Dropped some redpills at the bar over lunch

I went to a local bar (I live in a big libtarded city) and sat at the bar with a bunch of lefty hipsters and loaded them up with redpills, without concealing my mildly conservative views. Conversations ranged from the Manafort indictment, to flat earth memes (lefties are very into using this to shame people but become fascinated when you talk about it from a cultural and historical perspective) and even over-shilling in the lefty media, I used the phrase "gassing yourself on your own farts" and got a big chuckle.

The trick is to be friendly and reasonable, but remain immune to their knee jerk libtarded comebacks. Just let them repeat what they've been taught to repeat and go on with your point. I don't know if they even believe their own rhetoric because aside from some weak attempts at "refuting" things they basically shut up.

It's time, lads and lasses. It's time to start dropping redpills on the public.

Well written. Also bappy you are aware the Nazis believed flat earth

you dont know what a redpill is

How do you lead someone down a rocky hillside?
Do you just shove em or take their hand and move one step at a time.

What I don't get is that why does Holla Forums think that all Jews are bad? Weren't there Jews in Hitler's SS and SA?

Not all Jews are wanting to kill non - Jews.

hollow earth surrounded by isenstahl actually

hu huh, go back to t_d faggot or lurk two years before posting

Go hit the back button… It should take you back to plebbit

We tried the nice way, it didn't work. Kikes have overstayed their welcome and no amount of BASEDNOSES will change that.

What is this "nice way" you are referring to?

No hanging out with libtarded hipsters you should immediately go full 1488 on their asses alienate yourself, watch everyone leave and perhaps get tossed out of the bar, bonus points if you get a bitch screeching at you

We know of the hollow earth
official narrative asshole = prolapsed

thanks for blogging OP

That was HItler's ONLY mistake. He was a heroic type that didn't want to believe every single member of a race could be bad. He hated them because they were like burs and were all communists. He helped the ones who claimed to be on his side- he helped build their cursed plot of earth in Palestine. And how did they repay him? Those kikes who lives in the 3rd Reich peacefully until the end of the war??? They made him to be the very evil they and their kind represent. [Genocide to the earth and destruction of all that is good]

So, in short- Hitler WAS the nice way of doing things. We, while respecting his heroic deeds, know there is no such thing as "A good cancer" and nor would you leave any "small tumors" in your body if you knew what they would become.

We are what God will send to punish "Those who say they are Jews [followers of Christ are now God's "Chosen"], and are not, but are liars."

Well first off that's untrue, it's the ones that are still breathing we hate.

A thread died because a retard wanted to spout his flat earth bs.
Sage, hopefully this shitty blogpost thread gets anchored.

Enjoy not getting through.


I rather enjoyed redpilling them a bit. As the Jews say, one drop of water can wear away an entire stone.

You don't understand, the way I presented my point was that it doesn't matter in day to day life if a person believes the Earth is only 6000 years old or flat. It has no impact on their day to day lives, and one should view it as an intellectual exercise to see if you can even try to conceive it.

Lefties are very receptive to this kind of argument, it activates their cultural relativity receptors.

I'd rather deaden them with bullets.

webm related

Yes we should be out on the streets like little Dicky Spencer, getting shot and running over land whales and shit. That's how you win over normies.

You really shouldn't use the jewish slur "Nazi" if you know anything about National Socialism.

I'm all for sewing red seeds when the ground is fertile or the seeds are plenty. "Europa: The Last Battle" is a decent compilation of redpills. You should check it out if you haven't already, great way to get normalfags with decent intellect on board with National Socialism, or at least anti-kike.

After all these years you will still fetch a (you) with it.

you have to go back, O' Dickey is a cianigger


jesus user i come to wheels for the more enlightening comments and you're ruining it for me

Go fuck you shill-ass mother. "Nazi" is a slur, so you can go on about being "stupid" [what the slur was based on]

If you reject the truth, you are probably the kind of kike who subverts in the best way possible. 3 truths and 1 lie, people disagree, but not everything you said was a lie, right? Then you step it up, 2 truths, 2 lies. Divide and conquer, the experience and knowledgeable are turned against the new and ignorant who were open to learning. Then, 1 truth, 3 lies. At this point, you've become the perfect controlled opposition.

