Armstrong's America

In your current state, without any more time given to you for preparation, would you want to live in Senator Armstrong's America?

No, he was a prick.

But I'm not strong
I can only shitpost

i'm in a trade so i'm valuable to some one like armstrong and wouldn't have my head crushed between his calves

Armstrong's America can't exist because people are too morally weak to live in his kind of society. It doesn't even have anything to do with strength, people too often choose to be weak. It's just the way we are

Live under a guy who espouses might makes right while he juices himself up with nanomachines and was always at the top? God no.

It would all come down to a more Pay 2 Win society, except now you get to beat people up with less consequences. The strong should rule! So buy these Bethesda Nanomachines which will drastically increase your strength and let you climb mountains with just your bare fists!
It's kind of pointless to start shit in Metal Gears when we are already living in such a society, except with less punching to the face.

Fist of the North Star, that's what kind of world his America would be but with cyborgs and money.

No, i'm not strong and neither is 99% of Holla Forums.

What we fail to see, is that present day America is even worse than Armstong's feverish pitch. Massive prison population, a dozen covert wars around the world, feds self financing though the bogus war on the drugs, ISIS being armed and pushed against Syria, confrontation with Russia pushed by the executive, and now even racial strife.

Armstrong's skit implies the desires of men are dangerous, as if current governments could ever be trusted more.

I never played the game he appeared in, but if he wants to burn it all down I'm ok with it. The system is corrupt. I'll take my chances that a better system will rise from the ashes.

Armstrong's whole bit was that he was a hypocrite even down to his own personal ideology, constantly yammering about a might-makes-right, forge-your-own-path world when he was a rich boy who didn't even see any action when he went into the Navy. Raiden's a living breathing example of his ideology and how it doesn't work since Raiden's a stab-happy psychopath who hates himself.

Except the entire end scene of his death is the implication that Raiden has taken some of Armstrong's philosophy to heart, and he admits Armstrong is actually right about the way things currently are. The part he is wrong is his crazy plan to restart the War Economy to end war.

Well that too, Raiden technically validated his whole philosophy in going against it through violence (even in spite of there really being no other way, Armstrong had the money and physical power to do whatever the fuck he wanted). It's hard to disprove "might makes right" when you can kill anybody who would say otherwise.

But he did take it to heart that Armstrong was right about America being a shitpile, albeit his own answer was to wander around as a scifi ronin going by the ending.

No, he wanted a chaotic, anarchistic approach to government. That is to say, he wanted the strong to govern themselves by taking from the weak. What kind of fucked up arrangement is that? Not everyone can defend themselves, especially in a world where highly sophisticated military grade hardware can be implanted into your very being that can make you like some sort of freakish walking tank.

I'd die, and so would the majority of those that currently inhabit our world. Only the strongest merc types would be allowed to live in such a world. I'd object purely on the basis of self preservation, although I suppose it would be great if human beings could achieve such incredible self discipline, strength, genetic enhancement, intelligence, and longevity that could catapult human kind into an advanced life form. It won't happen. Not in our lifetime, anyway.

Do i get a nanomachine body too?


Are there any cute robots to marry?

It would still be better than the current PC America

Isn't that an argument every weakling could always use against a stronger guy?

Might DOES make right. There's different type sof might. Power rules. Power to manipulate (media, masses), financial power, political power, cultural power, military power. It doesn't matter what kind, power rules and that's just how it is.


Though, if you could turn into a nigh invincible nanomachine man, you could probably just wreck enough areas and economies to just claim bandit rule.

Give a fairly smart pleb the same injection, and he'd be elbow dropping tanks until he got his own state.