I've played all 3 Dark Souls games (but not Demon's Souls) to completion multiple times

I've played all 3 Dark Souls games (but not Demon's Souls) to completion multiple times.

What's the best Bloodborne class for rollspamming and heavy-but-fast weaponry?


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Is this bait?

Any weapon is viable, there is no weight limit. Fast "dodges" are the only dodge in the game.

There are only 2 shields in the game and only one is physical attacks. It's useless.

Military Veteran will be using most strength weapons, the best one for "heavy-but-fast" would probably be either "Ludwig's Holy Blade" or "Holy Moonlight Sword", not really much else in terms of heavy unless you count the Kirk&Boom hammers.
There is rolling, but when locked on you dash instead, some people prefer it that way for some reason, there is no equip load, so have at it.

The axe you start with is the best.

What do Skill and Strength equate to in terms of weaponry?

Is it the same as STR/DEX in Dark Souls or is it slightly different?

I'm thinking I want to go with an Axe weapon for my first playthrough, should I focus on Strength?

I just had a hankering to play through Dark Souls again

I never really beat it, I got as far as O+S and couldn't gitgud. Also the Titanite Demon in that one room on the way to the fight is fucking bullshit

I think I had those robes from the Ceaseless Discharge (which I ran away from), and had like 50 STR with a Club

Just play the game and find out.
I can't picture why someone would ask for all this shit. I'd just dive right in.

are you serious?
nothing beats the saw cleaver in terms of raw speed, which is what you would want
especially if you're doing a WoS playthrough

kill yourself

Yeah it's Str and Dex. All three default weapons have dual scaling with both (Cleaver and Axe slightly favoring Strength and the Cane favoring Skill). The speediest pure strength weapon is going to be the Kirkhammer or the Stake Driver in the main game and the Whirligig Saw in the expansion.

There's already a Souls general up which is mostly a BB general at this point


Classes are just piles of scaling stats, and more or less any heavy weapon that isn't a Kirkhammer is relatively fast or at least has some fast moves, so it's more a question of how you want to smash the enemy in particular and picking the class that is more immediately suited to that weapon, or else the one that has the smallest investment in ARC and BLT which may or may not be pure dump stats for you depending on what you want to use. The below weapon descriptions will all be spoilered, so if you want to explore and figure things out on your own, just don't read them.

Ludwig's Holy Blade is a silver longsword that sheathes inside of a big silver greatsword and is a really murderous and abnormally big Quality weapon, relatively quick for how chunky the damage is, although I've never really used it.

The Stake Driver is a fast weapon on its normal attacks, but has a gigantic charge up attack that drives the giant spike pneumatically forward so fast it causes a cavitation bubble explosion. This may or may not fit the 'heavy but fast' description, seeing as the scaling is C/C and it's rather handy all things considered.

The Boom Hammer is a big dumb STR hammer with token ARC scaling and a steel friction-lit furnace inside of it, seemingly containing beastbane incense. Unlike most weapons in Bloodborne, it does not have a wealth of combo moves available to it and doesn't even have a second moveset. It swings from right to left and back again, and that's it beside the basic suite of backstep/dash/R2 moves, all of which are a little sluggish, although fast for a cast iron sledgehammer. Instead, it has a transformation buff. This buff changes nothing about your moveset, except that every single one of them is on fire. In the case of your overhead smash R2 attacks, they explode in a radius. The transformation attack that readies you into this state is a ground-scraping poke that is obnoxiously quick, meaning it's very hard to not be in explosion mode unless you're deliberately saving on the weapons' somewhat limited normal durability. It is a one-trick pony that does that trick extremely well once properly gemmed, and that trick is doing huge amounts of physical & fire damage in a single attack.

The Bloodletter I haven't used, but it's a big angry Sauron-looking mace that beats the shit out of people quickly and efficiently. A bit too simple, really. But when transformed, you gut your chest cavity with it, causing it to explode into a small tree made of blood, morning star spikes, and pain to beat everyone to death with for a static health cost. This is the best fit for 'heavy but fast' that I can think of, because it's extremely quick for how big it is when transformed.

The Whirligig Saw is in its normal form another mace, and quite boring. It rarely sees any use in this state. That's because it turns into a double buzzaw on a stick when transformed, and is the single highest pure STR scaling weapon in the game with absurd damage and a hold-&-grind attack that methodically presses the weapon forward into your stupid enemies' faces. Its sheer physical damage output is a little cheesy.

The Beast Cutter is a somewhat fast giant toothy cleaver with very wild swings in its normal state. It does good damage, has okay reach and isn't entirely terrible against bottlenecked crowds. The main reason most use it is for the transformed state, which turns the cleaver into a giant sectioned whip consisting of huge iron slats attached to flexible rebar cable. You swing it twice and a whole room of chaff enemies is dead. You use the R2 attack, and that big enemy across the room is now faceplanted into the ground with a railroad track embedded in his spine.

