewhere are still kvetching that we turned their shitty baby eating fire god into a corpse. The memes are ours again kikes. Soon we will reclaim all runes as is our birthright.
never been happier to have a white wife and two blonde haired blue eyed kids. hope this bitch gets raped by a pack of feral niggers.
Father of 3 white kids reporting in. These yids better believe I'll be leaving them money and property, using cryptoshekels if necessary to avoid paying inheritance tax.
When I see the words "White Supremacy" I only see the inferiority complex of these shitskins and kikes. If they weren't so insecure about our objective superiority they might actually do something worthwhile with their race instead of dragging everything down with them.
The whole field's infested with gay commie feminists. It's pure lysenkoism, not even a science any more.
yeah, she's a kike.
the nose knows
I'd rather kill this bitch then let her keep talking ninsense
So another woman who will die alone with her cats?
Actually go search "are white people part dog" and you will find all sorts of nogs talking about how because in the past we had such a close relationship with dogs they even slept with white women and it gave us a dog like smell and other traits like eating raw meat
Always right.
did they think this one through at all?
The only way that would be true is if white people are inherently superior.
Really makes you think doesn't it..
she's right you know
that's why it's been under such relentless attack for at least 60 years
They just need to keep pressing a little more, and soon even Sally Soccer Mom will sound like Zyklon Ben.
She is correct in this assessment
She's basically saying that White people are racist by simply existing and reproducing,
A. Wyatt Mann was right once again.
DOTR when?
Looks like they used human and replaced the the a with an x because huMAN is would be sexist and whatever other -ist these retards will label it as.
White people need to get into the habit of pelting Jewish professors with eggs and tomatos the moment they open their vile disgusting mouths to spew anti white hatred in the classroom. No more faux outrage and Twitter campaigns. It's time to put the fear back into them.
Sounds like a cool name for a smaller family that's ejected its pesky old electrons and hired a babysitter.
The Atomic Family is the wave of the future, user.
They see us like how we see the Jew
The we wuz hebrews crowd aren't bad though, they actually call out the Ashkenazis for not being actual Jews and say the Holocaust is a lie, which are both true, it's just they're probably not the real jews either
And what does the fatherless nigger clan perpetuate?
Doubt it, I got it used in a book store, its probably on amajew or somewhere on pdf.
It was a meme started to troll feminists(humxn), and that was the co-founder of BLM Toronto who made that, Yusra Khogali. She has a blocked twitter and only lets certain people read it. Would be worth getting a sockpuppet approved to keep watch on them.
They say humxn because human is sexist. "hu-man". Theres a meme around here somewhere.
Adolf means Noble Wolf
Shittu meme and one of the many reasons I despise TRSodomites, "Implicit" Dicky, and the aut-kike in general.
inb4 the cuckfugees from the wastes of the internet defend those faggots
I thought Adolf meant Adam for some reason, guess I'm wrong
reminds me of this
so, logically the only conclusion can be…
ht tp://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/philosopherszone/new-family-values/6437058
Fun fact: 2018 is the year of the Earth Dog in the chinky meme calendar.
To be fair 'Moloch' is a proper noun.
Dogs have always been white man's best friend.. maybe 2018 will be even better than 2016 and current year
Yes, but until very recently it wasn't recognized by any spell check, being on the list of words they don't want the goyim to learn. It only got added after we killed him in a feeble attempt to mine back some loosh from forcing capitalization.
It's almost as if (((they))) want the Turner Diaries to come to fruition.
These kind of tweets should have been coupled with the its okay to be white project.
What a wasted opportunity.
This is what liberals and shitskins actually believe.
She is just quoting the repairman. NYC is full of jews so no surprise about that.
Looks like a Russian hapa with blood from one of the stans to me. Not sure if jewish.
What the fuck are you talking about? It's obvious from that tweet that the repairman reminded her that Yom Kippur was approaching, and as a "bad Jew" she forgot.