How you win over normalfaggots is to display strength and the wisdom necessary to temper that strength.

Right now we dont have a single person doing that because those who have those qualities are busy working to support the family they are raising. Its a pretty crap tier catch-22

Pick one and only one

Can't you tell I was being sarcastic?

Spencer is an obvious plant meant mainly to generate bad optics.



Here is your redpill: Adolf Hitler brought germany back from the brink of absolute collapse to conquering all of mainland europe in three years, not as the aggressor but as victim of multiple acts of aggression by rothschild stooges.

It's just the standard for referring to Hitler's party and later the government of Germany, according to settled black letter law.

What the heck did you just say about me, you little honey bun? iI’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cutie Patooties, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret tweets on Daddy Trump, and I have over 300 confirmed snookims. I am trained in butter biscuits and I’m the top sweetie in the entire US sugar doodles. You are nothing to me but just another Daddy. I will cuddle you the heck out with warmth the likes of which has never been felt before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that dookie doo to me over the Internet? Think again, cutie. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Mommies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the huggie wuggies, deary. The huggies that wipes out the silly little thing you call your meanie doodles. You’re in trouble, Daddy. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can tweet you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in butter boops, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Cutie Wooties Fruity Tooties and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your widdle face, you little cutie pie. If only you could have known what huggie wuggies your little “tweetie weetie” was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your mouthy wouthy. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, honey buns. I will wiggle woop all over you and you will drown in it. You’re really sweet, honey.
*sips tea*

Have some more redpills before this thread gets deleted by the mods.

the dude lived though, what's his plan?

do pay attention








i always knew there was a nest of you trs faggots hiding out here


we know what you're up to you know








shit nigger you're so booty blasted, want some sav for that baby bottom which got bothered?








Keep bumping your shit troll threads faggot, I got plenty of dead kikes to go around

Well, not to put too much effort into answering you, but all I said was: "You're a kike"

I'll add that you should burn eternal, and I thank God that he made the lake of fire for child fucking bastards such as (((yourself))).



cianigger kikes murdered rockwell






Yall best download these quick before their gone.



If you think you're "redpilled" then you'd better watch "Europa: The Last Battle" and brush up on history you dumbass nigger.

CIA faggots can go fuck their kike bosses, in fact you'd better check your phone.

No kike would recommend the video I recommended, it makes even the most pozzed normalfags burn with rage against kikes. It's just well presented redpills is all.

you're still a massive faggot though

This is imbecilic. The difference of brain size among races is a suppressed fact, and you could be far more effective at erasing Jewish conditioning by showing people the truth.


How is it a troll thread?

Seems to me you're a JIDF muh nacht zees plant trying to derail.

Desperate sageing.



The Earth is a torus you fucking idiots.
Holes at the Poles!


where did i talk about national socialism with these idiot libtards?

Derail from what? Op doesn't know what a redpill is and wanted to brag about redpilling people. Post redpills for him like the other posters were doing.

People like to piss and moan that der ewige normalfagen are a lost cause, but a little humor here, a little charisma there, and just a eensy weensy little dash of flattery, and the stupid fuckfaces will literally believe anything you want them to.
How the fuck do you think we got into this mess in the first place?



Eat a dick, faggot.


Burn in Hell, kike

A faggot such as yourself, is telling me, that because I'm not responding to your crappy header…. that it means I don't give a fuck about your half-assed opinion? Because I care about facts, not D&C tactics.

Really make ya think.

it's like you don't want to red pill anyone


What's baby kama?

jesus it's bad itt, mostly boomers I expect?

or affirmative action hires?

If you want subility then go with something like the USS liberty.


False. He also underestimate slav winter.

