ITT: the fuck, didnt know this game was good!
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It's not super deep, or very long, but it was definitely worth the sale price.
of course it's awesome, but I don't see how one version of tetris is superior to another (unless it was fucked up like the Ubisoft ports)
DS tetris would probably be the best one if the multiplayer servers were still up.
It's pretty inactive, but I'm usually idle in the IRC if you feel like a match.
It also supports the Wii - Tetris Party Deluxe is pretty great multiplayer.
The comfiest game on the market, ever. Those fucks at X-Play fucking shat on this game and gave it their worst award (that had been games like fucking AQUAMAN) and fucking lamblasted it for "not being a game." I've made a promise if I ever meet Adam or Morgan I'll fucking make them SEE that this is a COMFY ASS GAME
Nigger, you are a GODDAMN RETARD. This fucking game allows you to hang out with a GODDAMN PIKACHU and WATCH TV and COLLECT FUCKIN' TRADING CARDS and BUY SOME NEAT SHIT
Because you get to actually have a buddy to do shit with. You want to write cards with a friend? You can do that. You want to draw shit? You can do that. You wanna go explore a spooky temple? You can do that. Wanna just chill and play vidya? YOU CAN DO THAT. Fucking this game is so goddamn comfy
Forgot my image goddamn jt
When i take a shit this is all i play.
The puzzle league part especially.
I've never played the Puzzle League games, to be honest, why is it good
Try the ones with TGM type mechanics and find out. Also what the hell did Ubisoft do?
Didn't expect Jet Set Radio to be this good.
Was tedious as fuck in the beginning, but went from 0 to 100 a few levels in somehow.
Big combos and a good soundtracks.
Tetris is good as a time waster ala mobile game but the problem is that once you play a few games, you've done everything, and any more is boring repetition. It's a very shallow game in that aspect.
user, Tetris is the perfect game. Perfectly mathematical in a way that only a genius could have designed. When we're all long dead and all gaming genres will have mutated into something unrecognizable, people will still play Tetris clones.
I remember using an AR code on my flash card so that I only got line blocks when I played multiplayer.
It is mechanically shallow and the depth and breadth of the gameplay is experienced in 30 minutes.
Tetris and its clones are fucking amazing as mobile games for that reason.
Maybe in terms of number of mechanics but Tetris is incredibly deep there's a reason why people still compete in this game.
Almost got me, user. Maybe your women's studies degree will get you somewhere some day.
So what's your high score?
We had one of those dedicated Tetris handhelds a while ago. Aside from having a low limit on score that could easily be wrapped around, one time it actually glitched and started giving out nothing but I blocks for a while. No idea how it happened, but it was pretty wonderful.
Untrue. Even with standard Tetris, knowing how to stack properly is not something you can pick up immediately. It gets more complicated with different rotation systems or 20G, and obviously variant modes like Bombliss.
They're best on portable, but that should not be mistaken as "casual" even if that's an option.
Yeah it's good but Tetris DS is fucking masterful.
Tetris is one of the most casual games out there. Mastery of the mechanics takes less than five minutes.
That doesn't make it a bad game by any means. It's a puzzle game, so of course one's mastery of those mechanics can only take them as far as their own natural skill at the game will let them, but to say Tetris is a deep game is like saying Snake is hardcore because only a handful of players have ever actually reach max size.
I got bored after an hour because I realized there was nothing left to the gameplay mechanics at that point. Gone Home is a comparable length.
Posting best theme.
You sound like a tremendous fucking cunt.
Not an argument.
Do you only speak in memes? How pathetic.
Not an argument.
You only speak in memes. Therefore you are a faggot.
Haven't tried Tetris Advance yet, but Tetris DS is fun as hell, with fun modes.
More ad hominem because you don't have an argument.
Did you shit up this thread so you could hope to argue about Tetris? Nice one.
He got embarassed and now he's in full retard defense mode.
You sound upset that your favorite 30 minute game is getting criticized.
None of you people can argue. All you say is short lines and post images everyone has seen 80 times a month. You can't even make your own reactions. Hell, you probably can't even invent kid, what are ya, a facsimile machine? A fax machine with an agenda?
