Anu Cheeki breeki!
A new update is out, see how far you can get before your PC crashes you blyat.
Anu Cheeki breeki!
A new update is out, see how far you can get before your PC crashes you blyat.
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Oh lord looks like its time for a new character.
Oh shit nigger what are you doing?
Oh thank jeebus
+ Spawns for Agroprom Underground, Monolith Control Center and Sarcophagus.
+ Spawns for Lab X-8, Lab X-16, Lab X-18 and Lab X-19/X-10.
I'm happy and horrified at the same time.
Best starter faction and why?
Nice, that'll tide me over until Ray of Hope.
Did arsenal overhaul already get patched to work with 1.4?
Sounds pretty cool. I should check it out again.
On a slightly related note, Is there a better armor than the fully upgraded SEVA suit? I swear, I haven't found anything that was as versatile and well rounded as it.
Is it that buggy?
I was working on my own patch.
I had it almost working fully for 1.3, but I'm stuck with 1.4, keeps giving me illogical errors.
even vanilla stalker crashes nothing out of the ordinary
Oh, I was just playing it.
Did they fix how tools are non-existent and running to Red Forest is the only way to upgrade your gear?
Are there any mods that puts hot babes in the game??
tool existed, they were found after doing a mission and getting lucky at the stash
in 1.3 it was a lot less common. in 1.4 there are some missions that when you complete you automatically get them and the stashes that you get at the end of missions have the rate of tools dropping upped
if only
fucking DB converter is out of date…gotta get the new version from github….
Neat, those new features sound really cool, but I just modded the shit out of my earlier CoC and I think pretty much everything will break if I update.
I think I'll make a monolith character and get an RPG as my main weapon. Monolith akbar!
Those woman shoulders are so sexist!! Ugh!!!
What will that one do?
Neat, but I'll wait until AO is compatible, I've been so thoroughly spoiled by the weapon variety that only having the vanilla ones wont cut it in the slightest.
Seriously, they'll point shoot a rocket point black at a tushkano
What in the holy fucking heavens did I just type in that spoiler, It was meant to be:
Seriously, they'll shoot a rocket point black at a tushkano.
I'll go splash my face with some cold water.
That's it I'm going to sleep instead.
Ray of Hope? It's going to add proper multiplayer in the Zone.
Now modders can release all of their autistic load
Tell me when the Warfare mod is updated for this. I'll stay with 1.32 and my Merc bros (We got Freedom, we got Clear Sky, Duty is next) until then.
nevermind, turns out I attempted to install it on top of a long forgotten install with SGM.
Is OWR any good? I've only been using AO but was wondering what the other weapon mod is like.
Fuck my old saves. any ideas if the updates works for this?
I mean updater?
Why do weebs have to make anime edits of everything, are they like bronies?
So wait CoC finally works?
Any info on compatibility with linux (play on linux especially)? Because they dropped installer (which was broken under PoL) and after downloading mod you can just unpack it in desired location.
It basically just replaces vanilla weapon models with way better ones and gives them their real names, aswell as replacing some unique weapons (like Nimble's guns, Snag's AKS-74U, Zulu's PKM, etc.) with distinct models, and in some cases, new guns, such as the UMP45 or the MP-153.
So it has only a few advantages over AO- there isn't an (arguably) excessive amount of weapons with little actual difference between some, the game runs better as there's less stuff to load, the Saiga model looks better (well, at least I think so…) and it's overall more balanced.
Must be a boy with long hair.
inb4 shota
Guess I have to get off my lazy ass and finish my purge of the Zone with monolith before playing it. Should take enough time for day 1 patches to be done
What are you of implyings comrade?
shilling my mod because why not
you better not have fucking put trojans in there you double негр
the site checks for trojans and whatnot before they are authorized im getting another one authorized right now
the trader mods really do make the trader less jewish i swears
I'd download your mod but I'm also using the more outfits mod, I also figured out how to edit the traders settings so I'm good.
What happens if I use the updater after having installed some submods?
I'll just wait until Itemsoup is updated. Can't play without my autism mod anymore.
What happened with the stability of CoC and AO3? It now occasionally makes my computer restart for no reason and crashes constantly.
A lot of people are reporting bugs and crashes left and right for this version's AO3 build, I'd recommend uninstalling it and waiting for patches.
Also make sure that the computer restarting isn't a temperature issue.
I gotta say, 1.4 is pretty good. Lots of small changes and polish compared to the previous version. Iron Man mode is actually fun now because you don't get instantly niggered by bandits who have godlike aim.
Doc died in my playthrough because of a swarm of dogs attacking clear sky base. I hope I can still continue the story without him.
I had around 2 crashes in several hours of gameplay. It's not so bad for me.
I'm sure they'll patch it further.
And right as I post that I get fucked by spetznas. God damnit, there goes my save file.
iron man mode sure is fun
untill you cheeki breeki in hell
I don't think it is a temperature issue, as this game is the only one that does this and it happens after the game crashes sometimes. The error that shows up also does not metnion temperature and instead mentions driver issues or something which seems to be happening to a few other people. I even turned down everything to low and it still happens.
I am thinking about trying OWR3 instead. How good is that as a weapon mod?
Iron Man mode is dumb as fuck, what if something beyond your control happens. Just exercise some restraint and kill the file yourself when the time comes.
P much this, had so many saves get ruined from saving right before I died and no matter how much you try and escape it just ends in death.
I'm still upset that there isn't a mod that does a massive redo of all the armor and get rid of that bulbous stitching look thats present in games like this and fallout
I want to make a mod that creates a better stealth system. I'm tired of being picked off from across the map as I squat inside a bush. Does anyone know what LURK did to get their system running? Did they just adjust detection ranges?
