DBZ games

What's the best DBZ game available on PC? Emulation is fine too.

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the original quake3 mod that got DMCA'd

oops forgot embed

My Nigga.

Xenoverse. Hopefully Xenoverse 2 will be better.

When did Krillen stop being a chrome dome?

Apparently the original dev took it all the way to v5.0 (final) before DMCA so I might have to setup a server for that shit cuz it was hot

That doesn't sound very reassuring.

Kind of related - which version of the movie is this clip from? The one I downloaded doesn't have music over this part except for right when Vegeta powers up, and it's not even the piano.

I mean, its a good game, but its got some flaws such as some bad RNG, no co-op outside of Parallel Missions, broken transformations, and unbalanced pvp. The new one claims it'll fix all those problems as far as I know.

As much as I love being a striker and as much as I love the move itself, they really need to remove or tone back Blue Hurricane, it's just too good. The moment I got that skill the entire game became a breeze, even three on one fights.

Advanced Adventure
Also coincidentally the best platformer/beatemup game on the GBA

No, it's not, but if you ultimately have to, play Tenkaichi 3 or Budokai Tenkaichi 3. If you're a faggot who complains about Tenkaichi 3, just play 2.


Anyone who thought that XV was good deserves death. I thought it have a lot of interesting ideas, but it was ultimately badly implemented. Only redeemable thing is the new take on story and even that is mediocre as fuck.
Hopefully XV2 improve that, but it's unlikely. Budokai Tenkaichi 3 was the perfect formula, imagine BT3 with XV customization. Story is irrelevant and whoever think a DBZ game should be balanced should stop breathing at any moment.

This, Advanced Adventure is one of the best DB game

Fuck off
Of all the Dragon Ball games I listed, each one of them runs perfectly on emulators (besides Burst Limit

Does Budokai Tenkaichi 3 emulate relatively well?

Sorry faggot that was from like v1 beta. They added melee before they got DMCA'd.

Here's the only working direct link I can find for v5.0:


And the Archive of the original site before v5.0 came out and it got nuked:


(btw this has links to v4.0)

Yes. In fact, I think you can even play online.

I can go on, but the point is that there are far more cons from playing on emulators than, say, mod your PS2/PS3 and just fucking play it there. Only downside is not online, but I always laugh at fags that say "It emulates perfectly", because that's wrong in every level, starting with if it emulated perfectly it would carry over the problems the console release faces as well. Saying it emulates better is not correct either.

Then you should had added a more recent embed.
In any case, you also have Earth Defense Force, the DBZ mod on Half Life, that looks fairly good too.

the only good point for xenoverse is that you can create your own character, aside form that bT3 is far superior (destructible terrain)

but if you prefer standard fight i guess budokai 3 is still good

I played the shit out of Tenkaichi 3 on PCSX2 my shitty core i3 dell laptop with 1gb integrated intel graphics and 4 gb ram
and it played continuously on 60fps without any lag on 2x native ps2 resolution
I think the ps2 DB games are not that graphic intensive

Eh, I would argue that it has at least one more good point.

I wasn't talking about DBZ games, I know they run pretty well for what they are, but other PS games barely run at 30fps, namely Megaman X Command Mission and shit like Scarface. Emulation quality varies from game to game, and that's far from perfect.
But when it comes to DBZ games, sure, they run pretty good, you're a faggot for not owning it on PS2, though.,

This thread is related to DBZ video games, so of course I'm talking specifically about those
I'm fully aware that there are a lot of games that have shit compatibility at the moment
Used to own one, but lost it when my apartment caught fire two years ago
I was thinking of buying one, though

When he got married. It was worth it.

It's edited, you dumbass. The music is from the original funimation dub of dbz.

Because paying at least thirty bucks for a used ps2 game is sensible.

they just add vegeta's ssj theme



they all shit

dumb perfectposter

He said "owning", imperfect poster.

Why is Beerus so enjoyable?

Tenkaichi 3 is the best DBZ game by a considerable margin.

Xenoverse is not even worth touching, its inferior in its combat by a lot and feels like the scraps of a failed mmo project.

Budokai 3/Infinite World might be worth looking into, but I don't like them really.

It's a shame there's so few female characters that are actually used by the game. Toriyama draws such cuties.


He really does.
but his real talent always was monsters, aliens strangely enough.

bit of a missed opportunity i think.

What was this unofficial dragonball game on pc called?
It had local coop and was some kind of 2.5D.

Not sure why I said coop.
I meant versus.

Sheesh, the only other game I've seen compress so well is Federation vs. Zeon.

It must have been around in the mid 2000.
You could charge up to infinite power levels and the terrain was destructible.
I can't be the only one who used to play it.



Xenoverse is fun, but it's only worth a pirate right now. Xenoverse 2 is coming out in a few days, and it's no doubt gonna continue the trend of DBZ game sequels completely invalidating the ones that came before it. Also, you should probably emulate Super DBZ.

Good point, I apologize.

You don't have to necessarily buy it, fag. Just mod your PS2 and burn a DVD copy of it. Almost the same thing. Bonus points if you replicate the CD and Cover/Case, or make it prettier. Point is, you'll actually own the game, in physical.

Didn't know that even existed, I'll give it a try.





You poor nigger it's not even half that, even on jewbay.

Earth's Special Forces.

Final never ever.

On the last episode of Dragon Ball Super… eh…

They catch Zamasu in the act of killing Gawasu, reverse time, and prevent his killing attack by putting a kitten mitten on it to seal it's deadly power.

Beerus kills present Zamasu and they debate how that would kill future Zamasu because a god's ability is able to kill all Zamasu's in all timestreams or so he says. Preview shows he's alive. I guess there is a new another arc after this or whatever…

He said 2.5D.

Super is fucking trash.

lemming ball z?

any games that are more dragon ball than dragon ball z?

I far prefer the martial arts action to "punches/slamming bitches around, and teleporting"

Why is this allowed

He shaved his head for fighting. When he found some robotang and got a job like a regular jackoff, he let it grow back.

