Why did Gearbox think a game with ugly characters with unappealing personality traits like Battleborn would be a hit?
Stillborn can't catch a break
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It should've gone F2P the moment it was apparent Overwatch would take over the paid scene, now they lost the F2P scene as well. Dumbasses.
You don't get it, Battleborn's characters were MEANT to be ugly as sin, so it's ok.
Check em
no user, you check em
The usual suspects have been on Hi-Rez's ass since smite started, yelling sexism because Aphrodite is a big titted blonde. I'm shocked they didn't fully cave since they changed one god because some curry got pissy.
They make it too easy some times.
Modern TF2 is also garbage aside when its heavily modded
Now check these
Wasn't there another fps game that it's appeal was ugly character? Forget the name but it has these really ugly hillbilly or red-neck looking woman.
Modern TF2 ruined what was good about it, especially this year by taking out the option to join Valve servers via the server browser and made it more time consuming than it should be.
It's funny how Battleborn isn't even considered a competitor to Overwatch now.
Now it's just TF2 and Paladins
Shocking the f2p game with obvious waifu bait is doing better than Battleborn.
This better be bait. tf2 was only good when it was paid. Then Valve went to hell, whores the game and now is trash. In either case, there are more reasons to like both those games, namely waifus, so you should swap hipsters with weebs,
I actually did like how both games have "generic soldier guy that plays like Call of Duty" because I thought it was supposed to be like a bit of an in-joke but then I later learned that it was done on purpose specifically so Call of Duty players could ease themselves into the game and also that they were the most popular characters in the game.
That made me feel a little worse.
Guess I'm stuck with TF2 then, which sucks because I am bored with TF2.
I know a COD stoner player at work who basically did just that with Overwatch.
Went straight to the Soldier 76 character and keeps on him most of the time it seems.
is the 40 dollar version just not available for consoles?
Because they let guys that get angry over a single tweet by a space twitter account sing songs about gamergate live at their panels.
It's always nice to have a Soldier 76 on your team though. It's good to have some extra healing and even the most inept players can do some damage with him (his ult even aims for them for christ sake). Infinitely preferable to the people who always pick "muh high-skill" heroes but can't play them for shit.
I mean, as a concept I actually love it.
But then it turns out it's actually not like that at all.
I also genuinely loved Jax and Teemo's lore in League of Legends because they were the "I just don't give a shit" characters. Characters that are hard to take seriously yet prove themselves to be more than reliable enough to depend on are the best kinds.
Paladins really blows out the "it was just bad timing!" argument for Battleborn. No, Battleborn sucked and was way overpriced.
Paladins is not graphically appealing enough for me to want to sit down and play it for hours. Ruckus is probably the worst of it.
When's skye getting nerfed?
F2P russians does wonders for a games popularity
All i see are generic elfs and other fantasy races, couldn't be more boring. Is there a picture of all the girls?
Because that's what Borderlands is, and it was popular.
Borderlands main characters and the 2-3 characters in the trailers had visual appeal. Even if you will only concede the 'uniqueness' of them using that kind of visual style at the time. Giant guy with a grape for a head and the other garbage just looks unattractive and retarded.
Well good for Blizzard and Hi-Rez for taking 1st and 2nd respectively in the Retard Olympics. I'm sure we'll all profit from their continued success.
Kill me, Pete.
well, yeah, because Borderlands stole their visual style entirely from a short animated video someone made. That's why the trailers and the main characters look good, and everything else they've made since looks like ass.
And BL1's lack of story made it seem like you got to explore a new place and experience it yourself, instead of the heavy handed narrative that all games have now.
This tricks you into thinking they know how to write, then 2 destroyes that notion
This took me by surprise, with Overwatch they threw in some ugly bulldyke nobody wanted alongside the attractive characters but in Paladins they cut right to the chase. The first time I saw that Ying character posted here I thought it was a SFM render not official art.
They've done the math and know for a fact that pandering to SJWs does jack shit. They're worse than us, they complain but don't even pirate let alone buy.
Ruckus, Groover, Grokh and Maoka (Mokara, Moaka, whatever that turtle's name is) are a blight in the game and should be completely remodeled, their kits are fun though
I also can't take any more medieval fantasy settings. Blizzard had the right idea on making a sci-fi shooter that actually resembled something like the fun future instead of another shadowrun-esque dystopia where everyone is poor and live up their knees on shit.