Read some more of the photos. Or maybe a book. Subility comes by training and knowledge. So lurk moar.

I went to a bar once, I really embarrassed myself by hitting on girls in a stupid way. They told me I should join the military and so I responded with "Why? So I can kill sand niggers?"
They were all aghast, and I was like
So this one chick said I had white privilege and I flipped out on her, explaining that there is no white privilege and only christian privilege coupled with white inheritance.
If blacks went to church, dressed like and spoke like the congregation, he'd have all the same privileges that they were describing, and that the only thing missing would be whatever whites inherit, including money, property, history, and genetics.
They couldn't argue, but tried, and I dropped every redpill I had.
I was fucking wasted, and I challenged a bouncer to a fight. No one would do shit, it was strange. They eventually tried befriending me, and I was weirded out by it, but I told them that HItler never died in that bunker and he went to Argentina. They laughed at me and called me a Nazi, I said the whole time that I was just a Germanic Pagan living in America because the first amendment protects my right to believe in, practice and teach germanic paganism here.
They called me a proto-fascist, which I didn't understand.
I told them all about the immigration crisis, Obama, fast and furious, the freemasons, child pedophile rings, how women in the workplace ruined the economy, and everything the left is pissed about is the presence of judeo-christian culture in America, and that they were making the same mistake hitler made, which was trying to solve religious problems with politics, which is why they'd all fail. And that Jews are the only people living like Nazis because Kibutz settlements=Zionist Socialist communes, and they're committing acts of genocide against Ethiopian Jews and Palestinians, so the leftists are hypocrites and cowards for refusing to fight the Jew despite the fact that they are literal Nazis.
I explained all sorts of other things, but eventually they went back to criticizing me for calling middle easterners sand niggers and I showed them a video of young Afghani kids, and explained that these would be the kids I'd be killing just so Jews can have their NatSoc settlement in Palestine. I explained that a lot of the kids who fight Americans genuinely believe it's the fucking apocalypse. My point was that I aid nigger sarcastically, as if I would feel motivated by the opportunity to kill arabs simply because they had brown skin, despite the fact that they're most likely huge victims of the Jewish plot to take over the world and enslave all non-jews.
I look back and wonder how someone didn't kick my ass but they were all like my hostages for like 45 minutes, just force feeding them all redpills.
These were all hardcore leftists, marxists, etc. I thoroughly explained how racism is natural, and healthy. How race mixing is evil, and how black people hate Northern Europeans instead of the Jews because of mind control.
I tricked them into admitting that black on white crime is racially motivated, which blew their Dylann Roof shit out of the water before they could even drop it on me. Regardless, I brought him up myself and pointed out how Obama's FBI failed to reject his background check despite having felony drug charges. I went on to explain that Rhodesia was great and it was intentionally sabotaged by Jews and commies, which is why they're all starving to death etc.
These fucking leftists had their minds blown, but they pulled out and started saying that everything I said must be false, and conspiratorial.
They must really be losing their fucking shit now, it happened in the month of september before the election.
Slowly but surely, everything we've known for years and living with in our hearts is coming to light and we're being vindicated by so much it's incredible.
I won them over in an odd way where they literally felt bad for me and shit, but also liked me because it was clear that I cared more about humanity than they did. I also needed to point out that Africans, Arabs, Pakistanis, Indians, and the Japanese were all chill with Hitler, they couldn't believe that shit, but eventually realized I was right about that too.
I totally sperged out, acted like an idiot, and with no filter just completely forced everything I learned from 4chan and elsewhere onto absolute fucking normies, but I actually got through to them. It was crazy, but I bet if you guys do it like OP it'll be better received and you won't decimate your reputation like I did, definitely came off like I was miserably insane like a homeless person, feels bad man.
It wasn't so much like revealing my power level, it was closer to stripping naked and flapping my dick everywhere. Oh well, I had no intention of staying in this liberal shithole, the bartender decided to nickname me little boots because she said I was like Caligula and it was kind of flattering, but again, fucking strange.

jesus christ niggers take it easy

over shilling is a real problem and you anons are just too booty blasted in the bottom

why are you so wrung out today? did drumphie whumphie piss in your cereal? worried about pedesta and manafort?

there were 4 sealed indictments, just relax the ass wholes

Lurk moar you fucking newfag.