There's Advanced Adventure and Revenge of King Piccolo. Not sure how good the latter is, but Advanced Adventure is really good.

Super is, like, 2 maybe 3 years after the very end of z, also GT doesn't exist anymore.


Also in the special where Vegeta's brother was introduced Pilaf, Mai and Shou(?) wished to be young again.

havent seen super but it sounds like it suffers from alot of what GT did.

Bulma is a fucking Billionaire who's father is one of, if not the greatest scientific mind on the planet, I'm sure she has access to some shit that makes her look 27

And this is different from the buu saga how?

Toriyama wanted to stop writing Dragon Ball at various points, but was encouraged to keep going.

At the end of Buu he was done, over it, and wanted to move on. Toei then made that shitty GT series.

After that comes years of people badgering him for "MORE DBZ" and he finally starts writing Super, and Super is fucking retarded in every aspect.

I honestly believe that he's just writing the shittiest stuff he can so people will ask him to stop. That way he'll never have to touch DB again.

I think he just comes up with basic plots and lets Toei do the rest.

personally I want Toriyama to write a Jaco/Krillin Buddycop manga

Actually, that's exactly what's happening. That's why the manga is so different from the anime, because Toyotaro is interpreting Toriyama's drafts completely different from how Toei interprets it.

Is the manga actually better? I mean shit like "on-set ki delay disorder" is top tier retardation.

Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is the only truly good one. It's like Virtua-on if it was actuly fun.


Much, much better. The manga cuts all the filler-style bullshit, and also tries to explain things that the anime is too lazy to try explaining, like why Mai is a teenager in the Future, or why Trunks can somehow travel to the past of an alternate timeline. Goku is also written like he was in the Buu arc, instead of that full-blown mental defective we've got in the anime. In all honesty, it's all in the details, but I say that the manga does said details better than the anime.

What cancer.


Oh how cute, here have a smug for trying.

Good games:

Legendary Super Warriors, a turn-based card game that goes all the way to the Buu saga.

Advanced Adventure, an amazing beat'em up sidescroller that starts from the beginning all the way to King Piccolo.

Legacy of Goku 2 and Buu's Fury, top-down RPGs where you level up your characters. The first LoG game is pretty bad.

Supersonic Warriors, a simple fighting game.

Attack of the Saiyans, a turn-based RPG that starts from the 23rd tournament all the way to conclusion of the Saiyan saga. Great follow-up to Advanced Adventure.

There are basically 2 lines of games.

Budokai, Budokai 2, Budokai 3, Infinite World, Shin Budokai and Burst Limit are proper traditional fighting games. They are in-depth and require skills and cancelling to do effective combos. It has Mortal Kombat's combo inputs and Tekken's juggles.

Budokai Tenkaichi, Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and Budokai Tenkaichi 3, Raging Blast and Raging Blast 2 are 3D games. They tend to have bigger rosters and are more aimed at simulating the anime. However the gameplay itself is shallow and for casuals, each character feels the same. Get this if you just want fan-service and button mashing.

Dragon Ball > Dragon Ball GT > Z > Super

you all know this is true

Nigger even Raging Blast 1 had complex cancel combos and tons of movement options, though not nearly as many as T3.



It's nothing compared to Budokai 3, which is much deeper on a competitive level.

There's a reason why people pick up Tenkaichi games just "for fun" and do well by button mashing. Also the teleport system is broken.

Button mashing in Budokai games will get you wrecked and you'll end up in frustration. You have to know your character and how to play him. Spamming PPPPE will only get you so far.

How do you do that instant transmission shit in Budokai 3? I could never ever get used to all the fucking teleporting, or that new QTE shit they added in.

Guard + the direction of your opponent when he's about to attack you. There's a tutorial in the game that explains all these basics.

If you hate teleporting, equip a Turtle Shell and you don't have to worry about it.

>tfw you feel like you are a part of it

It's one of the few shows to do that just right

Single best part of XV

Yes, actually.

But less gay than DBZ.
And not as retarded as you

Dragon Ball Super is as good as DBZ and anybody who claims otherwise is wearing nostalgia goggles.

No wonder you hate testosterone, muscles and men being men.

Enjoy hellfire, sodomite.

sodomites are people from sodom
in fact, the term you're looking for is ass pirate

I'm excited for Fusions.

How does it feel knowing Holla Forums will never reciprocate your faggy feelings?

I watched a few episodes of super on yt. One main thing I noticed is why do the fighters muscles look much smaller, gohan looks like a 14 year old now. Some of the fighting looks like they're not even putting any force into it. All they do to make it look "high production" is to use bloom shaders(like games) and some 3D effects, it's lame.

What's with all this projecting?
Holla Forums can suck my dick
/a/ can suck my dick
Holla Forums can suck my dick
everyone can suck my dick.

In fact, that's the only thing you're good for.

DBS is not canon so don't worry about it.

Pretty sure Sean Schemmel is a man.

That's it.
Thank you.


Sure fag.

Is there a problem with dubs? I don't speak alien. Sure, some people cannot act/are really annoying, but that's the price you pay.

How Japanese sound

How real men sound

The only thing I wish they would have done differently in the English dub is kept Goku's "country" accent.

Toriyama isn't writing Super, he's a writer consultant. Other writers come to him for advice on how arcs should play out. The jumps in consistency show when advice was and wasn't taken.

What was this from?

He's just baiting you.
Not everyone who uses Hitler reaction images is Holla Forums

is it me who is just bad or you can t even do shit like this in xenoverse ?

that woudl explain why even with character creation i feel limited just like in a musou game

DBZ is manly, user, the difference is if you think it's badass or sexy.

Both Japanese and English dub are trash. Any other dub is better than both of those. Back when DBZ was released it was of low budget, and it shows. In other countries, mainly in South America, shit was really big, so it have a decent dubbing.
Only problem with most if not all dubs is this

The original one, sure, but that's really just down to having a company/cast that had never really worked on a dub before coming in to replace more talented people.

Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3.

Burst Limit gets a pass because it looks damn fine.


my nigga

Anons, DB has been full of retarded shit since day one. Power scaling has been lacking in all logic since the end of Cell, and every story arc save for Cell has boiled down to WAIT FOR GOKU HE WILL SAVE US. DBS does nothing more offensive than anything else in the series.

Anyway OP just pirate XV2 whenn it comes out and emulate Buu's Fury and BT3 in the meanwhile.

stopped at 2:14
so my theory is right

ssjg doesnt increase his power per se.
it just change the nature of his ki to be abble to fight gods (since reflexes dont work if you cant sense the enemie)

else how is the world can a ssj trunk fight next to a ssjgssj goku?

if i m wrong and i trust dbs bullshit the difference is power is as big as tenshinhan and ssj3 goku …. if not bigger

You could say Trunks is just on a fighters high (wouldn't be the first time the series has done this) and caught lack off guard. You could say Zamasu isn't SSJG tier power wise, but his immortality basically negates attacks no matter how much more powerful. You could say Trunks year of battling black and his brief training with Vegeta has made him unnaturally strong for his transformation level.

You can headcannon it all you want, it's still just stupid bullshit in the end. As I said before power scaling has been fucked since the end of Cell. Arguably it started slipping in that arc as well.

Just enjoy the ride for what it is: Flashy shit.


I don't subscribe to the thinking man's fetish, sorry

What's wrong with her tits?

Zamasu lost like a bitch to normal form Goku. Considering the kind of strength everyone was at during the Cell saga and early Buu saga was surprising to young Kaioshin, it's not really a stretch to say SSJ2 Trunks that has been fighting against Black for a while can beat a Kaioshin in training, even if that Kaioshin is a fighting prodigy among them.

Netorare and netori are both equally garbage and you should kill yourself, fam.

Best girl just got better. She's too pure.
Maybe I should watch super.

That's actually from BotG. DBS doesn't have that scene.

DBS has more loli Mai scenes though.

Future Trunks unintentionally cucks his younger counterpart topkek

You'd think she'd realize she has the perfect opportunity to mold her dream guy into the perfect husband or something.

Yes, that is the joke. Dragon Ball was always a parody series. Never ending power creeping and more excessive bad guys was something they where actually mocking. Every damn interview when people ask about power level questions, they always give troll answers.

The manga, while not perfect does did up some power scaling. Like the hit fight, rich was just stupid.

'urgh… cause you're stronger than me… I can get infinitely stronger too '

Krillin has no cancel platform at all, he is low tier.

His Destructo Disc does alot of damage though, around 700.

My personal recommendations
-Super DBZ
-Supersonic Warriors
-Legacy of Goku 2
-Tenkaichi Budokai 3

The only thing the dub had going for it was the Faulconer soundtrack

You choice to only now notice her family perfect cell genetics?


Best girl


Japanese Goku alone is reason enough to watch the dub

Not when it sounds like this. Even when I was 9 I knew Schemmal's performances were shit. He and the other actors and writers got better, but the original Z dub, especially in the Freeza and Cell arcs, is fucking ass. Again, how you can you fucking watch something where characters get their limbs blown off and their reaction is DARN YOU, YOU FIEND!

Seriously, why did Sabat try make Piccolo talk like he's going to cough up a lung? Why is it when he powers up he sounds like he talks through his teeth? Why are the moments that were originally silent have to have endless talking? How is any of that good dubbing? Protip: it's not.

They're warriors, they man it up and don't over react over it. That's manly.
Only downside of original Latam dub is Vegeta's voice.

It's like watching a cheesy kung fu movie, where all the characters are poorly voiced over, also Schemal, and frieza's VA sounds like shit because Funimation was bringing in people to imitate different actors from a previous dub.

Maybe is just nostalgia, but fucking Latam dub gives me chills.

Sabat, from what i hear, was a pretty big chain smoker in those days, so maybe he was actually about to cough up a lung, or maybe he was just trying to hard to imitate the more natural ocean voice.

The dub actually fits the characters.

Asians sound like a cat is being strangled. The archaic 60's godzilla music doesn't help either. Everything is monotone and emotionless.

No, it's because by their own admission Funimation didn't know what the fuck they were doing when they dubbed DBZ after cutting ties with the Ocean Group. They stated they had poorly translated scripts from Toei, and almost no one they hired had any acting experience nor did anyone know how to direct ADR and it shows.

Listen to how fucking wooden Gero's delivery is. And don't you fucking say BUT HES AN ANDROID. They're Artificial Humans. They have mechanical parts but that doesn't mean they were supposed to have stupidly over precise diction. Oh and PICCOLO GRABBED THE GRABBER

Yes, this is true, but that imitating the Ocean Group was why the dub was so fucking bad. It's a literal cheap imitation and it shows. I watched the dub when I was a kid like everyone else, but if you have functioning wars then you cannot possibly say the original Funimation dub objectively good, bar maybe Faulconer's music.

Also, Sabat actually did do some commercial voice overs, but Funimation have people who experienced in DIRECTING actors, nor did they know how to write dialog.

Yeah, no.

Ginyu especially sounds like faggot.



I'm retarded.



Behold, Funimation ruins an iconic moment by not shutting the fuck up for 5 seconds and adds dialog wasn't there.

And i thought you niggers hated (((localization)))

So it fit the character?

Yeah, I'm sure you niggers love your (((dub))) with replaced generic music instead of the proper insert song and I FEEL IT SLIPPING YOU LOVED NATURE YOU LOVED LIFE I WONT WATCH THIS ANYMORE

So you admit the Japanese are jews?

Guys, please
At least it isn't the Filipino dub


Spanish > English > Jap

That's Kai faggot, not Z. Ginyu had a different seiyu in Kai.

Even then you can't deny he sounds like shit in the Z dub.