I am starting to think these designers being hired by these companies that makes games nowadays are a bunch of middle school dropouts that scribbled on their desks instead of actually paying attention to the classes. They don't have the foggiest idea about proportions, their characters are the inverse of good aesthetics and all the colors clash with each other making the characters look like someone puked on the screen.
Just remembering battleborn's characters make me sick, not a single one of them are salvageable and all need to be remodeled from the ground up for the game to start to feel appealing.
Borderlands still had attractive women
And then PS rubs salt on the wound
Is Paladins actually worth checking out if Overwatch ran like shit on my potato and even then thought it was alright at best but not worth 40 burgerbucks.
I don't care for ASSFAGGOT shooters, but Paladins is free if you wanna waste the bandwidth
What is Ruckus
The game is good, the playerbase is awful. Comp is full of people who take the game far, far too seriously and ban any weapons that don't fit within the established meta or make it easy to kill a Soldier (recently they whitelisted almost all weapons sheerly because it finally sunk in Valve will not ban weapons in competitive matchmaking just because comp doesn't like them and they banned the Base Jumper because it made it easy to target a floating soldier) and pubs are full of people who take the game far, far too laxly with le ebin sandvich hoovy picnic parties. Casual matchmaking has been a lovely in-between lately since they finally introduced some form of actual fucking matchmaking, large parties play against eachother now instead of stacking a team by default. Shit to mediocre matches for casual have leaped up to mediocre to great.
I love how the journo's narrative is that all those games are somehow "overwatch clones". Yeah right.
Yeah, everyone knows that they're TF2 clones.
not only that but it should have had sexier waifus. the ashley burch loli is great and all but not everyones that deranged
at the very least the maps in paladins are better and more tf2 like. and while the heals are strong, they dont seem to dictate the flow of the game.
I spent about 5 hours on it. It's pretty shallow and too fast to be fun, if you have a team that's good you can literally win in les than 5 minutes. That's not fun at all
At least they made one ageless classic.
But they can fuck off and die now.
They wanted to appeal to the demographics who wants ugly characters with unappealing personality traits in video games. They might have miscalculated how big that demographics is and whether they play video games or just want someone to insert ugly characters with unappealing personality traits into them.
Who cares? Are you bring up CoD and Battlefield sales to compare them too?
How is this surprising?
Ya dumb faggot. Every fucking Moba pandered one way or another to sjw, every fucking one of them. Now comes along a moba that isn't ashamed to make their characters look like they wanna fuck. You encourage that shit user. You fucking encourage it.
Good goy.
they pander both ways, lols success is absolutely in part due to its variety of sexy waifus.
smite goes a bit further with that though, because the camera is closer theyre forced to put more detail into it. even using jiggle physics sometimes but not often enough.
however their rap sheet is not totally clean either, they just replaced a megamilk taunt from proud titty monster nox. and your opinion may vary with this one but in the past they caved in to pressure from supposed hindus who claimed kali was being portrayed top whorishly. so what do they do? add more clothes to her, make her titties and ass bigger and make her animations more arousing.
Called good business ya faggot. Now if they change the default skin because it's not PC enough than that is just another censorship enabler.
Think DoA isn't making bank from their skins? Now whether Paladins will keep up any really good and fap worthy skins in the future is just guess work.
Many people still can't play it because it throws many players out during the loading screen for a match with players, it is a very common issue with Hirez games
You're the goodest of goyim.
off by one, my condolences
Kill yourself Overcuck
Thank you based user
Check em
wew lad
Just remembered about vid related. Start at either 14:00 mark for their comments or 14:20 mark for how much casuals dislike sexy.
does he dislike it because "it exploits women" or dislike it because its pandering to his sexuality and finds it insulting as if hes been manipulated?
no webm no watch
I was talking about gameplay, but yes you dumb shit - sex sells and is one of the biggest sellers next to guns and (T-rated) violence. The biggest fucking market in games is horny as fuck, young adolescent to college age males. Your mistake is thinking that pandering to PC culture actually nets good sales when this is proven false on many occasions.
Seek medical help.
Let's be honest here user you probably wouldn't watch it if it were a webm anyways
but theyre going to keep doing it anyways, arent they? they should have learned that lesson by now.