That sign is a hoax, not sure if it's even necessary to do stuff like that anymore. The real thing is explicit enough.
the repairman cancelled the appointment because he forgot that on wednesday is yom kipur, he joked that he's a very bad jew because of this
am I on stormfront or are you really that dense?
I can't be the only one smart enough to figure that out. Her LinkedIn doesn't point to anything jewish either: linkedin.com
I'll stick to Russian / Stan hapa for now.
The tweet is ambiguous, but it seems like an odd thing to tweet about from your reading.
I don't give a fuck that this libshit catlady is a racist and promotes white genocide. I'm at least as much of a racist as she is against niggers and I'd happily stand by and watch her extermination–she plainly deserves it. What rustles me slightly is that not only her but her ilk have the effrontery to pretend they have some kind of moral high-ground here. Someone needs to shove some simple statistics in these people's faces about the actual percentages of white in the world vs. other colors. Not that I think this shitpile of white guilt assholes would be budged by anything as rayciss as facts. Good riddance to them.
Hard for me to fathom why you'd want to be there this bad.
Are you suggesting having several wives is somehow wrong?
Why, because Antifa denied that it was real? You believe them? Anyway, I made a parody.
And why would she share that with her followers? It would have only been interesting if she's a Jew herself, and he had reminded her of the upcoming Jewish holiday, making her a bad Jew for forgetting.
You're the only one interpreting the tweet in this manner. Perhaps everyone is stupid except for yourself.
Wait, wasn't Barron scheduled to become Emperor first?
Well put.
Can't wait for the DOTR.
The point is to coerce weaker-minded whites into self-genociding. They're only doing us a favor by culling the weak for us. It merely strengthens the remaining ubermensch death squad
No. What doesn't kill them makes them stronger. The most cunning will survive and breed.
They all need to be exterminated simultaneously worldwide somehow.
/ourguys/ shouldn't get outraged over stuff like this. It's good for us when there's blatant anti-white propaganda being pushed that's so obvious that even braindead normalfags can see it. That stuff only helps our cause.
The bad stuff is when the anti-white propaganda is incredibly subtle and normal people either don't see it or give it the benefit of the doubt. Things like diversity and interracial romance in stuff like Stranger Things.
That's basically what's happening. If you break down white birth rates, it's the SJW catladies and low-test nu-males who are the whites not reproducing. Meanwhile, traditional/conservative whites have healthy stable birth rates. So the overall number of us is still going down, but with each passing day, the proportion of whites who are on our side gets higher and higher because the libcucks don't reproduce.
I think liberal atheist whites have a birth rate
You call her a cunny, but she's clearly a roasty.
People always post this but they always fail to address that while, yes, progressive types tend to breed less they create their new ranks by indoctrinating others. If it was as simple as SJW types just dying off because of not reproducing they'd have been gone generations ago.
There's plenty of data showing an inherited genetic basis for basal political ideology. Your logic is putting the cart before the horse, because we've never really seen mass SJWness among the masses like this before. We didn't have a situation 60 years ago where a 3rd of white people were openly calling for their own genocide and dismantling.
And you know why you never see these sorts of people in history for very long? Because natural selection acts as a set of emergency brakes and gets rid of these suicidal people.
Most of the population these days are suffering massive epigenetic damage. Courtesy of all the xenoestrogens and other crap.
So could this be the root cause of the mass SJW bullshit?
That's certainly a possibility. Everyone knows about the estrogenic shit in our water/food and how T levels have been declining. Recently there was that video where a bunch of buzzfeed soyboys got their level checked and they were all lower than what the standard is for like an 80 year old geezer. Something is definitely going on there.
However, you can't attribute everything to estrogens. Especially since a lot of that estrogen comes from birth control, and women only started using birth control en masse when they started turning into roasties and thots in the first place. And that would still only explain why men were turning into soyboys. Wouldn't explain the tumblr SJWs. It's mutlifactorial.