The proper term is "voice actor".


What are you gonna do about it, cuck?

Not really.

So you want me to filter you, then? No problem.


How does Ryo "CAPTAIN FALCON" Horikawa sound as Veget-err, I mean "Bejita" then?

Gen was the CEO of Funimation..

Here's the guy who served as the (((producer))) of Funi's original Z dub: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Watson_(producer)

You're still an illiterate dubcuck who enjoys shitty (((localiztions))). Hope those NISA products you pre-ordered are worth it.

Pretty bad ass

The original Funimation dub of this was a train wreck. Sabat sounded he was vomiting.

Here's another.

He's like the one good voice or at least memorable in the entire show

best moment in DBS, thought that's not saying much

I know you've never watched DBZ in Japanese for more than two minutes that was just a clip of muh grandma goku, you can stop pretending you're not a lying nigger.

Why was that even included? Thats pretty hilarious.



Because Funimation was basically funded by a Jap and a couple of hicks. There was a clip on youtube years ago where someone went behind the scenes in Funimation back in 1997 (before DBZ was even on Toonami) and they interview both Barry and his brother Byron Watson, who was doing digital censorship on things like Goku's penis in Dragon Ball. In a thick Texan accent Bryon basically says

It got taken down years ago. I wish I had it.

Beerus is not to be fucked with.

Remember, dubcucks think this is better in English.

Fine fuckstick I'll see your gay HL1 mod and raise you an Unreal 4 mod.

Those where sum sick rifts yo.

He made men. men with swords.


I mentioned earlier that some of Faulconer's music is not that bad, but the placement of it in the dub is what kills it. Funi could've at least put in some fucking quiet parts.

And that fucking placement sounds like shit. I wish when niggers made these fan replacements they learned how adjust the volume of voices, sound effects and music instead of just slapping an audio in a time with no regards to volume leveling and mixing

Shit mage confirm.

Also, reminder that Dragon Ball Online is still canon.
>Supreme Kai of time is reveled in Xenoverse to be a cute.

Only DB and DBZ is canon.

Everything else is fan-fiction and what-ifs.

DBZ isn't canon.

lol just kidding, it's the only reason 95% of people care about DragonBall in the first place

Thats more accurate then it needs to be.

Just because Toriyama now has always had an IQ of a pickle, doesn't make him any less of the creator Lucas films of dragon ball.

This is accurate.
The original Dragon Ball ended perfectly and had a nice soft end if you didn't ever want to watch the rest.

Freiza Saga is probably where it should have really ended, with maybe Cell saga if you wanted to have Gohan's purpose come full circle.

Hey, hey, don't diss the DQ1 hero, he saved his world all by himself with a dinky spell list of two healing spells, two fire spells, a light spell for caves, a Return spell to see his babe in Tantegel, a spell that makes it easy to walk over even lava, and a spell that blocks other spells.

All of the game is just you, one of the only JRPGs where this happens.


I like the way you think user.

The ones who ultimately defeat the Freeza’s soldiers are Kuririn, Tenshinhan, and their comrades?the heroes of the past. In order to hide their identities, the warriors put on Saiyaman-like costumes, but their ki-based fighting style still becomes a hot topic and global interest in “ki” escalates.
Tenshinhan (87), Kuririn (84), Gohan: (63), Trunks (54), Goten (53), Pan (41), etc.
[Ref: From the DBO timeline.]

If there was one scene that needed to be animated from Dragon Ball online, its that.


*Master Roshi

I fixed your typos.


This is now a lewd Goku thread



I do like how muscle shota his kids got as time went on.

Get a load of this fucking nigger, can't even look at Goku dick.

It was copy and pasted job. Here is another one. but you are correct. :^)

He had acted in precisely this capacity during many of his battles with Goku and the others, and he is convinced that assistance was not a “lesser “role.
[Ref: From the DBO timeline.]

I see you must have confused "manly" and "childish". Ever checked the dictionary lately?

The only good thing to come out of DBZ is DBZ Pee Pee nad other parodies (Like Buttlord GT)



What game is this?

looks like that Dragon Quest MMO… that or the Wii game that had that card gimmick.


Yes, Tenkaichi 3 has too much freedom in its defensive options, but I'll take that over the shitty hyper mode/aura burn of Budokai 3/Infinite World. Tenkaichi 3 stagnates at the highest level of play, assuming everyone can time their defensive manuevers perfectly, but Budokai 3/IW stagnates at every level but the highest, because 90% of any given match is playing keep-away and looking for a big punish.

I'm not saying T3 is perfect, far from it, but it's the best game we have right now and since it doesn't look like it's ever going to be improved upon, we're stuck with it. The idea that every combo needs to be completed is wrong, anyway. The game needed more offensive options, not for the defensive ones to be taken away. On top of that, what a lot of people neglect to mention when they complain that the defensive options in T3 are free, is that they require proper timing and aren't exactly easy as shit to preform like the vanishes in B3 (which are balanced by requiring a resource rather than timing)
As for the GameFAQs link, I used to lurk that site a long ass time ago and anything those retards say should be taken with a fucking warehouse of salt.

Fair enough.

What do you think is better, RB1 or RB2?

RB1. It had a stupidly broken item system, but if you got a group together and agreed not to use certain more retarded items (like Random Vanish) it could be a good time. Fights could drag on way too long and the controls were very stiff (especially compared to T3) but it at least has some depth to it.
RB2 went full retard and snapped the balance in half over its goddamn knee. It made some good improvements, but broke way too many things.

I prefer the voice, but not the early delivery.

especially vegeta. It's like he's trying to copy ocean dub vegeta.

That aside, I see no reason why we're having a debate on something subjective like the best voice cast. No one would win that argument

But if you guys want to go on about this, I don't think anyone brought up dragon ball Kai

generaly, yes.

