Hyksos: Kikes in 1800 BC

Hyksos: Kikes in 1800 BC
>As to a Hyksos "conquest", some archaeologists[who?] depict the Hyksos as “northern hordes . . . sweeping through Canaan and Egypt in swift chariots”. Yet, others refer to a "creeping conquest", that is, a gradual infiltration of migrating nomads or semi-nomads who either slowly took over control of the country piecemeal or by a swift coup d'état put themselves at the head of the existing government. In The World of the Past (1963, p. 444), archeologist Jacquetta Hawkes stated: “It is no longer thought that the Hyksos rulers… represent the invasion of a conquering horde of Asiatics… they were wandering groups of (((Semites))) who had long come to Egypt for trade and other (((peaceful))) purposes.”

>The Hyksos were a (((Semitic))) people who gained a foothold in Egypt c. 1782 BCE at the city of Avaris in Lower Egypt, thus initiating the era known in Egyptian history as the Second Intermediate Period (c. 1782 - c. 1570 BCE). Their name, Heqau-khasut, translates as 'Rulers of Foreign Lands' (given by the Greeks as Hyksos), suggesting to some scholars that they were kings or nobility driven from their homes by invasion who found refuge in the port city of Avaris and managed to establish a strong power base during the decline of the 13th Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom (2040-1782 BCE). Most likely, they were (((traders))) who were at first welcomed at Avaris, prospered, and sent word to their friends and neighbors to come join them, resulting in a large population which was able to finally exert political and then military power.
>Although the later Egyptian scribes of the New Kingdom (c. 1570-1069 BCE) would demonize the Hyksos as 'invaders' who conquered the land, destroyed temples, and slaughtered without mercy, there is no evidence for any of these claims. Even today, the Hyksos are referred to as invaders and their advent in Egypt as the 'Hyksos Invasion,' but actually, they assimilated neatly into Egyptian culture adopting Egyptian fashion and religious beliefs, with some (((modifications))), as their own. Contrary to many claims throughout the years, there is (((no reason))) to identify the Hyksos with the Hurrians nor with the Hebrew slaves from the biblical Book of Exodus.

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Sort of off topic, but not really: Men destined to the priesthood in ancient Egypt would undergo circumcision as a part of their induction into the priesthood. The Jews stole and perverted the practice of circumcision and its significance, claiming it was the mark of the Jew being the "priesthood of all nations."

lel. When you have to generalize the unspecified, but must be peaceful, purposes you're basically confirming jews. Only the jews can wander the world in a pure good nature like an innocent lamb and peacefully conquer dynasties, empires, countries, and nations. I will give them that. Their ability to do it for the past 4,000 years is fucking impressive to say the least. But ever since the invention of gas chambers that's all going to change.

Wtf I love penis genital mutilation nao???????

Yeah Jews have stolen or invented their entire culture, from music to fricken potato pancakes. Still, Egyptians like Aryan Indians became degenerate like racemixing and thus look at them now, how impossible would it be to find a "white" person in either land that has any power. Proves to me Genital Mutilation is degenerate.

WTF God is evil now?

Circumcision is neither here nor there, I think. It has existed longer than the Jew and in places where they have not exerted their influence. You don't have to support circumcision to see that some of the anti-circumcision posting that tells young men that they have been marked by the kikes as slaves is an attempt at demoralization and is further historically incorrect.

Fair enough, I guess.

Daily reminder that the DNA says we were, in fact, kangz

They predated kikes by about 1000 years

Stop stating every single fucking tribe that exists before Jews are fucking Kikes. How about instead, you realize that there is a fucking degeneracy not just applicable to Jews, but to all forms of Men and Animals(niggers). Evola called it the lunar, Eliade the profane.



Romans had their degeneracy too, your pic only helps my case




First day chaim?

I just miss the days when pol was full NatSoc and realized everything that came with it instead of being this fucking boomer tier conspiracy shit where jews are the only problem. William Luther Pierce had a quote "The 'it's the jews!' crowd sees jews everywhere but where it is most important, in the mirror"
I suppose I really just want to educate these people, I pity them, they are of the same stock as I.

I'm Aryan as fuck, 7'0 and blonde hair brown eyes, same as any other American of Anglo descent.


This can be fixed surgically.

Did we literally invent greed to describe the first sighting of the Jew?

It's really the same old Jew. Think about it, the (((Hyksos))) invaded or migrated into Egypt (frankly, I'd be surprised if the Jews could actually conquer something militarily but stranger things have happened.) and then tried to become Egyptian and rule over the real Egyptians. In otherwords, an astute Egyptian at the time might say "These (((Hyksos))) look like us but they are not loyal to us."
Same old Jewish tricks. 5,000 years or more and they still do the exact same shit over & over again.