I would say it's likely a major contributor.
As we know hormones play a huge factor in behaviour.
And birth control usage has been on a steady explosive increase since the late 60s.
Alongside increased usage of plastics and motor vehicles which are all massive sources of xenoestrogens in their own right.
Thinking on it this casts a lot of things in a new light.
Mass migration may have a goal of creating a bunch of muzzie soyboys.
wouldn't surprise me. We all know about how there are tons of faggots in muslim countries dressing up little boys and grooming them. And with the 2nd gen muslim immigrants - the ones who have been "secularized" - I've seen a ton of them that look like metrosexual faggots.
The English one has been completely taken down for whatever fucking reason. Have the Italian. And yes, all of this furry shit from the ‘80s and ‘90s is supposed to be doing EXACTLY what you think it’s doing.
It explains what the kikes plan to do once the white nations are full of muzzies.
How they plan to avoid getting holocausted.
Religion of Cuck™ic soyboys would be a perfect slave race as their biology AND culture/faith all predispose them to obedience and subservience.
It is consequence of Christianity sped up to toxic level by fast communication technology (internet, phones, cameras, etc). It was always going there.
Reported for obvious ban evasion.
Lower T than a corpse practically.
Blame BPA. Never use plastics to store your food and water in. Also blame a lack of physical activities.
I have come to the belief that it is far more base than xeno-estrogens and other foreign sources of estrogens.
Men are not just born, they are raised; something is deeply wrong in the ways boys are raised. They aren't raised with activities that strengthen their male attributes and as such the bodies don't develop like they should be. A cowardly boy who never fights and doesn't physically exert himself will NOT turn into an upstanding man who stands his ground.
How many modern boys actively do the stuff that the boys of 70 to 80 years ago did?
Then add the xeno-estrogens on top.
Men are being poisoned, both in mind and body when they are raised. The rest is just maintenance of an inferior male.
I plan to have 4 white children.
Your double dubs say that it shall be so. Congrats, user.
This jew must really hate my family then since twins run in my family. I myself am a twin, my older brother and sister are twins, my brother has 2 sets of twins. When I have kids I'm most likely also going to have twins.
Fuck this retarded kike. She's so far up her own ass that "racism" is just white people being happy and prosperous and not serving as mindless goylems to the nigger and the sandnigger. Nothing she said has anything to do with prejudice or bigotry, but everything to do with this absurd entitlement and desire to steal ownership of children and families away from themselves to give it to the state.. which means appropriating the wealth of whites to give it to subhuman shitskins and their faggoty kike overlords.
The best thing about having twins is when one is redpilled the other is most likely to be redpilled too. My twin brother is also a Holla Forumsack on here. Truly a jewish nightmare.
Thank for the encouragement. I am thinking about IVF to avoid procreating with my bad seed.
So she agrees that whites are inherently superior but is just mad about it? Fucking kikes. Never change.
Kikes dna is riddled with corruptions.
The original mixed-race and the perpetrator of breaking racial barriers and thus national barriers.
Nothing he's saying is wrong, but good god is he a brain dead incompetent. Takes forever to say anything. Can't manage to write a script or memorize lines. Can't remember what publication he's referring to. I have no idea why people get so pumped up aver this guy. He repeats things better and smarter nationalists have been saying for years, and he's more boring than a wet log.
Agreed. The more they post this shit the better.
has anyone else noticed the push in the media to make the death tax about "curbing elitism" instead of keeping the middle class impoverished?
That's like praying to the tooth fairy for good dentistry.
Communists approve of this message.
I wonder if anyone has called this cunt on her hypocrisy and demanded that she publicly burn all her cash and vow never to use it again.
The negro fears the canine
Because he's an intelligence asset, an actor, main goal of his is to attack church.
Implying niggers have families.
Anyway, I sort of agree the nuclear family is bad. It's a boomer meme that needs to die.