Or is it possible to port the MISERY stealth system?
say what you will about mainstream shooters but their character models look great. and I'm not looking for an Ultra HD character models, just something that looks more human
I have to agree with you
There's an FNV mod that adds most of the armors from MW3. You could potentially make a replacer version for the crappy reused FO3 assets
Had to be around 20 guys or more in there. Pretty cool.
Yantar is my favorite non-Bar town. Lots of zombifieds to drop for ammo, snorks, and the eggheads pay out the nose for monster parts. Too bad every mod I've tried somehow makes the zombifieds a goddamn crash magnet.
Yeah, it's pretty comfy.
I somehow managed to get really good gear just doing odd jobs between the great swamp and Cordon. Got a full set of tools for the mechanic, upgraded the heavy CS armor and got myself a kick-ass bolt action. The game became a little too easy but I still have to do the story missions.
Playing through it again makes me excited to see how the maps will work in Ray of Hope. Especially blowouts are going to make for fun encounters.
I wonder if they fixed whatever was causing insane FPS drops in release candidate.
Right now we got south part of the map being worked on, the engine has its limits. We wanted to have whole zone, but it might end up being 2 separate maps. North and South. South its everything under bar area. North should consist bar and area around it. With yantar, red forest, Limansk, warehouses, pripyat and powerplant/generators. North is going to be bigger and we don't know can the engine handle it, so we might need to fine tune south to be bigger. I don't know what slav magic is going to be needed but heck, we are this far so might just go all in on the map size. Of course it needs to be balanced with A-life itself. We don't want players to run around in empty areas. We could also use "instances" for special locations for squads. Like quest locations take separate areas. It would make sense for gameplay perspective as we want some areas to be locked down for quests etc without outside hindrance (KoS, random mutants or protection from blowout) Don't know which design is going to be used for that. Imagine going into a location that zone allows a certain number of people to access to. Then it locks that place down until stalkers within it have accomplished their mission, or died trying. This also could mean a lone player without knowledge could get lost to a such locations without even knowing about the quest. Accomplishing a mission intended for a 6 man squad as a loner would be a true feat.
Anyway, just some random RoH rambling while I ponder things and listen russian chatter.
- DokoMaster
I figured one large map sounded too good to be true, but even if it's split into two or three maps, that's still incredible. And yeah, instanced areas like for the labs is probably a good idea, since it lets you script things easier and have a more cohesive quest progression.
On a sidenote, can you confirm whether Clear Sky is a faction in the mod? I saw their armor is in, at least.
God speed, my mongolian friend. Keep us updated.
I am not sure if Clear Sky is playable faction, let me check.
How big of an impact did 1.4 have? I played a shit load of hours in 1.3 but I dunno if I should go through reinstalling the game then downloading all the shit again if it's still mostly the same.
Are there any mods for 1.4 yet that make the traders MORE jewish? I always liked a brutal/hardcore/youbetterfighttosurvive kinda Zone akin to MISERY.
speaking of which if someone could make some kind of MISERY submod for CoC that'd be gravy
Just go fucking play Misery then you masochistic fuccboi. Misery is utter shit. Also look up their changelog on the mod's page.
I wonder if i should go cheeki breeki now or wait a few while for patches, and/or DoctorX quests being updated for 1.4.
Ok so, the lore goes.
Clear Sky faction got destroyed after the battle of CNPP. Only 10 or so dudes remained so faction itself is gone, but you might find some NPC's. So no you won't be able to join them or play in clear sky. You get to wear their armor if you find any. I bet you are going to play as a remnants of Clear Sky in RP Server and try to bring back the old glory?
huh why do stalkers actually head for cover in this one and not c.o.p?
ignore that post. I guess I'm just really confused what this mod actually does
Ok I guess I have a better idea of it now. And this looks like something I'd want to play but will my arsenal mod, realism (more damage) mod, and hd textures work with this?
aaayyy Doko, I wanted to know something:
Once the players are given tools to make their own servers and can play privately, is there going to be any setting for in the amount of NPC spawns? That way we can increase them, to make the Zone a bit more lively without the need for 100+ players.
Its a standalone, so you won't need to install it over CoP, so don't worry about any mods you have installed there. There is a version of Arsenal Overhaul on the ModDB page for Call of Chernobyl, too, so you can get your /k/ fix. I don't know about textures and stuff, though, but I haven't been keeping up with the mod for too long.
I don't know about that, if not you could always have 1 admin on to do the spawning and shit. Still there is of course a limit for A-Life objects.
Fug. I hope they fix this soon.
Sounds good. Didn't plan on RPing but I always liked the look of their armor and the idea behind their faction.
nigger the fix is out long while ago
Oh shit, I didn't see this. Thanks.
ao3 works fine with 1.4
as far as i can tell anyway, i haven't had any crashes with this, then again ao3 is the only major addon i have, the rest are little text mods and shit.
quick question. are guns more balanced so to speak in this mod? like there was a mod for call of pripyat that gets rid of the tiers of weapons and made their stats more realistic. Like an AKM is better than an sks but an AKM loses to newer rifles of the same caliber simply because of fire rate and accuracy improvements (among other things), damage tends to stay the same since they're using the same caliber. So you can still take down higher level enemies with low level guns such as the sks because they're still shooting bullets, It's just better guns will be more efficient but not have a drastic increase in damage.
in other words guns of the same caliber tend to do the same damage while all guns are useful because they're guns
Alright maybe I'm just fucking retarded but how the fuck do I find artifacts?