They don't because marketers keep seeing the only thing PC pandering does net them: back-patting from the mainstream media.
Well yes, because they dictate the way the industry moves you retard.
Doesn't matter how fucking cadual gameplay is you dumb faggot. Caduals will always hate sexy.
No DoA sexy outfits cause casuals don't like it.
Making a Goddess less sexy in Smite
Making the changes to Cammy and Tracer
And who the fuck you think sjw hide in? Casuals. You think the bulk of sjw are hidden among core gamers?
You enforce sexy and keep it if that is what you are aiming for in the game. It chases away casuals and sjw have no numbers to hide in.
You're fucked in the head. Casuals love sexy. Companies stick hot people on their products because it attracts casuals.
All those magazines at the checkout of the wall mart? Covered with sexy people because it gets the attention of casuals.
And clearly Smite is the market leader, right? Obviously not LoL with its constant slew of cheesecake skins.
Remember how SFV failed Capcom's sales and is only popular with the battered housewives that are the FGC? Even then it's popularity there is waning severely. Sexier KoFXIV is looking like serious competition.
Manufactured outrage that resulted in an even sexier pin-up pose. Still features lots of busty women with skin-tight outfits.
You're fucking retarded if you think casuals that aren't naturally motivated by their baser instincts.
they made a magical girl jinx? nice
I don't know about that, but I took 's advice and downloaded it. It's basically a free OverWatch. Looks and plays exactly the same. it also runs maxed at 100+ fps on my 480 @1080p.
Holla Forums is the magical place where everyone shits on Platinum, then secretely plays MOBAs.
That can be for two reasons. They may feel that sexy can take away from a character being strong and heroic. Or they don't want anyone thinking they like hentai.
Good review
So it is basically the chinese knock-off of Overwatch except made by Hi-Rez?
When can we expect the chinese knock-off of Hi-Rez's knock-off?
No, it doesn't at all. If you believe that, you're retarded or you haven't played the game.
It's true that it copied a lot of it's gameplay elements, but it actually went with a slew of differences there that change the pace of the game completely, some improving it, other's not so much.
Overall it looks the same, but it actually isn't that close.
A simple example is that they don't have a dedicated healer, all supports get a single skill to heal people and some utility, especially slows.
This combined with the regenerating health changes the focus of the game from having your team progress dependant on the presence of healers to a more fast paced model where you quickly go back to the fight but heavily damaging someone and forcing him to retreat for healing or chasing down and confirming a kill is more important.
Or you can do something like this clown and make a joke review overlooking all the design choices for a quick laugh.
Hi-rez visual design on Paladins is not really all that surprising, given how much cheesecake and handsome characters they got in SMITE. Even the newest god Izanami is a sexy corpse with a cleavage, instead of a bloated maggot infested carcass like in the actual lore.
it's what happens when you listen to and hire SJWs
This will keep the normalfags away.
How much did you pay for overmeme?
I got it for free on PS4 and TO ME they play similarly, but not exactly the same. Sorry I offended you and your favorite game, boy.
Because Gearbox is staffed entirely by ugly people with unappealing personalities traits who, for some reason, believe they are likable and quirky.
It feels like they are the last western DEVs who does cheese cake
Doesn't Izanami also look attractive sometimes to lure people into getting stuck with her? I'm going of anime though so I could be wrong.
I legitimately cannot tell which clips are from which game.
So basically from what I understand Hirez is getting away with fucking terrible gameplay just because they make semen demons? GA had it's fair share of semen demons too you know, and it actually played good, Tribes played great, Smite is a fucking joke and a waste of a decently good concept(third person*** moba) and setting and this game played like total ass during closed beta.
I got the PC version and not the collectors edition (20$ for 5 skins is thievery)
I've played both games and while Overwatch is still the superior choice, Paladins is still fairly fun and has good potential, depending on what Hi Rez does with it.
Both games play in a very different way but if you can't tell the difference, I guess you'll be aluminium-tier forever.
Just the fact that counterpicks in Overwatch involve choosing a new hero at any time at the cost of your Ult charge while in Paladins, it's done through buyable items that gear your hero to very specific roles but you're stuck with him anyway is enough of a difference that comparison between both is ridiculous.
Care to give any specific example?
What? I though it was pretty great and almost the best you can expect from MOBA's anyway.
