Questions for National Socialists

Who do you hate more, Commies or the liberals who try to make your two groups live in peace together?

user, I hate you.




Sextuplets has spoken.

I don't hate anybody.
I just want personal commie and liberal sex slaves

You guys are more disgusting than I thought.

this is now a webm thread





New face filters on intstagram today, this is my favorite one so far. nice job team.

Both of you will one day swing from the same tree, what differentiates you will be meaningless.
Sage for slide.

She's cute.




gas yourself heeb

user, he meant liberals and commies will hang together. They are both marxist filth so they both hang the same




see this, nigger

New face filters



Not all of either group are jews. In fact most of both aren't.



I stole them :^)



I heard this was a webm thread

checking these quids


Dont worry user. My team is ready and waiting.

chegged :DDD

I'm a satanist.



Oh it is, good.


end your life and join him in hell

Good point faggot

Maybe some other day.


Forgot to sage

fugger sdole my dubs :DD

Communists at least recognize that there are contradictions in our modern society, and share a lot of our sentiments towards the oligarchs, although unfocused. They also reject some critiques of society which we consider to be essential, like race issues, ethnoplurality, the importance of religiosity, etc…

Liberals i'm assuming you are talking about leftlibs are simply indoctrinated faggots. There is no redeemable quality about them, and they think all of the social problems that were created by the rise of liberalism both modern and classical can be fixed by destroying the old institutions. I don't think i need to point out the epistemological contradiction in this.

Also, nice datamining, i saw your thread on the other board. Who are you?



no, satan calls, go join him and his army. Its cool trust me. All it takes is some bleach.








Why not both?





You fucking idiot. Go back to your Cia butt buddies.


ah, old MIDI files
brings me back, user