I'm jumping into anomaly zones with my lil detector and nothing shows up???
Does your detector actually show that there's an artifact nearby in the anomaly? I'm now imagining a rookie stalker running face first into an empty anomaly hoping to find something.
I've been going near anomalies on my map and haven't gotten any bleep boops. I thought it might have just been a glitch because I was starting off in the Cordon and moving around but I tried Zaton and nada.
While true, bullet wound profiles and accuracy tests say otherwise.
Oh shit nigger what are you doing?
In 1.3 don't know if they changed that now the respawn chance during blowouts was 17% for every anomaly, as far as I know.
So yeah, unless you get a mod that changes this, artefacts will be rare as fuck.
Just keep trying different places until your detector starts beeping I suppose. You actually have it out in your hands, right?
I haven't heard of any bug like that so I don't think that's the case.
I'm pretty sure remembering that in 1.4 they removed artifacts from immediately spawning so you need to wait for a blow out.
9faggots and leddit has been invading since forever you know.
what should a beginner choose for the faction?
patch notes say the improved spawn rates in the hotfix after 1.4
Loners, the true stalkan experience, after a while depending on your political view concerning the zone duty / freedom.
After that go cheeki breeki as bandit / merc / monolith for shits n giggles so you can shoot a ton of enemies.
ty bby
Thank fuck at least one video game can be discussed properly
The Zone should be the only woman you ever need
Did something change in 1.4 for setting how hard traders jew you? Or did you just put the mod up for people who don't know how to edit the trade.ltx files? I suppose it's convenient for people who aren't using a weapon mod and don't wanna break out the db converter
Hopefully this gets updated soon, a lot of the fun of STALKER for me is finding and hording a shitload of different items. Was this ever made compatible with one of the outfit/armor/whatever mods?
They don't make exoskeletons that size.
The detection range is pretty small. You have to be thorough.
Get a better detector, there's certain artifacts that can't be detected by the shitty yellow/orange one
What do? Tried changing Dx settings and graphical settings, nothing works.
Holy fuck did you get sucked into the Noosphere?
I'l be sure to tell your next of kin that atleast you went fast.
Rip in pepperonis.
Do you have the quest for it?
I got to brain scorcher and I managed to flip it and it does nothing.
I do, and I get the prompt to flip the switch, but using the Use button does nothing.
Strange, what version you running?
You need to turn the three or so switches on your way up.
Well, now I sure feel fucking stupid. I'll try that.
Heh yeah I'm pretty sure thats your problem, didn't you listen to Sakharov? He explains it after he gives you the job.
Remember to take the job for Ghosts armor too, hes dead at the end of the facility and the armor isn't all that good.
I completely skimmed over the dialogue since I'm playing CoC and didn't figure it'd be mentioned. I don't think he had a job for Ghosts' armor either.
He should, if you ask him "do you have any tasks for me" or some shit like that.
Atleast he did in 1.3
Shooting yourself in the foot is an art.
I ran jobs for him but he had nothing for Ghosts' armor. I just looted his corpse but he didn't have it on him anyway.
I don't think I've heard anything about the custom quests they've added, just that there's faction progression.
And I'm more interested in the PvP stalkan aspect anyway. If it works out anyway.
This game really have a great choice of difficulty.
Misery is so shit when it comes to a true stalker experience.
The amount of shit the dev has done purely to make it tedious in a vain attempt to have it challenging is just terrible.
All from ammo drops to item degradation is fucking terrible. Not to mention the economy is total shit and you're better of using pretty much just 5-6 vanilla items for eating, healing, repairing and so on. The rest are so cost-ineffective that theres just no point in using them.
Great it adds a million items that are all useless, bandits can survive rifle caliber headshots, pistols do fuck all and shotguns are meh.
Once again, more cost effective to just stick to a few things and ignore all the millions of things added by it.
Oh and before you say it gets better after you reach exo / slightly before tier of stalkan yeah no shit any stalker gets pretty comfy when you're fully decked out but theres just no excuse for the complete mod tier gun balance and fucked up economy.
Lets not even discuss bugs and "features" it has like the fact that to make it 'muh realism" the enemies do a lot more damage with same guns than you do and they drop them with 0-3 ammo and 5% condition.
It's shit.
While looking for a solution to one of my problems I came upon this gem.
I wonder if these people need instructions to breathe.
To be honest I can see why someone wouldn't like Stalker.
I think they're fine games, but they didn't click for me either.
Of course this will cause the one retard to sperg out, it always happens
Nigga I am going to give my 2 cents to clear some shit up. First I do not know about the main storyline players will be able to do. But there will be quest progression for every playable faction, which some of those can only be done if you have high enough reputation for the said faction. Then we have those quests that can be done for everyone. Of course you can say fuck it, and explore the zone and encounter quests that no NPC would give to you but you activate them, lets say by finding a certain artifact or a new rare anomaly. Then there are instance based quests that can be done alone or in a squad. Or you can just go full on retard bandit, drink vodka all day and rob everyone and die to a nearby landmine or gravitational anomaly. Zone is a big place, I just hope devs decide to use most of my stuff I write as my Mongolian writing skills and quest progression makes more sense than boring ass "Kill dogs, get tails" As the game gets updated, new stuff in the zone will also emerge. At least that's how we planned it in the last meeting regarding game progression. Anyway heading to bed, got work tomorrow.
- Doko
It's your FOV, you've maxed it out.