It had a lot of neat concepts like different movespeeds for backpedaling or strafing that made positioning and what you are looking at more important and having to aim your attacks was neat as well.
What problems do you have with that game? Legit curious.
The reason certain mobas get away with sexy than any other is because the devs/producers put out a face of progressiveness. Or else Tecmo wouldn't get flack for their games. sjw and casuals do not get triggered over sexy/lewds if the game is hidden behind progressive bullshit. Senran Kagura also gets flack. Every lewd game that gets flack gets it because they do not hide their lewd behind progressive speech. Sjw/casuals are fucked in the head that way.
It's the art directions.
Stillborn looks like something collectively shat out by deviant art, while overwatch and paladins have simple and likeable characters and waifu material.
Stuff like that, where thg uy is trying to shill it so shamelessly always cracks me up.
The flipside to that is that stomps don't waste a ton of your time and you can cycle through to a more entertaining match. Is it really better to have a game take long even when the outcome was basically decided at matchmaking?
also, game is shit servers are ded.
I just played four games perfectly fine.
That's usually the problem with MOBAs, 20 minutes of braindead farming, 5 minutes of teamfights that actually decide the game, then 20 minutes of snowballing and watching the previously decided result play out.
That is, if it isn't already decided when you pick heroes and your team got counter-picked hard. Then it's 45 minutes of the other team snowballing and you have to watch it unfold, knowing that you can't change it at all.
Paladin's heroes don't seem to be as role specific as other games, although some are far better at some things than others. There aren't many hard counters and you can play around that at least.
They are maybe adding the new patch? It rebalances a lot of shit and brings the titty ninja back.
My only experience with the game was a few games of Fernando, he seems pretty well locked into the job of standing in front of nerds which is my fetish
Honestly I prefer short matches in this scenario, especially when you get penalized for leaving the game.
Though as of late with Dota I only play custom games, they can also last a whole hour but at least you get no penalty for leaving.
Seriously, who thought that in games that last literal hours there should be a penalty for leaving?
Going back to the original topic, Hi-Rez knows their shit, they know how to make match making, they know how to make fun gamesā¦ they just know how to do this shit.
If they could do us the favor of selling off their games they're not focusing on to a third-party company that wants the rights to it.
Not even trying to be subtle
Have they ever even entertained the prospect of selling GA or Tribes?
Remember when progessives shat on Witcher 3 for its supposed racism and sexism and yet it easy still considered GOTY by all the casuals?
seems like a shit game for shit casuals after giving it a whirl.
You know she could have just gone to a police station and report it as rape afterwards, right?
Even if she enjoyed the whole thing, she could claim he got in when she went for some change and brutally raped her, corroborated by any semen found inside of her.
Think about it, she did this with her friend as a joke, to mock the guy and have a cheap laugh.
How far fetched is it to assume she would call rape on him?
Yeah they would. Only desperate cucks fuck strange whores.
Does she have porn yet?
I'm pretty sure she wanted to get fucked.
Sure, maybe it was merely a joke but I don't think she was at the point where she would have refused sex from a manly man.
Also, women only report meek betas for rape.
As one example, is Chris Brown in prison? He beat the crap out of Rihanna, probably fucked her against her will a few times as well.
Women don't turn bad boyz in.
Yes, we should all just have boring missionary sex with 1 woman only, after courting her for 1 year.
You should use a dictionary from time to time. Look up "cuckold".
Google "rule 34 ".
And here is where these two games beat Stillborn again.
Good, i have no love for neither Blizzard nor Hi-Rez, but as long as they end up killing Gearbox i'm okay with that.
My nigga
Why is he so perfect?
Because he looks like a Deathclaw. Deathclaws are pretty fucking cool from an artistic standpoint (and terrifying from a gaming standpoint)
I want to protect his smile.
Im surprisely having fun whit this little game, if you end up in a team in wich every person knows their job you can eazy win whithout a problem and from my first "Hero Shooter" i find it pretty comfy to play whit. I try Pip for a few matches and it tottaly turns me on healing other players, so finnally a shooter in wich healing other means a big difference beteewn winning and loosing.
He is totally a bro user.
Because his Dragon Punch lasts for eternity and you end up killing every single hero in one punch.
because you're a subhuman heretic with warped perception.
All of you should be banned.
You don't belong here.
How ironical.
