Corrupt judge seals Fusion GPS records

Her name is Tanya Chutkan, and she is currently overtly doing obstruction to protect her tribe.
You know what to do guys

Other urls found in this thread:;-ex-trump-aide-pleads-in-russia-probe/2583384/

How can a judge seal documents from congress?

Google is doing it's best to block news about this. Only one story on all of Google News… Here's the Politico story.

DotR can't come soon enough.

Try Bing?

To be honest, I don't know a whole lot about this story. I saw it on Halfchan and I'm trying to track down information about it. Something apparently happened that the blog in the initial OP was talking about. Also that Politico article is talking about this. Thought I would bring this to your attention in case there's something to this.

They can't. This could open the door for judicial impeachments all the way up to the SCOTUS.

Sounds like they are going to have a closed review because of how damaging it could be to the dems if it is made known in public. Publicly sealed, congress-critters on the review will see it.

Yeah, so this nigger blocked the goods on Fusion GPS/Russian Collusion… Here it is

Still good to take a look into. Common practice for the fucks to keep people from walking up to their doors with pitchforks.

this nigger needs to hang. bump

Read the initial blog in the OP, it is completely damning. Not sure if it's all accurate but the Politico story seems to back this up.

X-Post from Cuckchan


>Same judge who ruled that tax payers must fund illegal alien abortions

Can you feel it lads? The while corrupt temple is coming down on their heads.


Praise Kek

This was definately a plot to get Trump. Absolutely.



this almost needs a sticky.

Now we know that there really is Russian collusion.

But it sounds like it involves the Dems.
Well done you fucking retarded democrats.

Amalgamation “might create a race of unsurpassed excellence, they said. A people with just a little sunburn without extra trouble and even through the winter; with some curl in the hair without the cost of a permanent wave; with, perhaps, a little more emotional warmth in their souls; and a little more religion, music, laughter, and carefreeness in their lives, they said. If whites could be cured of prejudice, they would not oppress blacks so much, blacks would improve themselves, they said.


Uf dah;-ex-trump-aide-pleads-in-russia-probe/2583384/
12 counts.

I think so, I posted this because it's such huge true if big almond activating material. But I need help uncovering more information about this. There's only that Politico story from MSM and Google News is frightening quiet on any of this.

Something is really off about it. As soon as I started reading into it, I was like… fuggg…

I am practicing my knot-tying for the Blessed Day.

SCOTUS is literally untouchable and the second you get rid of the life term, you open the door to completely revise the constitution.
Not a good thing.

She's blocking it because it implicates the entire DoJ and most of Congress.

Remember: it's possible to arrest the majority of the folks on the hill due to Awan and him being paid by most of Congress.

Manafort worked under Podesta Group at the time of the offenses listed in his indictment.

Tony Podesta worked closely with the DoJ after muh Russia to ensure that he filed the right paperwork to do business with foreign entities - he didn't and they filed the paperwork after the fact.
sage for double post

anywhere we can get the official judgement?
Like an official press release?

why did it post the link in OP? woops

Technically SCOTUS can not revise the constitution, only interpret it. The fact that they IRL don't give a shit and people swallow it is another matter.

This is only other source relating to the judgement, where do we find the official judgements?

This is the only official statement.

This shit is being slid for that stupid antifa chicms phone. Is that thread even fucking relevant?

just report this thread for sticky

Ive been getting errors when I report shit. Anyone else?

nope, all good here, and I've been on a reporting spree for the last hour

What… why???

You're going to eat your words this winter.

The abortion process still leaves one alive.



We can't find a confirmation on OP's source


isn't there a politico article?

I can't find it.

I've even tried looking for official records, but this isn't really my jurisdiction so I got kinda lost.

Someone with Lexis might be able to confirm it.
FFS even CuntonNewsNetwork mentions it.