Why did this become a thing? I mean, when I first played SoC about 7 or 8 years ago I did the same thing but I don't remember why. Did the mod have some underground marketing campaign?
did you install the game inside your pripyat folder that's the most common mistake ive seen
The name is convincing if you don't bother with much research. What else would you want other than a "complete" experience?
Is there anything wrong with someone wanting to play a game that looks good and plays good?
I mean the first thing I do when I have to play something from my backlog is to look if there's mod to fix perfomance, compatibility and looks
Anybody got some solo guitar songs that are nice to listen to while playing?
making a playlist-
yeah already have all the stalker songs in the playlist
Add Metro then
No idea who this is, saved it from a webm thread ages ago. Found it pretty dank
yeah already got metro as well
Found a gem
how exactly are they Russian? looks Romanian with all the gypsies
His name is Ewan Dobson. He has a few other good solos.
No idea
It was heavily marketed on forums as being a pure bugfix mod and as that's what people were looking for it did well initially. It took a long time to break people's perception of it not fucking with the core gameplay, even on Holla Forums.
has anyone else been playing Old Good STALKER Evolution? i don't see much talk about in the threads but i think its one of the best STALKER experiences out there at the moment. The new quests are great and it feels like there's so much more to do compared to the original.
although it is pretty quirky and doesn't explain a lot of things very well so i've had to look up a number of things when i got stuck
I'm surprised that and ukuleles don't show up since they look way more portable than a big ass guitar
I love that first song so much.
It got perpetuated by reddit as an essential mod I believe.
No, but Complete changes the gameplay which most people don't know. That's what pisses people off, the fact it's touted as a wonder-mod that everyone should have for their first playthrough, when it really makes the game easier by turning the AI into bumbling retards who can't see past 50m.
The game looks and runs fine just patched and maybe with optional fixes.
Good taste. It's the best song in the game.
At least it aint Misery
I know fags who didnt play S.T.A.L.K.E.R without it, thankfully CoC and AO3 kicked them in the teeth.
Thanks mate. He's pretty good.
Both are bad for different reasons.
I honestly don't get why people insist on playing with mods, and risk ruining the game for themselves, without seeing what the base game is like first.
Nigger what?
I agree that Vanilla first and always, but goddamn son, how much of a hipster are you?
No, Complete and Misery, nigger.
I'm playing CoC and AO3 right now. It's not balanced very well but I'm having fun with it.
Where do you get the repair tools for mechanics?
Oh, my mistake
I played through Complete and don't understand why. I can't even remember any differences to Vanilla other than that giant comet that lights everything up.
Changes nothing on CoP
Changes plenty on SoC
nevermind i just downloaded the mod
Fuck off you masochistic fuccboi. Misery is just plain fucking retarded, that's also hardly every damn bullshit i have to go through. I fucking regret wasting my time with Misery although i have to say, the autistic food cooking and weapon cleaning and the list of items for that purpose pleases me.
It is fucking amazing as long as you DON'T play the, stay on They removed loads of fun guns in the newest version, and turned every single fucking entity into a fucking bulletsponge, although the amount of new quests they added are really impressive and interesting.
This is a trap all the mods seem to fall into. I remember I got bored with AMK and Oblivion Lost in part because the economy was so stupid. The lore makes a point that the zone is isolated, another world and ergo another economy. IIRC the guy who did AMK said "Oh I looked up the price of a new gun" in regards to how he got the shop price for an… M4, I think?
That value means jack shit in the Zone, it's what your average bumfuck cunt NPC wandering around can scrape together, let alone some one-man-army hoovering up artifacts and ammo and guns like a supermodel with a line of cocaine.
Cool another thing I wont play because it'll take me too long to give a fuck.
that fucking helicopter is getting on my nerves. how do you take it down?
It's been so many years and you guys are still alright.
Good old times.
OGSE is pretty fun but you're spot on about the quirks. It's one of those puzzle games that thinks making super-complicated and vague puzzles means it's good. In reality it just throws obscure shit at you with no explanation on how to solve them, so you either have to look the solutions up, cheat, or spend several hours trial-and-erroring instead of actually playing the game.
Armor piercing rounds. Don't bother using an RPG, it's too inaccurate.
That cheekis my breekis.
Fuck yes, I hope this looks good.
I have been thinking about using OWR mainly since AO3 is to unstable. I heard that the 2.1 version is much better than OWR 3 and more stable. Is this true.
I can't believe no one tried to do this before, but I'm happy someone is doing it now. If it adds snow falling from the sky or even blizzards but that's a bit too much maybe then that's some prime fucking christmas gayman material right there.
now i know why they let you use guns inside the safehouses in CoC.
in the ecologists station near the station you can find the hert of the oasis wich you can sell for 200000RU
*ecologists bunker near the yanov station
I wish AO kept adding more weps like
bersa thunder
Colt python
S&W M29 revolver
some lever actions maybe
and many more
also the game needs some new tough mutants since bloodsuckers and chimeras are the only cool ones. Also Pseudogiants need a desperate visual upgrade, they're so much more tankier then the trash-bag of flesh they are and should look like actual "Pseudogiants"
Not CoC but SoC AMK:AE
Eventually I made it back and offloaded all my shit but god damn why can some enemies tank knife hits and .50AE like nobodies business? EVen the bloodsuckers die in one deagle shot.
I once had pseudogiant spawn inside Yanov in CoP. That was embarassing.
But that's the whole point of STALKER mutants - they look like disfigured lumps of flesh, instead of cool monsters.
