ITT: examples of games that are pure Ludo

ITT: examples of games that are pure Ludo.

bubble bobble


is this the new Kino?

Robotron 2084


Shitty Holla Forums memes will never take off here.

I was about to say something about this.
Stop copying faggots

I'm not sure I understand, OP, but I guess I'll post this game.

I think it means: all gameplay, all vidya, no attempt at being movie-like.

Star Ruler and many campaignless strategy games

4719 highscore world record holder here. Vermin is my 4th favorite game of all time after RE2, Bloodborne, and Demon's Souls.

Prove it, faggot.


Shit checks out

Any of the SEGA Superscalers.

ITT: examples of dubs that are pure Digits

Jordan vs Bird Atari 2600

I don't know what ludo is.

Why don't you start with an actual example, because that sure as hell doesn't count.

Fucking stop. Go back to Holla Forums and fucking stay there.

Ludo friend.


There was something more organic about animatronics and puppets that CGI lacks.

Nope. There's expository text at the beginning.

Tennis For Two


Who cares. It's GOTYAY

Ludo is latin for "playing", asking which Game is more "play intensive" is fucking retarded, either the Game has content to play with or its not a Game.


It's just a Holla Forums meme lad. The only good one they ever did was baneposting, the rest are just fucking hollow.


Meme or not it's been in use before nerds there used it often. Don't be a dullard.


You tried this yesterday fam, and it didn't play out very well.

Objectively right.