Bring back the extended family. Make families great again! Allow children to learn from their living forefathers.
Extended family is a good concept.
No the nuclear family is the core unit. If you have 4 children per family, the "extended" family would therefore be in more than one household. Grandma/Grandpa in close proximity to the 4 other kids, each with their own collection of children. All revolving around the father who is the head of the household, who each generally follow and 'obey' the central patriarchal figure —- until that figure then goes on to hand the reigns of the extended family over to a successor (usually the eldest son). It's basically the basis of a 'clan'.
Whites have operated this way for millenia. But the Father/Mother/Sister/Brother dynamic is the core. The foundation. And the bedrock. The extended family became much harder to manage practically as people began to move out farther and farther from their place of birth and settled down. As such, the nuclear family began to just be it's own individualized unit. Europe had this in spades, but the nuclear family began to re-establish the extended family after the mass emigration from Europe to America in various waves.
The extended family remains, but the nuclear family is the atom to the extended family molecule. Your idea is great, but the nuclear family is not a boomer meme. The extended family should be encouraged, but the nuclear family is the base unit. The nuclear family is the seed of all extended family units. If whites are going to be successful in re-establishing ourselves, we should be solidifying the nuclear family first —- because it's the progenitor of all extended family units. And if we want to be great at spreading ourselves out and conqueroring/colonizing the land again (whites NEED the numbers), we need to understand that the nuclear family is what does it…..while the extended family ensures better success.
Don't take what I'm saying as refuting or disagreeing with what you're saying, but I just think we (whites) need to have a good mix of both. It's the genealogical equivalent of the "defense in depth" concept.
Having more than just 2 generations of family around prevents things from becoming neurotic. The same goes for having more than 1 child.
Proximity of the extended family, tough often destroyed in our modern culture and urbanized environments, gave each member a larger perspective and understanding of his role.
I speak that as an urban cuck with a pretty fucked, but still relatively functional family.
Things always work better for our relatives from the countryside, and things work better when family stays close to each other.
True. It gives a sense of stability and control. And, IMO, most importantly — a non-(((govt))) support apparatus. Also, there is an overall direction to a family. Although the tv miniseries wasn't designed to show this……..that series "Hatfields and McCoys" with Kevin Costner and Bill Paxton as the patriarchs of their respective clans are a good example.
Also, if you think about where we are as a society now, it also provides a resistance network that is much MUCH more impenetrable than your average group. You have to "flip" a member rather than infiltrate. Although the larger the 'clan' the greater the number of members you potentially have to subvert, the favored method of alphabet infiltration (deep cover outside agent) is much more difficult to accomplish. The alphabets are used to this method being utilized against all the white militias since the 90s. Trying to infiltrate an extended family is nigh impossible if you have even halfway smart and aware individuals.
That looks a lot like my family. We have 5 generations alive currently.
I still remember my great-grandparents and how I didn't get to spend more time with them or go to the funerals cause I was a wee faggot and other generations became progressively more neurotic .. ssplit and spread.
Thank pol for guiding me back to what's important.I wish I got internet and knew about you guys you guys earlier than I did.
I didn't ask for these feels.I really didn't. May God forgive me.
It's called divide and conquer, user. Split people up and isolate them from support.
It was in one of the wikileaks that they have tools to do just this sort of thing. Lots of people have seen it.
This ain't Sweden kikes. You get away with it in Sweden because of the welfare state. As you well know, we don't have one. You have no problem blaming uncertainty for emotionalism when it comes to minorities, why can it not work for majorities? You kikes like to claim you're so smart. But you keep putting the cart before the horse. You celebrated the death of white America too early, you use negative reinforcement on people to whom you've given nothing, and you try to impose a juristocracy before taking people's guns. Get a clue you impatient bastards. Good things come to those who wait.
My apologies user, it was unintentional. Go out and fix it with you're own generations yea? Hope you live to see you're own great-great-grandchildren sit in you're lap user.