Which I'm perfectly fine with. Keep all those mutants the way they are. just tone down the psugiant so that his size equates with his health since he isn't much bigger than a person, yet he's able to create shock waves by pounding his arm. And really bloodsuckers and chimeras are the only difficult mutants by themselves, everything else requires a swarm while giants as strong as they are, are just slow bullet sponges that you kite for 3 minutes straight
Those look pretty cool. I wish there were more mutants that could one hit kill you.
I don't know, but I find large groups of dogs, specially psydogs, way more threatening than bloodcykas.
In comparison Bloodsuckers tend to be easy to take down if you have a handy sawed-off (be it standard side by side double barrel or over-under) which you should always have anyways. Just calculate their position based on their last known spot and the noises they make, then blow them the fuck away with one or both barrels depending on how lucky you're feeling.
Chimeras are always scary though.
Finally shot down the the heli
game crashed
ok now I'm pissed, no matter what when I shoot down the chopper my game crashes
So is it still recommended to play on Master in CoC because of the missing shots thing?
Just disable it then, fuck choppers anyways, fuck them.
Always play on master, Strelkiy, it is the way of the Зона.
dafuq is survarium? it's been in early access for a year? is there any footage or pics of stalker 2? why is everything shrouded in mystery?
I remember when that was supposed to become the next stalker game.
Then it turned into some gay ass death match online shooter.
Get the 1.4.07 update, it fixes the heli death crash
Holy fuck, what did I do and how do I make them stop? I'm pretty fucking sure those duty exos weren't even recognized by dutyers, fuck.
Hope you have a save from before you fucked up
Military are a bunch of pussies, holy shit.
I had them call in the heli because a bunch of those squeeking rat looking faggots were attacking them.
Military really are just a bunch of prancing wankers.
That's Ukrainian Armed Forces we're talking about. Just remember how well they performed during Battle for Crimea.
happened to me as well yesterday when i was in cordon, both the group of soldiers at the bridge and the one near the rookie camp were under attack at the same time for about 15 minutes straight and they kept calling for heli support every few seconds because of dogs, fleshes and hamsters,the chopper was confused as fuck, it kept going from one place to the other without managing to shoot a round
The lack of new mutants in Stalker mods&games is just goddamn killing the whole game. There are only so many times you can have fun killing those normalfag-monsters.
they really need to buff pistols in some way so that all subs don't overshadow them. like make them equip a lot faster or something else
monolith is great
irradiate those who insult monolith
both of these, but I hope somehow the old controllers get modded back they were fast as hell, attacked with illusions and jumped from roofs, plus all the abilities a normal controller has, like a more dangerous pseudodog that literally jump high and send you psychic waves to kill you
Every fucking Bloodsucker I run across always gets the jump on me, I'll be moseying along and then they roar and decloak while slashing me causing me to shit my pants. Its always the 7ft tall version too.
And carbines are probably the most underappreciated thing in stalker. If the zone were really a thing with all the anomalies, stalkers, and mutants, everyone and their mom would have a carbine and a shorty shotty. And I purposely chose these particular carbines because they're non-ak carbines that shoot 7.62x39 so they'd fit right in.
Also Stalker for some reason has the carbines have the same handling as their counterparts with worse accuracy, I understand worse accuracy cause of the barrel, but the main reason carbines are generally liked is because their handling is better.
Also what are some modern looking high caliber bolt actions that still have iron sights that would fit in? because I'm honestly curious if there's anything that has surpassed the k98/MN/LeeEn because I really like bolt actions but don't know much about them.
Also they need to add sprint to npcs cause i'm tired of waiting for my allies
Please stop.
it terms of basic shit for video games, i know there's more to it then that and I would do it differently but that's not how it was done, the devs did it this way and that's the only reason I can think of
Actually, Stalker can handle accuracy and bullet drop separately, so yeah, you could have more accurate guns with more bullet drop as it generally is with real firearms given that everything stays equal and within reasonable limits.
Of course, not factoring how external factors tend to have a more significant effect on slower projectiles, but the distances are pretty short anyway.
The devs did it for the sake of balance and/or because they don't know any better. Shorter barrel=worse accuracy is a pretty common misconception.
does CoC work with pirated versions of the games?
Yes. Hell, you can get the regedit alone to fool the mod into thinking the game is installed if you don't have a copy of CoP always working (like you should)
I always forgot how tough STALKER can be. Sometimes I'm running around one shotting niggas left and right then I run into a pack of dogs without a shotgun and my shit gets cucked up
Actually the carbines do have a higher handling stat than the full length guns.
It's probably most noticeable in SoC though. Indeed CoP seems to buff handling on the full-sized rifles.
You simply lose. You don't get cucked out of anything. Unless you mean you got cucked out of virtual life which is really strange to even think about.
I'm too labia to play something like that. I'd be dead so quickly and tire of it. I make a lot of mistakes. is fine, I made a modular un-fucker for it that fixed all of the bullet sponge bullshit with realistic damage profiles. Got positive feedback from anons that said it finally felt 'playable'.
One day I'll get around to updating it for 2.10R. One day.
It still looks like dogshit. What's even the point?
I think it looks fantastic, and for me it offers a unique and immersive experience as I've already played through every major SoC mod of note, often multiple times.
yeah that's the only case of the full length and carbine in the vanilla game. I guess it's just the AO mod that hates carbines
True though it also applies to handguns and smgs against rifles. Also the Sawn-off has better handling than the full sized shotgun and the SVU (bullpup sniper) has better handling than the SVD (full size sniper).
That's probably the case.
Can somebody give me a summary of what is decent about this?
I mean I read the bulletpoints, but they mention something about a freeplay experience.