Kai was the best version by far, but featured some of the worst voice replacements (in the English version). Coleen Clickenbeard singlehandedly dragged down the entire show.

then how come goku didn t curbstomped him in ssj ? moreover un ssjgssj ?
unless my theory is right

If you really hate filler, just read the manga.

Yamcha kicking ass

Who are you even talking about? Black isn't Zamasu, and Goku never struggled against Zamasu.
It's Super Saiyan Blue, you nimrod.

I do like the alternate story where Yamcha beats up Vegeta to prove his love to Bulma, and beats up Trunks, who's trying to save his own existence, only for nothing to actually change because he starts gloating how all the girls will love him for being strong enough to beat up Vegeta and Trunks, thus angering Bulma.

No it's "clearly Super Saiya people god super saiya people"

I meant in terms of the voicework.
I found that the replacements were all decent, except for gohan.

I just wish they kept in the GOOD filler

Trunks was training in a living hell (not to be confused with regular Hell) for basically every day since his involvement with the Z Fighters. Meanwhile, Goku was training in the afterlife (NOT Hell) for years, continued training afterwards in regular life (nowhere near Hell anymore), and got lazy and apparently retarded?

Skill > Power. Goku's abilities surely degraded over time, even if he kept up with his training properly.

there's only one dub that's superior.

Out of curiosity, did anyone ever try Dragon Ball Online? Was it decent at all?

I've come to hate the DBZ franchise. I used to be a big fan. I know this will be a tl;dr. But nobody listens to me irl so deal, you niggers.

Problems Overall:

1. Every arc revolves around them getting more powerful to defeat the next "most powerful being in the galaxy"

2. Literally never any real sense of danger since they'll just be wished back into existence if they get vaporized/removed from time/killed

Problems with DBZ:

1. Filler. When it's good it adds to the story a bit. When it's bad it's a four hour in real time fight between Goku and Freiza.

2. All populated torrents are now DBZ Kai. DBZ Kai is ass, the good filler was removed along with the bad, everything is rushed and there's no real emotion invested in the characters, the animation "fixes" are worst than the errors

Problems with DBSuper:

1. It's like being forced to watch a bad fanfiction.

2. Beerus is a shit character.

3. Gohan is a neutered faggot.

4. The movies have been shit so far.

Problems with Xenoverse:

1. Bought it hoping for a fast paced action RPG with decent controls (like BT)

2. Slow, clunky controls and nonexistent character creator

3. Story sucks. DLC adds in atrocious DBGT garbage.


Which is also a "problem" with Dragon Ball (or Dragon Ball Z as Americans named it). The idea Toriyama had initially was to have Goku die and Gohan to become the new protagonist with a mentor like Piccolo and then possibly Vegita. This didn't turn out to be a very popular move with fans of Dragon Ball, and so Goku didn't "die" he ran along Snake Way as the overwhelming fan reaction piled on just after the chapter where Goku dies was published in Jump.

So Toriyama changed things around and made Goku continue to be the protagonist, and several times throughout Dragon Ball he continued to try and assert Gohan as the new hero, and time and again fans didn't like Gohan. They just didn't. We're not talking American fans, we're talking about the Japanese, the guys who usually love all their heroes. They really don't like Gohan.

So when Gohan went SSJ2 for the first time and defeated Cell (which was originally not in the plan, the series was supposed to end on Namek), even that was simply not enough. So Toriyama went back to the drawing board and redesigned a Gohan for the future. Now he's all grown up and looks like a young Goku. NOW IT'S TIME FOR GOHAN TO SIT THE FUCK DOWN BECAUSE FANS STILL WANTED GOKU

And while Vegita was also a popular character, Toriyama himself hates smart heroes, so he refused to broker the idea of Vegita being anything other than a reluctant hero with a bad attitude.

Gohan would have been the new Goku, but the Japanese just didn't like him. He was too much of a Wesley Crusher for them.

That scene might be one of the best in dragonball. It's so fucking perfect.

Xenoverse. Unironically.

Come again?

Considering that you're posting a picture of the anime, all I'm going to say is shut the fuck up and sit down.

It's a fucking shitty Ainu cave drawing dude. No need to sperg out about it.

Remind me next time, so I can avoid upsetting you. You sure showed me.

I'm sure you can find some more pictures of characters flipping the bird, put some more effort into it.



Fuck that. Play BT3 on a PS2.

Nothing is nearly as good. I played Xenoverse a while ago, and the fights in that game just don't feel like actual DBZ fights. Hell, it barely feels like a fighting game at all. By the end of the game I was just charging and spamming beams because nothing else really works.

I got you fam.

DBZ (Blu-ray 16:9 1080p 250gb)

DBZ (Dragon Box 4:3 great quality)

Get DB here (Look for the DBNL release)

I'd like to say that Earth's Special Forces is good, but I'm wondering if they'll ever finish it… They changed from Half-Life to Unity a few years ago, and so they got rid of the limitations of the Half-Life engine, but then that means you have to write a whole new fucking engine from scratch because Unity is just a framework, it allows you to develop things faster so you don't need to write your own boilerplate code…

I'm surprised that unFUNimation hasn't already sent them a C&D, considering that it's a project being worked on in American territory. I used to help out their team with a few things, and I still talk to the guy who used to run the site once upon a time, but he hasn't had anything to do with it in years either and honestly… It just makes me wonder why they haven't already gone the BFP route and changed all the characters to avoid the inevitable C&D or DMCA.

The real problem is that all the best Dragon Ball games are fanmade, and FUNimation act like Games Workshop or Nintendo and kill every project that they can. You get a lot of dumbasses who say shit like "if you let a fan project get made, you can lose your rights!" and that's simply not true, that's not how copyright and trademark work.

Dragon Ball Online could have been great, but they chose not to make an American version limiting their potential audience (Japanese people prefer consoles to PCs, SURPRISE SURPRISE!), and so the game died before it was even finished because there was a lack of subscribers. Although a lot of people didn't like the way the powerup system worked…

All characters start off as little kids, ala Goku, and there's so few classes. Human Martial Artist, Spiritualist or Technician, Namekian Warrior or Mystic, and Majin Ultmate or Mighty.