Now stop kvetching about (((MUH SAWSE)))

It's all well and good to blame Obama for lasting corruption, but at a certain point the blame needs to fall on cowards like Trump who is content to manage the situation and whine about a "swamp" instead of leveraging the support he has within an armed population to actually do something about it because he doesn't want to "rock the boat" for entrenched capital.

and here is the article for podesta stepping down

That sick fuck needs waterboarded with a convenient live stream right here

>Just what the agreement calls for remains unclear as the judge put it under seal despite the fact that one of the parties is a government entity and the court is retaining jurisdiction to make sure the settlement is carried out.


Fugg, must be tired.

I'd settle for an ovening, to be honest.

No worries, a lot of shit is happening fast and it is easy to get swept up in it all. Head down, keep pushing.

Where on Earth have you been?
JFK files released.
Border wall prototypes being made, tested and funded.
He's been tweeting up a storm about Uranium One and other such instances of corruption.

You don't interupt your enemy when they are lying. You let them dig as much of a grave as they can so you don't have to work as much.

Nice kike robe.

more and more shit clogging up the pipes
shit has nowhere to go

I'm getting so fucking sick of this do nothing government.

Mate the JFK docs prove that it has been like this for nearly 70 years..

that just makes it all the more fucked up.

And it's going to stay that way until people decide to actually do something about it. Our forefathers would be ashamed of this cowardice.

I think it's just getting real heavy due to the massive populations of people we have.

Mexican immigration into the US is used to indirectly support the pedophile agenda, as Mexican culture is more tolerant of "underage" sex (age of "consent" is much lower in Mexico). I remember reading a while back that some immigration judges would only grant citizenship to Mexicans claiming asylum for being gay, and if they weren't gay enough they were denied entry into the US or deported depending on the situation. While a lower age of consent does not fully satisfy the pedophile agenda it is a step in the right direction. In addition, an increase in immigration of a foreign culture serves to weaken our own cultural identity thus making it easier to use media propaganda to influence us into rejecting anti-sex catholic notions. It's basically the same reason women's rights are promoted so strongly; Get women out of the house, get children in school or in front of a tv more, and now a child's mother has been replaced by media propaganda and government controlled schools. In Germany (where home-schooling is banned) a pamphlet was distributed to all the children suggesting that incest is beneficial. Yep, GOD BLESS DEMOCRATS!

The institution of SCOTUS is untouchable - the people are very much touchable, just ask Antionio. To change the highest court in the law would be tantamount to destroying the foundation of all existing laws - hence the untouchable and destruction of the constitution comment.

This particular judge needs an ethics hearing and an investigation into her judicial impartiality she swore to when she took the office.

Heavy? What do you mean? The tower of lies and corruption are growing too heavy for the kikes and traitors to support much longer. The whole rotten system needs the supports kicked out from under it.

oops, did I just do that?
Praise Kek

I'm at work and heard Rush announce he had stepped down from his firm.

Yeah tony p is going to get ass fucked by some hard hitting motherfuckers so fucking soon
Yeah I know. "It's degenerate pop music", blah blah. Still a good song.

Where do you work? A law firm?

How many judges did king nigger manage to appoint in these 8 years?

Most presidents do that actually.

Fuck no. Think I'm made of money and have the kike connections to work in a law firm? I was listening to normie news to keep my ear to the ground.

From jewpedia

I can barely stand 20 minutes of it lately, usually just switch straight to BloomShillberg for finance.

Where the fuck did that come from? Whoever promotes such has to go.

Or worse health issues..

Jim Morrison aka Rush Limbaugh isn't too bad when hes not screeching about democrats being the real racists. Glen Beck makes me lmao. Even today he was screaming about this being the end of Blumph.


call me fbi, but we all know this cunt isn't going to be fixed by ethics hearings or forced recusals. the only solution to cunts like this is the 2nd.

and if fbi-kun and cia-san actually cared about america and had balls, then they would take it upon themselves to do the job for us.

I think this whole rotten-ness was why Trump was spurging out on Twitter the last two days. The entire system is rotten with corruption I've never seen in my life and almost can't believe.

does the president have to power to declare people outlaws?