Should I bother reinstalling COP if I've already finished it with all the fancy mods for the release version? Will it add any meaningful value for somebody who has played the game through via expanded "freeplay"?
You've just noticed this?
It's an open-world sandbox experience where you create your own fun.
Nobody here can tell you if you'll enjoy that or not.
Call of Chernobyl?
As said
This is probably the best sandbox experience you will get also it's free so you will lose a few hours of your lifetime at worst just try it you lazy nigger
Thank you based Mongol, you are doing God's work
I guess I was mistaken, I thought it was a mod which required COP as a base, if not that's better than what I was anticipating.
Thanks for the summary, that's pretty much everything I wanted to know, since it goes beyond the COP experience and includes so much more to add value to a sandbox mode, I'm inclined to give it a go.
Well, at least somebody could expound on what they know about it and highlight points of interest that might indicate to somebody that it may be worth a try.
Sure that advice is relative, but I still appreciate it at any rate.
Yeah i know about your unfucker but still it's a shit mod if you have to get another guy to make the mod bearable, and they STILL removed lots of fun guns, like MG42 and that ridiculous fucking anti tank rifle. Maybe one day i'll get back to OGSE, and also you should upload your unfucker on the moddb addons page.
It all comes down to your preference for structured vs unstructured play.
If your ideal STALKER experience is exploring the Zone, roleplaying, and creating your own goals, that's what CoC is all about.
If you prefer more rigid gameplay where you're guided from A to B by the story with minor side quests sprinkled here or there, you'll need to look elsewhere.
Eh, I can definitely see where you're coming from, but I think OGSE has such a unique feel to it that it's worth the extra effort to fix some of the more egregious gameplay problems. I wouldn't recommend it for someone's first, or even second modded playthrough; but after they've played most of the other high profile mods into the ground, OGSE offers nothing of not a fresh way to experience the Zone.
Does call of chernobyl use open x-ray?
Will it ever?
Whatever they've done to create better dynamic sounds, whether it's via scripting or use of the enhanced engine, it's really good stuff.
i played CoP a lot, but never liked SoC too much because it felt too linear, is this a fusion of CoP and SoC? how does it work? is full sandbox or there is plot?
From what the moddb site says, it's a standalone.
hum neat, gonna check when i get home
I know, there are other really great features about it but man OGSE just sucks at the moment without the unfucker.
CoC is all the maps in all stalker games put into one, and you can choose your favourite gun mods on top of it. Also there's the optional story mode and some addons for it.
it comes with a few pre-packed on it? or its just compatible with them?
Compatible. The whole point is that modders can use CoC as a starting point for new content and that players can customize their experience by slapping on whatever they want.
Spawned in Zaton as Loner.
It's so empty. Haven't encountered a single other human except for at the locations they spawn at, so Mercs at Merc base in South East by bridge, some zombies north of that, a couple loners inside Skadovsk. I saw one Loner returning to Skadovsk one time and that's it. Does it populate more as time goes by and everyone spreads around the zone?
So are there any gun mods that work with the latest version yet?
I think it's supposed to be empty because all of the old Zone tricks like the Brain Scorcher have been reactivated, so the paths to Zaton and other places have been closed or become very difficult to traverse.
I honestly think that happened to me. I kept getting blue screens after downloading it.
It won't even let me unzip, it just catches the trojan and aborts process. It's in the .exe file.
Thats odd, I am not finding anything its working fine.
I was wondering what was wrong. The problem got so severe I ended up having to reset back to factory settings. I ended up changing passwords to be safe but I am still paranoid about this shit.
because stalker is a true patrician's game, only patricians can discuss it. shitposters just get casually flung off.
i don't have cop installed and i can run coc no problem, it just checks that there's even like a steam folder with the basic files iirc.
pcgamer is that you?
Here is what I found. I guess this mod is off the table.
I saw other people getting similar results online in the forums on moddb. What antivirus are you using? I am just worried about how serious this shit is and if I need to start changing all of my passwords and everything now.
I keep hearing that it is apparently a false positive, but I do not want to take chances.
Wangblows 7 defender.
What’s required to install this? I’ve been meaning to check out the series but have only made a preliminary look at the modding options.
Just in case I downloaded another antivirus and antispyware ect. and couldn't find anything. Sure you didn't click on something shady?
Bah, that sucks.
I can't afford to take any chances with my machine.
I suck at action arrows and stalkin
is it weird to want a modern bolt action that uses iron sights? I'm tired of pre-vietnam bolt actions. And modern bolt actions are either small caliber or almost exclusively use scopes if they're large caliber
Man what a start.
It's not weird at all Strelok… I've been wanting a modern .30-06 bolt action, with iron sights for a long time now. But alas… Fudds have cornered the market for cheap bolt rifles. Now I have to pay a little under $1000 for a ruger scout chambered in .308.
I'm a wimp so I have been avoiding Stalker games ever since they have been released. But I feel it's finally the time to give them a try, I want my first playthrough to be as vanilla as possible (I wound mind extra weapons I guess, but no major mechanic changes). So should I mod the game or just patch it, I want to minimise bugs and glitches.
Google and those mod charts aren't giving me the "final" answer, but just getting me more confused to which mod to install if any.
Just try vanilla SoC first if you're not sure.
fucking crashes all the tim too goddamn
Which weapon addon do I use with Call of Chernobyl?
Lovely, I take it you already own the cape.
I don't think you know what a PTR is, user.
Sorry, I was thinking of the PTRD41. Don't those have issues with .308 and only take surplus 7.62x51? You could probably get a VEPR in .308 for much less.