Only kikes obsess over such lewd acts. So fuck off kike. This is another subtle redpill preying on kikes owning the media and such.


I have struggled with a variant of this question as it relates to America.

Here are my thoughts, which do not represent the views of Holla Forums - I am sure the coming onslaught of "shill", "newfag", "lurkmore" "kike., etc., etc., ad inifitum will attest to this

First: A high level restatement of the topic - The JQ. leaving aside the"racist" parts of the argument, which we all know to be true, for now

For thousands of years Jews have had no home to call their own. Over a hundred times during that period, various nations have allowed them in, and in most cases even granted them citizenship. They were granted the opportunity to assimilate, and become part of that culture. Each and every time the Jews chose to empower their own group, rather than to integrate and become a part of their host nation. And this, by itself is just fine - in fact I think Holla Forums would generally agree that is exactly what we want for our own nations, and our own peoples.

Jews are a distinct people, and they are loyal to one another. this is expressly stated throughout their religious doctrines, Extremely evident in their cultural practices (even the nonreligous), and I would argue (another time perhaps) that due to their lot as constant wanderers, it has developed in in their DNA in a more pernicious fashion than other races. When host nations allowed them in, they largely operated apart from that society. Jews also have high average IQ, which allowed them to succeed in these new nations. They grew in power as a group, operating outside of the nation that allowed them in.

This problem was particularly compounded by their unique role in finance. In light of the fact that both Christians and Muslims did not lend money at interest, Jews were the defacto money lenders. Finance facilitates trade and makes people wealthy, it is necessary for any economy. However, in addition to being religiously outlawed for dozens of centuries, this method of living was looked down for different reasons across cultures throughout time. Many other similar conflicts of interest arose as well, which I will not outline, but are more than available throughout this site.

Now, for my take on the JQ in my country, as a burger.

Truth be told, I would prefer our nation free, and capitalistic. Unfortunately, I do not think that is possible with Niggers, Jews and Spics (spics to a lesser extent tbh… many good, conservative Mexicans / Tejanos in the south that love guns / property rights, have been here for 10 generations etc.,) because these peoples all play as a team. The First Principle of Western values is the individual. When we operate in that fashion we can have great range of opinion over many subjects, and Democracy, if correctly and severely limited in what it has the power to effect, has a chance at producing good results.

Jews' influence in finance, media, and government -particularly foreign policy- coupled with their group effort and about 6 bijillion other reasons i won't discuss here to gain power, represent a giant wrench thrown right in the center of the American Socio-Political-Cultural machine. Thus, the question is whether to change the system to accommodate the wrench, or to remove the wrench. I prefer the latter. Unfortunately, removing the wrench means changing the system, but again a conversation for another time

So now that we have identified the problem, and come up with a solution, how can we accomplish this in the most effective, humane, and permanent way possible? I support a solution that does not involve killing. However, that solution must not compromise on which jews stay, which jews go, because they have shown exactly what they will do, each and every time if they stay.

All that said, I could get behind an actual policy delinieation that allows any nonreliguous jew with

it's probably the jewiest of the jew books i've ever read and by far the biggest red pill. it's the first book of "talmudic civil law". the kikey way to spell it "bava kamma".

No they don't that is a lie based on testing methods controlled by kikes.
That's what hitler did, and the kikes turned the whole world against him for daring to not take it in the ass from the kikes. See vid related on exactly why they must be all eliminated down to the last child and girl.

I miss these page long replies, but thanks to mods deleting anything that gets them butthurt posting quality here has gone to shit.