For those who dosent know, if for some reason you are in a match and the game drops you off to the loging screen ingame, you can still join that match if you enter again your name/password.
It happend to me 30minutes ago and it work.
Remember when goty even fucking mattered anymore as a legitimate scale? Remember how Inquisition got goty over Bayonetta 2? How both have mature themes but Bayo go the most flack for not being progressive?
who /smugying/ here?
Videogayme companies coping each other while desperately trying to change certain figures to look like their not basing themselves of another successful game and with no end in sight.
Just fuck my shit up fam
I tried them all, the three of them. The best part? Battleborn has the best gameplay of the three, however the design of the character and how fucking BUSY every special effect looks makes the game run horrible on some PCs, have FPs spikes or you simply can't see shit. The lack of waifus or any sexy character for that matter hurts as well. The coop campaign is suppossed to be a bonus, not the stupid reason to buy the game meanwhile they're thinking otherwise.
Now, because Gearbox wouldnt listen to its own fanbase, or what was left the first two months at least, the game is beyond dead and the only matches you can find are on private steam groups were they team up to do custom games 5v5. If I wanted to fucking do custom games in a private group I would be fucking playing Unreal Tournament.
Now, from Paladins and Overwatch, I do prefer Paladins even though you can tell it's in beta and quite broken in some aspects.
The gameplay, the characters and the map plays better in my opinion than OW's. It also gives you every 6th and 7th day cash that you only can get with real money so just by logging in you'll end up buying the cosmetics that you want except if they were an exclusive promotion (there is 0 pay to win surprisingly).
In short:
Battleborn > Paladins > Overwatch > Battleborn
Killer7 could be easily retooled into a FPS MOBA
Source on the feminism ranting please?
Some character or another thanks feminism for equal-opportunity murder after killing a few female heroes
**4-player railed co-op with with niggerstep BGM at $60*
Nice blogpost, but it doesn't really matter either way. Battleborn will be a memory in a year's time while Paladins and Overwatch will die when their creators move onto the next fad genre with Hi-Rez being the ones who'll pull out first.
>Garcian Smith's Emir Parkreiner's backstory would be changed due to it being too controversial
Let's just stop talking about it.
I'd like to hear this.
Paladins has really bad character designs. Every character is forgettable and soulless.
That being said, they're still more well designed than the Battleborn characters.
She's a very fun character, although I haven't masted the teleport yet. Beat healer quite possibly and good burst damage.
If you tried Battleborn, I'd like to ask you a few things, if it's okay.
I am aware that you can choose 3 different items to equip that you must activate in game with Shards, a currency used to buy turrets and activate those items.
I am also aware that you have XP to levelup in game as well and become stronger unlocking skills.
What I'd like to know is how do you gather both Shards and XP, and what's the reward for killing other players
Because I saw a lot of Shards spread around that you had to farm and I got the idea that killing heroes does not give you Shards at all.
Killing players would give you a lot of experience but no shards if I remember correctly.
To gather shards you were better off destroying crystals, moving around gathering crystal-flowers or destroying droids.
Few things make me dry-heave harder than some western dev cunt spouting this as nonsensical buzzword marketing bullshit.
Then how could it possible be better in terms of gameplay?
This was my initial theory that is apparently confirmed, that although Shards are massively more important than XP to the progression in-game (both activating your items and giving your team turrets), they are awarded for the most boring aspect of the game, farming those crystals spread everywhere.
It means the players have better odds at winning the game if they mostly ignore each other and go farm those, which is a nice way to punish teamfights indirectly, the whole point of these kind of games.
Maybe Overwatch and Paladins have it way too simplified with a single point. But it's a design that works, it gives a point towards where everyone converges and fights on, instead of spreading the players all over the map where they may or may not be fighting each other and avoids the repetitive farming in MOBA's.
Just how exactly could Battleborn possibly be better in terms of gameplay when it already fails, by design, to pit players against each other?
Not to mention that it's item system is precisely what you'd expect from a Borderlands game: something so oversimplified you gotta wonder why was it placed in the game.
At least Paladins has 4 or 5 sections for each categoy, with 4 categories and ranks in them, with items doing far more than simple statistical upgrades.
Going for the crystals make you out of any figth, killing your own team. EXP is more important than shards unless Lv10.
Shards are not shared, you get exp by building but for destroying it as well.
