I have struggled with a variant of this question as it relates to America.
Here are my thoughts, which do not represent the views of Holla Forums - I am sure the coming onslaught of "shill", "newfag", "lurkmore" "kike., etc., etc., ad inifitum will attest to this
First: A high level restatement of the topic - The JQ. leaving aside the"racist" parts of the argument, which we all know to be true, for now
For thousands of years Jews have had no home to call their own. Over a hundred times during that period, various nations have allowed them in, and in most cases even granted them citizenship. They were granted the opportunity to assimilate, and become part of that culture. Each and every time the Jews chose to empower their own group, rather than to integrate and become a part of their host nation. And this, by itself is just fine - in fact I think Holla Forums would generally agree that is exactly what we want for our own nations, and our own peoples.
Jews are a distinct people, and they are loyal to one another. this is expressly stated throughout their religious doctrines, Extremely evident in their cultural practices (even the nonreligous), and I would argue (another time perhaps) that due to their lot as constant wanderers, it has developed in in their DNA in a more pernicious fashion than other races. When host nations allowed them in, they largely operated apart from that society. Jews also have high average IQ, which allowed them to succeed in these new nations. They grew in power as a group, operating outside of the nation that allowed them in.
This problem was particularly compounded by their unique role in finance. In light of the fact that both Christians and Muslims did not lend money at interest, Jews were the defacto money lenders. Finance facilitates trade and makes people wealthy, it is necessary for any economy. However, in addition to being religiously outlawed for dozens of centuries, this method of living was looked down for different reasons across cultures throughout time. Many other similar conflicts of interest arose as well, which I will not outline, but are more than available throughout this site.
Now, for my take on the JQ in my country, as a burger.
Truth be told, I would prefer our nation free, and capitalistic. Unfortunately, I do not think that is possible with Niggers, Jews and Spics (spics to a lesser extent tbh… many good, conservative Mexicans / Tejanos in the south that love guns / property rights, have been here for 10 generations etc.,) because these peoples all play as a team. The First Principle of Western values is the individual. When we operate in that fashion we can have great range of opinion over many subjects, and Democracy, if correctly and severely limited in what it has the power to effect, has a chance at producing good results.
Jews' influence in finance, media, and government -particularly foreign policy- coupled with their group effort and about 6 bijillion other reasons i won't discuss here to gain power, represent a giant wrench thrown right in the center of the American Socio-Political-Cultural machine. Thus, the question is whether to change the system to accommodate the wrench, or to remove the wrench. I prefer the latter. Unfortunately, removing the wrench means changing the system, but again a conversation for another time
So now that we have identified the problem, and come up with a solution, how can we accomplish this in the most effective, humane, and permanent way possible? I support a solution that does not involve killing. However, that solution must not compromise on which jews stay, which jews go, because they have shown exactly what they will do, each and every time if they stay.
All that said, I could get behind an actual policy delinieation that allows any nonreliguous jew with