From a book called The America Dilemma funded by The Carnegie Corporation in 1944.



what does it have to do with the kikes?

do something about it

I'm only one user, user.

I want this beautiful kek avatar in print or poster form. Anyone know the original artist?


You mean you want them to do their actual jobs? You're some kinda crazy man.

So far this year we have had no less than 20 judges behave in a manner which should by all rights cause their immediate disbarment. It is no secret that the bar association is kike bullshit accountable to no one but themselves so nothing will be done about it.

But we might be able to force some form of accountability. I have a real good idea and i think i know anons who would be good for the task. Will post back in a bit, probably from a different ip, with more info.


Forgot about this.

god speed nigga, you know what to do with traitors.
we need undeniable proof though otherwise the war starts tomorow with us as the bad guys.
fucking kikes are most likely just waiting for an excuse.


Careful FBI, you don't understand the power you are playing with.

user, the methods of both are to erase people, not kill them, and it is harder to do so in this day, not impossible but harder so they do not bother, plus the left give them better bonuses. and what said.


The Judaical system needs a good purge. It's getting ridiculous like that Hawaii retard.

They're fucking panicking and all their bullshit is crumbling down.

You misspelled "rope".

That webm really moved me. Crazy how the kikes goal hasn't changed in millenia. All the archetypes of good and evil, light and dark, stand out just as much now as they ever have. God, please damn these rat usurpers to hell for eternity. The right white righteous light will always prevail.

This. They are buying time. I'm curious for what.

Hope so.

The same things we see Jews doing now have been called out for millennia. It seems the only constant in the world is the Jew

Try harder shill

Dubs, absolutely wasted.


This is looking to be one

Indeed. almost a century of conditioning and work is crumbling down.

And it'll take a bit more than 8 years for it to get torn down.

For any lazy fucking retarded gimp faggots kikes here is the scoop

more like tomorrow



Absolutely not; A SCOTUS justice can be impeached by the House of Representatives and convicted by the Senate.

If you can prove that she has accepted any form of goods or services in exchange for a favorable ruling, it is possible to impeach her

But in all seriousness, once we get a real fascist leader these people will all have to be publicly executed for treason after show trials.

Your nose is showing. Kill yourself.


The image that it's sourced from depicts Trump receiving a jewish prayer shawl called a tallit from a black evangelical pastor. This pissed off a lot of jews.

Pics related

kike salt is best salt.


you mean kosher salt?

So much for co-equal branches of gov't. The Jewdiciary needs cut off at the knees; this has gone past absurdity.

ok thats a thing a never understood, what the fuck is the difference between salt and kosher salt.
its fucking sodium eather way so what is the difference, an extra serving of babyblood during processing?
fucking kikes and there bullshit man, like it issent enough that they are destroying western civilization, they fuck with salt too.

Just thought I'd offer free use of my safe space to any triggered kikes in this thread.



kill all niggers


Only a 12 year old niggermong would post this. Give it up, your kind is too lazy to report or do anything. You rely upon your kike owners to enact. Gas yourself





Agree 100%

There needs to be a purge of power positions.




Knowing how well the Haitian community loves the Clintons for stealing their gold mines & fucking up the rebuilding efforts, I wonder how they'd react to finding out this judge is protecting the Clintons from justice. Maybe nigger magic used on niggers, Shillery isn't the only one who can sacrifice a chicken.

un-kike the SCOTUS when?

Thanks for the insight satan. I'll be damned, it's amazing how much "value" a kike will squeeze out of one business avenue.

But it's all coming down around their ears because surprise surprise, these people are fucking incompetent.

bio-engineered friends at microscopic size which wipes (((them))) while only giving us the sniffles seems to be the only way. Make it that even being in the same room as an goyim carries the high risk of death and perhaps then they will either become some semblance of human having to rely upon themselves or die.

I had a math teacher who used to work at Welch's. Whenever the rabbi would come in and certify a tank of juice as kosher the he and other workers would stick their hands in it to de-kosher it.