A building is only useful when left alone since they are taken down with ease, however when left unchecked they win matches yes because its a free push.
Player have better odds winning being offensive than being AFK shard farming. What's more, these shards which respawn every few minutes are not enough and as I said before, for the guy that takes it, what's more, where the most shards are is on the middle of the map, making people fight for it. As you can see, thanks to this there are more fights than people avoiding each other.
Also, you dont get shards just by destroying the droids, they drop the shards to the floor, meaning that if you are a sniper for example or a long range, you need to be in danger to pick up the shards forcing a possible fight or letting the shards be there for a bait, if the bait goes wrong congrats you're giving money to your enemy, and only 10% of those baits are successful thanks to the HP pool the characters have and the movement speed / skill for movement that everyone has.
Shards make the game to actually force you to fight for them instead of just AFK farming. However, this may be present for people that know jack shit about the game because they only saw one game mode (the worst of the three), which consists in a 5v5 with only one lane and destroying two Sentries. Because of how awful this game mode was thought, melees (the ones with CC) are afraid of going 1vs5 to give their team a chance to get in, because of the big sentries dealing massive damage as well they don't want to get in, so it's all about harass long range in this shitty game mode grabbing the shards and seeing who can hold middle the longest to keep the most shards so they can do a burst build up to send at once a big droid with turrets and accelerators everywhere. This doesn't happen in the best game mode at all (Meltdown) and shards are nearly nonexistant in Capture.
Battleborn has more depth than any of these three games and if it was alive, I would play that nonstop like I did the first months with my man Benedict. However, thanks to the awful design of the characters visually that does not attrack noone, the high price at the beginning, thinking that they can compete with Blizzard and in general, being Gearbox+2K, killed a "good" game (I'm still surprised that they managed to do something good, but only the gameplay, the rest was SHIT and thus the game suffered from it heavily).
So, with Battleborn dead (and rightfully so), Paladins is the better option from these kind of games. It's the fastest of the three and has more depth thanks to the cards than Overwatch and Battleborn, however it's worse (in my opinion) than Battleborn because it's a Beta which breaks more often than works.
What worst Battleborn looks nothing like anime. Hell it doesn't look good enough to be Steven universe. And Steven universe art style is ugly to begin with
This one is shit, but it probably wasn't for a "friend" dare, more likely for that website who pays for Pizza Dares. There a couple of decent ones, but I just have this one as a webm.
post moar
Well it's not like TF2's characters were incredibly stunning either, they just didn't meme/poz it up
I m off to bed and can't be bothered to cut & convert to webm, I'll upload that shit on mega and post it when I wake up, here have some hugging. I feel bad about posting 3dpd, gonna panda purge myself
So they do it for cash. What a surpriseā¦
The way she talks is pissing me off. Holy shit just ask if he wants his dick sucked once and then get to it.
I bet you don't even know what the team names mean you faggot, kill yourself
Fucking newfags
So what's the consensus Paladins as it is right now? Will it actually be good when its finished? Or will Hi-Rez fuck another game up because they're too busy with SMITE?
The "pros" were taking TF2 seriously even before Valve introduced their competitive mode. Remember when all those people got banned from TF2? A good amount of them were "pros" who were using aimbots the entire time.
No memes are allowed here.
seems like a soulless cash-in ripping off every aspect of its being from other games. Doubt it has staying power but it's free and fun even if not very good.
Found your problem. Game was always meant to be exclusive for the PC, Blizzard just wanted to make more shekels and forced the dev team to port it to Xbone and PS4
True. Its hard to trust Hi-Rez on FPS's after what they did to Tribes: Ascend. To me Hi-Rez, as I said before, only really care about SMITE because that is where they get the most money and attention from
This plagues all online FPS games, fuck LAN isn't even safe.
Smite has given HiRez the fuck money to do what they want with Paladins, its been their focus for a while smile is practically an after thought but that game sustains itself. I will say that the Paladins of today and the Paladins of launch (especially consoles) will likely be a different game. It'll reach a decent market and likely not have issues sustaining itself. Even right now 20k players off steam. Check it out, play till about level 6/7 see if you can get into it. If not check back in a while see if the patches changed your opinion. Shits f2p
Tribes thing is fucked but at least they have all past tribes games free to download. All the good ones are still there.