No. HK91 pattern rifles have slightly larger chambers. If you somehow managed to obtain a real deal G3, then yes, you would need to stick to real fuckin' NATO.
$100 less, and you get raped on mag costs. G3 mags are like $2-3. .308 VEPR mags are $40+
I live in Europe so the only roller delayed blowback rifle I have access to is the H&K SL7. The other .308 options here are Saiga, SIG, Schmeisser and refurbished British SLR.
I was thinking the same when I picked up a mosin in CoC. Bolt actions without scopes seem pretty rare in vidya.
I don't know what it is about .308 rifles and wood furniture, but it looks so good. tfw i'll never own funs.
Shit, just get something. You're going to need to take up arms and stop the caliphate soon.
Wood is nice.
Soon, I need to pass my rifle exam.
It was by far my favourite mod for a while, and it never got finished. SS is kill, and he left it right after a major update (meaning it's buggy as all fuck and basically unplayable right now).
For reference, this is generally what it's like now.
Apparently windows defender is known to get false positives for it, but I still don't want to take chances anymore with it.
which guns did they remove?
Malwarebytes didn't find shit.
It's clean.
adapt, improvise, overcome.
good hunting, stalker.
The Vepr is cheaper and more plentiful in Europe. Hell, you can even get the 6.5x39 version if you feel like firing special snowflakes out of an AK or the 30-06 Super Vepr.
I still can't get debug to work, everything says add -dbg to the executable but that just fucks it up
I don't know why stalker is stuttering so much for me. my cpu and gpu aren't even at 50% usage
The game basically freezes every time things are loaded in.
Not even a NVMe drive can stop it.
but I see CoC playthroughs with a million more mods then me that are running a lot better
I can't remember, if you have played before then just play and see for yourself, the store feels really empty without autistic amount of guns.
You added -dbg on the shortcut's target box right? Also just keep playing for a few minutes, the stuttering will be gone by then, this happens to me too.
Should I try 1.3 before 1.4? I want to play with itemsoup but it's not updated yet.
Is there any way to reduce the enemy aggro range in CoC 1.4? I had this same issue when i played 1.2 with enemies attacking me from max sight distance. Just started a new char on 1.4 and immediately got swarmed by every dog in a 1 mile radius :(
Alright, finished my 7th vannilla play through.
Gonna check Call of Prypiat for the first time.
I hear there's mods specifically made for that one. Is there a list available? Any recomendations?
How do I update CoC with Arsenal Overhaul installed?
Like with SoC, play through Pripyat on vanilla first. It doesn't really need any bugfixes or anything like that so it's pretty much good to go from the start.
Unless I missed something CoC isn't installed anymore with 1.4.
You'll have to download 1.4 and AO3 and just throw them in a folder.
Oh no, I acutaly meant I already played CoP 7 times. SoC around 6 or so.
Never played Clear Sky.
I meant the mod, Call of Prypiat. Can that be run solo for good times, or are there mandatory mods?
You mean Call of Chernobyl, don't you.
Shit, fuck, yeah.
Goda dang fucking darn gosh it
It was never installed, just a .exe extractor. You need to have COP installed for the regedit or download the regedit from somewhere.
You're better off downloading the new version and deleting the old one or removing the add on from the mod folder (CoC's folder) and then using the updater.
user I…
Both that and the updater is indeed discontinued for now though.
>"Hunting chimera"
Been playing 1.4. Started in swamp icebreaker. Got lucky and some zombies outside had an M4 and good detector. Used that to get a pretty good start. Got an M16A2 from Freedom and stuck and ACOG on it. Having way more luck finding 5.56 than I was in 1.3, though my damage is pretty low.
Why do I keep getting quests and stash locations on the other side of the zone? Will they ever have tools if I go all the way to get them?
Any solution to the Yar PDA quest beyond just canceling it?
What do I do, every time I reload I cringe in AO3.
An installer on a windows OS implies a register edit and that's exactly why you need COP to run the game, because it doesn't install the register files into the shitty windows system. An unpacker is not an installer.
I had no idea the updater was discontinued, I just downloaded the shit fresh and did a clean install like any rational person instead of wasting my time and other people's time by asking stupid questions on a south-east Asian image board.
For what purpose? There are easier ways of killing yourself
The only reason you need CoP "installed" is because they have made CoCk check for it in your registry to avoid getting assfucked by a bunch of ukrainian gangsters/lawyers because they're giving their game away 100% functional for FREE.
And installers has always and always will be glorified unpackers.
Now stop talking out your ass and go stalkan instead.
They only spawn at night in 1.4, right?
I shit my pants every sunset anyways.
Curious about whether or not it will come packaged with an armory mod. arsenal overhaul 3 or the others feel so necessary now and it would feel even more necessary an in online version. your weapon would feel so much more unique.
also i only found out about this mod yesterday. seeing as to how there's already a playable beta I'm guessing you've got a release date in mind, if not the month then this year or next?
Is there any recommendation for a weapons mod that works with the current version?
Nevermind guess AO3, OWR3, and STCOP are supposed to work.
Alright, figured that if it's sandbox, I should roll mercenary and take random jobs.
Turns out mercs are hated pretty much by everyone except the loners and the Scientists.
Problem is, I like visiting the Bar. But Duty ain't keen on the idea.
What other settlements are there in CoC?
All of them? Can I go to Skadovsk?
What's a good place for a Merc to hunker down. I recognize some of the Merc hangouts from when I played SoC, but the only actual shop I've seen is the 100 Rad Bar.
At least I got Forester for my repair/mod needs.
But damn, that Fed Forest. Spookiest fucking shit.