Look at this webm. Savor this. That noise is the victory yell of a newly minted smug reaction. Bask in the smug face, that grin, that siren of oncoming nuclear war, because in the end it's still better than anime autists arguing about communist puzzle games.
also post your bowlcuts
Jokes on you, as I don't own any version of Tetris. I can understand why it's fun though. Even if I couldn't I wouldn't waste my time shitting up 8ch threads while I fish for an arguement. Have fun.
Was that the sad ass one for PS4 that had frame rate issues?
Tetris is an incredibly casual game. It's a "time waster" game, when you're bored and checking your phone. Normalfags wouldn't revel in it as such if it was incredibly deep.
Bump for babbies first puzzle game, it seems to piss off the redditors.
Goon humor.
Sage being a downvote predates the terminology, there will always be some dipshit using it to shitpost or get upset so long as it's available as a feature. I wanted Mark to put in that "SAGE!" option so he could CSS it to "DOWNVOTE!" to piss people off but apparently that's not possible.
Or maybe people don't want to bump a shit thread when they shit on it.
Threads about Tetris always end up as disasters here
Well I wasn't expecting this, lots of games are still working online from the wii/ds era. Nintendo's fanbase definitely makes the best emulators and keep services running. Putting that in my bookmarks.
I play TGM. Not very good at it yet, but I do get close to the 700s.
That is possible span.sage {font-size: 0pt;}span.sage::after{content: "DOWNVOTE!";font-size: 13px;}
I haven't played Tetris with a keyboard in a long time, so here are my scores from quite a few months ago.
Do they?
The ones that I have seen never last very long.
altwfc supports virtually anything that didn't require game statistics to function - so it's worth a try even if it's not on the game list.
Funny how all the grade school debate class shitposters claiming Tetris is a depthless game dissappear the moment this is postes.
Stop being faggots and post more tetris.
The funny thing is that the hardest and most impressive thing about playing at instant gravity doesn't read well on a video: the severely restricted amount of movement you have.
You can't climb upwards. You don't just appear on top when you try to move up a slope. Stops you dead. Severe implications. There are plenty of ways to get stuck in small nooks and behind blocks. Behind the surface, there's a lot of abusing and leveraging the right-biased collision resolution and the rotation system, and most of that happens in quick input streams that might almost make it look like you have complete freedom to place your pieces anywhere.
For anyone who might be interested in the TGM experience, Texmaster is a solid clone. Despite the somewhat baffling default theme. Just the TGM games.
NullPomino is a more comprehensive alternative with lots of customization to be done, game options and otherwise. Not limited to TGM.
And, you know, emulation. Be mindful of the input lag on whatever you use.
You'd never think a licensed game about a show about hamsters that never really took off in America would be good, let alone two of them.
A game with a name this dumb has no right to be this good.
This. Playing a game that's actually this good, without any political bullshit, pretentiousness or lelsorandumb humor is so refreshing these days. The devs seem like pretty cool guys too. We need more like this.
damn, it's indeed a good game! Solid twin stick shooter! But what's up with the Five Finger Family crew designe and that weird name?
TGM gives you plenty of options to move pieces in interesting ways, especially TGM3 where you have much more freedom with the I block. About the only rough situation is pic related and even then it's actually possible to get it to move and rotate at the same time over the obstruction. Good overview of some of the movement tech.
Also throwing NDS_TGM as an option despite its incomplete state, it's the only portable game with TGM mechanics.
Even though I wanted this for my gba, I never did get it in fear of being called a faggot
Honestly, it looks better in-game than in screenshots. The characters are animated well, which makes the style look a lot better.
The name sounds weird, but with context it makes sense. The main character (green-haired chick in the front) is named Cactus, with all of the characters being named after plants and food material. They're all androids. Most of them are pretty likeable in some way, except Starch in my opinion.
epic mafia > this
Anons only ever played this if they had a little sister who actually owned the game to borrow from.
Holla Forums is slow today.
Mah tovarisch.
I like your style