Pic related on kike IQ.

he did the right thing and showed us that the nice way doesnt work. if he had tried doing what we want it wouldnt have worked because nobody would go along with him and the nice way would still be on the table today. by losing the battle he ensured that we would win the war. 4d chess

hitler did nothing wrong

>(((what could possibly go wrong)))

you are fucking autistic and retarded at best

kike shill

fuck anyone who honestly replied to this thread, you're fucking stupid

Anyway I urge all anons to just start engaging the public, it clearly bothers (((them))) when you do it in a realistic and approachable way.

I didn't bring up the flat earth, one of the mouth-breathing libtards did in an attempt to connect things with fringe beliefs. I then used that as a springboard to remind him that in Religion of Cuck™, for instance, the Earth is flat and he's a shitlord for shaming people on it. He was like "OK dude, I didn't know…"

Please pay attention.


Around 150,000 mischlings were accepted into German society iirc.
Hitler's error was not holocausting them. We've been engaged in a metaphysical conflict with these demons for millennia.


If you need logical arguements against flat earth cianiggers here ya go. Ask them what triginometry is. Ask them why calculating the distance to the sun changes based on where you are on the earth if it is flat. They can't explain it because the earth is not flat.

implying the round earth isn't created by the CIA

The flat earth shit is a shill psy op to make anons look like raving lunatics, thus discrediting everything that is true.

round earth was created by (((freemasons)))

Because ZOG and kikes own them both. Until the JQ is solved it's two sides of the same coin.

Ah, so Republicans = Capitalism and Democrats = Bolsheviks? For fucks sake.

Well who cares about round earth? The earth is a sphere you faggot.

Great blog post. NOT

Most scientists already say it's a "orbital spheroid", as if that isn't saying its round.

You keep ignoring the real problem, they are both for kikes. Setting aside ideology how do you explain the subversiveness of pic related? Doesn't matter who it is if they are for kikes then they will be subverted all the same eventually.

pick both you imbecile. a sphere is round.

dems = bolsheviks
gop = bolsheviks
capitalism = bolshevism
how new are you? lurk 2 years you fag

Thank you for taking your time to actually make a response!

If you don't know both capitalism and communism are systems made by the rothschilds to flease the goyim (you) need to go back.

Yeah I think your just a faggot who doesn't under stand political philosophy. There are literally no communist/socialist/what the fuck ever countries.

I was doing this a bunch during the election and to my surprise, having really good results. I got most of my normies lib fag friends to agree with most of what I was saying.

However, watch what happens. Something is going to snap in their brains where suddenly no new information will be able to get in and they will distance themselves from you.

gas yourself, rabbi

Oh, please then enlighten me on your perfect philosophy. Also, if your gonna picrelate, you should actually picrelate. Money is capitalism, not "HURR DURR BOLSHEVIK"

kike leaders = dems
kikes leaders = bolsheviks
kike leaders = gop
kike leaders with usury = capitilism
Their all kikes. The kikes are the real problem you stupid fucking cuckchan refuge. Browse without posting for two years yourself until you understand kikes destroy everything.


go back to t_d faggot



welcome to my world. ive been doing this since 2009.

Then show your id faggot.

try again you retarded faggot
bolsheviks covertly infiltrated every western government after the second world war. one of the kikes primary objectives of the second world war was to tie off their capitalism / communism hegelian dialectic and synthesize both into shitty neoliberalism / neocohensevatism (which are literally identical).
youre embarrassing yourself. lurk. more.

filtered for obvious shilling, reported for shitposting. DOTR is close, moishe

no it is not, douchenozzle.
[spoiler]do your homework[/sopiler]

Lmao xD
Fuck off Jew nigger.

haha muh autizm

stalin was a jew you massive faggot

No, kikes infiltrated every fucking government. Guess who owns all these pic related companies? Kikes, every single last one.



you spelled kike wrong, kike

Get the fuck out


rabbi shillingstein doesn't know what filtered means. sad!


Oh, so your third option is Capitalism with some workers rights and other shit. How familiar.

No the third option is to reject the kike's options and choose no kikes.