Not an argument, I already clarified that. You're wrong.
Just check your map to see all the locations you can go to. Skadovsk is neutral so you're fine, i'm not sure about Jupiter, you can probably try i guess. There's also this mod called DoctorX dynamic faction relation that changes relation between two factions according to what happens in the zone, for example you can try slaughtering Freedomers and Duty will befriend you since there's the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing, it's another way to befriend Duty so you can visit the bar. Another way would be tweaking faction relationship files if you're that desperate. It'd be interesting though, if you can use those faction patches/emblems on your suit as a disguise with some chances to be discovered.
Man, i wonder if i've been playing this game for too long, the only thing that can scare me is a really loud and obnoxious jumpscare.
Nah, not really desperate. It's like one of those old westerns. The cowboy rolls into town, 3 guys thing their big guns will help them and BANG BANG BANG. They drop dead and the cowboy enters the saloon.
And then I have to do the same on the way out.
Realistically speaking though, the loot I get from their dumb asses isn't worth the bullets I spend. At least I'm getting practice with headshots, but some of them have Exo's and take more than one bullet in the head to die.
Just looking for a place that doesn't have an admission fee measured in caliber.
Red Forest wasn't spooky in the "it's dark and there's scary monsters".
It was spooky like this:
Fucking loving this mod so far.
Mercs have a base above yantar.
Thats where I usually hangout since freedomers are good for target practice /lootan and you can get your shit fixed/modded by crulovg or whatever that scientist you save in ShoC is named. He can repair and mod anything and hes cheaper than even your own faction guys, not to mention a lot cheaper than forester. Also yantar has a nice spawn of mutants so theres a steady flow of cash to be had there too.
Mr whatshisname scientist usually hangsout in the large ditch east from the entrance to the psi facility entrance. The place where you go unconcious with him in ShoC
CoC has become kinda trivial since I'm already decked out in endgame gear, but it still surprises me every now and then.
You're talking about wild Territory?
That' where I initially spawned, but the place is filled with dogs, chimeras and other assorted bullshitery.
Saw two mercs alive there. The one with the sense to climb a few ladders is still alive.
The other one is wormfood now.
I'm starting a new game, what is the most interesting faction to play ?
Anyone else get lots of crashes? Just crashes randomly to desktop. Sometimes after a couple minutes, sometimes after a half hour.
Where the hell do I get a decent helmet? I've gone all the way from the Call of Pripyat areas to the bar and only seen gasmask+metal helmet.
Also arena is broken.
Pretty sure those are the only two helmets in the game.
You generally have two types of end-game: anomaly-resistant gear for artifact smuggling, or bullet-resistant gear for CHEEKY BREEKY smuggling.
Helmets have only those two, unless the mods adds more.
Doesn't bother me, since I tend to pick EVA suits and those have their own helmet.
Btw: I recomend anons don't pick the heart of the oasis and sell it. 200.000rubbles out of nowhere feels a bit like cheating. It's still a nice way to get a quick head-start into the stalkan phase, if you dislike the hobo one.
theres a steel helmet a gasmask and then two others, one is called "tactical helmet" on the wiki and the other one i cant even remember what it was i just saw it for a few seconds one time when i went through the menu but already had a SEVA suit, so didnt bother looking at it
Yeah, there might be more, but by the time they start popping up I usually am caked in sweet exo-cake-armor already.
Some mods added an overlay if you used an helmet though, that was pretty cool.
am doing this wish me luck comrades
What are your graphics settings? DX11 and 10 usually take up too much memory for the xray engine on my machine. Which sucks because the game really does look nice with those settings on.
I know Monolith doesn't have morale, but don't they at least have basic tactical sense?
When do they "start popping up"
They do.
They played too much Killer 7 and now practice the martial art of "headbutting bullets".
It's not working out, but the guys who practice it don't live to warn the others.
As for the helmets, I dunno. I remeber using the gas mask all the way through Zaton in CoP. Then the military helmet in Jupiter (if you're lucky you can swipe one from the mercs on your way out of Zaton).
I think they only appeared after leaving Jupiter or close to it. Maybe in Prypiat.
But in Call of Chernobyl? No idea. The loot is completely random, it seems. I managed to get a Veles detector after 30 minutes. Then lost the save and I'm stuck with a Bear again.
Goddamn, I need that Veles.
trader inventory laods up new every time you open it for first time
so go to merchant and trade
dont like? load save and trade merchant again, new inventory to look through
get compass from red/rape forest for 100k shekels, enough for one exo from svobodafags, else stay in zaton and wait for a monolith squad to rush over something and die, they mostly carry RPGs and RG6s if you're lucky and it works well when they can't open Noah's shotgun door
every monolithian is a trained designated marksman who excels at shooting stalkers hundred of meters away while non-exos die to pistols
Top kek, i decided to do an expedition to the Red Forest once, exploring the whole map and it wasn't that bad, it was actually comfy.
To this day i'm still wondering if the "Teleport" actually exists
Either you being a nigger, didn't bring a sidearm or you run out of ammo, i'll give you the benefit of doubt and i'll believe it's the latter.
my dream of playing stalker with my friends and during a blowout an npc starts playing american pie (shut up we like this song) and we all start singing until the blowout is over
Is it just me or does the world seem rather empty with that mod? There's almost no loot anywhere.
barely any of the weapons in AO3 show up at all. there's a plethora of ak-103/4's though
Did you two stay in Cordon or something? I've been hoarding loads of guns i can start a new prosperous career as a trader right now, try to kill some Freedom or Duty guys.