To get your transformation powerup you have to collect the 7 dragon balls and summon the dragon, and then wish for ultimate power. For humans this grants (wait for it ..) SUPER SAIYAJIN. No explanation as to why.

They of course did this because they figured if there was a Saiyajin base race that no one would play anything else, but everyone knows that that's wrong. The combat was pretty good, though, and it was the only MMO I can think of (other than Champions Online where you can fly around in AND out of combat (and served a combat purpose).

Ah there was supposed to be a closing paranthesis after Champions Online…

That's not true.
See the GBA games.

Better editing, better animation in places, and more experienced actors, but I just can't get used to the new Gohan. He's always been my favourite, so a jarring change like that just fucks with me.

The japanese like Kira Yamato, they should not be trusted with anything ever again.

I'm sorry if this shakes your world view, but the GBA games were shit.

Buu's Fury was fun.

Poor bait.

Yeah, no. You can't turn the fast-paced action of a DBZ fight into a turn-based RPG. It doesn't work.

Motherfucker, none of those are turn based. You haven't even played them.

And Attack of the Saiyans says hello.

This game is free, it's not illegal to download it, and it's more fun. This is what I'm talking about. Also there's DBZ Sparking and DBZ Sparking Meteor for the PS2 and Wii.

I am well aware of Tenkaichi, brah.

Are you also aware that Sparking Meteor had full integration of the Wii motion controls?

Mhmmmm. Good shit. Not sure why we can't get anything decent these days.

It was awful and awkward as fuck.

The Wii version is for fucking around, PS2 is where you went for mad combos.

I remember the Brolly fight very well.

The game was absolute cheese where there characters were either A tier or F tier, with NOTHING IN BETWEEN.

For a fighting game

Super DBZ for PS2
Most traditional fighter, it's also good at the same time

DBZ Infinite world PS2
Like Budokai 3 but better balanced, get a savee with everything to skip the grind, would heavily recommend over Budokai 3 since it removes the disgusting fluff from it's combat and replaced it with better stuff

Shin Budokai 2 PSP
Like Infinite world but with a alternate roster, not better or worse, just has different ones, also easier to emulate and this has an online scene to hop on

Hyper dimension SNES
It's own cool little thing with some cool ideas but is the only fighter here with legit touch of death combos but with a friend it's fun

Attack of the Saiyans - DS
Just a good TBRPG, has a broly super boss for getting the dragonballs which is a thing

Legacy of Goku 2 and Buu's fury - GBA
Play through the Cell and Buu saga in these games, they play pretty similar with the major difference being the ark they're based on, the first one though is pretty shit.

Action games
Tenkaichi 3 -PS2 and Gamecube
It's a bit of fun with a story mode I hear people call inferior but I liked it more then Tenkaichi 2's loop the same fight 7 times and you sort of recreated it.
Combat is pretty easy to learn and easy to master but if you play others they'd have mastered it to leading to a cool DBZ simulation.

Advance - GBA
This is more Dragon Ball but it's an easy coast through the game having a good time.

Let me tell you why Yamcha is the best Budokai 3 infinite world character

-No transformation so he can Yakon with no risk or limitation (Transformations instead of offering higher ki now makes them auto drop to 0)
-Best P and K in the game + has access to the best and easiest juggles in the game
-Wolf Fang Fist Ignores scaling so combing it and then canceling the last hit into another hurts like a bitch (and in Infinite world this builds major stun)
-Still has room for added buff capsule giving him the transformation buff without the negatives

Yamcha is the god

The DS game was fun. Never tried the Wii game.

Thanks fam. The world needs DBZ in 4:3

You gotta be kidding me. When did this shit happen? Everyone is still fellating them for being on goldsrc.

Also yeah that shit is not ever coming out.

Thats shit. Are the private servers any good?

I mean is immortality is off the table. since Dende decide to make several nerfed Dragon Balls, I get that the next best thing. At least the game actually uses its name sake though.

I'm glad they made use of flying, but was the combat still "mmo combat" or was it active? Maybe even on the same level of Vindictus? I never played Vindictus, but everyone told me it was like god of war, but an mmo.

From reading the thread the names that I'm interested in are Budokai 3, Infinite World, and Budokai Tenakichi 3.

What are the differences between Budokai 3 and Infinite World?

Infinite World takes out a bunch of the stupid shit from Budokai 3 like Dragon Rushes and Hyper mode, rebalances characters, and lets you cancel any combo into a special move (which wasn't a thing in the series since the Budokai 1 for some fucking reason). The only real downside is that the campaign mode sucks compared to B3. Unlike B3, it goes all the way to GT, but it throws in a bunch of awful minigames throughout. Hell, the first thing you do in the game is play a 'run through the rings' minigame.

TL;DR, Infinite World has better combat, but a worse campaign.

Why do you lie on the internet?

But there was one. It was so far in the future that Goku's and Vegeta's Saiyan genes were in lots of humans, but they were too weakly expressed to allow those human to turn Super Saiyan. The Dragon Balls just allowed them to unlock that potential.

If you have a PS3/Xbox360 get the Budokai HD Collection.

IW also got rid of beam struggles and clashes, those were cool.

Budokai 3 would be perfect if it had:
1. No Dragon Rush
2. Dodoria, Zarbon and Android #19
3. Cell has proper voice actor for all his forms

I think I've got my 360 laying about somewhere. I'll be sure to check that out!

Why would you give bad advice like that?


…Okay, maybe I won't check it out. Saves me having to spend shekels when I could just emulate.

Make sure to emulate Advanced Adventure, it's a must-have.

IF is like a more balanced less random element version of Budokai 3

Story mode in it is meh and it lack tourney mode of all things but it sure is the best DBZ game with that gameplay style, only complaint is for what ever reason charging energy is now it's own button instead and not keeping the old command as well making it one extra button for seemingly no good reason.