Not going to watch that video but even if you changed your eye color I'm guessing your children would still get brown eyes if you are non-white.

Bleach works too.

If you have evidence to the contrary then you should post it instead of just complaining about stuff you don't like the sound of.

The term was jew/jewed through antiquity. The kikes made a huge push to transform the "pejorative" into greed rather than just speaking to the nature of the evil.
I was working for a kike back in my teens and I got short-changed by the neighboring jew pizzahut owner. I made mention I got JEWED in front of my boss. There was a snively "I know a few jews" from behind me. I turned and replied, "yeah, me too."

oh boy.. here comes this dumb fuck shill again

i guess this german here isn't white either, right rabbi goldfinch?

That "german" has a non-german admixture.

You're asking a kike for "muh proofs"? kek

That isn't priest hood. That is bondage and slavery.


yes jakubowicz lets forget that niggers and Indians have eyes literally around three times darker than germans with brown eyes, just fucking kill them all Xddd stupid mishugoyim


I live in hope I'm eternally disappointed

I was referring to "avarice", fucking reading comprehension.png.

Learn to express yourself better, mong.

Sorry you were born Puerto Rican, I will continue to make my speech varied and interesting at the expense of shitskins who cannot into two brain cells to rub together.

The Hyksos are most likely the Hebrews recorded as slaves in the Bible. The Jews just recorded the event umgekert. They showed themselves to be the victim whereas in reality, they were the underhanded, infiltrating aggressor as is their collective nature.

They were allowed refuge by the Egyptians who felt sorry for them in a time of extended drought. But the Jews recalled that a wise man from among them, Joseph, solved the drought problem for the Egyptians. In reality, the Egyptians allowed Joseph to distribute grain to the Hyksos from the Egyptian stores.

Later, the Jews subverted Egyptian society, believing they were improving it (like Communism today) while in fact destroying it. By the time the Egyptians figured out that the Hyksos were in positions of political power, the only solution left was a military one. This is where Ahmose I drove them out.

But again, the Hebrews (Hyksos) recorded this as a triumph of the Jews through the guise of Moses "setting the Hebrews free from servitude". The reality was they were chased out by a superior army, but the Jews could not pass this history on to their children, so they simply recorded it in their sacred scripts as a victory rather than a defeat, much like the MSM today.

what's wrong rosenbaum did i hit a nerve? why won't you respond to me?

meant for


you're the fucking heeb, you think any white person with brown eyes is somehow a sub human poo in the loo.


this VPN randomly goes through IPs and there is no setting to stop it from doing that.

FYI you are a huge faggot.


no matter how much you whine i'm not going to fuck you up the ass, sorry faggot.

Did the kikes just magically spring from the ground?

Judaism is a genetic lineage. Just have to prove that the Hyksos were their progenitors. Right now the theory is based on their similar modus operandi.

Either way, the penises are destroyed, some perverted kike doctor got his kicks and his shekels, and the only solution is foreskin regeneration with stem cells.


~$10,000 in ~2020

The Hyksos also plundered the tombs of the previous Pharaohs. The plunder has been found in Hyksos burial chambers. Filthy thieving bastards

you could just wear colored contact lenses.

No, to actually "fix" it, you've got to use a laser:


See, it turns out that everyone has blue eyes, but in the case of the "pigment enriched" among us, their blue eyes are covered in a layer of shit that needs to be burnt of with a low-energy laser.

Hyksos weren't Jews and stop giving Jews this much credit. They were invented in the 300sBC from nomadic tribes coming out of Persia/Babylon. nb4 "but H sounds like H!"


thats the funniest thing about kikes. Everything about them, except for their predisposition for deceit, is from another civilization which they subverted.

How exactly is any group of nomadic warriors, shitty or not, equivalent to the extant talmudic kikes who don't farm, fight, or build anything for themselves. Are the mongols also kikes? Or the Huns? This is getting fucking ridiculous, you can't just say that that X group of tribal warriors are the modern kikes.

Hell even the Old Testament doesn't say that they were slaves, the word used is "bound". Likely they were a group of mercenaries allowed to settle in a region in exchange for their services. The deal went sour due to the actions or discontent of one party or another and they left. The modern translations(post Geneva) are shit and the kikes themselves constantly scream about slavery to get sympathy from liberals despite the Talmudists themselves being major dealers in slaves both in the Mediterranean and in the African Triangle Trade.

Tacitus offers an interesting perspective, albeit misguided one. He draws no distinction between Jews and Christians.

Wrong thread.

Lots of pure white people have brown eyes. You are just fluffing the kikes' bullshit argument and you aren't doing any good.

t.green eyed irish man.

really makes you think.

don't christians call any non-Abrahamic faith "pagan"

but they were (((peaceful traders))), user.

Does the article mention the proportion of niggers related to king Tut ?
No, because it's 0 (zero) %.