No need to apologize. I feel better for having seen this. Holla Forums isn't a safe space, nor should it ever be.
Hopefully we all do. My life isn't all that great. But for the first time in a long time, I look at the future with hope.
The key to all large families is simple but anathema to this (((culture))): Marry women while they are still young, say 16. Waiting any later never supports the White Peoples. Starting with my great grandparents and down, almost every generation had the moms married between 15-17 and each family had a passel of kids. Simple idea, but trying to promote it even here on Holla Forums exposes just how entrenched the feminist ideology is rooted in the West now.
True, and thank you for reminding me.
I love those picture. They piss leftists and kikes (but I repeat myself) off so much
Jewgle is out to fix that user.
Lost? www.reddit.com
Fucking kikes
if only kek blessed good threads nowadays
Women choose from the top of male dominance hierarchies, annons.
So if she chooses a nigger that's on you.
Dat Jewish bitch
Yeah it has nothing to do with decades of kikes dispossessing us in our own homelands and importing millions upon millions of spics and pajeets to replace us and lock us out of career advancement. It used to be a bright white guy from the mail room could build his skills and be hired up to computer programming, now, they just import as many cheap poos as they can get, whole planeloads of them. It's white people that are the problem right?
Yeah , well , look how it ended up. Must not have been so great for it to end up this way. KYS
Yeah well, if I feel like gunning them down for oppressing me, then well I have that right too you foreskin rubbing bitch. GTFO AND KYS KIKE
I understand your frustration :^)
i wonder who she blew for her job.
triple gets are a blessing imo
You're not to good at this yet. 1 demerit and report to you're supervisor for more training immediately. You need it.
That user makes some good points. One thing I'm absolutely certain of however (and one doesn't have to be a braniac to figure this one out) is that feminism and feminist ideologies are literally the thing that is destroying the Western Civilization. Whether it originated to make (((tools))) of them, or they schemed it up in their own hearts, women who are feminists and promote it are literally the most evil individuals in the West. IMO they have indirectly destroyed 100's of millions of happy, prosperous whites who were either a) never born in the first place due to abortion, or b) men who never got into a healthy relationship -> marriage with a good girl because there simply were none + the kids never born from those unions.
This is an incredibly complex topic if one stops to ponder it for a while. TBH, only God Himself can save the West now I think. Families like mine that are traditional whites who marry their women young and try to bring up kids with good values and sense of family are stalwarts who help stem the tide of orcs, but in the end it won't be enough. Even in our little tribe we have two failures. One girl turned into a coal-burner and one even married mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker! Thankfully they are only two out of around 50 women in our family alive now, but the writing is one the wall even for us.
Regardless, I have direct, demonstrable evidence of the value of marrying women while they are young. I realize this isn't proof per se, but analogical evidence is still valuable in reasoning.
If you can't comprehend bettering yourself to attract a good h'white women then the h'white race really is in trouble, you wortless bitch titted soyboys.
It's cucked to let niggers & spicks take your women because the Jews made your feels hurt.
Gen Z is more right wing and millennials are the people that kickstarted this new wave of right wing thought. Boomers seem to be the ones enshrining a lot of the worst stuff, even if the younger left wingers are the most annoying.
Maybe they're dying off already? That would be why they have to use their pets as politicians now.
top fucking kek
>Schools in US are funding[sic] through property taxes, which ensures racial segregation continues
The psychotic narcissism in this woman's communications is stifling like a poison gas.
It's as if it never occurred to her to give up her fucking house, which I'm sure is beautiful and off-limits to lumpen masses like me that white people work for decades, sacrifice everything nice, slave for her even-kikier cousins, and finally buy a house, only to pay taxes to support the fruitless, futile efforts to teach niggers to read. Now, a person of good race and well-intentioned might say that white people deserve a little thank you from literally everybody else in society who isn't a nip, but no. . . we're the assholes for being the load-bearing structure in society. #ishouldbeshooting