Yeah but they made the hyper mode even more gay instead of removing it, beam struggles being gone is lame because they were cool as fuck, and they removed characters from 3 that had no business getting cut. Since it has no netcode, the shitty singleplayer modes make it worse than 3 by default.

This user already did a good job pointing it out but I have to emphasize. Holy shit you fucking faggot did you seriously just recommend somebody buy Budokai HD? It's one of the worst HD collections ever released, second only to garbage like Silent Hill HD and unpatched Zone of the Enders HD. It's, and let's keep track here

Anyone here play the phone game? It's the first phone game i haven't deleted after 10 minutes, even if i wasn't a huge DB fan i would still enjoy it. I've been playing it for a bit over a month now and i can easily say I've spent more time on this game than all other games I've played this year.

Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road Victory
Sucks no one translates the side games of Dragon Quest.

I heard it was grindy shit that only had female Buus as its only enjoyable part.

Git gud, the version in IW isn't anywhere near as gay.

It's not more gay it's nurfed for fair PvP use but more encouraged, if you think it's gay I'd bet the AI simply fucked you up one to many times by spamming it.

Beam struggles were shit and unbalanced it gave more damage then both attacks combined as a reward for winning (being 1200-2300 damage with nothing you can do to react like teleport) and on top characters with transformations with their attack buffs got an inherent starting advantage and each of their inputs added more then the others.

Stop being a lazy nigger and learn to play PS2 games online with an emulator, this is an emulator thread, and who cares about the single player content in Budokai 3 when it comes down to playing the game with the same AI's but it's pretending it's an RPG.


Is it me or does every dude in spanish dubs sound exactly the same? Is there only 1 voice actor trying (badly) to do different voices? Like, any other language usually has variety, even if it only has a few voice actors. But anything in spanish always has that same voice.

You got me user, I know I heard that if you aren't used too language and/or can't speak it, that tends to happen, so maybe that?

I also blame the fact that audio for series, when re-dubbing, tend to get a washed out sound. In some cases its simply because they are blending in a new sound track to existing audio. In some really bad examples, they actually are trying to talk over the original Japanese/what ever language dialog because the sound effects/ music wasn't given to the company as a separate track/tape.

english dub is better. enjoy your dead language from a country that will be owned by china in 20 years, (21).

top cuck

Just play the GameCube version you dofus

I guess I waited too long to go and find his tracks. Is there a way of getting the soundtracks these days?

Gonna have to demand you put your money where your mouth is on this one. I know a very select few games can be played online with a PSN emulator, but games with no netcode at all? Prove it.


Now stop being a lazy nigger

There's this neat little thing called YouTube.

My nigga. Latam dubs best DBZ dubs, objectively speaking. At least the guy doing his voice had a lot of experience in dubbing. In fact, some sounds effects are better on it, or maybe it's just me.

Guy's called Mario Castañeda. He dubs a lot of shit since he is cheap, but he doesn't dub Goku that often anymore because he knows that's the role he is known more for, so he is a greedy bastardwhen it comes to that. Other than that, the voices sound pretty different for me.

Even worst. GC requires more resources than PS2, I tried emulating FF Crystal Chronicles, to be fair, but it shat the bed.

Try Dolphin Ishiiruka


That's because it is. It's Dragon Ball Online, butchered for the West.

That's so goddamn boring. It could have been anyone. It could have been another god. Ginyu could have been brought back. Even the retarded Goten theory would have been more interesting.

Are you kidding me? Here I was thinking Zamasu pulled some lich-like phylactery shit with Goku's body or something.

You're welcome


Nope. When the z-fighters tell Zamasu and Black that they figured out Zamasu used the Super Dragon Balls to wish for a Goku clone servant, Black explains that he actually is Zamasu, and that he used his first wish to just body swap with his Goku and then killed him.

When they killed present-timeline Zamasu and started lampshading how if Beerus deleting him mattered then Trunks would have disappeared as his timeline changed, I thought they were going to pull some twist where it was Black that set things in motion and recruited Zamasu, not the other way around. Now there really is no twist, this is the most straightforward, unsurprising route they could have taken; it only caught anyone off guard by how basic and dull it is.

There's still room left for when they have to explain why Black waited 17 years to do all this and went to an already destroyed universe to hang out with another Zamasu, but I won't get my hopes up. It'll probably just be that he took 17 years just to find them all twice.

Fuck, that's as bad as the Frost twist. They should learn that pulling a twist completely straight is not a good twist in itself.

You don't know how much I wished that Goku Black was just another universe's Ginyu in Goku's body.

He could have only been from Universe 6, if that was the case. This makes me wonder what 6's version of Goku is like, since we know their Saiyans are warriors of justice.

He was probably never born in the first place, or led a life so different from the Goku we know that they might as well be completely different people.

Universe 6 is the mirror of 7, though. Just like how Frost was the mirror of Freeza and Cabba was (probably) the mirror of Vegeta, there has to be a mirror of Goku.

Man this is a straight up GT ripoff
DB really ended in Namek

Earth was destroyed before the tournament though,so probably not

Damn that would have been poetic. Cheap, but poetic. Especially since Goten is apparently so much weaker then kid Trunks.

Would have made for some extra parenting jokes too. Super is full of wasted potential.

Fucking christ. All I want is BT3's combat, BT2's story mode, and XV's graphics. That's all I want.

you know you would

Except the super dragon balls work in a completely different way from the black star dragon balls, Goku's always been retarded, and the Pilaf gang weren't children in GT.

I'm not really down to fuck a retarded girl, I'd rather take the feisty blonde version.

i just want to see goten do literally anything.

trunks is getting plenty of limelight, which is alright because he's my favorite character, but the two used to be inseparable yet aside from filler goten has only ever even been used as a background character

actually, i'd love to see ANYONE except goku and vegeta actually do something useful. Super is already the Goku & Vegeta Show, even though we know Goku and Vegeta would never ever die so there's never any suspense. I know DBZ wasn't much different, but once in a while at least one of the other Z-Fighters got a turn to do something

Dragon Ball Super Saiyan, would be right at home with Goten too.