There are a couple others that fit the bill of what you want, but I don't want to spoil them. Partially because of other spoilers that come with them and partially because one is a proper STR/ARC weapon and therefore needs more specialized building, which you shouldn't do on a first playthrough.

Continued from above.

In that case, the obvious and only choice at least for your first STR weapon is the Hunter Axe. The one-handed moveset is a little mediocre, because it's not very fast or long reaching, with a good but not great amount of damage. When transformed, however, it gains a very large number of technical moves in its various dash & backstep attacks and an entire second semi-strong attack combo on the L2 trigger. The weapon is done severe disservice by mouth breathers who only use the charged R2 spin-to-win to try and cheese the whole game, usually with mixed results, but it really is quite a good weapon if you abuse its second form in any fashion other than being a brainless R2 charge spammer. The main combo is about as fast as the untransformed set in spite of being halberd length and the slow secondary combo murders crowds due to being ridiculously widely sweeping on the first two attacks.

With the way scaling works, however, you really shouldn't worry about minmaxing. STR/SKL are equivalent to STR/DEX, yes, but unlike Souls, the diminishing returns start earlier. 25 is the first big drop, with still good scaling until 50. However, as a lot of STR/SKL split weapons are almost as good at 25/25 as they are at 50 in the primary stat and as close to zilch as possible in the other or else better depending on how skewed the scaling is, you should feel free to invest a fair amount into SKL and experiment without feeling gimped. Get a healthy amount of VIG and work towards around 20 END; if that doesn't feel like enough and you aren't keen to be more conservative with your attacks but still want to be able to dodge decently, you can go a little higher, since you're using stamina draining weapons and you aren't trying to make a PvP meta character, and it's not like that matters anymore. At the same time as you're doing that, get to the min SKL requirements of the weapons you want to try as you find them and invest in STR otherwise.

The cleaver is pretty nice, but for what OP is asking, the axe is what he wants to go for.

'No weight limit' is nearly but not technically true. There is a hidden weight limit that is very hard to reach, but when reached, will dock your stamina regen & increase costs. So, if you aren't gouging END, you might want to keep an eye on what you put on.

Beating O and Smough with a big heavy wep is hard, even for me, and I have 750+ hours in the game. Start a new run and come back with a straight sword, a fast roll, and a shield.

Alright, here's all you need to know.


Poise is gone, it doesn't really exist anymore, hit enemies with a gun right before their attacks and you can get a visceral attack, which is kinda like a grab.


And lastly, your first run should be focused on learning, and using a early weapon, you can min/max later with your fav

Then how is it calculated? Per item like in the previous games? I have about 200hr in this game and I don't think I've ever experienced it, even wearing the Cainhurst set and the Bone Ash set.

Here's how it works, or rather, worked. False alarm.


At one point it was like I had said, but it was actually VIG gouging that compensates for equip load. The weight system in question has been dead for a long time, at the same time as the Hand Lantern had its static stamina regen docking removed.

Cleric Beast made me cry.

Strength and arcane build is best build.
Minimize bloodtinge and keep skill at a minimum just so that you can use most weapons.
Spend points in endurence and get 25 vitality, more if you're a pussy.

Lightning Orbstick is best weapon

As I said, strength and arcane are the stronkest of stronk.
Lightningwacker has durability issues though.

is this game worth getting a really cheap ps4 for?


wait for a few weeks after the pro releases to find out if we gain any upgrades in graphics/fps if you want a better experience

It's one of the better soulsgames.
The combat flows very smoothly, the sound design and music is top-tier and the story and storytelling is good.
Pisspoor doesn't have many good exclusives, but if you see some other games for it that you like or if you have consolefag friends, it's worth it.






Play the game some more, if you like it then yes its definitley worth getting.

Its end-game level areas.

The first area of the dlc is shit.
The rest of it is good.
It adds new weapons that make the more creative builds viable.
It's end game, and it scales with NH cycles.


Not really, it's pretty mediocre
Has a lot of problems that 3 had, but with worse enemy variety and design, bad hitboxes but >souls game, and the worst and most dead online of the series

Dead online surely means "fewer gank squads" right?

you mean more right?
The game only lets you invade/get invaded in most areas only if they already have a phantom summoned

Then it's not a "gank", is it? Gank is multiple enemies versus one target.

There really don't need to be three threads for this.

Ganking is when it's more than one user. Also could you please jump to the other thread? It's pretty comfy there and I'd hate for it to bumplock.

The general or the Micolash one? The general is 80% BB discussion already.

Sorry, the Micolash one. Thanks user.

well fuck, sorry, didn't mean to bump my shitty thread.

It's alright user. And it's not shitty.