This probably happens with most Kosher food. Wouldn't surprise me if most Kosher products secretly aren't.

beta kikes are golems too, and apparently really retarded.


jews make their money either way. He'd only have really done something if he had mugged the rabbi in the parking lot every time he came by.

You have to admit, that's pretty fucking hilarious though.

It's time to meme a recall vote by the Corrupt Cunt's constituents.

And that's why nothing will ever gom of any of this.

Samson Looms

You first FBI-kun. You first. Post pics here so we know where to follow you.

It won't be fixed by the 2A either. Samson Looms. If you try to free yourself with might and arms, the Jews will Nuke the world.

Try it. Watch what happens.

Samson Looms. No amount of armed population can stop US nuclear command from launching Samson.

But it's not digging a grave for anything but white demographics. Watch what happens.

Our forefathers resulted in this cowardice. Go ahead and lead us then. Step up and make sure we all know where you are so we can follow you. Watch what happens.

Samson Looms

It never will be. Good things don't happen. You hope too much.

God is in on it. They all are. They use the Jews as tools to torture us with.

And she's presiding over the Awan trial, too … of course. Nothing to see here….

That's not entirely true. Justices like Kennedy and Thomas have some autist-tier dedication to Constitutional interpretation (keep in mind, Kennedy is center-right); Gorsuch might, too.

user has a point, but isn't highlighting the lynch-pin holding this gestalt together; if SCOTUS Justices are disbarred or excused (which is possible) for corruption, any decision in which they've ever tipped the majority scale and every opinion they've ever written would be called into question and subsequently dismantled. All those cases would be on shaky ground. This could only possibly be useful if it only affected one or two LIBERAL Justices, but God forbid it being the case for anywhere between 4-5 members of the Court.

And even worse, it affecting a single moderate Justice like Kennedy, which the left would jump on immediately to dismantle landmark decisions like Heller and McDonald.

Top lel

Also in response to the post, why the fuck haven't we voted that cunt out? Can we even vote her out? This shit is so blatantly corrupt even the most backwoods redneck faggot could interpret it.

Something interesting I came across while looking into Fusion. Several year back it was widely hidden (until more recently) that nine trillion dollars basically up and vanished from the federal reserve which, afterwards, had stories change constantly about where it went. The one constant is that a group called "FusionIQ" was heavily involved in both the reporting and fine details to the public through several media groups (CNN in this case). As you can see here:

Now if we consider what we currently know about Fusion in consideration to this event here with the federal reserve I think there are connections. Not least of all is the fact both groups maintain many names that are connected to both. Point being, I believe FusionIQ and the Fusion we know to be the same entity but just a different department per say.

Long story short, if my theory about Fusion is correct and that it is a literal foreign infiltration group than it would explain where all that money went, how Obama/Clinton Foundation were used as seated pawns to direct traffic/achieve ends and it would also explain how a seemingly unknown group has such high end security details and classification to obtain SAP and other very highly secured data. I mean, seriously, why would FusionIQ be reporting to CNN about the federal reserve? This all seems connected and all seems to relate directly to foreign infiltration to cripple and destroy America from within by placed assets while causing issues in every element of the country.

wait are you talking about the vanished money rumsfeld had to admit to congress one day before 911?
i remember seeing a realy shitty video of that hearing.

I am talking about this:

See most people think of what you referred to in terms of the huge issue years around 9/11 but, no, I am not referring to that as something extremely shady and hidden from the public massively took place six years back and "FusionIQ" was very heavily involved.

… and another one about another half trillion missing. Just wait until you hear these responses:

i can hear the kvetching already

TBH, does it ever really stop?

no, but it does get louder

"Russia-Financed Ad Linked Clinton and Satan"
New York Times
1 Nov 2017
And they wonder why they are called fake news…
- - - - - - - -

didn't realize I forgot to expand the article
They are just so stupid for running the Article with that title - they wonder why they are a joke. trying to be funny.

Do you enjoy watching him suffer or something?

of course


banana republic