The original Super Saiyan. Now working as a UPS delivery girl. I liked both version too. What did Tien do withe the feisty heist driven one anyway?

Also, was Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden, any good?

Oh snap. There really is no bottom to this barrel, is there?

It was always a Superman parody, so this should come to no surprise.

This is like Final Fantasy…watch 10 minutes of power-ups and attack animations.
Why do devs do this shit?

It's a shame, I was somewhat stoked to see an ArcSys DBZ fighter, then they released that pile of fucking shit.




DB ended after Goku finished his time in the gravity chamber as that's when that Stocky "solid" artstyle came in, where Piccolo lost his shit-eating grin he had since he was king piccolo and he and goku both got those "rectangular" eyes, it's where Dragonball z stopped having that cutesy "comedy-like" style where things were more rounded in the art's style, such as goku looking the way he did before he first fought Piccolo , electic boogaloo and back when Piccolo's theme was actually the sweetest shit and not total ass.

Piccolo will never actually look Ayy Lmao ever again. Nor will we ever ever escape DBZ's fucking "chisel style"

Seriously, I watched it all twice, Kai and that sized up version of the original.

DBZ ended at the Cell Games.

Goku dies, Gohan is the new main character.

Perfect conclusion.

Gohan is P'shit though.
All he ever did was got angry like a bitch and was allowed to beat on someone, ruined the get stronger through hard work shit when all gohan ever wins by is gimmi dats from other people

The "chiseled" look was fine for the second half of Namek because it fit the super serious tone. Dragonball effectively ended at Frieza because everything after that was pulled straight out of Toriyama's senile asshole with zero planning or forsight, mainly because that's where he stopped caring.

The series had already jumped the shark and gone full retard by that point. Cell became "perfect" because Vegeta was overconfident and filled with "pride"? What? The entire series up until that point he was a pragmatic fighter who would kill someone if he was able and they stood the slighest chance of coming back to fuck him over, yet suddenly he goes full retard and lets Cell transform immediately after supposedly learning the lesson that being a Super Saiyan doesn't make you invincible.

Hell, let's roll it back. The entire Android arc is complete lunacy and makes Trunks out to be the most retarded character in the series.

How would trunks handle the androids and cell in his own time? If he never did that training with vegeta he'd just end up dead.

timelines are treated like different paralel universes from how it looks.

I don't think that's possible, because doesn't Trunks go back to his own timeline and everything is still a fucked up post-apocalyptic wasteland, with the androids running around?

ehh, that was just the special showcast. Although cutscene specials are a cancer of fighting games, its not the only thing you do in it, from what I can tell.

This game has more depth than it let's on.

Catalan > English > Japanese > Spanish

Stop making up languages.

iirc, he had knowledge of the fact that he couldn't change his own future. He would be retconning a different Trunks out of existence, if anything. Also, it's possible that he went back to a point in time where it didn't matter, and Bulma had already taken a hot saiyan dicking.

If killing Frieza on Earth instead of letting him and his father's army assfuck it to death until Goku came along and fucked their shit up, how would going decades into the past to kill some asshole be any better? The only way that him killing Frieza personally would have fucked up is that there would be a million fewer deaths in their timeline, but that's like saying that there would be a few more cockroaches in an already-infested home.

Important to note he also didn't have any idea how any of the time travel dickery would effect his own time line. It was a long shot at best if I recall Bulma's line to him before he left.

Also, it should be noted, Goku is a horrible time traveler.
Where was this from?

You're right. that other dude is just talking from his ass and doesn't understand DB time travel. DBZ uses multiverse theory to explain how Trunks' time travel doesn't fuck up the future. Basically, Trunks just created an alternate timeline when he changed the past that doesn't affect his future. Hell, this faggot doesn't even know that Trunks killing Frieza is supposed to happen in the timeline, as Trunks goes back in time in pretty much every timeline. So in Trunks' timeline, he went back in time to help the Z fighters, failed due to lack of Goku, and then the androids ran amok.

You have a lot of scaly bara on your hard drive, don't you user

I wanted black to be the heart virus.

That doesn't make any sense, as it only works if you're assuming there are infinite timelines, which has been explicitly shown to be false.

When in the show was it explicitly stated that there aren't infinite timelines. There are like 3 different Trunks timelines at play during the Cell arc. We have Future Trunks, Baby Trunks, and the Trunks that was killed by Cell after he killed the Androids. Not counting Dragon Ball Online (which does explicitly state that there are infinite timelines) there are around 4 to 12 alternate timelines in Dragon Ball (depending on who you ask).

In Super, when they introduced the time rings. There's one silver ring and four green rings. It's explained that the silver ring is the original, and a green ring appears whenever a new timeline is created by someone changing the past.

And before you say Super doesn't count, out of it's many flaws, expanding on how the universe works isn't one of them.

Fair enough. I agree with you that Super should be considered canon. But even in Super there are 4 time rings. However that could mean that there are simply 4 branches of the main timeline. There are no rules that state that the alt timelines can't have splinters too, and from the perspective of the main timeline there would still be 4 main branch timelines. It's all about perspective and relativity.

Basically, time travel is always wonky, no matter what story you're looking at.

I didn't know street shitters had access to recording studios in their third world toilet.

Back in the Red Ribbon Army's heyday, Androids 16, 17, 18, and Cell haven't even been conceived yet.

It's the first time anyone in history has ever time-traveled. Trunks has no way of knowing that, even even expresses his concern.

This thread was fun, I'm gonna miss it.
So is GT even canon anymore, in any sense? Xenoverse had them talk about being an alternate time line, and I kind of hope GT shows up in super if only for one final jab at it. Yeah it was shit, but I can't forget it.

GT and Super are not canon.